How VR Works: Frametimes & Warp Misses w/ Tom Petersen
How VR Works: Frametimes & Warp Misses w/ Tom Petersen
hey everyone I am joined by Tom Peterson
from Nvidia Hey and you may know Tom
from doing a lot of the stage presence I
do a lot of stage presence ray a lot of
Giveaways Tom actually also worked on
FCAT I did or the frame time capture
stuff that you've seen pretty much
everyone use at this point but today
we're talking about how VR works so the
question here is if we start with a
timeline of VR you know for a monitor
you have X milliseconds Y milliseconds
the frame needs to be delivered in that
time what does it look like for VR well
VR is a little bit more complicated of
course because there's more going on
there's the game of course which is the
application that you're running likes a
raw data or something like that and the
game's job is to take physical input to
do a simulation and then to generate a
new frame but because it's VR there's
lenses and there's head motion a lot
kind of stuff so the runtime providers
folks like oculus or valve with vive are
providing another program that I just
call the run time and the run time runs
in parallel with the game so the game is
rendering a texture that's square
effectively just like a regular PC game
but then that gets read by the runtime
and the runtime does a couple things it
does effectively lens correction which
is making the image work with the lenses
that are in the headset and it's also
doing something that's called late warp
or reprojection and the reason that's
happening is to kind of deal with the
fact that there's a fixed 11 millisecond
window because of 90 Hertz they're
trying to hit that time and the the
lenses are there of course because
without the lenses you're got something
right in front of your eyes
of course yeah if you imagine looking at
a VR headset you've got that that
display about two inches from your head
so the lenses are there to allow your
eye to relax and still see what's on
that the image but those lenses cause a
distortion when it's on your lens so
they actually do undistorted
modifying the square images to make them
a little bit more curved to get ready
for the lenses so the big challenge with
VR is how do you how do you make all
this work so again you're looking at an
11 millisecond when it might help if I
just draw ok let's try try this totally
all right so this is my my version of
time right on these blue lines represent
every time you're going to draw a new
image on the VR head so you've got 0
1122 milliseconds 30 milliseconds yeah
so basically since it's 90 Hertz there's
an 11 millisecond step and it happens
over and over and over so think of it as
you've got this window just a small time
right before that next cycle that you
have to be done with your image so since
there's two people involved you really
kind of never know what's gonna happen
so the way it works is the game might
start rendering so let's call that game
and it's looking at things like you know
taking a headset position and it's
calculating animation and it might be
doing some network stuff but it's
figuring out what's the image that I'm
about to put up on the screen right and
the next thing that happens is the
runtime which is actually going to read
that texture and the runtimes going to
do things like warping for the lens or
lens warp and it's also going to do
reprojection which is sort of retiming
it right and it has to get all done in
time to make that next refresh so on the
headset this would be you know image
number one so that's our frame yep
that's what you see and this would be
game frame number one right so that's
the way we are supposed to work the
problem is let's say your GPU is running
slower or you have like CPU get busy and
sometimes this game runs too long or
sometimes that run time long runs too
long so what it may have actually looked
like is the game ran too long so let's
call that game 2 but now you've already
missed the next interval so the runtime
still down here doing its stuff but it
has to make a decision what does it want
to show in the next frame so the are the
headsets aware of when the runtime
usually occurs and how long it takes
yeah the headset manufacturers have a
whole software architecture that is
effectively defined in the runtime right
so think of it this runtime as oculus or
vibes or any other headsets guys it's
their secret sauce of how do they give a
great experience but no matter what
their algorithm is they
got a fundamental problem which is the
game did not get a frame rendered in
time but they still have to put
something on the screen because your
headsets you know running at 11
milliseconds so there's a couple
different strategies right one is I just
take the old rendered frame and I rish
it you know I resell it you can do
reprojection where you basically take
this a frame that was rendered by the
game earlier and you modify it to put it
on the screen again you can also just do
nothing and take the unmodified frame
from last time andrey show it so all of
these different defects have different
performance impacts and it's really kind
of complex as to how do you how do you
represent the performance of you right
so with with traditional monitors non
non VR stuff whether you have vsync or
g-sync or none of those mm-hmm we have
issues like stuttering tearing what is
the VR equivalent of those okay so since
it's well known that if you have tearing
in VR it's absolutely really really
horrible experience right yeah so so the
first thing is that VR is almost always
vsync on okay and that's that's
hardwired right and so what that means
is the real decision is what do you do
at every refresh interval and you kind
of when things are working right you
just show the new frame and everybody's
happy if you don't show a new frame you
can either reproject an old frame which
is kind of synthesizing a new frame
right it's it's the runtime creating
something to show that they didn't get
from the sharing um or you do nothing
right so when you do nothing which is
like in this case I call that a warp
miss okay so a work miss means that you
replayed an old frame just like on
desktop when you stutter it's exactly
the same thing so is it does everything
to stay where it was or is there still
head tracks everything stays where it
was because when you have a warp Miss
the runtime didn't get a new frame done
in time so the driver just replays a
frame the other thing that could happen
is what I call a drop frame and I think
these terms are still settling you know
everybody's got a different name for all
these things so when there's a drop
what that means to me is the runtime was
able to take some version of a prior
frame and then modify it and get that
thing out in time using the latest head
position okay so as long as you use a
current head position and you adjust or
reproject a prior frame you get a
reasonably good experience right but the
animation in this frame that's
reprojected is actually coming from you
know an older frame so it looks like a
dropped frame from an animation
perspective but in terms of fluidity
with head tracking you're not getting
sick from it right you're not eating
sick so I on my experience has been when
your reproductive reims it's a better
experience than if you're doing nothing
and your data frames or warping missing
but you can definitely see the
difference between a dropped frame which
is these reproductive frames and native
frames native frames that are running at
11 milliseconds and everybody's happy so
I think it's important as we start
figuring out how should we represent you
know all of this stuff that we're gonna
we're gonna comprehend
you know how long did the game take to
render and that's like the new concept
and that's sort of like frame time and
there's some questions about how that
should be measured but we'll get all
that water out there and then so you got
frame time which is kind of like it is
on desktop but then there's this concept
of a work mess which is the runtime did
not have the time to put a new frame out
and then there's a concept of a drop
frame that is animation is from a prior
frame right now when looking at the the
games that are coming out I know it's
possible for dynamic quality changing
the valve has certainly talked about it
from what I understand not a lot of
games currently do it and we know the
the tech demo does the portal tech demo
yep so in theory can the games or does
the API or what sees this happening and
says I'm gonna miss that frame I need to
lower the quality what's what's going on
there I would expect most of that to be
done by the runtime so it could be in
the game but and it's not within and
videos control but I would expect the
runtime to do something like say hey the
frame I just got was a little bit late
right and because of that I suggest that
you lower the quality settings of your
render of the game and the the API would
be something between the one-time and
the game where they're cooperating on
the technology to reduce quality at one
time kind of needs to know about it but
you know I think it's a little unclear
right so recapping the major points here
the runtimes it's sort of at the end of
the pipe for delivering the frame yep we
were talking previously about sort of
how long that normally takes now with
the vibe and the riff do they take a
different it's very similar and then if
the runtime is designed to be very quick
and so you want to do you're not doing a
full rendered of a frame you're you're
basically doing a quick shader on an
existing rendered image and then showing
it so it's not it's not meant to take as
long as the games take so it's a couple
milliseconds typically and then outside
of that the items look out for in the
we've got warm misses and then drop
frames and then the difference is
basically a totally still output from a
previous rendering in render pass the
verse is one with no animation yeah the
way I think about it is when you have a
warped Miss you're you're gonna get a
stutter II experience and it can be
pretty bad and when you have a drop
frame you're going to be missing
animation steps so you'll see some
generate animation but it's better than
a warp this sure yeah sure
well very cool that's a good overview I
think for the basics of how VR works
yeah and I'm sure we'll have more stuff
to talk about at some point in the
future I hope so I haven't gotten into a
whole lot of VR yet I'm sure our readers
know we've looked at it a million times
at all the doors but we'll see we'll see
where expansion tops options are so Tom
thank you for the walkthrough the
glorious the glorious chart yeah what
the yes and we'll give a little smiley
face yeah parts to Rd you right but
thank you for joining yeah good to see
see I'll see you next time yeah
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