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Saturday Heat Signature: Fray Cyberpunk Strategy Gameplay & Preview

hey everybody this is Steve from gamers Nexus dotnet and we're doing episode 5 of Saturday heat signature which is our new series it is five weeks old now that covers the up-and-coming lesser hyped games that deserve a lot more attention so this time we were looking at freight which is a simultaneous turn-based strategy game so for those of you that are sort of fans of the turn-based genre and are really fans of the strategy genre but you just can't really stand the slowness of turn-based games this is definitely for you for those that familiar with with frozen synapse is actually very similar to frozen synapse in that it is turn-based and they can be played simultaneously but in fray there is no II play by email system like in frozen synapse it must be played all at the same time and there's no huge waiting problem because you don't have unlimited turn durations so you only have somewhere around 30 to 90 seconds to do your turn based on the settings of the game and that makes it much harder to play much harder to think on your feet but I'll talk about that in a second let me talk about some of the art and so on the story the artistic direction is very cool it is a super dark game they will have brighter levels but as with the cyberpunk and dystopian genre which is what fray desperately wants to fit in with and does a very good job by the way as with that genre is very dark and it is it does not have a pleasant outlook on the future of the of the way things are going so no flying cities none of that it's just kind of all in disrepair and falling apart corporations warring constantly by pitting their drone like people against each other who have all been re-educated in the facilities to make sure that they of course know which is the true best corporation and so we are fighting in a virtual reality terminal defending all that we have ever been trained to know by our corporation so this is our job to get out there and fight the other ones and that's what we're doing you already signed a squad of four members there are six different classes in the game so you can put four of those on your squad and every player gets four there can be up to four players in free-for-all there's currently planned to be to Team Deathmatch and there are a couple other game modes that I don't know a whole lot of details about I think once called survival I figure out the other ones called I know one of them is more of a capture the flag setting and survival is probably a stay alive longer setting but I will get back those the more important thing to talk about now though are the the certainties which art classes and that's what's really cool about this game it is extremely tactical it has actually a lot more options than frozen synapse so if you played frozen synapse and thought you know this isn't really strategic enough for me then Frey is probably more your speed and it is a lot faster pace too so that makes it much harder to think on your feet much harder to make those clutch decisions and try and figure out you know should I be moving my medic over here to heal my assault or should I be moving him to heal my sniper who deals much more damage but is much less likely to survive so those kinds of situations are in this game a lot and they make for very tough calls when you're in those positions that you might lose one of your units but the biggest thing to talk about again as I said of the six classes so we have the tank which is the guy that takes the most damage he's very good for luring your enemy out as you can send um parading down the center of the street and he will should be able to take a couple shots before he goes down he also has a couple of gadgets that make him very useful like his guard or I call guardian shield I forget where I'm pulling that from but he has a shield that of course is sort of like the halo bubble shield except not really a bubble right now he also has bullet attracting gauntlets I guess you could call them I don't think they're completely implemented yet but I'm not entirely sure and and he has a couple of other stuff like that that's basically just made for tanking just like in an MMO or something like that there's also assault which is the backbone of your offensive unit he has a very cool teleport ability that lets him get back there get behind the medics and and the roguelike units and take them out with his big guns while they are completely off guard because he just teleported back there and shot them to ribbons he also has a grenade launcher which is extremely effective you've seen me use it a couple times in this video at this point I believe if you haven't yet you will see it again coming up and the grenade launcher is just it's perfect for dispersing those clusters of units which clustering units can be a very effective strategy in this game but in order to try and stop players from doing that and encourage them to use flanks and and all those kinds of splitting up and different tactics like that sneak attacks they the developers have implemented all kinds of a of effect attacks and all kinds of gadgets that will simply do things like reveal the area and stuff like that and what we're looking at right now is actually some motion capture from the game I know I haven't finished describing the classes yet this is actually some motion capture that the devs did so it kind of I put in here because it's actually really funny it shows their personality they are really funny people they're really confident too and they are also very into their game so if you want to play if you want to get this game pre-order whatever you can get alpha right now and jump in there and play with the devs play against them in their own game and they'll go easy on you for a little bit and then they'll just start kicking your butt left and right but that said let's get back to classes so we have tanked we have assault sniper is pretty self-explanatory extremely high damaging but very very weak so you can normally keep one alive by sticking your medic on them for a little bit just shooting medic killing bullets at them basically and and that'll keep me alive for a little while but not very long so you want one of theirs assault or tank heavier units there with them and then there's also the medic who I just described and you have the stealth unit called the shadow and a shadow is able to go camouflage sneak behind the enemy lines infiltrate them and basically assassinate their light armored very high importance units and medics and snipers are extremely important if you know how to use them all units are extremely important if you know how to use them just like most well-balanced strategy games but in this one snipers are so deadly because they have way high-powered damage rifles and uh and you want to take those out with your shadows if you can sneak back there and just kind of get in there without anyone noticing and then just go back into camouflage and get out drop a radar jammer if you want on the wakes so that's some of the cool stuff I think there's one more class I'm there's a support class that has a turret sort of like the engineer in tf2 and he also has a couple of other things like a satellite reconnaissance basically a radar so you can see who's around the corner see what's coming up and all of this just comes back to one thing it makes for a very good strategy game because all of these units have tons of gadgets and tons of weapons and you can unlock even more as you level your units up now of course that does pose a question for balance what happens when the gaming population is predominantly higher level players and you get new players that want to join in but are clearly outmatched well then you have a problem but i think the developers will try to address that and i'm running out of time here because my internet connection connection is really slow today so i can't upload a lot on youtube but it is important to say that this is currently an Alva so everything you see is that is definitely subject to change you can buy the game right now a two for one for twenty dollars I think it might be 25 the full price of the game will be a couple bucks more when it's released and you'll only get one so this is your chance to get two copies if you want your friend to play and there's a ton more I could say about this game but I just wrote a two thousand word article on it so go to gamers Nexus net and check out that article if you want to learn a ton more I've separated that out by images so it is very easy to follow and if you want to just jump around feel free to do that so go there right now and check it out please like this video if you liked it please comment below if you have any questions at all or want to say something and subscribe subscribe subscribe it always helps us make more we look forward to it every week so next week there will be a new heat signature episode I'm not sure what it'll be like yet but it will be awesome as always so I will see you guys next time peace
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