
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Live: #RIPJAY OC World Record Attempt #RIPPAUL

hey everyone we should be live we are doing an envy link live overclocking stream today originally in response to Paul but before I get further on that let me know if you can hear us okay stream should be coming up momentarily he should be able to see us at this point so let me know if you can hear me if you can we'll keep going so this is originally Paul is sort of jumped in our last stream where I was working on just okay cool people are saying we can hear you sounds good okay cool thank you very much alright so here's what happened we did a live stream about a week ago with a single card and it ended up being the XC Ultra from EVGA which is in there now and so our goal was 7400 points we reached the goal and then Paul well technically Paul reached the goal first he joined our stream and he tweeted and said something about how he tweeted like a screenshot of it with like rip Jeon or something like that and then 30 seconds later he tweeted and said this was either perfectly times are very poorly times because we hit the same like just passed him and score at the same time as he hit our target so now I think the latest is I lost Paul's updated I think we were both at Saudi for 35 points for graphics for a single card and then Jay came out of nowhere and Jay posted a number one score on times by extreme around the same time we did our envy link testing so can't have that of course we already had a repel TT stream and Linus sadly never responded so well he kind of did he said he tried the 4gb 100 cuadros and didn't work out so he'll so now we got a now we gotta go after whoever's left which is going to be Jay because as we all know and Jay of course knows this within a matter of a week or weeks it will be completely impossible for Jay or myself to be number one probably number two or number three on the board because people who are actually really really skilled in overclocking or arcane been well we'll take all those spots so we're gonna take it while we can Jay had his turn to be number one I'm going to my turn to be number one and then neither of us will ever have it again until the next launch because the only way we could really truly compete with people like kingpin is to have early act well he has really access to I guess he's just a nice guy because kingpin could definitely just take number one right now either way it'll be a lot of fun we're gonna try and beat out Jay this time he's uh he's got a pretty high score it'll be tough to beat them but I think we can do it okay so let me check on chat people say they can hear things okay cool one person complained about video quality but I don't know it looks like it's 1082 me to try changing it manually kingpin really he's just a nice guy he was a nice guy actually and I'd yeah he's probably just sandbagging and letting us take her for bait he's he's sitting back and laughing at how he can beat those his his robot Robo clock or he can beat those scores while he sleeps all right so oh yeah how much so some people have referenced the the rap battle that was going on on Twitter where we started oh it started because Paul joined our stream last time and I'll keep talking till we got some more people and Chad its filling up and I asked Paul so is this is this a beef are we beefing Paul how does one beef and he and I both did a lot of research and we realized that the only way to beef is through rap so we had a Twitter rap battle and if you missed it you should go check it out I think if you just go to slash gamers access scroll down a bit you'll find the thread so there were a lot of a lot of a lot of POC and Biggie references in there some kill shot references a lot of fun Jay joined didn't - out of out of nowhere again as he does okay are you doing I want to know so we've got a 1,100 people in chat here now I think it's probably about time to show the bench and then I'll we can start doing some overclocking yes I know there's I know there is fan noise one person some fan noise lowers the high quality feel yes well can we show them the bench I can't do anything about the fan noise I'm so sorry this is the best we're gonna be able to do because this is a pretty a pretty hot system wants it to go gets going so can we see this okay it looks like we can see it decently the closer I get the worse it'll be on audio sorry but I'll walk you through it and Andrews just inching the camera closer so we can get a shot of it give us a second here rap Jesus all right okay so what we have we have a decent shot of it now what we have is a lot of fans here here's what I did so first of all for this we didn't do really anything all that special I wanted to chill the the radiator in here you're gonna hear a lot of noise from this thing sorry I wanted to chill the radiator in this bucket or get like an actual like cooler like you know something you take for beer or something like that and chill it but we decided we won't do it for this stream maybe for the next one if we need it and what we have is a 360 super-fat radiator with three fans on it we've got a soon on fan which is a maglev fan this is the original supplier for Corsairs ml fans they might I think they still are so that's three thousand rpm we have two coarse hair ml fans next to it we've got it's just whatever I can find really knock to a 140 up on top of the two env linked GPUs and that's exhaust so we really need that because back here here's the problem I needed more intake because the hybrid model is what we're using doesn't have direct cooling on the vram or anything well it doesn't have a heatsink and I did try to put some heat sinks on there but gave up on it because mounting a fan to the back and blasting it through the front cools the left half of the vrm on both these cards it gets some of the memory and then this fan here in the front which is mounted to the bench pushing air that way it hits the rest of the memory and so actually hitting everything with a thermal probe which at this point is impossible because the amount of fans I just you can use an IR account at this point it's okay because there's not really an omission emissivity issue here at this point the memory is cooler than the stock cooler was even when it's overclocked so it's like 50 degrees Celsius which is crazy about down a 28 over ambient or something like that so yeah very good thermals on everything here and it's just a lot of fans though so three fans there two here one here so we got six right there two more on the radiator for the 28th ETI hybrid which I further modded I did a shunt mod on it and we probably won't really be able to get a shot of that but it's just two shots that are shorted and then I've got um I just did liquid metal on it so it's not even that big of a shunt mod and then we have the two BRM fans down there and we've got an EK whatever that is on a super atmosphere something like that it's like a 2016 blaack in case we promise you on there pulled our Intel knock Hades Canyon mod parts off so the Hades Canyon acrylic bench has been stripped which is rather sad because I did like that system a lot and that's what's left of it but I'll probably remount the hades canyon board in there just the liquid cooling parts we needed for this and then the pump van just shows you the pump you'll see that it's a I just took a block of wood and screwed the pump into that and then clamped that to the table so it doesn't tip over because I had some issues with it being kind of loose so that's most the test batch verges setup looks better yeah you know I Andrew I think they're saying stuff about the verge saying the verge is setup is better just it really just hurts my feelings to see that I worked really hard on this and it's just sad you know it's just sad this definitely was the awkward way to move the camera I've ever seen speak not of the verge and I think you know they're right you're they're right the Verge's setup is better and I think there's only one way can you pass me the tweezers I need to improve this you just the tweezers please thank you this as for the tweezers these I specifically asked for tweezers thank you okay so we got some tweezers so now now I think we can compete with the and they're set up I'll just maybe a little later so that's the setup we've got it don't you have a camera slider yes how long do you think it is it's not like 20 feet well hon um so yeah did you use their own face so we've got a couple of things for the compound let me go we've got 2,000 people in chat here now so welcome everyone we're doing a rip J rip Paul stream are you overclocking 2nv link cards we just showed the setup I'll walk through it again as we keep going through the stream I've got to walk you through some of the thermal compound we use power supply all the rest of the set up but first the advertiser for the stream is power color because I was looking recently and Vega 56 and 64 have really come down and priced quite a bit since the mining boom which is great because Vega 56 if you remember we liked a lot in our reviews but then it was like gone and you couldn't buy it or it was overpriced so checking recently it's actually finally back at reasonable price levels so as the RX 580 we have a link to the RX 580 as part of power colors ad with us in the description below so if you've wanted a mid-range card the 580 is actually coming down in price quite a bit these days back to where it should be and the deals are pretty good now they also come with three games so it's a screed Odyssey and two of the two lesser known games one of them is a space RPG made by star doc that actually interested me a bit but I don't know if I'll time for it but maybe you will so that's in the link in the description below if you want to check it out so the rest of the bench the waterblock for the cpu is on top of cryo na I use cryo not for the paste covering the whole IHS it is not a direct eye contact and then under the IHS we have liquid metals freezing stocks or not and that is straight to the 79-80 XE so the cpu yes you're very funny is a 79 80 XE and reviving the old medium now and I think that covers the CPU side of things Bri was plenty cool our modded EFI 2080 Ti is using a be quiet silent loop 280 that just happened to fit a supremacy Evo would also fit that but I only had one and then the other card is the EVGA XE ultra which I have not modded at all not even a shunt mod so that's that's most up and then there's an ax 1600 I for the power supply memory is g.skill Triton Z 3600 we have successfully clocked this stuff pretty high to 4000 so I went back and used it again we use it in the repel tt stream and then we got a fan controller because there are a lot of fans okay so let me let me mute that phone so at this point I think I need to get a baseline test in here and the where are your tweezers we just had our tweezers alright so baseline here's what I do complete baseline I'm not even gonna overclock anything what we're doing is a stock test we like to do these just to see like how far can we how far have we come by the end of the stream so 79 80 XE stock no changes at all so we're all Auto everything in Auto clock Auto voltage everything's out and then memory I'm going to manually set to XMP one I'm also gonna set I already did this set the voltage to 1.35 just so there's no weird crashes with it and we need UEFI mode enabled which it is and then harbour monitor we're just gonna max the fans as well you know I'm gonna wait on Max and the fans I'm no I'm definitely gonna forget if I wait so we're gonna max the fans out now and and then let's this one does not be need to be maxed this is the what is this this is the vrm fan the EVGA x2 99 dark motherboard uses a vrm fan so how you set this to auto I don't know let's just set it's like 60 it's pretty fast fan anyway alright so that's what we're doing now everything stock let's get a baseline in and then start overclocking and I need to also get J score up here so we can go over this and I'm kind of glancing at chat a little bit I'll read some of it after we get started on the first test I see some super chats thank you for sending those in but uh okay so let's let's pull up J score first so we have an idea of what the target is today one second okay this and this need to be in the same window and Jay got a very respectable score and of course this is all a friendly thing we're not actually not actually a mad at Jay he did a great job with his party acts content we're all trying to make something out of a launch that is otherwise disappointed a lot of people can you see that okay okay so I can't really see the screen anymore but so the score is here here's what we're doing I'm not trying to get like world record number one for all because that's kingpin and that's unachievable time spy extreme is what I'm looking at I'm just using the 3d mark hall-of-fame not hardware bought this time and for two cards specifically J's up in number one so big congrats to Jay pretty cool that to see someone from the YouTube space get up there and of course we we enjoy going back and forth with Jay and making it a fun competition and then time our I'm not sure who this is actually a time art from Germany in number two with 220 ATT eyes as well so we've got two people 220 ATT eyes and Jay is at 14000 43 points four total times by extreme sport score and then time art is at 13,000 3 41 so that's a pretty significant difference just between those two which means I'm gonna have a hell of a climb to get through to get to where J is but I think we can get close or pass him if we go to Jay's detailed results you can still see that ok what we'll see is so there's a score but for what am I looking for here there's details graphics score so J for graphics got 14,000 884 time spike extreme is extremely heavily weighted on graphics it's predicated on it so we are going to need to get very close to this or passed it in order to beat his total score cpu score contributes a lot and J sitting at 10,000 638 we previously passed the CPA score and a rip LTT stream I think we're 11,000 something so I'm somewhat confident we can get there again barring any kind of silicon degradation since that time so I'm hoping we can at least leverage our CPU and memory overclocking to gain any potential difference that we might lose in the graphics core because J has an extremely high graphics core so that's that's what we're looking at and I think it's time to run a baseline test as well so let me flip this back around check on chat and everything and we'll start a simple baseline benchmark so chat someone says Jade did direct AC cooling yeah I mean that's pretty cool literally I guess but well we got this so alright yeah I totally recommend you check out Jays videos if you haven't seen them it's it'll be a fun back and forth with them and we like his content okay so very basic absolute bare bones everything I'm not even going to open precision it should let's see how the fans not spinning fans are not spending right now which means precision is not doing anything so all I'm gonna do is run times by extreme this will give us a complete baseline and then we'll work up from there this includes two graphics tests and a CPU test graphics test one is very intensive on geometry it's very geometrically complex and graphics test 2 does a lot of stuff that's very intensive on memory so if we need to gain a couple points we can try pushing the memory a bit harder to gain some more points in graphics test 2 and make up some of our potential disadvantages there if we have any alright so while this is hopefully launching and we'll check on the thermals too just to make sure all that looks okay but I'll do that after a baseline oh yeah man Paul Paul I think is doing single-car Diaz at 74 35 or something like that we might come around to that but I'm gonna focus on this dual card testing today so quick note while this is doing its first test on the on the store we have the mod mats in stock now like properly and stocks Lee just got in today actually just got here so that'd be this mod mat that were working on on top of the workbench and you can grab one on store that gamers next to Staton that if you want to grab it and I wonder who's backward it your orders are going out over the few days anyone who orders today of course your order go out in the same time period more or less immediately at this point so they're in stock thank you to everyone who supported us by picking those up we're very proud of the product super high quality build quality and very useful we think for things like shorting shunts because it's got the pin outs right there on it so we've used that very much and yeah so one says I need a mod matte mini Nicholas says that we are working on one I think the samples came in with this order I haven't been over to check them out yet but I will be when I go over to autograph some of the mats for people who bought the signed ones I'll be picking up the the samples for the medium mod matte and hopefully they're good and we can start producing those and I'll go over the rest of the stuff later so just want to shout that out we're still going through graphic steps one it looks like let me check on i'll check super chat first uncheck the the rest of the chat see what's happening so he's a mixed bag haha alright so bazinga X $5 thank you very much missing X hashtag rich a hashtag rift Paul all hail tech G is this not sure how I feel about that but I very much appreciate the support hopefully I don't let you down next one Alok $2.00 Chinese food fund very much appreciated we we do like to get food after the stream ends because this involves standing which is it's pretty it's pretty hard actually most of the job is sitting and this requires muscles that we don't normally need to use WC current $2.00 thank you watch but what CPU is it very funny WC current thinking that I've forgotten the meme in fact I have not and I do remember I think was from RIP ltte when that first started happening I was still happening in fact I even memorized the name of an obscure Intel CPU because people kept asking what CPU is it and that was for the Nook so this one if anyone's actually curious and not just trying to troll me is a 79 80 X E which is Intel's current highest score counts h EDT cpu and we have it clock to stock so it's like 2.6 gigahertz right now base anyway and we'll overclock it shortly closer to 5 all right the next question I'm Rock Fox $2 what is the CPU cat next question Charles Jones $1.99 can we get a rip verge team I don't I don't really think that's necessary at this point I think they got enough of that sergeant Zeta 555 just to be different I guess what would you look like with only a mush mustache what is your definition of only in this scenario is it is it like my entire being on this planet is replaced with a single mustache because then it would look like a mustache next one Julian but Tom yak $5.00 where your wireless anti-static bracelet you're going to short the system exclamation exclamation exclamation yes well as we all know it could have potentially hundreds of watts running through it and that's how you measure danger in all seriousness with this one I don't know what the power draw is but we plugged in the stream system under the table to a different circuit and in another room the extension cord just in case because I think the CPU will be drawing several hundred watts it's probably gonna be the CPU platform motherboard all the cooling is definitely gonna be over 500 watts for sure it'll probably be closer like six seven hundred and then the GPU is I actually I'm not sure I haven't tested it but will be pretty high up there so split on my two different circuits your uh Shrey CHF 420 let's get those clocks reference to last stream yes we are definitely gonna get those this time hopefully most things by Mat $20 thank you very much I need help cloning my hard drive I have a 2 terabyte drive and I'm cloning it to a 4 terabyte I initialized the new drivers GPT every time I try to clone it only clones the 2 terabyte and locks out the rest of the new drive have you so it's paid software but it might be worth trying to Cronus we use it I used to use Clonezilla and never really had issues with it it boots into a Linux like boot rescue OS well actually no that's not true you can get a camera over the name of the disc I used to use gparted though what gparted yeah gparted is another one that we've used Clonezilla gparted there's our baseline score and a Cronus are all worth trying Acronis we haven't had any issues with so okay baseline score this is zero anything no overclock no GPU over clocks nothing so our baseline here we're starting this is where we're gonna reference for this tonight to see how far we've come and hopefully it is somewhere our starting score and I'm gonna log it here so let's see score GPU score CPU score I just take a note of this so full stock we're at 11 904 GPU is at 12 nine nine five twelve thousand nine ninety-five CBUs I 8016 I know that's a bad score that is so bad okay so for reference J J's total score we're at 11 904 for that with nothing applied J is at 14000 43 pretty damn good and that's what his overclocking so we've got a ways to climb here and then for graphics score we're at 12 we're about 13,000 where he was at 14,000 884 and our CPU score is at 8,000 and he's at 10 638 so that's that's what we have to beat here score to beat score to beat tonight the number to remember is 14,000 43 I think and but I guess at this point we can do a quick baseline overclock on the CPU just to get that up to speed because our CPU is really dragging us down here so let's start with that and we'll move on to the GPUs next and I will check chat while I hit delete a whole bunch okay and it looks like some people in chat if anyone's you know an expert you do a lot of Drive cloning Mustaine's by Matt could use some advice on good software for Drive cloning I gave a couple but if you have better ones than me certainly share them we we do enough cloning to clone systems for testing but it's not like I do it all day okay so let's let's get this going here let's do a perk or overclock I'm gonna set it to 40 let's just start at 46 I think so that'll give us 4.6 gigahertz and then we can probably push mesh I'm gonna push this higher in a bit too so let's get rid of the AV X offset turned out to 0 if you don't know what a VX offset is it negatively offsets the clock so if it's 46 and we have an offset of 3 they'll drag the clock down to four point three gigahertz when a VX workloads are applied and time spike extreme does actually use a VX in some of its tests so this is actually a relevant thing another example B prime 95 uses a VX or at least versions pass 26.6 do let's set match ratio to just 34 now push that more later and then meshed by the way is a big deal for these h EDT platforms that really needs to be overclocked to get anywhere we have extreme voltage modes let's put put that two on yes we know it can destroy everything that's fine I'm going to set then to 1.95 and then V core we don't actually need 1.3 here but I'm going to pin it kind of put it to 1.3 because I'm not gonna have to mess with it for the rest of the night for the most part if it's there so that'll just make things easier for us and like the cooling can handle it so we'll just leave it 1.3 it'll work no one wants to watch like an hour of me fine-tuning the voltage so V mesh so override that as well we'll set V mesh to 1.35 we could probably get away with 1.3 but I'm gonna be increasing mesh there and somebody's well just jump the gun on that system agent voltage for actually if you droop let's disable this and then a system agent voltage this is what helps with stabilizing the IMC so that'd be the integrated memory controller if you start pushing memory over clocks it definitely helps to increase the system agent you have to be very careful with this number like you start pushing 1.3 1 by 4 this the IMC will degrade over time it could be a matter of months could be a year but eventually it won't be able to hold the same memory clocks at the same low voltages if you just blast the voltage unnecessarily or even even if you can think it might be worth stepping down your frequency to lessen the strain from SI io voltage we have set to 1.2 as well I'm going to overkill on most things right now but not that overkill this isn't crazy so just enough to make things go smoothly here uncor off set we're gonna do 500 and let's millivolts not volts and then that should be good for all of these settings so we're gonna leave BC LK alone so we've got a 4.6 gigahertz clock 30 on the mesh that'll be increased later I'm leaving XMP on profile 1 and we'll do memory overclocking towards the end it's no sporting part but it does get a lot of it gains and then 1.35 for a stable dim voltage we can increase that a lot later so I think the rest let's turn off see States shouldn't really matter but just in case I think the rest should be good to go who drives UEFI our fans should be maxed out yes they are except for the vrm fan but that's fine so ok let's save that and run another just a CPU test and see how that improves our scores get a baseline it's yelling at me for some reason I've forgotten to do something I think so what's what's chat up to you I'm looking at normal chat now we'll put super chat on hold while it's so quiet with all the when it reboots Paul Owens Paul's hardware that is accurate someone says ok so it did not like one of the settings I did I might have missed out something let's just excuse the fan noise for a second let me hit that safe boot button so some boards like this EVGA want a lot of ACS ones have a red button on them that's a safe boot which is really nice to have because it'll keep all the settings and let you get back in without blowing them away so I think I must have missed something or miss type something all right did you source a fan taxi evolved axe yes we have one on the way actually a viewer sent one along so that's going I don't know when I think we get that in a couple days probably so we'll have that soon we'll be reviewing they evolve X it's been a while since you reviewed of van tax case a lot of you really wanted us to review this one so we do have one on the way and thank you again to the reviewer who sent or the mother reviewer the viewer who sent one along for us to borrow all right there we go so f12 dunder setup let's see what I missed and what's chat saying I was about to go to bed but then I saw a gamer's Nexus is challenging the verge in OSI no no we're not doing that oh that's really I don't think we need to do that that's just unnecessary alright so I did something here where I must have missed a number or something thirty match ratio extreme voltage enabled yes no not 14 volts that would be very bad 1.95 that's for VIN right yes vcore override 1.3 okay be a bit more careful what I'm typing this time just in case the mesh 1.35 is more than enough V droop off the SI 1.2 vio 1.2 uncor offset 500 okay all that's good and then definitely good I think CPU ven 1.95 yes correct 1.3 ok that is all correct and then memory should be XMP 1.35 that should be ok ski states off and then we need hardware info or hardware monitor rather 100 180 and that should do oh you know I think I need to okay you have eyes on pool okay that should be bootable all right why raise Si and IO when you're running XMP because I'm gonna be raising the memory clocks shortly and I want to just get it all out of the way now so that I don't have to interrupt the stream to reboot a whole bunch just to change a few voltage points when I already know I needs increase those in the milk in a couple minutes anyway all right looks like it's booting this time that's good so let me get a couple super chat question actually no let me check back on chat for a second overclock it in a cold storage room no I was gonna put the CPU radiator actually and the GPU on in a nice little ice bucket but we decided to hold that for now and maybe do that next time fire extinguisher ready Steve just a small one yeah just just in case alright so all I'm gonna do again get a baseline only CPU clocks this time or CPU test in not graphics not gonna bother and then we'll start with a GPU overclock as well so let's do a quick CPU only test go do the magic trick of clicking out and back in 2 times pi otherwise everything breaks so that's running will check check thermals in a bit and you know when you're doing the fanart stream not sure yet we have enough where we're going to do like another fan mail segment and open stuff you know for that that you all sent in and we're gonna do a separate one of probably making like the actual CPU art we have some ideas for it ice bucket challenge with a $30,000 rig haha I mean it would be really cold for a nanosecond all right so that's running check some super chats so we last left off Mustangs bye Matt next one Gabriel $1 70 thank you very much Gabriel bazinga X Steve where's your Swiss Army knife I don't have one and therefore I'm unqualified to build computers Cory Thomas $5 thank you very much no message Ivan's monkey be $20 Norwegian making a content piece on the Nvidia scanner yes we will be doing that I have some ideas for it I'm I won't reveal them just yet but we're definitely going to be doing that it's just I don't know so here's the problem whenever these new components come out doesn't matter what it is we try to spend like a week of just making content on that thing while everyone cares about it do as much research as we can while people are making buying decisions so hopefully we can have helpful content out there before you buy stuff and then obviously people get really sick of that content so now we're at a point where I'm gonna have to start like publishing other stuff that's not GPUs we'll do those scanner stuff and some other things but I do want to publish some like some non GPU content pieces we have some really good ones coming up in the next few days Dalton P if I dies what percent difference in 3d marks between the 79-80 axion 2998 WX I'm actually not sure I does i don't know it's maybe someone in chat can tell us I haven't read any of the 2990 reviews or at least not since launch but does it run 3 mark with all cores enabled I'm not sure either way it's not on the top of the the Hall of Fame so I don't the problem with 3d mark is it's extremely core intensive to an extent and then it really wants frequency so it wants everything whereas most games kind of stop at like 4 to 8 cores or threads CPS core ok so let's just uh let's just update everyone here that's not even visible is it that's the number you'd be trying to show but it's probably small so that number is you know what I should change this to probably to 1080p so it's more legible that number there we go is and this will still run at 1440 or whatever times by extreme runs at just in a row Ron resolution for the monitor 10,000 737 so to give you an idea of the growth here Jays score is uh let's see Jays CBO score is 10 638 this is the first overclock I've done here and we're at 10 737 so what we're at right now is just four point six gigahertz I know there's more power in there I've got a 30 mash we have XMP thirty-six hundred megahertz on like a CL sixteen or seventeen or something not great really so now our biggest deficit is graphics core and then we need to do some more CPU overclocking so let's start with the graphics core because I know that's our weakest point at this moment to catch his 14,000 total score we need to increase the graphics so let's just do an offset of I have a secret weapon here as well but we'll talk about that later let's do just max power targets so we're gonna do the stock power target and there's a reason I'm using that word I'll talk about that in a bit actually towards the end of the stream will talk about why 130 percent of stock and not the rest of this slider so stock max power target on the XC ultras 130 percent it's a reference PCB with a higher power target clocks memory I already know is stable at a thousand offset and core I think it should be stable at 200 but let's start out at 180 and just leave it there and then for the you know let's just run a test like that I'm just I'm curious how what happens if we just only overclock the primary card and leave the secondary one alone see what kind of score we end up with for graphics so let's do a full pass of this just to get our new baseline see if we can gain some ground on evil J's two cents full name JT cents do you plan on making these overclocking streams regular thing I don't know when there is new stuff definitely like when new CPUs come out or new GPUs definitely okay case I'm just reading chat snowflake would sabotage the whole thing because she is the AMD analyst that's true she would definitely sabotage streaming systems because they are all open air and very vulnerable the cats jumping on them have you seen the fans on this thing so right now it's in a you can see it's scaled down but it's not going to affect the score it's just because I've changed the monitor resolution still running at the full resolution benchmark it's just tiny because the scaler is all screwy we can set it back up to 4k natively once we do the final test just for safety all right so does that mean you did the shunt mod if you mean the secret weapon thing that's not no that's not what I was referring to I did do a shunt mod though on one card not both so our EVGA RX z ultra we have is a crazy good overclocker the chip is just good like Silicon Lottery one on that one the founders edition card not so great it's fine but it's disappointing by comparison and it's something like I don't know I think it sells like a 160 offset and then 854 memory memories the big limiter on that one so only 850 where's the EVGA card we have which is a reference port does a thousand on the memory thousand five so yeah I had I did the shut mod on the founders edition car because I was very disappointed in its capabilities and that should help us out a bit alright okay so uh what is a what's what's chat thinking here so we've got Jay at here's what I want to know Jay's at 14,000 43 for total score and he is followed by time art and then slinky PC who's using 2gb 100s so do you do you have faith in us chat it's not a trick question you can say now it's okay I'll have the moderators kick you but you can say now if you want let me know do you think we can beat Jays score that's what I want to see what your genuine thoughts are someone says the verge will beat us which is actually the genuinely the most hurtful thing I've ever read in my life so that's just really I hope you're proud of yourself gotta get we've got a mix mix of yes and no if you're saying no and you mean it tell me why why do you think Jay is set up is superior is it the air conditioning thing is that it is that all it comes down to I have faith okay well thank you very much we've got a ways to go I think we can at least get close okay so one says no one is better and while I appreciate it you are so wrong if if you like this kind of stuff and you want to see more of it I'm getting better at it really slowly but the people I learned from are great to watch so if you really like overclock and you're interested in it I would highly encourage you to check out their Bauer on YouTube he is a professional overclocker you can check out build Zoid he does collaborative work with us on this channel from PCB analysis videos and of course kingpin doesn't really post to youtube but he does post scores you can follow him on the three more Call of Fame there are plenty of others too but those are the the two main guys I follow our builds ID and dare Bauer if you want to check some out but we are doing some more as well just not quite as competently haha alright your setup is more quote just buy it I mean yeah it's that's yeah I talked about this with the Titan V stuff you can kind of buy your way to the top these days I would really like to see price divisions come into play for 3d marks Hall of Fame or for or harbor bots so you can have like a division of like I don't know setups under $1500 that was under $1000 it'll be pretty cool so then everyone can join them and if you do want to join in to do some of your own overclocking compare the scores just to see how crazy like 228 et eyes are versus your setup you can it's free we're not sponsored by them or anything I just really like 3dmark and they're good developers they do good work so you can check it out if you want to follow along at home we only got one camera view yeah I mean it's it's mobile like Angie's Manning it when we show stuff but we don't do live capture of the bench system because it crashes from BSOD and stuff like that from overclocking all the time scale is all screwy because I shrunk it for for the camera so we don't do a live feed from this because it just is really it's problematic it's not worth it so 12,000 956 so just to recap everyone we currently are on a 4.6 gigahertz OC on the 790 XC this is pretty low I can get it higher so the score we started with baseline was 11,000 904 if those numbers don't mean a lot to you you can kind of just split into percentages and look at it that way going from 11900 to gaining a thousand points is actually a lot times pi times my extreme is really intensive it is heavily predicated on the graphics core so the graphics core matters the most for getting this total number up with times pi extreme and the cpu score is also important but not nearly as important so CVS core ten seven five seven we started with eighty nine eighty sixty nine so 10 7 5 7 s the new scrum just taking a note of all this and we have a GP score of 13 4 4 1 we have a total score of 12 9 5 6 ok so for comparison J is at 14000 43 for his total score so J you know 14,000 43 is pretty good I'll give it to you I got to give you that give you some respect I'm going to I want to hand you some respect right now J feel free to take it go ahead and take your time but I'm gonna take that back from you as soon as we beat your score but you can have the respects for now and I would like if you know if you want to if you want to show je your appreciation or or how sad you will be when we take it back from him feel free to press f for aspects for J or as we crash the system as we continue to overclock so that's what we got with one card overclock let's just and that's all stock power not playing any games here this one is the shunt modded card so I'm going to push this just a 150 core I think it can go a bit further but I'm not sure exactly how much an 800 memory I think it can do 850 let's start there though just to minimize crashing for right now and we're only going to do a graphics test for this one so that we don't have to sit through for the whole thing just make sure it doesn't freak out okay so let's let's let that go see how that does and and for the end here when we do the final test and all set it back to 4k native just to make sure there's no score screwy from changing the resolution as I said made at 1080p just to check and see it easier secret weapon is delayed and liquid metal actually no but the CPU is deleted and it does have liquid metal it's just not secret so you're giving J&F but you're taking it back later brutal someone says 4k negative 200 scaling yeah I guess I could do that whatever okay J is West Coast steam is the only one we have on the East Coast rock on rip J rip Paul that's damn right I'm gonna represent the east side even though when I started the diss raps with Paul I was quoting POC and he was quoting biggie but whatever details alright RTX hey B reviews coming soon yep so we've been waiting on BIOS updates the the problem someone's got a question about mods I'll get to it the problem with these launches is that cards like the BIOS is changing almost daily it's mostly finalized now but the reviewer samples started shipping around or just before the retail samples did and so we have to update the BIOS on everything otherwise it's not representative of what you're buying so that has delayed us a bit as for the question someone saying did you you Steve where are your feet on the ground where are yours stone was asking about liquid metal for shunt modding so I know it's question here's the thing I benchmark stuff and then I clean it off so the the concern is Lewis rossmann did a video a while ago where someone sent in a Titan X P or something that had a shunt resistor falling off because they had modded it with liquid metal and the gallium where the indium was eating through the solder and caused a problem so I'm aware of that but if you don't use an absurd amount of liquid metal like on the solder joints it should be okay I'm not gonna guarantee it the best way to do this is to piggyback another shunt resistor on it but I don't I have liquid metal and I don't care about the cards like future prospects because I'm gonna clean it off as soon as the streams done so it actually doesn't really matter for areas case if you want to do a long term shot mod you should probably piggyback another shunt resistor off of it like solder went on I don't know if you should use like three million or what but I think they're Bower in builds avoid builds would definitely his channel is actually hardcore overclocking you should check it out bill joy posted I think a video about a shunt resistor piggyback mod for these cards or something that's the best way to do it I just did it the quickest way so alright Steve has no feet confirm okay so for the Super chats let me get back to a couple of these oh you know what I should I should mention first the beer glasses came back into stock during the last stream so they got weather delayed a bit but they're shipping neither today or tomorrow so if you want one you grabbed one on store that gamers accessed on that it got it's got the gold rim on it and I cobalt blue glass and it's it's I think it's pretty unique has the teardown logo on it so if you missed the foil shirt which is back there forever now because there are no more left other than the ones that I'm wearing once that you all bought you wanted that logo it is on the beer glasses and some of our other shirts but all other shirts are out of stock right now I think we have we have a good amount of inventory of these Graff logo shirts though so what I'm wearing today is on stored I can't recycle Annette the graph logo by the way if you don't know the story behind it the three bars are just from the the charts we make it's like the same colors as the charts we make that's the whole it's average one percent in point one percent Louis that's the secret behind the shirt so for a graphic score we got 14 seven seven eight this is kind of passion I expected where was J 14 seven seven eight is what we got when it is JJ is 14 eight eight four damn well that's quick okay we need to push the CPU to make sure we can actually be this total score though it's right now we're close Jay's got about 100 points on us here the problem is those hundred points are weighted a lot more than our CPU what do we have we have about a hundred point lead on him and CPU but his graphic scores weighted way more heavily so that is a a problem for us but I do have some more left in the tank and we can push some more so it's I'm gonna take a note of the score here and figure out what we're gonna do next let me check the Super chats and chat and everything as well and then we can get back to some overclocking CPU overclocking especially all right so super chat we had a question from keep scrolling up dammit we had a question for someone I think the name was Mohan Mohan $5.00 1440p 100 hertz ultrawide monitor currently have a gtx 960 what card do you recommend not interested in ultramatic settings just want solid performance per dollar and framerate so ultra wide 1440p that's what is that 30 34 40 by 1440 PA or by 1440 I think that's the resolution so if you currently have a 960 and upgrade a lot honestly the 10 series is pretty affordable right now and the 20 series left a lot to be desired as I think chat would agree with that so man if you can find a 1070 for a decent price 3 400 bucks then that's well yeah that's probably good way to go 1070 is a good card as well we like that one almost more than a 1080 in a lot of instances and yeah those those two cards at the price today are good and will be fine if you don't need Ultramax crazy graphics and you don't need like 140 FPS if you're trying to hit 100 poly push towards the higher end but 1070 guys get choice middle ground that's affordable depend of your budget okay couple more post-apocalyptic Peter 2:2 colors if build Zoid had kingpins budget would he take the crown that's a good question I got a I don't know that's tough one kingpins if you missed it his Robo clocker is crazy we have a video of it on our channel so if you search the channel I think for Robo claw here you'll find it it's like basically a closed loop cooler for liquid nitrogen it has to what is it like hundred eighty liter tanks on either side or something like that with liquid nitrogen one pumps it in the other one pumps it out and if it condenses cool they can reuse it so that's pretty hard to beat but I believe I believe in builds I'd and his crazy zombie power mods that he does it'd be a good fight I think I think build Zoid with enough budget could do it it was hard to beat a guy who's employed by EVGA though method method $5 interested in doing a deep dive into how to overclock more than just voltage and multiplier I think I have more Headroom but not sure what to adjust let's just reboot into into BIOS and I'll show you a couple options so for GPUs there's really not a ton you can do friend video but for CPUs there's a lot you can do especially on an h EDT platform like the one we're working with today and what is a see Jacob from EVGA just messaged me and said get kingpin in the livestream they say I'm working on it so I guess those of you who have who have been posting that you want kingpin on the stream it sounds like we might be able to make that happen I don't think Robo clock is coming though I don't know it Jacob is Robo clock are coming is that ready quiet like an extra plane ticket so you wanted a deep dive I'm not gonna give you a deep dive on overclocking I'm not really I don't think I'm fully qualified for that but so for an HDD to platform I'll give you some pointers core of course is important but it's not everything and in what we're doing here today actually just only adjusting core wouldn't get us anywhere so things to consider you can do an all core overclock it's the easiest to most stable if you feel like it you can kind of more or less bin the cores where you let's say you know that 40 let's see you know 46 is stable but not 47 for example you could set 46 for everything then maybe just change like four cores 247 and see is that stable and you just keep doing that until you find the the higher clocking cores and and SEP there's a bit higher now that's a huge pain in the ass not necessarily worth it mesh ratio on h EDT is really worth overclocking and uncor on the your standard desktop platforms would be what you want to look for so mesh ratio for Intel anyway mesh ratio is is a huge sleeper impact on OC results if we set this to auto or like 28 or something the score will be significantly different than if we put it to 30 and it's really not hard to get to 30 we can even get to 33 here and so if you feel like you've capped out on your core then definitely on a EDT mesh is a good place to look encore is a good place to look good sort of rule of thumb for like an 80 86 K or something in ages 700 K would be to keep your uncor maybe three or four ticks below your core offset at a baseline and then increase it as much as you're able to other options let's say you're going more practical for your overclock and you have issues with like blender say you're a blender user but you also play games most games don't use a VX so you're not gonna run into a VX stability issues but blender does so you're rendering stuff and your overclock isn't stable in that application you can set an AV X offset that's a good trick as well for a practical use case we're not not for one we're doing today BC okay this is something you can do a little bit on AMD and Intel so you can push it like 101-102 101.5 stuff like that and that will increase the speed of pretty much everything on the system by just a little bit so the memory is a product of the base clock and the memory multiplier so if you increase the base clock without changing memory it'll still increase the memory speed if you increase the base clock I mean actually just demo it for you I think this BIOS auto-updates maybe not sure but if you increase base clock it will multiply by 46 in this case so instead of 100 101 so that's a good trick to use you can use let's see memory overclocking is really difficult but if you have the patience for it the voltages you want to look at memory voltage is is extremely resilient you can push like 1.5 volts really without any issue on Intel or Andy maybe 1.4 but 1.5 is generally safe on Intel and AMD we actually push like 1.8 1.8 v on these the sticks can take it for sure so it's a question how long the MC can take it so 1.5 is a better bet there for Intel platforms and then 1.2 sa on this platform is unnecessary for what we're doing right now but if you have stability issues with IMC and with the IMC for memory overclocking the voltage to looked at is is si and I'm revolted and you can look at one quarter voltage to other stuff hopefully that gives you some ideas that was a LAN super Chad answer but we needed to be here anyway so let's just go ahead and set this to 47 and see if it's stable I think it should be we can push it a bit more later I want to increase the mesh ratio as well but I'm going to wait on that until we see how this 47 X does Scarlett Tech 499 any progress of the thrown pad testing yes so I was working on it with the IC x cards for the last generation the 10 series but I think at this point on a wait for EVGA to send us their new IC x cards because the cool thing with our TX is it runs really hot and for thermal pad testing if you want like an exciting result you need something really hot to exaggerate those differences because the lower end the car or the not even lower end 1080i still high on with a lower heat output on the card the less exaggerated the differences will be so it'll be a scenario where I think a lot of the time we'll see the throne passes are pretty much the same for the low-end card but for high-end cards I want to know does it actually really start to matter if you use like Fuji poly or something yes it is still on my calendar I am waiting for sampling at this point of icx and I think EVGA is they've got at least one person watching somebody will they'll see this evj by the way if you were wondering about kingpin coming on the stream EVGA says Robo cocker needs an extra first-class ticket it's basically a person at this point it's not even really unfair that came van what's his name on the scores it's more or less well that's the first fully autonomous entity on the planet okay so let's do a CPU test just to see if those changes worked and while that's running like I said if you go to store documents acts it's not that we've restocked a lot of the stuff shirts we have limited stock on some of them but the graph logos there and then we've got the mod mats are in stock and shipping now so they're finally back in we have to order them in batches because we're not a massive like manufacturing company so order them in batches based on demand and obviously use that money to order the next batch so those are back in stock and then I'll also mention this while we get that test running if you haven't seen these this is our teardown crystal so you open up OVS so I can see what's going on on stream that's the box comes in I don't believe in unboxings unless it's my own product so the teardown crystals are pretty sweet they come with an LED base as well and it's get the right orientation here can you get a shot of that and show the detail or do you need more light so I think we need some more light so this thing's pretty cool the level of details is good on it let's drop the weight right on the test bench I think that'd be good anyway so we have some shots of it elsewhere but it's a 3-dimensional laser etched thing so you can see like it's got PCB there you go got PCB components in there so it has like I really like this product that we have it's got screws so you can see screws back here sticking out it has like VRMs on there I mean if you were to like replicate it and try and make it on a PCB I don't think it works but it's got V Rams got like blower fan stuff like that so anyway that's on the store if you want to pick it up but so let's get back to chat super chat all that stuff and move the light back to where it probably should be I think our CPU test just finished see if we have any chance of beating J's total score of 14,000 what is it 43 so CPU oh that's looking good we're at 10,000 900 a time the CPU which I think puts us past J so I didn't even change 10 908 was that with 4.7 I even changed the mass yet was J's score so J for a CPU and we need to pick this up to gain graphics to make up for graphics differentials J's at 10 638 this isn't enough so we push it a bit more let's let's go ahead and do that let's let's push this CPU a bit more and then we'll start overclocking the GPU harder and I still have a secret weapon in there so I haven't told anyone what it is yet but there is in fact a secret weapon that I can use for the GPU overclocking however I want to hold it is that high enough I wanna hold it because when I beat J's score I would like to be able to do it without using special access like any kind of extras so what we are going to do is just push the CPU as much as we can and then push the GPUs as much as we can out of the box the only mods we've done to the GPU is the founders Edition card I say only it's got a liquid cooler on it let's fair he has a liquid color on to his to his looks way better and more professional but I was the only other mod we've done as a shunt resistor mod where we shorted the shunts and let's let's go to CPU up to make up some of our difference here so I need a sumesh let's push that up to try 30 to see what that does for us where that'll impact EP score a bit too so that that should be a good starting point and then you know what memory it's probably time to start bumping that so let's push this to 1.5 see if it's stable I should really only change one of these at a time but whatever and let's change this to 4000 mega Hertz will come back for timings later let's try that 4000 mega at 1.5 volts I might need to push I say I don't think so though so that should get us secret weapon equals AC unit Intel chiller is Intel's chiller like even legal like some pretty crazy chiller for theirs for that 28 core they shunted the shorts no did I say that now it's not we shorted the sun's and one other prison oh my god you got RGB secret weapon that's actually what it was you've you've correctly guessed it alright so see if it is stable for this one super chats we had one from Julian who said two dollars at League of Legends greater than three mark market a benchmark this with League of Legends thank you very much Peter Ross TR 50 DKK finding that hard to find issue info on mesh overclocking do you have video explaining that why and how to do it right hashtag smash the world record I'd love to do that while we still can before it becomes impossible when can kingpin gets the top and it's it's never again reclaim able but there should be info on like overclockers overclockers mesh overclocking that's an h EDT thing so if you have like a high-end Intel platform as opposed to down 8700 K which still high-end but relatively speaking that would be where that applies it does not apply to like your 8700 K or something like that look for uncor for those so I see some discussion of this on overclocked dotnet there's a skylake axé overclocking guide I haven't read through it all so I can't vouch for it but there's a sky like exit overclocking guide that goes over mesh overclocking that might help you out on overclock net they have some good guides over there that are forum regulated alright so we need to start a test I need to read super chats let's do CPU so no graphics again we're just gonna see did that that is is that frequency on the memory and the mesh going to hold for the rest of this I don't know if it will okay super chats so we got a Java Don one two three five dollars do you plan on making these oh I got that one these overclocking streams regularly thing so like I said earlier whenever there's a new product yet definitely for sure when it there when there's a new product or if I can get like don't know their Bower kingpin build Zoid if we get any of them out sometime we'll definitely make that a thing - King moly 20 bucks thanks for all you do Steve when our TX games become available I'd love to see 220 ATT eyes in SLI and see ray-tracing scaling over sli like 20 gig arrays per second or or if it does not at all that's a great question I don't know how it stacks or if it does stack when you have when you when you have any kind of ray tracing in there because I find me a game that's like real and out with any kind of RT X in it right now it's kind of hard so we have demos and that's a great question though I we are planning to do some deep dives on our TX games as they launch I just need them to exist first before I can work on them but great question a great point anyway for testing data my screen went black for a second I don't know why it does this David five dollars I think you had a message we'll find out in a moment if every comes back have you noticed the downtrend and views in the weeks you stream I've seen YouTube videos that hint at it actually no but that's really hard to judge because oh it's not crashing I thought it was the problem is there are too many variables so I mean if we upload worst content there's going to be lower views anyway or if there's a lot like we streamed last week these were crazy good but that's because there was a launch week so I have no idea Zeta alpha $5 you can do this I hope so I share your confidence like I said I gave I gave Jason respects earlier I handed it to him I think he accepted it I can't see through his screen and where can I and I expect to take the respect back home by the end of the stream so CPU score 11,000 144 of course all fun with J you should check out his channel if you don't know who he is I'm sure you do though J is 2 cents if you don't know who I'm talking about 11 144 on the CPU what is this mesh of 32 or something or 33 maybe so we have climbs quite a bit our original CBO score was 80 69 and now we're at 11,000 and before that we were at a ten thousand seven fifty seven so we're gaining quite a bit and that is exactly exactly what we want to see when our GPU overclocks might not be as high as his but we will find out soon ok so now what push CPU some more I guess I'm gonna find the limit on the CPU and then go for a GP overclocking so I guess said while this is rebooting actually no I House house chat going I haven't checked it on the normal chat for a little bit is Photoshop the secret weapon that's a good one it should be how is chat doing secret weapon is a beauty card I wish will you publish this live stream after two ends yes yesterday well here's the problem just in case you run into this we've noticed that streams that are like over two hours let's split initially and then process so only the last two hours will be available immediately I think this might be why Paul and Kyle originally split the stream but I'm not sure so it will all be there but you might have to check back a couple hours after it goes up because the first two hours will be gone or whatever the first however long it is but they will come back so I'm going to push match ratio to 33 I think at this point we're gonna start crashing but let's just go ahead and try that and see if I can get away with it without increasing v-match because I'd really like to avoid that there's a secret weapon private Internet access no but I guess they just got a free act haha Peltier is the secret weapon nope Steve do you have dry ice no no I did not I did consider it though something I want to do I think we're the next big stream we do for overclocking probably do an ice bucket the the challenge with it is condensation and killing parts so build Zoid from actually hardcore overclocking gave me some advice he said get some of that artists like gray kneadable eraser and just stick it down all over anywhere under a block and others obviously not the CPU itself but the PCB and that will help deal with condensation drip and then wrap all the tubing everything that's potentially exposed for condensation like the fittings with blue shop towel so I do want to do some sub ambient not sub-zero but sub ambient testing and we have the the office space to do it now it's just I you know I kind of start working on it for this and then realized I need some more materials I don't want to risk blowing up the board or the CPU because I'm not prepared so we pushed it off I think we can still do a rip J rip all stream without it and actually know it just in case here I'm going to set the resolution back I don't think it impacts anything I'm almost certain it doesn't but I'm gonna just set the resolution back to for you and illegible 4k with 100% scaling because 3d mark makes us all superstitious and see if that changes the score like lowers it at all but I don't think it should more likely we're going to crash because the I increased be a match without increasing any voltage anywhere all right so checked it on chat for a bit what is that what is that someone just said J posted something where'd it go where is it I missed it I missed your comment something about J posting a score or something like that let me check hang on this mouse needs to be probably then what's this what's the score f5 so this score is still the same as he uploaded a new score for dual GPU no did he post one on Twitter or something chat let me know what's going on someone said something about J posting a score maybe it was for a single card 11 767 is that for a CPU what is that for / and allow it okay let me just check his Twitter page myself because people are saying something about posting alone which is not a figure out what is that relax Cory sorry he did post an update to his personal unbuild though so what is it what's bloody post I don't know I missed it whatever was I missed it I guess 11 7 6 7 CB score today ok gotcha okay cool thank you alright so anyway that's running a test I guess we'll have to push that even higher now if he's posting in 11700 score and these comments are not at all helpful okay Jack treatment five dollars regarding do we have faith you will beat Jays score can I get an amen it's we got another one two dollars from the pink get Cain Penta in a video equals content yes we will definitely I mean it's time adjust content the guys like the leading expert on GPU overclock okay ten seven three five what was our previous score do we need to push that higher yes we absolutely do I need to stabilize some stuff alright let's so let's push this up a bit so if J has increased his score I don't see it live on a 3d marks Hall of Fame yet but it is slow to update and we're not even plugged into Internet's ours won't go up there either but you know what let's well that's uh understand some of this chat the thread Ripper do well in three mark not as well as like a 79 ad XE it's it's just different it behaves differently it likes frequency a lot alright so time to get real here I guess mesh 1.38 we're good everywhere else let's do 33 on the mesh should be good let's push 48 here and memory will leave that the same I don't change too much at once and cause confusing issues I don't know what's causing the crash so let's get that going apparently J is putting up a fight as he's not streaming though I don't think is he where that scores post in my trailer today I don't know rips lifespan yeah who cares it's just over class I'm like I'm running it all day not running it all day okay so doubt some more super chats we got Tim $5 for a deleted 7900 acts with liquid metal and a 420 rad what is a save 24-7 voltage I can get 4.9 with the court 1.35 and 90 seen blender is that okay 90 Celsius then that times I guess that is a pretty high voltage demand on your case - so V core it's more you'll generally run into thermal issues before you run into voltage safety issues but uh 1.35 is fine not any celsius is pretty high though if I would feel more comfortable if that were a bit lower so I don't know if you resealed your processor this is I just replied to an email today from someone who who was working on a deal it and they resealed their processor with j-b weld which we also used to use but we stopped because it creates an air gap between the die and the IHS that actually is worse for performance then then just putting the IHS back on with no seal if you really want to see although you use like a I don't know Loctite superglue or something like that on just the corners and that should that should improve things for you assuming it's a seal issue like if yours if you sealed it and it was too thick of a seal like silicone adhesive that can absolutely increase your temperatures a lot just like you're saying even though you're deleted so that would be a point of consideration for me is redoing the seal you can check your case airflow in general what do we want to put forget 1,000 on this 1,000 here you can of course lower your voltage if possible like try and fine-tune it down a bit 1.25 fine it's just I don't like the temperature that high alright let's so let's let's max these fans here's what I'm doing just because you probably can't see this too well because I did change the resolution to everything fans 100% on the EVGA XE ultra power 130 percent which is maxed with a stock card 200 and offset for the clock one for the coat for the memory and then for the modded card we're running let's put that at 850 not a not 8500 850 for the memory on our efi hybrid and this is our weakest card it is not a very good overclocker to do 160 here see if that's stable I think it is now it's at that's 123 that's the maximum power offset fans can stay at 42 because they're not doing anything because it's liquid cooled and let's do a full pass and see what happens see how that goes this will be our first full pass and quite some time so 14th out of thanks Jacob Jacob from EVGA has just alerted me to say Vince is watching now you don't know who Vince is so this is the expression I got from Andrew behind the camera Vince is aka kingpin Vince Lucy doe he's joined us on camera a few times so he is now here to judge me hey Vince come out and join us sometime come on come kick my ass and overclock and everyone can learn something so Vince is is someone I have great respect for his overclocking abilities he's number one always just like as a global constant in general so he's he's apparently tinned in everyone jab feel free to say hi to kingpin himself I'm sure he had no pressure right yeah yep that's not accurate alright so we're running the Surrey 980 ax e what did I put it 248 things on 48 we this processor I've done before it's doing a times by extreme pass right now but I've done testing with the RIP Ltd stream and that one we had issues at about 49 X so we're gonna run into the limitations of this process it pretty soon I think okay so what's what's chat saying to events they want to know is Robo o'clock or watching I don't know is it is it like deep learning the are you like feeding it the stream and dying it deep learn that this is bad don't do this because that would probably be good deep information hey hey Kane been overclocking my 660ti hah watching the stream nice I'm not him but that's still pretty cool that's a it's a good card to work on get some extra life out of it so one says wish him a happy birthday is it his birthday actually I played yes if it is then I guess we'll do that ok so while this is running it's on I think graphics test 2 right now let's see if that's stable we are currently set up with you know we have a lot more people in the stream we haven't gone over the components in a little while let's do that so let's go over the components while this is running good time to do it anyway originally I was considering using ice like actual just ice and putting the radiator in it we're gonna have some fan noise in my mic sorry can't help it this is blowing so if this radiator this fat thermal take radiator is blowing so much air in this direction Angie can we get a are you able to zoom in on this and like actually see it so if I'm not in the air flow path yeah you'll see the ACS box just slightly moving and that thing is like I don't know 12 15 feet away and that is from the air coming out of the 360 thermal take radiator which is hooked up to our CPU so it's got a stunad maglev fan on it at about 3000 rpm and this is the same supplier that Corsair uses for their own maglev fans we have right here I just only have one of them though so that's 3000 rpm I'm pretty fast loud and then we have a fat radiator hooked up to the CPU of course EVGA X 299 dark board which is in our experience pretty warm now in our experience with X 299 this is the best overclocking board we've worked with so that's got two fans on the vrm which means I don't have to worry about them at all I don't need another case fan pointed at them Ram g.skill Trident Z black it's 3600 Hertz for the XMP I think seals out of 1617 something like that and we're running at 4000 mega Hertz right now we have a lot of fans so I zip-tied sorry these are tweezers not zip ties keep getting that wrong we used we as tweezers as the verge has updated us to tie a deck of these fans called gentle typhoon fan to the back side of the bench that's blowing air over the left half BRS my modded hybrid card if you didn't see it in the video the hybrid card has no heat sinks on it anymore just a closed loop liquid cooler this be quiet silent bass silently excuse me 280 so in order to keep the vrm and the memory cool there are a lot of fans and it's to full credit I mean like this isn't the best way to measure but we don't have a missive any issues because it's a blackbody on there that's 31 degrees right now that the hottest memory module is about 31 and when it's running a hard test it gets like 50 so we're good on cooling there 140 not so I just pulled everything I had exhaust here intake intake here going straight onto the card we've shorted the shots on the FE card in the front liquid mod on it and a X 1600 I for the power supply because it uses a lot of power so what's our score here oh shoot come back over here we're gonna have to run this again because you weren't pointed at it I guess so the score target and on applied tweezers easy this was her night our goal to beat is up until the point that kingpin decides to just stop the fun for all of us to stop being a good sport the goal to beat it was fourteen thousand forty three and we are at fourteen thousand 151 check that out so came Ben ready to publish your his score right after you beat Jay probably so I have heard that Jay is still pushing clocks on his CPU and I don't know if he's sandbagging I don't know if he's gonna submit more scores but we need to keep going so I have I saw the secret weapon I still have more in the tank we need to set a higher score I'm not connected to the Internet you're not going to see this reflected on the scoreboard just yet but we have to keep going because Jay is still going his own Twitter feed apparently according to you guys how to score for a CPU of eleven thousand seven fifty seven and we're at 11,000 374 and I don't know if he's increased his graphics score but his is already higher than ours we're at fourteen seven eight nine here 14 151 total so a lot of our advantage is made up in the cpu score difference where it's a secret weapon a drum of three I'm Novik fluid so two dollars from Mac true no it is not that would be a good one so Jays scores were fourteen thousand eight eighty four for the graphics and we're at fourteen seven eight and nine so he's got a bit of about 100 point lead on us there and that is really important in times by extreme so I have to gain some ground there CBO score he's at ten six three eight we're at eleven three seven four that's for his like most recent score I have I think he's increased that since then according to chat so we got to push a bit harder here haha so secret weapon is kingpin and chat I mean that would be nice wouldn't it that would that wouldn't be fair gain Ben's got a just crush both of us because I just it's what he does on a Saturday I guess alright so let me type I should do a say one second I say this fourteen one five one okay so let me type down these scores just so I have them where are we even right now we're at 48 X we have a 1 are we still at one point 3 volts are we at one point 3 4 Negro at one point 3 volts 40 X 30 3 X mesh one point three eight and four thousand for the memory probably still see el 16 I think so some room there 14 1 5 I'm taking a note of the score so I know if we're going backwards when I start changing other things and 11 3 7 4 okay cool and that is what the native resolution on the monitor as well just in case and then one was worried about that okay nice well let's um I don't know let's let's do some more some more bio stuff and then we'll see if we can play around with the cards a bit more so as I've been noting throughout the stream I got to check my messages I think Jacobs just messaged me again as I've noted know someone says oh damn Vince's bday yesterday well having birthday events if you're still watching so yes like I was saying during throughout the stream we've restocked the the mod mats are back in now if you've wanted one they are on store document access net you can pick one up and we've also got the GN tear down crystals back in there so those are pretty sweet we gave a couple of those out as awards but you know if you don't make products and you want to buy your way into having one we let you do that you don't let the manufacturers do that don't get any ideas but that is on stored I can't reside on that we have medium and large and we also of course restocked the beer glasses which is currently filled with water all right I missed the delete button sorry I'll shoot alright so 48 acts on the core I don't think we can do too much more than that we might even be able to hold 1.35 or something on the mash I'm gonna take this down 1.3 6 let's see if that holds if we got a pool error we know what that is I'll push that back up so shoot let's do memory let's try like 15 15 15 28 32 28 1.65 and let's try that see if that stable I need to change some of the other sub times in there to actually someone has sent me a screenshot of kingpin saying ha ha ha and he's HipChat is that actually hammer did someone just registered to him here glass currently filled with the thought liquid metal now bad don't do not don't do that don't fill these with the criminal or proceed to drink them and also if you have that much liquid metal you're a very wealthy person but you should pick up one of these if you intend to fill a glass with liquid metal it might as well be yours just don't drink it all right so we have pushed the memory times a bit we've they change anything else I think that's most yeah mesh change the Masters voltage to be a bit less abusive on it so we'll see if that kills things all right precision x1 got an update today actually or I got an update today anyway 1:30 that's the default power target and max fan speed of course clock 200 I know is stable we might be able to do more I haven't tried since the rig Orwell wasn't even rip Paul stream since since Paul responded to us live in our last stream I haven't tried to push this further but maybe maybe we need it we can this one I am fairly confident we're at its limits but we could of course try to push that if we had to so let's apply that ok full pass here we go probably straight start working towards that secret weapon soon I don't know if it's actually any good I'm filling it up a lot for not knowing if it's gonna suck CBO score was 11 7-6 7-4 J on one GPU ok so I don't actually don't actually know where that is or what CPU is using but that's good to know very good to know what thermal paste goes under the gnq but on the light stand you uh you actually don't need their own pace toward our thermal conductivity is just that good we managed to make a glass cube contacting a plastic LED base highly thermally conductive secret weapon is tight lithium crystals okay what else we got super chats so quicker tech this is at 7:42 p.m. I'm going to try and catch up here five bucks about the price divisions have you checked out Hardware bots and their team Cup it's an OC competition with specific hardware by their what's using cut down so 79 80 XE everyone knows at CPL using the OC competition I have not checked that out that sounds cool though I'm not checked out their team cop hey it hasn't crashed yet it's also not a CPU benchmark yet CX 410 Steve I love your work any tips for a custom PC shop or youtube channel thank you for your videos keep your Swiss Army knife closed they come with zip ties they're called tweezers any tips I mean like the the biggest suggestions I can give - we were talking about this the other day I still cgn as a pretty small youtube channel and outlet overall but fact of the matter is it's not small I would consider a medium now I guess but um I still think of it that way and I think of you keep that mentality and you keep working on it like it's a small project then there's a lot of it feels more genuine and people really be attracted to that and then as far as like growing custom PC shop I don't know if your try and find ways you can blend in YouTube with your normal daily functions at your PC shop like if you're gonna build a system for a customer anyway find a way to create a video out of that on YouTube without slowing down your process even if you know that might just be like sub 2 cameras on tripods or an overhead camera and edit it together later try and spend a minimum amount of time on it while still generating good content while you start and then once you start seeing traction it's time to invest but obviously don't hamstring your other business to try and get a prospect going other tips I don't know be very consistent make sure everyone knows your upload schedule try and have one stuff like that and also work hard let's just play the biggest one okay any other there's more super chasm just scrolling back up to them that one was like seven thirty something still scrolling okay here we go Shelby boost says five dollars thank you very much Steve do you think NVIDIA is throttling the r-tx cards via drivers until time passes and more Pascal overstock cards aw I don't think so there there is legitimacy to some of the conspiracy theories around this launch I think but that one eye is one that I don't think really holds water and video held drivers from press for a long time as Linus noted publicly till like Friday before launch specifically to tune them and try and get more performance so this they would release some sooner I think if that were a concern I think Pascal overstock will sell on its own regardless of the drivers because it's pretty affordable now and the new cards are very expensive so I don't think they need to hamstring themselves and like destroy their launched reputation hurt their brand credibility just to sell Pascal when it's already selling on its own so no I would say that's probably not not a one of the conspiracy theories I believe in NRG underscore or $2 thank you very much energy to different cards with two different OCS first to the same it's not a question haha so different Oh Sees if you have the patience for it this is easy because one application but if you're testing a whole bunch of games you'll have to find the stablest common denominator I guess for each card and that's a lot of work so it might be easier to do the same lower overclock instead of to really high over thoughts 14 137 CPA score 11,000 for 21 graphics 14 7 5 7 he's still ahead of us in graphics so we got to push that our previous score was 14 1 5 1 so 137 so that is down which is kind of within variance though and we are down in the graphics core Department but up in the CPU score Department so that is within variance let's start out let's start playing around some more stuff here so I have not tried this yet I don't know what's gonna happen we worked with the XOC community pretty closely and fortunately the EXO Sikh community was able to get us a custom view bios and this card is only supposed to do 130 percent power target offset for the the XE ultra I'm using right here but we can go up to 154 I'm gonna put it to 140 I don't know what kind of damage we're gonna cause so we're gonna start at 140 I'll go past that later let's just let's just do that and nothing else and just a graphics test and to save some time and see what happens is this going to get us the points we need to make sure we hold a position over Jay when he submits his allegedly newest scores according to chat so it's it's 140 percent I have not changed the clocks at all we're just gonna see if that power increase gives us more Headroom to run at a higher clock so that is the secret weapon imagine the coil line someone says yeah well actually there's no coil line yet and by that I mean if there is any there's like 55 decibels of fans to my right so I can't hear it that's the solution to coil line jay is GPUs were the MSI trio yeah so we only have 28 only you have 20 ATS from MSI 1 and 128 from gigabyte 20 a TFE and then the T is I have 3 I've got founders Edition which we modded and I'm using because music for the stupidest reason XC ultra and we have the asus strix card which actually I have really high hopes for but unfortunately bassist Rick's card and this is an Nvidia problem not an Asus problem is too tall so this is the problem with the not the inflexible bridges I could probably modify it to make like just loosen the screws and make it all wonky and make it fit I guess but that do I have one these envy link bridges are Hart bridges they they will not conform to different size cards very well so the easiest card is just tall enough and both my other two cards are reference size so unfortunately did not reach the MSI card I have is not a TI so that was no good either so yeah bit sat on that because our Fe is pretty weak compared to the XE ultra I think we kind of won the silicon lottery on the XC or lost it on the FE or something and then the Aces card I have I have high hopes for because it's a custom PCB but the sizing just doesn't line up for envy link unfortunately once we get more cards in there we can probably make it work late to the party do they shunt mod the r-tx card one of them we shunt modded the weakest of our two cards the FE which is currently a hybrid card it's got a liquid cooler on it and it has enough air that the prm's are and the let's check a memory module hottest memory module I are reading is about 57 degrees it's really good I checked that with thermocouples earlier it's too hard to sneak him in there now with the fans but it was basically validated we're plus or minus two degrees from the IR eating so pretty good on the temperatures but yes we did shunt mod one card you should make a custom PCB no I shouldn't who has Kane been check the 3d mark Hall of Fame it's number one all right so this is running as that was that CPU that was GPU - I think graphics to you now was that CPU yes that was oh no we just don't need graphics that's right so I crashed so I did not survive that pass let's just try it again sometimes it works better on a second try and let's just only do graphics - this time save some time if it's unstable there it would probably a memory stability issue if so I think okay all right so see if it see if it survives I want a GN designed case yeah I mean that'd be pretty it'd be pretty cool but we don't have any present plans shunt mod results in better benchmark scores yes by a couple hundred points it was not a lot it was it was not a lot it was like three or four hundred points I think I need to put more liquid metal on there to increase the resistance but not to a point where it's gonna drop into 2d clock so that's a problem and piggy back in like a three milli ohm shunt resistor on it might be a better option or something like that okay so a lot of people in chat hanging out so we beat J's score that I had most recently seen but apparently he's been posting higher sea view scores than his recent submitted score so that means we need to keep pushing a bit more to try and hold that lead while we can and can't been joined earlier for a bit on if he's still watching but he will I'm sure soon posts his own scores to be two hours at least for making it interesting for him so running another test hasn't crashed yet and like I have been saying if you go to store to gamers Nexus net you can pick up one of our Gian beer glasses the cobalt color with the gold rim they are back in the stock and shipping now they were weather delayed for a couple days there but they're in that and we're gonna have a chime beep in a second I think so yeah and then you can pick up the mod Matt of course on the store as well a store died Kendra's access net for the mod Maps they just got in today and they are shipping so he's been waiting for one they're here alright that passed so now we just need to like to actually get them both to pass the one that crashed last time didn't succeed this time okay see like both pass we pushed the power target beyond what is natively supported anything else you guys have been doing is get better scores than during the last livestream once you're cooling a submission the power is Max and the shunt mod has done what more can you do the bios mods we worked with xoc community get a view bios custom view bios hasn't worked yet but we'll see you could do better overclocking than we did last dream we switch to a 79 80 XE next to 99 that was a big upgrade stuff like that all right so super chats what's what's in here got a scroll up for a bit I think so we got got the ubiquitous crushed J comments I don't know how long that will last he's apparently posting high scores oh now I'll get to this one moment I guess someone's eyes got fantastic yes we are still doing that I'll get to that in a moment I'm trying to scroll up to the latest to the last question there it is okay so last question I saw was from energy the Kenneth e on $5 asked when are you collaborating with the Verge's computer expert for his technical expertise I actually towards the that video originally going up I there we go finally got a blue screen the first time all night bad pool collar I'm thinking we need more V mesh potentially to answer the question though yes this typically that's going to be a in my experience with this bench from UV mesh voltage limitation I did tweet and say like they're welcome to join us if they wanted to or something but that time has passed as as the Internet has devolved into just making fun of the content the next question was crack on PC HK a 25 rip J and rip Paul is the CPU 28 course and 5 gigahertz nope sadly not and there is no secret chiller under the table either although I did want to put it under ice but it would be very public and obvious let's just try us go back up to one point no or not eight not eight bolts one point three eight I just wanted to hold with that power offset that's all I want okay the Lee SEK 100 gamers Nexus deserves a ton more subs than the current number Wow all right no bowl no sugarcoating beast and I believe pretty much all tech channels could learn from you never change the hair we learned a lot from all the other tack channels here so it is a it's it's a good community where we can kind of there's problem with technology with computers is it's impossible know everything about them and we can only cover so much at any given time and so we learn a lot from the other folks too because some a lot of them cover stuff we don't so everyone can learn from everyone in this community which is why for example I think Linus's channel despite what I know a lot of you think of the channel overall does provide a pretty good service to the community in that it brings in new viewers who don't know anything about any of this stuff and they eventually kind of graduate on or spread out and watch other channels and stuff to you so he's got a big value out there too but thank you very much for the comment 122 percent so clock 160 offset I think that's all this damn card can do 850 on the memory big limitation there as well apply benchmarks times by extreme run okay I can feel the air coming off of that bench it it burns when Internet Protocol has opposed today five tire super chat thanks very much next overclocking stream show off the glass by doing a shot of some kind of alcohol every time you make a benchmark run would be fun for all not much competent benchmarking would get done by the end of it jeg on twelve two dollars I really like your hair what kind of shampoo do you use well actually let me uh let me locate the tub of it what I use is stored in another room for safety here's what I use that right there that is a jar of ASA tech stock thermal compound four watts per meter Kelvin only the best and that is what I use probably don't do that still running the benchmark chrome an MX fifty given the power limitation on the twenty series what are your thoughts on the 1805 chip 28 ET i from Galax eighteen hundred dollars it's hard in for extreme overclockers i don't know anything about it but if it bypasses some of the overclocking limitations I guess there's a market for it and XO Sears might pay for it but I'm being told I'm being told by the way that's Vincent chat so apparently they're the real one isn't there I'm gonna look at chat now Vince Vince I'm watching I'm judging your youtube comment quality as you are judging my overclocked quality Tim no it is not liking that that bias I don't think whatever that's 254 something happen to that let's see what happens if we do that 10/10 KP and 980 TI question mark I think so I was a response to someone a house yeah I don't know if so if Vince is in chat let's throw that last Super chat question to him look out for kingpin I guess kingpin the question for you from super chat was given the power limitation oh it's about a competitor you can't really answer that I guess but let's just pretend you know $1,800 card it's by Galax but let's just pretend you know maybe even GA makes one something like that what what's sort of the target market for those cards obviously it's extremely overclockers but how much do you personally gain from those versus if you use like a reference card for example like if you're posting scores on times by I want to know if you kingpin go and post a score with two reference cards with whatever mod you can do versus your own kingpin card what's the advantage I think I can summarize Savas answer for when i previously asked in this and i believe the answer was that a lot of the really hard work that goes into hard body in the cards like doing actual hardware mods to them is eliminated with those xoc cards whether that's Galax or the kingpin cards or whatever it doesn't matter which band a lot of the hard work is done for you so I think that's kind of the idea is it really simplifies the process of getting it up and running man this is not happy with that so let's let's dial that back I guess maybe what if we do one you know what I found something with the shunt mod on the FE that if I when I when I did the shunt mod I had to drop the clock offset because it was boosting higher natively from the shut mod so let's try droppin the offset on the click on the core and keeping the power target high and see if that same philosophy applies here I might have to drop it a few times right 180 now down from 200 so the question will be does our score overall go up from this instead of down I think that might be what's going on here someone says kingpin is google searching an answer right now what is 20 atti kingpin 20 atti benchmarks is 20 80 TI any good come back with an answer Steve do you think we'll see true next-gen GPUs next year with seven animator I think we will see I don't want to be 7 but I do think we'll see another GP launch mine video next year that is not the 20 well not the current 20 series I hope maybe quarter for quarter one of the following year I'm not sure I honestly don't know I'm just kind of going off of I don't know gut instinct I guess okay questions $2.00 from X 18 eights could you produce a clear glass with a logo yeah I mean so we've got this one it's the cobalt glass with the gold rim and the logo what logo do you want on a clear glass and what kind of glass this is the pint glass it is on store document access dotnet if you want to pick it up we have discounts for packs of two and four but I haven't seen too many requests for clear we can certainly do it those there's interest in it but let me know what changes you'd like to see like if you want a different design for the glass itself I'll keep an eye on chat to you for this still running attacks hasn't died this time so maybe the instinct is right here Danberg five dollars starting a new build gaming focus sin crash should I save money out in CPU to buy a better GPU leaning towards the AMD I don't know your budget unfortunately should I save money on the CPU to buy a better GPU that is a hard question always so I don't know like it I don't know your budget but the which changes everything but the r5 for example is sort of our go-to in its price category like the 2600 you can get an r5 2600 really good CPU if you are leaning towards AMD that is absolutely a good buy and it is perfectly fine for gaming and it would free up some budget for other things so I don't know your budget but if you're kind of like you're not quite an i7 r7 territory and you're looking at Intel or AMD and r5 high territory I'd say go r5 2600 and there are times I would go Intel but it's primarily for the high-end or well the high-end these days I sevens for specifically only gaming bills where you want like a 144 refresh or something like that but you're talking about leaning towards Andy saving some money on the CPU r5 2600 sounds like a great choice for that and then GPUs are good right now if you get 10 serious prices are good Vega 56 like I said the stream sponsor the advertiser is in the link but rx5 ATS Vega 56 finally coming down in price finally so I really liked making 56 when it came out it was a lot of fun to work with like it's easy to overclock easy to mod you can do it does have BIOS limitations but you still flash the BIOS you can still do like power table mods in the registry so a lot of fun to just hack around with it survives guys so it made it this time finally fourteen eight four seven okay so what we have learned here is a someone's oh is did kingpin tweet at me or something someone said what we have learned is that the power offset this is what I learned with the shunt mod to the power offset was helping push the clocks higher on their own and then the clock ops that was then too high so I dropped like frequency offset and now we're getting higher scores because the boosting Headroom is natively higher with a 154 percent power target that is pretty cool to learn same concept applies with the shunt mod where you take a shunt resistor and apply liquid metal to it which of course be careful doing that it could fall off but fourteen thousand eight forty seven is our graphics core fourteen eighty four seven what is J's where is Jai standing J 14 884 what am i fourteen eighty four seven okay fourteen eight eight four we did already officially beat his total score but I'm concerned I'm worried because I know J I'd have a J's over there probably right now feeding an air-conditioner into his computer via a cardboard box the one that he lives in so J I don't want you to damage your house any further to keep damaging your cardboard box I know it took you a long time to save up for that and so we're gonna try and get an extra lead here before we call it for the streaming because I don't want to end the stream and then Jays just like whoop there's my score beats yours because I would suck so we got a we got a make it a bit of a competition ha ha ha so the chats going crazy right so let me take a note of this shots fired thinking of the score so I know what it is 14 847 okay and that is with +1 54% on the XZ ultra and then with a 180 offset on the core so that is our big change so I think we need to do a full run now now that I know how to get it stable we got a new score so I can keep that in case we need to submit it before before I like blow a board and we can't ever come back this way so let's just run a full pass just to get it done in case something dies just fired burning his cardboard house down or thirst alright what keyboard are you using so this is what is this z10 is that what it's called Jakub EVGA z10 and I like the keyboard well enough so here's my criticism for this keyboard we got a couple of these from EVGA for the office and we are using them for production systems however there are some things I would change the switches are fine there these are Browns I like them because they're quiet enough that on stream it's not like blasting the mic with clicky noises but this drives me crazy so this function button over here this button should be switched with the windows button in fact the function button on this keyboard is only used for things that the dedicated media buttons can already do so there's no reason for this button to exist on this keyboard I think it might be able to profile switching to but you could add a hard button for that so I use the Windows key lot like Windows II I use all time windows D all the hotkeys and having it on the other side drives me crazy there is - EB J's credit in the software there is actually a button to swap the functions of those two unfortunately the keys are different sizes so you can swap the functions but you can't swap the literal function key with the Windows key I do like the keyboard though it's just that one thing fortunately they do have a button to fix it in software but that drives me crazy so EVGA if you're listening it's a great keyboard overall build quality is good it's just these two buttons need to be switched or remove the function button it doesn't really seem to do much because the media keys do all the stuff that does I don't know there might be a profile switch like I said but oh you know what there's this is kind of like a silly dumb feature that's actually kind of cool though so you ready ready for this BAM spring-loaded feet no it's it's fine like it's I have no problem with it other than that for the most part there is one other thing actually well I'm well I'm here jacob says he got it z10 is the name of it so I do like the keyboard overall just be clear it's just yeah like I said that one thing there is one other thing and it's it's a shame because it's a cool feature but the volume on this keyboard is a slider and the problem with this is if you change output devices like from speakers to headphones it no longer applies to that device like it well it will work to adjust the device but if we have this at like 30% volume on the keyboard but the device when I switched to it was that 50% volume they're not adjusting in sync so it's a really cool idea just that feature doesn't play out as it should wouldn't switching devices or if you change the volume in Windows but not on the keyboard that Hardware switch isn't gonna move so that's problem to you so maybe just go to a roller I know it's what everyone does but there's a reason for CPU test hasn't crashed yet has not crashed kingpin Steve you have your work cut out for you man I'm looking at the chat why does everyone want me to look at the chat the Jay post the record or something I guess Oh Jay with the shots fired convinced Eddie ever work cut out for you which i think means Jay posted something it is the real kingpin I think he made a thing specifically for this didn't Jay post something I don't see it on the Hall of Fame yet that he posted in chat or why I'm trying to keep an eye on everything that wants Jay hey Steve I'm currently at home with my new score safe and sound not uploaded yet you're safe that's my arse hasn't uploaded either cool that's funny hey Jay we've been sending people your way all night but now now I will have to take that back we can no longer recommend your Channel you only recommend it if your score is lower than mine all right chad is just trolling you know I don't think they are I believe that I believe that J I mean he apparently posted an eleven thousand something CPU scores so he boosted a lot of her previously kingpin says I'm benching with J what that's how is that fair how on earth is that fair Banshee off J let me go let me give Roman a call and get their bauer out here have one confident person on my team fourteen to one nine so apparently J is cheating and this proxy overclocked hand through kingpin [Laughter] get builds right yeah we can do that here let's go let's get all Matt get all the boys out kept their Bower get get build Zoid get the crew together all right Steve cop there Bowery yeah we got a damn cop to the verge has the high score it out the verge doesn't have the high score okay so what what what's what am I even doing our score is 14 to 1 9 we're a good bit of a good bit ahead 14 to a 9 and this one's in the wrong spot and then uh 14 8 6 - that's good 11:41 you know I wanted to that's the same exact scores last time that's consistent I wanted to be careful how long we went on this but if if J is proxy overclocking through kingpin I don't have to push a bit harder I think I'm not gonna use that one to you so did he beat your offline score Jay I don't know if Jays still and chat everyone's got to help me here and like keep an eye on chat because I can't see all of it I'm trying do that I don't know watch chat for a minute just to see if Jay responds the owner who jr. there is I'm not no idea why Vince said that I think he's Charlie in here I don't know who to believe on one hand the Vince says he's joking now I don't believe you now I know Vince is a Vince's this is a bit of a trickster I've never seen I'm so excited I'll as when he has been over clocking his Roebuck Locker and at Computex and Vince I want you to know we still quote you when I was standing behind the desk while he was working I was gonna say poor Ian L&T we don't do that anymore while he was retired watching his creation do all the work for him it would occasionally blue screen and cane pin would say I don't know my head she's done ski she's done ski Steve he run around the table changed something come back and it would work again so Vince you have left a lasting impression on us we constantly quote your she's done ski I think he thought it was dead after like eight hours of non-stop L&T which is a reasonable guess Jay says that he's not getting outside help so you know I'm gonna believe Jay for now he says he's not man I hope believed Jay you can check Jay out Jays two cents on YouTube his name is not Jay stood to race that is not his name Jays to census is his name yes I will beat the offline score okay well let's restart I guess 14 two one nine I better save that just in case we're never back here so that I can at least take second place apparently let's see the question is when kingpin said you have your work cut out for you was he biessing me like he was with the other stuff he said 190s try that let's I think this will crash we're gonna try 170 190 on those core offsets and let's launch 3dmark so while that's launching as I've been saying the store has the mod mats in stock now it's got the key chains we just restocked the sticker decals as well super high quality decals and and we have the beer glass so you go to store dock gaming taxes net to pick up any of that stuff to support us directly we very much appreciate it all right let's launch that see that does you know J if you're still there he is he says I do love this battle that hello go higher Steve ya know it's it's a lot of fun actually pimping and chat is hilarious right now yeah a lot of fun so J thank you very much for responding and giving me someone to do overclocks with because linus not only turned it down ran and cowered his entire team did do Alex the great ish I think his youtube or his Twitter handle is works for Linus he actually he had some cool ideas for responding to our score and beating it but I don't think they came to fruition just because the r-tx launched so open invitation Alex if you want to come back with our TX launch with your idea you told me about that and that'd be cool but otherwise I guess Jays the only one who wants to play so Paul Paul was having fun with us to you though so Paul pushed some pretty good single card scores earlier rip LTTE popping up in chat oh yeah Linus did do the the 4gb 100 build which didn't score too well go figure Quadro cards alright so yeah this is a this is pretty fun pretty fun battle going with J right now mr. mr. two cents himself the water cooling expert he did a more professional-looking version of the hybrid model I did wear and I bought machine screws from Lowe's and then screwed a water blob CLC block onto it J actually put it I don't know was what is it J was it a supremacy Evo or something put an ek block on it I think we noticed this to promise the Evo would fit but I only have one so I added user on the CPU all right and now they're asking me the push Malone build- tried but $40,000 cannot keep skills ooh ouch to be fair that that build was not really built for for the 3d mark 30fps yeah so J says Steve we got a 79 13 single card times by extreme score nice very nice I have not done a single card tests for a little while now so we'll have to revisit that at some point perhaps once my o single card I can use the Aces one for that that'd be good we put a water block on the Asus card do single card test and I haven't worked with the Asus one because we're working waiting for BIOS updates alright so that's still running and I gotta take a note of Jays score so I know what I'm trying to beat later 79 13 I think it was so I'll keep that in mind for later 79 13 alright so let me get a couple stupid chats coalition gaming two dollars cuz the EVGA e power device help with your goal I don't know haven't used it before probably invite my bids $5 my 7940 has half it scores run 10 to 20 degrees hotter than the others do you let a direct I'm out you just tell them first now on pay is still the same bad chip probably remove the silicon adhesive that's on there and and then go from there like remove it all redo your application make sure it's yes that crashed in the second test so that was what they 170 on what the first card and 190 on this one so let's go down to 160 let's just figure out which card is causing the crash in and that was in graphics too okay no CPU test okay graphics see if that crashes again with the ten megahertz reduction yeah remove your silicon adhesive redo it it's probably created an air gap causing the Delta between cores okay kingpins real name is dope AF yes Mac drew forty-one hey Steve my new MacBook Pro keeps thermal throttling when web browsing should I go to Apple and consult a genius or just missing with you yeah definitely don't bother um NZ I didn't five dollars why is it that CPUs oh wait what's he saying J J's posting something everyone stop what's scrolling up J put up a nice single FSU I haven't gone far astray culture yet on this jasa are you saying RTX doesn't stock the prices I would agree that the price definitely sucks in comparison to what we're used to well and in comparison what you get there's no r-tx yet but maybe we'll really visit once games actually use the features and didn't why is it that CVS has to be OCD iOS versus GPU OCS also the G on mugs are great quality thank you giving me an opportunity to pluck them we have the bug back here so next to me the snowflakes stand in that patreon backers gave us an the midnight standing because snowflake can't be near the streams she will destroy all of the components but yeah the mug is in stock and available on stored at gamers X's Donna anyway your question so you can OC CPUs in software it's just it's not really great kind of sucks to do but there's a lot more options for CPUs there's lower level options some stuff doesn't need to be enumerated at boot and you could do that stuff in software but then you'd have to reboot anyway so there's a couple notes for you did it did it pass no so okay so we can't push that frequency on the EVGA card so that's got to come back down to 180 so we're stuck at 180 there so there's gonna be kind of slow going for a second guys while I'm finding the stable clocks for each card at the high end because we're tending revisiting these and then I'm gonna push memory so we couldn't go any higher on the EVGA card for core but maybe for memory when can we buy snowflake plushies from the store I actually have some ideas on that and I will revisit it once we're ready I do have some ideas though involving like giving part of it to a charity for like cat shelter or something like that let's see next one evoke re productions $10 is a fantastic sell on the menu hoping you test ml 120 fans and jet flow flat fans I want to see which of these if the specs are true and which is objectively better yes I just got my fan testing PCB back from the engineer who was helping me fix it and it's all fixed it works now so we can actually start doing that it was a was an issue on the PCB so I couldn't actually make any progress on it until that was fixed what is this what what notifications am I getting Oh Jay this is ten minutes ago Jay texted me and said that's not true kingpin isn't helping me so I'm gonna believe you Jay I don't believe you and Jacob from EVGA says you can launch small things off the feet of the keyboard I guess is that what you do man now that you're a pro streamer for EVGA that you just do you find small objects and launch them where's a screw you just just screw we have a few screws here let's draw them one of the video cards let's take one that's replaceable we don't need that one okay this is not the right angle for this Andrews covering his eyes oh my gosh it actually does launch it I'm glad I chose oh there it is let's just it hit the ceiling or the light or something nice well if you needed a reason to use that feature there you go anybody have the best yeah that's a good point that would have been pretty bad no hey so we're still running we're finding a stable clock here Ryan from our teams those new markets here y'all Street he BGA's d2 all right so I'm shocked that you found that screw so quickly you have me today I thought I was gone someone in chat says I work with Jacob he literally launches stuff with the keyboard feet okay so it's real it's real so yeah fantastic so on the menu like I said just survive crash graphics - okay so we can't push these further we can stop wasting time with that now so we're stuck at 160 offset on card 1 stuck at 180 on card - let's try memory I don't know let's try like a thousand ten that's such a small gain at this point let's try like a thousand 15 maybe apply see if it insta crashes and not expecting stability we might have to go to CP you're out or a chiller C T mu Kynan n dude are still waiting for the hair bounce kid yes that is a high demand it's backordered for a long time EVGA puts up a new marketing video soon launch it like tech Jesus the Martin C one two three five quid have you modded the GB voltage controllers a secret Evan no that was the man we're an hour behind on these super chats sorry that was the the V BIOS Max Robbins two dollars will he make body pillows no no NaCl with the knife Canadian ten dollars thank you very much here's five here's five Canadian repulse keep up the live streams I question as I am also a fellow with long hair what do you use that shampoo conditioner I already answered that it's this top of thermal paste mod 989 five dollars do we know if core clock speed affects ray-tracing ops or tensor core so a 10% boost in core clock maybe boost rate range might understand I don't know that is a great question technically they're all housed within the SMS but I don't I don't know how it interacts because we don't have anything we can actually test other than those tech demos so I don't know well once they give me something to test we can look into it I really want to we've had that question a lot in the last few days on the comments and videos it's a great question I have it too but I don't know I can ask on video see if they'll respond Matamata lee five dollars online fury Triax vs RX 580 at 1080 or 1440p what's the question is the question which one's better I don't know I haven't tested the fury axonal you know what the fury Triax except the non acts I haven't tested the fury I haven't tested the fury X in a long time either so I honestly you'd have to check one of our own charts because like I make the charts and I don't memorize all that data so I'm sure we have an answer in one of our charts but it's been a while jmr 1969 X $5 one crush J to medium on that's when I got that one earlier three using a 2600 K wait for 10 nanometers or go 9900 K I don't know we don't know the performance of the 9900 K yet so if you're happy with the 2600 K and it's not like holding you back and maybe you don't use it professionally then just stick with it man there's no reason to move on Thomas Boone yeah it's five canadian i postulate you are not wearing pants do you have a counter-argument yes it is that I am wearing pants air attack that's a fifty Norwegian I think secret weapon using snowflake to cool down the gpus snowflake to destroy the GPS did it survive huh no okay it's not surviving graphics test too as expected I think this goes like 1005 but there's really no point in getting five extra megahertz actually there is let's do it thousand five okay sure why not let's do that and then you know Jacob if you're still watching to your profile save and survive reboots because I haven't seems like they don't survive reboots 850 is where we're stuck there I think we can maybe try 860 let's try it let's just go up five on one ten on the other it doesn't survive then I'm gonna have to play around with the CPU more I guess and the memory we can do a lot with memory actually we do a ton with memory J is sleeping with the fishes J apparently has a higher score than us just it's offline Oh insta crash nice okay so those memory clocks aren't stable let's let's work on the system memory instead night everyone my phone is like 800 degrees Celsius great stream thanks for watching sorry about your phone Steve Jane kingpin responded to you I yes I unless you're talking about something else I think I saw that though King Ben says memory you can do a lot with yeah I also have an updated the BIOS on this and quite a while so did GN rip J already technically we have a higher score offline than his online score but he says he has a higher offline score than our high score so yes ish kingpin commented on memory settings Oh what did what what was it I'm scrolling up someone quoted if you have it I'll scroll back down and look for it in a moment Cain been counted on memory settings hey Steve I'm about to log off you may be Tech Jesus but remember I untucked you this night J's Tuesday hands well done Jay don't get too cold in your cardboard box you live in Jay is still leader in times of ice cream yes this is awful I'm not uploading things tenpin Steve you need to select the right memory frequency there are steps or delta clocks that need to be dialed in for best scoring okay do you mean the GPU memory frequency is that what you mean I'm scrolling back down all the way down not necessarily the highest got it okay interesting and thank you to those of you who pasted that for me not necessarily the highest I follow you let's try well before we screw around with anything let's try drop in the memory of it and see if a score goes up because I've seen that in the past and I guess if that's what uh that's what you're talking about that would make sense zdg says I miss Osie TVs so much are they not do they not go alive anymore Judas was the better sinner priest is pretty good all right so kingpin says there are sweet spots for memory all right well let's let's play around with it I guess see if we can figure out if it needs to be lower instead of just the highest which is what I was going for God God is helping Jesus all right it needs to put in tantalum caps trust me the voltage I'm not going to heart mod it the lower ambient temperatures making difference right what you're trying to do Ryan $10 yes absolutely it makes a pretty big difference so and if King to enforce anything I'm gonna miss it right now but ambien GPU clocks as far as I know that Titan V responds to clock changes all the way down to like 28 there's sorry temperature changes all the way down to 28 C or something so yes lower temperature helps a lot that's why we were considering an ice bucket to begin this all right offset that max fan speed let's just hit apply before during memory and so we were doing a thousand let's just try like I don't know 950 or something and see what happens okay what's your opinion on the Polaris refresh rumors I think AMD needs to do literally anything at this point because they have a big opening right now with Nvidia's kind of lost favor clock 160 power 123 we're sticking to 850 on memory there and we're gonna drop to like what I say let's drop to like 950 on this one and see if it's better kingpin says they all do the core clock does as well I think that must be in response to the temperature question okay so let's see let's see if it's better with lower target frequencies on the memory I've seen it before time supply a tricky she probably just be running like graphics test two or something I think but it does help to have an actual score output all right Dave five dollars when is the raglan zip hoodie coming back in stock medium and large sizes are both out of stock I just placed an order last week and I think I got billed for them yesterday so that means they're probably on the way so within about a week I think is when they'll be back okay I'm gonna check super chat for a minute we'll see if this score is any higher than previously with the lower clocks okay please show the hardware set up for new viewers yes we'll do that in a moment give me one moment we'll show the hardware again kingpin says let me help Jay get another score be right back damn it Vince it's gonna fly over from Taiwan to California to help Jay for an hour fly back come back in when he sees I beat the score how is that fair just got here what's the highest score so far our highest score so far is 14000 219 total Jays online score is 14000 43 so we're in first Jay says he beat that score so he's in first when he uploads it I haven't uploaded ours either was that not stable that's weird so that's that's where we stand right now with the scores you know there's a like a bug here something - I don't know if Jacobs still watching but precision for whatever reason will drop the power target from 123 to 122 if I click to the other video card but if I stay on this one it stays 123 I want that one percent I don't know if it's doing anything but drop that 800 I think our scores will go down at this point I need to come back to this tab now to increase the power target again because it's gonna bug down try 980 yep 122 okay just run that again what did it fail graphics one or two graphics one okay so will run both kingpin in chat has told us to dial in the memory and not just go for the highest memory offset but dial it in to find the most the best score I guess it's done in increments or something and he also says we have a special board coming soon which I think I know it thing I know about that one alright did I miss anything else in chat it's gonna run it run another benchmark see if it survives I want to get higher than 14,000 219 I guess we do system memory but I I think I do need to dial in the video memory more from what cane what KP was saying okay so questions we had I got all this got that one trying to catch up on the Super chats and there are a lot of them there's the weird body pillow one there's the are behind fury one okay so here it is can you T pose for 10 seconds $10 this happens every stream now I'm not going to tipo is that's weird 3ds 3ds scan or something to an a but I didn't a pose last time get that one okay Ezekiel Alfonso a hundred ARS thank you very much no message with that but thank you nonetheless autumn bones 94 or $5 Miocene 1080i hybrid is stable at 28 megahertz temps are fine I'm hitting the power limit should I look into doing a shunt mod I guess like it's the per mile with the chunk mods is if you're not doing this then it doesn't feel like there's a lot of point like it's not really worth it if you're just trying to game so if you're competitively overclocking then yeah and maybe look into like doing a piggyback shunt resistor on top of it instead of liquid metal for its little good metal is difficult to work with for these because like if you apply too much then you get 2d clocks you don't apply enough it doesn't do anything there's no really easy way to tell if it's gonna work or not so I wouldn't generally recommend it unless you're like competing or something and trying to keep an eye on all chats and it's difficult kingpin saying this one is different than all previous versions or all previous motherboards I guess and you're really building that board Hough you should fly out here with it bring it out do it over yeah that's what we should do there's your there's your overclocked hook tied in with the new board bring it out with a CPU and we can do some kind of a scene on it it's frozen or did it pass I think it's died nope let that bad pool collar be mashed or something someone says his name must be on it like kingpin name I guess I bet Donna came for the motherboard you can ignore it chat for the next five minutes mostly just screaming tipos Oh kingpin says the KP bored kV card is the one that they're doing different I guess not the motherboard alright so that crashed I want to try and get some more out of the CPU to Mao rebooting I think I can get no I think I can get away with a couple cores at 49 maybe hmm and let's you know what let's do memory first let's do 48 on the cores memory oh it's stable 15 I think I got this down to 26 I did once before I have an old profile let me load an old profile from the rip Ltd stream and see what I did for memory there and I'm gonna work backwards from that I worked with builds wait on this profile previously so 48 when I checked the main page again 33 that's good 1.95 good 0.38 1.33 files do 1.2 for we have more cooling this time last time that is kind of high oh whatever let's do it okay so I don't know if this is still stable or not I don't know if we've had any degradation of components but we will find out oh no it's not an ad 86 K yeah I know the Windows boot screen says that it's because I cloned the drive it's a it's a 79 80 XE is the CPU okay someone says Alex West 10 allows the stream inspired me to push my gaming laptop of 3dmark I'm at 14 29 hashtag rich and nice oh it's in legacy mode I don't know if I've I guess I have run 3d mark on laptops been a while some of them we're pretty impressive it's always a thermal issue with those though trying to think of the best cooling I've seen on a laptop and I'm having trouble coming up with an answer I guess the biggest ones by nature being bigger were superior generally all right boot needs to be UEFI it's not like I see anymore Nordic gapper $10 hey Steve loved the content you guys create big thanks to you and the rest of the GaN team for working hard thank you for the support Ezequiel Afonso hey one question considering the massive improvements that the 10 series was in 2016 10 Saudi beating the og Titan X and the 20 atti having the same performance at the Titan B what do you think I talked about on the reviews but yeah okay so these are not stable anymore what do I think I think the price is just not there like if if the games actually had r-tx features it would be easier to justify spending a lot of money for cool new stuff but you're buying cool new stuff that you can't use so yeah not not a not a big fan of the prices TRF ii should be a lot lower attendances doing a OSU tournament with build Zoid in their power against kingpin maybe if I'm like the announcer or something it's no reason for me to get in on that I don't remember what our problem was with stability on this last time What did he say should be lower not so important for graphics yeah graphics is uh is the weak spot anyway for fire strike you need to work on those yeah definitely revive strike see RFC they're saying should be lower I don't I think we had trouble when I tried like 240 or something is what I tried last time I don't think this is where this is where I always get stuck I don't know why exactly crash because I changed everything all at once so that's always kind of sucky but let's let's put that back up the top 28 I think I was at 28 last time let's just see if that doesn't anything and then I had T RFC at 240 he must be nearing 230 watch the CP you know a lot more than that a lot more when it's running okay I don't know whatever let's just have 10 and see what it does this is that this is where I am limited by experience with memory overclocking so we're gonna kind of continue 14 14 14 no actually I've tried that I worked with builds right on that for the last stream for the repel TT stream and 14 did not hold for us we had to go we had to go to 15 we did 15 15 15 26 successfully the kid I have is like a G skill tried and see you know I said go over the components hey it's booting this time it's in like that 26 I think I'm not confident in the stability of this I don't know if it's gonna make it I made it to Windows okay so how do we go over the components again I'll let Andrew reposition while I trained all right we'll go over the components see RFC yeah I saw that okay so parts for the people asking what we're using we have a next to 99 dark board which a lot of this the core components what we use for the repel TT stream so 299 dark G school tried NZ which is 4,000 megahertz currently at a CL 15 and then we have a 790 DX e under a water block this is 2016 supremacy block we have 360 rad thermaltake radiator really fat one with two maglev fans from Corsair we have a soon on fan that I bought on there it's super high rpm anak to a fan for exhaust up here gentle typhoon fan on the back for in take over the vrm knock to a fan in the front for intake on to the vram and the vrm of the modded card be quiet silent loop 280 that I hooked up to a an EFI card and then an ax 1600 I for the PSU some SSDs in a pan controller I think that covers all of it okay 41:33 is pot 12/12/12 28 is possible in the dark I mean yeah but I worked with builds right on that stuff before and I don't think we ever got this memory down there get some like team memory or something depends needs to send you Alton two pots yeah tear a few weights you loose see Ruffy if I I think it's supposed to be a bigger number what are their profiles did I say I have a stay one no not really okay well one point I'm gonna cap this at some point but one point eight 15 15 15 28 is stable how it was like I said sure forty-eight that's fry 39:49 on 2/4 was stable once before 33 from mash I haven't tried pushing that up that'd be helpful if it does okay where is mash 1.38 my - this is where I think what we'll have to do is push the kingpin said you need to point oh five on what on the memory I missed his missed the context of his comment anyway I think what I'm gonna do is get it stable to a point where boots Steve go to Taipei yeah I'd make it easier get it stay what we should go which we should get a Neely kingpin in California or yeah probably that's the easiest and I'll head out there and we all group up with Jay and kingpin and do something trying out to Butte get the GP is where I want them and then submit whatever score we have see what Jay releases in the morning then respond to it after I have time to sit down and work through the memory timings because otherwise can be really boring triangle trial and error forever you need good dims though Steve and also good AMC yeah I know that's always that is the that is the challenge I don't know how good our our dimming a pretty good but but they're not the best we have a courser KITT that's pretty good but I only have two sticks it's a 4600 KITT rated it runs like 4100 with pretty tight timings but I only have two sticks and running in dual channel really seems to hurt the scores on this bench versus quad okay net IO dot sis not happy getting to the point where it's just gonna blue screen a lot just shunt already I did the FE card anyway we did not do it on the EVGA card we probably could though you pain to do it I think what we should probably do is put the EVGA card underwater and get a custom loop going with both cards because that EVGA cards holding me back just because like the cooler is fine but it's still in the 60s and the other card I have in the forty is and that's gonna benefit the clock a lot I'm held back by of course memory overclocking ability because that is a weak point for a lot of us what am I doing here let's uh let's default on the defaults on the timings just to clear them remember Jay was using AC to lower the temperature yeah yes that would be a good move Steve bust out the AC box we have too many too much AC like to too many ventilation ports it's all split through the whole office what I need to do is get a chiller in here okay so X and P 4000 1.8 is more than not 15 15 15 28 and that seems it seems high why is that not all about okay so let's just go let's see if it'll boot it's my goal right now will it boot just to get a final score in here or 21.3 vcore Steve just run to Home Depot and buy a standing unit they're like $300 or less yes that seems like a good investment I'll just get a chiller from someone in the industry that seems cheaper how about the performance sliders in the Nvidia control panel I didn't mess with those I'll open it up though what CP is he running on this 79 80 X II is what we were running get an aquarium cooler you love court - at 49 hips whatever it is d letting it is the you lettered sorry yes it did help significantly kingpin says dude all caps exclamation point because I've quote-unquote forgot the performance sliders in the control panel ie have never messed with for this I can't see anything alright let's let's do this Kanban let me let's see what you're talking about had those sliders to have a taste that's a lot of points apparently okay so we're even are these sliders are you talking about the 3d setting sliders oh yeah there is like that texture filtering slider isn't there I forgot about that one nice good graphic three sevens okay 3d settings what even are the slider options that I should be adjusting sets performance no Sam's in here hey Sam Sam who loaned us the Titan axe I missed missed the message where is it Lawrence that's it that's it okay well well settings are program settings we don't use these for reviewing cards performance maximum performance okay power management so that's on max performance and leave all these application controlled I guess texture filtering are those I guess those scores are still valid or they're still valid when you start changing the sliders I think they are on Hardware BOTS texture filter just image settings left bar adjust image settings with PVA Oh gotcha okay gotcha gotcha gotcha performance okay so it's a literally a slider got it now what about these do I need is the score valid if we change these are now I like Chat Chat Chat forgets that I've got a screen on each side of me and can't see both of the same as I can pen do now manage 3d settings yeah we're already there ken Penrose build Zoid okay please record how to do this for your viewers with love a guide on the website from campaign you yeah we do want to work with KP on some of this stuff okay all right now that everyone's calmed down I think we think we got all these appreciate the looking out set from quality to hyper if did that did that alright yeah there I think I got both of them right there are two settings so I got preferred maximum performance on power management and I've got high performance on texture filtering unless I'm missing one somewhere no a threaded optimization sure now multiple CP is or multiple cores which one multiple CPUs we're not running multiple CPUs triple buffering okay all good now all right cool okay let's see what kind of difference it is I'm curious now if it's human stable we changed some of memory to here so all right so max that 180 offset was stable originally I know it might not be a optimal I guess for Delta clocks from what was being said earlier what we'll do 1,000 there just as I know it works so I want to see what the difference is from these and video settings and then clock was 850 stable originally here 160 was stable here 123 okay 3dmark check chat for a bit all right don't forget your static wristband those two sliders are key kingpin is saying that instantly crasher did I forget to I never launched it so what's happening now and just just for good measure let's just go back to native resolution just to be consistent if anything will work okay come on windows stop what are you doing all right we're gonna let windows figure out its life for a second it was unhappy that I alt f4 it 3dmark I think okay there we go all right cool nope all right okay there we go this file is not having episodes a with it yes display settings please oh is it just like not launching the display settings now that's nice okay well we'll run it with the monitor set in the non-native resolution and wait for this to finish crashing again delete system32 that's a good idea that's probably the problem so someone says you forgot to turn off the fans on the second car do you adjusted I actually didn't thank you for looking out though it is um that card is under liquid so that card is not even using the fan the fan headers not even connected in that one it's a we called it a hybrid mod but it's just got a liquid cooler on the core and then a bunch of air blasting it from separate fans Ida plugs into the motherboard alright so let's launch this and then let me not I have no idea of its stable because we changed a lot of things all at once so anyway let me give you the most recent score we had I did apply the settings the most recent score was fourteen thousand two hundred nineteen and then graphics was 1486 to what was J's eight eight four I think I think this was eight eight for Jo is fourteen eight eight four and his total score was fourteen thousand forty three so our offline score has beaten his online score but he says he has another offline score that will beat our offline score if you follow all that that's where we stand right now I think that's everything to get everyone up to speed our CPU scores 11,000 for 21 and yes I think that I think that catches everyone up damn so system service exception probably some of the memory or that 49x core I had in there power settings already on max performance guys which card in which slot well precision I don't think lists them in the order they're installed was no someone said one was on 49 but it's not okay so all that looks fine we're not doing anything crazy here I think it's the memory tripping up okay five 15 15 15 28 should be stable 1.3 is fine eight and then 48 okay see if that works they're not Nvidia control panel restore defaults on 3d mark exe then set the sliders just the high performance and power settings and disable Windows Defender it was just pasted a lot about the hybrid video card the driver and video card is happy with having no response from the fan iron my old card that always throttled if the fan stopped yeah it doesn't seem to doesn't seem to care does not it seems to work just fine okay that was the cleanest boot we have we've had in a while so let me get a nvidia control panel and then i'm following some steps here so restore defaults on three marked IX e okay manage 3d settings program settings give me a small window right now everybody has control panels extremely slow 3dmark see it seems like we already have the defaults so i think we're good there and then set the slider is just the high performance and power settings and disable Windows Defender I think we already got those set so is this still high performance nope quality high performance apply okay and then manage these power settings max performance is still there so that stayed okay and I don't know how to navigate Windows 10 I stopped learning it on Windows 7 let's just go to services services whereas my services services okay I'm the defender it's already off yes that is already deactivated this is then that's off off they're already often okay all right I'll check chat in a second all right I just want to run this and see what even happens at this point it's been a while hopefully it works windows power plan should already be hyper Florence power I think that's already high-performance yeah we're already high-performance therefore the windows power settings that much I always get on a clean install ok alright so clock try 1000 because I know it used to work plates the last 180 apply this is the second cards we need to max out those fans to apply and then first card he 50 was working 160 was working so if they still are and power target 123 percent benchmarks TSE run okay see if it goes watch it instantly blue screen disable the icon shadow text effect remark appliance I just got into what cpu-z running sorry 980 XD hey three mark needs its profile change that Trump's global settings okay I will check that after this Thank You Stevie a ship worldwide for any of your GN merch we ship worldwide for all of the GN merch unless you're obviously in like North Korea or something then no but otherwise yes and if you're in North Korea you should probably do something else than watching this but yes we ship worldwide on stored I can use access net Steve if she's done tsuki someone says I hope that becomes a thing that was if he missed it earlier that's what kingpin said haha at copy tax when his crazy Alan to sort of semi closed loop system was blue screen she's done ski Steve kingpins been in chat by the way and then the beer glasses are also restocked on stored I can't read sexist on that all right do you ship to Antarctica no I've never tried if like a carrier goes there sure why not hi shipped to Australia that's I think that's the most expensive shipping cost for us as Oscar actually no there's some random islands we've checked like Pacific Islands that are really expensive the ship do we set special rules for those just so we didn't like lose a ton of money on shipping done skis equals the new F beer for liquid coolant I think didn't J try that I think J tried beer for like wood cooling I'm pretty sure you did I don't rubber how it worked out all right yes Jay did it I am being told Jay did actually try that what is your CPU running on now it is running on just pure just distilled water nothing else no fancy coloring or anything like that in the coolant just distilled water and it is at 4.8 gigahertz we're on 1 point 3 volts maybe I think 1 point 3 volts memory is at 4000 mega Hertz and I think that recaps most the specs what in the beer yeah I don't know I don't know how the beer aged in that leave J also tested milk okay all right all right so this is Ronnie it hasn't crashed yet it's not a CPU test where the GPS house seems to kind of be alive I'm scared to commit to an answer on that so you had some super chance $5 create a shortcut on your desktop was shut down exe to restart into o / r / f w / T's 1 to restart into UEFI I have one for shutting down to bypass the windows updates but I did not know there was one to give us straight into UEFI that is cool if it's not a joke Thank You Joshua $10 Jay has bios mods based on his Twitter single score yes the while these are old the Martin see 1 2 3 all hail Kane Ben yes that is do that that is a good thing to hear King posted two comments okay I have a treasure place in the water with liquid metal someone says can pin Cayman says me and J had a lot of me in all caps and J had a lot of fun benching this GG Steve so does this J know that as soon as he left he just kept telling everyone that you did all the work for him did you the same thing that you're doing here I feel like Kane pins like this Rainer and he's he's he he he's so high up on the scoreboards at this point that he's gotten he's grown bored he's grown bored with being the most powerful man in the world and so now he has to go find minions to make them overclock against each other so like he can see which one he can use to get a higher score must be lonely on the top four years kaypea I'm sorry I hope we provided you some entertainment there we go that's a big improvement fourteen three six seven damn it god damn that's a big jump so here's the jump have you tried dealing with tweezers the jump is fifteen thousand fifty three points and graphics now Master of Puppets everyone saying dance my puppets dance yes so he says I'm so lonely that's sad it's actually really sad so a great job no great great job to you and chat so here's the here's the I'm gonna walk away from chat for a second just so I can recap the scores for people so yes you absolutely were right on the performance settings so here's the difference I didn't change anything on the GPU clocks the Seaview change but not the GPU and our GPA score previous there's fourteen thousand eight sixty two and now we're at fifteen thousand fifty three so fifteen thousand 53 I type that in and we got fourteen 367 for total score previously we had fourteen two one nine CPU is at eleven thousand 422 which is one point ahead of where was that has not changed and I think kingpin gonna post your results tonight as well yeah I'll save it could call save it will validate once I have internet after the stream I guess what is this even 14 367 let's save that 14 367 so J's score is live okay cool 14 8 8 4 is what J's is cool what did he post what do you like go to the office to post it remote in so what it has where is he gaining all of his points refreshing 3dmark hall of fame 1488 for I'm still still loading 3dmark hall-of-fame I don't did you guys like crash it or something we've done that before can't get it to load when we did rappel TT everybody in chat crashed the 3dmark Hall of Fame and I email the people we know they're gonna apologize I can't get it to load if someone can load J's score they're saying it's the a see if someone can load J score tell me what his CPU and GPU score are because like if you still have it open don't refresh it cuz you won't be able to get it back I have not submitted this score yet so you're not gonna see it there it's the system's not connected to internet so if someone has it open please tell me what was his cpu score and his GPU score so that I can know where I most need to gain GPU 17-6 33 damn how does really high it's the AC kin pin says okay so instead of what this one counter said which is wait till the middle of winter and open all the windows I think no that's the old square some of you person I think hmm what I want to do probably is get the ice bucket ready for the next theft that's probably what we need to go buy some some like kneadable eraser put it around the PCB get some shop towel and see if we can ice the thing and I also need to put the EVGA one underwater so I guess I'll get another water block for that Jay's got the hookups for those I have one card on air and he's got one he's got one for sure on water I don't know if Jay has both on water all right so does anyone post Hall of Fame as Gonski kingpin sighs rib Hall of Fame weird so what was did anyone actually post this full score I see a bunch of the old scores 17 633 is what I saw for GP I did not see a CBO score posted 11 7 6 7 thank you 11 767 okay so we're not too far from that all right so what we're gonna do is I'm going to save this and I already did and I want to be on the stream I'll upload that so we'll have that and the number two slot apparently if I don't have three marks even working right now and then I need to all I need is RGB for another 300 points apparently what I need to do is is take some time and work on the memory because that's where I have the most room for improvement and it's something that I just need to spend a lot of time on with trial and error so I think I can work on that I've seen a lot of like wah why a lot of Hall of Famers dunsky Steve she's done ski and rip Hall of Fame F Hall of Fame site can't be opened to Hans the hashtag Gonski HOF did people can't even log into their 3dmark accounts sorry alright so yeah I'm going to spend some time tonight working on more memory overclocking until I can figure it out get some other sticks out of storage if any of them work well enough for this and I think that's my biggest place to gain the GPU is the next biggest place the EVGA XE ultra has done really well for us but it needs to be underwater so I'm gonna have to find a water blogger buy one or something probably buy and another what does it called supremacy Evo I think will fit and then I think that's probably probably the best thing to do at this point so yeah we need more water and we need some chilling of the water and and also wrapping everything Steve when is the second memory video coming out we're doing animations on it so not too long still doing animations chill that bad boy convinced says alright ok you can get around the GPU boost better vs better yes GPU boost is a problem because it like changes temperatures chase ah hang on hey I'm gonna put you on speaker hang on you there okay Angie can you hear the scores that they're telling you they're trolling you I did not get a score in the 17,000 GPU I don't believe you okay yeah sorry I saw your one on water was that an EVO block for that okay gotcha well screw you chat this is Jay on the phone Jay now they're saying Jays a troll okay cool well the battle is on then and Jays been a lot of fun doing this thank you for answering the the call Kane pen by the way has a message for you in chat he says Jay it's time to get back to work [Laughter] Jays gone he's dead I don't know what happened well j-just just so fair is fair did you do your Nvidia control panel changes because you should do those if you haven't has been tight okay yeah well so make sure you adjust the slider settings so that it's fair so high performance mode for those and then video control panel 3d mark profile because that overrides global from what they're saying and then adjust image settings with preview needs to be high-performance no convinced that alone okay nice I can't get mine that high I don't think okay cool yeah I know through a birdie yeah yeah hey man he's he's yes I think that is a that is accurate at this point yeah yes yes and single score and also air is is really going to hold back the the card that's that I have that's air called because like yeah they're actually right right yeah we've gotten pretty low on air they're running like well it's not running right now but they were running about a fifty degrees but I can certainly be lower with water so nice that's right cool we'll keep it going thanks for calling in you to see it so chat we have to talk that was Jay last name two cents haha on the phone and we're keeping it fair I told him what kingpin told me not keeping any secrets here he told me it's all the stuff he's working on so we're keeping it fair but each of us is still doing the hardware work on our own so chat you bastards I'm mocking up Olivia here Jay has a 17,000 score and he's pretty and he said that when we posted the 14,000 367 he drove into the office because he had some work to do I'm sure he'll beat it cuz it sounds like he's got a pretty good hardware setup so Paul is done ski is now what everyone's saying yes that is true all right convinced us I like this fight I think KP if you're still watching here's what I think I think of course we wanted you to visit the office at some point too but I would be happy to fly out to California and meet with you and J if you can if you can meet us in like the EVGA HQ so J and I will keep this going and we'll go as far as we can on our own up until we need some expert an expert to laugh at us and then what we should do is get the three of us together at HQ and see what we can do there so I think that'd be a lot of fun but until that point I have a lot of work to do J has a lot of work to do we're currently ahead of him sounds like he's going back into the office right now to try and get ahead of us because chat chat was lying to me believe it or not Chad said that he had a way higher score than he presently does so the battle is still very well on we're gonna call it at 14,000 367 I'm going to upload this score and I'm gonna get to work doing it myself on the memory overclocking so no I'm not gonna call Kane pan I am going to just sit here and read about the different timings so I can I need to finally learn more about how to tune them anyway to improve so improving our content will benefit from this and then then trial and error and I'm gonna get some water blocks in oh and Mustaine's by Matt says thanks for the Acronis suggestion I hope that worked for you man okay so that's where we stand for that stuff chatez dunsky it's a thing it's a thing kingpin has spoken scroll up okay what kingpin to say I need to like set KP as a mod or something kingpin says let's do it Steve so you're the eastcoast yes KP says let's do it so there's the plan then we'll work with the EGA and figure out timing there's launches coming up Intel and all that 2070 of course so we'll figure out timing but it should be a lot of fun and yes we will we'll get back to work it'll be it'll be tons of fun so really looking forward to pushing this fight onward Jace J's fun guy to work with on this check out his channel J's two cents if you don't know what it is I'm gonna go through some super chats here we pull a lot to go through don't send anywhere super chats I got to get through what we have so Mustaine's my mat was the last one I saw I'm not gonna read I'll try not to read any past there but let me get through some of these and just a note we have some non GPU videos going up this week so we have a liquid metal cleaning video and then we have a tariffs video that's pretty interesting so stay tuned for those of you're sick with GPU content will be doing another stream pretty soon we still won't have production systems in the office we have one and it just almost caught our headphones on fire more on that later uh uh-huh yeah a lot more on that later maybe so still need to build those I want to do that on stream so keep an eye out for those announcements someone says Jay died no Jay is not literally dead he's driving into his office to return fire invite Paul to the battle Paulie you've totally invited KP say that says thanks guys there was a lot of fun Thank You kV for joining it was a lot of fun pretty quality in here and Paul get an unveiling Ridge man join in I know bit wit has one just steal it from him you know he's not gonna use it just blasting his with like some fan he bought at Home Depot or something and yes happy birthday to kingpin of course all right so super chats let me get through these so we had I think we stopped ahead um let's do it Ezekiel Alfonso oh no I got that one we got this one too Josh White we got that one got all hail king pin okay Caius four shunt mods is graphite not viable like the old Athlon pencil trick the trouble with I don't know I haven't used graphite but the trouble with doing some stuff like if you short the shunt with just a short wire I think Jabbar finally demonstrated this if you sure it was just a wire and the wire gauge isn't good then you will drop into 2d clocks the card detects that it freaks out and it drops the clocks to like 300 megahertz so you need to use like a piggyback resistor or something like that there Bower and builds would have both done talking about this recently Adam Brisbane $5 Steve hope my CP is arrives all yes probably I forgot out the adat in the first box which surprised us of those numbers all in row can you increase the brightness of the stream it seems dark oops sorry we'll keep that in mind for next time probably got it we're gonna do a fan mail second at some point Mac true 241 secret weapon got that not an end video of the guy but I do love all your content keep it up from red shadow twenty nine and nine ten dollars thank you very much and oh yeah I got a note from one of our guys on the team so about mod Matt's like I said they are on the stores destroy Karen's ex design that they're actually in stock now they're not backordered anymore if you buy it it'll shift this week if not tomorrow and then the mouse pads I forgot to mention I've been using during this stream so we might make a black version at some point there's some interest but we have a blue and white mouse pad that we're really happy with it's got super high I just like really vibrant colors on it and that is I think a pretty good size so anyway that's there I'll just mention that on the store if you want to pick something up from the store and we really need three stock shirts because a lot of you bought most of those all right so we got please record how to do this for your viewers would love a guide yes we will work on that see tightened timings ben snead so yes i got a lot of these cons as well okay almost up to where we left off Oh somewhat new to GN why so much hate for Ltd there's no hate for Ltd it was like a fun thing repel TT was not like literally hating ltte I we were gonna find his lies he's a good guy to work with okay I'm trying to catch up to super chats I'm sorry rip J and Paul $10 Cameron grieve what do you think Andy are doing right now about ray tracing I don't know they had some ray tracing stuff that they pushed like years ago year or two ago and if AMD is is playing their cards right literally I think they should just push like Vega 56 and because the prices come down so much like I said the add links below but I was looking at the five 80s and Vega for the six card when power color approached us and one looks at the prices were like wow there an option again and I feel like and these to quiet on it so I'd really like to see AMD kind of do some kind of push and say like hey guys the mining things over it's done it's done ski as we've said in chat and the cards aren't like ridiculously overpriced anymore because they do have good stuff I don't think they need to go with a rate racing route yet just like get up to where we are today or get some market share okay so I caught up to where we were just scrolling we got Nate Dogg five dollars can you do a BIOS overclocking video or point me to a good tutorial seems like everyone's methodologies completely different yes it is clearly we all have limitations I have a lot of limitations on the skill so you start looking like build Zoid has hour long videos per motherboard that would be a good place to go if you really want to get into it but there are plenty of guides for easier overclocking overclock net I would honestly recommend a written tutorial not a video tutorial overclock dotnet has really good user community guides I strongly recommend it WC current got that answer Tech Jesus is the kingpin of kingpins that I don't know if that means bobis commentary $2.00 J's didn't pay see cooler on his CPU I don't know who to believe anywhere Ryan $5 let it burn increase the thrust to 150 percent that is what we did the Martin see that I just call it GPU modded voltage nope sadly not modded voltage we could use that though John Stevens donate to me a twenty atti and he gave $25 not really a fair trade method method you really not gonna answer man what shampoo do you use no I'm not gonna answer I already told you the answer it's thorough face Jason Christophe $5 when benching or stressing 1800 X cpuid says frequency says on frequency then when stopped it says oh one frequency that one's thoughts is a higher frequency is this a glitch I've seen as high as 4300 i cpuid says one frequency then one stopped it says another higher yes set power mode the high performance and use hardware info 64 instead for more accuracy hardware in 6 info 64 is really good software if you don't have it Sam T $10 thank you much hey J I love your work you events while I'm here any EVGA guys still here maybe help me out with a 780ti kingpin got a 1200 want more but can't find any up-to-date forums tools or biases I don't think you need up-to-date just find a find an old one and they're plenty good and even today J the peach at $5 does envy link bridge fit for 220 atti Strix is as of now and what size should I buy it does just make sure the cards are the same height and you're fine you want runs the problem we did and then also what size you should buy depends on the slot spacing on your motherboard so check how many slots there are gaps between the cards just like this I don't know if there's two slot space and I forget but if they have different slot spacings and we have store much $10 sending Steve some pizza money to ask a question that was already asked dozens of times how was the new office streaming setup I notice the tables much less obably yeah well this one is like a 350 pound table that's 8 feet long so I don't know that'd be pretty damn hard to get to wobble it's great though we love the office stream and set up so much easier to set up we can do stuff like the next thing you're gonna see is probably me putting that thing in a chiller because or an ice bucket maybe not a chiller because I mean like look at all the space we lined up the other table over here specifically for use with an ice bucket never used it but like we've got the space now so we do some really cool stuff don't mind the glass cleaner we're filming cases so we have plenty of space and really looking forward to using it more for for other streams and videos $5.00 from stinky feet love my bod Matt and want a cup now will you be doing golds chalices with the giant precious jewels tin we have talked about a special piece of glassware but I guess I'll stop there but we do have some pretty cool ideas for what we can do next thank you for buying the mod Matt that's awesome and and thank you for your interest in the glass or the mug whatever it is there on the store if anyone wants them linked below Ivy Mike $5 does a 6-pin on the Emma 20 ATT I make a difference I don't know I don't have it yet $5 let me see current here's $5 buy a bag of ice this is now a cold war shunts fired nicely done we will do that autumn bones my 1080 is you I answered your question earlier Nick $5 put the whole test bench in an enclosed box with a/c directing into the box yeah I guess I'd do something that my bypass the condensation concerns Travis somewhat new to out got that question why the hate for Al TT there isn't actually any hate we respect each other add on the Schumann senior $20 rip J rip Paul since you would not let me sponsor a table I was sponsored snowflakes have it $25 for cat treats thank you very much Adam who then followed up inside $5 oops here's the other five thank you Adam Michael Morales 499 are all our TX cards power stars when overclocked e and will board partners be able to go beyond what nvidia suggests or is that a no-go sort of but even they have limitations so yes they are all power starve they are voltage starved as well but maybe for a good reason i made a check normal chat for a mon how is how is it how is chat going they're still pasting the graphics scores i guess it's probably people who are who are like catching up behind a bit thanks for the tip spence does he's still in here or something so alright so chats just kind of handed out paul's here apparently wait is Paul here see actually here Paul responded where is this Paul you speak of Paul's hardware says would love to join if that is in response to in response to the like kingpin Jathan a TV GHQ definitely join that be fun alright good to see you Paul so yeah final score for those who asked was 14,000 367 points Jays current score which I need to upload the soon before he beats fine is a 14000 43 and we're gonna keep this going he called in for a bit we talked he exposed chat the wires you all are and we're gonna keep it going so I'm about three hundred points ahead of him in total score right now but I know he's got a lot of his sleeve so we will definitely be responding again mommy went to sleep all right so a couple more to go through I'm FMO our five dollars thank you much Steve we'll all these burns tonight with all these burns tonight will we be seeing a reveal for gamers Nexus brand white mints nicely done okay Dave five dollars when is the raglan oh yeah Ragland hoodies coming back and stalking about a week or two answered that one so vile si two dollars please sexy hardware setup for new viewers showed that earlier what CB are you running 700 exe did why why I think guys why why'd he do this Jennifer Roger five dollars can we get winter GN hats or beanies we have talked about potentially doing beanies so yeah we can look into it for sure Michael Morales is overclocking any GPU producing enough gains to truly make it tangible enough considering the additional wear and noise I honestly don't like if I'm in a game I'm not gonna overclock my GPU to do it unless it's really holding me back like if you're on say you're on like a 1070 TI and you want a 1080 maybe in terms of performance you can overclock and equate a 1080 in fact you can even get pretty close to an overclocked 1080 so there are times it's worth it but it's easier if it's underwater if you have really good airflow so you don't have to worry about the noise too much Richard 499 Richard Torelli loved the live streams are you not running the 10% discount where I live this time no we are gonna run the 10% discount though in the next fan mail segment I think I might just do it in those as a like a viewer like giving back thing because the fan mail should be a lot of fun to do anyway just with the viewers core audience PR Captain Planet 150 NT Titan Tia Rafi Toulouse also been sent down to PA's Jeff's on HK $5.00 thank you much Seville sa record oh you got that question already we're just going through all the super chats I'm always caught up pickles the greatest $2 J's score is live 1488 4 on 3dmark hall of fame is that one reality no no not gonna fall for it you're on $2 I like Chinese food fun thank you very much first apocalypse nope let's go that post-apocalyptic Peter I'll get back to it I'll find it while he's here build Zoidberg 1v1 kingpin no rope oh yeah I'd be cool if they both have the same like budget and setup the mage $5 Steve make a larger limited edition mod Matt have it ready for the 4th of July and call the murica Matt let's make mod Matt's great again ok I regret reading that Mustaine's bye Matt thanks to the Acronis suggestion I said that was the last thing I would read and there a couple more so I'm gonna do you a favor I'd read those this is it though Nina had a stack 200 of currency I don't recognize sorry I love your contact keep up the good work thank you very much au gratin or gold Granton $1 Canadian and then $2 you better sign my mod mat with a heart i I don't look through like for the individual names sorry but I will definitely be signing it of course if you bought one of those ravioli for Molly $2 EEE wishbone $2 why not do mineral oil fish tank with other mods I need to get the expert Luke from Linus tech tips and for that of course reprise his role as the mineral oil expert he once told me a story about how at Best Buy he they didn't recognize him and they started telling him about mineral oil cooling pcs and he the way he said describes it to me and he was talking it was going through his head he was like no you don't you don't understand I I am that I am mineral oil cooling pcs so anyway alright guys thanks for watching as always we will be definitely doing more of this and GM logo pinna we can look into that too but there's stuff on the stores start out guarantees access dotnet will be doing more extreme soon for building pcs for fan mail and of course we have lots of non GPU content coming up of course for the scores one more time just because people just skip to the end when they're watching the upload it is 14,000 367 currently with a graphic score 15,000 53 and a CPA score 11,000 422 teen Pen himself join chat and gave me some suggestions on how to improve the graphics score number in fairness I told Jay what those improvements were so we're on the same footing we're not taking just like pure help from a literal professional so Jay has that same information he will be responding probably potentially beat this score and then we'll respond with that so I will keep going thank you for watching as always go to store documents access net that was how directly there you go to gamers Nexus to help us through that method as well and I think that's it so subscribe for more I'll see you all next time
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