there's something I really hate in any
marketing or conversation in general and
that's using diminutive words like
simply to try and deflect a challenge
it's a great way to make it look like
you're the victim like everyone else is
attacking you and all you were doing is
look I I was simply trying to explain
why I hit the guy in the head with the
brick everyone else was jumping down my
throat for it I was just trying to
explain myself I don't get what their
problem was and Nvidia's GPP article
starts with the word simply and Vidya
said and they're GPP is being killed
article the rumours conjecture and
mistruths go far beyond its intent
rather than battling misinformation we
have decided to cancel the program in
other words they're saying this is why
we can't have nice things we were trying
to do something nice for you all and
everyone else ruined it it's their fault
that these nice things have been killed
and they went further had the gall to
say GBP had a simple goal ensuring that
gamers that know what they are buying
and can make a clear choice and Vidya
you guys make some really good stuff let
me get that out of the way first
that's a line that line
ensuring gamers know what they are
buying and can make a clear choice is
complete and utter here's the
thing let's talk about great ways to
make a clear choice okay let me give you
some examples I have a product that I'm
going to call the GT 1030 and that
product has a specific set of
specifications you call them specs and
we're going to sell it with those specs
and then also introduce another product
called the GT 1030 except this one has
different memory but we want people to
have a clear choice so we're gonna solve
both of them with completely different
specifications the memory is not the
same I don't care what the performance
difference is I don't care if it's zero
it's not the same product let me give
you another example the gzx
1060 one of them has ten percent fewer
SMS it's still called the GTX 1060 it's
even called the GTX 1060 three gigabytes
so it sounds like the only difference is
the memory it's not there's a 10%
your SMS making a clear choice means
that not having the same product name
for two different products that's making
a clear choice adding whatever GPP was
even it just ignore all of the hard OCP
breaking sorry pretend it never happened
just didn't happen all we know about GP
is what Nvidia said that doesn't change
the fact that you're using stupid names
for two different products GZ 1030 is
not the same as a GC 10:30 with ddr4 gtx
960 not the same product as the one with
ten percent fewer cores that is a major
difference so before getting further
let's run with the ad for this video not
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Nexus dotnet alright so reminder here
first of all and you'll understand why
I'm saying this in a moment we've said a
lot of good things about Nvidia's
products in the past year we've
recommended a lot of them we have at
this point basically recommended and
videos 5 chip cards 1080i 1080 @ well
not really 1080 but 1080i as they go to
for the high end we like the card the
GPU is good prices obviously are crazy
right now that's out of their control
for the most part so the point is we've
recommended their stuff we we gamers max
has bought a Titan V and did all kinds
of cool content with it that got Nvidia
a lot of attention
sure not as much obvious they're
multi-billion dollar company we can only
do so much but the point is we invested
three grand into their product built
some really cool stuff with it and took
top five scores and overclocking records
that's good coverage for NVIDIA the
reason I'm saying this is because I'd
like the Nvidia PR people who are going
to be watching this to remember that I'm
personally not critical for no reason we
there are reasons when we are critical
of things and the thing here is that our
criticism is very directed and pointed
there are specific times when we try to
leverage it to make a good point
GPB is one of them has been one of them
we've covered GPP had a number of
different ask gens and news videos
several times over now and and now it's
time to talk about some more stuff here
so what I'm trying to say is don't
forget that we look at things beyond
just the product so every now and then
you talk about stuff like this
and I have to say that because as you'll
see in a moment one of the things that
we've learned about Nvidia from our
contacts is that the company's a very
vindictive it's something that Nvidia
moved away from not long ago actually
they a couple years ago they really got
into a good media relationship strategy
and then suddenly it's felt lately of
the past couple of months or so that uh
it's it's regressing a bit back to the
way things were many years ago so anyway
a few things here we've been working on
talking to vendors all over the industry
partners have been videos about GPP for
probably about I I want to say a month
now maybe a little more I don't know
when our first you he story went up but
it was around then and when that went up
we got all kinds of contact requests
from people in the industry when the
next videos went up where I was on
camera basically saying we want to talk
about this right now
we don't know what's true and what's not
we really need to talk to people and
videos not talking to us about it for
whatever reason and their partners are
pretty hard to talk to about it as well
so basically we were saying look it was
it was a very indirect way of saying if
anyone watching this notice stuff let me
know so what we've done for the past
month or so then is collect information
and all the way up until about three
days ago
is when I spoke to the most recent
person about what on video was doing
with GBP well the plan was to build a
big story about it once we had enough
information to determine how much of GPP
was as bad as presented originally and
how much of it was the internet
overreacting and created an outrage
engine as it does because there's a bit
of truth to both and videos certainly
right and so on the stuff they've said
there have absolutely been missed truths
as they call them or and lies
as I call them about gpv but not
everything was there were some pretty
bad things too from what we've heard so
let's go over this now first of all like
to read one more line from the Nvidia
article it's not very long and Vidya
creates cutting edge technology for
gamers we have dedicated our lives to it
we do our work at crazy intense levels
investing billions to invent future
invest in the future or they say to
invent the future rather and ensure the
amazing Nvidia tech keeps coming all
right so I don't disagree with this I
don't disagree that Nvidia does create
cutting edge technology so does their
competition I don't disagree that
they've dedicated their lives to it or
invest billions of dollars and invest
inventing the future as they call it I
do not disagree there so we've got some
things we agree on the first part of the
article I really strongly disagree with
but here's what I want to share now that
obviously there's not gonna be any more
story to look into because Nvidia if you
haven't caught on by now and video is
killing the GPB program so they say I
guess we can just go ahead and share all
the stuff we have gathered up until this
point even though we weren't really
ready to build a full content piece on
it first and foremost we can't ask
contacted and video when this story went
live and they did not comment on it we
them multiple times after that at least
two or three times we have phone via
email and NVIDIA did not comment on it
so we never got an official statement
from Nvidia their official stance was to
not talk about GPB which is interesting
I think it was Jay from James two cents
you said if you're so proud of it why
aren't you talking about it
that's great way of putting it so now
that we've gotten on video first party
out of the way because they had nothing
to add to this in the past week alone
I'm just gonna go over all the stuff
I've spoken with contacts about first of
all let's get the two kind of outliers
out of the way two of the people we
spoke with who are at companies that
would have let's just say some biases
towards Nvidia two of them basically
either saw no issue with GPP or knew
nothing about it a lot of people knew
nothing about it but for different
reasons in the past week alone we've had
two contacts at different companies tell
us that our contacts had gone largely
dark because mostly quote not getting
direct quote people mostly quote Nvidia
is vindictive and that concrete evidence
doesn't exist in writing for things so
we had other contacts tell us that a lot
of the agreements had implicit
requirements and collateral like
allocation priority so nice two things
here when I say implicit requirements
what I mean is there was nothing in
writing it this is not stuff that is
necessarily written in the contract it's
more kind of let me quote line us now
stepping on the toe of the person next
to you when you're taking a photo it's
it's the kind of behind-the-scenes
under-the-table nudge to say look we've
got we've got these things you should be
considering when looking at this
contract allocation priorities the other
thing I mentioned in collateral so
different vendor there are different
tiers for vendors in the industry there
are different tiers for media it's here
we're in a tier of group - is in a
different is in the same or a different
tier Paul Kyle and different tiers so
we're all in kind of different groups of
how high do you rank this outlet when
you're shipping out a new review sample
do you want it to go to these people or
to these people if it's a workstation
card it goes over there it's a game it
goes over there and so forth so the
different tiers for everybody but there
are also different tiers for board
partners people make video cards and the
way that works is there is obviously a
limited a finite non infinite amount of
GP is being made and then you have
allocation of those GPUs so what that
means is let's just make up some some
numbers these are totally fake numbers
say I have 5,000 DPS available and
company a gets first shot at buying from
that allocation up to maybe a maximum
amount Company B gets the next shot at
it and eventually you work your way down
to kind of the lower tier companies that
aren't in your eyes as important or
impactful in the market whatever don't
sell as much volume so they don't get
the same allocation and allocation is a
great way to potentially control
partners if only through fear this isn't
something we're saying and video was
absolutely doing I want to make that
clear however it's something that
expressed to me from their partners
there was a fear of so whether or not
NVIDIA had intent to restrict allocation
or reallocate inventory to different
partners it doesn't matter because maybe
they never planned to do that that's
fine but their partners had the felt
that it was implicit in the discussions
about GPP and that's the scary part for
them so this is one of those Nvidia if
that's not true
rather than disagreeing with me about it
I would suggest you go talk to your
partners and make sure they understand
in writing what the deal is and if that
was ever a piece of collateral on the
table for GBP now another thing what was
in writing and what was implied verbally
from what we've been told by our
contacts were different things we also
encountered at least two vendors who
stated they were furious or sent similar
synonyms with the agreements we
encountered a couple of vendors who said
they had or I should say representatives
of vendors he said they had no
particular thoughts on it or could not
one one group of people specifically
said they just would not speak to us
about it which is different thing
entirely than having no thoughts on it
we recently had more than one Nvidia
employee talked to us and say that GPP
was discussed above their pay grade
similar to something that we heard from
other folks in the industry and not
necessarily something they were proud of
we also here's an interesting one GBP
seemed like it was kind of targeted to
me targeted more at mobile laptops penny
OMG Hades Canyon stuff like that stuff
for Nvidia is genuinely threatened by
the media competition from AMD and Intel
and not necessarily for DGP is for
high-end D GPUs I doubt they care a
whole lot they already on the market so
this I think was more targeted at those
market segments and one of the things we
understand presently from what people
have told us in the industry is that
Intel has a lot of existing deals and
MDF market development fund basically
money for for laptop vendors and for
mobile vendors so from what we
understand Intel has a lot of agreements
in place with those vendors these
agreements are typically Microsoft
doesn't - all these companies - it
typically things like if you see a
window sticker on a laptop or if you see
the Intel Inside sticker Intel Core
sticker if you see branding on the Box
Intel whatever if you see Intel and
Microsoft Windows listed at the top of a
specifications page for a new laptop
you're looking at buying a lot of that
has to do with MDF agreements it's not
just because they think the CPU and the
OS are the most important although
there's potentially merit to that but
it's it's because those two companies
Microsoft and Intel might have demanded
to be at the top of the list and in the
past we have heard of such things so
this is all done either just for MDF or
for other agreements getting rebates for
processors that you purchase as a
company and you want to put your
machines in this case of Intel so I
is that Intel already had agreements
with a lot of the large labs how come I
don't mean like Asus who comparatively
is a tiny tiny laptop company they don't
do any volume when you look at people
like the top dogs and Asus is to be fair
reasonably big and laptops but they are
not the biggest and what I'm talking
about is the biggest people in laptops
but I'm not gonna name names that said
you figure it out yourself the thing we
know about them is that in the cases
where these vendors did not agree to any
kind of GPP and there are Wow I'll leave
that out but cases where they didn't
agree to something with Nvidia our
understanding is that it's because they
had an existing agreement with Intel so
it's not necessarily because they
disagreed with it or we're trying to do
the good things because they already had
one that was in conflict with it so
that's kind of just interesting to know
there's limited Nvidia's reach with GPB
into targeted mobile and laptop segments
we think from what we know presently
from our contacts but we also don't
think they were necessarily targeting D
GPU vendors it seems more like an SI o
a.m. laptop maker thing si maybe pre
build stuff like that as well so it
seems more like a play at kneecapping
Intel's reach into the market especially
with AMD working with them now and
really also recently announced
partnership with Arman some stuff that
was a very interesting partnership after
and these continued partnership with
Intel on the Hades Canyon stuff
either way though what I'm getting at
here couple things we need to go over
definitely we've learned a few things
here about Nvidia's behavior interacting
with their partners that needs to be
considered however to give an video some
benefit of the doubt not all of it
but let's just say these partners might
have motive to tell us things that are
not fully accurate or are exaggerated
that's something I fully allow for the
possibility of it we've done our best to
vet the sources and this is why it's
taken a month or longer is because we
take this information I keep it in my
head I go talk to ten other people I try
to start connecting the dots see who's
saying the same thing who's off you're
on a tangent
what do I know about these individuals
what do I know about their companies can
I trust with their timing because there
are plenty of reasons that an OEM and si
a board partner anyone on video works
with might want to see NVIDIA taken down
a few pegs maybe they don't get as much
allocation maybe they work more with AMD
whatever although the latter is less
likely because Andy tends to have
obviously people like sapphire who are
brand exclusive totally irrelevant there
but the point again is that it's
possible for contacts in the industry to
have a motive to try and take Nvidia
down a few pegs so I will allow for that
and we did by trying to cross-reference
things we heard in the list I just read
you with other people's references and
things they've said so that we that we
used to have a couple of sources from
different companies that don't know we
spoke to both of them to collaborate
information and corroborate to rather
information and make sure that it all
makes sense rather than someone who's
just trying to take Nvidia down so I
would say with what we've shared now I
wanted to have more because we were
building towards it but GPP looks like
it's gonna be dead it's out of what we
have now it does look like GTV was
certainly a problem it's a good thing
and video huge kudos for killing it
hopefully there's not more of this
nothing in writing stuff going on about
it but that's a good move in my opinion
also great on Kyle from hard OCP for
breaking the story it took him a couple
of weeks to work on it it was taking us
a couple of weeks to work on it and
build something big to go with it but
that's what I got so far the thing again
that I want to say here I don't have a
problem with NVIDIA as an entire company
I don't have a problem with Nvidia's
products we look at each product
individually I think our experience with
other companies look at Coolermaster
look at AMD we've given them both
lashings recently and also have given
them both really high praise recently so
we look at them on a product product
basis and I'm not saying this for your
sake viewers I'm saying this for NVIDIA
and any other companies that have a
problem with opinion pieces because
here's I don't exist in this industry to
give just glory and praise that's not
why I'm here so when we talk about
companies doing something when when I'm
critical of something when we talk about
companies doing stuff that's just poor
design like on a product level not on a
an ethics level or something like that
that doesn't mean I hate the company
doesn't mean we hate all their products
what it means is that that particular
thing we're talking about GPP in this
case was of questionable merit to us at
the time of its discussion does not mean
that we've got an agenda against the
company and I'm saying that because
there is a frightening trend lately in
companies and this is not just with us
this is me talking to other reviewers or
watching from a distance with there's
trend with companies having a problem
with any kind of criticism and I mean I
I really hope everyone understands here
anyone in the industry watching I am
talking to you directly I hope you
understand that when we and media are
critical of something it's not the
entire company we don't have an agenda
to give your next generation product a
bad review because of the current stuff
we're talking about today it's not how
it works we look at everything product a
product and hopefully that's true for
all the other media outlets as well I
know it certainly is for the folks that
I speak with most regularly so I just
want to put that out there and say look
I have a lot of problems with some of
the stuff Nvidia's done lately I have a
huge problem with the GT tenth or
anything I have a past and public and
like behind this problem with the GTX
960 naming I had clearly had a problem
with the way they wrote their GPP
resignation post where they're trying to
make themselves look like the victims
but I really have highly recommended
several of Nvidia's products so these
things can exist simultaneously there is
not a single state of mind for an entire
multibillion-dollar company there's a
lot going on there
and everything deserves individual
critical looks so I'm really that
they're basically you have some
information I had that we were working
on collecting from vendors that's what I
shared right now is what I have
corroborated with multiple sources
everything else I left out if I didn't
have some level of confirmation on it we
can't guarantee obviously that
everything is perfectly accurate because
the huge problem with this story as it
has been from the start is that you
really had one key source one primary
source for everything that was Kyle from
hard OCPs article and after that went
live a lot of the industry kind of went
dark and claimed either they I don't
know anything about it in a few cases I
won't talk about it which is its own
kind of admission and they made it hard
to dig further because we don't want to
throw anyone under the bus if it's just
lies but there was no real reason to
think that the original article was lies
it had some things that looks like they
could be absolutely true it was just a
question of how serious were those
allegations and can we find people who
can kind of confirm them the answer is
sort of yes which I've just shared with
you but it sounds like a lot of it
wasn't in writing which makes it further
difficult because then you're just
really picking and choosing between
contacts going do I trust that person do
they have a motive can I find someone
else who says the same thing anyway some
thoughts thoughts on the industry in
general concerns with how manufacturers
treat this type of content as if it's
deserving of an immediate blacklist or
something like that I mean I'm not
afraid of that we buy stuff but I'd much
rather work with the companies so that
we can get stuff early talk with them
about any concerns we have and hopefully
resolved on prior to publication rather
than buy it myself and then has pushed
my opinions without as much
behind-the-scenes discussion about what
we found so hopefully people keep that
in mind but anyway thanks for watching
you go to
was out when everyone kicks off their
lists restore that gamers Nexus dotnet
to pick up one of our GN cubes
these are glass crystals with a
three-dimensional teardown logo in them
they're just really cool or if you want
something functional the gamers Nexus
anti-static mod mat is coming in within
the next couple of weeks and we are
shipping them out to anyone who's back
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sure it kind of runs out towards the end
of it thanks for watching subscribe for
more I'll see you all next time
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