Intel 10nm Delay Explained & AMD's "7nm" | Ft. David Kanter
Intel 10nm Delay Explained & AMD's "7nm" | Ft. David Kanter
hey everyone I am joined by David Cantor
today from real-world tech he's a
technical analyst we've spoken with
David before on I think we last spoke
David about CUDA cores and whether or
not it's accurate to call them that yes
yes with with with my verdict being no
right yes David is back today to answer
a question a lot of you have had in the
audience which is I'll just read it
actually this is from a viewer from ask
GN who said what do you think of Intel
struggle at 10 nanometre and AMD moving
to 7 Ana meter with TSMC and then
further stating Intel CEO had to resign
over the 10 nanometer struggle and they
may truly be in trouble with the
constant 10 nanometer delays so that's
our subject today before that this video
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in the description below where do we
even want to start with this one that's
kind of a big topic I mean I think we
can both agree that definitely Intel is
delayed on 10 nanometer I think that's
pretty known so and I just saw a new
report this morning
that claims Intel's targeting systems on
shelves for holiday season of 2019 for
10 nanometer so with all of this known I
mean what can you walk us through I
guess even just the top level of what's
going on when was this supposed to come
out why is it delayed yeah so I think if
you look at the history of of sort of
the manufacturing side right which is
the the lowest level of you know where
we start making our architectures
intel on the industry had always been on
the the Moore's law cadence of moving to
a new node every 24 months and so if you
look at it in that context you know we
expected to see 10 nanometre out in 2016
and you know Intel talked about how oh
well you know 10 nanometer is a bigger
shrink from 14 nanometer than a normal
node it's maybe more like you know 1.25
X of a node or something along those
lines and there's truth to that but the
reality is that you know either no
matter how you slice it you know Intel
originally wanted to have 10 nanometer
in production in 2016 and it's looking
like it's now more like 2019 so that is
a huge miss but it's also true that if
we go back 14 nanometer was delayed a
little bit and that was more like you
know rather than being 24 months was
more like 30 to 36 months and just the
delays got worse at 10 nanometer and
things sort of seemed to have snow
balled a bit but one of the interesting
things is when you look at Intel's 10
nanometer process right it is very much
comparable to what the foundries are
calling 7 nanometers and you know sort
of one of the complications is that when
Intel move to FinFETs
they both shrank from 32 nanometer to 22
nanometer and added FinFETs and when we
talk about process technology there's
sort of like two really important
dimensions and one is sort of what's the
performance that you get out of it you
know how fast is your chip run how much
power is it burning and then there's the
density and Moore's Law actually only
really talks about density but if you
want to make things smaller power does
need to go down otherwise you end up
with you know sort of you know a
thousand watts in something the size of
a penny would be very dangerous okay
yeah yeah so uh when Intel went from 32
to 22 they added in FinFETs and it was a
really great process but at the same
time the foundries moved from 28
nanometer to 20 and they did not add
and that in many respects had some very
significant drawbacks because that was
also the first point in time at which
the foundries had to use double
patterning to draw uh the the finest
features and and so for those who aren't
intimately familiar with it you know
when you want to set out a bunch of
metal what wires um there's a limit to
what we can do with our current
lithography and if you look at what goes
on today it's almost like you know these
these amazing impressionist paintings
where you're drawing out you know really
fine details like the eyes or a smile
with these huge brushstrokes and that's
effectively what we've been doing with
double patterning and now you know
techniques like triple or quadruple the
expensive tool in the fab and so what
happened is when the foundries went from
from 28 to 20 you know I think you know
you might recall from talking to Nvidia
and AMD that are they were gonna skip it
and it's because all it did is it gave
them better density but also drove up
cost without giving much in the way of
performance and they said well hey you
know I can't sell products with this
we're gonna wait for FinFETs and so then
when FinFETs came along you know all the
foundries marketing guys got together at
all we think this is such a huge
improvement we're just gonna call this a
totally new note even though the density
barely improved so the reality is the
foundry guys have been you know blowing
smoke on their node size for a really
long time and you know for whatever
reason people have let them get away
with it and you know even internally
when you
talk to folks at you know real companies
they'll always say oh it's the foundry
seven nanometer and Intel ten right and
and from a density standpoint those
those two nodes are more or less
equivalent although it's highly likely
that Intel will have better performance
so this is I guess to to kind of recap
an important point here that I'm hearing
it it's you can't just strictly compare
ten nanometer versus ten nanometer from
one foundry versus another or one one
company's design versus another and
they're not a not all versions of 10 10
nanometer are created equal
that's exactly right and it sounds like
density is the the major consideration
there as well yeah I mean it's both
density in performance and look at the
end of the day you know your process
technology is incredibly complicated
there's so many different knobs to turn
and you know trying to boil that down to
one number to 10 nanometer or seven
nanometer is is a vast
oversimplification and you know in the
past I think it was actually a pretty
useful shorthand but I think over the
last you know call it a 5 to 10 years
you know some people have frankly been
been less honest about what a nanometer
is then than others right so when when
we're talking about I guess this I'll
read a a note that I saw from extreme
tech earlier when researching to that I
think speaks to your point where they
said while tsmc and Samsung have both
been shipping 10 nanometers for quite a
while Intel's 10 nanometer node targets
feature sizes that correspond to what
pure-play foundries are targeting for 7
nanometers so yes so I guess the way to
put it is that if you were to take so
look I mean AMD is doing AMD's n
processor is you know look it's a
different architecture then right then
then Intel's skylake or canon
like Rice Lake but I think the right way
to put it is that from a density
standpoint if you were to take an intel
ten nanometer design and reoptimize it
for the design rules at a foundry seven
nanometer process you would come out
with something that is probably
similarly sized now the performance
might be different and getting into
performances is a much more complicated
question I think my expectation is that
Intel will actually at ten nanometer
have better performance than the pure
play foundries at seven but at this
point you know things have sort of gone
so sideways that you know even that is
maybe a little bit unclear right right
so what when I was reading some quotes
from Intel's now former CEO Brian
krzanich he was citing ten nanometer
delays as at least partially due to a
lack of a UV which you mentioned briefly
earlier so the first question I have I
guess is let's boil down what is extreme
ultraviolet lithography and yes start
from there right so so today most of the
lithography that is done in production
uses 193 nanometer light to draw
different features you know whether it's
your transistors or your wires or other
components and you know getting back to
that point I made about you know sort of
impressionist painting when you talk
about like just wires they are currently
you know the industry is in production
with you know 50 nanometer ish pitches
so you know that's like you know a
quarter of the wavelength of the light
and so the fact that we're
even able to make that work is is pretty
magical and amazing and I think you know
if you've gone back to when people were
originally thinking about EUV they'd say
oh that'll never work
an Eevee by the way is is not new
technology it is very old I mean I think
you know UV has been the next thing
since the late 90s and you know I think
it has a 25-year track record of being
three to five years away from production
but but the core observation was that
like hey look you know at a certain
point in time we're gonna get two
feature sizes that are small and are
below 193 nanometers and we're not going
to be able to do it with standard
lithography so let's go work on
something that has a smaller wave life
and so EUV is 13 and a half nanometer
wavelength light so you know that you
know if you can't want to think about it
going back to my painting analogy it's
like going from this you know
impressionist painting where you got a
big brush and need to you know eke out
some fine details - all right now we get
you know a real sharp pencil and we can
sketch everything in and then fill it in
and and we're gonna get some really nice
lines in there and so that that promise
is very attractive to allowing people to
keep on scaling density without running
into some of these yield issues that
Intel has been running into and and and
you know that's the promise the reality
is EUV machines introduce all sorts of
other problems on their own you know
they've been delayed for 20 odd years
and you know it's a different technology
so it's absolutely gonna have a lot of
advantages over standard immersion
lithography but it will introduce
problems of its own and so you know what
Brian was really saying is that you know
in the absence of EUV intel has to go
with what you know they think can be put
into high-volume production which was
obviously you know sort of more standard
lithography and it was just the physics
are getting harder and harder and her
every year and Intel made a lot of big
aggressive bets with five with with 10
nanometre and you know some of them
didn't work out and you know that has
led to a situation where you know sort
of as we speak
apples in production with TSM c7
nanometer process and they're gonna be
producing you know they are rumored to
but we all know that you know there's
gonna be a new iPhone in September or
October and that's gonna have TSM c7
nanometer chips and for you know a
company like Intel which was you know
started by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore
and you know Andy Grove was was not
quite a co-founder but you know you know
for all intents and purposes was there
from the beginning you know that is
embarrassing Intel is nothing if not a
manufacturing company and and you know
Brian was not fired because things were
going smoothly and the company was
kicking ass I mean this the the stock is
at an all-time high so in that sense you
know the company is doing well but you
know for a company that is a
manufacturing company to have lost their
manufacturing edge over the course of
the last you know five to six years you
know that's I yeah i think that's really
at the the root cause of what's going on
right so do you think that looking at
the statement of a lack of EUV being a
major reason for the delays do you think
there are other major delay causes and
lack of EUV yeah so there there are
other things that Intel changed in 10
nanometre that are likely a a
contributing factor in the delays uh you
know I will say that that ultimately
within Intel there's probably a very
small number of people who actually know
exactly what is causing the problems and
you know if the CEO of Intel doesn't
want to say on an earnings call what the
issue is you know other than in broad
generalities you know you can be sure
that that that the rank-and-file
employees definitely don't want to say
to any Outsiders right right so um one
of the points that Brian brought up was
that Intel is doing something called
quad patterning where to form certain
patterns you will expose you will use
self-aligned kuan patterning or even
even greater techniques to to do
multiple exposures and that just gets
really complicated and so that's that
that is a problem that would absolutely
be solved by EUV almost all of the
dimensions where Intel is is drawing
things can be handled by an EU v tool
the challenge is that those EU v tools
are just not ready for high-volume
manufacturing and you know both Intel
and tsmc have been really clear that
they're they're you know they they need
to see significant improvements before
they can put a UV in production right
and just to to briefly explain talking
about multi patterning or quad
patterning what is the major like you're
going to describe this to me in an
elevator what's what's the major
difference between that and UV the in
terms of how how you would use multi
patterning to make make a processor yeah
so so in the absence of a vuv when we're
talking about these really small pitches
you know if we're gonna use 193
nanometer light sort of the idea is
let's say we want to get some lines that
are a hundred nanometers apart just just
to make the math really simple then one
way to do this is to draw
set of lines that are 200 nanometers
apart right and then draw another set of
lines that is also 200 nanometers apart
but they're offset by a hundred
nanometers so you have one set of lines
that's it like you know 0 200 400 600
and then another set of lines that's it
100 300 500 and so forth so by
introducing those you can sort of get
the effect of much denser patterns but
you have to run it through your
lithography machine twice into all of
those related steps twice and uh you
know the reality is that this is real
life right nothing's ever perfectly
aligned so maybe they wander a little
bit so maybe one line is really it's not
at zero it's it like +5 nanometers and
you know maybe the the other line is not
at a hundred its it - you know 5 so 95
so those lines might be a little bit
closer than you thought and so some of
those things ultimately you know
eventually you do this enough and
statistically something may become
challenging and not behave in the way
that you want especially when you're
doing you you know some technique like
that 4 times so you know it's basically
a trick to run a given image through the
the immersion lithography tool twice to
get a finer pitch that's below the
wavelength of the tool and then that
seems like it would impact the yields
based on what you're saying if things
don't go through perfectly each time I
would think that you have to throw away
whatever processor went through there um
yeah it has it has a bit of an impact on
yield I think you know for something
like the example I gave you a double
patterning it's really actually much
more about um cost okay all right which
is that it takes more machine time
so they can make fewer processors on
those machines I guess yeah exactly in
that amount of time yeah and and the
other thing is I should also say that
this isn't unique to just Intel TSMC
Samsung and Global Foundries right the
DRM guys also have to deal with this
right and so you know I was actually at
a conference pretty recently where
micron said yeah you know there's a UV
out there but we don't see that as being
cost-effective for DRAM you know we're
gonna need to do quad patterning sooner
or later and that's going to be a much
better bet for us and so you know this
is really an industry-wide problem is as
we scale down these really extreme
features how do we how do we do the
imaging but to loop back to your
higher-level question you know there is
a lot of new stuff that Intel put in
there ten nanometer process and the
bottom line is that you know it looks
like several of those bets didn't work
out it does look like you know if you V
had been ready in time that it would
have certainly made several things
easier but I'm not sure that if EUV had
been ready in 2016 that everything else
would have been working a hundred
percent right so then I think my last
major question for this one we can we
can always push more of this discussion
at the future videos because there's a
lot here clearly to my last major one
for this is sort of at this point
Intel's 10 nanometer processes it's
about as fabled as half-life 3 where you
start questioning whether the the payoff
if there ever is one and there will be
one for Intel unlike maybe valve the
question whether the payoff will will be
will live up to the expectations of at
this point consumers for multiple years
now I mean we're looking at 2019 for a
realistic launch from what Intel is now
saying Andy is real competition at this
point it's not it's not just bulldozer
anymore so so at this point there's Khan
texts to this where it actually feels
like there's some sense of urgency to
ten nanometer so can it live up to
expectations I mean do you think that
when Intel finally launches a 10
nanometer product are they still going
to be competitive are they going to lose
some of their competitive edge but still
keep some advantages what are your
expectations there yeah so I think
that's it that that you know yeah that
gets to the heart of it certainly and
look you know if AMD is out with seven
nanometer right there you know and Intel
is still mostly using 14 then it's clear
that you know in certain respects you
know particularly with respect to
density AMD is going to have an
advantage and I think the you know
really the multi-billion dollar question
is okay well what does that translate
into at in terms of product performance
into into cost and you know how does how
does in Intel's 10 you know sort of look
when it eventually comes out you know a
lot of that is unknowable but and
certainly I have some highly educated
guesses but you know I think the bottom
line is it does appear like this is
going to open an opportunity for AMD to
execute in you know 2019 2020 timeframe
where they may you know gets a market
with a new product on a process that's
more advanced than Intel's and wait
where can that help them right where are
they going to go first
and so I think it's quite possible that
we could see that giving a real boost to
some of the AMD products in that time
frame but if it's you know if AMD
effectively comes out with a seven
nanometer part you know that consumers
can buy you know three months ahead of
Intel's 10 nanometer parts yeah that's I
think that becomes more of a PR blow
then than anything that really matters
and so you know I think there's a lot of
uncertainty around those those time
tables and then
also what it what it how it matters in
performance I mean I think Intel you
know has been truthful and that they
have really ramped up the performance of
their 14 nanometer process and you know
so TBD on how other folks can match that
right I mean I think you know from an
overclocking standpoint right in your a
bit of the expert here not me right
would you rather be overclocking you
know with an Intel 14 plus plus chip or
you know an AMD right yeah which part of
that will come down to well I was just
run over overclocked an enthusiast
standpoint you're looking at how much
Headroom is there to really gain before
you write really crazy things right yeah
so and that'll just come down
historically right now and these really
pushing towards sort of the limit just
out of the box they're pretty close to
the high frequencies at highest
frequencies you can get so I find some
of the AMD processors presently to
require a whole lot more cooling and
effort and everything to get bigger more
impressive gains than a couple hundred
megahertz but that could obviously
change significantly with the next next
architecture as AMD kind of maybe it
settles into some of their performance
uplift and maybe doesn't need to push
quite as high as a frequency straight
out of the box or something like that so
well we'll see how that goes but yeah
that's that's an interesting question -
yeah and and you know I think that's
yeah I mean that's really what it comes
down to is you know how much performance
is AMD going to get out of seven
nanometer how much more performance can
Intel get out of 14 and then you know
sort of what does that translate to at
the the product level and you know look
I think you know the other question was
ok well his Intel's 10 nanometer gonna
live up to the long-delayed hype and I
think it sort of depends on if they're
able to get into production with what
they originally defined is 10 nanometer
or not you know there have been some
rumors that they're looking at making
you know maybe a slightly easier to
manufacture version and that that's
gonna be what's out the door and so they
might give up some of the really
impressive density gains the
they reported um you know in favor of
getting something that they can actually
put into high volume because you know I
mean like right today you know Intel has
the token ten nanometer cannon lake part
and in many respects you know the guys
who I feel worse for are the whole Canon
Lake team who you know did so much hard
work all right to get a product out and
you know and this goes for a lot of the
people who were designing products on
ten nanometer and you know the you know
it really was sort of the manufacturing
that that that upset things and so yeah
there's a cannon like part that I think
in theory is being sold to Lenovo but
for all intents and purposes you know
Intel's ten nanometer processes is not
there today and so you know will it be
there in the future absolutely and I
think the question is okay well what do
they you know is it going to be the
original ten nanometer process is it
going to be the ten nanometer + process
for ice lake or is it going to be some
sort of sort of you know scaled back a
less aggressive ten nanometer process
and you know my crystal ball doesn't
work quite that well yet not yet we'll
keep working on it yeah thank you for
joining me so David Cantor has I suppose
will send people to your website
real-world tech comm and David has some
some excellent write-ups over there that
are on the technical front I think
you've done some topic thought some
content pieces on ten nanometer dating
back to when it was probably originally
discussed so yeah you know I think
actually if you know if you're really
interested in looking at some of the
details the gory details of
semiconductor manufacturing I think
earlier this year I wrote about Intel's
twenty-two FFL process which is a 22
nanometer process that actually uses
some of the techniques that Intel
pioneered in ten nanometer and sort of
just back ported to a less expensive
process technology um that could be a
great thing to read you can also follow
me on Twitter I'm
the canter and yeah i mean i i'm you
know we will hopefully have more
write-ups at real-world tech I know my
articles are not nearly as frequent as
yes to be fair they go much greater
depth takes a bit more time I think yes
check out check out real world tak calm
it's got some really good stuff on there
another brief example is when David went
into some of the Maxwell or Pascal tile
back as well yeah yeah yeah tile based
rendering so all good stuff thank you
for joining me again and everybody if
you want to subscribe to us hit the link
below or you can check out David's
website will link that below as well go
to stored I came in sexist net or slash gamers Nexus helps out
directly and David hopefully I'll talk
to you again soon for another topic on
this absolutely who's a pleasure thank
you alright we'll see you all next time
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