hey everyone this is Steve from gamers
Nexus Donette and today we are doing a
hyper fast review of Kingston's new
HyperX fury memory because memory is
kind of boring to do big long videos on
and I've already done one of them so
we're just going to speed through this I
was provided with some HyperX fury ram
at 1866 megahertz in a two x four
gigabytes capacity that is two sticks of
four gig for eight total gigabytes of
ram and we are reviewing that today the
memory operates natively at 1866 it also
ships in 1600 megahertz and you can get
it with a casa latency of 10 10 10 30
which is pretty average for the 1866
frequency maybe a bit on the slow slide
if you decide to spend more money on
something like Vengeance Pro memory
voltage is at 1.5 volts so it is not the
1.65 voltage of memories of the world
past where 1866 was much harder to
achieve and thus required higher voltage
no it is a lower 1.5 volts now and that
is because the die yield of 1600
megahertz plus memory is so high at this
point that is actually cost ineffective
for manufacturers to produce 1333
megahertz and other similarly slow
frequencies so that kind of gives you
some insight as to why the industry is
shifting toward 1600 toward 1866 and
onward in the rapidly stagnating ddr3
market as ddr4 is impending swing of
death is right around the corner on ddr3
so most immediate competition here to
the HyperX fury Ram is g.skill ripjaws X
1866 cl9 Ram their Sniper Ram of the
exact same spec with a different heat
spreader because that matters of course
Corsair Vengeance Pro 2130 3 CL 11 Ram
at $95 and a mix of a data and crucial
memory in the same price range pretty
pretty flatlined stuff there nothing the
mind-blowing in terms of your offerings
it's really going to come down between
aesthetics and price performance as
you're about to find out is not to high
profile when selecting memory at this
point unless you're doing some sort of
high-end server build where ECC and that
sort of thing is important let's run
through the benchmarks as quickly as
possible you can find all the benchmarks
linked in the description below in the
full review where I've written a lot
more and you'll have more time to read
everything and process it right
now we're looking at max MEMS copy which
is this is a synthetic benchmark that
represents the copy of files as it
relates to memory so it is pushing file
transfers through memory to simulate
copies and here really it's nothing too
impressive every it's just we see eight
ADA's $200 memory at the very top and
then everything else sort of follows
appropriately HyperX and vengeance Pro
of course within spitting distance by
which I mean a one megabyte per second
difference exactly so that is
effectively within margin of error and
should be ignored they are effectively
the same in performance as far as this
bench goes file read same thing I you
can just look at it really quickly it's
the same exact line up the with hyper X
and vengeance trading spots by again
margin of error something like 1% or
less difference file rights we see this
same thing it's just 100 megabytes per
second out of 20 gigabytes per second is
that really going to impact anything no
especially because this is a synthetic
benchmark so that difference can very
rapidly go away when introducing Windows
and other applications latency sees some
interest we have a data is very fast
very expensive Ram with the lowest
latency I would actually expect that Ram
to be a bit slower because of how high
the frequency is how high the cache
latency is or case latency but in fact
it is again very expensive Ram and thus
has a almost 6 nanoseconds faster access
latency than some of its competitors
HyperX fury and vengeance are the same
the overclocked results are linked in
the description below I will not show
those here because they are all
mirroring the stock results let's move
on to real-world tests you can find
other synthetic tests in the link below
but I'm not going to talk about them
here real-world tests handbreak encoding
and transcoding pass everything is
performing within margin of error or
within spitting distance the adata xpg
value ram and kingston valueram are the
only two that are not margin of error
calculations they're actually just
slower period so pretty if you're
picking for handbrake this it's just not
going to matter you pick any of these
basically go based on looks and price
looking at
Adobe Premiere this is a bit more
interesting for a lot of you I would
imagine this is rendering out a very
short clip that is representative of our
YouTube clips like this one in
performance and we see here that a data
once again is in the lead except this
time it is actually with their 1600
megahertz Ram and it's tied with the
other value Ram and vengeance Pro so
what does this show us well it shows us
first of all I think cache latency has a
much bigger impact on premiere
performance than in other applications
and also shows us that when you're
rendering something out that's only 250
seconds in general to process there's
almost no difference so that's that's
pretty much all there is to that ayyyy
after-effects the live Ram preview
performance is all the same it's 12 FPS
up to 13 fps and basically just decimals
in between so what's the conclusion here
well the HyperX fury Ram is not a bad
choice it is actually quite a good
choice especially at $80 which competes
very closely with the 83 84 85 dollar
g.skill kits and $80 crucial kit and $95
vengence pro kit so they're all there's
so many options right here and they all
perform effectively identity identically
your choice should boil down between
warranties aesthetics and price I mean
that's really all there is to it by
whichever one of these you think looks
the best and is currently on sale that
is all there is to this review hit the
link in the description below for more
information and I will see you all next
time peace
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