Make Your Own Video Card w/ E-Power, ft. TiN of EVGA
Make Your Own Video Card w/ E-Power, ft. TiN of EVGA
so we're back with 10 from the EVGA lab
and we wanted to show off some of the
well this Frankenstein cards because I
guess you know you look at like a
kingpin PC and that Linus is in the room
before that this video is brought to you
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with like a kingpin PCB and you look at
that it's got kind of a lot of the stuff
I guess you do for the except in a much
cleaner fashion no it's actually pretty
clean already so this is what we do for
the extreme vrm testing so I connected
extra copper plain likes to a very heavy
gauge wires so this is a reference PCB
right yes this is a reference 1080 PCB
one of the samples we got during the
development phase of this product and
also like 1080 kingpin Edition so it
have extra wires so we can connect the
scope and do like that what line testing
way so these are probe points effective
yes this apropos for the DMM so you can
like see the adapter right there so you
can shop the normal probe and it's not
it's like a vicar yes this is solder to
the vicar pads right behind the GPU so
it's like one of the places where the
kepco and these probes to connect the
same location and this was connected to
custom hardware to monitor so we can
look over time like run different tests
like benchmarks 3dmark different stress
test and measure actually load line like
how big it is
do we need to reduce it or increase
and there are also extra caps like this
different color ones so we try different
amount of caps can affect how much noise
you have on the rail so like okay you
don't want too much because otherwise
your urine will be too slow and very
heavy to drive all those capacitance and
you don't want to less otherwise your
voltage will drop too much so when you
when you're doing this when you get the
reference boards and how much of this is
is trying to prep for the extreme
overclocking stop versus just research
for the new GPUs well actually its
alliance in time almost like close
together because we still need to do all
the vrm testing and part Union and find
out what the limits are on the vrm side
and then that transitions into the
extreme overclocking so I'll be working
on this card maybe like four couple
weeks make sure all the power is clear
and like we can understand what's going
on and then after that I'll pass the car
to wins and he will mount the ln2
container and run for the extreme
overclocking and really how does it
behave and then this process utilizing a
cycle so we repeat like like okay we get
like 2400 for example right now we want
to run higher we would maybe try better
via Ram so what is the spoil stuff
you've got coming up here or oh it's not
foil what is this that's the very thick
copper plate so instead of running have
100 wires like this I just use the
copper plate connect directly to the vrm
yeah and then this will translate into
something like this one so this is the
same 10 a DTI card but with connected
with the power classified so this way
when people say like zombie mod is that
yes this is precisely the so-called
zombie mod
because you have separate PCB like it's
completely different this and this is
just the vrm so all the power is
supplied now from this external vrm to
the GPU and CPU handles like the memory
memory power that's the
from the main PCB okay we still have the
like provirus
different solar voltage controls and
extra caps so extra caps on the back and
then what was this one that was actually
the voltage probe point for the memory
so that the memory shape goes there and
we can do the extra testing for memory
and is this this and all the EBG cuz you
guys used to have like power boards
didn't ya yes this is actually 4th
revision and we already have the new one
which is still available the EVGA
classified a power 5 so this one you
need to use the evbot externally to do
the control and monitoring but new ones
have everything integrated so you can
use like all the controls on the board
already you write any external hardware
how much when you're working on this
stuff like that that other card we're
looking at second leo how long does that
take you to kind of figure out when when
you get a new prototype in or a new
reference model and um so usually like
within days okay like because we know
like this this process is not something
we invent for every new card but it's
like we applied the same knowledge for
every generation so we started flow from
like 580 and 680 like attaching the
external VRMs and then like every
generation we just repeat the same thing
and like see what's the differences
because usually on the power delivery
side like the overall concept is the
same like you take the 580 gtx card or
you take the RT modern r-tx 980ti the
idea is the same it's just different
implemented right so a lot of it then I
guess you're doing some preliminary
research for a new line like when the
new GPU yes it was like even like from
there when we decide what solution what
we're in solution we will use on the new
custom car like FTW or
you kingpin car then we will need to
know before before we start design phase
we need to know like okay we need to 16
phases or twelve phases or ten phases or
how many we need to handle the power
together for the normal use and for the
extreme overclocking woodwinds right so
that's we need to kind of find the
balance which still can implement on the
PCB and have the normal still cooler so
it like production yes so I guess some
of this is back to like you know what's
the point of buying like the higher-end
PCBs so I even just KP but just talk
like FTW 3 or FC ultrasone some non
reference design because I guess in
theory if you're you you could take a
reference model and get it sounds like
pretty far along yeah but there is so
like always some difference like usually
would get better results on our custom
cards right you don't have so extra
parasitics and so it's our nose from the
oldest zombie mods and and also this
it's not like this happens instantly
either this is yeah this takes a couple
hours to do it and then actually to test
it's more much more than that like days
and years of experience to get to that
yeah right so couple hours not like go
home and try and get it done in a couple
yeah it's one of those things you don't
drive home very right cool so these are
which which were these this is a tennis
is 1080 Coco's
it's a 1080 zombie mod card and then
another 1080 with without the zombie
board but with a bunch of probes and
wires sticking off of it and I guess we
got some close-up b-roll shots of that
but that to look behind the scenes of
some of the engineering that mad
scientists do at the companies before
getting the products out so give you a
close-up look at what happens before you
get the fully packaged nice looking card
I'm not saying this doesn't look nice
Tim I don't mean to insult your work
well but it's amazing so that's the
thanks for watching check back for
additional videos with 10 from the lab
you can subscribe for more and thank you
for joining me
we'll see you next time
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