hey everyone this is steve from gamers
nexus dotnet and today we are looking at
some more shootmania storm this time it
is obstacle mode so quite a bit
different from royal which I've already
uploaded obstacle is a player sustained
mode it is pretty cool basically players
go create maps that are obstacle courses
you don't actually fight other players
at all you're just fighting for time so
whoever gets the fastest time is the
winner of the map and the hardest part
is just overcoming the obstacles that is
the most rewarding part 2 it often takes
several tries I have not yet played this
map so we are going to check it out
right now and learn it together what we
need to do here these are simple jump
pads nothing too hard about that we need
to hit these which are checkpoints that
way if you run into something like a
void wall or something else you will
respawn at the checkpoint and I saw that
guy do this so I already know how this
part is done simple jump there and let's
jump down to this pad that's the wrong
direction we need to go this way and the
reason I do that is because i saw that
blue void wall if you run into that it
will kill you and force you to respawn
you'll have to do everything between the
checkpoint and yourself this is
checkpoint 2 so we are good on that this
is like a skateboard type thing like a
roller coaster almost you hold space you
can accelerate down it release at the
bottom and you'll jump and I wall jumped
off of that and hit here so that is part
of the fun really is a the insane amount
of dexterity required on the harder
courses which this is not in order to
wall jump properly and bounce around
between objectives so I'll show you
while jump in this contained area there
it is jumped off the wall hit the blue
ceiling and you know how it works now
okay so looking at this we're going to
bounce off that go forward that is a
grappling line right there and I'll show
you how that works I'm guessing we're
gonna have to grab it where do we go
we go up okay and we hit checkpoint four
and this is a boot camp server that
means it is an a much easier server than
some of the harder ones it is tying me
to look down for the next checkpoint
which is very kind of them basically
helping players learn the ropes of
optical mode the reason I'm playing this
is because the other the harder server
is the more serious ones can take hours
just to figure out the map em and
complete it so that's obviously not very
video friendly if you like you know
platforming speedrun types games then
you will love the harder courses I
personally I do like the challenge but a
couple hours for one is a bit too much
so I really enjoy the bootcamp server
overshot that what we need to do here it
looks like is skate down this ramp and
then jump at the right time to hit this
I did not do it at the right time but
that's okay because I didn't go over the
edge which is all that really matters
and now we're here looks like another
grapple and another one of these loop
around 180 grapple type thing and I
think from here
probably not jumping that way where is
the checkpoint where are you there it is
checkpoint over there so I probably need
to jump from this to that one on the
node of shooting things you do get to
use the gun a little bit for wall
jumping a lot of the time and for speed
boosts pretty cool use of the weapon
there because it will give you a speed
boost in the direction you are shooting
it can you know be negative momentum if
you're shooting a same direction as
you're going like if I'm running forward
and I shoot it will actually push me
backwards that can be useful for
avoiding walls if you shoot it the other
way it'll push you backwards so useful
if you need some more speed I didn't use
that but that looks like you can speed
it up next time so I will be running
through this course a second time excuse
me on the left side you can see the
scores players have received on this Web
looks like the fastest of which was 1
minute 32 seconds pretty quick I don't
know where I'm even going right now okay
that was close so one minute one minute
30 seconds is the fastest we are going
to try and at least Wow at least get in
the top half when I rerun this course in
a moment shouldn't be too hard and
that's really how the bootcamp server
works you get through the course and
then you do it again you tried to go
faster each time just like speedrunning
in a platformer game missed that but
better to get all the mistakes out now
than on the second run which will be the
more official run for the course for me
so we're going to grapple here by
holding space land on that pad and then
go forward and I'm just gonna stop for a
second then look at
do here go for the easy way out hit the
great and then simple run and jump over
here where's this is okay so we need to
grapple up at the top that does not seem
easy good thing with grappling is you
can swing to use your momentum and speed
the grapple up and then you can grapple
higher as you get higher but I was ready
high enough so we we hit the goal that's
the end of it I'm ranked three out of
five on the server right now there are
only four players so really three out of
four and on the left side over here I'm
ranked 38 with the local record of five
minutes and 6 seconds so now i have a
two minutes and 44 seconds I've poked me
up to rank 32 instead of 36 or whatever
I was you can disable respawning if you
know you're already going fast and you
know that a single respawn will ruin
your time you can hit up for disabled
responding completely and that's how
that works let's see if we can do one
more of these a bit faster and this one
I'm going to pull all stops we're
already ten seconds ahead of schedule
here pretty good fall down go to the
right there we go still 10 seconds ahead
see if we can keep that because if we do
I will move up quite a few ranks
alright wow we're almost through the
course already so you can see how
obstacle works as you learn the map it
gets much faster and starts becoming
competitive with other players on the
server you can get a high local record
like the guy in number one who's one
minute 32 seconds that is pretty insane
and that gets you a bit of local Fame on
the server as well as just some cool
titles to hold because the game is
really all about ranks in the ladder
system this is of course an unofficial
mode so it's not ranked globally like
the other systems are for free for all
an team-based games but it is ranked
locally on the server so you can at
least see how you compare against the
other players
I do this one again that was pretty
close to missing but just barely got it
I think I can do this without sprinting
yep you can sprinting by the way happens
by holding space while you're you jump
hold space and then when you land you'll
start sprinting if you time it perfectly
you actually are much more efficient
when you ski or sprint as I'm calling it
as you hit the ground if you use it
before you hit the ground it's just
changing direction and is actually
incredibly inefficient so try to only
sprint when you're on the ground even
though it does require jumping to
initiate it's a bit more challenging but
well worth it so I screwed that part up
but no worries I can just do this again
much faster than swinging back and forth
there we go and that one was what two
minutes and 9 seconds 35 seconds faster
that puts me in ranked 22 so that is how
obstacle mode works there are a lot of
maps with this mode and they are all
pretty awesome it's just it's a it's a
fun game mode they get as hard as you
want really or as easy as this this one
did not take a whole lot of thought to
figure out but it was still challenging
enough and fun to fill a bit of time so
i highly recommend checking out
shootmania in the hole and obstacle mode
please check out the Royal video which
should be linked in the description
below that is the 1i recorded earlier
and uploaded it is an insanely awesome
free-for-all game mode there's also team
elite which I may do a video of as well
that is a more competitive mode for
those of you into eSports and that's it
I will see you all next time peace
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