Liquid Cooling Hades Canyon Mod for 5GHz Attempt (Pt 1/2)
Liquid Cooling Hades Canyon Mod for 5GHz Attempt (Pt 1/2)
this thing was way more popular than we
expect this is the Intel nook the Hades
Canyon unit which AMD and Intel work
together on creating and we liked a lot
honestly it's one of the most fun pieces
of hardware I've reviewed lately just
cuz it's kind of different it's cool to
see something from two opposing
companies that's actually really good so
what we're gonna do today is try and
realize the full power of overclocking
because when we overclocked it for the
review it pushed pretty far but we kept
running into thermal constraints and at
the time we were pretty confident that I
can go even further still if it didn't
have that thermal limitation we could
just put a fan on it honestly and that'd
be fine but we're gonna go with liquid
cooling instead hopefully so I'll see
how this goes before that this is
brought to you by the msi gtx 1080
gaming X and Nvidia's GeForce experience
which allows you to retro actively
capture key gameplay moments with
shadowplay convert captures into gifs
with new tools and apply filters to
games hashtag no filter Emma sighs
gaming X PCBs are high quality with
well-built power management and coolers
that we've previously recommended learn
more at the links in the description
below this thing's not too hard to open
so we got to open it up and it's gonna
be a two part video part one is going to
be this one where we try and I try and
figure out how to liquid cool it part
two is going to be the results and the
actual data for testing with liquid
cooling we have thermals before we'll
have thermals after will have
overclocking numbers after all that
stuff should be a lot of fun actually
also builds I did a PCB and vrm semi
pseudo analysis on this box you're
curious about the actual the vrm set up
you'll watch that so a couple things
here this doesn't have mounting holes
for the liquid cooling shocking I know
we can't also drill holes into the PCB
to create that scenario so I'm not
really sure what I'm gonna do it's
probably going to involve zip ties and I
don't know I have these parts which we
might reveal a little later from
aliexpress or friends over in China ship
them took about five weeks to get here
and it's basically laptop liquid cooling
parts and we're gonna try and put them
on this first thing I need to do is open
it up
so this is I'm going to be using the new
iFixit kit they are going to be an
advertiser soon you'll see a couple ads
on our channel for them they're not
immediately the second but this is a
Mantha kit I have not used it before so
it's going to take me a minute to find
everything but this is their new iFixit
Mantha kit that they are I think
sending out to market soon so here's the
inside there's the Intel skull logo old
skull trail logo here's where the LED
magic happens if you're a curious pretty
simple and straightforward really
alright so now I need to pull screw here
here and I think maybe that one and this
thing just kind of lifts up on its own
at that point
Mantic it does have Phillips heads okay
so there's that what is this are we
gonna need this that's for the LED okay
so we won't need that here's our memory
what we need to do is remove the whole
thing this is actually kind of a
painless process they don't really
intend for you to do it so it's one
screw in each corner
all right important note here if you can
always try and get your fingernails
around the lip of these connectors
because I have done this before if you
pull out the wires eventually you'll rip
one of the small wires out of the the
header and you'll have to resolder it
and that kind of sucks
so these are for the fans I believe
which we'll review reveal momentarily
two blower fans on the underside alright
so next step is pushed out minds a bit
easier because I've opened it before I'm
gonna tap our ground point from the gia
anti-static mod mat I'll go ahead and
plug that that's our product get a store
that gamers Nexus not not to pick up the
work surface that I'm working on right
now it's super rubberized and grippy and
it's anti-static which we like made in a
factory that makes products for clean
rooms actually alright so next part this
part is really annoying you're getting a
tear down here of the note condition to
the liquid cooling stuff so they never
did tear down off the neck so I talked
to people at Intel to confirm this and
the best way to get this board out of
here is to kind of slightly bend the
metal for the i/o which doesn't feel
like a great thing to do but it is the
best way I could find because it's got
little hooks on top of it that hook onto
the i/o and you can't you can't lift it
up at the back and just like angle it
out because the blower fans will get hit
in yes
all right most of the hard part is done
so there's our blower fans these are the
things that were working so hard to cool
they're pushed up against this aluminum
heatsink it's a very efficient system
for the size and they they're blout they
get up to over 50 decibels when you have
them at a hundred percent basically
unusable at that point and that means
you're kind of limited thermally on
overclocking at some eventually you get
limited now it is a full vapor chamber
cooler so Intel's done a lot with the
space they have especially because they
clean function well what's called the
Vega part and an Intel part under the
same heatsink this is this is my doing
it don't worry about that it's I put on
much better at their own pace alright so
vapor chamber setup as noted we're gonna
clean all this off or I guess on this
one that's the vapor chamber and it's
got heat sinks for the vrm so we'll have
to figure that out honestly we could
just use air a lot of air flow on the
BRM components would be sufficient so I
need to figure out what I can put here
for a liquid cooler and then we'll be
good to go okay what can I put there
what I need to know is 1x
51 that's very close to Polaris we might
be able to just put unbranded sketchy
heatsink on it so I apologize for my
previous stance on hating on boxing I
actually think this is a really valuable
one we can do right here what are these
do with them
there's our heat pipe this is gonna be
awful that is an option if I don't need
to I'll put like those crappy thin
stacks on top of here it's here with a
big fan because otherwise I'm not
convinced this is really conducting any
heat is there better thing we can do
does not cover everything let me just
check one more thing
that will cover everything how do I hold
it down before putting their own pace on
it I'm just gonna try this idea mount
this thing and then run zip ties across
it and for the vrm components we'll just
we'll just use the air for those all
right this is our proof of concept I'm
gonna have to run a couple of these it
kind of secures it but clearly this is
far too loose so I'm hoping if I apply
force this way as well it will get it to
stabilize on top of the silicon
components but we're gonna need to
actually cut this so that I can grab the
the thermal paste using this stuff
specifically because it's not liquidy so
I know when I put it on there it's gonna
stay which is important because this
cooler is gonna be moving all over the
place as I'm mounting it it's also why
I'm going to put extra paste on there
HBM that's the HBM over there it's
really low heat flux so we don't really
need to worry about HBM overheating at
all we could honestly just cool it with
a lot of air I'm gonna just chalk this
with paste to make sure there's for sure
question is is it even making contact I
think so you sure I think it's in the
right places
okay so I think this is what we're gonna
go with right now this is a
patent-pending design so be quiet if
you're looking for a new mounting
mechanism for your coolers because you
need one
don't steal this idea but basically it's
a weave a weave of zip ties going in and
out of each other
applying opposing pressure on the tubes
to keep the thing kind of centered it
wobbles still but I'm hoping there's
enough downward force to do what I want
and if there's not then I have other
coolers I can use I could probably
drill holes through stuff and get them
to align with through holes on here but
let me show you the back side this is
our the best part of our creation in
putting this together kind of realize
like oh wait a minute
I forgot to put the SSD back in but
fortunately we can just do that it
doesn't need to be screwed down because
if I apply more force it will not act
like a seesaw it will probably just
pivot on the fulcrum there and crack so
we're gonna do that for the SSD and
there's the mounting mechanism there's a
liquid core to be quiet to 80 millimeter
silent loop that we use previously for
the Vega mod I'm just using it because
it had the most versatile mounting kit
and then we didn't use it and I'll
probably just put some maglevs on here
so my biggest concern I have because
this is Vega we have an HP M thermal
sensor in there we have a GPU sensor we
have a CPU sensor so I know what
temperature everything is if you're
worried about the the MOSFETs don't be
the solution to the MOSFETs
is to put a fan like here that just
blasts air through it and it'll be
better than the solution they had on
and of course this is far more portable
than theirs so we previously talked
about how the Hades Canyon NOC is so
cool because it's small you could put it
in like your carry-on bag plug it into
the hotel TV and have a super powerful
mobile editing station in addition to
whatever laptop you bring with you which
is something we've been considering for
Computex for example now this version of
it I think is far more likely to get
through airport security actually I'm
pretty sure if if they asked questions
about this you could just say that it
was a jerry-rigged device to drag
thermal device it's probably what I
would go with so yeah I don't know I
wouldn't say I'm proud of it but we'll
see if it works
fortunately that insane amount of
thermal paste I put on there did turn
out to be a good idea because the cold
plate moved around a lot during
installation so I'm just hoping there
was enough there that as it kind of
wiggled around any throw aways that came
off the sides was just access anyway so
the next step is to thermally test this
I want to plug this into an external
power source believe it or not the intel
NOC board does not come equipped for
this particular task and then we'll plug
in the SSD as I showed I don't know what
other things I need like what else do we
we don't need this this is the blower
fans we don't need those cables so what
other cables did I unplug I unplug the
LED cable for the Intel fancy school
canyon logo things cold trail logo thing
and this is LEDs there's an LED board we
don't need that plus a power button
switch so I'm gonna have to find the
power button on here I'm assuming it's a
physical button and if not then I'm just
gonna jump it is that it right there
yeah so I think I've got the power
so where's case I just jump it but
that's that's what we're gonna do
see if they're all tasks on this check
back make sure you subscribe to catch
the thermal testing on this thing it
should still work there's really no
reason it wouldn't work presently we
didn't apply enough force to bend the
PCB that
much it's a little bent it'll be okay
check back go to store documents nexus
dotnet to pick up a mod mat like the one
I was working on for this episode and
then also go to and
access to help site directly and get
exclusive access to the bonus ask jian
episodes that we do for patreon thank
you for watching I'll see you all next
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