MSI X399 MEG Board for 300W of Threadripper 2 | Computex 2018
MSI X399 MEG Board for 300W of Threadripper 2 | Computex 2018
everyone we're at the msi booth now a
copy tax 2018 looking at a new x 399
motherboard which is interesting because
thread ripper 2 is just around the
corner looking at august for that
release so this is more relevant than
you might think if you were thinking in
terms of thread Rwanda before that this
video is brought to you by thermal takes
view 37 case the view 37 focuses on
highlighting custom PC builds with its
full panoramic window and tinted front
acrylic and our thermal testing the view
37 performed reasonably well when
considering its looks focused build
which is partly thanks to the airflow
design and the removal of a bottom power
supply shroud for a balance of looks and
performance check the link in the
description below for the view 37 this
is the mag X 399 creation motherboard
it's pretty beefy in terms of the VR on
there's good reason for it so we talked
about the gigabyte board previously the
new X 299 board from them and more or
less boils down to the vendors have to
prepare for something like 250 watts
stock potentially up to 300 depending on
core account and final voltages all that
stuff so it's a lot of heat to deal with
through V core VR I'm especially so for
this one they have set up a 19 phase
sort of it's a 16 plus 3 but it's really
ultimately a double date phase so double
date phase B core using IR 3555 MOSFETs
that's international rectifier MOSFETs
they are 60 amp power stages so pretty
serious B Corp erm will talk about a
more with build joint at a later date
but double up 8 phases for that and then
a plus 3 for the V SOC which i think is
also 35 55 not a 100% positive but if it
is super overkill on the V SOC next up
is the voltage controller so 35 201 for
that for the V core voltage controller
and then for V SOC voltage controller
it's the 35 204 which we also just saw
on the gigabyte motherboard so kind of
new on that one haven't seen a whole lot
of it but that's what they have for the
BRM components from the BRM heatsink
it's got a heat pipe running through it
so this whole thing is the primary it's
the B Corp erm it's 16 power stages
basically with the chokes where the
inductors are all on it I don't know if
the rating is on the caps unfortunately
but they should get plenty of airflow so
should be fine not a big deal so that's
the B Corp erm this is V SOC
the heat pipe runs through it the kind
of the BRM heat sink is not 100% final
might be some changes before
finalization we're hoping to see some
more fins dice through the top we
provided feedback for that because if
they're dealing with that much heat
250 300 watts every little bits gonna
count for vcore BRM cooling so beyond
that though just having a massive PRM
does mean it will spread the thermal
load over a wider service area so to
help deal with the amount of heat load
coming off of thread refer through B
Corp erm other components so for PCIe
slots one two three four of those four
x16 length and they are wired for by 16
by 8 by 16 by 8 if you're curious about
the electrical wiring on em that to SSD
is mount one here there's another one
that goes in here another one here and
it also is going to come with an add-in
card for EM that to SSDs which we showed
last year from amasai and it's basically
just a PCIe card that's och it's more
MDOT two SSDs on it we showed it
previously if you want to see it go
check out that old video and I think
that covers most of this stuff
the only other kind of ancillary thing
to talk about is the absurd amount of
fan connectors on it
in a good way it's got a ton of fan
connected I haven't counted actually but
plenty of them on the bottom playing
outside playing on the top so the only
thing really to be concerned about with
the X 399 from the vendors perspectives
is TDP we know for sure 24 cords coming
out and those will impact ultimately
what kind of power draw is expected to
go through here 24 cores probably gonna
remain the to die active configuration
and with the other two being spacers
basically 32 core probably going for
full 4 dies for active dies on thread
over to so that's all we know about it
right now but as always check links in
the description below for more
information subscribe for more thank you
for watching go to
and razaaq's helps out directly toward
our cameras exit sign up for a mod matt
I'll see you all next time
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