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Luke from LinusTechTips on the "Death" of VR

pops back just starts taking everything out like don't hurt my dog hey Ron I'm here with luke from technically floatplane you'd probably know him from - tech tips as well yeah we have a pretty fun topic I think that's it's gonna be difficult yeah we're gonna try and compress it is VR dead this is this has been a question that's been asked a couple times I made a video about this like quite a while in the past and some people will either really liked it or really hated it before that this video is brought to you by Dollar Shave club's daily essentials starter set this full grooming kit ships at 5 dollars and includes a trial sized versions of the companies at popular shave butter body wash and wipes and also includes a solid high-quality razor and a full set of cartridges go to slash gamers nexus to get the daily essentials starter kit for just $5 and with free shipping or click the link below this event was actually quite interesting for the whole question right LTS for clearance yeah LT X 2018 we just had the event is wrapping up right now he'll see the packing various things up and I was somewhat involved with the VR booth and the VR booth had the longest line of anything at LT X and it had a three plus hour long lineup and not only was the lineup that long but people actually waited that whole time to try VR so like we've got cynics like me being like it's like it's in a dead space like maybe maybe VR I'll come back later and actually fairly shortly after I made the original is VR dead video yeah a few weeks later I was invited to go to I am with Intel and as like a fun thing before I am started we all went to the Facebook headquarters to go to ocular okay and everyone in the office had seen that video of car we're super pissed with me but then the one of the X bigwigs from Naughty Dog gaming huh was there and it's now a big guy at oculus and he gave a speech to all the influencers that were there about how like you know VR might not really be ready and maybe imitators yeah yeah yeah that was it that was pretty cool but yeah so it might not be the most consumer friendly thing right now in my opinion right but seeing the three plus hour-long lineup was actually quite interested it's pretty eye-opening I think yeah cuz that's the thing that we we forget easily having access to VR yeah it's like probably 90% of the potential audience has barely tried it or not tried it at all you know in three hours to play for ten minutes or something like that yeah so yeah I guess there's still potential there I before the mass push of the vibe and the rift and everything yeah we did a video at CES years and years ago talking about how we didn't think VR was ready yet yeah we got so much does not like it but honestly like I I do think it's interesting technology it's done a lot it's actually like you can actually play it and really get into it I know you were into it for oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm still into it it is and it absolutely has a future it's just the the concise think the consumer space and the numbers back this up the consumer space isn't really ready for it yet but it's it's still every single time we have an event like this it's really canoeing a little bit be like you get to see someone try for the first time you get to see the reaction yeah it's really cool every time like there was a kid in line talked to me for a while about how he had tried cardboard VR yeah and that's it and it's he's he comes out he's like wow it's so much different like of course yeah well that's there's sort of two main problems I think anyway two main problems one is obviously accessibility yeah I'm like fitting it in your house falls into that where it's really expensive and it's even more expensive to have a spare room yeah and even for me it's not even necessarily the like spare room issue I live in a basement suite and that's fairly low ceilings yeah if I ever went up with a control I would punch the roof yeah but I have to constantly think about like don't reach upwards there's nothing much like technology you can buy for your house that you might destroy things with like I don't know the other problem too is quality of games yeah and I think some of this comes down to just developers need to learn how to build for VR yeah as opposed to building the games they already do and then try to shoehorn VR into it yeah it's a it's a new medium and a lot of times when you get a new or a new type of system or platform or something like that yeah you you have a while where everyone tries to adapt what we already have to it right and that's not the greatest time and then you get people going like oh this is a new completely unique angle that we can approach with and that's usually where you get your goods and there's there's definitely some cool things for over recall it's really good beat Sabre people are super into beat Sabre like there's a boxing game that Linus wants me to get into and he uses for cardio and it's just it's just like a car do boxing Samoas VRI uses VR yeah just to make it more exciting and like there's definitely stuff out there but yeah there isn't like the killer app right there isn't the like halo one for the original light yeah that's a really good way yeah yeah yeah and it's it's I don't know so finding a way to make the games fit the platform I guess yeah instead of the other way around and I think to tie into what it exactly what you're saying beat Sabre does a pretty good job yeah yeah yeah yeah and a robo recall I guess is that's it right I think I played that one ages ago yeah there are a couple good ones but still a matter of getting actual attention from people beyond just like three hours in the line at LTX or whatever which is also super cool yeah but it's only ten minutes and yeah I feel bad for everyone in the line yeah I mean like to be fair to reduce in order to reduce the line you'd have to basically cut the demo time yeah that's part of the problem too is you really can't have a five minute VR demo it doesn't it doesn't capture the whole thing so I think one thing we tried to set it up so that there was like like what triple-headed VR that's one computer running on raid with three systems on it blah blah blah and then like no one actually cared about that at all everyone just wanted to play the oh yeah I think next year will come with like probably maybe a five separate systems run five different setups try to get way more people through probably still ten minutes which makes it really brutal for the line but but like you were saying there isn't really the value there yeah four five so if you for for VR to really I don't know to actually regain traction like I had a couple years ago so we talked about VR briefly at CES a year or two go yeah and I guess the the question I have is well do you think we'll have to go through the entire process again of like like the whole building all the hive dump all the marketing money into it build new technology or is there enough of a market there now where people can kind of pick it up I kind of have a feeling I don't know I'm definitely not a market expert either but yeah neither of us are experts we're just yeah we're just spitballing yeah exactly but my like assumption how I think it's gonna go is that we already had the height that it's a household name there's always there's already been like the the advertisements for Samsung gear VR right on with on the radio all the parents know that VR all those parents on VRS we've broken that threshold which is good so I think the next push will probably be a slower one yeah a market adoption will start picking up a little bit more the price is going to come down the the ease of access is going to go up the problems are gonna start diminishing like all that kind of stuff and there's more and more people are gonna start adopting it your friend has won you played at his house you pick it up I think that it will be the next stage I don't think we're necessarily there right now yeah that kind of stuff is definitely happening but not at the scale that I'm talking about yeah it needs to be quite a bit more but yeah I think it'll be a slower hype ramp it's also kind of checking out of the egg pen where companies aren't I know they're not gonna want to invest in it if they don't think if they think the return will be the same as the last yeah six months of VR yeah and it's it's that's an interesting point I'm gonna take that and bring it to Bethesda yeah but that's this very controversial company and in the community horse armor yeah paid mods look how the horse armor turned out though yeah all C's an entire industry now yeah actually I guess they kind of knew it was coming but people like to go after them and some of its valid and some of its not I guess but that's Todd Howard making fun of people saying that there's bugs in his game was probably not the right way for him to go but whatever whatever whatever anyways but there's des and and some other companies but Bethesda definitely is championing VR super-hard like all their games are coming up with VR versions the the ports for fallout 4 and doom doom VFR yeah well not perfect are quite good and actually like like I think my dad played the court for Fallout 4 in an in VFR and it was one of his favorite to be our experiences he's ever had alright this he he well he jumps into the game and he thinks it's like oh whatever he's done via a couple times and he has the controllers and he has a gun and dogmeat comes up so he crouches down and pets him and then a zombie comes up and hits dogmeat and I don't think I've ever seen my dad like spring into action I think it pops back to starts taking everything out like don't hurt my dog it was pretty cool yeah that's that's that's the ideal experience is every single time exactly yeah that's hard to do but yeah yeah I don't know this if the Fezzik keeps pushing and a few other companies keep pushing and the hardware keeps moving forward yeah I think it's just gonna slowly ramp up right and I I think it's basically inevitable that VR is gonna be huge just don't know when or exactly how yeah well that's I was speaking with Roger Kaduri a couple years ago when he was at AMD and one of his big things was he was like I want around what it was 16 kV R or whatever before I retire yeah so and that's what he thought he seemed to really believe that that's kind of the resolution you needed to feel completely immersed the games obviously completely different issue oh yeah having something that's actually fun but and there's there's other types of like one thing that I've been saying for a long time everyone has their like this is important to me yeah lag that they're gonna hold for me are and mine is the the different types of controllers the different types of feedback that's a good one for me like like really early VR when you your hands weren't in the game yet the second you upgraded to the point where you had your hands and again I was huge for everybody if you start getting tracking on people's like feet even so you look down and like without guys can't see this but like you look at your foot and you actually see your foot moving and stuff the via an immersion level goes way up and you start being able to feel stuff like that that's when we're getting to like I don't know when the heck yeah but it's like you wear a certain pair of gloves that make it so like when you touch a tree like a slapstick sounds like kind of rough and like right we're we're pretty far from that but like adaptive material you still do stuff I mean like people have tried to do something with that because it's just like phone technology it's a haptic feedback yeah yeah you know a small vibration or whatever in the glove that would even help batana and you can take it beyond there and there's there's places where this is actually a pretty interesting one but I don't remember the the name of the guy's YouTube channel unfortunately he's he's huge it's smarter every day yeah smarter every day has a video where he went to a lab at some school they have this giant behemoth glove and it has to be plugged into like it's basically like a generator but they'll scale it all down and it had straps that would pull your fingers back okay if you go to grip something and pick it up you actually have to like hold on really harnessed in you have to fight against that's cool actually oh yeah it's just there's a big freaking box and it's a giant glove yeah we need to scale that stuff down but like we're moving in that in that direction yeah really cool yeah we'll see I guess at this point it's a matter of what happens first consumer adoption or companies just pushing you brute force in it and yet option yeah which they already definitely tried like Intel AMD Nvidia all dumped in money and they dumped really hard yeah and that to be fair that did build a bit of a phone definitely and there's there's some interesting industries that are starting to rely on it fairly heavily actually like I don't even remember what they use it for to be completely honest but one of the guys at LMG his brother works at a motorcycle motorcycle helmet manufacturer okay and they use VR for some reason some kind of engineering or design yeah I don't remember what exactly it is but I remember they they actually bought a secondhand headset off of me because they wanted to like try it right they tried it and then bought their own whole set I have new stuff I don't know yeah I don't even know what they use it for and then there's a there's a highly controversial new company that is planning on easy that's going to be interesting to see some comments with this but the wall that America is planning right potentially they were thinking about making a like non solid wall where they set up these giant poles and their sensors on them they can detect movement and like they can like it's a whatever percentage chance that that's a human or that's an animal or whatever they want to use people in VR I monitor these remotely or whatever yeah yeah yeah so there's definitely like surveillance applications and like I'm sure there's drone applications and stuff like that engineering and design is pretty huge for it like there's there's a lot of industry is starting to pick it up and industry tends to come first yeah in sumer yeah I think I don't know maybe maybe our industry went about it backwards tried to force consumer who could come full circle you might yeah it could be it knows what'll happen well there's some thoughts from to complete non market access honestly it's just an excuse for me to talk with so hope you enjoyed it as always subscribe for more Luke run split play now if you're not signed up for floatplane who can you get there currently Linus obviously Linus bit wit and tech deals we've got a few other people that are basically signed up to come on the way but we want to get the platform mature more mature before we bring them on like Paul and Jays two cents sure cool yeah so check check out floatplane if you haven't already yeah and thank you Luke for joining me thanks man good to see you good yeah we'll see you all next time bye
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