everybody we are at the Silverstone
booth now I am trying to buy Tonio I
worked with Tony for several years he is
with Silverstone as a marketing manager
and he's the perfect person to explain
all the names for me because when I
asked hey what is the letters and
numbers in your names mean he handed me
this before getting to that this
coverage is royalty by Corsair and their
new t1 raised gaming chair which is a
bucket style gaming seat and that chair
cost $350 you can find a link in the
description below for more information
so we've got a rule book for the name
but I figured it's probably good to run
through it on video so that's Tony let's
where we want to start well so let's
start with the air coolers make sure so
with air colors we have three different
names they are the polygons nitrogen and
argon so we sort of have a combination
wording so we found out I guess through
Wikipedia that the liquid helium has the
lowest temperature of the three elements
that we chose so that lowest
temperatures Helly liquid helium liquid
nitrogen and then liquid argon so as you
you can tell we give the premium line of
air cooler to the pillar he'll be gone
series so that's helium plus gone does
shape of helium okay so then the middle
ground middle series is the nitrogen the
shape of nitrogen I drag on an argon is
already gon so that that fits perfectly
so that's how we came up with the name
of all three series
okay so nitrogen argon he'll again or
he'll again not here at the show so this
is their older models but they're the
top of the line they're not that they
also they're not at the Computex range
okay but there's more to the name of
that so nitrogen alright so nitrogen NT
0 9 1 1 5 X what does that mean
well after or the NT stands for nitric
on obviously so that's organs they are
short they are short for Oregon right
so for Heligan there's the H II so the
number that comes afterwards they're
just you know the first model would be
named zero one so the first model of NT
NT 0 1 second model the ng 0 2 so on and
so forth okay so that's easy to
understand and what comes after the - 11
5 X that means it's a CPU cooler
designed for the LGA 1151 five six seven
five one five zero etc okay so socket
type then for Intel for the 1 1 5 X so X
is part of the socket type what about X
so it gets more complicated as we go NT
0 8 1 1 5 XP what does that mean right
so let's move actually that's a better
example here we have two of them so here
we have the AR coolers so if you can
look closely this is the X s did you
just reference your name card no yeah
sort of but you can tell from this this
is a screw type mounting system so s
will screw push pin go P so that's X P
very easy to see XS + XE ok ok so the
axis is part of the intel socket type
the p is the push pin for intel and s is
just a screw screw yeah screw mountings
yeah ok alright so we got the coolers I
think that gets us through the first
half of the book well there's one more
tundra but I guess we don't even need to
talk about it's just tundra because that
liquid coolant is a different line what
about the fence so a PF q fw and then
the sizes are like obviously this wants
to be 120 millimeters but you've gone
one millimeter too far that's correct
so 1 2 stands for 120 millimeter 9
stands for 92 8 that's very easy to
the number that comes after that first
set of numbers system model so this is
the third 92 millimeter fans in that
series so this is the FW 121 so that's
the first one twenty millimeter fan of
the FW series so you can kind of tell
there you have F Q for example so this
is the second model of the F Q series
120 millimeter fan but what is what is
that Q mean for this one F Q means is
fan for quietness so it's very easy to
understand and FW is f with pwm this one
here is FM M stands for manual control
so that means you can adjust the speed
on the fan manually and ap is one of our
more famous air penetrator fans so
that's so that then sort of the F
because that's a complete different
design concept yeah I think I remember
the air penetrators in the Raven no -
right yeah so those are the ones with
visa specially designed grille that
focuses the airflow into a more single
column so that it pushes the air father
into your case for very effective cool
very cool so there's plenty more
Silverstone naming to go around maybe
next time we'll look at the cases like
the red line the Kublai the fortress
Raven yeah there's more relying yeah
precision prime era they're getting
better with it you're going with names
that are easier to pronounce so that is
all for this one as always you can
subscribe for more patreon.com/scishow
and razaaq's this helps out directly
Tony thank you for explaining that hey
you're welcome
and we'll see you all next time
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