Sean Tracy on Star Citizen CPU Management, Character Tech, More
Sean Tracy on Star Citizen CPU Management, Character Tech, More
this is part two of our interview with
Shawn Tracy the technical director at
cloud Imperium games working on a star
citizen in this part of the interview we
talked about CPU thread management the
jobs system game logic physics things
like that and we also go into a lot of
detail on the new character developments
that will be shown at least in part at
citizencon on October 9th
before getting to this content it is
brought to you by an tech and their new
at cube mini ITX enclosure which
supports open-loop liquid coolant if you
wanted it and you can learn more about
that in the link below let's get into
the content so one of the other things
that I was talking with Chris VAD for I
think it sounded like 100 percent clear
on this it sounded like we would see
some new character tech and yeah all
things are about that so it's not really
it's not a new character - well it is a
little bit new butter - involved mostly
this is the stuff that we've been
working on for years so last year at
citizencon we showed something we called
the Moro tour we had only just started
to receive the head rigs head assets
from three latterly baby but a month and
then we went ahead and just put 50
characters in so I mean they look two
very degrees of art polish right I mean
a lot of game you were pretty happy to
show work-in-progress stuff but the
public can react pretty negatively to it
like I mean they're like whoa what is
this case that one character is gonna
look like you know I don't get it so
well what we really want to show is is
the progress of that over the years so
all of the tech that we had expected is
is now online polished working you know
we have the entire year to get about 120
scan heads in and we have I mean even
just in the demo that we're gonna show
we have 53 unique characters so it's
unique face unique facial rig right all
this so which is a lot of work it's a
ton of work if you just do just a
contrast it again like Crysis we're
talking I mean less than 20 characters
the whole game of rise we're talking
maybe 30 and
like you know probably 15 of those are
like barbarian variants and stuff like
this where for this because we've got
all these actors you know you we've paid
for the actor so we're gonna have a
really nice scan of their head and then
we want them we want them to look
awesome within it so and and they do
know so all the tech is actually finally
online for the face it's animate
correctly for it to get triggered with
the dialogue and finally there was one
really big piece of tech that we're
bringing online now and we call it run
time rigged logic for the faces what it
means is we have varying facial skeleton
so everybody's got a bit of a different
face now a lot of games what they end up
doing is okay we're just gonna unify the
skull shape but you're gonna unify the
next shape and everybody's the same that
doesn't work for actors especially not
for really recognizable ones like Gary
Oldman or Dre Anderson or Mark Hamill
like I mean you're gonna know that that
doesn't really look like him right so
what we do is we do still have all these
unique rigs but what we have is a system
within the engine that is actually
consuming unified animation data and it
applies all the offsets to that
animation data so we can drive that rig
so what it means is that we can share
animation across anybody which is super
cool so a smile on Gillian Anderson is
actually the same data for a smile on
Mark Hamill for a smile on Gary Oldman
for a spot so we can share all this all
this data across so this is pretty big
deal the other thing with it is that we
can procedurally drive things on the
character and have the rig react as if
we were just exporting animation a big
example of this is I so what we have is
this look I K that we can do it sorry
not look like it's more above like a
look posing system okay but it's a I'll
get into that maybe a little bit this
will we'll drive actually where the eyes
are looking problem with this is that
the eyes are all connected to blend
shapes and we call the fleshy blend
shapes all around the eyes right so
usually if any other game would do this
right you'd see the eyes moving around
but no
bunch shapes that do anything because it
just doesn't know that you're moving
those eyes around unless it was playing
an animation which would then know okay
well I'm gonna move those bunch shapes
so with rig logic online we can say move
those eyes and actually rig logic knows
oh okay I've got to blend this blend
shape here I gotta blend just but in
shape here I've got to do this wrinkle
here I've got a great wrinkle here so
what we end up getting is a really
awesome performance even from
procedurally generated data right this
is this stuff that would be reserved for
more cinematic sequences or it's every
everybody so this is so cool that that
so we apply this to every single head
and there's kind of there's a there's a
workflow reason for that and it is that
I kind of don't want to deal with two
different pipelines I don't want to do
oh well this guy's rig logic and then oh
well this guy has a unique skeleton so
I'd rather just okay everybody's rig
logic perfect yeah right so that means
and there's kind of an implementation
reason too because what I can do now is
say in star marine I want a guide to
when he fires he goes like he looks
angry right I would if everybody has
unique faces I'd have to have okay this
guy is in his stance he's got his weapon
and he's firing here's here's you know
angry face mail a one angry face mail Oh
- they would all be different animations
for the exact same thing now what I do
is I just say one angry face and then
that will figure out what face fighting
on and it will do it so it's a lot
easier so this is kind of our whole
mentality on content creation it's it's
let's do it intelligently so that we're
not stuck here making thousands of
things so that it's gonna take us 10
years to make this game there's a hey
his neighborhood so how do you deal with
system resource consumption things like
that like just we were talking about the
what you call for the eye is the eye
posing good procedure yet poses yet yeah
so just that alone if you're
communicating eye movement to other
meshes and things
face is that taxing on resources no
because what we do and and it's a very
good question because usually if you
were to move around verts and mesh and
speck that that would be a problem so
what we have is the rigged logic
skeleton is actually only a hundred and
inputs so based on those hundred and
eighty-three inputs we can drive
everything on the face and they give you
an idea of the complexity of the face
it's not 183 joints it's more like 500
so we're taught welded in something like
220 skin joints and then a bunch of the
blend shape of controls so we use 183
joints driving way more complicated rig
but that Lodge exists in the engine so
we save all that performance is kind of
the idea okay yeah so the character
tacks a big thin and had Bob yeah right
and it's actually the same guy is sort
of working on the one on the two systems
here he's our animation Rd engineering
he's also come over from contact with a
bunch of us evil hurts sake so he's
worked a lot about he's worked a lot on
the vision stabilization now Chris loves
to talk about it in terms of the unified
stuff and there's good reasons for it
and again I'd like to say this has way
more to do with workflow than it does
anything else again if you don't have
two different systems to do with your
you're kind of in a better spot so a
fire animation and third is the same as
first and and it's a there's a system
dealing with it rather than me having to
go grab the arms asset and then do the
same thing on the body and be super
confusing to have to go back and forth
between the two so there's there's
reasons for it the the biological term
anyways for the for the eye
stabilization is the vestibular ocular
reflex we've talked about this so much
that we've you know gone through medical
papers on it we've read it medical
contractor exactly and really the
easiest way to ever explain and I think
there's going to be there's going to be
a special video that Evo does just to
where he explains the sort of system
where it's maybe you've seen this
commercial of a
getting being held seeing that his head
stable right right as the thing moves
around so that's hot that's like the
easiest analogy I have for the system
but Evo definitely explains a lot more
but for me it's more of a workflow thing
it just makes it makes it easier I'll
share it to you with but there is
run-ons there is absolutely about to run
ons and especially having come from
crisis games where we we did have some
sort of separation
you've got to wrap your head around that
workflow and be ok with it right because
you can feel like you're chasing your
tail a lot of the time so oh yeah it
looks great in the third-person then you
get back to first it's like oh no that
let's go back in so you've just got
to get into a spot where you're not
chasing your tail and it's usually
perfect so we've got a procedural
generation stuff is kind of covered some
instant character technology yeah
what's another good point for the
citizencon stuff coming out I think yeah
the procedural generation it's character
tech is super interesting what about
these one point what about from an
authoring standpoint working on missions
and things like that sort of time Chris
about squadron 42 missions so what's the
authoring tool set or pipeline like
right and no it's a good question it's
actually not even embedded within
sandbox which honestly in my opinion is
bad idea I hate I hate not putting stuff
in sandbox because it's just immediately
available to user but it is a hell of a
lot easier right because one thing in
kit you know just for people's reference
and if they're pretty technical sandbox
is written in old old MFC it's an old
system from Microsoft there's some
plugins in it too right tool sets in QT
which is a lot easier to write for and
it's a little more visually pleasing
then MFC is you just got no real control
right so a lot of times what happens
when somebody comes along to write a
tool for the edge and they're fighting
more with sandbox and they are with
their actual tools so they'll tend to
write the tool outside of it and then
eventually we'll integrate it in so what
we have is a system that we call
subsumption it's for AI and it'll be
used for missions as well as even I
think some economy stuff it's a lot to
explain it it's kind of a
scripting system okay so you've got
nodes within it a eyes have certain
activities or behaviors that they
perform they can be interrupted out of
them they can go into different
behaviors we can load them we can cancel
them we can trigger off cinematic stuff
we can pretty much do everything that
the that the flow graph would have done
but within a little more systemic of a
system rather than a bespoke this entity
does this function does this function
more of a behavior to the AI so this
same idea is going to be applied to the
mission system where it's a systemic
system where you're setting up a mean if
you think about him and again I'm not a
designer so I hope I don't know
misrepresent their rather their
particular system but when they're
setting up missions it's more of small
portions of it that are that are kind of
like little activities within and
that'll create the bigger mission it's
the same idea to the AI so it's actually
all done in the same tool set but yeah
it's all it's external to the to the
sandbox right now we're right again I
hate but it's easier for us to write it
right yeah absolutely I'm a production
standpoint yeah I totally understand it
so interesting so with mission placement
how much of the D know off the top of
your head how much of this is sort of
taking the same semi-automated approach
versus all manual placement is there
everything is doing it so this is this
is a you know a direction from from the
pretty much all the tech directors and
incoming most of us in a director ship
role is that that is that is that that
is a rule of thumb for everything we
create which is you know can get in 90%
of the way there right with systems
mm-hmm and then let the artists and
everybody polish that that's right I'm
Sam right so yes it's exactly the same
thing you want to be able to bring as
much content online as less a fair as
possible and then let designers go in
and make it a little more fun do you
know right yeah but I think that it was
the same again
the same mentality at Crytek so I really
hope that it lends itself to not only
tons of content but but content that
doesn't feel generic it doesn't feel
copy pasted it feels very living and
then and and humor so I guess if you had
to pick sort of one aspect of what we're
going to see in the citizencon demo from
a technical standpoint what do you think
is the most important for onlookers to
really understand as a big challenge to
overcome um I think the implication of
v2 planets and what this brings I mean
it's such a we've we as gamers and even
like I came from the modding side so I'm
never I didn't just jump into this as a
program or anything I've always been a
gamer first so I think we've just gotten
used to the fact that we know we're
being lied to
we know we're in a skybox right you know
we know that Sun is just a little sprite
up there yeah you know like we know
we're being lied to and we're okay with
it because it's fun and it looks good or
whatever but it's it really to wrap your
mind around the sheer volume and scale
that that is there in star citizen
around you is something different it's
in and it feels different when you're in
it and experiencing it you know if you
could go into you know Witcher and just
run forward for more you know it would I
don't even know how long it would take
you to get around the planet but
environment for 24 hours and it actually
be different and then eventually come
right back and wrap yourself around
right it's a different mentality so I
think if there's anything to to
understand it's the implication of the
scale meaning there's so much that you
can explore and do alright and and we
being empty is kind of a kind of a
really I think important thing lastly I
would say really important to understand
as well it would be the AI implications
of what we're going to show for the for
the squadron 42 preview I guess well I'm
not sure what was called it necessarily
but the AI that's going on within there
is fairly complex because it's it's
similar to you know an Elder Scrolls or
something like that where they live
their lives they they have their their
lives these are crewmates and they're at
this desk from nine to six and then they
go to the cafeteria right and go this so
what people I don't think we'll see
immediately and again the demo can only
be so long I don't think people will
necessarily grasp but that's happening
for those characters I'd you know it
will feel like it's just the what he
walks by you great that's right I walked
by you but what you don't know is he's
going down to his cruise got an
objective exactly he's got stuff to do
so so yeah I think those days a good
question but it was definitely those two
I think would be important to understand
what's right it's all of that a more
Hardware that was all the AI sort of on
one thread of the CPU is that like yeah
it's it's it's part of the job system so
we've got a really nice multi turning
job system we can dedicate CPUs per per
module we tend not to we let the job
system handle where it to go because
what can happen with job systems is that
especially if you dedicate cpus to it
they can sit there idle at a lot of time
so they'll be sitting there waiting for
work to do and then they'll loan you get
sort of given very small portions of
that frames work and and the rest stays
on main or whatnot so we try to move
that stuff around with the job system
itself but yeah it's all threaded I mean
we definitely operate better on more
CPUs there's no write about that and
especially in terms of physics as well
but yeah the entire engine has been
threaded from I mean since I think I
think CryEngine 3 was actually when the
job system went in as soon as we had to
do console
for the grinder we had to thread this
things right right yeah I remember
speaking with krytac about that a date
so they several years ago at the sort of
beginning of this project added in
support for eight threads which was like
that's right yeah it was a big deal yeah
yeah yeah I know I I absolutely recall
that because we had we had hard-coded
basically you know and I can't remember
exactly what it was but made time to do
one thing render was on the main thread
right then we had I think we had a
separate sound Fred physics thread and
then I don't even know physics like game
logic yeah its own game logic was I was
right that was it
but yeah it's a big deal so now now we
scale dynamically to as many courses
you've got so the more boards you got
the better alright I mean if you get 32
cores I don't think we even have so many
dead right would dispatch it scales to a
point as always
yeah I guess core one probably still
hauls a lot of the work cuz yeah
absolutely and it's it's even like it'd
be super simple if every single function
in the in the engine was was jump system
friendlier right in front and it's just
not the case right I mean there are
functions and systems and we still find
them every day that that locked the main
thread before whatever reason right it
might be locking the main thread because
it's waiting for another thread to
finish for you know whatever data it's
got right because these are that that is
ultimately problem with multi-threaded
program but we again we've got one of
the best guys over from Crytek for that
whose name is Cristobal Bolton and he
did a his I think it was his master
thesis was on Iran was on
multi-threading right well I think he
broke the job system and everything for
CryEngine and now he's on with CID so
it's perfect right so so I've got I've
got one last kind of technical question
for you and we'll wrap up but the last
thing we're talking with Chris about was
the the Sun the idea that oh yeah that
is really cool so yeah so from from just
like a gaming standpoint it's not
something you really think of where yeah
when the Sun moves when you have a
day/night cycle and Skyrim or something
yeah most like just in a it's just in a
skybox like it's just a position of a
light right
and really all this Sun is is a light
that doesn't have a convergence point
right where there's it's a it's a
parallel thing so it just keeps going on
the tricky part about decoupling that is
less about producing light from some
point but more about how the shadows
react because in crimes and this is why
it was kind of complicated for us to
pull the Sun out of the sky so to speak
right it was that we have the assistant
called cascaded shadow maps and I'm not
it's it's it's been around for a while
and a lot of people do use the same sort
of system where you have kind of a
really high res one then it gets a
little lower res around it and you can
see it is a bunch of concentric squares
um that would just be here's your first
cascade second cascade third cascade and
each one gets a little less granular is
the idea and the biases change in these
sort of things so we had to implement
basically cascaded shadow Maps on point
lights and then we could pull them out
what is kind of cool is that we actually
have support for both systems right now
so as soon as I drag this it we call it
I think it's literally called Sun light
and then I drag the sunlight out it
actually turns off the one in the sky
okay so I can just delete that and it
turns on back on so we still have all
that CryEngine time of day stuff but we
have also got the ability to still put
our put our lights in so it's kind of
gold we've got both support the other
big bonus out of decoupling it is that
we can have multiple zones right yeah
you had either the binary system or
something exactly binary systems or even
large events within there that you might
want to produce light like an explosion
or something
well something gigantic right but big
enough that you might see light from it
but I can think binary stars is kind of
more obvious usage of it sure so that's
an interesting thing from being able to
decouple it but it was a big deal
because again you just gotta get out of
the mindset that you've got a skybox
around you you've got to expand economic
you know you get sucked down the road -
because it's like any other rabbit hole
yes like if you have some massive scale
ship exploding or whatever that
like that would be how far do you see it
right yeah exactly and what kind of
scales are we talking about what lod is
that thing at do you produce light from
it does it cash instead you know there's
a lot of question marks that you just
got it and honestly a lot of the times
is the you know there's no one person to
go ask has very few things on this game
have people done before all right and I
think that's why a lot of people really
like working here though and it's
challenging but it's also why a lot of
times we did delays because it just
hasn't been done like this before and I
kind of explain my day to people as I
screw up all day in Toledo yeah do you
know what I mean like it might break no
broken broken broken broke
Oh works done you know what I mean so
that's it's an iterative process so I
think that that's what comes of it but
yeah in the end decoupling the Sun was a
real big one I like that but it's super
weird though because you can just drop
one and put it like right next to a
person right like the way the shadows
react and stuff like that is like
daughter all what you would deserve so
it's like it's it's very strange at
first but but ya know it's an
interesting thing and the graphics
programmers are amazing over and over
and the uk-based we're yeah yeah cool so
as always more information we'll have an
article below with kind of key talking
points things like that and I guess we
might be seeing you guys at citizencon
otherwise we'll have coverage of it
online separately so awesome tune in for
that thank you for joining me Sean
you're very welcome
yeah we'll see you all next time
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