Live: AMD Ryzen Extreme Overclocking Past 5GHz, ft. Bearded HW
Live: AMD Ryzen Extreme Overclocking Past 5GHz, ft. Bearded HW
start streaming okay we should be live
and in our preview it says 360p so
hopefully it's actually at 1080p for you
and we're gonna be on a bit of a delay
anyway but let us know how the
resolution looks and if the audio is
working properly and then once I know
that we'll we'll get going
it should be live just gonna short delay
here they spilled onto everywhere we
didn't but I don't know who that's
referencing okay alright it looks like
it is actually 1080p cool nice mm-hmm
so we're good to go this is Joe okay
step on Z of capital Z yes
aka bearded hardware and we're gonna be
dealing doing liquid nitrogen
overclocking today with rising so we've
got a 2700 X we tried the Lisa su signs
2700 X as well we'll talk about that
later and I guess Joe you've got a
channel as well yeah
bearded hardware description below yep
I've been slacking lately but slacking
on and be changing that especially
before Computex and hopefully have
copies x2 yeah yeah I get a lot to do a
dumpy deck so yes convey thanks gonna be
a lot of play so I think Chad's starting
to fill up people say videos find sound
has too much base kind of comment is
that man that's on your end
like buy different headphones Oh too
much bass bass yeah maybe it's my voice
yeah that's your voice just complain
about it okay alright so I'm just
checking chat to make sure everything's
still good I'm looking for people I
actually trust the comment I think 10
was in the chat ex devs 10 so so 10 is
the guy you might have seen in our
videos with Kane pin at the XOC lab in
EB J's headquarters and if you see him
in chat his username as X Deb's and he
he's got a lot of experience with
overclocking as well obviously and
designing video cards yeah chicken
clucking chicken clucking as he calls
down that's that that's his version of
chicken clucking okay sound is fine
stream is Gucci someone says sweet so I
think we are good boost the bass all
right so let's let's go through what
we're working on I guess first of all
two quick super chats came in no
messages from either of them but API
cars Mondavi thank you very much and
john be $1 and that I guess will will
bring me to talk about how expensive
some of this stuff is so this time we
actually got I almost got screwed on the
liquid nitrogen yeah but these over here
so these two tanks are what we'll be
using for that that's cold for the
liquid nitrogen over clocking and today
it's rising tomorrow at the same time
tomorrow it will be the kingpin card yep
28 ETA yeah kingpin 28 feet of that one
that should be pretty fun so yeah Alan
to these 180 liter tanks I want just
fatter but this one's had a slow leak
because it's damaged but I think we're
good yeah these are it almost was $440
eh for these and then the company called
back and was like actually we can we can
do one hundred seventy seven dollars
each plus taxes so I don't know where
the 50% discount came in but the cost
though to give you an idea it's it's
like four hundred and South for 40 for
both of these together after taxes and
everything the Dewar I think I spent
like 600 on that that was a new one
because well you just ones are overrated
all right up gross yeah you don't want
to ever touch a yeah a used Dewar
because you never know what has been in
yeah it might not have been liquid
nitrogen yeah I can be a little
something from a fireman hey leave it
there yeah so yeah new one was $600
that's that's the taxi pay for getting
something that's not gross yeah that
gives you some basics on the cost so
that being said sponsor for the stream
before we really get started is the
gigabyte Z 390 master and there's a link
to it in the description below so it is
and Intel Z 390 motherboard it's got
actually a fin the heatsink on it which
is something bigger bites been cooking a
lot lately with Rison included and you
know heat sinks with fins generally a
good thing just then they actually do
something so there's a link to that in
the description if you're interested you
mean they're supposed to they they are
actually supposed to have surface area
to sink the heat did you know that of
course I think the manufacturers just
learned that Lake in the last year
though know is x2 99 that's straight air
yeah yeah they really learned it there
yeah Roman made a lot of friends that
video oh I know that's $2.99 the pastor
by other battery there's good stuff so
Joe do you want to walk through some of
the components we have on the bench yeah
I don't know if you want to come over
here yeah so obviously we have we're
using an AMD 2700 X we actually went
through a couple chips not just one we
went through three we went to or went
through the sign gold one we went
through and then two other samples we
have we're just using any playing 2d
graphic card that's really not what it's
we're using g.skill that tried in xiv
oil I got a little bit of gold and
silver on this side you can't really see
over there but we could hug it and show
up and unafraid yeah I wouldn't touch
that right now like overclocking
superstition of this client well yeah
well you have this King ping t-rex this
is like an early edition that thing
weighs like a ton so yeah he's trying to
move it around and Mike you could cause
a lot of issues so we have the aegis
crosshair was at the 7-7 newer version X
470 yeah it's a it's a really good board
it's got a uh upgraded erm compared to
the older version it's all around really
good board it's done well for us the the
CPUs have been our biggest question mark
so we'll find out today
yeah how far they can really go and I
guess on ellentube pi you know we're
talking about koster there people always
ask how much does it cost to get this
stuff you don't have to go as as hard
with the components as we've done with
some of this but I think Vince sells
these for like 3
something like almost $400 maybe yeah I
think it said probably around 300 and I
don't know if you go to kingpin and
Cooling calm you can actually check
which one this is not a production model
so it's not as pretty
yeah the newer versions much prettier
than that ones but there are so there
and the reason these are expensive
they're one and they're low volume so
they're not manufactured a lot obviously
yeah and - they're really dense it's
just like all cop it's a lot of copper
so it's like holding like I don't know
well most like a bowling ball yeah
they're the wing wise yeah it's really
heavy if you throw to throw it at Steam
you probably never see them anymore so
that's nice yeah that's it is I'm just
gonna make sure I forget to hold the
hose when I turn that one to a later
while you're standing next to it you
gotta be careful with that when this
happened when that happened to me it
actually just wouldn't like right across
my face like that yeah we we mentioned
that in the in the video that went up
earlier today to how there's an incident
with a glass door previously and
gigabyte so an old OC lab they had a too
big giant glass doors and let's just say
we were really tired and I just flipped
it up to get more liquid nitrogen it
came out went past my head like this and
smashed right into the door the door
literally smashed into like a like it
smashed all the way around it actually
stayed on the glass and then all of a
sudden maybe like 10 minutes later the
whole thing just fell off and just went
everywhere so it's one of my infamous
stories but it did probably ventilate
the room pretty well
oh yeah we didn't have to worry about
dying there guys yeah from from Ellen -
yes from glass yeah just and maybe from
the bosses I think they were pulling
glass out of there for probably a good
buy still playing Godfather there I
think I saw some near - he's like yeah I
mean it was it was a big big door so I
think we got all the parts we have a 69
watt power supply for this which is
overkill what we're doing today but but
we like because there's no over current
protections no the new array 1600 power
supplies are pretty on point yeah hang
on which manufacturer you go I mean what
does this want to give you a one that is
Eva g82 yeah we got some super chats so
biking with Pam
50 dollars Canadian thank you very much
appreciate that
well before I read this I'll note on the
super chats because we we start picking
up and getting a good amount of them I
will run on like a 30 it's a 60 minute
delay on reading them but then I read
them in batches so if you don't hear it
read just wait around a little bit we'll
get to it
they are extremely helpful and for
example paying off the liquid nitrogen I
bought and Joe is playing ticket in
hotel also never a cheap date that is
we've only been to a few fast-food
places at this time
hey there software engineer with Amazon
come out and write the trails I build on
Vancouver Island that's pretty cool when
you're out for LTX will be there too
I've been trying to think of what we
could get of what we can get up to
together MTB our storage related really
well if you're at Elte axe come say hi
I'll be there with I think Jay is gonna
be there Kyle's gonna be there a couple
other people too which one is it
that's Linus's event in in Vancouver
well he'll be in July I think I kind of
July yeah
after Computex tag 291 that's you guys
what cpu is this and what monitor is
that it's this is a 2700 X is that one
of yours the 2700 X is that yes that's
one of the ones I have so we have to
mine it one of yours then one of mine
that's the Gold Edition that will thanks
we'll talk about in a little bit yeah
and what monitors that that's old and
this is the gigabyte a horas monitor
Corey Schroder $4.99 just bought a mouse
pad also hey Joe don't know so thank you
for buying the mouse pad if you do pick
up one of our mouse pads today this one
has thrown paste on it it does not come
a thermal paste on it but we have a blue
and white and then a black and blue
design if you pick one up Joe and I will
be signing these at the end of the day
after the streams over so if you buy one
during the stream on store documents
access net we will sign any of them that
are purchased during the stream and I
might make it easier just extend it
cycle later today or something but by
during this jam will will sign them and
black and blue is the newer one than
blue and whites on there as well so
thank you for picking one of those up we
will get that signed afterward and then
also Joe's got some shirts on bearded
hardware calm right yep that one right
this shirt actually there's only one
shirt yeah but your beard has a beard
with this shirt right know that this was
that intentional or did you just have to
lower the beard so your beard doesn't
cover that I had to lower the beard but
he keeps growing by the time I'm gonna
have that you're gonna have a new vision
yeah that's a refresh of the shirt yeah
it's kind of difficult driving Coria
turns my daughter's can't stay on the
stream much today or tomorrow due to
being at work both day so I'll encourage
you to do more live streams by 3:00 a
few dollars well thank you we will
definitely do a few more live streams
we've got one tomorrow wish bro $2
thermal beers Lee liquid metal
improvement update
not 100% sure if you mean like do they
have a new version or something I
actually don't know I have no idea but
other than that we've done a lot of
liquid metal videos and I think we've
concluded all of the ones that we did
recently if you had cars $1 thank you
Ethan bendable $5 out planting corn
watching the live stream doesn't get any
better hopefully I have a minute to
browse the store well thank you enjoy
planting corn enjoy planting corn
interesting it is far more far more work
than either of us will be doing today
all we're gonna do is pour cold liquid
into a copper pot that's all you did
actually I I probably with you even
Westen yeah yes all I'm gonna do is read
these and last one I'm reading for that
I rob a ninja or a minger $1 no message
thank you so let's get started I guess
we need to insulate this well not
insulate what word would use wrap paper
towels around everything okay we need to
wrap paper towels around everything
when it does get wet we need to protect
the board and everything yeah I have
Vaseline on the all over the board now
but we want to make sure like we try to
keep as much water off the board as
possible so we're just gonna put paper
towels everywhere it might be a little
boring but but while we do that we can
talk about some other stuff like the the
how many people we got in chat right now
we have 2700 watching right now not that
so you know while you're doing that I
think people would be interested to hear
about the Lisa sue rise in profits er so
I reviewed this one kind of briefly yeah
it was like a mini review and all we did
was you test it validate that yes it is
the same clocks no it's not special and
ours was like 4.1 gigahertz at one point
for two bolts or something I couldn't
get any higher than that on air I tested
the same thing yesterday and it was a
pretty much like that and 4.1 was kind
of borderline yeah it wasn't really it
is not a so unfortunately loss to
silicon Mondrian that by 2700 does
that does so you tested it under Allen -
yeah because I guess the question is
like is it Bend especially and the
answer is I definitely know and he
doesn't even claim it is so I can't
blame them for it
but we were hoping it was yeah well we
had edited the three chips that was
definitely the worst one yeah what yeah
I guess we won't spoil the for yeah
we'll talk about that later
but yeah it was a bit bit disappointing
so unfortunately the scaling was not
under better under Ellen - no does that
ever happen though I mean do you get
chips that are bad on-air but pretty
good under Allen - or inevitably some
older ones but not so much anymore I was
thinking since I'm not really that
familiar with AMD no now I am but before
I was I was hoping yeah praying that
maybe like cuz you know it depends on
like leakage no but remember like the
old in the video cards like a lot of the
crappy ones on air is like you just pump
them with voltage and then you get a
bunch but the morn what did you give
them the they just shut down quicker so
right just doesn't really help anything
which is kind of disappointing but maybe
with the new ones coming out whenever
they come out well that will change yeah
they are being announced at Computex
will both be there there's no am the s
said they're announcing our copy thanks
actually after doing all this I'm
actually excited about it yeah 3000
series should be pretty interesting
actually because bend your knees on Colt
is actually pretty fun so they charge
more for the signature no the mouse pads
cost the same so the price on the story
you there's you can either buy it's like
a set of one mouse pad or two and at the
same price that's always been it's just
Joe and I will sign it if you buy during
the drain stream so you're actually not
paying any more for it
no I think Joe is 2700 X's Bend is that
true one of the questions when I was
given them no yeah they were just they
even said that right this yeah they said
they are not being so it shouldn't be
like anything epic or anything right so
but we can still push them pretty far
because a lot of people every time when
you and I to the stream
obviously it was in tell ya every time
I've done streams I think it's always
been Intel CPUs so this is our first
time doing a name the overclocking
stream no and with liquid nitrogen
should be pretty interesting it can go a
lot a lot further than with air where
with air or with liquid at home you're
you know you're really fighting against
Andy pushing their chips all the way to
the max frequency already yeah they're
definitely more fun in liquid nitrogen
yeah cuz uneri it seems like you get I
don't know how many people have gotten
over for three I had one sample that day
what about for three yeah I think not
many and that one was actually worse
than the other one on there but I don't
think I really tested that one all that
much all right here so yeah and we've we
typically our CPUs with the two eighty
millimeter coolers they tend to get
stock at around 4.2 yeah and then they
just fall like yeah you can try to give
them as much voltage as possible and
they just don't do it and that's not
necessarily to say something bad about
Andy it means that they've pushed their
CPUs to like the max they can do already
there's just not a lot you can do out of
the box in most cases but with an Onix
CPU this is why we typically @gn
recommend like 2700 or 2609 acts you do
have headroom you can get up to where
the exes are and you might be able to
get a bit beyond so you can save some
money and have fun overclocking it too
unless of course you don't enjoy that in
which case seen by an expiration so but
overall what did they come with stop
frequency is it like three seven right
Oh a CPU signature not mousepad sorry
someone was correcting me on that are
they talking about that I think actually
although there are some one who said
mouse pads really but the CPU signature
do they charge more I well one it's not
a signature it's like it's a laser edge
thing no just has the signature it has
the signature by machine yeah I do they
I think it is like $30 more but but you
also get a couple things with it too
yeah so I mean in the review it was our
conclusion was basically you know if
you're a big AMD fan and you want like a
commemorative thing and you know what
the commemorative thing it's not really
special beyond that beyond maybe getting
like the division 2 or a free t-shirt
which they do also give then go ahead
and buy it but if you don't care about
any of that stuff just buy the normal
one yeah cuz it is cheaper to get the
normal one no I wish I am do either like
a little like stepping and you know an
Intel when you see new steppings and say
like that then you could tell if it's
maybe new or maybe write better cuz
usually with the Intel stuff you would
have the first release and then you'd
have another stepping after and they a
lot of the times they improve stuff yeah
seem like AMD does the same thing yeah
and they and they probably should
hopefully changes in the future yeah
they may well I'm proof but we don't I
don't think we get an indication
yeah which one version it is yeah if we
look at the punch
usually on an Intel box you can tell
like what batches and stuff until they
have serial numbers but I have an older
27 we got rid of all this but yeah they
don't give you much detail compared to I
can fill those yeah Intel there's a lot
of a lot of stuff in changes over here
and over the years - so and these kind
of I guess on AMD side of thing they've
really just gotten back into that
controlling position and the you know
the DIY market yeah
doing pretty well right now I think it
caught everybody off guard yes
especially Intel I Spy and am caught in
the office I think what do we do yeah
we're actually good now yeah like what
do we do with this money guys yeah I
don't know
let's police a signature on something so
as I as I promote six signed MOUs pass
we are self-aware yeah you can get
signed house pass from us but they're
not laser etched no they're real yeah
but also we're not CEOs banned
yeah I know sorry all right sorry do you
have this all wrapped yeah don't rep you
just cover their memory tomorrow you
good with that
um I don't know they're just - pretty
good they're the new G skillet right in
Royals our trend is evil sure they are
tried in zero right in Z Voyles where I
have a gold in silver one like got
silver and gold haha see that's what
know how to use it
well yeah they I guess what covered a
little bit because it's barely a vanity
thing you just want to see your
reflection on these this memory the
whole time you really could see you
could see the beard I can see it so we
might cover the memory okay should I
should I pour some Alentejo into the
yeah we do before so so we can be fun
just to watch him try yeah we felt that
that thing is filled from yes filler on
top so this is 30 litres so I want to
chat do me a favor I might I'll try and
catch your matches message but do me a
favor and just for the rest of the
people in chat go Google how much does
Alan to weigh I guess I don't know per
liter whatever metric is out the
measurement is out there this is 30
liters of it let us know in chat what is
30 liters of L&T weight plus the weight
of the Dewar cuz Joe can lift this like
chest height pretty easily yeah I'm like
stuck here
I hope you guys that yes that is a kit
so here's the cap for the Ellen's here
that that's pretty cold right now it
helps prevent it from leaking out
because it is a it's it evaporates
pretty quickly these will hold it for a
good while mono for overclocking but if
you leave it out on if you left one of
these out I want you to stay overnight
well oh yeah it will obviously go out
but yeah you'll get ice around the top
because it obviously when it escapes
it's kind of like the Dewar where it
kind of freezes over when you pour and
the ISIS is actually concerned I'll let
you explain why in terms of getting
water and oh so winner yeah when in your
pot you don't you don't want ice in
there cuz it will actually affect how
the metal absorbs the liquid nitrogen so
the more water you have in there air ice
you'll basically have to break down
because you'll start building water into
the yeah you basically put her and pull
it out pouring water in there it's not
yeah so I'm being told 53 pounds which
plus the weight of the Dewar is there
whatever way to do it
they had me out what 15 pound quite try
it 1620
do you want to let's give a a primer on
like Ellen to and safety just just to
make sure anyone who wants to try this
at home is aware so it's actually it's
as was bubbling out it was laying on my
skin but it doesn't really hurt I think
it's called what the leaden who's like
lineup rosters manifest yeah so I use my
own theory
well the way takes Jo I guess the theory
name is Jo theory the Jo theory and what
is the Jo theory yeah it's just I
basically if you soak anything that's
when you're gonna run into trouble so
you can just pour it like a pour it on
Steve's hair so I shouldn't matter now
if I were to pour it like all the way
and so that's when you're gonna have
you can basically cause instant
frostbite and that's something you don't
really want it actually feels like
burning yeah it doesn't feel like free
of him well if you ever burned yourself
it it feels the same exact way if you
burn like it you'll get like a big
Lister I got a big blister yeah and the
blister hurts and it pops it it's pretty
much just like fire a technic probably
think it's a little bit worse depending
on how cold yeah yeah so this liquid
nitrogen in that tank is about my top
time I had I think it's minus 196 damn
s1 is it Celsius degrees Celsius yeah
and I'm Fahrenheit right which is like I
think 350 Fahrenheit or something like
that I have no idea yeah yeah so it's
called but you know you don't have to be
too worried about spilling on yourself
just don't like get it in your pant leg
or in your shoe or anything where it
gets trapped
yeah like socks to like I mean I'm
wearing sandals right now which is
probably not the best approach but at
least I'm not barefoot socks they've
soaked very easily so like if you ever
like I've had socks before and I've
actually accidentally like poured one of
these down and I've had the sock on and
that's like the worst thing because yeah
the sock basically absorbs all the
liquid nitrogen and obviously that's on
your foot it will hurt yeah I think I
think last time the
and chat was that one guy was like okay
if I get onto and do benchmarking I'm
doing it naked
for safety but I'm not sure that's the
downside of that maybe with sandals at
least yeah elite sandals because but no
socks even carpet so like if I were to
pour it on the carpet the carpet will
absorb it yes and then if you step in it
then you'll get burned and actually if
you I'll show it later when I feel more
but if when you get some on the carpet
like I did after pouring you step in it
you'll see this big gross like Steam
Cloud comically cool all right so this
entire process makes me nervous there
should be more protection and lab
protocols here let's let's talk about
things like gloves - so normal gloves
not a good idea like like just leather
gloves you wanna liquid nitrogen gloves
I do have something we can show I feel
like they're like way over so this isn't
much yeah this this is like an Allen T
rated glove and if you are like a
leather workman's glove if it gets on it
it'll freeze it to your skin and that'll
be way worse than if your bare hands
this it won't freeze to your skin yeah
but I feel like it still gets through
like when you still get cold well and
it's you lose all of your yeah you don't
really get the control of it yeah which
I think you're morally I don't know I
mean we can get into safety measures all
day but I think it comes - I'd rather be
able to grab it real quick and yeah to
do something like I can't I'm more
likely to spill it like this well yeah I
don't even think I could probably fit I
actually can't yeah that's one of the
reasons - I don't use them either but so
the only place I would maybe use this as
if I like for ya workplace afdf I've if
I have an employee I'll be me not you
cuz I don't care about here yeah and
nobody cares about that I might have
them usually glove to hold the hose yeah
that's the best part that's pretty much
what I I would to be honest I wouldn't
even use those I just wrap it around
like this yeah right
and then just hold it that way paper
towel because then you have more
interaction with your hands you don't
know this does get really cold though
yeah so I don't recommend touching
touching that because you will burn your
hand yeah and then other safety I mean
you could wear goggles I guess but we're
not really we're in a pretty controlled
environment here we're not using a ton
of it so yeah I mean the the real safety
measure that you got to really worry
about is your ventilation right so we're
in a big room right now we don't have
much of an issue when it comes to that
and they cease running yeah and the a/c
is running so you're always having
something moving through if you're in
like a small room it will actually take
the oxygen out of the air and you can
pretty much die you will die yeah well
yeah I mean I haven't died personally
obviously but yeah yeah I came back you
came back
well yeah actually you did your attempt
to use the trick you were showing
earlier is can you light a torch right
yeah so you know if you're losing oxygen
because of a fire boom light so if you
if you can't do the torch that means you
need to get to maybe go outside or try
to get some air in the room that you're
in right doesn't mean done that yeah
again at the Gigabyte OC level so let's
uh let's get started let's dirty yeah I
need more liquid nitrogen this probably
any more than one all right yeah you get
started do one cop and then stop I don't
know how lame do you want to be alright
I'll let you get started and I'll pour
some more of these if you want to maybe
maybe uh let people know what your
process is here I come on I'm just gonna
get it up on air I I have just a like a
baseline setup right now where it's just
doing about four gig 3610 rate just do
the CL 1212 it's just basic watch that I
know work on there I don't want to go
too cold too quick I want to make sure
that the whole system is actually
running before I try to go it's getting
really cold because when you're going
really cold it's a big variable that
you're gonna
if your system is not working quickly
you're just gonna be just in trouble the
whole time so all right we're in the
BIOS let's make sure we can go in the
operating system
I'll check a couple super chats while I
pour some more of these you're all right
it's a quick note like I said if you buy
mousepad I'll try and shout them out too
if you buy something from store that
gamers Nexus dotnet during the stream no
guarantee but I'll try to shout out your
your first name of what you bought and
otherwise if you buy a mask that the
they are links below in the description
then Joe and I will be signing them
after the stream today it's no extra
cost on that so we will be sending those
out as soon as we get them signed and
then Joe's got shirts on here the
hardware calm as well so let's see super
chats we got a new one from a tactical
burrito system it's kind of an awesome
thing I just smile and actually I'm very
impressed sounds like it's like a
mercenary company except it's just for
burritos tactical burrito system $10
thank you says thanks for blowing up
hardware so we don't have to Joe what's
the last you know what's the last thing
you blew up there doing this it's the
last component you killed it's been a
while actually
oh no I think it was at the end too
event oh yeah
whenever we'll have a couple I dropped
motherboards then New York yeah yeah
you had your I came over actually you
were switching boards because I think
they were was that they were just too
much condensation on that
well the one board so I was benching
with the one board pretty much all day
the day before and then what happened
was is I have this weird tip that no
matter how cold I get it they just it
would just always free so I'm like okay
so I started pumping a bunch of volts to
it on the Intel it was there a little
bit different yeah you basically need
certain bowls for me to go cold just
even be a little cold right I pumped
this one voltage I forget exactly which
one it is because on different boards
it's a different name but when I pumped
that voltage the board died
and of course I was like probably like
10 minutes before we were supposed to
get everything going all right have it
up for demo so I ended up having to take
that board I ended up taking a new board
and just putting no insulation on it
whatsoever and sort of that that's when
he came over yeah let's talk what
frequency are you at right now I did
four gig okay
3600 M okay so that's our baseline then
yep so four is it four gigahertz all
four yeah okay I'll core so eight core
taking bread let me take a note then
just so we can read back this later
we're at 18 39 points our benchmark
today of choice is Cinebench it's one of
Andy's favorite benchmarks to char right
now so we're gonna use that because
you're probably familiar with the
numbers so our score today starting as
1839 as we continue it'll become clear
like how much scaling there is and we
can go stock if you want to do you owe
me a do-over yeah you if you don't mind
let's do a like a stop your promos we're
kind of cold dome if we can get a stop
running we can show you only front with
that is I think maybe if it's cold that
worried better than it was
I have a stock run I can pull from our
fridges if you only just pull one out it
doesn't matter I can do it pretty
quickly okay let's run one then so we'll
get a stock run for you but 1839 is
where we're starting
what was the current high score do you
remember for this chip 2,700 X it's like
20 27 35 degree something like that I
think I would but that's had like five
seven yeah so current high scores just
to give you an idea of scale
it's like 1839 at 4 gigahertz all core
of the 2700 so there's your range and I
think it's hardware numbers hole to that
one right now so uh see Todd's Rob
minger again $2 see you've ever ride the
trails in copper Harbor Michigan no
actually I have not ridden the
Northeast's at all I do need to get up
there and write like I'm not even sure
I'd call that North East oh oh yeah
sorry central North I'm thinking yeah
good fine but I have not ridden north of
West Virginia or yeah West Virginia is
the highest I've gone on the East Coast
really yeah you should go much higher so
your insulation mountains are pretty
good yes I know that uh Diablo and
New Jersey's supposed to be pretty good
or whatever they renamed Mountain Creek
that's it
there's just no word there did you
really yeah
all done was it called Diablo or
Mountain no no it's Mountain Creek I
actually worked there when I was kid
really yeah I was fun because I was a
part of the snowboard no I never I
couldn't afford a snowboard when I was
kids so I basically got a free rental
take there and I would just basically go
every almost every day that's pretty
awesome so awesome
that is cool Phoenix 1861 199 thank you
reply vid to Paul's review no hi I'm
Paul there was a satire of you there's
there's no reason to post anything else
because I think his satire pretty much
summed it up I did like the reference to
he'd like for movie references in there
when he was doing the like the the
segment where he had the timer in the
bottom right and was just kind of like
droning on through stuff they're pretty
good that was that was the best media
impression I've seen so far I don't know
I think I could do better I think you
can do better I think I could by failing
to lifts that you were probably on I
need a wig though my hair's not as long
as yours
Jay has a pretty good way doesn't yeah
he was wearing one for the rip Jay wha
remember to lift with your back on a
twisting motion right it's not you're
supposed to do yeah that's what they say
when do I listen to that now
okay don't worry Joe I got it
you're sure yeah don't hurt yourself I'm
using my leg can't get it up with my
arms I can go so many ways with that one
Atta he weighs $50 SEK Swedish Krona I
guess Carbonite review when smiley face
tell Roman to send his stuff over to me
he um he told me Roman just recently
said they're sending some carbonado over
so if that's true it should get here
from Germany maybe this week was that
the little sheets yeah didn't answer
their the some yes see ya
and the first one he gave us it got a
little bit of a tear in it from us
handling it on camera so much so I don't
really want to use it the tasks because
it's kind of damaged you know it's like
a thin sheet so you're not really meant
to mess with a bunch so I'm waiting on
that to come in but yeah we're waiting
on him
Douglas Robinson I'll read the normal
chats in a second will it go
Douglas Robinson to dot put up a timer
for the next super cherry I can't
predict that well sorry but I got you
worried thank you for the support
much appreciated that'll pay for part of
the liquid nitrogen lyric $10 will we
perhaps get an extra lawn mod mat style
mousepad something like keyboard mouse
breakdown to be cool I yeah so it is in
our plans it's something we've been
minions work on more for a while now so
we'll eventually get to that for sure
all right let's take a break on those
what do you have over here 1848 is that
I think is on the high side
okay I'll load up the nice defaults so
it's okay it might be a just a little
bit it's an eye higher it's higher than
we did before
yeah let me just make sure that it
actually well you've got um yeah we're
also super cold it's not super cold but
minus ten colder than you would have if
you're running it actually stuck for
sure yeah yeah what's happened is it's
boosting yes XFR although this is an all
core we load but I just put a load
optimize the folks okay
that's basically with you but it's at
minus ten degrees yeah so obviously
you're gonna you're sub-zero also
there's some variants are under on the
Cinebench to like oh yeah that's a big
variance though you could tell by its
boostin yeah so about forty to forty
right now yeah and I was at for a gig so
mine should actually be lower yeah this
one's technically higher under all core
so there's xfr I don't know let's hit
hit run on that I'm a CPU bench I forget
what the ball court turbo is okay yep so
it's like 140 mega Hertz higher all core
Wow assuming that's reading all core
accurately so that makes sense yeah
anyway baseline is 1840s points 1848
1839 my brother what's first overclock
setting gonna be um well I gotta go I'm
gonna get cold okay so what I'm gonna do
is set my reset my profile again yes it
went down
that's because cpu-z is open so what do
we do is it just reboot and then go back
on the BIOS yeah I usually unplugged SSD
cuz that way it will go right into the
BIOS instead of me having to go yes and
potentially messing it yeah what should
that also gets frustrating when you've
got a cold Allen teapot on there yeah
when you're really cold that's like
biggest pain in the butt because if you
don't if you miss it and then it goes in
you can mess something up right
especially when you start pushing memory
timings and stuff because with memory it
you can actually mess up your operating
forgetting tenez talking trash right now
he always talks trash what else is doing
uh chicken clocking he says 40 minutes
in life and still only - NC well let's
bring it up then okay let's let's get it
movin let's go to shut ten hop that's
pretty easy to do ten by the way if
anyone wants to see who we're talking
about ten is in our in our lab tour with
kingpin that was actually really good
video he talked to his section of the
lab is pretty cool build Zords in chat
builder it says AC occasionally does
liquid helium benchmarking for very
short benchmarks I think is talking to
some of the other people in chat
all right so I guess how's how's it feel
joy you got pressure yeah you have ten
in there judging yeah it's a different
from normal air well he does that all
the time you know many cars he's fixed
for me that I broke all right so he he's
the one that can actually bust my you
know what as much as he was because he's
fixed a lot of stuff for me too he loves
to fix stuff for me I want to know what
I used to break it all the time of it
what do you know normally breaks there's
that Alton so I break everything by what
on the card do you know I like to be
blowing up a VRML okay stuff like that
yeah I'm getting shorts cuz I knew
something stupid all right you know all
there's not paying attention or slacking
really hard all right so let's pull down
-25 try to keep this set up what voltage
are you at right now
oh I think 145 okay I'm just doing this
I want this system running what I'm
bringing it down yeah
not everything it gets cold and I should
mention that too so yesterday we were
talking about when you were pre testing
the cards on air and how you were
running I might like one point four or
three or something yeah this is about
1:45 yes and then uh load line of three
and that's just for figuring out how
well the CP is due before committing to
liquid nitrogen yeah so just you know
general safety no don't like reboot your
home system and set it to one point four
three volts if you don't have any
serious cooling on it and also for
long-term use it's probably not very
good for the chip yeah I could do grade
but so be careful with the you know be
careful with copy and the numbers you
see today I guess yeah I always take it
with a grain of salt
I mean we're that much lower
temperatures but yeah it's good just
kind of good to iterate stuff - yeah
disclaimer right yeah see - fifty
let's see oh it's chats and don't drink
the nitrogen by mistake
I'm phone's down in a couple times cuz I
like to either have like a little bit of
whiskey or like a beer or something and
like there's a couple times where I'll
be like yeah anybody see that I know
okay here's a question for you
vexed in the normal chat says does Ellen
team conduct electricity what would
happen if you poured it on the
motherboard um to be honest not much it
depends like there's certain components
that might not like it so probably it
could shut off potentially a if it is an
honor is it off I guess let's do the
basics first is uh Joe in the beginning
of the stream did wrap paper towels
around everything so that's step one
step two is there's actually even if we
took all this off you've still got a
pretty thick layer of Vaseline on the
board yeah
and that's also to prevent it from
making direct contact well it's really
to prevent the water that drips off the
sides for making direct contact with the
board it's also to make sure it like it
tries to soak up any water because
everything gets cold so yeah technically
the board is getting cold
but you don't want any condensation to
build up and start pulling so here's
otherwise I think it will cause shorts
that's actually why we have this fan
here too because yesterday without the
fan here it was just you know it just
kind of plumes up over the top and as
all of this Ellen to remnant falls down
onto the memory yeah we were getting the
memory we were basically frozen they
looked really cool but and they looked
functionality yeah but it did it there's
actually a photo on our community
YouTube community page where you can see
some of the like the BRM heat sinks are
all frozen over yeah so anyway yeah we
always need that freezing pick it looks
cool but it's also dangerous at the same
time you can kill components especially
as it turns to water primarily yes sir I
see you okay that's good it does not
conduct electricity though it will also
evaporate basically instantly I mean
like you'd have to soak the board and
even if you soak the board it's not
going to kill it
motor like
if it's on it could cause issues certain
components might not like it but I
highly doubt it would kill it ready
Andrew free fresh shot sup further back
back here okay I'm just gonna spill some
on the floor you can see like how
quickly it evaporates so it's gone I
mean that's that's how fast it is like
you can kind of get it out of the the
carpet for a second but right there
right here do one more so how about like
right here is that good so yeah there's
there's your demo looks cool but it's
not like it's water it doesn't it
doesn't cool there it just goes away
right away and I guess if you kind of
think like it's you know minus 196
degrees Celsius room temperature is like
21 so it's gonna evaporate pretty
alright so we're actually much better
now - 110 I'm just gonna keep pulling
down go fully cold what's our baseline
both yeah what's our target temperature
do you know what that trip will handle
yeah full bar okay
so minus 190 whatever yeah minus 196
yeah we're at 155 volts with one two on
the SOC and then just 180 on do you RAM
I'm not pushing Ram at the moment
we're gonna see how how high we can go
the ratio is at forty right set up to
about five B okay yeah tens gonna make
more fun of you if you if you don't go
faster funny part is like when's the
last time he benched me AMD well he
works out EVGA I know that's the major
question yeah that's right Tim I should
get a we should get 10 out here
tenure you're welcome to fly out if you
ever make it over here maybe you're in
California from Taiwan anyway get-get
Jake with the bookie a flight over here
we'll do a stream together he'll be fun
you should come over builds I'd to also
welcome us of course it
all right so enrollment last time we
were on the stream room and said he
wanted to come out here because he was
talking trash - there you go he's talk
strat and then I said I told him you
know why don't you come out here and and
then you can still beat me but at least
it'll be a person be on our stream what
happened he didn't do it exactly she
just saying all right we're in about
minus 130 so I did a run at 5:00 gig so
if you wanted the score is 22 okay let
me take a note of that then so 22:78
that's at 5g and then you had the
original ones at 4 gigahertz and then we
had one that's full stop okay so then
let's do a quick percent increase here
22:78 new score versus eight eighteen
forty-eight for the sock this is about a
twenty three percent improvement no and
there's some tweaks and stuff that you
could do that make it better but we
didn't really do that during the first
one so we're not tweaking we just want
to see exactly kind of what a default
one who do
that's pretty one-to-one actually it's
roughly the same percent improvement
recent clock speed to sport increase
Cinebench scales really cleanly now the
one thing that's interesting on Windows
10 so apparently if you be clock it
changes the time right mm-hmm
so we can't really do any B clock
changes okay which is kind of weird but
well I'm the Intel you're used to doing
B clock to gain an advantage yeah we end
up getting a timer skew okay I'm not
sure if it happens on Windows 7 but yes
Windows 10 it definitely happens so
think question is a builds words in chat
builds or do you know of a way around
that around the timer skew issue well it
was supposed to be either synchronous or
or a synchronous tonight it happens at
both okay with the synchronous mode it
basically it's way worse than regular
okay so
he by the way builds I was just talking
with chat he said he said he had it he
went all the way to 1 point 8 5 volts on
that's 2700 X I think it's just
answering questions about yeah edge but
and then 10 says I think we might do
something in the summer I think he's
referring to Evy Gia's birthday coming
up in July looks like I remember xx
there's not that 18 yeah they're located
in Kelly like everybody out there yeah
builds or it says Windows 7 is safe no
I'm gonna test that I've seen Windows 7
when people say well Windows 7 is fine
for the time right hmm we're on win time
yeah we're out my den so let me get a
couple of the store reads and and super
chat so let's see the store stuff first
I'm just gonna read a couple of these
orders I can't get them all but Andrew
from Michigan picked up the mousepad
thank you and you're picking that up
I've also got an Andrew behind the
camera who deserve some credit for
dealing with us for it will be three
days by them's not as easy as you think
there's not easy
we have Johan from Sweden picking up the
mouse pad as well thank you Johan we
have a Samuel from Spain picking up a
mousepad let me get a couple more here
and then Stefan from Germany man they're
all over the world that's pretty cool
that's awesome guys thank you for tuning
in from everywhere and then we've got
one more all right here we have a BA
from the Netherlands also got a mousepad
thank you so like I said if you buy
knives are in the stream we will assign
them at the end of the stream today and
get them shipped out to you as soon as
we can't do it brought in a couple big
boxes of them so we've got them all here
and then super chats see
we have I got lurk Joe $0.99 no message
thank you Joe
unexpected at 1441 is that sorry ha ha
ha ok help myself in that I hunt expect
it at 1440p 20 euros Thank You mr. odden
seems interested for LTX just got home
from work in time for the line of shame
yeah what was my invite I don't know
July is kind of a tough month for me
anyway you see after competition I I
would like to I was telling - that I'd
like to get some kind of overclockers
after they'd like liquid nitrogen
Booton cuz that's it's always a cool
show yeah it's always great for show
yeah everybody seems to like seeing all
the liquid nitrogen flowing by yeah like
to talk about it not really something
you can work with every day yeah it's
gotten though 4500 people watching by
the way handsome rude what's up guys
bill joy says Steve forgot to close the
clap the cap on the door it's not a big
deal replying to someone else no no pic
wow it's because people are spamming
chat saying close the lid yeah so they
those people saying that probably
remembers the last time when I was like
so last time big difference from this
time last time Joe and I by the time we
started the stream we had spent the
whole day prior doing Alan taper have we
the problem was the tank we got from the
company that delivers the tanks was
leaking and I don't know if you'll be
able to hear this but I'm gonna move my
mic over here and hear that so that's
kind of the sound of the week it's it's
louder than person obviously but they
are supposed to leak to an extent we one
sec we talked about this in the video we
put up this morning they are supposed to
leak to an extent so it doesn't explode
yeah you don't want to but but it's not
supposed to leak like constantly
especially high volumes because this
tank is actually damaged it's got dents
all over any small movement will like
rock the inner chamber yeah you can hear
it as soon as you just moving it just a
little bit and make that in faint noise
yeah and so last time we had a similar
tank except it actually arrived like at
least 30% like was gone yeah aren't even
got off the truck to us
and so the reason I was so serious about
closing the lid last time is cuz all we
had was the authority leaders I mean
trying to conserve as much of liquid
nitrogen as we can because we were
basically on a losing battle with
keeping it yeah but this time we have
one full tank over there which we'll
probably use for the kingpin card
tomorrow and whatever's left in this one
over here so we're not as concerned this
time the last time it was like if we
don't if we don't stop doing prep now
we're not even gonna have a stream yeah
so it was pretty serious last time yeah
wasn't fun for me and they only deliver
this company only delivers on Thursday
so he wouldn't have been able to get
all right so we're pretty much full hot
now nice make sure it's running all good
well that burned a little bit I had my
hand to touch enough the exposed metal
part of the handle and always if you
ever seen the other ones I had a couple
of these that I had they're like little
metal handle on them they'll burn you
all the time like oh grandma but uh yeah
so we have the actual we have the
kingpin cooling heater under here too so
that way would like we can bench longer
so we can live stream you bench because
it's the when we're at and pretty much
minus 196 the whole setup will get quite
cold and yeah basically useless after a
little bit yeah that's what's keeping
our system pretty much alive right now
so someone I was roaming in here where's
Roman someone said their powers in here
too there is a saw a message from Roman
Roman what are you gonna come out here
no he said just joining them to see Joe
Bell right lovey Roman he's really a
nice guy when he wants to be he thinks
oh he thinks he is he thinks he's just
wait till I see you at Computex buddy
yeah well no he's good at something cuz
it's taken I'm like 3 months to ship me
a package so oh that's normal come on
and I'm trying to review your stuff man
gonna carbonite that's right so and
you're invited out here still but we
might visit you at a visit you at
caseking or something that's a cool
place actually oh yeah um it's been a
while now I see every year in a half ago
no yeah about a year and a half ago yeah
it's a very cool place that's like
hardware heaven right there in Germany
yeah in Berlin mr. I'm not sure if they
have a bunch of other places but that's
definitely a cool place to go highly
recommended it will do it for sure next
maybe for around games town or something
you got Raven
Okin says do you accept donations other
than super chat not available in my
country really I didn't know that super
chat was limited by country what country
of them yeah what country is it I'm
curious and patriotic I just had to turn
on a u.s. proxy and halted it when it
requests to PayPal all right here that
about that we do I think a request
PayPal - we do have another way it's on
stored I can rataxes done that you can
scroll all the way down now I
I would rather you if you're like gonna
donate to us through the store we'll get
all the money so it's better technically
than other donation methods but we do
like super check this we can read your
messages but if you can't do super chat
the store does have a donate feature if
you're going that far I'd rather you
like buy a sticker or something that way
you get something in return
but hopefully that works for you I think
it if you get a mousepad cuz then we can
sign it yeah he could do that even
cooler do that for sure I will sign the
mousepads if you buy them during the
stream but if you're trying to donate
less than than that you're trying to
donate 5 bucks I think we have stickers
on there for on that price but ok I mean
let me see what Roman saying Rowan says
who shots fired
sorry that's what that's for sure did
you any expect anything less
come on now so we had someone asking are
we up 5 gigahertz yet and they oh we
were at 5 already yeah yeah I mean we're
pretty much ready to run so let's let's
run some more what's what's your next
well what's cool so since in Windows 10
I can't do any V clock what's really
kind of interesting about AMD is that we
can actually go up in quarter clause yes
so instead of like just 50 we can go up
to 50 25 so we'll just go out well we'll
do what Tim calls checking clocking
which he which he's really good at by
the way Computex all the time is that
because he's afraid afraid to commit to
a big overclock I think so yeah yeah I
think it's just too much for me I don't
know if he can handle it yeah yeah it's
really unfortunate you know he's more of
an engineer not really so scared yeah 10
is a maximum engineer that if you have
like I said earlier if you haven't seen
it check out our lab for
because he's got some really cool stuff
in that lab it's like have you ever been
to their lab recently it's expanded I
don't think the new one I've been to a
woman I think the old one a couple years
ago maybe yeah so the it was expanded a
little this time when we went versus a
couple whenever we went a couple years
ago and tins got his own section of the
lab that's like loaded with all the
scopes and all that stuff and then
kingpins got his overclocking coroner
which one you're eating yeah I was just
the one Joe you want more pours Ellen to
motherboard groans in pain and pleasure
sorry that one up awesome
x times 10:10 says too old for
overclocking now yeah yeah yeah too old
for overclocking let's all that great
Harry's gonna strum all the overclocking
probably one cause that is true yeah I
have like a little patch somewhere I
think like right around here and that's
from overclocking with Tim all right so
50:25 we're gonna go up we'll just do
some chicken clucking okay well kind of
one by one 22 you're at 2288 450 25 55
288 okay got it
so then now we're gonna do 5050 married
super chat over here if I already go all
the way to the top then we wouldn't have
anything there live stream come on guys
yeah we go well also we're gonna run
into issues at some point anyway natural
nor a Rivera $2 Thank You nori says
shout out to my bestie from Tampa who
was it oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah buddy
he asked me if he could be my best
friend in the air and I was like sure
takes I've been trying for a while now
you know my best friend Wow Dan okay
thank you
I think Andrew burger boy is Andrew here
behind the camera
Corey Schroeder 999 I found on my
personal 2,700 axe the overclocking past
for 20 gigahertz on a crosshairs 6
extreme was identical to my crosshair 7
hero no difference for me with manual Oh
see ya on the 2700 X once you find that
limit it's pretty much the limit you get
kind of stuck yeah you kind of get stuck
I've noticed it like on the two chips I
tested one did for three and it wasn't
going anyway above that and then when I
tested your chip on there too and yours
was like locked on for one yes i man
that gold edition' ship was yeah I don't
have a gold sample by buying the other
board I don't think it's gonna gain you
too much because even with the vrm I
noticed on on this one that if you have
the LLC set that three I think five is
the top it liked it more than I like
five hmm
so having a V remember I don't think
it's gonna gain too much unless you're
on liquid I program so on the air water
I don't think it's gonna buy you too
much unless it well for memory clocking
it will yeah you get other features of
course but yeah definitely you you will
be limited by the CPU that's so much
true with Intel as well you can buy
better and better boards but if your CPU
soft something yeah it's more about
cooling on when it comes to the CPU yeah
you can't just make the CPU better yeah
you might be able to like on mine when I
was at 4.1 at whatever insane voltage it
was I could have gotten a little higher
if I drove the temperature down which I
could have done with like a bigger
radiator maybe an open-loop but the
thing is with it's just good for me is
to be honest on Intel you can actually
gain from the vrm the number one will
run cooler but you couldn't gain a
little bit of percentage just by the LLC
because if you set up a higher LLC it's
gonna push a little bit more on the v RM
and you might be able to get a little
bit more other chip than you would on it
on a cheaper board right but it's not
gonna be anything much maybe like maybe
50 to 100 mega Hertz yeah don't expect
like you know don't hurt you know yeah
don't expect that going from like a $500
board to a $600 board is gonna make her
break and I see on a bad chip or
something did you uh mark the score for
do that 5050 what is it
22 98 22 98 okay so we're getting like
10 actually it's exactly 10
each time so consistent 5 gigahertz was
22:78 50 25 was 2288 50 50 was 22 98 and
then for those who are just tuning in
stock originally with no modifications
other than cold which is a mod but yeah
the mod but there was a 1848 for that
one so we're over 20% increase at this
point that is true what um are you doing
anything special with your OS and have
you stripped down obviously we're not
connected to internet so that's this one
is not really stripped down I kind of
wanted more just for kind of what an
average person would get usually with
like when we bench and I'll strip out
everything but what kind of usability is
that so yeah like although you get rid
of the services for yeah this one is
kind of like I would say just optimized
more than anything I mean there's not
much to it so you know windows version
you're on that's a good question 18
though or something there's a system
this is 1809 1809 okay and we are on a
2700 x one of Joe's samples we read a
couple of these we got a let's see it
chair chair it on the tech thanks for
great content quick question can you
expect better overclocking with a 4790k
on a higher-end board like a Maximus
hero versus something like a PCI mate I
don't really remember those the board's
facts on those from the 4790 era but
less 790 but that was basically uh z97 I
think so yeah so z97 the better boards
were I mean I would expect better clock
so I mean it would it's the same thing
versus I mean it's a long time ago yeah
they're 40 I don't let's say let's
modernize the question it's similar to
the last one
so we modernize the question if you buy
like $120 like cheapest to z3 90 board
you can get today versus no no maybe
like $200 one there does start to be an
appreciable difference in the VRI yeah
but I think if you don't go anything z97
in the first place then you can
overclock right oh I'm talking I like Z
modern like z3 92 okay
yeah well you're gonna have
I mean the CPU you could probably get up
there but you're gonna have to use a lot
more volts on the cheaper board if it's
gonna run hot yeah it's gonna run hot
and it's probably not gonna be over a
probably won't last as long to be on
yeah yeah capacitor lifespan is on some
of those and younggren definitely not
gonna gain memory performance either and
memory is is a big deal actually oh yeah
big time
yeah and builds I'd he's been in chat as
actually hardcore overclocking builds
Wade has done he did is he 390 round up
for us if he did want to look at the
modern version of that questions is I
don't remember his e97 with that well so
I think he's guys eat 390 on our channel
from like Christmastime December you can
check that out
he's got a great roundup of like actual
overclocking differences between them
I'm gonna do one more question here lamb
or Lomb Pilon 25 thank you no message
Joshua Bell $2 just curious do you guys
do local pickup on merch no we do not
the distribution center is is here but
we would still ship it out though
Adam Schumann's senior $5 seen you
before thank you for coming back why
does rise and not OC well as well as
Intel well you got to figure Intel if
you have what nothing
you have the 9900 K before that you had
the 8700 K before that you had the 7700
game yeah or that you had the 67th game
yeah really oh they're all immolating
yeah they're all really the same so if
they're not getting better over a period
of time like they're doing something
wrong but they have been introducing the
maturity level on their process is just
really really really good
AMD came out with Rison and what that's
a 2nd gen over Aizen is that like really
this is kind of more about so yeah so
what we're on is like like we might a
man do you know it yeah it's like 1.5 so
then there it's kind of confusing
because there's rising and then the
number and the others N and then the
number they're not the same yeah so like
it is n 2 is what's coming out of
Computex but then there's I feel like it
was n plot rising plaza and plus
something like that but it's we're on
the middle step yeah that wasn't so the
maturity level hasn't been
that no it's only been out it hasn't
been that long two years dad you gotta
figure when did the 6700 case like a
long time it feels like let's see I was
doing events would Intel for the 7,700
day and you had 8700 kids June 2015
yeah so you're talking about four years
ago yeah so Rosen's only hasn't been out
that long so that's why I like when the
newest rising comes out it's most likely
gonna be better so the more and more you
let it go and they the more as more as
they optimize the process that's when
things are gonna get better and also
Intel does they're a bit more
conservative on their clocks for a few
reasons but AMD pushes there's pretty
close to the limit already what you can
look at two ways like one it's actually
really good for the end user because you
don't really have to do any work to get
the maximum performance you can of the
chip you do a little bit but the other
way is there's not a ton of overclocking
Headroom unless you start going really
cold yeah and we are at currently 50 75
so five five gigahertz drivers 23:08
through literally ten points yeah that's
probably the most stable archive do you
have everything that is actually really
impressive yeah so consistently ten
point increases with 0.25 yeah so let's
go up again five one so at five point
one gigahertz off core what let's talk
about the voltage is a bit so where are
you set right now for the core the core
I think is one six okay to be honest I
was benching a lot and one five five to
like one six was pretty good like I mean
after that it seems like if you would
need any more voltage and your kana at
max clocks you have to pump it to like
one eight nine eight five and that
that's basically loss of scale so it's
probably not benefiting you much maybe
on some we had that one ship I don't
know if it was this one but we had one
where you were good like all the way up
to 50 400 or something like one point
five five or one point six and then
after that it was like yeah that's when
it stopped scaling so like if you have
little increments of voltage up from
your clocks that that's kind of like we
judge this scale right now if you go
from like say five one two five two and
you need like a huge jump
that means it's problem oh s--- likely
not gonna do
right so I call it loss of scale alright
so we actually broke our consistency and
we're at 23 2150 okay 51:23 21 and we
got a question in the normal chat the
vet says is the IHS lab not on this one
no I didn't have time to be honest I
think it would benefit we should try it
sometime not now I think I don't want to
sound the CPU for the what we could for
yeah we did the problem with AMD CPU is
that the like the pins on the back yeah
makes older it makes it very difficult
to be able to handle it but I I laugh
every chip that I have usually usually
enough so I'd probably take this chip
and laughing I want to laugh this one
yeah the gold edition with the signature
on it maybe we should do that you got a
flat surface
you got any glass we can definitely find
one we're usually what I do we need is a
tape like so you take those sandpaper
sheets you duct tape them and then just
go in a figure eight
yeah and just keep doing it like Vince
is spinning discs yeah that's cheating
he also has a ten - which is not fair
that's him real men do with their own
modding yeah and then it's just you just
tend to do his money I was like but no
well yeah of course yeah you seem to
like given mister dunsky some crap
always it's my job so he got see oh no I
went away he goes from nori there was
Ryan nori Rivera $10 some mountain dew
baja blast funds thank you for the $10 I
think Jones Pauling to use it for Red
Bull funds through after today and then
shoutout to you Richie c77 dear Steve
please encourage Joe to make more videos
we didn't agree that was coming up we
need more Florida boys on the interwebs
definitely coming I think you should
just rear and your channels
Florida man Florida man no real Florida
oh yeah Florida man overclocks our eyes
I don't know that may have issues with
Agnello there I think they're supposed
to be a show like that yeah so there
might be like it stated there'll be food
I'll be slacking too much the trying to
see them back
all right 50 125 is 23:36 okay 51 so
five you notice the this trailing scores
going up 23:36 okay yes you are correct
so from five one interesting so that's
trife could go up a little more
Scotty $5 hi I'm currently running and a
TD 600k at 5.2 gigahertz it's not bad on
an ek constant water cooling loop at one
point four five volts
well this hurt the CPU over time so 1.45
I don't know it's hard just it's hard to
really say I mean I've run I've run the
same and never had an issue and then
others have and but you never know
there's so many variable there's other
voltages don't know what voltage is
you're setting you don't know what VRM
you're using compared to another so
there's a lot of variables to justify it
I would say I would be fine most likely
I think the biggest points of concern
are going to be things like on AMD you
have to be really careful with SOC
voltage so where are you right down at
one point two one two one two one two
should be good um even on that air for
benching I wouldn't say daily you try
with daily I would try to keep all the
men or all the voltages down low memory
is kind of finicky um yeah so there's a
lot of times I have to hit the retry
button so to get even to go depending on
the chip some chip chips will go fine
other chips might not boot every single
time yeah they hit the retry button a
couple times so so yeah be careful of
that so see on AMD IO and si on Intel
you have to be careful with those too
careful with those and it's funny too
but some chips will actually go really
high and some chips won't go that I so
light and a lot of the time what you'll
see with those types of voltages is
degradation of like the IMC over time
for example so on Intel so you might not
even know that you're causing damage to
it I told maybe six months or a year
you can't hold this
clocks anymore you have to be careful on
some boards because even if you said
Auto depending on what memory you said
it will actually automatically overclock
your i/o and arrow say well we've had a
revolt them yeah we've had some old
boards actually where auto they would
set V Corps like full 100% Auto is that
beat course like one point four yeah
which is like and I remember testing
that board and it could hold the same
clocks at like one point one eight to
one point two
yeah and they're all so you had all
these people saying like Intel this I
think there's a Sony semadar K is so hot
but actually it was the motherboard like
blasting the voltage under Auto yeah a
lot of times you I mean Auto is kind of
nice though sometimes can you kind of
get an idea but then you could go
anytime you do Auto I would say said to
start with Auto find out what it is and
then back off and see if you can get
away with the same value yeah that's
usually what I like doing that's a yeah
that way you're not trying to pump a lot
of voltage that you just don't eat right
so you try to go with the least amount
did I tell you this one Oh
5150 5150 I think I got that what is the
spore 2330 thick okay yeah I got that
okay so let's go we can fill a store up
I think pretty soon have you gone
through yeah it's halfway
there's chicken clucking so that term 51
75 what's our score gonna be 23:53
23:53 okay pretty interesting
once we hit a certain o'clock that were
kind of doubling the score now what was
51 50 was twenty three thirty three
twenty three thirty six I already cut
that was our 5125 score as well unless I
recorded it incorrectly and then 51 75
was 23:53 okay let's uh let me go
through some of the parts over here on
the bench so stuff we have I guess we'll
do the bench components first video card
is just a 1050
yeah it's we're not really worried about
the video cards and we're actually in is
it Jen Hwan PCI yeah all Jim one so AMD
has issues with anything that's higher
than I think Jen - I think Jen 3 is the
problem so you won't be able to go full
code full cold meaning you won't be able
to go to minus 196 you're probably only
go to be able to be able to go to minus
130 so yeah we're and we need that to be
able to get the highest score possible
we need that cold scale
yeah and we're just only focusing on CPU
today anyway so if you missed it earlier
Allen teapot this is a kingpin t-rex and
if you did want to get into this stuff
he sells these on kingpin : calm him and
then the memory you've got tried NZ
Royals yeah thanks the the 4k bin so I
think the CL 17 yeah what are you
running that out again 3,600 3,600 but
this is AMD obviously do you know what
your timings are see how I feel actually
bring them up there so bring up the
timings for you all the motherboard is
across here seven I bought this for Joe
actually you're having trouble get
anyone from ACS in a timely fashion and
then the power supply is 1600 watt chip
off your timings yeah so we're basically
doing 12 12 12 24 or 51 1t okay cool so
there's a base the which is pretty good
it's I would say an average with our 15
you don't really need to
me too hard sometimes it doesn't like it
and go have a negative effect I was
trying to see if we could maybe show a
shot in the Ellen teapot of the liquid
nitrogen it might be kind of cool coming
out dark you can get a get a light in
there and then I'll do it after you fill
it next time your meter turned off yeah
that's good
yeah there's no much in there yeah and
just hit the button otherwise I forget
to leave it on and yeah every day so so
let's did I do the 50 to run 2050 yeah
we got that
oh yeah that was 52 also no no no no I
don't think I really didn't run it yeah
I think I said it and then that's
probably what we did with the other one
yeah and I would like to next time we
fill that Ellen teapot warned me and
we'll get a camera shot down on it so
people can see code up now I'm Owen
let's give Andrew a second to come over
here okay can you how close can you roll
in should always roll on the rails I
guess but it might be a little bit much
you can't really get over it give us one
second guys we're gonna try and get you
a shot into the onto pot okay hold this
got him so I'm just holding the receiver
is for the Hobby right now and who's
gonna try and look the camera pan we're
gonna try and not lose audio what's that
okay ready so can we pass me that
can you see that okay Andrew you need a
better light
okay so here's an Allen - poor sorry for
the shake and just holding it over his
and you can see it starts burning off
pretty quickly so actually alone let me
run this to cuz then you could see it
actually burned it's the only thing
burning right now is Andrews arms that's
difficult that's right we'll give them a
burger later okay that's good shot yeah
there you go
so you can see that Ellen tears like
boiling in there literally well alright
boiling shots are was good yes looks
pretty cool hey we're gonna remount the
camera just one second hold that for me
okay just come on this side of the rails
are behind it okay I'll hold it there
got it thank you I'll get this one
so that's the Alan teapot where you can
see it boiling off thank you and other
stuff we use so other than the bench
components there's a torch someone asked
earlier about this question was why do
you use the torch for you want to take
that one
yeah well it's basically since we're
going really cold there's a lot of the
time depending on what you bench you
need to heat up so the easiest way to
heat up I mean you could use like a
hairdryer or a heat gun but the
preferred method is to actually use a
torch so that's what we use to heat it
up because it will heat it up rather
quickly so if we used it a lot yesterday
yeah and so you had two things you were
doing yesterday we can shop more
equipment here
when so I guess one of the problems we
ran into was some of that frost on the
ellentube containers over here the
Stanley Cups over here would over time
just kind of fall into the pot and then
you end up pouring water into the pot
and then heating up and it also
basically turns the water yeah it
happens eventually in every pot after a
period of time so yeah and so Joe had a
setup where you were taking this
cardboard box and called that hot box
usually yeah usually what I do is I put
it on so when the system is done you
obviously you see there's a lot of
condensation that's building up on the
side and it's icing up
well when everything's done we need to
get rid of that so one of the ways I do
is I call this the hot box I'll put a
cardboard box on the top and I'll take a
hairdryer on it and I'll just sit it and
let it run for about 10 minutes and
it'll basically heat up the whole system
it's kind of like putting it in the oven
in the way right and taking these steps
to I'll help make sure you don't kill
components yeah that's that's the trick
what I mean you don't want to keep water
on the components so we're stressing
them enough so you want to try to keep
your components alive as possible yeah
insulation is a big thing to do for that
and instead of a hair a hair dryer we're
just using a heat gun yesterday and Joe
would basically stick that right in
there went through the cargo box and
heat it up yeah you just got to be
careful like I wouldn't want to do it
now because I don't want to create more
water in there
right we're trying to keep it alive as
long as possible to show you guys as
much as possible so you're currently out
50 to 50 so 5.25 gigahertz and is it
what is the score I think that's the
news for 50 to 50 2380 2386 scaling has
it's so weird to go up a quarter clock
like usually I'm on in so I'm going up
beat block a little bit right I'm so
it's kind of weird to do it with the CPU
Ike 44 DKK $25 thank you very much no
message that joj 130 3.7 are you be not
sure what are you Diaz that's right
are you being currency Russian rubles
thank you I'm cool and yeah your is all
over the world unrelated question
rampage for extreme or rampage for a
black edition I actually have that
Porter Black Edition is cool yeah I go
for the Black Edition yeah we have that
one he says he's gonna overclock a Xeon
e5 1680 b2 I've actually done that I had
one that was like six Giga think that
same Xeon I came rampage 4x 79 yes yeah
yeah I did I had this I actually still
have that more in the Black Edition one
the Black Edition is the better one and
yeah that the one he's doing that 60 80
b2 is like a better Bend I forget what
that chip was there was two two chips
that they had that were one was a K
version or whatever in the end was a
text version 59 60 no that's 4790k they
had I think no no that's that's a 97 no
there's like a fucking small platform
49 with a bigger platform and I remember
it was six core a core but that's a
that's a fun one the bench there is a
4960 act maybe that's what I'm thinking
of that might be at the 49 60 X that's
the one that's the Extreme Edition
yeah yeah we had the 49 60 X so that
chip is basically the same version of
that okay I think if it's the one I
think it is because it's the Xeon one
it's the it's been a while but yeah
those chips are really good to be honest
with the best chip I had on there was
the Xeon version
eirick are $2.00 thank you Tech Jesus
came back huh Stein's designed to detect
Jesus will never die I think this is
back when I said I came back when you
said I've never died
we're on a one hour later you come back
let me let me read through a bunch of
these to catch up on super chats and
then we'll keep going so Kyle needs two
dollars thank you Steve will you try
liquid concrete overclocking I think
that is maybe a reference to Linus his
video his April Fool's video it was
actually so well done that a lot of
people didn't know was an April Fool's
joke really a - yeah - filled a liquid
cooler filled a liquid cooling loop with
I think it was cement like you know the
liquid form really yeah and this whole
joke like look it has higher thermal
conductivity than water and all we have
to do is keep it liquid and then it'll
be really good Wow and of course the
joke is they'll even come back and the
loop has turned into concrete yes Zack
d5 dies what's the best way to go about
getting an Allen to set up that's
probably I can take part of that
question because I just did it but let
me let me let you start that one so best
way to start onto overclocking to start
but well you got to get to obviously you
need an L on - but you need computer
components my recommendation is to go
with the older stuff it's all stuff less
bad if you kill it
yeah the thing is you it's not about if
you're gonna kill stuff it's about when
you're gonna do stuff so it's gonna hurt
the wah less if you go to certain older
components from the older components you
have to be kind of cautious because some
of the older components can actually be
worth more now than they were back then
right oh it's kind of hard to find
specifically which one you want is
Pokhran on eBay maybe yeah you got to
you got to be you got to look around for
deals I think eBay is a good
the problem with eBay too is sometimes
you get bad components right away yeah
you got to make sure like if you're
gonna buy components off eBay make sure
you test right away because a lot of the
times you can get bad stuff I know a lot
of guys have been hurt that way
yeah so but it's yeah just could go with
old stuff
as much as possible and whatever really
fits your budget and what you're not
scared to lose yeah I mean I've lost
some cards that are a lot yeah
especially when you're learning and it's
painful too and it can also be what do
you say
I don't know yo it could be a loss of
confidence discourage a dose of yeah I
mean it here's the thing everybody kills
stuff it doesn't matter who you are I
mean every one of us overclockers any of
the legends in overclocking basically
all I've killed stuff so that's how you
get there that's how you get you gotta
fail gotta you gotta learn somehow right
you learn by failing and then you
basically improve from it yeah
especially Roman he's like oh he's
failed a lot yeah he's really like
something's on him over here yeah I mean
in terms of experts by way of failing
opens like number one easily
he loved the fail epic fail hopefully
their barriers to lunch at psych and you
can hear that one now he's probably
failing at the chat to you probably yeah
so that answer other parts the question
for the heart like components you need
other than the PC parts I bought these
these are Stanley Cups I guess yeah
there were lost them 20 bucks each or
something yeah these ones are good ones
to it like I've actually been through a
lot of these and you want kind of what
these ones - they have another version
of this that basically has like a little
metal thing and the metal because your
hands going like this will always catch
on there and you'll get burns all the
time I used to get burns all the funds I
like these a lot
these are these are really nice the lip
isn't bad she just poured straight into
L&T but the only problem with these is
if you're bitching something like this
is full pot where you just kind of mmm
if there's something that you got to
pour quicker they need to buy little
ones and and you can go pretty much to
any just kind of like sort of target
even and get like small thermoses or
like Dino from Timo au which now works
for Intel okay but he has he used to use
like a little cup you need that little
thermos cups it's the same thing like
you drink coffee out of it right like
even the yetis and stuff you can use and
then the Dewar so
surprise the chats on freaking out
probably okay
doer because this is probably one of the
most important parts in terms of getting
some well yeah you need liquid nitrogen
and a lot of the times to like they
won't if you don't have this they're not
gonna just give you a liquid nitrogen
it's kind of like gasoline
if you don't even approve the container
you can't just pour it in anything I
mean you can but my heart yeah yes a
snake yeah you basically have the sneak
but with liquid nitrogen they're not
gonna give it to you unless you have one
of these yeah and most places don't even
rent them because they don't have them
so then you'd have to get something like
this and those are a lot harder to
transfer into something like this so
it's always good to I would say start
out with something like a thirty liter
yeah I mean you have you bought a brand
new one I bought a brand new thirty
liter which is what that is or six
hundred dollars you can buy used ones be
aware that use ones
Dewar's are also used in agriculture for
collecting samples that are used for
breeding animals yes so I think that's
the cleanest way for me yeah that is
definitely the cleanest so be aware of
that if you buy a used one
I mean cool you saves a lot of money
just to clean it out yeah awkward
otherwise if you can find a used one
that was used for Alan to buy an
awesome well actually all the ones that
I have I have three thirty liters and I
had a I've had a bunch of them and I
bought mine off icky bad I you got to
look for deals that's the kind of the
key if your if your budget is low then
if you can you can definitely find
something on ebay so yeah be my you
don't need to get these either so Joe
you were telling me when you would
overclock out of your apartment you
carry like three doers up the stairs
yeah so you yeah you just bring the doer
down to your local I'm air gas as a
common company that that sells liquid
nitrogen there are others
you bring the Dewar down to your local
on to seller and ask them to fill it up
and and that's how you can start
overclocking so 30 liters wouldn't cost
much 180 liters right there after I got
the discount because I think they
overcharged me by accident but it was
like 177 before taxes 480 litres so if
it was actually cheaper usually to get
the bigger tanks but
you also you can't be in a residential
area you have to be in a commercial area
there's a lot of stipulations so the
best thing is to get one of those really
yeah and then if you bring it there
they'll be like okay you know what
you're talking about and film I do it
and all right I'll do it yeah so yeah
and one final note on that to give you
an idea how long these last this for the
last stream we did it lasted the whole
four hours yeah if we were really
burning through a not talking it maybe
two to three but yeah like if you were
to not open up the cap and leave it
there it probably stay there for a
couple weeks right I have one at home
that I've I filled up a whole hell ago
would still add a little bit of gray
obviously it's gonna evaporate and
you're losing a certain amount of day
but it doesn't mean you're gonna lose
all of it yeah yeah that's a good
question so what are we actually yeah
once you're mark down cuz I think this
we're at 2397 so we're at five point two
seven five years to five point two seven
five gigahertz 2397 points it Cinebench
our original score was 1839 at four
gigahertz flat tweet this link I'm gonna
do some more super chats a minute what's
a tense an extreme overclocking is like
using a pump to feed cat with liquid
food non-stop on full speed that's what
ten said I think was my absolute
favorite thing about ten and I mean this
since really thin is when he leaves out
articles when he's talking you he leaves
that like the a or the uh uh it's just
like this is a this is a guy who's so
ahead of me that he has to drop words
interesting he's very smart he tends
Terry bohner
since fun to hang around with see we got
a there's definitely a slacker don't
Daisy oh yes who would you put us more
slack in bender tent I don't know
they're both flock I'm not sure who
would be a more slacker
well King Penn came from last time as
chat knows I don't know actually because
I haven't had my KP card yet so it's
been it's definitely King Finn he's
slacking can't even last time at
Computex xx of those seen with him on
Roebuck locker
he had chat
heard this before but kept saying she's
done ski Steve every time I mean she's
glam ski and he'd run around the other
side of tables and money he like wiped
some stuff off like he's working I'm
like polishing some high-end car or
something he comes back and he's like oh
I got her back she's back she's done ski
what's your score at 53 now no no I
didn't run
let's do 53 5.3 gigahertz on rising out
of 2700 X so we are running a special
mendelian yeah not even a specialist
from that special enough no no sir 1
gigahertz higher than what you were on
on air no but a heck of a lot colder yes
24:04 and what's the pot temperature
right now it's full black so minus 187
yeah but but it's kind of relative at
the location of the thermocouple I had
that same thing let's see Andrew
Slattery two dollars thanks for
continuing to put out great content well
thank you for supporting us with your
contribution that will pay for a portion
of the Ellen to you today Reverend arrow
$2 what CPU is it it is an hour 7 2700 X
if you're trying to do the 79 80 XE meme
it's not into hell you lose beardo 25
$2.00 wish you had a red and black
mousepad to match my rig well as always
we are open to feel making requests so
the black and blue one came into
existence because people kept requesting
on to make black and blue in addition to
the white and blue so yeah if we see a
lot of requests we'll make it but on
that note though if you buy a mousepad
during the stream today as stored on
cameras Nexus dot Annette you can go
there I've linked the mouse pads in the
description below to make it easy for
you you can pick up the black and blue
or the white and blue and then Joe and I
will be signing them after the stream so
we'll just do a special signature where
you can sign them on the top right that
way it's away from where your mouse is
if you want to use it and we might write
a couple of notes on some of them I
don't know we never do that
laughs what do we what was one of the
ones who wrote I think last time there
was so many funny ones we had so on the
time where like I'd sign it first and
write like he's a slacker and just like
point the arrow to where your signature
and then I'd write something back yeah
like it was Steve's phone that doesn't
happen on all of them but it might be on
a few yeah you didn't have it with
Steve's fault
yeah there's a bunch of ones we did I'm
trying to think of a good one cuz I know
we saw him on that's what you're covered
yeah there was some good ones people
were tweeting them out so you do buy a
mouse pad on store documents exit on it
will sign them today has to be doing the
stream that otherwise it won't be
let's see shades five-dollar shout-out
to the overclocked rug here's some
here's something to help out with some
of its cooling thank you
whoa I'm peeling 25 in summer us UDT p
dt u b st c EST not EST PST UTC +1 UTC
+2 hold on where they are upset that I
said est instead of EDT but here's okay
here's how I look at time all right
you can't win either way Kenny now we're
on the easy pretty but around the East
I said 1:00 p.m. Eastern
I don't care if it to ETS day oh great
there's a theoretical scenario that is
relevant well what I call just made my
day twist to the hardware $5.00 off
topic I'm getting Colonel power 41
errors more often I thinking it's the
chiefly made Asus hero 11 what do you
think or I'm 1,000 I did or no power
errors I'm not even sure what that error
is I don't really I think that's the one
word oh it's from a Event Viewer
completely shuts down restarts
unexpectedly I yeah that might be the
book that's probably the board obviously
I actually saw that on an older range
this board that would give me Colonel
power issues it was basically the board
maybe try updating BIOS or something
yeah maybe a BIOS update would probably
help it's kind of a weird one what we
really found a fix for it I just
basically replaced the board now in a
way it's a try BIOS update you can
always another good thing is to go
bare-bones eliminate all of your
overclock set memory back
yeah stock speeds and then see if it
still happens and if it does there's a
wider issue it might even be us but if
it's all good well its power so with the
power could be power supplies okay I
powered although you never know I mean
it's it's such a it's kind of a generic
error yeah so well I'd go bare bones and
start replacing components slowly if you
have extras and then when it goes away
you found the problem
yeah Donald's a coke friend 199 lived in
twist out of forty five-degree any call
relations when I was asking about I
don't lift the doer properly
left oh my god I'm a work out oh my if
my favorite names read it burns one
Internet Protocol it burns when I pee
two dollars says can't go one stream
without reading my name I think you've
gotten all of them so thank you for
being on top of Justin Clifton's either
terrible had any plans to join flow plan
I would love to see their no current
plans we're just I mean we're friendly
with LMG and of course with Luke but we
have no current plans to join a
floatplane Gabriel seaman $2.00 captain
overclocked rides again more Alan's here
yes there were actually some good
captain over talk art submissions I put
them in that hardware news video or I'll
back they're really good yeah yeah
Nuria Rivera $5 her Joe doesn't have to
worry about ventilation because he does
his altitude testing on a boat of a
sandbar near Tampa and Clearwater I
would love to do that actually
that actually pretty sweet problem is
power they can't have to have a
generator just run along cable bacteria
yeah good luck with that all the guys
have run boats and stuff through their
be cutting that cable up like crazy
let me do a couple more just to catch it
I don't I do a couple boat video I mean
I've done mountain biking videos that's
gonna be in the future it's you got to
do those vlogs man got to be a vlogger
when you're walking around with the
camera in front of you and you just
point out stuff pointed to you make a
lot of money doing that apparently I can
do that very well too
yeah let's uh
we're let's push this a little harder so
I've 5325 weather yeah but are we had a
score white squirrel eyes
let's go 24:04 okay so we were 24:15
okay see you're slacking now yeah that
was 5325 right yes
let's run and run another one fifty
three fifty so five point three five
gigahertz now
now we I'm surprised we haven't lost the
system yet actually it's not grumble
it's done pretty well well we also have
the heater the kingpin cooling heater
this is one of the benefits when you're
going really really cold and trying to
keep the system all alive we couldn't
have done that without the campaign cool
it yeah or the heater so the heater on
the back I was only at two points 24:17
okay let's do another one see if we can
start finding point of failure soon
someone asked what's the way for on the
toolbox in the back we actually don't
know it I bought it on eBay it was
unfortunately shattered because the
person packing it put it in a flat on
the left and on the posts carrier folded
it we thought that was a good idea both
of them are cool all right 75 fish for
your family 553 is five point three
seven five gigahertz and my for 33
points any future promo cards codes for
the large mod mat not immediately
planned I mean we're almost sold out
again so the what was that code - drop
tips code is still active I think from
that Linus how Linus detectives videos
are made you can use that if you want
10% off any order on the store with that
one let's see well now we're at five
four five point four gigahertz someone
says five four is the gate just the gate
come up thank you I'm guessing they mean
the limitation or the wall the wall five
point four gigahertz 2450 so we're still
going mm-hmm so I'll let you do another
one of those let me hit a couple of
shots reverend arrow $2 preferred beers
and whiskeys this question for you i
don't do i prefer beer and whiskey yes
yes so the question is which one do you
like and the answer is yes yes both it
depends on my mood usually I'll have
some beer
and then then I'll have whiskey and nine
really any particular order
Richard $35 what you just threw down the
gauntlet Roman did you hear that yeah
we're still waiting on Roman slacking
James five dollars Holly Springs
throwing some MC love thanks for
watching and we shout out to Holly
Springs I guess Eric Jackson five
dollars got a support if we want to keep
seeing these live streams yes it is
actually really expensive to do these
Joe is one in Florida yeah it's hard to
evacuate people from Florida they
actually don't want to let you leave
yeah I don't think I'm allowed is it
true that they have to in Florida when
you go to the airport they check all the
recent Florida man stories to make sure
you're not that one no but they should
let's see Jason do I thank you Alan to
your overclocking and ice cream making
it out here it's actually it I'll tell
line is though that's pretty good idea
it's actually quite fun to make ice
cream I have done it before yeah you saw
on TV for it yeah yeah
you just drag ice I've used regular ice
and then you can use liquid nitrogen too
nice uh oh my god let's see how far
behind are we I'm a curly at 2:00 p.m.
on super chats we don't have too many
but let me get a couple more and then
what are you at right now 4 o'clock 5425
5.45 gigahertz 24 52 points okay
and then tomorrow as a reminder we'll
have the kingpin card stream actually
I'll show that all into pots here so
we're gonna stream the KP card
which is this it might be a little
darker over here but sorry about that
and then the Ellen teapot is right here
so this is the new icon pot from kingpin
that'll go right there and we got to
coat it with Vaseline and do some
insulation on it yep the memory actually
doesn't need any any heat sinks or
anything like that attached to it it's
gonna be cold just from being so close
to the Ellen 2 and all the components
from the KP card right here on the table
so we have this member dish and we're
going to build it up for Alan to after
the stream today so that would be
tomorrow at 1 p.m. Eastern Time and you
can go to google and figure out what
time that is for you see right now I'm
gonna run 75 now Fitzer through 475 okay
so ever say five boards that are the
instantly crashes or something that'd be
funny if it did anybody we've been
running for a long time usually I don't
run this long yeah but it more fun
that's either way I should fill this
Dewar during the stream so people can
see what that process is we're really
not pouring nearly as much as last time
though because last time we're working
with a lot more power
I like components yeah 24 80 points
that's five point four seven five
gigahertz on horizon 2,700 X we use a
lot more tomorrow one - the kingpin
we all use because I'll be constant
boring like it's gonna be a higher
frequency of the outer part yeah
we're not higher higher frequency of
pouring and also a yeah a hotter chip -
much hotter chip see rows and all -
dollars how close to the rumor do you
think rising 3000 will be I don't know
what the current rumors are I think I've
seen people saying like 5 gigahertz
stock and I'm just gonna tell you that's
not happening right now so let me just
shatter that dream before your
expectations are too high that's not
happening I don't know what the other
rumors are though I think though I mean
I really don't know for sure but just to
see how these tips are now I would say a
good it will be a pretty decent
improvement that's what I'm expecting
I don't believe all the rumors and stuff
so kind of what that I never believed
the room I try not to even read them
yeah is the GN copper much dunsky so
currently we're out of stock with them
and not immediately manufacturing work
because we have a new product that's
coming out probably in the next week or
two and we just got in a huge order of
mod mats so the large and the medium are
on sort of contra Sykes has done that
and being a smaller manufacturer placing
two giant orders like that a basically
wipes out our product budget immediately
so until those sell through we're not
ordering any more stuff copper mugs
included did I get a 55 15.5 gigahertz
what do you know I didn't run you know
didn't run it so we're gonna run 5.5
they're pretty updater here don't worry
no they crash a crash first crash of the
stream so while you're do you do
anything special to get it back you just
reboot ginger boom and that torch
required no if you just do a reset so do
you still keep constant power it's
you're not gonna get a CBB which is a
cold boot bug so usually I can just hit
reset and it should bring the OS back
now if it failed it like when I did that
that means I'd have to do a retry which
would cut the power totally and then
we'd have to heat up in torch so I'm
gonna fill luckily you don't have to do
that much fill more of these we're
almost empty I'm a thirty liter
let's try I'm getting faster at pouring
Joe I'm getting it all over the floor
just like you hey proud of me just
copying your style you're movin on up in
a world just dump it on the floor right
okay you can see like the footprint
where I was just standing where is
let's see yeah we're at 2:7 try a little
bit more volt there you go
fresh ons here yeah I'm just about to
set see where we are last time so we
could be at that point where the setup
is just way too cold
so let's try let's see yeah
so we'll do 5475 again okay we didn't
have a successful 55 no not yet I made a
little changes for yesterday see if we
improved and we didn't it's done the
opposite pretty much so I'm gonna fill
this Dewar up let's get a or whenever
Angie's ready I guess we got a camera
shot of that because we haven't shown
that this time so let's see come on come
on come on keep going and keep going
keep going so I bumped up the voltage to
from 1/6 to 165
mm-hmm and we ran this for seems a
little bit about the flowers oh no no no
it's not 2485 versus 24 18 so we are at
five five you get on cable length let's
see how much we've gained from voltage
try a 55 25 now that longer cables
pretty nice that's awesome
alright so when I walk you're gonna get
chat up so hey make sure we're we're
going okay alright so we're gonna fill
the Dewar here it's not completely empty
but I just want to it's cool to see so
this is a transfer hose I paid like I
can is between 280 and 400 dollars for
this so these are pretty expensive you
hook them up to the Allen T tank and
then Joe's advice is hold it when you
first start yeah so that it doesn't fly
yeah and if you've been filling them up
a lot this is gonna get cold so you
don't want to grab it yeah I wrap
something around that we use cardboard
or whatever but when you're initially
haven't done it for a while you could
just use your head yeah this is room
temperature right now but as it starts
going I'll let go of it because it
actually does get like really really
it hurts so yeah it's just there's a
valve here this tank is pretty close to
I think but we do have another full tank
for tomorrow for the KP card
that's the process of okay see how the
pressure gets released you can do pretty
much here it ya go
you've got initial whistles like that's
the the problem and then and then what
you're doing you could just let off the
hose and yep so and then when you know
it's full it'll kind of make like a
bubbling noise and you'll see something
come out at the top yeah it's kind of
like water it away if you see water kind
of splash now if you were shooting water
in there when I hose okay I splash it up
it's a nicer than water actually because
then it just evaporates not even spill
everywhere so that's that's filling the
Dewar with Allen too and then we'll put
this foam cap in there at the end not
super important for today but if we're
storing it long-term it would help and I
actually you can see the Ellen to like
kind of tendrils over here so at this
point this hose is like getting cold
enough where you don't want to hold on
to it
pretty cool that
pressure on these tanks is 22 psi and
get higher psi tanks but don't really
want it for this application because
it's more of a hazard when the yeah when
the hose starts well yeah but also it's
more of a pain to get out yeah it's not
as likely it's always it really yeah
yeah it's been a while since I got one
cuz I got a couple on accident and I was
really pissed because it takes more to
to I basically it's more liquid nitrogen
to try to transfer I see so you end up
losing a lot less efficient yeah
and then it like it so we flowing off
and shooting noise all the time quite
annoying and then there's also a medical
grade which you don't want if you do
this because it costs a lot more and
it's not necessary yeah it's not like
we're pouring on dead body there's great
right now
yeah yeah maybe later cane pen when we
did the teardown of the cane pin 20 atti
you can find this in the video there's a
section of the video where it's like rip
headphone users it's pretty loud there's
not really a ton of context for what
happened but what happened was in
Vince's Latin kingpins lab one of their
Alan two cylinders they let off a bunch
of pressure and it was really loud it
startled me so that's what that noise
was in that video
what's our frequency five point five -
is it five point five - five or five
fifty five point two five yeah it's five
point five two five yeah so we're over
five five now this is my limit yesterday
so what we're gonna do is just put it
slowly because we I had a jump a huge
voltage from 5475 I needed one point six
455 I needed one point six five and then
four 5525 I need one point seven that's
a lot of voltage in between to get those
yeah very little clocks so that's kind
of when the scale is done so I don't
really expect too much from the chip
right since this is makanda I could push
it more so that we've really pushed both
this and see what happens it's up to you
Steve I'd say we push it all right let
me check out the frost on that though
this is the point where you don't want
to touch it yeah so that's when you wrap
around something you could use a towel
yeah budget everything they check chats
I hope my mousepad gets signed - it will
if you buy it there in the stream today
yeah my hand will be cursing at you
later haha no people didn't like that
initial sound that shit sounded like an
alien was in the room that initial
whistling we got for Dewey
5550 now it's 550 how cool I'm not
expecting much I think this is the exact
point of failure I'd yesterday the first
time I closed this valve last time I did
the stream the top center of it freezes
because it's like a screw and the rest
of it is fine you can touch it the top
center is like an exposed screw and the
first time I grabbed it yeah you don't
want you usually we put something up on
it try to do it yeah like that's
probably the most point where you're
gonna burn yourself yeah is just
transferring from that I mean unless you
spill it all over everywhere you just
run out of the room right it's very cold
hey Patrick can you get me a
thermocouple reader
all right we're asking to see
temperatures be we're gonna do 5575 five
point five five gigahertz
575 yeah I'm not expecting this to work
right here he isn't it or not okay
that's fine I see all right now wow look
at that
yeah but the score went down oh that's
cold so room temperature is 21 point
four degrees Celsius and just right here
in this off gas and I put whatever from
Alan to I never should've that's why
we're at minus thirty eight just to give
you an idea of like how cold it is in
proximity for Alan to her up here all
right - still go still going down -
78-84 say seven yeah Raoul about this I
don't think an even read that well
that's just like - 90 degrees on the
1900s yeah yeah it gets cold that's like
the one thing you really got to worry
about thank you okay thanks even with
like when you do that basically you've
done this you can how much your core
fell on touch quick thank you turn off
you're probably gonna wouldn't let it go
for a little bit but right then now we
gotta take the hose out so how you doing
see they eat the cardboard yeah all
right so I think that's the limit on our
ship it's funny to hear all the crap in
175 yeah it's got a bit leaking out 50
so this canisters pretty close to empty
you can see it's all like frozen over
and everything though so that is filling
the sewer
pretty sweet stuff you got some super
chats yeah I would did a super chats I
think we're almost at the limit on this
chip we didn't run 50 we did 50 pretty
much which was my top I got on this chip
so there's not much more you can get out
of them once they had a limit they start
you can jump on voltage it really
doesn't do much play yeah that's how you
know when that scores it when it scales
so here's one for you do overclockers to
save all the telemetry and spyware in
Windows 10 and the drivers for the bench
wrap you can it improve it a bit and
like time spy and stuff yeah no I I do
it for sure I'm late what was the
highest clock speed what we're still
going and what's our stable right now so
around 55 50 I think is the run okay
you'll see the score the score was 25 Oh
- hmm but I had to bump up the voltage
quite a bit even now I'm running at 1.75
when we started we were at 1/6 I read a
couple of those store orders so we got
Eric from California picked up a mouse
path that'll be
signed by John Hyde after the stream we
might even write a stupid message on it
black we have a Jerry from Georgia
picked up a mouse pad as well Thank You
Jerry we got one from Matthew from
Massachusetts picked up a mouse pad this
is really just a test of my ability to
identify what the two letter code for a
state is good news is I can always just
make one up I don't know this Adrienne
from Ireland actually picked up the
lightweight Raglan hoodie thank you
we've really liked that one I was pretty
popular I never get my hoodie ready and
a mousepad I have a hoodie that's about
to come out on my store - that was here
yeah the bearded or have I seen a
bearded there's the one you're the one I
work out here okay obviously I don't
need to because it's kind of warm now
yeah that's the next thing that's going
on my site there's a hard workout calm
calm and he's got a YouTube channel as
well in the description below he needs
to post some stuff but you can subscribe
to catch the next one
Marcus from Ireland as well picked up a
mousepad thank you we got some super
chats we're pretty behind on them do my
best here I'm gonna answer these as
quickly as I can
to get get through all the super chats
Liz you have been waiting for an hour
Jacob pocket $5 the OSI tech vendor is
her assembly love it please do this
again after Zen's who is released I
think that is the plan I think yeah I
think we've come to say after this one
we're definitely gonna do one yes
I'm kinda I'm actually really excited
for Computex to see like what happens
right yeah there will be a lot of a lot
of motherboards for sure yeah for the am
the announcement unexpected at 1440p did
you guys talk the precision timer and
windows yes we did I read in forums
online about it when rise on it seems to
make things worse maybe 10 or builds I'd
know you have the great work and Joe
agreed Ian's from Germany what's going
on so we we did talk about the yeah
diviner the event timer
figure out what I said no better we were
just talking about how well so there's
there's yeah there's two timer issues we
talk there's a timer a bug where when
you were increasing B clock yep
the scores were not accurate right yeah
and supposedly he was supposed to only
be in a synchronous but it happens in
synchronous too so I tested both methods
and now I just I'm not gonna set B clock
at all and then there's a high precision
event timer issue that some of those
crops up to we have an old video where I
demonstrated the bug by opening just the
windows clock yeah and you could skew
well in cpu-z
you can actually tell so I'm in cpu-z
there's a I didn't even realize until
the buddy told me this let's see there's
a tools and then there's timers and what
you could do is you could start that
clock timer huh and stop it and it will
tell you well see the RTC the real-time
clock is a little bit off mm-hmm which
might be just be Windows 10 in general
right I mean we're not going for
official scores we're trying to do they
were not somebody yeah we're not
submitting anything but it just seems
like these clocks always come off on
Windows 10 so maybe it's just Windows 10
perfect yeah yeah maybe it's just uh
accuracy maybe it's point zero one yeah
it could happen you know but but this is
a good way to how you can test if the
clocks are off so so you can check that
that so you can do yourself I think
after 1.84 it comes in cpu-z
though definitely other thing to do just
we showed that when Rison first came out
I think because some people were
reporting that they got like four point
five gigahertz all core yeah that's it
which was you know sadly for them it was
just a timer vibe yeah that's bummer
yeah yeah because I didn't realize until
a buddy told me he's like you really
gotta watch out for the timer on Windows
10 so it was like okay I'll look into it
and basically going through the timer
and then he showed me that was like I'm
like I didn't even realize they put that
yeah so uh but yeah I started to see how
off it was with me clock and and I
tested all the different modes and it
definitely goes off yeah you'll notice
it goes off and through there don't so
twenty five over five votes for with
that frequency oh this is a fifty five
fifty fifty five fifty okay
and out of 55 75 years no I'd end up
having the bump voltage you'll see it's
at 175 that woman was at 1:7 so if you
market okay what does that buy five yeah
got it
oh it's getting chilly over here from
that Ellen to Jonathan fever is five
dollars or we got one above that sorry
it's good wine yeah see 75 is just done
oh it just does give Steve gun ski we
had Nick he are so Danish $50 thank you
hello to both of you from Denmark great
to see some live Alan to overclocking
well we absolutely appreciate you
watching and especially cuz it's getting
late over there Jonathan keepers five
dollars can you go over your background
and why you put so much focus on good
explanations for margins etc versus
other youtubers loving the screen by the
way so I get oh background in statistics
it's a few words I have no background in
stats everything that we do is is just
through experience so the the background
for everything we do on the channel
testing or like explaining margin of
error things like that is entirely
through failure like you learned by
failing up stuff you learn because yeah
years ago if you look at a benchmark
from five years ago I might have said
that a difference of like 3 or 3 FPS on
a certain game was significant but maybe
as we've learned that could actually
fall with an error margin so the way to
do it is to run those games like over
all the tests we do over the lifespan of
a bench potentially thousands of times
for all the different test passes you
look at the deviation run to run and
kind of start realizing like ok this
game really only deviates to 0.5 FPS
which really accurate and you can start
building your margin of error and I
guess the the reasoning for doing it for
us is because we cram a bunch of parts
in a chart and if you start getting
numbers that are really close together
sometimes we want to know is it a
significant difference or is it just
test error invariants I can't comment on
what other youtubers do but that's the
reason we do it and it's just because
like I guess as you do more tests you
realize that a lot of the magic and the
testing dies because you realize that
okay actually these numbers are really
not that significant or maybe these
numbers are extremely significant
depending on the error of each bench so
like time is 5 for example has some
variants in it run to run pretty much
all the benchmarks there all of them do
Cinebench - yeah yeah I mean it's hard
to there's a lot of different variables
in the test that could cause different
things to happen yeah you and this is
how - we discovered issues with like the
turbo timers duration being incorrect on
some other boards being on stock because
you run Cinebench and if you're on
Cinebench on those z 390 boards yeah one
get tired in the other right yeah and so
what you start realizing is like okay
this is outside of variants it's a this
one has a B clock of 100.8 you know what
just complete BS yeah and then like this
one is actually it's getting too high of
a score and so you realize that okay if
I run this ten times backs back the
score comes down that's because the
turbo duration stuff like that
Alex 24 is BS MX 80 thank you looking
forward to one of these once rise in
3,000 times out hopefully hit in five
gigahertz readings for Mexico no I think
we should get past 5 gigahertz on 3000
on Alan to because we're already doing
it yeah I wouldn't like even with the
Intel we will usually see always a
performance angrist I mean I wouldn't
expect them to release anything that's
worse no you know Kobe Ricky $1
Kobe Ricky one daughter can thank you I
left this tech support $5 my significant
others dad watches your channel - he's
gonna love the signed mousepad I just
bought well thank you for picking one up
and if if we had a good way to mark like
to personalize them I would but he will
certainly get the sign mousepad man
Dennis pietre shunned Andrea
sorry $2.00 is one point three five
volts safe for long term use on the
my answer is yes 1.35 yeah yeah yeah
I've run higher definitely final mage
six ten dollars time for a noisy battle
between builds my bearded hardware and
deer bower me out of it
Wow just you three huh it's probably
very for a good reason
so you're saying who wins owner see
battle if if we if there's no resource
like if Roman can't pull all of his
resources from chaos King and when just
by having more parts to wins you were
him well there's always a very intimate
okay that's sounds like it but since the
answer yes he definitely be that my yeah
that's assuming you can even get Roman
like to the bench no I think I'm Ally
heat the ad like seriously trying to get
him out to do anything anymore
James T dies hey Joe hashtag fire the
cannons fire the cannons you know that
reference I don't know that reference I
don't know that reference hey Joe
hashtag fire Thank You tennis James no
last name
I don't know the good news about your
account is we are going to be talking
about it later today when we go get food
and probably look it up yes
wishbone two dollars dirt rally 2.0 GPU
testing please also WC rc8 we could
potentially ever roll out games
eventually to the GPU bench workers
don't know when but I'll keep racing
games in mind we've added them for CPUs
very very I like how Gianna has
disassembled has disassembled that's
that would have read a lot funnier now
GN has assembled all of the XFC guys
like the Avengers Steve equals Captain
America Joe equals endgame Thor you good
with that
you got the in Thor I've been called
Thor in person ok so he actually hope
the guy was uh when I was putting the
boats in he almost lost his whole boat
and he called truck and trailer and he
called me Thor he's like thank thank
goodness Thor was here build Zoid is the
10 equals Doctor Strange their power
equals Ironman
and pin 10 equals rocket racoon I think
this is the best 1x x 75 Taiwan dollars
I'm reading this in our lights are eaten
show us the 20 atti kin bin card for
tomorrow's livestream I actually we did
that at about the same time he sent that
so we're good
Trachsel gaming $5 shout out to the mod
Matt for helping me repin my PSU cables
for a different power supply yes
I mean that's I've used them to you
that's why they're on there they are
actually really helpful to have the
cable diagrams Ryan John $5 Dain thank
you average gamer to died on my 2700 X I
was able to hit 4 point 4 gigahertz on
air ooh that might be a decent chip that
is really hard to say though I mean it's
probably I mean this one did 5 or 4 3
so maybe yours does 5 6 5 7 that'd be a
good chip to test on ellentube yeah
definitely if you want to give it or you
might kill it you know or you can set it
to us and I'll bet you it is true and
then we'll kill it
yeah and then we'll kill it see yeah I'm
like pushing the bolts I think about 185
just for the hell event say we got to
the track I doubt it's gonna work though
any chance any guess how hot a 5.5
gigahertz CPU would be without the lm-2
cooling well it's hard to say yeah it
wouldn't get that high today wouldn't
get that I cuz it would shut down so but
I guess usually when that the
temperatures lower you knew you would
need more volts so when you it's
basically a cold scale so when it gets
colder your voltages go like this so
when they add when it gets cold well I
guess it when it gets colder because
you're removing your thermal limitation
yeah because it's really hot otherwise
you're limited to about a hundred degree
or actually less than that and rising
but if it's basically making so much
noise in that pot where you can hear
going and making a lot of noise it's hot
because liquid nitrogen was for really
I'm catching up decently on these
finally let me see where are we
Steve is always slacking I'm always
behind on everything average gamer now
got that one Bob
though I saw one die thank you and drea
sheriff didn't see you two dollars is
Jay still mad at making Twitter party I
don't know I don't know I don't talk to
Jay Valley which individuals on Twitter
he's mad at no idea
he'll forget with time I don't know he
did you probably forgot he blocked you
yeah he probably did
Kevin Ganz three or five dollars thank
you Peter child $1 thank you Paul the
bearded one downing got competition Joe
yeah I haven't he's on my Twitter nice
good dude $5 I'm just here got back from
who we got a higher score there me yeah
5550 was 25 12 at one point eight five
volts that's a lot of old yeah
we've hit that time where it's screw it
let's try it yeah we have more chips if
we need them
yeah hopefully it doesn't have anything
to do with the board there yeah now I
have a limit at 55 75 it just won't run
we got some store orders let me get a
couple of those like I said if you you
buy the mousepad during the stream today
we've got them linked in the description
below the white and blue or the black
and blue Joe will sign these with me at
the end of the stream and we will see we
just got an order from Alex in Australia
who picks one up so thank you for
picking that up outs that does not come
with the thermal face by the way sorry
that's probably from Roman too I just
kind of wastes his any chance I get
Rome external paste just that's thank
you yeah yeah into the trash can right
whoa yeah pretty much
I use it on my like less like haha cared
about setup you know they they're all
grizzly makes good stuffs a crayon
among the best a very high thermal
conductivity no I use a lot of it on
everything actually yeah we go through
the previous these I think I was using
grisly yes cry oh no not makes makes I'm
gonna use it on their setups and water
setups it works pretty much good for for
all yeah it's I haven't had really any
issues high-end compound that's for sure
I can do pro not can can do cold temps -
we got a late $5 why does the 9900 K
only get around 2,100 points at 5
gigahertz despite having better IPC yeah
this 2700 X is getting 2,300 points at 5
gigahertz I in I don't have memory
differences I guess I don't know what
the rest of this oh yeah you can't
really look at it at 5 gigahertz that's
just a boosted that's the only thing
tears yes yeah that's not like if I were
to Oh see that and this is also with
memory also yeah if I were to take 5
gigahertz on the 9900 K and kind of do
what I did here it would be higher yeah
and then less you were starting to catch
up finite road Rodri more $5 my 600 K is
I was heat up to 4.7 gigahertz on the
NHD 15 and doing fine I wanted to up
good for some time but it's not
bottlenecking by 1070 I missed the fun
of overclocking yeah I mean you get into
the point where there's not not a big
reason to upgrade but just for fun it's
kind of crazy though because if you look
at them so when we keep on talking about
let's say rising the 3 series 3000
series that's gonna come out or whatever
and then we're talking about improvement
if you look at even intel's improvement
so if you look at at 6700 k47 was pretty
good like the really golden chips were
at like 5
yeah I have one and then when you went
to a 7700 K all of a sudden the chips
were v 2 v 3
yeah so you see an improvement so I
expect to see like a lot of rising chips
maybe even better than that obviously
what we see here yeah I just kinda
showed you do any more
Allen to in the Israel well we're pretty
much done it I can't run 5575 as at all
I've tried up to one point eight five
volts okay I could try one nine but what
try one night no no come on is it's a
good stream it's his his chip is it AMD
sent it yeah yeah let's try one
let's try a famous last words not my
money let's try it
famous last words are watch this so
while joe is setting up for 1.9 thoughts
on this
we got a d FD EDS CD CD $2.00 thank you
I thought I would send it to you guys
thank you
keeping the designs $1.99 any thoughts
I'm doing some TR for Ellen's new
content they thought some thread refer
lookin nitrogen content we need more fun
to veg
well it depends on the cold yeah I don't
know I've never been to yarn I buy wood
banjo why not we can try it sure
something different I've been benching
all the Intel stuff for so long it's
kind of fun to get something new yeah
LOM PLN 25 you read the wrong question
mine was about timezone what I think I
read that one also 25 no it didn't do it
that's done that's the limit it's kind
of weird too if you find an intel limit
yeah I usually get like a bunch of blue
screens and stuff that's what this thing
black goes black and just reboot yeah
it's kind of nice cuz anyway you don't
hear the blue screen yeah reference
uh-huh pretty good on Helens new stuff
yeah they said I'm so good though the
heaters working it's magic the memory
doesn't seem so bad I think our setup is
pretty sweet like how this is still
frozen also yeah valve so um you think
you can't get any no we run any
additional benchmarks while we're here
you have like feeding work on there
anything we can do a geek bench yes sure
why not let's just see what yeah why do
you have so many screenshots on your
desk laughs oh I hear that all the time
why she wants to break a bunch of
records that were like why do you have
screenshots because what I do is ever
there every bench instead of me right
interrupt you I like the casual
especially when I used to break a bunch
of yeah used to well just throw that in
there anyway you were saying about the
screen shopping Steve no no it's
basically how I record my information so
that that way if I I'm instead of me
writing it down and doing everything I
can just actually look I'll end up like
and everything and I'll make sure I can
that way I have it for later is
reference so I know if I'm doing better
or not cuz that's the whole point right
is to keep pushing pushing pushing
pushing as far as you can and it's also
your and not as much here but sometimes
you're dealing with more time pressure
like if you're managing a bunch of
ellentube pots yeah it takes longer to
like just write down so you're doing
like three pots and you're trying to
figure out stuff I'd rather just do a
screen shot and write a lot of times
you'll see that I'll have like the
voltages that I'm using and cuz maybe
tomorrow I'm like cuz I'll be benching
all day tomorrow forget what the
voltages are and all I have to do is go
to the desktop and I can see it yeah
yeah there's just an easy one because I
have a screen shot program that
basically just shoots whatever's on the
screen and just copies it and names it
so I don't have to do anything
all i have to do is click let's see you
see if i could try something else
actually no we'll try this will do five
gig and Geekbench get a baseline I gotta
try and catch I'm gonna put a stop I
think I'm a super chat so any super
chats after like now 3:20 a local time
I'm not gonna read them because we're
too far behind so you can send them but
I won't read them past that point I'd
respect for everyone's time in the
street all people watching but I will
get through all the ones that have been
sent in let's see
Steve prior five dollars not sure if
anyone's asked but what's the main
difference from overclocking in the BIOS
versus software like rise master and
other motherboard implementations let's
talk about the one you're using the Asus
turbo yeah this is turbo v so I think
the first one that would do it was
actually gigabyte gigabyte came up with
a slimmed down program that was just
nice and right to the point and then
Hayes this was shortly and then like
asrock has one too the thing is is you
can do it in the BIOS if you want to but
you're also there's a lot more room for
error because you got a boot up right so
in the OS you're already booted up so
you can actually maybe push it farther
the other thing is is we remote we're
going super cold on certain things there
is always a time where maybe you might
have a delta in between
of what you think you have as cold and
then what is actually on cold so if I
were to reboot and I was at to reboot at
one point nine volt and it cracked they
would kill my chip so I like to have my
voltages lower and so when I'm rebooting
I'm not so worried about it damaging the
process yeah because you I want to be
able to bench the whole time and I would
I don't want to go the whole trick is
not to kill hardware I mean it's not
really fun especially if you have a
golden chip or or like if you have a lot
of money in it yeah and a lot of money
to is always the other thing but even it
I don't know a little piece of you dies
when I'm golden - it's it's kind of sad
yeah you like you tears kind of like you
know bubble up it can get a little
awkward sometimes just saying by the way
oh yeah okay Dee I don't know if you
want to go over this core oh yeah so you
got let's take a note here someone said
your performance will be better if you
clear the desktop that was the old thing
let's find out you brought it up before
that yeah
fifty five seventy eight single and oh I
took a screenshot - okay cool see this
and these are the time I know we gotta
go back at all nice no it's a bull the
mole tech square is actually pretty good
but this is only a five gate mm-hmm
right right Han resole $5 Steve I have
x99 82 an Intel tuner takes my CP to 4.2
gigahertz 1.45 volts but I do it in BIOS
and sets it back down to 3.7 boy thing I
don't know annex 99 a to Intel tuner
tasting the 4.2 1.4 fuel line do it in
the BIOS it sets it back to 3.7 kg Hertz
I guess um it's probably your board and
you probably have a setting that that's
altering it yeah I've seen that similar
to there might be some auto set there's
like a lockdown where you're doing
something there's it's a specific
setting I would go through your BIOS
maybe set it to load optimized defaults
meaning back to stock and then check
every setting that you're doing
and then boot up into the submenu see
that happens usually a lot if you don't
have the specific settings set up off
and it's been a long time for x99 so
it's kind of hard
yeah give you the specific setting well
thar fief two dollars guy here late
sorry what CPU is this 2700 X yes mind a
554 here's the seven dollars twenty
cents I guess once can read the USD
saved from using the codon store that
cameras Nexus thank you for saying that
again Eric are five dollars long my
polish fellow stop sending all that
hard-earned peel and you just sent
workday worth of money the Martin see
one two three $2 bit Lee but let's get
what the seat what is the CPU going it's
been going there's not this every night
80 X 80 pays $5 loving the ecstasy
convict we've got how many more well I
did put our heart stop okay cool
so we have a couple more let me the
ecstasy content currently benching GTX
580 classified with 9900 K whilst
watching from the UK or XOC streams
please definitely we have one tomorrow
what a fun set up the 580 classifying
yes that's a good that's one of the
earlier I would say the earlier KP let's
think that was the first one he worked
on it yeah I think that's the word the
first one yeah I think so I mean he was
helping out before that probably but the
580 I think the 580 classified there
wasn't a for any classified was there I
don't think I don't think there was
because I have a 580 class the 580
kingpin looks really cool though or
780ti one of those - no the 780 he was
the first King was the first and they're
classified addition the 588 is also a
like which I think that was the first
one he worked on as when you went to
view the oldest one he has on a shelf
what's really cool which everyone that
is alone I'm hey I think that's the one
five dollars can you talk about why your
CB is required on - to go from four
point three to five but old bulldozer
it could get 8 gigahertz on island - way
different architectures they're
completely different not really
comparable not if performance doesn't
matter and clock speed does that's when
was good yeah you needed it's all about
I mean clock speed is one thing I mean
bulldoze are also the it's Ryan few
refuse per core module I think so you
start running into some floating-point
limitations and performance but wait
different architecture I'm not gonna
read this thing it's like yeah for nine
C to seven then it goes on for another
like forty characters fifty DKK thank
you don't read the name they said okay
it looks like a heat it looks like a
serial yeah
don't read the name is it good to be at
a dry spot when L into overclocking like
a desert or maybe using a dehumidifier
actually it works really well I mean we
in Vegas it was like six percent
humidity right now we're at 40 45 so at
six percent the humidity you could bench
far away with like five or six spots and
not even worry about condensation you
probably wouldn't you'll get a little
bit but like very even little compared
ya know will you be Astro pirate five
dollars what you testing in the horizon
CPUs with the first generalize and
mother boys we will yes
tour Graham remin Norwegian 163 eighty
thank you what's this currency hey Joe
well I think I got it Norwegian kroner
right haha
Cole wouldn't uh torgren dogyum Cole
markeson one dollar thank you
I'm trying to get through this
efficiently freak you two dollars how
many motherboards and CPUs have you
killed Joe that's for you to I couldn't
even keep track - hi - come on know
honestly I've killed more motherboards
than CPUs I mean motherboards you I mean
you could bench a lot of times it's just
over time they get beat up I mean yeah
when you take down and it depends on how
cold you're going to I mean when your
gold like this there's a lifespan of I
mean all things you're going spending
all the expanding and contracting and I
mean it beats up the board so boards
it's kind of normal
I mean I've killed tons of them CPUs
I've I've killed a lot to you I think
I've killed me I've got a lot of GPUs do
I feel maybe only one or two CPUs but
they're not from overclocking
it's like one of them you know how am
these CDs get stuck in the socket when
you remove the cooler I've done that so
it didn't really kill it but it was an
FX 90 whatever 95 90 whatever that CP
was and one of the pins came out and it
doesn't not be the one that I needed for
memory so what I did was I had a board
that was only ever used for that CPU and
I stuck the pin back in the hole on the
board that it belongs in so you didn't
technically kill it and it actually
yeah there's some some things you can do
to try to bring boards back yeah kind of
org chips back in so Cole Markuson so
start with Allen T rather than dry ice I
guess question for if you're new to this
um they're very different so most people
think that like it's good to start off
with dry ice it kind of gets you
understanding and safety on cold so I
mean you can even even do face changers
but they're just not very efficient and
kind of bulky and I can tell you from in
the but to work from experience to I
start with chilled water you know I
think and that was actually way harder
than this like well in terms of setup I
mean it is a pain because you gotta make
sure everything's working and then like
the condensation on all the loop yeah so
this is harder for other reasons like
you get high enough that you have to
start learning more about the voltages
to change and stuff yeah it's it's much
more difficult we do we don't just add
cold on a lot of stuffs like so you need
to be a it's it's good to start out with
dry ice because then you get your cold
like kind of how you want to insulate
you kind of get used to like what you're
working with and then then you can move
on to Ellen to and you can pretty much
use a lot of the same pots to well I
mean that's kind of the benefit if you
want to get into liquid nitrogen zack d
$5 earlier was thanking us for
explaining the setup for liquid nitrogen
required when we did that and said no
one explains the setup in required
equipment huge fan of the channel well
thank you for that and
no no maybe Joe if we have time either
this trip or next one we should just do
a 10-minute walk through here's all the
stuff you need if you want to try this
yeah like here's the cheapest entry
talent to overclocking so he's just
thanking us for explaining it it earlier
all the yeah parts required Parker hold
them I'm gonna do it this time
yeah hold man $2.00 YouTube premium
gives me free super chats here's $2
that's true jack see Templeton $1 just a
tumbled in $1 thank you geeks nerds and
text by guys what will hold more value
your assigned mousepad or hold more
value your sign mousepad I just bought
or the sign 2700 x9 BAM at least we
actually signed it yeah it's a talent
wrote on it Jan or yen solarek fists $2
mod matte and signed poster made it to
Finland thanks glad you got them thank
you're picking them up I think we are
getting close I'm not too far from the
end of the super chest the scroll bar
there scroll bars getting close
Joshua Bell 5 9 and weighted Verizon
stream to buy your mousepad harbor
freight flyer is illegible now oh you're
a harbor freight flyer that your reason
as a mousepad I'll have to test tech
support $5 I have an EVGA 2080 TI f CW 3
hybrid and I can't overclock had past
plus 85 measures on the quorum plus 1000
memory voltage and wattage max never
goes past 65 degrees Celsius you're
probably too power limit would be my
guess Big Daddy worms 79 and $2.00 a
future promo codes oh I got that one for
the large mod Matt no current plans but
we just kind of do them randomly
LOM PLN 25 i specifically referred to
the t aziz you've shown in the last
video which listed EST PST you're an e
dt w double WTF the student needs to
chill on the time zone like me funny
actually yeah
alright man you know what time we meant
don't care
John Luke watts five dollars what CBO is
better for workstation gaming use I
started so I went to Carolina and then
okay I do 3d modeling mostly it depends
on the application but I mean like it
better at ninety seven hundred ninety
nine hundred level performance for
gaming it's it's kind of like it doesn't
really matter anymore cuz you're already
at the top end of the scale and the
difference between them we show on our
reviews and it's just it's not a ton so
yeah but even with the 92 700 K you can
push that a lot farther if you have a
nosy boy yeah we're clocking so and I
mean you you could go either way I think
for 3d modeling if you're doing like
blender for example blender will
leverage those extra threads so it will
matter and something like that if it's
frequency bound the applications you're
using and will depend on application I
just know doesn't matter
they're both fast Trevor D pour another
one for me boys love the channels thank
you for that oh yeah hahaha
that looks so cool man Tony you need an
8 in a pool we should go to the hotel
yeah and dump it in the double bunch in
the pool I'm Tony it looks cool that
won't get us all the way by security
work with the construction to it that's
right that's funny uh getting close from
Apple Apple DKK $10 thank you Paramveer
outfall i don't know sorry two dollars
will you ever make an RGB extended
mousepad no current plans josiah
tiger op $2 - thank you where can I get
the Asus to her bovi core software
question for you Joe this one was
actually not like a Rison one this
wooden was four at the apex I think this
was actually so I use the one that you
can download for me back ok on this
board it errors out when you do it but
they'd like frozen air at first but then
it works a where except now cool so yeah
just you just try to find the one for
the the newest apex motherboard yeah
yeah nice let me I'll go over the
frequencies that we ended up at in a
minute too
I want to get through as we're at the
very end finally I can see like the end
of the screen now 16v oh no stop your
name there 616 vs Cir something $2 thank
you I want everyone to know Bo Bo TW
lady or Bosa is f in the hot I don't
know what that means but I guess
everyone else knows it now how Eric
Jackson fun Ty's talk to friend into it
got a mouse pad for him and one for
awesome thank you the support we're
gonna have a lot to sign I think
I'm Stephan Colby 229 my order number
for the mousepad I'm not gonna read your
number on the stream thank you well
thank you for ordering we will be
signing all of those that were ordered
today so you will get it as soon as it
ships Kevin spray tan 499 is tomorrow
stream 1 p.m. est or EDT okay so the
current time is 334 p.m. where I am
standing right now so in 24 hours it
will be 3 35 5 p.m. again except on
Sunday and then subtract 2 hours in 25
minutes two hours in roughly 25 minutes
and that would be the stream all right
very fine man 35 yeah that's when it
that's the answer to your question ha ha
thank you for the alliance Anthony you
Genovese $5 ok cool I see the very
bottom hardware numbers is like one of
the last ones my 87 ok it's not any
right at the start of test this is on
4.70 see with all course synced at 120
volts called by 240 radiator what can I
do to lower the temperatures well then
so we've said my 87 arcane yeah well
number one you could deal in yes and
number two you can put a liquid metal
under yes and and then well it depends
on how you can also lap them pretty much
every Intel chip I have I lap well I
guess that one's not a soldered one on
the side one it seems almost worse but
uh but yeah and also if it's in a case
like normally then you might have
like a case airflow issue too well yeah
well he said at one point to su-47 1.2
he has a problem yeah maybe there's a
problem with it actually that because
cooling oh that's what I'm wondering is
if it's like the case is inhibiting air
flow or if that cooler has bad fans on
it or something it's 90 at the start of
at it that's way too much yeah I would
say maybe I would check between the
block and the chip first of all yeah
make sure to do anything yeah I didn't
realize that at one point - if it was
higher than I could see that it'd be 99
he's not actually right but at like 5
gig maybe how 1793 $5.00 nice dream live
thank you let's talk through the
voltages and frequencies you ended up
doing Joe will take a break from these
and then I'll do like the last eight or
so that there are 10 that there are so
what did we end up at for fir frequency
first in a bench I think 55 50 yes
55 55 point five five Oh
beards yes which is it from what I heard
is pretty much no decent that's pretty
good 155 50 megahertz and Geekbench
don't would run about the same it just
ran about 55 they're about the same not
as high in your voltage was harder on
memory using right you're between 1.7 or
1.85 at that yeah at that point that's
just way too much so you could tell from
so at five five we only needed one point
six volts to get five five five
exactly five zero I needed one point
eight five volts the drastic amount of
voltage means it's that's definitely not
good so I could tell right away because
even at five five to five I still needed
one point six five volts so that's point
zero five volts just to get that little
extra clock right so then from there
it's basically it's just down from that
you could tell that's the actual
Hardware limit yeah yeah yeah you get
though I mean Rison so the stock score
for people keeping track unmodified
other than minus 11 degrees
it was eighteen forty-eight points for
Cinebench no and if that means nothing
to you we can do a percent difference
percent increase calculation here just
make it easy so 1848 was the original
score in our files for was twenty five
and so that is an increase of about 36%
in scoring and frequency it's an
increase of about 35% it's pretty close
pretty one-to-one and then four I don't
know what's like I remember off the top
my head wet what some other CPUs score
but yeah I would get confused because in
the cores let's see let me just pull up
like a hot hardware result for night
yeah okay so hardware I could pull up
around numbers about have them in front
of me right now so they had like a 70
900 X Intel ten core CPU is at 2178 they
use that 1808 for the 2700 X yeah and
we're a little bit higher because we
have a memory you know that we we've
overclocked a memory at me quite a bit
actually so you can see it gains a
little bit and then thread refer 1950 X
they had it at 30 65 points so we were
actually really close to the river not
all that far yeah five hundred points
memory it is still pretty far but it's
like it's that's pretty good distance
today yeah it's considering maybe like
five seven so the record I think is
about five seven with hardware numbers
for our 50 and he was at like 27 35 so
that's really close yeah so maybe like a
six gate will match the thread over yeah
are pretty close to it which considering
the like 2x core difference there that's
pretty good
so that's your comparison and then let's
what's he using to OSI the CP software
why is it based turbo B yep so like I
said earlier guys we are I put a cut-off
time on the super chats so we're almost
to the end of those we had DKK 20 AFL
any plans to get screen capture when I
was he streaming I tried it I had issues
where when the system would die then the
the capture would die and like there's a
way to fix it he'll be without that yeah
there's a way to fix it for sure but we
just haven't had time spk 1 3 2 4 do you
think is n 2 will overclock better than
Zen plus yes or well it'll get a higher
frequency I don't know if it'll have
more Headroom
but it'll be a higher frequency
murderous motorsport I would say
probably think so
yeah I'm it's process improvement so
yeah I think I think definitely who
knows how much that's the kind of thing
answer to the course yeah a whole
question motorsport know there's 199 do
you think 2700 5 gigahertz will roughly
equal 3700 sn2 performance I have no
idea I'm not gonna guess yeah no one
knows n 2 performance I think I said
we'd stop at 320 on the super chat so
we've got only a couple more 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 and 11 12 ok thanks so much for
the actual end of controlled variable
testing and including OC stats on the
graphs PS please make an XXL mouse mat
we've got a few requests so we'll bump
back up on our priorities thank you SG
Andy - nine eight nine $2.00 thank you
what's the status I've been moving well
I hope your move is going well we just
gave you a status like a recap a second
ago so 55 50 megahertz Motorsports good
luck with the chilli secret sauce today
that's the thermal scallion Verizon how
many megahertz per 10 to 25 degrees
below Celsius or below zero sorry
I don't know that we can really measure
it that way yeah we didn't really
measure like the cold scaling right
we didn't it's kind of difficult to do I
mean we would need a lot more time to be
able to do something like that
we just want minus 196 and then yeah the
whole point is because we know they go
cold so just want to make sure I don't
think we should have tried B me like a
minus 100 to see you like what was the
possibility but there's a lot of
variants in there as far as voltage
right so I would say before you say take
the same voltage and just keep it and
then I mean how much does it scare ya
we'd have to do a bunch of this catch
right my tracer my heart attacks can't
hit four points you stable could it be
the V R M is too hot my cases they don't
take core p5 so no air flow depends on
the movie yeah yeah try it I mean it's
easy to test you just sit a fan over it
doesn't have to be mounted anything just
get it secure and well your gold chip
didn't even know wouldn't go over for
one and it's the same motherboard their
use in yeah I mean I think it's
unfortunate is probably just a
limitation on the chip no it's
definitely limitation because I had it
on this one too yeah
Steve burly great content q of the great
work just order to want to each of the
mouse pads thank you is liquid-nitrogen
expensive is liquid nitrogen cooling
expensive to do whatever that earlier I
guess we'll do like a dedicated video
sometime on it but very quick recap each
of those cylinders is about a hundred
seventy seven dollars before tax they
will last us a couple days oh you're
another very female there's a delivery
fee yeah I think I know a minute tank
charge rental fee there is and I've had
four hundred forty dollars and then
whatever the rental is taking bad bear I
get there was better than yeah I think
they felt that disappointed now they
felt bad because they asked me for my
credit card like three times they kept
typing it on and then she was like okay
can we 50% off in the house so so that
you got a next time on that often next
I'll just give them the wrong number and
they kind of feel like they typed it in
correctly and then I'll get the discount
this was like 600 held on two pots are
like 300 to 500 depending yeah well you
can use them forever it's not like yeah
well I've had my doers for 10 years
so depending on maybe if you have bad
luck maybe you'll lose a door but well
then this you can get it from cheaper to
I just say I wanted a new one okay
Leviathan Prem
Wow we only have like six or seven yeah
so the Geekbench limit was 55 25 okay so
you know and Tech Jesus together again
just got my gmod baton pint glasses
awesome Thank You Ike 44 DK 70 and nice
job is it good to keep and I know I have
a K at one point four or five volts I
mean it's not like good depends on how
way your temps are so if you have really
good cooling probably not but I won't
hurt ya I probably won't hurt it but I
mean that's kind of on the high side it
is my baby anything lower than one 4i
yeah my personal kind of target is like
one for for daily max the entire
universe one day what happened to doing
fan reviews well we just posted an
update on the patreon behind-the-scenes
section hi Cory Carrasco $1.99 can I use
the GN mat with the logitech power play
you could put it the power play thing on
top of the mat and I don't think it
would cause any issues I think that only
has an issue if it's a metal surface
haven't tried it specifically but I
think you just put on top of mash and
you find and then last three okay lastly
Cory Carrasco wondering I can I use it I
got it already Christopher stolen $50
everything like you why don't use a
hazmat suit for protection and liquid
helium instead I don't know why don't
you go to the Arctic Joe why don't you
go there and when we cold enough no
liquid helium is not very easy to work
with and it's also extremely expensive
do you think this is expensive it's
probably ten times the cost and you also
need at least probably around I think
it's three people to just even be able
to use it and what they really don't
tell you too is that you also need to
have the components to be able to use it
so yeah like just because we can go 196
on this chip doesn't mean we can
actually go I think it was like I think
60 or 270 it's like four degrees or it's
for Calvin I think you
it's much you'd have to do a different
type of bidding like mine this Fork is
for oh it's for over absolute zero yeah
I mean really cold it's really cold so
it's very and it's very hard to work
with and it's very expensive it's not
really to be honest - it'd just be free
too much yeah and also it's a huge waste
of helium I really uh hardware numbers
one of the last to ten dollars quite a
push it I was hoping you beat my score
well he's got a good shit but send us
your chip yeah all right then we'll send
it back call mark is in two dollars why
no be Kaka justement we answered that
but because it was causing timers - yeah
which was creating a big time there's no
way I can I can do it without ask you
hmm or without it getting and I'd rather
show you like a good score versus
something that's not right so yes so
that is it for the super chats thank you
again for all the the orders on the
store and for watching the stream we're
still up like - 187 over there right
yeah and right now we're kind of done
I'm active out I've tried they're all
the different settings actually let's
get a shot of all this ice buildup
they'll be fine from the high one
fitting I wanted to try less of one
thing there's a lot of ice on that
yeah it's gonna be fun there I haven't
holes - don't touch it don't touch it
Butthead don't touch it
I had a friend do that when we were like
we're doing it actually I think it was a
9900 kay we're about to break the arc-15
record and he did they touched it way
touched it fell into the rim and it
instantly failed right after that I was
like no and then ran then then we
couldn't get that score back we tried
like several times and I was like that's
what you don't do that it's so funny so
that's the bench I spit of water there
oh yeah there's gonna be some times it's
actually good with this one because
there's no water it's it's just cold
yeah but there's probably we also have
there's also a lot of a saline under
there because remember we were having
this setup yesterday where I was like aw
it's just too wet than I am I just
loaded it up today so that we're hoping
that we can fetch the whole time yeah
and not have an issue so that's that's
gonna be it guys will do another stream
tomorrow and oh let me reread this one
person says I seriously missed my own
super chat I will reread yours just
because I caught that yours was thank
you so much for actual depth controlled
variable testing and included OC grass
PS please make an exit Salma ha fat I
said we are bumping that higher on our
priorities because we got your message
and some others so thank you and we will
keep doing the control tactic alright so
tomorrow 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
I don't care about standard or daylight
savings or whatever the time on the East
Coast there's one of them that's it's a
big coast - I mean like stop it
the time in New York let's do that yeah
the time in New York City the time in
New York City 1 p.m. New York City time
yes and how will be tomorrow will not
so a little under 24 hours from now and
we'll be doing the kingpin car and I'll
show that one last time well we still
have to prep it today so Joe and I saw a
long day ahead of us but we haven't done
much pre tough any pre testing on this
know what I've done yeah so there's the
PCB so pretty
there's that on to pot and yeah we just
gotta prep it and see how far the 20
atti will go with liquid nitrogen but
I'm positive that no matter what events
will be disappointed in us probably
because I'm sure he's I mean he's the
king he is the kingpin after all so yeah
thanks for watching thanks for buying
stuff on the story you can find Joe
channel links in the description below
you should subscribe to him if you
haven't he's got some L&T content and
discussion over there
also if you want my shirt bearded RDA
calm that's right bearded hardware calm
to pick up this shirt earlier we talked
about how Joe is going to need a another
design revision later because when his
beard covers up the beard on the shirt
he'll have to lower the beard I'll go
down here yeah
they don't just get awkward so that's it
we're gonna stop what OC did he reach 55
50 megahertz yeah our 15 power 15 and I
think the memory might be off a little
bit so Geekbench is not necessarily the
same yeah so four people jump in to the
very end here it is 55 50 megahertz 1.7
21.85 volts depending and then 25 12 was
our final CinemaScore 3,600 Eckert's
memory CL something yeah I think yeah
pretty much right cool
all right thank you everyone for
watching I'm going to end the stream now
so check back tomorrow and subscribe for
more we'll see you all next time
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