R9 Fury X Pump Whine Frequency Analysis vs. 980 Ti Hybrid
R9 Fury X Pump Whine Frequency Analysis vs. 980 Ti Hybrid
hey Roen i am steve from gamers and
access dotnet and today we're talking
about andy's are nine at fury x and
specifically we're talking about the
pump line issue this was originally
discussed about a week ago and it's been
discussed throughout the last week all
the way up through the last few days and
it's only gotten louder in terms of the
online discussion surrounding the pump
wine so just to bring everyone up to
speed this is the r9 fury x this is andy
is a new flagship it's cooling solution
is all liquid there is no other than the
fan on the radiator there is no air
involved on the card itself so to this
end it is a little bit different than
the 980 TI hybrid that we looked at
recently which uses a VR M&V ram cooling
solution on the video card sort of all
the way to the side and then it uses
liquid on the GPU itself this is
different from that and that is why it's
called the hybrid this card uses a pump
located centrally on the GPU a radiator
with an expanded liquid chamber for
longevity basically more liquid and then
a fan on the radiator and the wine issue
that has been discussed is not coil wine
this is very traditional of video cards
to have coil wine which is normally
related to activity as your frame rate
increases as the effort of the video
card increases things like that there
will be a wine emitted from coils in the
card electrical components in this case
it's pump wine which is emitted from the
high speed pump which circulates liquid
through the loop so that's what we're
looking at today and specifically what
we're looking at is one does it exist in
retail cards which is what we have and
two is it actually an issue to the
end-users there's only something you
hear in an open bench so let's go over
the testing methodology briefly it's all
defined in the article linked in the
description below if you have not
discovered that yet and then we'll get
into the actual results with frequency
testing and spectrum analysis the
methodology here is pretty important AMD
wants its tubes to be located in a
certain position it wants the radiator
to be in a purse erten position this is
all in the fury active manual so the
manual states that the radiator should
be higher than the video card and that
tubes should be lower on the radiator
install so it doesn't have to work as
hard as what my guess would be and also
to probably reduce some noise so we
installed it that way perspect of AMD's
manual and then also we used a few
different audio devices and tested from
a few different angles so first of all
the tripod be located it on top of the
bench and positioned it 11.5 inches away
from the video card at a 45 degree angle
so it's effectively you know up here
somewhere and the reasoning for this is
if it's too close you'll hear a lot of
noises that the end user will never hear
and then you obviously wanted to be a
distance that is more reasonable for
user so we positioned it there for
accurate acoustics testing we used a
roland r05 reporter class audio recorder
for decibel and frequency analysis and
then used an MK ii 600 sennheiser mic
which is also mounted to this camera and
use the camera pointed it at the video
card from a different direction so this
was directional testing that we
performed see is it really louder from
one direction or the other finally I had
a third microphone that I positioned
sort of around the RAM so sitting and
connected to the memory heatsinks
because this is really not a concern to
position something there so we had one
there to be basically 1.75 inches away
from the back of the video card and see
what can we really hear when we're that
close as a user you'll never be that
close so it's not data that is
representative is is not an actionable
data set but it's interesting and fun to
test so the mic we're interested in and
looking at today is the Roland which was
positioned 11.5 inches away from this
device all the other methodology is in
the article and what we found between
the 980 TI reference the 980 TI hybrid
which is the EVGA card that uses an ace
attack CLC and the fury x i have two
fury x's which use a cooler master CLC
and what we found as you see in these
charts is that there is in fact a very
high frequency produced and this is
something that we can test in
observation effectively clinically as
well as in objective analysis so there
is a higher frequency produced by the
fury x at least card number one then
by the hybrid and 980 TI reference for
instance but it's not inherently louder
they are effectively the same volume
level in fact the decibel level slightly
favors the fury exits it's extremely
small in favor of the fury x over the
980 I hybrid this is really just because
the 980 I hybrid has a APR M&V ram fan
on it and this does not do that it cools
its devices with liquid instead so
that's where the noise differential is
but the frequency we sit in the 22 22
kilohertz range for this fury acts which
is a very high frequency that actually
begins to exit the frequency range of a
lot of headphones and that's that's why
you get that irritating wine so even
though it's not louder it is more
irritating as a user but this isn't an
open bench we're talking about and we'll
discuss how it performs in an actual
enclosure momentarily here's an audio
recording of the fury X and the 980 TI
hybrid for your reference please note
that your own audio setup will greatly
impact how these sound so what you hear
may not be necessarily what we're
hearing in the real world but it will at
least give you some comparative items to
analyze from the two different video
so there is definitely a high frequency
output of that we are certain but it is
of a lower decibel level and is
questionable once you get it in an
enclosure the 980 TI hybrid has fewer
spikes if you look at the two graphs of
the cards you'll see that both Fiore X
is even though the frequency range is
slightly different both of them have
very spiky crests of this it's not
really a wave it's a spectrum analysis
but it has peaky crests and that means
that those are the points at which the
wine becomes more audible and the 980 TI
is a bit smoother in that regard but it
still outputs a hum it definitely
outputs inaudible hum but it's of a
lower frequency so it's less irritating
and this is somewhat subjective but for
I would imagine most users myself
included is certainly less irritating to
have a lower hum because that is more in
line with the hum of most system
components like other fans so you can't
audibly tell it apart as well from the
other fans of the system let's talk
about the real world use case and our
test bench it's open air it's exposed
and it's probably about two feet away
from my ear so it is definitely audible
and in the test bench we also disabled
all other fans on an essential fans so
the frequency was more was much easier
to pick up basically by the instruments
in an enclosure we tested in an H 442
the NZXT case and a rosewill thrown just
a much larger case and I was positioned
about three feet away from the case from
head to ground where the case was and I
could not hear the whining yes it is
present it is absolutely present in an
open-air bench if you're using an antic
skeleton or an open case you should
probably consider the wine but if you
are a user who's building in an
enclosure which is probably most people
and this is the one thing keeping you
from buying the card the audio concern
then I would say this is this is of no
consequence and that you would be fine
purchasing the card assuming you already
have your heart set on it for various
other reasons just to clarify a few
important details about our tests the
cards we have are both retail model so
they are what you would be buying as an
user and he has stated that they are
aware of the issue they indicate that it
is a pump issue for sure there is
certainty in that statement and they've
also indicated that they are seeking to
resolve this issue in the immediate
future they did technically say that the
issue is resolved for retail cards these
are retail cards we still hear it so
that will probably happen in the next
batch or the batch after that but that's
that's what we've been told and then the
other important item here is that we
didn't detect the noise really add an
audible level even on the open air bench
when we were just idling so it kind of
exists but really to know substantial
level in our testing we noticed that the
wine was more prevalent on the opener
bench when playing games so basically
when the card was placed under heavy
load when we loaded the card with far
cry 4 with GTA with 3 mark ultra the
wine became more audible and it was
still inaudible in a case but this is an
important differentiation to make when
we were idling it was effectively
inaudible even in open air I want to
emphasize here that I am NOT saying this
is a goodbye or a bad Buy we're not
looking at performance today but of the
audio concerns pertaining to the pump
wine that should not be a factor in your
decision if you're building in an
enclosure so with that stated when I
spoke to Patrick stone he's our Hardware
analyst who works with me he does a lot
of the benchmarking with me we both
decided as a unit that we would really
not be concerned with the frequency
produced when it's in an enclosure so
that's really all we have to say about
this issue decibel levels are
effectively the same for both cards both
liquid cooled cards that we tested the
frequency is spike here on the fury
exits at the higher end of the spectrum
20 kilohertz which is quite high but
it's it's not audible so that is all for
this video hopefully that helps some of
you out and check out our patreon page
if you like this type of coverage and
certainly check out the article on this
if you want more discussion want to
learn about the test methodology how to
reproduce it things like that we try to
make it easy for you so thanks again
links in the post role I will see you
all next time
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