Linus vs. GN Content Style & Commenters, Ft. Linus Sebastian
Linus vs. GN Content Style & Commenters, Ft. Linus Sebastian
you go yeah check testing ok well that's
it thanks how's the little thing that
was the whole video game created so much
- applause okay so lioness you were on
our Channel gamers Nexus channel at
Computex right I think that's the first
time you were ever in one of our videos
yeah that was actually really fun yeah
so we talked about products that needed
improvement and annoying things and
right when I said annoying things I
Computex you came into the frame yelling
at me so we got in the comments that I
wanted to talk with you about as we had
a few comments that were to the effect
of please don't become Linus tech tips
don't be like them because Linus is in
your video don't get into bed with Linus
tech tips is what they said so I wanted
to talk about how can two channels like
ours which do different types of content
right but yet we know exist peacefully
and in a friendly fashion so it because
we do different types of content doesn't
mean that actually we have to be enemies
before that this video is brought to you
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learn more so the thing about youtube
comments is I think a lot of viewers
assume that because they're just talking
on the internet that no one's actually
reading it
and that you know no one's feelings are
being hurt and no one's businesses are
being affected but the reality of it is
I actually emailed Steve after I saw
some of the comments on that video going
like hey you know hopefully the the
crossover is like fine and everything's
and everything's cool because people
don't really seem to understand what the
dynamic is between YouTube channels and
I'm sure if we brought Louis over here
or Barney please or J we would get the
exact same statement from any of them
and that's not because we all colluded
to say the exact same thing it's just
because that's the way it is we don't
see each other as competitors the reason
that I am NOT not just that it's not
just okay but the reason that I'm
thrilled to have someone like Steve and
gamers next send some J's to sense
please and Lewis here at an event like
this is because to me they give LTX
credibility it's it's not about it's not
about you know oh they're a competitor
someone might watch Steve's review of
the you know maybe there would be a new
graphics card coming at some point in
the near future and maybe they watch his
review of that instead of mine it's
never like that we all complement each
other really well in fact we've got a
great mix Lewis doesn't crossover with
any of us at all you know Randy repairs
of Apple products Bartek Lee's has not
done as much tech lately it's more
lifestyle J's two cents is hardcore into
the amazing mods water cooling the guy
water cool is like I don't even know
how to do Steve gets into the
nitty-gritty details like nobody else
does especially in the YouTube space
except dear Bauer to be paired there
Bauer gets into it except Roman Roman is
crazy love rolling rolling and that's
okay and what we do is totally different
and so Steve and I can have professional
respect for each other even though I
would see your video and I go I'm not
gonna make that video and you might see
my video and go wow look at this amazing
vacuum I've got we might have done
something like that that by the way and
I don't think anyone knows this yet but
the agency that handled that ad emailed
me and said that they won they learned a
lot from that campaign that's good and
too they liked our video so I think you
so it is possible to actually like
respectfully in that instance criticize
a company and still get along with them
right and everyone actually learns and
grows as a community and nothing's
personal that's the other thing too is
that Steve's video was very obvious it
wasn't exactly a failed critique of what
we were doing it was pretty in your face
and that's fine because that Steve's
voice and I totally respect that and in
much the same way you have to come up
with something you respect about me
quickly well so the thing I was talking
- earlier is - is channel line effective
- this my guess is the team's channel
really but it really is Linus's group
puts out stuff that we see as kind of
like the anchor store in like a shopping
center or something like we hope that
you guys are bringing in newcomers to
the tax space and that those people will
eventually come over and find us there
are other people in the space as well so
there's a lot of value in bringing new
people into the industry to keep the
industry growing because it benefits all
of us which is something that you guys
do exceptionally well I think were you
pretty blown away by how many teeth
Linus tech tips Expo we're intimately
familiar with you and your work this it
was pretty surprising to be honest like
I don't know I wasn't expecting anyone
here to really know who I was and he's
like who knows who Steve is let's hear
some noise
thank you preciate it
so uh Linus I guess another topic here
something that I think it's kind of
interesting that people don't talk about
a lot is vendor or manufacturer and
media relations yeah cuz there's a lot
of misconceptions about that like how do
we work with all the companies without
being chills chills as what any comments
would say right because they give us
they give us free stuff right
they give us an obligation and in
reality out of the the perks that we get
aren't really that free I mean we're
working for 20 hours or something to
review the parts so it's like it's an
investment it's not like we're going
home and building computers with these
things people ask me that all the time
they're like oh how cool is it to get
three video cards all the time and I'm
kind of sitting right do any idea how
much I pay my staff do any idea how much
my rent cost do you have any idea how
much all of this cause I would just go
buy it if I really needed it like I went
out and bought a Nintendo switch ten
days ago because that's cheaper than
working for it right much cheaper way
cheaper yeah but on the relations side
though how do you guys balance working
with partners and companies versus
editorial independence so I think what a
lot of people miss in this industry is
that we're not nameless and faceless
corporations not even the nameless
faceless corporations like Intel the
industry is full of real people like you
and me who have to have real inter
to each other's faces and talk to each
other and get along because it's all for
the betterment of the technology
industry as a whole it's all about
bringing people into the fold people
getting excited about technology people
pursuing careers in technology I mean we
wouldn't do this if we didn't care about
that so there's an element of working
with brands like an Intel or Nvidia or
Razer whoever the case may be in order
to make sure that we are all on the same
page because sometimes we might
criticize something without fully
understanding the behind-the-scenes
conversations or thinking that went on
and once we hear them we go oh that
makes a lot of sense so there was a
phone manufacturer that I was talking to
a little while ago that made a
controversial decision regarding their
display technology I said well why'd you
guys do that and they said well the
reality of it is if you want a high-end
display right now that has good
availability you're buying one with a
not so it can you down the parts
availability and way oh what a perfectly
reasonable explanation for that you're
not the ones to blame for this
particular industry trend but
unfortunately you're swept up along with
it and at least you've got some
workarounds for it that should work for
the vast majority of users Wow what a
valuable thing for me to know as someone
who's trying to cover technology with
that said sometimes we have
disagreements you know we are not on
particularly good terms with one of the
actual sponsor slash attendees of last
year's LTX that's why they're not here
they're super bad and it was over it was
over a title and thumbnail of another
video and it comes down to individual
people that either have good
explanations or bad explanations or you
have good relationships or bad
relationships and then balancing back
against the fact it's pure fact that the
single most important asset that any
location has is the reader or the viewer
because without that if we lose our
credibility with you guys we have
nothing so it's always a balancing act
and sometimes those conversations are
awkward like can you think of the
conversation you've had then you've had
to slam a product
let's go several let's go at the HP 500
yes teach me I'm gonna pee take me under
the hood of that one
okay so H 500 pee in the Coolermaster
case I don't know did anyone see any of
those reviews okay so yeah there are
instances where doing a critical review
it depends on the company right you
talked about this with Intel actually at
copy text last year after you did the
the walk in the rain yeah so there are
companies that will really get what
you're saying and it's okay and move
past it and keep working with us no
problem and then there are companies
that you kind of stop getting their
products and so coolermaster we had an
issue where the review wasn't that liked
when we were critical of the product I
think the viewers liked it just fine
viewers loved it and it was great for
our channel and that's what you're
saying where you appeal to the audience
and you do hopefully what you think is
right and then hopefully the rest of the
success should follow but on that note
the designs that coolermaster showed up
afterwards yes so they've improved
significantly I'm not gonna take credit
for all that because here's the thing
one of the things I want to say it how
people asked about the h5n2 P today
actually and the thing with that is I
don't think we really said anything that
the engineers didn't already know like I
I am positive that engineers who worked
on those cases knew every single thing
we were talking about and it's just a
matter of what does either what do the
executives think what is marketing right
what's popular so I can't imagine how
frustrating that would be to be an
engineer where you're like I told you
guys like I told you this was going to
be a problem
see I've worked back-alley deals with
the like the more technical people or
the engineering people or the technical
marketing people where I kind of go look
I have to I have to say all these bad
defend yourself please and they go you
know what I'm not even gonna because I
want my engineering team and I want my
executive team to hear this and because
the reality of it is there's some people
who are just working a mick job and
that's that's fine good for them but the
tech industry in particular is made up
of passionate people who really want to
build something better and so there's a
lot of them out there and if you find
the right ones you can actually make a
difference like with the age 500p yeah
and to to be fully clear here cooler
masters working with us again on this
stuff so they sent the h 500 and the H
500 m which we're both actually really
good cases I mean the reality of it is
too that you know at our scale if we
have to go and buy a case ultimately we
don't whatever yeah like I'm not getting
I got an engineering sample of it but
I'm not getting a finished new razor
blade I just don't get anyone I have one
yeah there will be review because you
guys gotta get really think about it and
that's the bottom line and that's I
think that's really important for media
outlets like what we do or anyone else
on tax base is if a company doesn't
sample you either because they they're
afraid of negative press or they don't
think you fit their narrative or
whatever else the other reason why you
should overlook - sometimes it's just an
innocent hey you know we just won't look
at that closely right yeah exactly and
it's it's very important for the outlet
to take responsibility and go buy the
thing so that you can still report on it
just bought a MacBook Pro and MacBook
Pro that's that's gonna be my new daily
that video by the way was excellent
oh the initrode yeah okay I know we
actually kind of screwed it up because
the first one went by and there were
thread there were comment threads with a
thousand comments on them I'm like a
Balaam's on reddit all that kind of
stuff but it was very controversial and
so when we did the follow up we were
like wow this is a lot of controversy we
need to make sure that we addressed some
of the misunderstandings and some of the
things that are just plain dumb that
people are saying and so we kind of we
laid out this really structured argument
pure fact we'd be inserted almost no
opinion whatsoever and the controversy
disappeared the second video didn't even
perform very well like it wasn't it
wasn't like edgy enough or something and
I'm kind of sitting here going well that
was a better video let's just that's
just outrage culture though right that's
just people you were you didn't have
anything to people even mad at yeah I'm
the second one so no one cared anymore
so that's that's kind of the problem
yeah like with the I saw some of the
article clippings you guys had in that
fault that most recent video where
people are like well of course Apple
then helped them because they opened it
how do we right guys should we be
allowed to open our electronics and
thank you it was a I was really
hoping you Cass that's an ad for I fix
it no it's making sure yes I don't know
I thought that was a really important
point is that you don't let the
companies which as you say they are run
by people like there are people we
interface with there are people who
probably know all the things that
everyone's mad about very well it's just
a matter of making sure the right people
understand that and act on it
so bottom line we're not competitors we
love working together we've shared meals
we've hung out at events like this we
respect each other a lot even though I
might see you know Steve's video and go
wow that's a very dull delivery you've
got there's at least exactly what we do
and he might see my video and go yeats
okay this was supposed to be friendly
and we see ourselves as all just part of
the tech entertainment and education
ecosystem and some of us are more
entertainment and some of us are more
education and that's fine agreed one
final point here is
any of you on social media like your on
Twitter or whatever the a lot of the
manufacturers actually have someone
managing their Twitter accounts and they
will see your comments so if you if
enough people complain about something
there's a good chance it might actually
get fixed but just keep in mind I think
he will forget this a lot of products
take years to develop
even just a computer case like the NZXT
amantha for example simple case took I
think two and a half years so if you're
complaining now there's a good chance
they see it you just might not see the
effects of your complaint 2020 meeting
right exactly when you point out anyone
yeah some things are faster but not all
yeah some point all right so that's all
that's all I got for a video my outro it
sure can I answer it you can app try it
okay I'm gonna outro cameras right there
thanks for watching if you guys dislike
line is tech tips so you can hit that
button buddy Bud Light don't you don't
get hit that button Oh what are they
gonna do what are you gonna do leave a
comment of course and don't forget to
subscribe to lunch tech tips on YouTube
and of course gamers Nexus on YouTube
which you're probably already subscribe
to news on Steve's channel and oh this
video is brought to you by Janet gotta
throw it in there
brought to you by LTX melting X 28 to
keep an eye
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