okay I think we should be live I'm gonna
start by saying if there's any any audio
issues or video issues let us know
immediately also I'd like to address
this comment you all chatting away
before the stream starts thinking that
we don't see what you're saying
Sean Crees why does it seem like all the
most influential men of our time is
named Steve Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak
Steve Colbert and Steve Burke well Sean
you named Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
both of whom are from Apple the doors
over there okay so today we're gonna be
live overclocking an Intel Hades Canyon
nook how is this how's it all how's the
audio and everything let me know how's
yours coming we had one person say major
issue and no one else said anything so
not really sure if they're just saying
that or not all right well Shaun Crees
respond responded and said ah so I guess
that means the audio is working okay yes
okay all right so I think we're I think
it's working
let me try it one more thing before we
get going the stay in front of me is the
Hades Canyon nook with water cooling on
it's pretty cool
literally and what I want to do now is
try switching scenes we haven't done
this for a while so all right we're
gonna switch scenes you're gonna see the
don't panic can you still hear me that's
the question right now I want to know if
you can still hear me
while we're on the Intel nook desktop
scene because that'll make it so we
don't have to film the screen directly
all right everyone says audio is good
that's good to know thank you okay so
how is the house all that work I sent a
tweet this out one more time
we are live over overclocking the Nook
okay all right so while we're streaming
today everyone says yes okay cool
it seems almost professional so let me
walk talk to you walk through the thing
in front of me here you haven't seen it
we have a video on what this is but
basically wants unfortunately we can
still hear you basically this was
supposed to be a portable computer I
think I have a let me see I have a shell
for it here's the original cooler hang
on one second I'll show you this was
originally what was on the hades canyon
nook so is that your new person already
at my feet I really like it actually
so that was originally out there it's
too blower fans and then there's one
second I will I'll get the cooler and
this was the heatsink so that's original
was on the heaters Canyon Nook and yeah
there you get right there so original
thermal paste and everything's still on
this one we do ahead by the way I have
thrown pads of course on the prm's I
just left the stock ones on here so
that's what was on there and we put on
from moonlight mods which is a it's kind
of I think it's a hobbyist site and they
still sell some stuff but the former
danger den folks started that up so he
emailed me said hey we have a way better
cooling solution than your closed-loop
liquid cooler that you had on the hades
canyon nook so this is it basically they
sent it over this water block right here
they try and not flip off the camera
so what about it doesn't have a ton of
micro fins or anything but it's a it's
got some it should be better than the
open-loop cooler is that helping so yeah
there's your what about a couple of
topper fins in there and then underneath
we have a 360 ml meter radiator which i
think is what everyone pretty much
wanted or it
it's technically this can fit a 240 not
a 280 but I would have had to go
downstairs to get a 240 so we went with
a 360 it's got a Vardar a Corsair ml 120
and then a tsunami
maglev fan on it as well and and that's
pretty much the cooling setup so we're
hooked up to an EK pump I don't remember
what which specific kit this came out of
but I always one out of one of their
like pre-built preassembled kits UK palm
picked up to the Block on the other side
we have I can't show you unfortunately
easily but it's a skull like face for
the for the nook really want to try and
rotate this and another 360 rad so the
skull face thing is just a it's just a
smaller reservoir but it looks really
cool and we have video showing that if
you're curious alright Chad starting to
fill up so we can start overclocking
pretty soon I think anyway we've moved
on from this thing to that and we
originally did a closed loop silent
silent loop 280 from be quiet and that
performance reasonably as well so yeah I
know the intakes a problem yeah so
what's one thing I wanted to point out
because we have like we're kind of right
on the edge of acceptable intake I would
like at least an inch but ideally more
so the rate the fans are really close to
the table but we're gonna try it if I
have significant thermal issues we can
try and just elevate this a bit and see
if it gives us what we need but I think
honestly we are going to run into issues
first with with the fact that the block
is well I fixed it at that but the block
doesn't really have that much in the way
of micro fins it doesn't have micro fins
so the block has like five macro fins so
I think we're gonna run into issues
there before the actual air flow but
we'll see one final update what you
didn't see previously I had cryo not on
here originally it was just not on my
shelf but had cryo not on here I ended
up taking off the thermal
the cryo not that technically the
sponsor for the stream as well took it
off and replace it with conduct or not
and just put captain thermal tape all
around the outside of it and some nail
polish so conductor not which is liquid
metal is actually working way better for
the stream purposes originally we were
hitting like and we were capping out
thermally pretty fast so I think enough
people in here we can kind of get
bill one cello donated a dollar first
super chat donation thank you for it
very much someone says that is not a
full cover water block it is technically
on the vrm component so this water block
is making contact with the MOSFETs
and I do have a thermal pad under it but
there's no contact with the chokes and
what we're gonna do
chokes don't really matter that much but
if they start heating in terms of heat
they start heating up unreasonably we're
going to drop one of these just right up
here and blow some air down onto those
so other setup components power supply
that's shorted so there's a power supply
and then a bunch of cables plugged into
all the fans just be a molex so that
should be pretty much everything you're
I'm cooling is done by the cold plate on
the block and then I mean there's not
like water going through the area where
the V arms are contacted but it's still
copper it's still water-cooled copper
it'll be better than stock so yeah this
camera work is next level
that'd be Andrew we try to do our live
streams with a live camera as well so
thank you for noticing anyway let's get
build on Charlotte one dollar donation
no words thank you very much bill if you
want to send super chat I'll read out
your comment if you have a question or
anything like that
send it through we'll read it as we go
through the stream final note before we
get started if anyone who buys any GM
merch the mod mat or the for example we
have new keychains that are just sort of
easy swag items ten bucks if you buy any
merch while we're live-streaming I'll do
a readout of everyone's name sort of
intermittently so you'll get a quick
shout out first name and where you're
from and shirts have been smart restock
for the raglan hoodies and also the mod
o mod mats and the crystals these
glass crystals behind me that have the
3d teardown logo in it it's like 3d
laser engraves those are in stock now so
is the mod matte so stuff you buy today
from from this SKU or from the mod matte
so those are all shipping this I guess
this week actually so they're here no
longer a backorder so let's get started
I'm going to try switching scenes and
we're gonna see if it works and let me
know if it doesn't there's your what cpu
are you using to the 79 ATX EMU from the
RIP LTT stream then you're going to be
very disappointed because it is not a
3980 AXI i don't remember the name of
this one it's like 80 809 G or something
like that I don't remember exactly but
it's it's an Intel this is an Intel
Haiti's Canyon unit so it has an Intel
CPU and an AMD Vega GPU which is what
makes it very unique and interesting to
work on and that's the the park yani
1000 Huff I don't know what what Huff is
but thank you good to see crate idea
wish I could afford the Nook only I know
it's really cool it's just it is
expensive you pay for the form factor
and I have removed everything about the
form factor okay so what you're looking
at right now is someone says we can't
hear anything but I'm hoping that's a
joke is is this person full of crap or
not I think you can probably hear me but
let me know so what we're looking at is
intel extreme tuning utility this is the
best way it's a overclocked Haiti's
Canyon presently BIOS kind of works but
it's very limited so this is this is the
easiest way and it's through software so
we'll have to reboot once we do XMP and
stuff like that audios good thank you
very much Steve Strasser the moderator
and yeah so we're using extreme tuning
utility XTU
and we're starting right now I have a
low resolution set so I can actually
read the monitor is 42 for the fastest
speed multiplier on one core cache is 39
and all the other stuff is default so
actually one major limitation we're
going to run into here today is
be current currently we're at 125 you
can kind of drag this up to 150 you can
drag this one up to unlimited for the
turbo boost power max option and that'll
help a lot but the biggest concern is
still going to be the power brake so
power brick is 230 watts it's nineteen
point five volts I want to say bye where
is it nineteen point five by eleven
point eight amps so in terms of power
you multiply those two numbers volts
times amps will give you wattage I think
that's 230 watts that's gonna be our
biggest limitation and then from there
we I'm talking to some people about
getting accustomed brick made so no the
there's no overclocking presently so the
cores aren't synced in BIOS nothing like
that this is all stock other than these
two buttons at these two sliders I just
changed so let's start with a baseline
let's discard these changes and just do
a really simple like check the thermals
are you stock using Intel drivers using
Intel's drivers I don't know why we'd be
stuck using them
sorry no see run the hardware info while
running a 3dmark full fire streak sweep
and fire streak fire strike sweep and
that will give us a baseline score and
then from that score we can figure out
the rest so and I'm also gonna let
Hardware info run and collect
temperatures in the background so it's
gonna pop out a few of these so that
once it's all done I'll be able to look
more carefully at what's going on
thermally and make sure that everything
is cooled sufficiently so we have h BM h
BM 2 on this we have the sort of Vega
sort of Polaris GPU thermals then we
have one core core zero thermals that
should be about the hottest so let's run
fire strike and see what we get for that
for baselines that will give us a score
then we're gonna try and beat that score
and go up I don't think we're gonna be
doing a rip LTT with Hades Canyon but
I'd really like to hit let's set a goal
I'd like to hit I think 10,000 points
just pulling a nice easy number out so
let's hope for that and see what we can
all right so yeah just buy a 20 volt 500
watt on ebay and solder or screw the
extra thick cable on there we're talking
evil that making one properly eurocom if
you're familiar with them we'll see if
they come through for me
I have another power supply off to the
side here it's repair for a laptop
technically it fits in terms of plug
size and it's 240 watts
so if 10 extra Watts gets to something I
can switch to that later but for now
we'll see how far this gets us what's
the difference because here from from
super chat let me read those while this
oh yeah Dead BC 77 says my keychain has
shipped awesome that's great to hear
because they just got in a couple days
ago I just did a quality check on a
bunch of stuff and everything looked
good so stupid chat donation caramel the
fussy calico two dollars says eat it
sounds about right for a cat one dollar
I don't know if that's one one dollar a
I don't know what that is
no message was that from our B thank you
RV Gavin one dollar thank you no message
dooda dooda dooda to slamming
your keyboard for the name of two
dollars compared Lennox for his Windows
for gaming performance not on this not
we lost signal I don't know what
happened but now I couldn't compare
Linux and Windows right now so let me
figure out let me troubleshoot this what
we we've looked at I mean I use Linux
for our web server but I don't know a
whole lot about it from a consumer
standpoint so unfortunately I'm not
really the best qualified for that you'd
probably really like why is it fir onyx
that's all right is that right yeah fur
on excite they do really good Linux
benchmarking so I definitely recommend
checking that out and they do they
they're the leading publication for
Linux I think the HDMI setups
potentially screwy we'll figure it out
where's case we film the screen but yeah
Linux is fantastic for our web server
and stuff like that I just I haven't
used it for as a consumer and quite
I used to use it as my daily on a laptop
for specifically an old version of
Ubuntu 10.04 --n if it is then while in
transit from the other room something
might have gotten disconnected we'll
find out soon next question is from up
came back cool yeah I think it's not
liking putting out the two monitors
honestly it's kind of asking a lot of
the Nook next question was from Gabriel
Rodriguez I love this show take my money
five dollars thank you very much Gabriel
so we're gonna try this one more time
with two outputs going and if it's no
good then I'll have to unplug the in
stream video so let's see a loop
let's do windowed mode not loop in and
run and that'll let me make sure it's
not a thermal limitation which would
indicate that something came loose but
we should be okay there in theory
although it's getting a bit warm essent
yeah the next question was from the park
Yanni who said now 400 HUF Huff is
Hungarian forint 1 USD equals 270 thank
you ok so see if this is a thermal thing
or why I guess I can switch back to that
stream view as well oh it says no signal
that's great ok thank you very much
it's still running as you can see with
the camera but we're getting no signal
out of the capture card so whatever
that's fine all right Ziggy 5canadian
keep up the good work my dude thank you
very much Reve five dollars euros says
greetings from Funland parenthesis
Finland - keep up the good work thank
you greetings to you as well we don't
have thermal issues so these are the
ones to look at get a couple of spikes
here but nothing terrible yet we are I
want to move this to the left side of
the screen so you can see it a bit
easier since we're having those couch
card issues so we're kind of bouncing
around between the 30s and the 50s
depending this is I think should be all
stock settings right now
yes we're all stock settings so just
kind of doing a check on these thermals
and where's GPU here's some motherboard
temperatures you know we should plug in
as the other fan on top and then we also
have GPU and HBM temperatures right here
it's a 33 and 32 presently so we're good
thermally but let's did you borrow bzees
capture card yeah I think he has the
same issues right yeah I don't know it's
like whenever you have stuff that
crashes capture cards get kind of
confused so not the best idea for
overclocking but we can still film the
screen next one Tom this Brahmas MIT's
while this is running and run it getting
our baseline number for a non
overclocked but I guess we're getting
baseline throws make sure it all works
Thomas says 50 Norwegian kroner says
hello from Norway really like your job
and your personality I want to buy a
signed mod mat not because I need but
because I just wanted what CPU you know
what it's not a 79 80 XE okay I'm sorry
it's sorry to disappoint you actually
need to see what it is that I'm curious
now because I haven't checked since the
review i-78 something is 788 oh 9 G
can't blame me for not remembering it
eighty eight oh nine G and then there's
Vega mgh in this unit there's also a
Vega mg L which has I think fewer fewer
ciues so I have not tested that yet I've
asked for it but they didn't get me one
and they're hard to find in stock so
that's what we've got for the CPU even
though you're trying to start trying to
start a meme but if everyone gives me
two bucks and asks what cpu I guess I'm
fine with that
jack right when ten dollars hook up to a
car battery
we could probably we could probably do
that might be a bit a bit on the extreme
side okay so we got a baseline finally
temperatures looked pretty okay the
whole time I'm just scrolling up to the
CPU temperatures give me a second yeah
so we're like 22
sixty-five these numbers right here are
the distance from TJ Max oh you care
about these ones and then here's our
baseline score graphics 95 71 physics
twelve thousand so we'll see if we can
get beyond that let's start with a
simple overclock all I'm going to do to
first of all you might be interested in
this for any of you who have done any
Vega overclocking or just even AMD or
Avakian this is kind of funny to me
still this is the AMD software clearly
but it's branded as Intel so first time
I opened it it's kind of like what's
what's happening I don't understand
what's happening but it's actually just
wot man and it's an easy way still to
control these components or just needs
that for now anyway this is the default
frequency curve through watt man for the
Vega mgh GPU and our stock memory
frequency caps at 800 megahertz we have
Headroom to boost that to a thousand
will kind of figure out what stability
is on the stream today and then we've
got a power target that you can go up to
75% offset so right now we're gonna run
stock GPU settings and just mess with
this with stock GPU settings if I didn't
say that correctly then just mess with
the CPU so options typical reference
clock all the stuff you see in BIOS BIOS
for this hades Canyon Nook is actually
lacking a few things so I could not for
the life of me find any current or power
limitations couldn't find them in BIOS
so we're going through the software to
unlock those so we're lying 150 amps
processor core ICC Macs and we're
allowing unlimited power for the
unlimited power the pawls hardware quote
of Star Wars for the turbo boost and
then turbo boost window I think this max
is at 96 but it's only gonna let us do
so we'll do 80 for that that's just from
knowing that from experience and now
let's just kind of let's sleep voltage
as is and let's just go up to let's go
up to 45 for all core so 45 all core and
that's coming up from like 39 to 41 or
and I think we'll leave the cash ratio
alone for now and bring that up in a
minute and we're leaving the IGP alone
because we're using the AMD GPU so let's
apply this there's our settings should
be four point five gigahertz and GPU is
stock let's get a baseline for that one
and probably start saving these
somewhere - okay I'd be nice to have
hardware info going it will open and
then all we're gonna do is just again
establish right now we're at four point
five gigahertz CPU so let's establish
just a CPU score because really nothing
else is gonna matter
okay so physics 4.5 gigahertz go while
that's running I'll read read some chat
see ya 39 the forty one or two or
something like that can use Walkman to
overclock the CPU actually no it it
functions just like wow man normally
does so it's GPU overclocking and it has
all the same options that wot man
normally does and nothing extra it's
just it's just branded as Intel doesn't
actually do anything with Intel other
than the AMD GPU tuning I guess ok so
while that's running got a scroll up
we're getting a lot of super chats thank
you very much Greg Zee 83 would be
awesome if was a total kit with 240 rad
oh this this case yeah so I don't know
if they I don't think they sell it
moonlight mods if you want to visit them
I think is just moonlight mods calm they
basically just sent this to me because
they thought it'd be cool to see it used
I don't think they're not really like a
big retailer or anything like that it's
it's basically one guy and they just
make cool stuff with a laser cutter
which I'm totally up for so I don't know
if they sell it but it'd be sweet if
they did that's probably not a high
enough volume part but yeah it can fit a
240 it actually be a great daily driver
just because it'd be kind of fun and
unique one more here before we get back
to that Jack Lee says what's the
different between a scene and intel
extreme tuning
and in the BIOS $5.00 thank you very
much I think I described some of that
BIOS on the Nook specifically it's
Intel's visual BIOS you probably haven't
heard of since their motherboards died
and that just means it's UEFI and it is
it lacks power control options we can
actually go through it in a bit and it
lacks some of the other processor
overclocking options also you can't do
much with the Vega M GPU through there
so softer is better for GPU for sure
physics cores so previously we had a
physics core in the 12 thousands for the
stock baseline test we're already at
14,000 so we've gained quite a bit and
and if you want to take note of the fps
I guess 44.5 the 14,000 is what our
physics core is for 4.5 gigahertz so you
know I'm gonna make just a notepad file
so we can kind of reference this stuff
as we go later stock physics score and
then 14k at 4.5 gigahertz which is what
I say 44.5 - yes fine 5 - fps so let's
just save that scores and let's go ahead
and do a bit more now and ask more of it
where is hardware info why can't I why
can't I have it let's try and revive
hardware info as well while we're at it
I guess ok
it thinks it's running but it's not
thank you windows there we go so let's
get this running it'll take a bit out of
the CPU score but not much and I just
want to see what kind of temperatures
we're dealing with while this is going
on let's go up to 46 4.6 gigahertz and
let's also increase this to 43 actually
242 I'd like to stay for below the core
multiplier so are 4 below let's see if
we can do that without increasing the
voltage or the reference clock so it's
applied then you can see it actually
applies live which it's easier to
validate with hardware info so there you
go when it boots it goes up to 4.6 and
it'll stay boosted to 4.6 when we're
running the test voltage if you're
curious idle is not very high let's
let's open one of its open one of these
and check it after the
and then I guess we gonna run windowed
as well because we're just doing physics
tests so windowed that will allow again
we'll lose we'll drop a couple points
but it's not a big deal because we're
not really competing for anything right
now so I'll let that start up next super
chat was from bill one cello e the
letter letter e from bill it's one of
the greatest mysteries of super chat
$4.20 thank you very much for the 4/20 I
appreciate it
next one Ben Quigley two dollars two
quid says want a crystal soon my pretty
soon yeah they're in stock we have the
big ones that are three pounds and heavy
enough for hand down combat and then we
have the the medium crystals as well on
store doc gamers nexus net if you aren't
curious yeah there it is right now
so those are a 3d laser engrave they're
actually really sweet or pretty happy
with it for a merge item if you want
something more functional than the mod
matte you can also get asteroid I can't
resist on that and I'll shout your name
out if you buy something before the
stream ends score 14,000 18 no real
change but what we care about is all of
this hardware info stuff so if you're
curious about voltage cord 0v ID i
should have opened up v core we're going
up to 1.3 just tube you curious and it
is coffee like prop or architecture so
voltage behavior is gonna be about the
same it's just that this small unit
can't normally deal with that much heat
because it's got that small cooler on it
it's sufficient for what it is but not
for what we're doing today anyway max
temperatures in the 70s up to 80 getting
kind of warm kind of fast so we might
want to boost the the unit a bit higher
off the table i think that's going to
restrict our airflow of it we're gonna
leave GPU and not overclocked or now
we'll do that last and let's get X to
you back up so no real change with right
like 14k flat with 4.6 so let's just
kind of keep that in mind now and the 42
cash so let's push this to 4.7 and see
if it'll hold I think we're gonna start
getting the territory where I need to
increase the voltage this is where our
max was with the CL see the 280 CL see
we had previously we could not get past
4.7 if we hit 4.8 it was very briefly so
that's kind of gonna be our max I think
but we'll see my goal would be I'd love
to hit 4.9 and be crazy to hit 5.0 I
think we'll hit power limitations though
so let's try that
4.7 give us a baseline it's probably not
gonna change a whole lot but it'll help
us understand performance of it and
we're gonna drop some points with hard
ground fill open as well 6-3 C says can
the RGB base for the crystal show in a
white think so you know where that is
you can test it right now but I'm almost
positive yeah it does
I'm almost positive those white where do
you see it now right here yeah I need
USB that's not gonna work that's RGB
pretty sure it does white but it's got
three LEDs in it and it might have a
fourth that's four LEDs in it so ya
think so next one Neil Manning
love this channel especially the
hardware news that's good to hear
because we're filming one after this
five dollars thank you very much Neil
filming a hardware news tonight after
the stream ends we'll go up tomorrow
there's actually some really cool news
items for this one like
teaser micron had conversations with the
Chinese government about price fixing so
I'll be fun to talk I actually don't
know the full news item yet it was we've
got it written down but I haven't read
through it yet
alright so our results 14 to 7 24
margin of error there type of decimal
might as well take the whole thing 14 to
25 that's at 4.7 with a 42 cache how are
we putting our moles maxing out 85-82
still doing pretty well so our water
block is helping a lot before just to
give you an idea previously with the
280mm in your closed loop cooler that I
zip tied to it then there's a video on
the channel about that if you're curious
also video of building this one
previously at that frequency these
numbers were in the 90s so we're
definitely ahead already quite a bit
ahead let's do I think this is where
we're gonna start crashing so prepare
your f key for respect
let's try 4.8 without any voltage
changes okay well Wow this F key for
respects everyone F key for respect so
it did not like 4.8 and now we're
getting signature validation failure so
let's restart we're gonna have to
increase the voltage a bit and I'm just
gonna need to restart actually we can
jump into BIOS to does come people were
curious about what it looks like Stephen
you're oh yeah yeah let me try and catch
this while I'm also slamming up to you
this is just a normal chat Mayfest DHS
says Stephen your HC review you
mentioned the lack of similar products
from other vendors now that GP P is dead
have you heard of any other vendors
moving ahead with new products like HC
I'm actually I'm assuming you mean Hades
I'm actually not no I haven't heard
anything special but I don't know that I
would be privileged to that information
yet because Computex is where we're
leaving in like three days
to go to Taiwan maybe four so if there
is anything special we should hear it
there in theory but definitely a Hades
can use a threat to end video cuz it's
really good
this this cables messing us up
one second still streaming yes okay all
the second HDMI cable monadic was
confusing it so it was outputting to the
streaming PC instead of the monitor
stream is still good yes all right cool
so yeah I don't know I haven't heard
anything about new like unique products
so we'll hopefully find out in a week if
there is anything okay sir booting into
BIOS hopefully it'll give me a display
out there it goes I've got it this time
last time I was outputting to this to
the stream PC so here's the visual BIOS
for the nook if you haven't seen it it's
really not very special the one feature
I like a lot is the search feature and I
don't I've used it a bit and it doesn't
tend to work very well so the problem is
they had a great idea for a feature and
it's just kind of it's super slow by the
way that's not stream wait and see
that's like okay this is okay I don't
think I need to type anymore to prove my
point I was gonna say this is the speed
that it types very slow super cool idea
does not work unfortunately so anyway
that's a cool feature of the BIOS you
take screenshots just like normally this
is basic good advanced bio it's got a
couple more things so they have cooling
performance for all the stuff you can go
to performance tab and mess around with
the processor some of the features from
X to you are exposed here but not all of
them so we are like I said we're missing
we're missing the power controls to some
extent we're missing a lot of them
anyway so yeah this is not the greatest
BIOS in the world XT is surprisingly
good and we're gonna keep using that
instead a graphics tab doesn't do a
whole Hut enables and disables the Intel
integrated graphics memory tab gives you
some exposed timings and also XMP
options but not a ton of here either
there's enough to work with though so
anyway if you're curious about BIOS
that's what it looks like and we're just
gonna work with X to you for the rest
who approved this feature someone says
about the search yeah I mean it is like
it is genuinely I like the idea a lot
but it needs to work like if it takes
just as long for the letters to show up
as it does for me to click every single
menu item look for the thing I want it's
not very helpful I don't know if it's
just because it's like bloated or what
anyway next question is from Joey rizz
she says that $5.00 thank you very much
sup man first time I check I'm on the
stream but I love the channel has helped
me with my build check out my channel
for my am The Horizon 2700 X 4.5
gigahertz results 4.5 is awfully high
I'll have to see what you did to get
that if it was exotic cooling or what or
or single core or something like that
radiantly yellow $5 we're rebooting by
the way please do a review or comparison
on various thermal pays for his thermal
grizzly thermal paste I've done they
don't pay its testing and it's really
hard to show a difference so the problem
is they're all compound testing with why
are we preparing an automatic repair
come on windows thrown compound testing
is very difficult to do because the
you're looking for like one two three
degrees difference in some of the
high-end pace so you can definitely see
differences and really bad stuff there's
really good stuff
but to see to really control for the CPU
and control for the environment you kind
of want a synthetic test apparatus
basically like copper plates with like a
diode in it okay we're now if the reset
BIOS through BIOS I guess so we are
using BIOS
kind of ideally build a custom setup
though that will allow you to control
the power of like a copper plate rather
than using a computer so you're just
using a heating element and some diodes
and that would be the ideal way to test
their own pace but it exits real world
pretty quickly and it requires some
machining work to do the way I want so
we haven't done anything like that yet
alright so what we need to do is reset
defaults hopefully it actually work
sometimes that button does not work in
this BIOS what does it think me still
4.8 okay there we go so let's see if
that resets it enough to boot hopefully
okay cool
next question David Mack make 2 euros
oh let's scroll the way why he ative I
learned a lot from you keep up the good
work thank you very much David
a secret recipe $1 no message thank you
see your recipe caramel the fussy calico
thick nook that's the new on a trail
features $5 trail features sounds like a
mountain biking channel love that you
all do stuff like this Intel IGP
performance and Adobe video is also
great I will be swapping my sevens 902
an i7 87 hunt came when I submitted for
a dual boot Windows 10 system or Oh X
system very cool yeah we might have some
more content on the IGP stuff I've done
some comparison like quality comparisons
of the outputs and IGP output versus
like software versus CUDA all pretty
much looks the same something's going
screwy here and from the setting I apply
so we're gonna let it boot get into XT
immediately this time and restore
defaults family needed more voltage on
that last one
yes so quality looks all the same
between those as far as like YouTube is
concerned you might see quality
differences if you're talking huge bit
rates like movie quality outputs but I
don't think we're really worried about
that doesn't say no to cancel on the
town - yes - enter setup okay so yeah I
think I GP is a great solution for the
kind of stuff we do anyway
all right let's get this thing booted
this time one super chat while it boots
I five two hundred II Japanese what is
it yen I'm a big fan of you from Japan
thank you very much
I need to pay attention to it this time
so we can get in text to you and make
sure it's not freaking out about
something all right
oh yeah there's my assistant name mother
not Carrie I wonder if anyone would
notice that I don't know if anyone said
anything yet
please do oh yeah x2 you does that's
here it's like it'll say that it failed
load but it actually doesn't show values
okay I think it's actually back to the
faults now that's good all right so we
got stuck at 48 and even more voltage so
let's do that let's start with just
going back up to 46 and then we'll go up
to 48 with some more voltage on the core
I'm gonna go kind of heavy on the
voltage because I don't want to spend
all stream fine-tuning for like a let's
actually bring this down to 41 just in
case I want to fine tune for like a
point oh one voltage difference or
anything like that so we're gonna go a
bit heavy-handed for this stream all
right that should be good just to get us
to 46 and make sure there's no new
issues I don't know about and let's just
validate that anyone when talking about
the nickname knock knock who's there
your mom so bad you wouldn't sound like
I can appreciate it nonetheless all
right so just making sure everything's
still functional physics windowed let
3dmark recheck all the options when I
don't want it to you okay so we're
establishing that 46 still works we'll
go up to 48 bill on cello $2 thank you
so much bill again we'll use suck my
neck I don't know what that means but it
sounds gross
Jennifer Roger $10 for post stream tacos
chicken beer coffee looking forward to
the copy text content thank you very
I think that's becoming our thing now is
chat donates money tells us what to buy
with it and then we have to eat a lot of
food apparently that was fun stream that
when we did that I think that was a rip
lgt stream right was starving because we
were over clogging for so long I can
barely see the numbers we're getting 70e
I'm sorry I didn't mean on a carry and
I'm personally although I can read the
stream now thermal numbers are
acceptable 14,000 okay we're back where
we should be so let's do let's do a bit
of voltage stuff this goes up to 80
should not matter though and the voltage
let's drag that one up point 0:07 like I
said I'm going to have you handed
intentionally so I don't want to spend
the whole time turning that it's 247 and
then let's do 48 once it refreshes okay
48 it's right 0.07 voltage offset for
core and you can actually if you're
curious we can run
see let me just open up one of these VI
D's it'll be enough and then there's our
course so we'll check all that once
you're done benchmark fire strike
physics go so we're trying to 4.8 we'll
see last time blue screens and read
through this to see if we can get past
that and also not be overheating okay
so I was someone earlier a lot like
towards the started to scream I just
remember this asked what our internet
speed is for this we're at a gigabit up
right now so I think YouTube and my
Lou's testing accepts up to like 300
megabits per second for uploads I don't
it probably doesn't accept that for a
live stream but yeah we're at gigabit
right now so next one Tom's Browns it's
50 kroner a Norwegian kroner can you
tell a product shipping cost for mod
mats in Norway basically Europe I don't
have it on the table my off thought my
head but if you go to the site you can
still add it to the cart and you can
type in where it's going without having
to commit to buying it and then that'll
calculate it accurately for you I don't
I it's pretty expensive for us to ship
to Europe but we certainly do it and
we've brought cost down recently so
that's good just the volume has allowed
us to bring cost down a bit because the
carrier's not charging us as much but
you can check on the site
Gabriel Rodriguez TR watt threader for
one or threader for two or wait for
cascade like I need Kors $2 sauce I
think I don't know anything our cascade
Lake oh he's stable by the way 14 482
that was just for one physics test so
let's just taking out of that I don't
know about cascade Lake honestly and I
know it really depends on what you need
like if you if today you're trying to
get work done and you can't because your
systems just not enough for you then
build today because if it's costing you
money because you can't work or
something then that's obviously going to
be worth getting up and running if you
can wait you're pretty happy with your
system it does what you want you can
wait till August I think that's when
threader for two ships so that might be
worth waiting for but otherwise thread
everyone is just fine
kind of depends on how urgently you need
a system 49 we do go 49 now or do we
let's do another stability check first
so let's let this run a little bit
longer this time and just do a loop of
the physics test let it run like three
and then I'm gonna check some of the
numbers while it's running for which I'm
going to have to drag this to the right
so that I can actually see it okay so
0.07 voltage offset right now in V core
puts V ID vid is at one point three five
ish one point three four certainly
getting up there again it's coffee like
architecture still so you know one point
four is kind of gonna be where we hit a
wall four point eight gigahertz that's
what other numbers we have cores are
getting a bit warm we might want to
elevate this system a bit I think so we
are at starting to hit 90s we hit 90 for
once I want to keep it below that but
it's okay for right now and this is also
without any GPU load so that's gonna
become a problem and then GPU it should
be basically nothing because it's not
really doing anything
yeah GB is 27 hbm's 26 so we're just
starting to throw a wall pretty quickly
here and I think for that we can elevate
the system a little bit
how long and why does the mod matte it's
four feet by two feet so that's it's
it's a large mat covers most of this
table so it's four by two other specs
like that are on the site as well I'm
just going to let this thing loop a
little bit to make sure it's stable at
four point eight and then we'll try
higher to four point nine all right next
Ben Grogan five quid has fractal
forgotten they were doing a type c front
i over the define are six on launch they
said January release about to hit June
and still nothing I honestly don't
remember did the defiant uh yeah I think
that are six didn't have type C right
it's been a while since we look at that
case I am not sure I can ask them what's
up with that and see if they have any
news for us but yeah that's a good point
I haven't heard about it either maybe
someone else can type in chat if they've
seen something I don't follow all the
news there we go not stable okay that's
gonna that's a really good luck in
so let's restart that
see if it's freaking out still
Jaso we need some more voltage basically
Jason Christophe you have OCD for our
please absolve the chat they need it you
only gave 4.99 unfortunately to absolve
Chad I require 5.0 dollars Oh one thing
I should note about this I'm a little
afraid of crashes like that one because
the Nook seems to really dislike
crashing from over clocks that are at an
inappropriate voltage because I actually
had it it killed an entire OS I had to
reinstall windows and everything made
system restore point so hopefully if we
have to do that it'll be quick but yeah
it gets very unhappy with a bat with an
unstable overclock it'll just blow
everything away so I'm a little worried
about that happening during stream but
we'll just try it that's part of why I
mean heavy-handed on the voltage all
right so max max 80 and then offset Oh
someone asked why not static voltage
because I can't it's the only reason
there's a lot of stuff that's not
possible with the Nook so we're just
doing offsets and there might be a way
out to look harder but what does this
question mark doesn't even say anything
what does this say yeah I don't know
maybe in BIOS we can fix the voltage but
that's lacking other options and we'll
take forever let's go point oh eight
definitely gonna start running into
thermal concerns apply for four point
seven let's go up to forty eight X cash
ratio I'll leave low for now if it's a
problem we'll deal with it then alright
3d mark so see if this is stable this
time next question is if I want to
elevate the case what should I use to
elevate it I have power e power brakes
soldering irons and fans I guess we can
use fans to elevate it
so is it going to be stable this time
okay let's find out we're going for four
point nine we're at four point eight
right now I'm kind of having some
stability issues really close to what I
I'd love 5.0 I just don't know if it's
gonna be doable because that's gonna be
a lot of power it's all right let me get
back to these from it
clone fire 666 oh wow that was so just
to bring us back
Jason Kristoff gave 499 and said you've
OCD for our sins please absolve the chat
they need it and then clone fire said
scent 666 so you've got two opposing
forces here and they said one hell of a
setup thank you clone fire yeah I really
like this thing this is like it'd be fun
to have on the desk I don't know if I'd
want to use it as a daily but it's it's
good it's good enough for it price
Newburgh five dollars why has no one
asked the most important question what
audio processing unit if he does this
year's JK yeah I I am that said so and I
don't actually if anyone's curious I
genuinely don't know what audio chip it
has on it and that's something I've
hated on g2 but that said I'm interested
to see if what kind of a peas are
getting like the PS 5 the Xbox the Xbox
2x for the Xbox 1 X 2 X Box 1 X 2 so
what you heard it here first
Mac Samson 279 Canadian thank you very
much no message Daniel Ellerbee Rock hey
Steve love the videos your content
really inspired me to pursue a career in
computer hardware cheers that's awesome
I hopefully you like it it's pretty fun
there are a lot of different jobs like
for people anyone who's kind of
interested in the field but doesn't know
what you can do there are a lot of jobs
in technical marketing on PR that don't
require a degree necessarily but do
require knowledge or well if they don't
you should have it you'll be a leg up if
you do so anyone who's like pretty good
with the technical side of computers but
maybe doesn't feel qualified to be an
engineer there are a lot of jobs in tech
marketing and we work with some great
people in that side of that field so
that's one I like to point it out
because it's not something that I think
is it's not a job you think about
existing if you're outside the industry
so a lot of media people go and work as
tech marketing eventually which I'm not
planning to do but just to give you an
idea of a skill set they typically have
that is a giant Delta Corps one in the
sixties versus two and the 90s
is that from utilization or is that from
uneven contact well they're all a high
percent load so it might be a
utilization which I can't do a lot about
on stream because if I tighten it too
much it'll crack that interposer so
anyway we'll deal with it for now so
we're pretty stable at this point 0.08
volts 4.8 gigahertz and now let's do a
let's do a proper full run and just see
what kind of score we have before GPU
overclocking all right actually before
any additional overclocking let's run
that just see what we get Thomas O Hara
this is nucking futs love the content
Steve Thank You Raj for the $2 Vincent
she called that Vincent then risen when
all done let build Zoid lnto EXO see
this knock I mean yeah there'd be a lot
of fun but it's talked about it
definitely with like a benchtop power
supply with enough amperage which those
are expensive to do 15 amps or more or a
custom power break which we're trying to
get made you could you could probably do
something with it under LNT oh that
would be fun but if you missed it by the
way earlier I was talking about power
bricks so power brick is nineteen point
five volts eleven point eight amps comes
out to 230 watts we have another laptop
break that's 240 watts won't do a ton
for us 10 watt extra though I am working
with eurocom to try and get a custom
brick made for this then
so after after combi tax you might have
won two dollars from trail features yep
mountain biking loved your Whistler vids
thank you very much yeah the GN steep
side channel I'll be uploading more
mountain like downhill mountain biking
videos throughout the summer now that
the seasons open again after Computex
but G unseen for the side channel be
two dollars from fit exhibitor to
hitting the keyboard thank you
spectre-5 dollars no message thank you
trying to catch up on super chats while
this thing runs its full pass
kotomi waters $2.00 SoundCloud Toby
music to overclock Tito GN rock five
dollars from Socrates says love your
channel is it 79 80 XC by the way cheers
from France no no it's not a 79 80 XC a
79 80 XE would be like like 30 percent
of this another board that'd be really
cool though so yeah they'd be a gigantic
portion of the board let me track the oh
there's a lot of store purchases I need
three two so like I said I'll read
anyone who buys stuff from store that
gamers Nexus dotnet we're about to run
the physics test so this is where we'll
see if it dies or not stored on camera
Nexus net if you buy during the stream
I'll read off first name and where
you're from as a shout out while while
we're live-streaming so this is running
physics it has this one that may be
combined and we'll see if it's stable at
4.8 going for 10,000 points for the
total score we'll see how close we can
get I'd like to see 9800 but we'll find
out I need to every clock the GPU still
first order to read off Thomas gave from
a Texas Thank You Thomas purchased an
autographed GN mod my I think that
might've been the last one we had I
signed a couple more the other night and
I'm not gonna be able to get out there
to sign more until after copy Texan I
might restock them but if you buy one at
this point a signed mod mat then it
would ship after I'm back from commies
XL have to drive out and sign it and
otherwise the normal mod mats are still
fully in stock Thank You Thomas for that
we've got combined house running behind
me that's the last one before we can see
what our
progress and score is yet we're out of
the signed ones I might add more of
those and just sign them if everyone's
okay with it when I get back
William from Germany I know the United
States but it's got a de in it I think
it's I don't know if that's a military
base I think it is last time someone
told me it's a military base AFB de I
think that's a military base or
William bought a great logo tri-blend
t-shirt thank you William
what was our tribe line yeah try ones
very popular everyone seems to like that
one the most score 84 89 so I said I
want 10,000 we're at 8,500 currently
let's take a look at all of our scores
here the graphics ninety nine seventy
four physics 14,000 seven one seven
that's pretty good that's up from where
we were combined three thousand so if
you want a point of reference let me
just keep the camera on those scores for
a second I'm gonna read you some other
scores that we have so CPU testing let's
get a physics score so what do I say
we're at fourteen thousand seven one
seven so let me give you some some
perspective here the AMD are five
fifteen hundred X at four gigahertz this
is a this was tested quite a while ago
before the latest Windows patches that
was getting a physics score of 13,500
the Intel i5 8600 K at 5 gigahertz was
getting about 16,000 so this number
right here 14 seven one seven on the
8600 K at five gigahertz that is 15 nine
nine four so that gives you something
we're pretty close to an eighty six
hundred K let me find one right around
where that is what's below it
8600 case stock we got thirteen thousand
three hundred and these numbers haven't
been updated since we reviewed the 8600
k but that gives you a baseline of where
we're sitting
let me give you a high on baseline as
well top of our charts we have a this is
from back when we reviewed the Red
Rivers so it's whoa actually that's
really old data let me get something a
bit newer are seven twenty seven hundred
X overclocked to 4.2 gigahertz for that
one we got twenty two thousand for the
so there's your perspective and then GPU
score I only give you one on those so
GPA score is 99 74 to get you an idea of
that graphics score we had the msi 1050
TI what they call OC but we didn't know
C it was pre shipped that way and it
wasn't big overclock anyway 1050 Ti at
77 85 so we're actually ahead of a 1050
Ti what about a 1060 1060 I just have a
giant spreadsheet open I'm checking
right now 1060 SSC got 13,000 411
so we're between we're closer to a TI
than a 1060 but we're between them and
then what's gonna and e number as well
rx 570 was 12,000 560 so we're below 570
and above a 560 back quite a bit 560
overclocked we got 60 900 so there's
your scores and your points of
comparison let's get this number closer
to 10,000 and to do that we're gonna
start playing around with the GPU now
I'm gonna push that TV to four point
nine a bit later but I want to we get
bigger gains from the GPU so let's start
there so first of all we're going to
change this to dynamic and then I try
and get this visible for everyone so
we're currently have eleven ninety
megahertz so let's just previously with
the closed loop cooler I know it was
stable at 13:30 this is kind of hard to
read sorry about that so I know it was
stable there you by the way this feature
you can't like click these and set min
and Max like you can with the AMD GPUs
unfortunately I know we can do nine 50
megahertz on the HP m2 which is 50
megahertz below the max and then we also
need power offset by 75% let's apply
that let's see if it's stable again
we're starting to get kind of close to
our thermal limits here so at some point
I am gonna have to elevate this thing so
I can breathe better actually maybe I
should do that now what can I rest this
maybe the Liang Li metal Caged fans
let's see if playing out the best idea
to mess with this right now actually I
don't wait till we can turn it off for a
second let's do the head so I don't want
to send a cable into the one of the fans
while it's cooling things there's
there's your your update on all the
stats for everything okay so we got a
couple more super chats when you catch
up on while that's benchmarking sensor
negative for 99 any indications that AMD
will be up to their old embargo
shenanigans with the upcoming threader
for to release I have no idea
with the 2700 X and Li was pretty
agreeable we got it
we circumvented them got it anyway
through someone else I messaged Andy and
I said hey I have the CPU do you want to
work with me so that if I have questions
I can ask and they were actually awesome
to work with so Andy has changed some of
their media facing people and it seems
like things I talked about this in an
ask jian episode but it seems like
things are getting better over there in
terms of like marketing and PR and being
able to work with people on a review so
I don't know what they're gonna do for
thread over to but as I understand it
the current staff there at least a
couple of them don't want to do what
happened with the threader for Wan where
you have like 18,000 embargoes and some
people get a special one even though
everyone has the part so I think they've
gone away from that clifton ward $2
steve lowell love the chest steve the
skank lo love the channel man thank you
very much i guess hurry 16 5 euro i
learned so much watching your channel
I went from fanboy and a red company to
accepting a blue and a green company as
options now thanks Tech Jesus yeah it's
totally cool
MD makes great stuff these days
especially Rison super competitive
this is halfway and Andy product Intel
and AMD work together on a Vega and an
i7 basically amalgam
they still make great stuff but
definitely is good to be you know by oh
it's good for you and not just stick to
one company you got to look out for
yourself to use that's the companies are
only looking out for themselves Vincent
van region build Zoid connect so see
with an e power no brick needed yeah I
guess that's true but also I I want this
to not be dead but will sound it out
I'll talk to him
the martinc123 is it surviving yes it is
surviving right now we're on the
combined test by the way with a GPU
overclock the Martin C one two three
five quid for the whiskey shots thank
Martin for that Jack Lee 499 not sure if
you have answered this what's the
difference between overclocking using
the bios and intel extreme tuning and do
they fight each other i think i did
explain that earlier i will vary did it
pass i think it passed i went black yeah
it passed okay awesome
I went over I'll very briefly covered
again power limits are more exposed and
extreme tuning utility they shouldn't
fight each other because once you boo
it's gonna pull from BIOS so our score
is 9650 that's quite a bit up from
earlier start saving these so I can
reference them we're at 13 30 megahertz
GPU 4.8 gigahertz CPU no memory
overclocking yet so I was going for
10,000 right 9650 that's getting there
graphics core 11,000 436 CPU hasn't
really changed because I have an
overclocked it and one more time I'm
gonna give you a reference for GBA score
it's a graphic score we are at 11 for 36
which is 2,000 points below a 1060 so
like 1020 percent in that range
somewhere and our x5 70s at 12 560 so a
thousand points below and rx 570 that's
pretty damn good I would say
that is super nice I would buy a mouse
mat someone says by the way yeah so this
is a mod mat that I'm using right now
technically I'm using mice on it we
don't advertise it as a mouse in service
because it's really traction II it's a
work mat super well I mean this one has
some bloodstains on it from my scent
when I sanded down that Rison apu it
does not come with bloodstains that's
extra but super tractioning mat very
resistant to things like spilling liquid
cooling on it and also somewhat to heat
as we showed in a recent video I also
you have stored up gamers X's on that
for those mouse mat someone said they
wanted we are looking into those
actively that's our score let's do a bit
more overclocking on this I'm gonna get
back to super chat in a minute if you're
waiting for me thank you for being
patient so currently 950 is our HBM
configuration and our cpu sorry our GPU
a clock not CPU is 13 30 so let's just
be kind of conservative and go up to
1350 and the score to beat is 96 50
11400 for graphics core if you are I
think this specific benchmark we're
doing is free so if you kind of want to
play along you can go to 3d Mark's
website and download fire strike they're
not a sponsor or anything I just really
like the software
I think this version is free and you can
run the test yourself if you want to see
what your own graphics core is so you
can kind of tag along and see how it
compares to this thing alright so just
because it's kind of fun to do that I
think everyone can have some
overclocking fun last time we did it we
brought down the 3d mark website by
accident with the rip Ltd stream so
we've gone up 20 megahertz to see if it
crashes last time I crashed around here
someone says blood not included knock
that that's business idea sell your used
mats why so someone get my DNA out of it
clone me how much for mod mats signed in
I'll pay $50 extra for your blood sample
I'll pay $100 extra with bloodstains and
a pentagram into the raft okay that's
getting a weird Jackley our answer that
one Specter does the motherboard have a
PSU power limit
Trident gtx 960 version does so I could
not upgrade to a 330 watt brick I am not
fully sure I know what you mean does the
motherboard have a power supply power
limit you should be able mate I don't
know what the OEM is deal with their
proprietary stuff mind you I don't pay
attention to what Dell and HP and all
them do these days if you buy any board
off the shelf you should be able to
pretty much plug any power supply into
it as far as how much power can it take
before there's a problem yeah there are
there are over current limits so you
could trip over current protection if
you're like let's say I just had this
happen the other day let's say you're
working with a 79 80 Hz which is a huge
power consumer and you push like 50 amps
to it with an overclock a good amount of
PS use will trip and shutdown and that's
run over current limits so I don't know
if that's what you mean
sometimes you can control that through
software if it's like a digital power
supply like the ax 1600 I or something
sometimes you can't so there might be an
overcurrent protection limit certainly
the motherboard can only take so much
like if you're feeding if you're dumping
current into the VR ends and it's not
like it vrm it'll kind of have a limit
in that it will thermal shutdown at some
point and won't be able to tolerate it
anymore okay so next one hi who Apple
says keep up the good work 5 euros by
the way cpu are you using ATM gee I
don't know I'm gonna memorize it by the
end of the stream if you guys keep
asking 88 Ong it's supposedly an i7 it's
a I think it's actually a fork or a
thread I'll check in a minute though on
this test is done ye cannae de that 5
quid hey Steve I don't need a big mod
map but would totally buy a GN Mouse
back consider making some yes we are
actively doing that thank you for your
interest we're just I'm being very picky
about the materials so we're trying
we're trying to do something more
special than just like buy it off the
shelf and put a label on it
so it's going to take a little while
because I need samples need to figure
out what materials we're combining
exactly people seem to really want the
stitching around the borders so I think
we'll do that but the rest of it still
being figured out so we'll get there but
give us some time it takes a long time
to do samples for custom products
and then you can't do that to quit who
is the best John Romero or Carmack I'm
gonna go with Carmack Carmack pretty
smart guy alright let me get back to the
orders while this is running I can like
barely keep up
combines has just finished why don't we
show them the score for a second while I
check two or three orders
Vincent Wilson gave bought the the
keychain Thank You Vincent for that we
appreciate it the $10 keychain is an
easy pick up item I'm gonna block the
score there you go it's kind of visible
technically it has a blue LED in it but
we don't include batteries but uh yeah
Thank You Vincent for that and what was
our score scores 96 98 not hugely
improved 11 5 4 3 so we need to push
harder than that Erin from Virginia
purchased a mod Matt thank you very much
Erin let's see Auto from Sweden for just
a medium teardown crystal Thank You Otto
and some stickers and decals some GN
stickers I'm gonna read a couple more
we had James from Texas purchase a
couple of things actually extra parts
bought an extra ESD wrist strap and
common ground point bought an
anti-static mod mat from us thank you
those just came in by the way so they
are shipping this week tear down crystal
medium size and a keychain thank you
very much James from Texas all right let
me I'm going to update the stock in a
minute to have some more signed mats
because people seem too long and we're
out right now but I'll go signed some
more so our score 96 98 11 5 4 3 and
let's just save this score that was the
camera don't be alarmed we're just
unlocking it from its position 13 50
megahertz gpo 4.8 gigahertz CPU so we're
definitely stuck on the GP right now for
score let's go ahead and just keep doing
20 megahertz increments 1370 we're past
where we were stable with that the
closed loop liquid cooler before so if
the extra thermal
from this one is doing anything for us
it's increase in the GPU frequency a bit
like we've got a bit more Headroom on
that and I want to get harder and fo
open just so we can see how hot the GPU
is getting one second while I open that
up seems to get stuck in processes
sometimes okay so that's gonna take a
second to open on the nook some reason
takes forever on the Nook to open up so
let me add a couple more autograph the
mattes while that's opening I'll go sign
those I guess before we leave if I can
otherwise when I'm back all right so
it's okay I think we got some more in
there oh yeah nice our distributor
actually added more for me you saw we
were live streaming said hey Steve I saw
you sold out of autographs mod Matz and
I added some more didn't want to
interrupt you thank you very much for
doing that for us if you want what I
guess they are actually in stock and
that also means I have to drive the
total of an hour to go sign some more
that's fine it's it's fun to do and I'm
glad we can provide that for everyone
okay so what I want is GPU temperature
which is gonna be way down here
somewhere and let's just pull up GPU
thermal diode and GPU HBM temperature
and we're gonna let those sit while we
run a test if it doesn't crash at 13 70
megahertz which is now beyond where we
were stable previously and actually
we're just going to do a graphics test
save everyone some time so we don't need
to run physics for this
so let's reminds well let's just do two
graphics tests and see if it's stable
and keep an eye on the thermals while
it's doing that and then I'll read more
Super chats and everything in a moment
but I want to pay attention to this
machine for a second make sure we can
get the best overclock out of it that we
can all right so thermal diode currently
26 degrees Celsius ambient temperature
is probably like twenty three or four in
here probably 23
so just for the duration of fire strike
it's not gonna be stressed a whole lot
also if you missed it earlier we've got
liquid metal on here so I replaced the
thermal grizzly cryo not with thermal
grizzly conduct or not which should be
linked in the description below if you
want to pick some up they are the
advertiser for the stream and the
conductor not is definitely doing its
job I put thermal tape captain tape all
around and nail polish to protect the
small SM DS so we're good to go there
it's it helped a lot though we're kind
of thermal limited previously and I
didn't expect it to do a lot because
already a bare die but the thing is this
is this kind of a lot of it's a high
concentration of heat in a small area so
I guess every bit helps the bigger
problem was the water block we have on
it has like I said macro fins not micro
fins so it's kind of potentially a bit
limited in that regard all right so
we're at 39 40 37 for HBR everything's
perfectly good here and it hasn't
crashed so we might actually be able to
run these settings a couple new orders
came in one from Jian I don't I'm so
sorry I don't how to pronounce that guy
I'm from Belgium that's I don't think
we've had an order from there for a
while so from Belgium bought a key chain
thank you very much and a teal logo
tri-blend shirt thank you for that okay
um if I'm pronouncing that correctly and
we are low on stock for that shirt but
we've got a couple left I think still
running some tests over here behind me
it's just kind of looping for a second
while we make sure it doesn't crash at
13 70 megahertz on the GPU quite a bit
higher than where we were previously
Benjamin from Wisconsin purchased a an
autographed mod Matt Thank You Benjamin
a medium teardown logo crystal and a
graph logo shirt in tri-blend again very
popular it seems I guess for the the
comfort on that one on the weight it's
pretty lightweight Corey from from
Canada and as I used to
what these actions were what is this
place what province is this Manitoba
Manitoba Canada picked up an anti-static
mod mat autographed thank you Cory
like I said does not include the blood
just the signature
so hopefully that doesn't disappoint
anyone and then finally here Thomas from
Idaho purchased a teardown crystal with
LED bass and an anniversary edition teal
logo tri-blend okay awesome making for
the support guys we appreciate it been a
really fun stream so far as well I'm
gonna get super chat in the moment so
this is stable let's get back to some
overclocking before I go back to the
viewer interaction stuff looks really
stable actually thermals are great we're
at 40 degrees Celsius ambient
temperatures probably about 23 GPU hbm's
what's our CPU should be doing basically
nothing right now yeah CB is like in the
forties very cool okay so I shall left
that open let's let's go ahead and push
for I should left that open to I was
pushed for 13 90 I think we're gonna
start hitting stability limitation soon
so I really hope we can get that 10k
number I want 39 the runs custom
benchmark so we'll see if it crashes if
it doesn't crash after one pass of each
graphics test I will push for I guess
1410 when does the stream and the stream
ends when I hit 10,000 points and fire
strike or when it's impossible to
achieve that and right now we're just
trying to stabilize a Jeep or well we're
not truck we're trying to unstable eyes
a GPU overclock we're trying to find the
point of failure for it I also noted
previously for early viewers that am a
bit afraid of an unstable overclock on
the CPU because I've had experiences
with this nook where with too low
voltage and too glamorous of an
overclock I've lost the operating system
and had to reinstall so I'm trying to
save that for the end because if it
happens I'd like it to be at the end of
the stream not the middle of it we
passed round 1 so it is stable at 13 90
six gigahertz when not anytime soon
when will the nook burn I hopefully not
you know what that's a good point we
should add this those chokes on the top
are probably pretty hot actually
it's a very good point thank you for
hopefully the answer is not right while
I don't know maybe do a lot of use
hopefully answer is uh it's during the
stream in that case I needed an extra
fan header
there's not one if so this is just a
basically it's just an ATX power supply
that's jumped and plugged into the fans
and molex I don't see do you see any
like headers like that anywhere this
should be one if not then I'll go get
another one
looks like we are still stable though
oh there's one okay so all I'm gonna do
is rest this up here and hopefully
doesn't fall in maybe I should tape it
who wants to bet it it's falls off as
soon as I plug it in nope you lost your
bet all right so that's just gonna
provide some airflow onto the chokes
technically it's opposing airflow but
it's so far away I don't think it's
gonna matter that looks like we're
stable on our overclock so that actually
should help a bit
nice rat's nest of cables yeah I know
it's a zip tight though it's it's a it's
a cable man in traps nest does Ronnie
multi monitors take away from
performance in this we had issues with
it where we were having just stream
issues in general I'm not sure how much
it impacts performance on the Nook it is
pretty limited on what it can do to some
I mean I can do multi monitor but I
didn't want to take too much away from
our score especially because it just was
blacking out and not working I think
that was stable so I want this to crash
before we do another full run so let's
do 1410 that's another 20 megahertz jump
I don't know when we're gonna crash it
should have happened already so this
liquid cooler is doing its job for sure
way better than the closed loop see how
if that's stable is this something you
would recommend doing at home if you're
ok with with cracking the inner poser or
the HBM or the CPU or the GPU die you're
ok with with like destroying the silicon
potentially sure and and normally that's
not a risk at all like this kind of
overclocking totally ok to do just you
know don't just be careful so for a
normal like desktop system general
advice stay away from or be careful of
system agent voltage on intel and SOC
voltage on and ee those are two really
easy ways to cause permanent damage and
degradation of the IMC the integrated
memory controller and be careful of
ecore don't push that too I typically
you'll run out of thermal Headroom
before you run out of v core headroom
and also the voltages we run during
streams not of this but like over the 79
80 XE for DRAM and for the CPU those are
fine for benchmarking on a stream but I
wouldn't recommend them for daily so
keep that in mind as well and then
what I recommend doing this specifically
it's a lot of fun I really like this box
so I'm super happy with it and I would
do it again did we crash now we
completed it okay cool
no no wait I don't know what happened
actually uh yes it crashed okay so we
crashed at 1410 so 1400 might be our
limit we'll see I'm gonna three start so
I mean yeah it's it's a lot of fun
thanks windows for the non functional
power button seriously alright
anyone want to see a trick so shut shut
down because Windows 10 sucks
dot bat and then shut I can't see what
I'm typing shut down - s - t one save
this we're just making a batch file this
is actually super useful and if it
happens again I might have to do this
again I don't want to hold the button to
shut it down still can't see options
view show don't hide don't hide don't
hide don't go ahead hey why the power
strip just fell off the wall too bad you
missed the head that was pretty good one
the power strip powering like all of
this just fell off the wall off the
alright here's the trick god I'm just
takes that windows alright so we just
made a batch file if you've never done
that it's super useful
right click the Start menu for shutdown
yeah well here's the thing
Start button doesn't work so right I did
right click it I did left click it's
just the zero input and you could alt f4
on desktop but also you can make a batch
file and never have to mess with it
again so we've made a batch file all
right you can use command prompt yes and
and open it with my non-functional Start
menu by making a batch file to open it
maybe Windows R might work there's a
couple good questions here in super chat
acid rain will you do more Adobe CC
benchmarks like Photoshop and Lightroom
there are not too many of those out
there I don't know like a Photoshop I
think you're mostly going to be talking
about mostly gonna be talking about
probably filters and stuff filters and
transforms maybe I'm not sure the best
way because we benchmark those in the
past and we won't run trace benchmarks
of them typically you're like fractions
of a second difference for applying
filters and things between high-end
devices the probably don't know what the
most intensive stuff you can do in
Photoshop or Lightroom would be so if
you have ideas I guess again tweet them
at us that's where I'll probably see it
even if I don't reply tweet that gamers
and access with what you do with other
Adobe applications that you think is
really intensive I can look into it I'm
not an expert on on using those specific
ones but we can come up with something
I'm sure this is rebooting by the way
Mac Samson 279 Canadian by snowflake an
RGB caller she died I feel like she'd
end up just chasing herself in circles
she really likes infrared thermometers
the Martin says sorry about what is the
CPU again it's a it's an 88 oh 9 G I
think all right so we were unstable at
14 10 megahertz let's see if we can just
do what kind of score we get at 1400
black lodge games two dollars would you
consider GN join
flute playing hashtag Rafael CT I've
talked about that and asked GN episodes
before probably search for flute playing
I've talked about it twice this year I
think we are not we presently have no
plans I really like the patreon and
discord set up I also really like what
Luke's doing but I need to see something
more that we can work with before we do
anything like that now we don't want we
don't want 14,000 megahertz 1,400 1,400
and we're going to 950 on the HBM I
haven't tried well I have I've tried a
thousand I know that's not sale I
haven't tried 975 max out the power
offset and let's get one of these open
so XT is going to allow us to reapply
those same settings hopefully without
having to type them all in all though
there weren't many 0.08 4.8 gigahertz
looks like we're good to go just make
sure that's applied so we crashed at
1410 I'll see what score we get at 1400
and then we can push the CPU in the
memory to try and make up the difference
we might fall a bit short of the 10,000
points I want but we'll see I'll try and
get at least 9800 you most definitely do
want 14 gigahertz I think that might be
asking a bit much I do I do want that
setting that that'd be sweet
zero matter is running a benchmark if
you missed it there good is it going
where's the crashing
might be crashing so maybe it's not
running a benchmark May 1,400 might be
asking too much that's kind of stuck
it's still 70 megahertz higher than what
I was expecting but but I just I just
want more zero matter
five dollars thank you very much if you
do a mousepad can you do an XXL one for
keyboard/mouse please also what's this
again it's an ad 809 G and at this point
I might just make your ex exhale a
mousepad you want and put the numbers
eight 809 and the letter G straight
across it you know we can even do a
branded we do a GM logo on it so then
everyone will know what cpu it is I'd
certainly consider act and Excel
mousepad I'm not sure what size is our
most popular T 2 by 12 is pretty popular
looks like it's trying to be what do we
want yes or no we want no okay so let's
let that beaut 14,000 gigahertz is a bit
much maybe try 13750 gigahertz you know
I think I think that's actually where my
mistake was I think we needed to set it
a bit lower and less ambitious like
13,000 gigahertz look 13 terahertz at
that point that is that thirteen point
seven terahertz one more to read royal
royal Leah says ten dollars just wanted
to say I enjoy your content thank you
very much we appreciate that
ten dollars will go towards let's I know
what do we want to put it towards Fried
Chicken stretch pizza last time people
were demanding waffles coffee beer tacos
pizza and chicken I think which I'm not
sure we can achieve all of that at once
maybe we'll put it towards the coffee
tack strip and get some food there
alright so hopefully this is all stable
let's go back to I guess 13 90 megahertz
and let's run a full pass with that see
how far that gets us there 299 50 oh by
the way just in case anyone's wondering
this voltage control I've messed with
this for the Nook and it maxes out at 11
50 millivolts I think yes and
unfortunately using it basically causes
an instant crash if I apply it like
it'll blue screen it's pretty bad I
don't know if that's a bug or what so I
found leaving it on auto means it
doesn't crash so we're gonna go with
Mac's the slider apply all right full
pass to 3d market hopefully stable
settings see what our score is there we
go okay maybe the processor isn't
getting to 10 K points because it's
lacking an RGB you know I saw a comment
on on Paul's recent video I think I
think it was like has RGB gone too far
or something like that I don't know
number but I saw a comment I was like
Paul you missed a part the CPU is an RGB
and it just made me wonder when are we
gonna get an IHS that's RGB illuminated
because it can totally be done it also
be completely pointless but then again
look at all the other RGB stuff
that's future reference what kind of
temps are you getting water temperatures
I don't have a probe in the water
unfortunately have you tried lifting the
rig for more airflow no we do need to do
that we're in like the 40s for the GPU
which is really good and we're in like
the 90s we're kind of pushing it for the
CPU but only there in the physics test
Alexander Stiles a few of us posted some
kind of suggestions some kind of some
music suggestions excuse me in the rip
LTT stream
did you ever check out the deer hunter
highly recommend act 4 if you haven't
yet that's growing up love the content
cheers from check from Canada not from
Canada yes I actually did I checked out
a bunch of them so I think we had like
four bands or albums people wanted me to
listen to it listen to all of them
I can't differentiate which is which
right now but I definitely listen to
everything cuz I made a list and check
them all out and I appreciate the
suggestions let's see the Martin I like
a what CPU is it branded shirt now maybe
we will do that hey maybe that's what we
should do Nastia
with a knife $10 hey Steve do you have
any opinions on enterprise level systems
such as iommu with GPUs I've been pretty
devastated since it turns out that Vega
didn't support it after all the rumors
last year unfortunately I don't just
kicks a cable I had to make sure I
didn't unplug something I do not have a
any real experience with enterprise
systems kind of focus on consumer and
gaming really not qualified to talk
about it unfortunately I'm sorry I may
be may be Wendell from level one techs
that's where he specializes try him I'm
not sure who else might know that kind
of stuff one from chat normal chat I
want to address here while we're running
these tests when are you leaving for
Comi tax will you have scheduled videos
while we're gone where we will be
uploading should be still every day
while we're gone because we're gonna be
at Computex so I'm gonna be making
videos on the show floor it'll probably
multiple videos a day just like we did
with CES so if you are worried about not
getting stuff in your sub feed manually
either check Twitter
will tweet them or manually check the slash gamers nexus page you
know a couple of times a day the first
day tends to be a bit slower obviously
we have to start making the videos to
upload them but by in the first day
we'll have a few videos up next day
we'll have a few videos up so we're
going for probably two to four a day
depending on how much there's talked
about that day
so yeah will will of videos we're not
abandoning you for Computex
okay so there we go a 9860 that's our
score it's a graphic score eleven seven
eight seven pretty damn good even though
we're stuck at 39 they were so close to
10,000 but also so far away fire strike
we don't know leans really heavily on
the GPU so we can only get so much out
of the CPU and the memory so if we're
stuck at 30 90 we might not be able to
hit 10,000 but I'm gonna try let's just
go ahead and save this 13 90 megahertz
GPU 4.8 gigahertz CPU okay and let's do
I know for sure we're gonna have to
increase the voltage I kinda have an
idea of where it's going out to be
because I pretest it a bit for this one
so I'm just gonna go there right away
and I think we're gonna run into thermal
problems now so we're doing four point
nine point one three it's just high but
I think it's gonna be needed and forty
why do feel let's go 43 on that that
might we might be pushing our power
limitations here okay so if anything the
combined tests gonna be the worst what
we're gonna do now is see if it crashes
but also see if it's limiting anywhere
so one cool thing about x2 you I
typically prefer to overclock with BIOS
for this I've explained why we're using
x2 you it is it is a bit better for the
Nook it exposes more options and Intel
is your only vendor for the BIOS so you
don't have any choices one thing I like
about it is down here on the bottom if
we can get a shot down here maybe it is
actually really good about showing what
limits are hitting same with hardware
info but it's condensed so we can see
thermal throttles
we can see power limits we can see
current limits these are the two that
I'm most concerned about because we have
a 230 watt brick so what we're going to
do is run this
windowed and see if we hit any of those
and how quickly and I'm thinking we are
going to at least hit one if not two or
three limits of some kind a couple
orders while that's launching Rudolf
from Finland Thank You Rudolph Rudolph
purchased a Raglan hoodie which we
restocks I think last stream so we
should still have some of those in stock
it's the blue and black two-tone hoodie
lightweight so it's great for spring or
a cool summer weather Shaun from the US
purchased a mod mat and thank you Sean
we really appreciate it the mod mat
orders are awesome because we're proud
of the product and like seeing it get
out there and then we got one from
Christoph that I'm pronouncing that
correctly from Poland who bought a one
of the 15 ounce ceramic mugs which is
actually the same one that's holding
some dead memory in it right here not
drinkable hope that's making everyone
that's probably $300 of memory that
doesn't even work it's so sad right
so we're just running a test now see
yeah uh what what are we getting for
limits so we're hitting a current limit
down here that's turning yellow
sometimes that's a current limit
definitely hitting the current limit so
current limit throttling CPU
temperatures fine but this is not a CPU
test it's not the physics test start 42
I need to see what what we are doing
physics tests core frequencies or
there's what does that say that's a 49
I like that I can just look at the
camera via up here up towards the top
thank you okay very helpful thank you
fire strike or where am I out right
there that's what I'm looking for
oh yeah we're throttling big-time so
that should be four point nine we're
thermal throttling now what's our
temperature right there okay so it's
we've got one quart ninety eight which
is a thermal throttle for sure so let's
try elevating this thing I'm going to
shut it down just so I don't suck a
cable into the fan and we're gonna find
something to elevate it with and then
see if that gives us a bit more airflow
can only help so much unfortunately we
are gonna be limited by everything else
but let's give it a shot so all the fans
pretty cool just attached to this switch
and then the knock is separately
attached to this cable so they are
isolated and now I just need to figure
out what to put this thing on so if we
just do like this and then put a box on
either side I guess or if we're the fans
this is not really for the Hat okay Oh
someone says currently watching on my
Hayes Canyon thanks for all the videos
showing this thing so much love or
torture five dollars from Mike beads
yeah Mike it's a it's an awesome system
I really do like it we are not using it
as intended but it's pretty fun to work
with I'll pull some fan boxes okay so
there's a lot of cables to work with
here let's get this elevated and see if
that helps I need can I get you to slide
one box under that side so the goal is
to elevate it without blocking the fans
trying to put the back part of this on
this one like this and then if you can
get that yes we're gonna block one fan
well it's still elevated more than
so maybe if we just do the corner can
you line that up for just that corner
thank you and then we need another one
for that corner so is this box roughly
the same height yes you put that under
the other corner we're using the EVGA
fans and the Silverstone fans as
intended that's more or less okay it's a
microcosm of our wobbly table
I bet oh I don't know there's
Silverstone box let's use this one keep
all that EVGA fan okay I bet the room is
getting toasty yeah it's getting warmer
that's for sure use pucks so many use
parks requests I don't think it's really
the best fit all right let's try this
that definitely elevates yeah that's
that's pretty good that elevates the
fans a lot so let's give this a shot
why is this so much further away than it
wasn't good to go okay Oh Oh the brick
fall in the floor
yeah where's this hang on this cable or
is that guy you bring that up to the
table yeah thank you
all right guys we're just elevating
everything including the the haha surge
protector cuz it fell down earlier and I
left it there please don't fall all
right that should be okay let's get this
plugged in
Tate and this back on top and I don't
hear any cables getting sucked into the
fan so that's a plus
there's our choke cooling fan
everything's good everything's back on
put ice cubes in the reservoir I we run
out of unfortunately melting ice will
still turn into liquid and fill the
reservoir quickly and then we have
condensation to consider - maybe another
I did I did genuinely consider wrapping
it in shop towel and putting the
reservoir in an ice bucket but let's see
if this improves anything for us we
might be just let's see if I don't /
crash you know if it's just waking
itself back up
looks like crashing mmm so let's give it
a second to figure out what's doing with
its life a couple questions go through
my let's figuring itself out mm-hmm
with a pH mr. Fuchs Phu CT I think
that's how it's pronounced
HBM at 963 I haven't tried that we've
done 950 or do or wasn't reading 963
maybe you want No okay
no on the prompt okay just do it for
chat please the chilling I guess oh yeah
it would be fun but not really the best
setup the trying to do that right now
Alexandria five dollars Canadian
question for you guys I'd really like to
hear your opinion has anyone really been
as far even as decided to use even go on
to do it look more like I think yes
actually I've heard about that a few
times it's one of the biggest products
in the industry right now is they used
to look more like and to go far as so
yeah I think that's the answer
nestled with a knife one more question
do you have any benchmarks for what
razor you're using on your beard looking
for a new one and I need some
comparisons I don't even know what it's
called that's how much I care we got a
bit of a flicker there I got screen
flickering going on
I've seen that before sometimes it just
needs a bit of a rest and then that goes
away okay so let's go I see what's going
on please drop all the sit resets all my
settings but not all of them so it it's
freakin out of it I think we are going
to need to let me shut this down for a
second because I've had this before make
sure all the fans are spinning yes
they're spinning
okay so we could give this a break for a
second just needs to relax for a minute
see it do that a few times was a close
alright let me give that just like about
a minute or two and then we'll reboot it
so murders the whole badge in mineral oh
hell okay so what questions have I
missed here you can't do that
88 oh nine gee that's yes it is the 88 o
9g that's the CP were you using my the
mandate I guess Mike Bates $5 currently
working on my Haiti skinning oh I think
I saw that one yeah watch on my Hades
Kenny yeah yeah Leone of course $5 thank
you very much Leon Leon says I've never
seen you wear your hair in a ponytail do
you hate hair ties I have one right here
I did last live the last few live
streams when it start getting really hot
in this room this thing is not that
crazy hot so thanks for the realloc
sander $2 canadian thanks for the
response now I know what to do
let's I'm glad I helped somehow okay
let's give it a shot see if it's still
freaking out with the graphics
maybe with 100% fewer falling fans this
time can't divide by zero I guess but
you get the idea and okay all the fans
are spinning so should be better maybe
okay get this open please
no freaking out just in case we're gonna
reset everything reapply and see if we
can push the CV 24.9 not we have a bit
better air flow under there you know
what I think I have an idea here's what
we're gonna do we're gonna do 4.8
gigahertz for the multiplier and then we
are going to do I know this needs to be
offset pretty high so let's just go
heavy hand it again
and we're gonna change the reference
clock so we're going to off by one
megahertz or a hundred one megahertz now
this look at was something like I don't
know 48 60 or something like that
megahertz they'll be pretty close to 449
X that is and let's try that
so let's I'm just gonna run a physics
test and we'll go back to graphic stuff
just kind of one variable at a time
let's get the CPU down and leave it
alone and get the memory down as well
that should be pretty quick hopefully if
it doesn't crash a bunch all right so
physics only needed let's no fire
strength of the thing it does where it
reach X all the options it's a bit of a
trick with fire strike yeah you have to
click out of the window otherwise we'll
recheck everything you inject
okay loop
for window that's what I want Ron okay
let's see if it's stable at 48 whatever
it is right now
hardware info take so long to open with
this no no I've heard all your power
comes from your hair can I buy a lock so
I can take over the world it's a bit of
a jump don't you think
haha thought it out we we did have that
one Maud Matt we stapled up in the tube
with like 40 staples
I think theirs had the hair stuck to one
of those or something
XX sinful Grif for an added a in
streaming gaming rig 2700 2x or 8700 K
I'm seriously torn I can't decide let's
go with editing for well gaming
they're both gonna be good like they're
both fine technically the 87 RK can push
a bit harder if you're doing like 1080p
gaming with the high end GPU where
you're not where you're not CPU where
you're not GPU bottleneck and we passed
by the way the score was 12 380 so it
did pass that sounds a bit low I feel
like it should be like 14,000 so maybe
we were thermal throttle house just
double-check that 87 hard K though
technically a bit of a lead in gaming
doesn't matter probably not a whole lot
for most people just look at the percent
difference to see if you actually care
at that framerate so I'm sure some wood
some wood if you're streaming though
that's a different story so streaming a
while gaming is completely different
beast because in our streaming test
without any tweaks to affinity or
priority at all the the lower and Intel
CPUs especially it would have some
trouble where Rison did not and you can
check our 2700 extra view for all those
benchmarks I don't keep them in my head
forever so I'd encourage you to do that
we are definitely thermal throttling
right now let me see if I can get away
with a little bit lower voltage I don't
know that I can let's go for like 0.12
maybe it's probably gonna crash
let's see for editing and video
production that both are fine like we
have a benchmark also to check out the
Adobe Premiere benchmark so the 2700 X
is faster stock than the e semi hard
case stock in Adobe Premiere if you're
not using the IGP I can't run the exact
numbers but I want to say it was like in
the 30s for our test obviously
completely depends on what you're
rendering but ours was 30 something
minutes for 2700 X and I think 40
something minutes for the 87 hard case
stock once you got the IGP going with
the new hardware acceleration intel kept
up a lot better but it depends what
software you're using in general the 87
RK if you're not using some special
acceleration is going to be a bit faster
and multi-threaded tasks then the 87
hard k-27 RDX that is so I like both and
I would push you to watch our Adobe
premier video and our 2700 X review to
get more concrete thoughts where I like
pick a side because I had obviously more
time to think about it there okay so a
bit warm let's see if that fan helps at
all I just connected another fan while I
was answering that we are down a bit and
voltage dose that's really good to see
okay as a colder outside than inside so
you can try opening the window I don't
think so it's probably like I like
ninety degrees Fahrenheit outside yeah I
so someone said you probably have poor
contact with the CPU I think so because
well no jumping from 40 to 90 and no
times not crazy the reason I think there
might be poor contact is because we have
one that's sixty and one that's like a
hundred so I can I have an idea of what
that is it's because I didn't tighten it
super hard because I was concerned about
cracking the interposer so I wish I knew
where core to and core zero were because
then I could just tighten that
let's see which screw is the loosest
that's okay I need to get this pan off
the top okay all right no hazards that
screws a bit loose let's just give it a
quarter turn
that screws fine
that one's probably fine alright so I
gave one screw like a quarter-turn I
don't know if they'll change it again we
will find out yeah I'm running these
kind of looser than I probably should
but it is really easy to over tighten
this and crack everything so got to be
careful with it let's see if the deltas
are closer get this hazardous fan back
on top is the most dangerous part of
today alright okay
Alexander five dollars Canadian when you
get your final overclock you should see
how it performs in the stock cooler
after the fire strike scores test is set
so we already know actually we ran it we
did a review of Hades Canyon and the
stock cooler and we did some thermal
benchmarks and I can't remember I think
I was stuck oh I know I was talking
about 4.3 gigahertz and then we put the
280mm in here be quiet CLC on it and we
got to stock up 4.7 gigahertz and now
we're kind of at 48 70 but it's
occasionally throttling you know I need
to close
hardware info and reopen it so I can
clear everything but um yeah quite it
we're quite a bit farther than further
where we were with the stock unit one
more test here see if it's stable on
what temperatures were looking at Martin
five quid that looks like an Intel CPU
why not use a horizon shell a question
mark yes the the Hades Canyon nook
featuring an AMD Vega GPU definitely
shilling material there I do sense your
sarcasm though I hope really Huff that
we could try ripping the unit out I
guess and just randomly picking solder
joints to solder a rise and CPU to it
that buy satisfy some evil thermals
haven't really improved
need a chiller is what I need what can I
contacts we can lower ambient can you
let's just try and get like one degree
out of the thermostat one or two if we
can drop it one or two degrees I'll be
so if set it's like sixty eight or nine
thanks so we're going to try some
last-ditch efforts I might tighten some
screws otherwise we'll have to drop the
settings a bit run liquid metal through
the water cooling left world's first
it's kind of a liquid okay
I'm dataq five dollars Andrews getting a
thermostat keep up the good cheap up the
good dude we're hit on shoehorning the
rising 2700 X rig into a Power Mac g5
case while watching that sounds like fun
glad to be on in the background while
you're doing that sounds like a good
project beyond 4k $5 the users demand
more snowflake we expect every non-live
video thank you for making that
exclusion to include the CEO don't
disappoint us Jack Lee why aren't you
monitoring the vrm mas because I don't
care I'm assuming that's fine we have
such CPU problems it's not going to
matter I mean the vrm is under the
heatsink as well so it should be okay
I'll check though just in case but I do
not think it's going to be a problem
there should be a readout in here for it
let me see I think they called
motherboard motherboard SSD to
motherboard PCH
I know CPUs gonna be the big problem out
the BRM I don't think vrm temperature
there you go you're really curious
oh that's the GPU a might as well I
a couple of erm temperature readers
anyway that was semi-successful so we've
got the thermostat dropped a bit I'm
going to check the screws one more time
see if there's anything that can be
tightened without cracking something
that one's pretty much maxed
okay one more okay that's the best we
can do really so at this point we're
gonna be left down to your liquid metal
contacts which I'm not gonna disassemble
it on streem that'll just be a huge pain
probably I'm not really worth it
okay let's run the benchmarks as is if I
can get this to pass I need to know if
our frequency stays fixed so let's get
two of these up and we're just gonna run
a full pass see the frequency dips
during the benchmark and the step aback
gifts so we could probably also drop
Bolton jab it let's do this first
and then drop the voltage and see if it
crashes okay Jackley why yeah you got
that one sinful Griff $5 appreciate the
input man after we're done here I'll
check out the 2700 review again yeah I
mean I certainly have a lot of thoughts
on it the ACE on hard K does really well
but also the 2700 X competes decently
and streaming video production stuff
like that it really depends on the
software this is more a question of
software optimization than anything
because like we saw with Adobe Premiere
it's ahead there and then it gets behind
it with IGP acceleration on Intel so
everything's contingent on software and
what you use you really I don't think
there's a reason to feel disappointed
with either of those two options though
they are it's Andy's best effort in a
while 2,700 X gets a bit hot when you
overclock it but that's fine and Intel
certainly gets hot and the 8700 K's
Intel's best effort in a while so I
wouldn't be upset with either of those
he can t do that five quid what non tech
related YouTube channels do you watch do
you watch Cody's lab I have heard of
Cody's lab and probably seen some I
watched some mountain biking stuff
lately I've been watching a lot of like
learning Mandarin YouTube videos that's
proven really helpful that's most I
really like some Aaron Gwin mountain
let's see zero matter four five seven
used for for a tier adds together tape
them to a box fan J did something like
that ton for us five euro I'm
disappointed you had the chance to call
it sticks Canyon instead of liquid Hades
Canyon we were recalling that Haiti's
River for a bit but sticks Canyon is a
good one
born mega five dollars try using a
copper shim to make better contact to
the CPU yeah not on live stream but the
GPU and the CPU high are slight very
slightly different on this so that's
that's kind of a part of the concern
with why I don't want to go too hard I'm
tightening it because I know one sides
making more forceful contact on the
other side but it's set up in a way that
the I set it up so that the GPU is the
well basically the cold plate if you
watch the video the cold plate is
slightly higher on one side than the
other and I've lined that up inversely
to the height difference so we should be
but worst case the GP is making last
contact in theory and we have a lot more
thermal Headroom there it's lower heat
flux especially hpm so but there's still
some big core Delta's so I don't know
what we can do about that other than new
liquid metal but I think we're gonna get
pretty far with this though it seems to
be succeeding we'll just see how much
it's thermal throttling okay any more
orders so like I said previously if you
buy anything from the Gion store while
you're watching this while a stream is
going I'll read off first name where
you're from and what you bought and we
certainly appreciate it it's basically
funding today's video production that
we're shooting harbor news after this
and it is already 6:20 so we'll be fine
on that though he restored our cameras
nexus net if you want to pick something
up the mod mats are in stock and
shipping basically as the orders come in
now so it's not a backorder anymore and
the the crystals so back here the GM
logo tear down crystals with I think we
can go show that it's a 3d logo it's
pretty sweet actually
so 3d laser engraved we have those in
stock as well they came in the other day
and we also have the new $10 keychains
in you want to grab one of those so
anyway that's the that's the stuff we
got this is still kind of processing the
benchmark results I'm waiting for it in
the meantime let me check the
frequencies this never drops below what
we said it - I don't we we're not
throttling oh yeah
very nice we were not thermal throttling
what are these other I can't read any of
this from where it is HBM temperature
was fine 34 degrees kind of max GP
diodes fine 35 while that's doing really
well CP is struggling though GP of erm
temperature if anyone's curious is like
30 s definitely fine other vrn
temperatures 48 so we're like a hundred
degrees away from anything concerning
and get this over here here's our CPU
core thermals so although in the 90s we
are no longer at thermal throttle
territory which was like it's I mean
we're very close one degree Celsius
difference between them so very very
close to thermal throttle territory to
close all this stuff and it's I don't
know why it's processing the score still
but what we can do is let's get a memory
overclocked on here very simple one and
by memory overclock I mean I'm gonna
turn on X and P two and it's been how
far that goes we can play with it more
but I want to turn that on without any
tuning and see how far that gets our
score and that'll probably be pretty
close to calling it cuz we're good at 98
60 points already and I want 10,000 I
don't know how close we get latest order
was from Thomas from Norway Thank You
Thomas Thomas ordered the the original
the og gamers Nexus logo shirt and I
think cotton so thank you for picking
that up that is our oldest shirt design
that we have and it's still actually one
of the most complex so this front and
back print and a couple colors
Ruben's from the UK bought one of our
ceramic mugs Thank You Reubens we just
restocked there's a couple days ago I
think we're already low on stock but
these are the mugs
broken memory not included just like the
mod Matt does not include my blood from
sanding down horizon IHS although that
rise in CPU certainly had the last laugh
at me sand it off ya know my fingertips
okay so that's the mug you want one it's
on the store stored I Karen sex tonight
I'll read your first name where you're
from when you pick it up alright so shut
that back some p2 on let's see how it
does get a real score in this time
assuming a fire strike actually
completes the run okay
any day now x2 you could not apply
processor graphics officer that's fine
we're not even using that part okay so
that's all good this is acceptable we
can still try and drop this voltage of
it I haven't like I said we're
heavy-handed on it intentionally because
live-streaming kind of complicates
things so let's leave all that let's get
Vega GPU overclocked this is a Vega mgh
GPU they also have a GL which is a bit
more limited in Cu count
it's the weaker model I have not tested
that one I think we decided 1390 was
definitely stable or very close to it
and this voltage I said earlier if you
change it it'll crash so we're gonna
leave that alone might be a bug I'm not
sure mine 50 HP m max that out I might
be able to 975 or 960 something on HP m
but let's just try and get a score in if
it will complete this time okay
run see how it does
okay what other chat things we have gone
on revive the dead memory with the blood
of Steve is that like add the blood to
the chalice and some liquid-nitrogen
it'll come back to life it's pretty sad
really I think one of them was an ESD
death a couple years ago and from
handling probably on camera and the
other one I think was just bad and I
didn't really never we got around to
replacing it hmm all right so Chet rj2
daughter shout out to Joey rizz and his
2,700 x OC vids cool fire on a wire two
quid where's the GN CEO senior AMG
analyst not allowed in the livestream
can setup especially with this I I'm
already enough of a hazard with this fan
as it's already almost tune-up the bench
once today so I have a feeling she she's
a bit on the nose with the with the
component analysis literally by which I
mean she touches everything with her
nose so that would be a problem with
this bench right now that'd moisture
would be good though for additional
damage I guess and cooling there you go
mm-hmm there's some kind of discussion
in chat about population not not really
sure what that is okay I wish I could
get Vega 56 and 64 at a good price I got
a precinct monitor for nothing yeah it'd
be nice 56 was a really fun card to work
with I did not like 64 we recommend it
against Ed 56 I liked a lot especially
because he can basically make it become
fat 64 and so like some people
originally were like yeah but you can
overclock 64 also yes to a point but if
you overclock them both to their max
potential especially with a BIOS flash
on 56 then they're basically the same
they're like single-digit percentage
points different and the price was
amazing like I remember what it was
anymore because it's never been what it
was supposed to be I think it was
supposed to be I don't know if it's 400
or 500 so one remind me in chat what
Vega 56 MSRP was supposed to be that's
pretty sad though isn't it can't say I
ever forgotten MSRP for a GPU item for
the past year where nothing's ever MSRP
anymore anyway it was a it was I like
that one a lot it's a shame that it's so
hard to get but I don't know it seems
like it's gotten a little better I'm not
sure how much though
you can't do that to quit for the last
run ice cubes in the res come on I do
want to I don't maybe like one maybe it
might be better next time so I can like
prepare for it let some liquid out in
the very least so we're doing like
combines house and I just finished suit
our scores did pass don't know if it
throttled if it's lower than previously
we did day and that is super close 98 47
I want 10k I don't know if we're gonna
hit it physics scores 14 8 5 1 that
memory OC helped a bit we could push it
we do a manual Oceanos just like some
pee right now anyway 14850 111 700
graphic scenes to out where we're stuck
let's try and get a little more out of
this thing I think
probably we're okay in terms of thermals
ish frequency you can see where I can't
read anything don't say frequency yes
okay frequencies fine it's not
throttling it's just dropping between
tests so okay so let's try let's try for
like 965 I know thousand won't work
let's try fourteen on it again which
didn't work previously but maybe yeah
we're at like 9800 something I want
10,000 why not always see the RAM we
just did an XMP two on it and I can play
around with it more but the thing is
graphics is what is that liquid boiling
no not only close graphics is our big
limiter so that's the the one to focus
on right now so that's what I want the
extra 10 megahertz out of if I could get
it yet I wonder if the air should ten
watts from the laptop power supply will
help at this point can you grab under
the test bench behind your editing
machine there's like a white like box
that connects to a power cable on either
side it's on the floor next to the power
on earth and there the battery back up
it should say like onset data logger
it's up it's a power meter so we're
gonna see what kind of how much power
we're using so I can figure out if the
extra 10 watts is gonna give us anything
it's only 10 watts but
what board is that it's the Intel
Katie's Canyon Nook it's pretty cool
actually it's totally not meant to do
this but a lot of fun to work with I'm
gonna shut this down as soon as that
task finishes - it's get a power reading
just reading chat for a second cube cube
cube I don't want ice cubes I guess
either having your chanting for ice cube
the rapper to come out with you're gonna
be sorely disappointed they didn't have
an ice cube so he bought vanilla ice
good reference there all right
two dollars from the Martin cube cube
but let's get more cube in the chat
I've never seen anyone clearly a throat
while chugging coke first of all I've
been talking for like hours secondly
have you tasted that stuff cause it's
awful it's probably doing the opposite
probably do you hydrating me more than I
even close this thing I guess I could
drink out of the reservoir and then I
could fit an ice cube in there would you
be able to switch the third party GPU OC
tool yeah I mean like yeah I've used
I've used watt tools pretty good and
afterburners okay
we could certainly play around with it
what TV would you recommend for this
exact build do you mean this the theta
I'm testing
it's an 88 o 9g it's basically the only
option there's one other one and I don't
know how good it is but it's it's a
step-down and performance anyone's done
L&T with this I don't think so but I
know builds I'd wants to you
okay all right so wait for Angie to
bring back the datalogger if you can
find it it's oh man we're at 99 you can
see a corner of the screen
99 to 63 let's say that 99 63 points so
that is 49 megahertz on the GPU 11 873
for the graphics core pretty good 14 7 7
4 for physics three six nine eight four
combined thank you I was able to use the
corner that's visible to show everyone
the score super close so anyway we are
40 points away from my target so I I
want 10k points that's a goal we're
gonna plug this in to a power reader and
see or a meter basically and see how
much power that brick is getting tapped
for what are your thoughts on the 87 o5g
you have you even tested it or seen it
no I have not that 10 watts extra is
hitting 10k it might be let's see where
we actually are on consumption that we
might not be maxed out although we
probably are yeah I have not used the
other the other CPUs from this family so
only the 88 o 9g I asked Intel for the
lower end unit they didn't have any
available unfortunately I would buy one
but they're expensive and I know we're
not gonna get a return on that because
it is so expensive and it's not the most
interesting to people its power bricks
pretty hot I should have fan on that
so all we're going to do is see how much
power we're using and I can explain all
this to you in a second
all right
it's upside down okay well you're gonna
have to deal with an upside down meter
maybe yes that is going to be the case
so I'll point out what we're looking at
sorry it's upside down and now right
here this number near my finger that's
the current wattage like power
consumption it's not doing anything
right now so 27 basically let's run a
fire strike thing and I can get that up
we're already configured here we should
already be good here how much power
everyone think we're using posted in
chat the brick candy 230 watts so are we
max you know obviously there's some
efficiency lost but are we maxing out or
should I am I gonna need to switch the
and I don't know if we're even
power-limited at this point it might be
a bit
also I don't know what protections it
has in terms of a limiting power
consumption even if we give it a bigger
break it might not let us push that much
through it stephenie's water cooling yes
how about liquid nitrogen full
submersion don't think that's gonna be
doable alright so we've got some numbers
and someone says 136 we've got 210 teach
one a 229 180 225 250
I guess half maybe of efficiency 200 245
over safe draw
what do you think of the ml 120 fans
they're fine I'll know more soon okay
so we've got our power consumption
numbers you're just plugging on the
camera right now it's needs more power
like everything else in this room how
much do we have to donate to get you to
cut that hair not gonna happen
yeah I think run it without the tools
running I think I did that I killed the
hardware info for the last one okay
so power consumption currently 167 168 1
71 and 172 can you get a shot of that
right there
so we're actually not pulling as much as
I thought but if we would start pushing
that way during the combine test may be
I have a feeling of CPS drawing the most
right now we're in a graph or actually
is this combined err graphics that was
graphics test - here comes the physics
test so we'll know how much is drawing
from a CPU load shouldn't be that much
128 pretty good amount therefore this
130 watts so we're leaving a hundred
watts of headroom for the GPU it's 130
for CPU only
the Martin 10k with ice cubes maybe
black lodge games $2.00 thank you
Star Trek or Star Wars definitely a Star
Trek hands down
TNG though okay so here comes the
combined task for between tests right
now and combined test coming up 160 170
264 I saw one 180 in there and 180 180
it's definitely high 190 well 200 there
you go huh 195 so I don't know how much
Headroom is baked into here after
overhead I can actually feel the power
brick vibrating from the the fans I
think coming through the table
63 okay so we're back idle now 99 49
okay what can I do
let's try we really need GPU score
that's what we need so 965 was stayed
well what about 975 and 1400 seems
stable now
that's not enough of a change though hmm
maybe some memory tuning closing other
background processes maybe that's a
memory yes can't read it
okay so XMP too
I change this here now okay so 17 1939
TCL so it's set 17 1939 24 is what we've
got stock 4x I'm P Tyr does it read it
out no yes oh cool nice one
try sixteen
TCL sixteen-hour defaults better than
the proof or than acted okay
Rast 39 could get away with better 24/40
WR WR 24 brass 39 just get to where that
is first how is it resetting everything
that's annoying
what's default 1.3 24 okay the
multiplier actually don't know what
speed memory this is like what the kit
is SPECT for where is it
H X 4 3 2 where's my memory speed
HyperX 4 3 2 s 2 0 found something
okay here it is so the spec is might be
3200 for this one yeah it is it's ddr4
3200 what are the timing spikes for us
you know so oh I see okay so XMP two
dropped down to 29 33 and it's 17 19 19
whereas XMP one is 3200 at CL 20 so
definitely the tighter timings gonna be
better for us here but maybe we can also
push for a better frequency although 200
megahertz is I'm gonna get us a lot so
we're gonna stick with tighter timings
and let's just let's push for like a
1405 now that I know what memories back
is see that's stable
then I can put the CPU a little bit
actually see if there's any like Adobe
applications or anything like that in
the background
not really
anything to kill nope not even
worthwhile okay so see if this will stay
alive kind of getting to the end of this
one but do you want 10k this actually
socket all memory so I could put a
different kid in I don't want to do
memory timing turning on stream not
particularly great at it ha all right so
clearly not stable - not like that GPU
overclock so we're currently our score
if you're just tuning in is about ninety
nine sixty five and I wanted 10,000 so
we're very close
fire strike score the score puts us
between a 1050 Ti and a 1060 or around a
570 in performance for the GPU CPU
performance is ahead of a 1500 X
overclocked and ahead of an 80 600 K
stock but behind an 80 600 K overclocked
to 5 gigahertz by a couple thousand
points in physics core so that's kind of
the recap get everyone up to speed on
where we are now and I think I might
give it one more go with some memory or
some CPU tuning and then probably call
it there
cubes everyone wants ice cubes so $90.99
it might be nine I don't know it wasn't
the score ninety nine sixty three and I
said ninety nine sixty five what
difference does two points make delete
system32 might worry that's a good
suggestion there are no more power
limits to remove someone says spend a
bit of time looking at bios I have the
reason we're using X and X to you is
because there aren't power options to
disable in BIOS so we've turned off all
the power constraints that we can turn
off anything Alice's stuff that either I
can't touch or isn't exposed or doesn't
work okay
Stargate or Star Trek Phi star mmm Star
Trek sp1 is good though okay so we're
gonna take off that extra five megahertz
on the GPU then like that
and we can probably take up a bit on the
HBM getting kind of stuck though I get
afterburner I don't have internet access
on this machine right now okay so we'll
just deal with this otherwise I'd get
after burn around here 1400 hopefully it
stays 1400 970 max this out okay next to
did he use liquid metal yes there's
thermal grisly conductor not on there I
don't know why someone says why the 12
watt per meter Kelvin pace or 80 we are
using 80 it's it's conduct enough okay
we want oh it's back to 100 let's go up
to 101 went 1-2 let's bring this up to
40 44 maybe if it'll hold this power
limit unfortunately is bugged or doesn't
work or something I don't understand so
we try to max it it'll actually just
reset so can't do anything with that
let's go with this see if it's stable
and then worst case we can try pushing
like one or two cores up a bit higher or
we could try pushing the reference clock
a bit higher to 102 but I don't think
that'll hold 101 with XMP two is gonna
get us a bit more memory speed anyway so
that will make up for the deficit with
XMP 2 and we got the timing benefit okay
swap out the GP for a net and video on
yeah I don't think we can swap much of
anything on this okay we got Alex five
euro thank you Alex for the super chat
donation I appreciate it
how far do you think of 2700 X can be
pushed on closed loop liquid cooler say
IO is also worth putting a 1080 ftw2 on
a custom loop or leave it hybrid hybrid
and cost the loop we're gonna get you
about as far on either one in terms of
temperatures so it's gonna come down to
how you want your system to look and if
you want the flexibility to add more
stuff to your loop in terms of thermals
and frequencies don't worry about it a
whole lot
the hybrid setups because it's a
dedicated the closed loop for the GPU
they're about as good as you can get
without exotic cooling you could put a
bigger radiator on there it'll help a
bit but really not that much in our
testing single-digit degree differences
for a lot of instances and then what was
the other question how far can be pushed
on liquid coolers so we were doing about
four point two gigahertz on our 2700 X
with an X 60 to 280 millimeter liquid
cooler and I've seen a couple do like
4.3 or something but not too many
so also single versus all core is gonna
be different to the CBD ratio reset
didn't I did it okay I'll check it right
now I guess I thought it was set to 48
what does that say 48 right no the cash
ratio reset did i good i chat did it
reset because I adjusted this I don't
know why that reset interesting
okay oh the reference clock reset - does
one influence the other seems correct
right now okay let's try that then
good eye chat
all right so next question Alex and chat
when Tech Jesus gives you two minutes
most time Martin Parker five quid wood
and EGP you be against the spirit it has
a thunderbolt port also what CPU is that
okay so first of all it's an 88 o 9g
secondly I consider that I have this box
right here is technically an e GPU
option so I considered it
I would like to livestream it maybe it's
better for a separate stream though when
is moonlight mods going to release that
block $2 from potato I don't know that
they will email them or something if
they have a contact on the website tell
them you're interested I'll let them
know that people are interested in this
stuff but email them let them know
anyway I don't know chat external GPU
yes or no it'd probably be a different
day I have to like I don't have any
space for it we'd have to hook it up but
even though that's against some of the
spirit of this we're basically just
overclocking the CPU at that point so
let me know if you're interested in that
we can do a thing with it if you are ok
fire strikes still going there's a
motherboard cool on both sides it
doesn't really need to be but this fan
up here first of all there's a fan on
blowing air down mostly for the the
inductors at the top of the vrm and then
the air coming up from under it is going
to naturally cool the other small
components on this side and none of
those really need cooling I mean you're
talking about an SSD and some memory and
those are getting air flow which they
don't even really need that much of
considering it doesn't have any normally
199 hashtag please cube really want an
ice cube in there ok we're on to physics
we've got two more to go through
noƩ GPU pointless yes a GPU on a custom
loop that'd be kind of interesting but
for like the Titan V in there with a
water block on it in the e GPU dock is
that interesting I don't know what chad
is he reading well clearly the one you
just typed into stargate verse Firefly
Firefly what is current limit throttling
if you mean what which component is I
would assume XT is talking about the CPU
if you mean what is it it's when in this
case when the system has a built in
current either current protection or
some other like we're out of we're not
out of power Headroom we're at 200 watts
so we're kind of ok it's getting kind of
high actually maybe we should do an
external another brick but current
limits going to be just the any
protections on the board that we can
access at this point that are limiting
how far we can push the amount of
amperage going into it ie current the
Marten a GPU yes only if Ice Cube is
cooled 99 12 did we go down I think so
yeah so he might be weird we good we
went up in GPU so there might be thermal
limited at this point thermally limited
can I get away with a little bit lower
voltage I really don't think so is there
anything else
let's leave that where you know for
thermal throttling that's not gonna
matter tempted to try like a 102 okay
let's let's drop this and let it run and
see if it crashes probably will
and then I'm considering doing like a
102 reference clock if I can get the
voltage a bit lower and drop the
multiplier or something
are there bandwidth limitations with the
EGP does that make going to a higher
performance model pointless any probably
it was a Titan V I think so but also
it'd be fun so yeah maybe let me um let
me do one more thing to I want to break
out the extra power brick just in case
and we'll do like one pass with that
Thanos we're kind of thermal limited too
so I don't know how much looks really
gonna matter
why don't you with less voltage yeah if
it holds it looks like it's holding
right now power consumption is at 187
watts try push-pull on the radiator hi
102 why is throttling only with 200
watts it's well current is not
necessarily water so current times volts
because you watched and why is it
throttling I don't know there might be a
protection here for X amps like in some
boards you might see a 50 amp over
current protection so I don't know what
it is on this one we've removed all the
limits we were able to but that doesn't
mean there aren't more ultimately it's
not meant to do this
so there might be DIC some software
solutions $2 ice cubes question mark all
it's just a reminder as we're closing
out here if anyone grabs anything on
store document access net I'll shout out
your name what you bought where you're
from in the in the live stream up until
the point of attending which we'll see
how this does I guess but we've got the
mod mats which are in stock now since
the the work service I'm on and we've
recently discovered fairly
heat-resistant it's in a video and
accidentally discovered pretty
water-resistant after leaking a whole
bunch of liquid on it also we just
restocked all the autographed ones if
you buy them hopefully I can get one
signed before I leave for combi tax if
not it'll be like two weeks but I'm
gonna do my best to get out there ASAP
and sign somewhere before I leave and
we're on physics test we have combined
to go we also have the if you want
something cheap and easy but still
really cool we have these $10 keychains
we just made it's just kind of like a
cool swag item technically has a light
in it if you buy the batteries for it
but yeah sweet keychain we got made or
the bigger crystals if you like those
for something pretty unique and cool for
a YouTube channel someone says where is
it why your attempts so high on that big
radiator I think we just kind of have
some contact limitations between the
block and the CPU at this point I don't
know what we can do about that like I
said before the fins aren't really micro
fins so we're kind of limited there to
certainly better than the CLC was but we
are going to run its limitations like
air flow and size only does so much Tim
same exact score but a lower voltage so
okay I'll save this profile
dan let's I guess try a 102 that's gonna
pushing it though
yeah okay let's try that let's see if it
just crashes if that doesn't work we can
try 101 with like two cores at 49 see
how quickly this dies we have some more
voltage Headroom I guess I did pull out
that other power brake too
checking the liquid tamp yeah I mean we
could we could push the HBM o'clock a
bit more 925 9 85 yeah we try that too I
know it crashes for sure at a thousand
so we're close to our limits there let's
give this a shot
everyone wanted one or two reference
clocks we're gonna do that first and
then then we'll come back to the other
option you have 49 multiplier in
something I was talking about that - how
long will it take maybe prank call
lioness or Jay until it's done I'm sure
both of those very not busy men would
appreciate that so we're running a
graphics test anyone's curious about
power it's 184 right now and it's gonna
drop a bit because we're between tests
but I'll go back up again in a second
have you considered doing the GM logo
inside of a hollow box what is that do
you know what that is so the glass cubes
we have are it's it's laser engraved in
the glass cube and it's got some pretty
intense 3d details but I don't know if
that's what you mean by hollow box I can
look it up we're still running graphics
tasks yeah there's the cube so it people
are saying and then we'll try an ice
cube extended mod matte mousepad like a
bigger version of the mod matte except
another four feet for your mouse and
keyboard shipping eight foot ten pound
matte we do want to do mouse pads and
mouse mats I know it's interesting we're
looking into it actively Ice Ice Baby
does the Nook have some weird added
cache I am not too sure honestly I
haven't looked into if it's done it in
funky on the architecture side other
than Vega
that way higher on the graphic I don't
know I actually don't remember
I think that's high so we crashed on
this CPU test
let's give it points or five more volts
okay then not like that final plug in
the other power break just in case why
not at this point why not try everything
before the stream happens
I hear if you tweet gamers an access
hashtag please queue but you'll get ice
cubes what's the difference between a
mousepad and a mouse mat I guess I just
make the distinction in terms of like
how big it is so I might have a mouse
mat is like like mouse and keyboard but
I don't know if that's actually a thing
okay so we're gonna try a different
power brick see what it does if anything
and I have an EVGA laptop one next to me
for one of their SC laptops it's an
extra 40 extra 10 watts 240 instead of
230 I just need to route the cable out
from the maze okay that's fine I guess
where's that would I put the brick
adjust that in my hand
did you see where I put that uh oh there
it is okay
so he's double check the specs 19 volts
twelve point six amps versus nineteen
point five volts eleven point eight amps
close enough to give it a shot there's a
big EVGA brick cables everywhere
think it'll fit - is there a gamer's
accent mod for the computer build
simulator people have asked me to try
and get the mod met into that I don't
know what the process is for doing that
okay power is it going to turn on
her extra 10 watts flip the power drop
monitor while it's off yeah
too late sorry ripp Hades Canyon an
asshole with a knife five Canadian his
camera guy allowed to talk or do you pay
him to not speak he says yes
okay all of our settings are the same
last time these didn't hold
yes I agree with this comment point 5
volts difference is nothing to worry
about since it's less than 10% Nautilus
back to the original
also it's on the lower side so we're
current I guess but we're doing that
anyway why is this not opening
there we go
I just realized I was making the Zelda
theme song noise which is gonna get us
banned from YouTube by Nintendo okay see
what that does if anything yes I know
use third-party OC tool I've heard you
cash multiplier thank ya 39 I'm not
connected to internet on this machine
right now I try I would have downloaded
afterburner otherwise 102 0.12 48 for 4
and then max on the stuff that matters
all right so what are we gonna get 99 63
again or it's crashing right now I think
pretty sure it's about the crash what's
the margin of error in these that's
pretty high actually but yeah that's a
fire strike in general
all hail the camera guy that'd be Angie
by the way for filming this he is a
disciple for sure
okay oh there it goes it's rebooting
right now alright why are the power
supplies in parallel yeah sounds great I
am still trying to get a custom one in
but if I do that we might as well do a
something with a liquid cooler - I don't
know chill the radiator or different
block or something like that cuz we're
gonna hit thermal limits anyway I got an
order in from Shane Thank You Shane we
appreciate your order of one tear down a
crystal statue with LED base go into I
think that's Wyoming be cool Hector from
New York New York picked up one of the
$10 Gian logo keychains
Thank You Hector the very least it gives
me something to do while you wait for
this reboot please no more crashing I
you know this would be a lot easier if
we had more thermal Headroom so I think
the next step is possibly a chiller or
something like that I'll talk to alpha
cool and see if we can get one of those
in pretty sure they would send this one
that's probably the next step though and
that would have to wait till after
Computex if we did it
ok wat man 1400 was relatively stable
979 70 was stable try not to change too
many variables at once 3dmark okay
alright that's a good sign
so all the settings are the same I think
it's gonna crash but let's try it put
salt in the reservoir mod matte sleeping
we have you have the motherboard with a
thermal camera I don't have anything set
up right now for that we could but
throwing some cameras are kind of nice
for that but also emissivity and
reflectivity or problem although not mom
there's enough reflective stuff on here
where you'd want to black it out but
literally just put the hose in a bucket
of ice I've thought about that we would
want to we want to insulate some of the
components around the block just in case
there's condensation buildup so I can
put blue shop towel around that or
something $2 do not say my name or where
I am from thank you
I think I did that correctly you're
welcome the sickness
2:29 ice next to rad intake yeah you
could do that too not the best fit for
today with the space we have and what we
plan for but you can always come back
and do more live streams so that'll give
us we have a lot of options for the next
one really want to see if this will hit
10,000 it's running this time so far so
we'll see if it holds in the physics
test that's the real test right now
we're in graphics 2 graphics 2 seems
sort of stable I mean it hasn't crashed
so it is stable I guess I'm just
hesitant to say it's stable that's when
things crash also this thing is amazing
I don't know what it is though the art
in the corner alright
Jane Newton why does everyone keep
behind Steve attack Jesus I'm sure he'd
prefer Steve
all right did it crash yes dang what it
crash on CPU yes let's go down to 101
and let's I think this is gonna be our
last thing try 49 now I was not gonna
let me do that okay fine
49 that's really not gonna be too much
different what we just did unless it's
actually stable then it will be
it's a crashing already MIB crashing
already that that might be it we might
be stuck at 99 62 for this stream what's
the power usage with the Durham psu any
different not really I think I saw it go
up in extra five watts but we also had
it overclock differently someone sighs
Tech Jesus Steve is just too long yes
that's what he meant turn the water in
the loop into wine in parlor tricks
okay to box Clifton ward hey man put
some Steve blood in the tube you guys
have a weird obsession with this idea
okay so I don't know that might be where
we stop I'm gonna let me try one last
thing just for the for the show of it
we'll do a bit higher on the HBM see if
we can get 980 and we're gonna leave the
cpu stuff alone because that's clearly
not going any higher and then that'll be
it so let's see if we got the extra 30
or so points 40 points
you just look at metal we are I see
yeah we just need I don't know maybe
slightly better contact I can put bigger
fan like better fans on here anything
that would let us push more voltage I
think would help because we need more
voltage but I don't have the thermal
Headroom for it so that's my big limiter
right now
all right
but the water is condensing it's too hot
ice ice cubes for the show of it
we should just put one ice cube in the
Louvre just just everyone gets what they
1:01 was stable let's still on let them
ideas last thing okay all of that stable
well was previously does this have
built-in wireless no
so I would get afterburner otherwise all
right so I said we're gonna try 1400
with a 980 HBM 980 max why
I think that should hold the settings
when I close it yes okay let's get rid
of that and then this should hold the
settings as well let's get rid of that
just in case not much else to get rid of
go away onedrive no one wants you quit
3dmark alright so before the cube if ice
cube works the internet will break
literally one ice cube I don't think
it's going to change a whole lot
probably waiting a few minutes between
tests and letting the water cool down
with you just as much
Age p.m. does run over one gigahertz
yeah I can't even get it to 1 gigahertz
it crashes at that
South Bridge chip is naked PCH doesn't
need any cool line it's like couple
watts Ice Cube hate onedrive rip
onedrive ffff wrap it in RGB LEDs so it
goes three thousand percent faster all
right we can lower the tax turn
tessellation sighs I guess for the score
drop the entire thing it's a mineral oil
rat and all
yeah that's trashed so crush the ice
cube for surface area okay the crash
line graphics that time so that was that
HBM change its refresh out of options
here I already know setting that voltage
it's gonna crash it 970 okay
gram to
all right so I wish it would just let me
change stuff here
let's drop see what if we can do
anything here I'm not really great at
memory timing stuff
alright so 17-week at least copy what
they have what their profile is to start
oh is it actually carrying over our TP
12 RFC 5:14 yes t fall 31 memory
22 okay I had CP z on here as well
sorry now to reboot as I change these
kite that's a big jump there you go one
you can get 1.2 or 1.3 5 volts a clock
multiplier is maxed so
it seems to me carrying everything over
what is the default frequency I think I
might actually have CPC on here all
right what should i what should we go
with changing push for 16 or something
give me some thoughts and chat I can't
run far FC should be higher or lower I
think we want lower but give me some
suggestions chat what do you think who
knows more about memory overclocking
1.35 bother you fine yeah but another
sticks can take 1.5 I don't know how
this memory controller is but whatever
sticks can definitely take it for sure
it's just I don't know about the memory
controller okay
other suggestions let's get chatting
chat please overclocking let's get to
10,000 cuz I'm out of ideas
drop that thin and Novak fluid arm she
should be lower okay ice cubes now the
counter suggests one Ice Cube isn't
gonna get us the hair increase the
multiplier yeah we can do that okay
dataq dude logic Steve 99 63 equals 10k
write it close enough mate
does it play well with XMP profiles
seems okay 16 16 16 26 we can try that
33 34 yeah we can try a couple of these
things 21 16 16 16 40 16 16 16 26 lot of
suggestions okay so
what are we setting to someone wants 26
or lots 40 so let's let's try it
just let me see if cpu-z is on here
Hannah or actually does this read the
memory speeds that's all I really need
memory speed there it is okay cool so
does that live update yes it does let's
go 24
what other changes what do we want tear
as to be TRS TRS and TR CD give me an
order so TCL we've got 16 right now we
know it's stable at 17 what do we want
TR CD and tear as to be 36 not 26 okay
yeah thanks okay 16 it's your ass can't
go lower than 28 the VCCS a I don't know
if we have vccs a options I can look 16
16 17 34 what clock speed are we I think
we're at 48 50 or 60 or so all right 36
I want one too low on to your ass but
let's give it a shot that sure I can see
it builds oh he's awake - yeah the
waterblock helped a lot someone's asking
about help helped a lot for sure we're
at 99 63 points we started out like 8000
something so I want an extra 30
something points to get up there we're
super close two orders came in while
this is rebooting Jeff from Canada
Ontario I think ordered a mod Matt thank
you Jeff for that that'll ship probably
tomorrow or the next day and William
from Florida ordered a Raglan 2-tone
hoodie thank you William for that
certainly appreciate it that's one of my
favorite designs we have lots of stuff
in chats here a 36 okay what's going on
over here
keep in mind we've got a reference clock
boost it up a lot to you
it's on but I'm not getting signal so
might just be bugging out or it's not
stable with those settings might need 16
18 18 36 okay 16 18 18 36 we're just
going for a couple more points on memory
someone's that if for the people asking
16 I don't think the voltage goes higher
than one 0.35 okay I'm just rebooting it
right now
think it's a g.skill kit no it's
actually a HyperX kit
when can I look forward to a mod map to
a map being shipped ordered one about a
week and a half ago yes that was
backorder then but we got them in I
think Friday so they I mean obviously
have to pack them in everything so that
was happening all weekend so they're
gonna they started shipping on Saturday
and then they're gonna continue shipping
all this week so pan which round yours
goes out and it's definitely shipping in
the next few days if it hasn't already
it may have already shipped put horizon
7c beyond the raster for all right
should just do that stuff ice cube
yeah that's the other things people are
saying let that leave cool that would
probably help too so I think the memory
settings I chose are unstable so
probably up to clear BIOS and get it all
going again I might call it and let's
just I guess reset bhaiyya
I don't know I kind of want to call this
we have to film hardware news super
close 963 might just revisit it after
copy text or something are you double
streaming on Twitch I don't know maybe
we should eat how many of you preferred
twitch versus YouTube okay so let me
know each one that you watch what about
an 8 gigabyte kit with lower tires yeah
unfortunately it's it's so dim memory
and I don't really have any of that so
I'd have to start asking I can probably
get some from g.skill
let's see I got another order in while
this is up there guys okay so the
restore defaults button doesn't seem to
always work memory 22:16 let's try 17 17
all right it's a boundary for oh my head
misread that okay
build so I see filled Zoids on are you
there build Zoids there I'll take it
suggestions otherwise pushed out to next
stream probably for the memory twitch
twitch better chat twitch not lagging
I'm like YouTube I think the video lags
does it I think it's just the maybe this
the chat I have a different latency
setting then probably I should
maybe flip the whole case on the rat is
very cold like like throw it so I think
needs some cooling down little radiator
needs some consulting on the memory time
it's super close there I've got pretty
pretty far four point eight eight figure
is 48 60 40 and 80 there just crash or
is it adjusting soft okay it's just and
so I'm going to increase the multiplier
again 24 from 20 to my memory and that
for sure it's gonna be the last thing I
think 24
reboot yes
yeah I have a feeling that IMC for that
CP isn't that great with Titan tyrants
probably correct break out the ice chest
1618 1838 yeah well I mean this booted I
guess we'll give this shot
all right
so yeah we can get more memory from
g.skill or something else ordered a mod
Matt they're in stock correct yes that
is correct they are shipping as the
orders come in at this point would be
nice for let you adjust IO NSA along
with tertiary times yeah I would be able
to do much the tertiary aside from help
but the IO and si voltages would be nice
to adjust so this is having trouble with
the timings we've put in well with the
specifically with a multiplier does not
like 3200 megahertz so here's what I do
on reboot I'm going to set the
multiplier to what stable 22 and we're
going to see at the 1617 36 whatever
settings I put in are good without the
multiplier like because we only need a
couple points really so
it's a soldered memory no it's actually
sewed em so they are socketed and
they're replaceable but I don't have any
any other so dim memory I just have the
HyperX impact that they shift this with
alright so performance memory going down
to 22 we're gonna go up to a 102
reference clock or 101 actually 1 I want
a reference clock
this is hopefully hopefully is gonna be
it cuz I don't have any other ideas did
get super far though let me have you
with it just need to see if even boots
so right now we're set up on we have a
different power supply it's 240 watt
instead of 230 not a big deal not really
using it reusing like 200 watts or so
and 360 radiator openly custom block on
the CPU and the GPU and the HBM which
are all on one one packed one substrate
anyway and pushing 48 60 48 80 megahertz
on the CPU which is quite high cuz stock
it was about 4200 max for our
overclocked 4243 it's where 600
megahertz higher or more and we also
have the GPU now heading 49er megahertz
stable so now we're just it's a question
of the memory settings at this point but
really pushed it pretty far so far hey
that's the setup cool very good okay and
over here still set so see if it dies
straight away or not upside the water
supply had a bit of time to cool down
turn off the camera lights lower the
ambient by 20 points the rocky 2 quid
ice that's all I said
thanks again for all the orders today
everyone that's really extremely
supportive we really appreciate it it's
gonna help a lot with Tommy Tex coming
up so while this is going I'm gonna talk
a bit about combi tax because I think
it's kind of a fun topic and it's so
chaotic once we're on the ground you
don't get a whole lot of insight as to
what's going on basically we show up
early we're gonna do a factory tour
that'll be really fun we'll be filmed
we're gonna show how some components are
made I'm not gonna sure what it is yet
but we've done factory tours of case
factories in the past like in wins which
I need to book a meeting with them still
done Factory towards Ben Z X T's many
years ago and now we're gonna do one
with another company in Taiwan we've
done also gigabytes fact you should do
that again to you because I was super
rushed last time but anyway a lot of
factories out there so we do a factory
tour the I'm really looking forward to
the Guan hua Digital Plaza which is it's
cool we have a video on it from last
let me see what we titled that video
I'll share it in chat YouTube gamers
Nexus One for Digital Plaza yeah so it's
a gigantic computer mall and here it is
if you're curious we're gonna go back
there again so we're going back there
again this year it's really fun
and I got a $2.00 in for a two quid from
storms you so hasty about what you guys
do keep it up thank you so I'm still
going here but yeah that computer
marketplace is super cool like you walk
into some shops and it's just
wall-to-wall like resistors and
capacitors like thermocouples and stuff
that in the US if you sold that I mean
look at Radio Shack I guess and you know
what happens so it's it's cool see it
actually survived there the main
building is just I want to say it's six
storeys might be four but I think it's
six storeys of basically sort of like
just independent vendors with computer
stand so last year the year before when
Rison was last year when Rison was still
pretty new there were a bunch of the
vendors getting rising in so they'd rise
and boxes out
and there's a lot of knockoff stuff that
you get for cheap so that's kind of cool
to see in person there's a lot of legit
stuff as well and it's not actually
cheaper for the most parts like actually
at I remember we talked I'm just talking
all this finishes but there are X 570 we
showed in that video that I linked in
chat and it was want to save us $30 over
MSRP and we're like yeah that's not a
good deal and we got back and all the
mining stuff happened and I basically
should have bought all of them and
brought them home and sold them to
miners because it was actually a pretty
good deal considering the mining boom oh
my god we did it
what's the opposite of f4 respects is it
G is it gg gg ten thousand nine points
Thank You Chat for giving me the
suggestions on memory we didn't do a
whole lot of the multiplier 22
I dropped today I think I did 16 17 36
for the timings so that was enough for
her for ten thousand nine awesome so ten
thousand that's ten thousand nine points
Hades Canyon I'm just gonna save that
score so I can put it on harbor bots or
something later so yeah there we go chat
split up with GG's nice very happy with
that right at the end here I was running
out of steam so ten thousand nine in
total score graphics score 11 9 5 5
physics score 14 300 combined score 3 7
4 6 so that right there the graphics
score helped us out part of that might
be because the loop had time to cool
down so we're at 1,400 megahertz and 974
the HBM so man this is awesome that we
achieved the actual goal that we set out
to achieve so in terms of comparison if
you're curious let's just do this one
more time so eleven thousand nine
hundred fifty five points on the graphic
score is comparable to actually not far
from a ten sixty let me see how far we
are from that 12 five no way I misread
that we're not far from a five seventy
excuse me it's 12 five sixty - let's see
eleven nine five five and nine nine five
five it's like 5% away from an RX 574
gigabyte that is awesome that's
extremely powerful so that's a Vega
mmgh keep you pushing that 1060 is at
13,000 411 points give you an idea the
CPU is at 14,000 327 and the physics
scores for CPUs we have a 7700 K stock
with 3200 megahertz
CL 14 memory doing 14 605 so we're
basically 7700 K right now we're ahead
of a 1,500 acts up 4 gigahertz which is
13,000 45 and we are behind a 95 8600 K
at 5 gigahertz which is 15 9 9 4 so that
is the fields are just replied never
mind we'll fill you in later
ok awesome so there's your perspective
on where all those settings are it
requires ice still cubes Riot cubes Ice
Cube for the last run I'm going to call
that the last drop we're gonna call that
the fix free lab because it's better to
end on a high note so really happy with
that got the 10,000 points I set out for
it only took like 3 hours let's not bad
actually first stream so got it I'm
gonna read the last last couple super
chats and things that's Steve's Trezza
from the patreon discord you go to sexist if you want
to join our discord Strazza says that's
pretty low result for 79 80 XE isn't it
you think you're funny
hey last couple stupid chats and things
we'll come back and do another one of
these streams later with when I have
more of an idea on memory and with some
more tools maybe a chiller or something
like that
alright so last few messages storms due
haste oh you got that one cuts Mick
vascular $2 can we get the GN shirts in
bigger sizes
tweet at me at gamers Nexus it's the
easiest way or email support at gamers
Nexus dotnet and let us know
specifically what sizes you want because
we can kind of fit one or two of the
different sizes in in each production
run but I can't do one offs so let me
know and then next time we do a run I
can get it in and so you've got a couple
more jennifer order gigi congrats thank
you very much $10 the Rakhi GG $5 the
Martin $5 GG but before we end can we
try one or two ice cubes next time I
promise we'll do a chiller or ice cubes
James Bond 4.99 today was a good day
signed ice cube now you making me feel
bad that we don't have ice cubes and
that's it I've got all the orders right
out got all the super chats right out so
thank you everyone for watching
I see all the cube requests I hear you
it's been three hours so we're gonna
call it but lots of fun really
appreciate the chat support on getting
the extra memory timings in that's
probably my weakest area I need to learn
right now so yeah ten thousand nine
points if anyone's jumping ahead to this
point that's what we got eleven nine
five five GPU fourteen three two seven
for physics and three seven four six
four combined subscribe for more make
sure you catch our taipei trip we're
gonna be in taipei this week where I
shall attempt to use my two sentences
I've learned in Chinese let's film some
behind-the-scenes stuff over there and
publish it on the main channel also
during the Guan hua digital Plaza tour
again that'll be a lot of fun and yeah
subscribe for Computex basically a store
that carries excist on that tell us how
directly patreon account such gamers
access I'll see you all next time
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