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MSI Laptop Naming Scheme Explained: GE, GS, GT

hey everyone we're here at MSI's offices in Southern California looking at a ton of laptops I'm sure we have b-roll of it but there are two four six there's seven laptops on the table these are all 10 series for the most products of this one which I'll talk about in a moment so before talking about the stealth which is the one I want to talk about while leading into the video we have the confusion of what do all of the letters and numbers mean so we're going to go over the naming scheme first because I think that will help everyone in the future there is actually a method to the names and it does make some sense once you hear it some sense so first of all there's stealth series these that's the ones back here these are the thin and light ones so this would be a GS type laptop that's stealth gaming stealth and then they have a number attached them I'll get to the number in a moment ready ruined it with fingerprints uh-huh there's also GT laptops so these kind of larger ones or midsize in some cases that's a GT laptop that's the Titan and then this is another GT but it's one of the smaller ones that has seen a revival with Pascal we'll talk about that as well so tighten both GTS that I picked up then GE which is the Apache laptops and that pretty much covers what we have on the table so walking through what it means stealth is the thin and light or small laptops GE is kind of like a mid-range and then the Titans are bigger for the numbers the numbers you'll see are sixes and sevens so there's sixty threes and seventy-three s you'll see in older generations of two sixty to seventy two so the first number the six in this case is indicative of the size of the screen or the entire unit really so six for this 63 it's going to be a 15.6 inch display 7s are going to be a seventeen point three as that's a 73 in this case and then the eights for the big Titans like the one from cyber power that's really an msi rebranded cyber power laptop that we looked at recently that's an 18 inch display as for the the other number the three so the three is the new generation chassis if you see a two it means it was a previous generation chassis and that's really all that means it's just the chassis generation it does not necessarily as I understand it reflect the components inside so I think that covers the names I was also given an alternative set of names of four Titans Death Star's and then planes and spaceships but that didn't really help me so we're going to go with the official names as for the laptops to show off the stealth is the one that we haven't really talked about much we we have the Apache the GE series laptop in the lab and have already published some articles on it videos and stuff like that from the London event but the stealth is the direct blade competitor so this would be the competition to the razor blade if you're considering that notebook it's a bit different in some ways the blade does use soldered memory to its board and this is so dim so that's a major difference the body is a bit different different but in terms of prices things like that that's kind of where you'd look for the direct competition the GS six series this one the 15.6 inch actually both of these on the table are running i7 CPUs there are no i5s in any of these laptops in front of me so their eye CPUs and then they are both GTX 10 60s for the GPUs this unit here the one that's been revived so this Dominator laptop we reviewed a couple of these in previous generations but they've been absent recently so it's been brought back because of high demand and this one has a gtx 1070 in it and it's got a case cue cpu so you can actually overclock the CPU I showed how to do that in a previous video with the 970m unit actually also in MSI laptop rebranded a cyber power so if you're curious about the case qiyu CPUs and how they work in the hops you can see that video I think we hit 4.1 gigahertz on it which is pretty damn good for a CPU and a laptop and then we overclock the GPU something like 150 or megahertz offset or something like that so that's the basics the stealth the one that I was focusing on is the smaller unit it's the one that I'm most interested in personally just because of its its form factor and we'll look at thermals later hopefully but speaking of thermals it's got three fans so the previous generation had two fans on the bottom this one's going up to three it has two for GPU cooling one for CPU side cooling and then six heat pipes in terms of size versus the previous generation these two units the one underneath is the previous gen and you can see it's a bit bigger so that's a 900 series GPU and that the actual measurement in inches is from memory 0.77 on the 17 inch notebook 0.6 nine inches on a 15 inch notebook and then 0.78 the 900 series notebook so I think I think we got it think I got all the basics it's a lot of stuff but hopefully it will at least give you the naming scheme what it means when you're shopping so you understand looking at one SKU to the next what the intended difference is and then we do have some coverage some basic benchmarks we'll have more online very shortly so as always subscribed for those patreon link the postal video to help us out directly I'll see you all next time
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