PC Hardware Trends for 2018: "Ecosystems," Better LEDs & VRMs
PC Hardware Trends for 2018: "Ecosystems," Better LEDs & VRMs
everyone so now we're doing our annual
trends from Computex video for the PC
hardware industry we did one last year
for combi Tex 2017 and for that one we
primarily talked about RGB LEDs and
tempered glass not really a surprise
looking back in the air so I'd like to
say we called it but it was pretty
obvious this year RGB LEDs and tempered
glass persist but they are a bit more
tasteful it's less glue it on everything
and more figure out how to glue it onto
something in a way that actually makes
sense so that's one of the things we'll
be talking about we have a couple of
other trends to go over in this video
though before that this video is brought
to you by thermal takes view 37 case the
vo 37 focuses on highlighting custom PC
builds with its full panoramic window
and tinted front acrylic and our thermal
testing the view 37 performed reasonably
well when considering its looks focused
build which is partly thanks to the
airflow design and the removal of a
bottom power supply shroud for a balance
of looks and performance check the link
in the description below for the view 37
so for the first one as noted more
tasteful RGB LED implementation from the
show and by this mostly what we've
observed is that a lot of the LEDs this
year are going the form of digital LEDs
on the components so on things like
motherboard stuff like that you'll get
the full spectrum LED as opposed to just
single diodes all over them so now
placing LEDs on just everything anymore
they are actually diffusing them more
the manufacturers that is so the RGB LED
implementation I guess it's a bit less
offensive than last year but it's still
present glass still on pretty much
everything courser was sort of big last
year with doing just literally every
single side of the case putting glass on
it except for the back and we haven't
seen quite as much of that this year so
I guess that's a good thing that means
that we're refining the trend rather
than just leaving it as a pure fad like
it was last year we're just having it
was enough to get interest now it
actually has to be refined to get
interest it's not good enough on its own
next big one is the ecosystems that's
the the word the manufacturers like to
use ecosystem where basically they want
to make every single component in your
PC is now so you people like gigabyte
making memory power supplies coolers
cases literally every component that
goes in there and all the vendors are
basically doing peripherals as well
including asus in a big way
she's trying to do cases and with these
big motherboard makers a lot of the time
they seem to think that just existing is
enough for them to get sales because
they do so well and operate on such low
margin with their main their core
business that making something like a
case seems easy to them and turns out
you look at a shoe sees cases they're
not that great actually in the same is
true for gigabyte so these companies
have a lot to learn from these smaller
manufacturers who make cases as a
primary product category but they are
trying to all go the route of basically
building what they call an ecosystem a
big stupid buzzword right now that
basically means they want to sell every
single component that you put in a
computer so not something we're big fans
of really what we'd rather see is
companies focusing on what they do kind
of okay now or well and then improve on
it rather than trying to do everything
of questionable quality for all of those
things so another example of these
peripheral manufacturing operations that
are going on now with ACS gigabyte so
forth they able to do peripherals at a
much much higher margin than they're
used to because for asus gigabyte EVGA
all of them GPU manufacturing is less
than 10% margin you're talking four to
eight percent in the worst cases for
those people so to make a keyboard where
they can suddenly step down in there
their prices by 50 percent and still
make margin that shows why they're doing
this course is a great example they
routinely cut their prices by something
like 50 percent towards holidays and
that's because they can still make money
on it with a 50 percent discount the
next one is air flow so air flow seems
to be back in a bigger way and it's
under more consideration this year than
last year which is a good thing because
last year was so dominated by glass and
RGB LEDs that we lost sight of having
decent air flow and this isn't some
crusade to have air flow in every single
case ever it's just it needs to be
enough that you actually still have some
performance and here's the other thing
if you have decent air flow and the
focus of the case is silence by not
restricting the intake you can cut down
the RPM of the fans and reduce noise so
the focus is silence you still get that
by having an open front case it's just
through a different means than closing
it off and there's a balance to be sure
companies like be quiet have more or
less figured it out but other companies
like BitFenix are still trying to figure
it out so airflow tis hopefully looking
like a bit more of a trend this year
than last year in that the companies I
think have have had their fun with glass
and now they're cutting it back and
trying to figure out how to mix it to in
a more actually functional fashion so
that's great to see the SL 600 mm is a
good example H 500 enter max is looking
at doing mash or glass options on their
cases so it's BitFenix and it looks like
overall an improvement in that front the
next one last two actually big prm's
we're pretty trendy at this show so for
AMD motherboards especially important
and thread Ripper
everyone's preparing for higher current
draw chip so threader for two especially
and on the Intel side they're preparing
for the 8 core chips on Z 390 so with
those in mind bigger VRMs are a lot of
3555 a lot of 35:56 MOSFETs use there's
our IR parts so you see a lot of 60 and
50 amp and 40 amp power stages being
used on really big VRMs and in
preparation for the higher power draw
chips that's a good thing that makes a
lot of sense the motherboard vendors
seem to actually be getting ahead of the
CPU vendors for once and that's actually
pretty rare so that's good thing to see
as well and then finally shiny and
glossy Ram looks like it might be a
trend this is one we're taking a shot in
the dark because Galax had it and
g.skill had it and between those two
companies making fake gold-plated RAM or
silver-plated Ram quotes around that
it's possible that we could see other
vendors following suit because if LEDs
aren't doing it from people enough
anymore then I guess gloss and fake gold
plating is the way to go next so that
seems to be one of the trends we picked
up on at the show that's all of them for
now for this year if there were any
trends you notice while watching our
coverage leave them in the comment
section below because we saw a lot of
stuff so you might be able to connect
the dots a bit better being that you had
all of our videos to go through as
always subscribe for more go back
through the channel catch Computex
coverage you've missed any of it
YouTube pi didn't send it all of it to
your sub boxes patreon.com/scishow
cameras exits outside directly and
stored on cameras nexus net pick one of
our mod mats which are on backorder and
on the way for the next round and as
always I'll see you all next time
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