Just Cause 3 Max Graphics Bench Course - 1080p60 on 980 Ti
Just Cause 3 Max Graphics Bench Course - 1080p60 on 980 Ti
hey everyone i'm steve from gamers nexus
net and this is our Just Cause 3
benchmark course this is the course that
we ran for benchmarking Just Cause 3 in
our GPU sweet so this tests all of the
video cards in our availability right
now and as you can see the course is not
a circuit like it normally is it's more
of a straight line or line segment and
the reason for that is is pretty simple
just cause 3 has a wide range of FPS as
you play the game if you're blowing
stuff up your FPS will go from maybe on
a 980 I as an example maybe from 100 FPS
to 60 or 70 so that's a pretty big hit
thirty to forty percent once you get
into really fierce combat and blowing
stuff up but as we found the areas in
which you generally are exploding things
that are explodable are less
geometrically complex they have less
complex foliage and grasses and other
things like that so the reason that we
chose this line to run for our benchmark
is because it has the most similar fps
to explosive filled gameplay without
actually being explosive filled and the
reason we avoided that is simple we
wanted to avoid the scenario where we
had unreadable results something where
it's very difficult to replicate the
testing something where it's difficult
to get correct data for all the cards
over multiple test passes so our goal
test methodology is to eliminate those
inconsistencies and points of potential
test error on behalf of the technician
or just game variants from the dynamic
element of the game so then this course
is a bit of a worst-case scenario as
always if you're just flying around or
grappling around or walking even through
big cities the frame rate will be a bit
higher than what we saw here it seems
that the dense grass and foliage and the
global illumination in the area to start
especially the shaders all that stuff
seems to have a pretty big impact
particularly in this type of environment
where you've got a grassy plan
things like that so that is our bench
course the GPU benchmark is already done
hit the link in the description below
for the article with all the charts and
things like that I will do a video
pretty shortly to recap everything in
video form for you on YouTube so that's
all for this one thanks for watching the
content check out the article and I'll
see you all next time
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