hey bro on this is steve from gamers
nexus dotnet and we are at the end of
pax prime 2014's first day it is Friday
of course and I am joined by Keegan
Gallic who is helping us with some of
the camera work and writing here and
today we checked out a game called
nosgoth yep bye psionics Square Enix
yeah published by Square Enix a
third-person battle arena much like
Forge and what was the one you play Yuri
oh you're very teary what was the one
who reviewed though the really bad one
oh man there were some really bad ones
oh well there's one called skaara that's
yeah hun yet yeah I had a preview up on
that yeah it's not like that because
this one is good yeah this we like
nosgoth let's get that yeah we both we
both like nosgoth the pacing feels good
the combat feels pretty fluid you plays
two races humans vampires and they have
pretty distinct differences in their
mechanics the vampires are are much
quicker than the humans yeah vampires
are quicker and they can scale the
terrain humans can't scale they can just
run kind of jog not very much to that
they shoot though and am temple they can
tumble yeah they can also get pounced on
by vampires yeah well you know they can
tumble so you just tumble aside that was
the problem i had actually was a you as
a human you just tumble out of the side
of everything and then shoot them and
they kind of died vampires unless you
really get on top of them tackle them do
whatever you're just not going to kill
them fast enough unless they're very bad
it's kind of cool though because the
vampires can scale buildings and jump
over things that the a1's can yeah
that's an element of verticality the
movement and the terrain feels great I
like that part a lot you can scale
things easily but not too easily you
you could move through things well but
the the vampires that really felt
different it set them apart the fact
that they could scale in the humans
couldn't and it feels well integrated
and when I was talking to one of the
developers he was there actually the
lead designer he was saying that at a
higher level of play right now the
humans are actually dominating the
vampires yeah because of the aiming
element because humans have a lot of
ranged weapons yeah and that makes
complete sense there were several fights
that I felt like I should easily have
lost but I just didn't because I could
shoot them and then tumble and even
though they were faster they couldn't
really deal with the tumbling if they
can stop that somehow maybe but right
now the tumbling is just it's
overpowered and it is a free-to-play
game they're monetizing it by selling
the usual skins and cosmetic upgrades
yep there's also convenience upgrades
and I think they call them side grades
their official word is side grades they
don't want us to call them upgrades okay
because it sounds like you're buying it
sounds like pay to win if you say
operated yeah you wouldn't want that but
it's an upgrade in the form of
convenience normally so you start with
two classes on each on each race humans
and vampires and then you unlock more
every five levels and then yeah i should
say that's the part i didn't get to
experience i only played one class for
me Trace that I played and won very fast
vampire just moves in he can leap across
the map do a tackle if you actually hit
with that it's fantastic but usually I
just use that to engage attacked the
human i played was significantly better
grenade launcher and a flamethrower and
rolling and that was it that's all I
needed and the levels don't actually
impact your power in the game they're
only for unlocking classes so the game
everyone kind of has the same power
level and then
becomes more of a skill-based the
obstacle so so that is nosgoth check the
link in the description below for more
coverage on that from the two of us and
we will see you all next time thank you
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