The Best Z390 Motherboards for VRMs, 10Gb LAN, Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX (2018)
The Best Z390 Motherboards for VRMs, 10Gb LAN, Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX (2018)
hey guys build Zoid here from actually
hardcore overclocking and today we're
gonna be doing a z 390 motherboards
highlights list so basically
motherboards I think are interesting for
some reason or another that you should
like consider them if you're building a
90 hunt and ninety nine hundred K or
ninety seven hundred K based build now
I'm not considering all features on
these motherboards but there's just some
features that you know I'm I'm targeting
and so let's let's just get through this
there's a bunch of different categories
to try you know get some variety in the
the boards because if we just went by my
preferred sorting sorting system from
other boards which is just VR I'm
quality then this would be really really
lopsided and what a favor of one brand
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below starting off in the ultra high-end
category here I think the best option is
going to be zz3 90 horas extreme because
it's five hundred and fifty dollars
whereas the competition of the Z 390
godlike and the Maximus 11 extreme are
both $600 this has the best vrm out of
all of them though admittedly the
godlike has the same vrm it's just that
the godlike doesn't include a GPU power
this also has 10 gig LAN from a quanta
which neither the godlike nor the
extreme Lilla have and at that point it
kinda and then on the other features
they're pretty much a parody as far as
I'm concerned the extreme might be maybe
a little bit better at memory
overclocking but I've also seen already
like on the the the Facebook page of one
of the engineers that get who works at
gigabyte and who works on this
motherboard like they've you know that
they've already shown that the there's
e3 90 lineup is perfectly capable of
overclocking four sticks of RAM to very
high frequencies if zooming you have a
CPU that can keep up because
four sticks of memory puts a ridiculous
amount allowed on the CPUs memory
controller and that's probably going to
be a bigger issue for you frequency wise
than the motherboard you end up choosing
anyway so yeah basically because of that
I think this is the the best of the sort
of the ultra high-end partly because
it's cheaper than their competition and
also because it kind of combined like it
has a it's and it's a bit better
featured than than than the other boards
though it is worth noting that the
Maxima still have an extreme from Asus
does have an edge in extreme
overclocking it's just that it's $600
and for most people the fact that the
motherboard run like has you know is a
bit easier to run on lnto than the
gigabyte board is completely irrelevant
so that's why I didn't get into the get
on to the list now then the next
I consider the 9900 K a borderline
workstation CPU the main problem with
the 9900 K in a workstation application
is that you don't really have a lot of
PCIe lanes to throw around and so we
have the P Alex mother a P Alex chip
motherboard category there's only two
boards in this category because there's
only two boards on Z 390 using P Alex
chips but the P Alex chip is a basically
a PCIe switch which will take the PCIe
lanes from the CPU and reallocate them
between more devices more efficiently so
for example this motherboard right here
you know Asus is advertising it as being
capable of running four GPUs at 8 X 8 X
8 X 8 X but you can also just you can
have two GPUs running SLI and then like
a you know network card hooked up to the
CPU or a capture card hooked up to the
CPU and especially with SLI this is
actually rather important because if you
try to have a capture card and 2 NVIDIA
GPUs at a like hooked up to a 9900 K at
the same time without a PL x chip you
would end up running 8 4 4 and SLI will
not allow you to well will not enable if
you have the GPU plug it into a X 4 PCIe
slot so you know for that kind of
scenario the P Alex chip is basically an
absolute necessity so if you want a lot
of PCIe connectivity you're pretty much
stuck with you know choosing
you can go for the wsz 390 Pro here and
the other reason why it got onto the
list is that this has the better VRM of
the 2 plx chip equipped motherboards
because the only cover it does come in
at $400 so if you're not going to be
overclocking which you probably won't
like with which in a workstation of
application you probably won't be then
you might want to consider the Super
Micro this thing ah c9z 390 PGW
so this motherboard also has a plx chip
you can see the heatsink for it right
there in the middle however the downside
to this motherboard compared to the Asus
wsd 390 Pro is that like you lose a bit
of erm capability so this asus board is
on a four plus two phase vrm but it's a
really really powerful for phase like it
doesn't really like as far as for phase
V RMS go it doesn't really get better
than this for phase now this on the
other hand is a six phase but it's less
powerful per phase so overall this is
going to be less like this is gonna run
hotter and it's slightly less efficient
if you're going to be overclocking in
ninety nine hundred K however this board
is you know 335 dollars so almost $70
cheaper than the Asus one and this also
has 10 gig LAN so you know in a
workstation you know build where you
might actually want 10 gig connectivity
this has a pretty major advantage over
the Asus WS board because this just had
dual gigabit Intel LAN so yeah that is
definitely something worth considering
basically if you don't care about your
you know networking so much and you just
want more vrm overclocking capability
and a plx chip you want this board if
you want a plx chip and better network
connectivity you want this board and
also you're gonna save some money when
buying this thing so you know there
there's also some benefits to the two
like that's the other benefit to this
motherboard so then moving out of the
sort of plx chip equipped motherboards
category into the motherboards with 10
gig line and we've had a couple of them
at this point right so we've had the the
Super Micro board here this also has the
tech want
ten giggling as well but when it comes
to network connectivity and kind of
can't beat the Z 390 Tai Chi ultimate as
that's a lot of land so you have one
Intel gigabit another Intel gigabit and
then finally ten gig a quanti ax LAN so
basically yeah you have way more network
connectivity on this motherboard than on
any of the other motherboards it comes
in at $300 so it's even cheaper than the
Super Micro board but it lacks the plx
chip so you can't actually like you
couldn't do like sli and a capture card
attached to the cpu at the same time
you couldn't have like a RAID controller
and two GPUs attached to the CPU at the
tag at the same time you know those
kinds of things wouldn't work but if you
just want to a whole bunch of network
connectivity well here it's integrated
directly into the motherboard so you
wouldn't necessarily need a you might
not need a network card at that point
though probably if you're considering a
network card then you're probably going
for a lot maybe more than just you know
three three ports total but yeah this is
a really solid option this has actually
out of all of the sort of workstation e
motherboards ayuh this basically has the
best PRM has rock has it advert there
advertising it is a 12 power phase
design which is accurate that's fine but
what you need to consider is it's
actually a 10 plus 2 phase so there's 12
phases total which is what they're going
with here but you have 10 phases for v
core and you have 2 phases for your eye
GPU so things like quick sync from Intel
will still work you can use the eye GPU
for accelerating video encoding and all
that and at the same time you get a 10
phase V core vrm now it is worth noting
that out of all of these boards per
phase this board has the weakest phases
so this has stronger phases than the
taichi except the Tai Chi has like four
more phases and this has even stronger
phases that like way stronger phases
than what the Tai Chi has it's just that
this is on four of them instead of 10 so
the Tai Chi does actually end up being
slight like on paper this vrm is
slightly less efficient than what you
get on the ws Pro from Asus but this
does have a much more substantial VRM
heatsink and so overall this ends up it
will probably end up running cooler so
that's also something worth worth
considering and yeah that's kind of why
this this motherboard made it onto the
list it's a really good balance of like
you have your you have a ton of
networking you have a great a pretty
good vrm it's not great but it's pretty
good and you know it's full like you
have your power reset you have your
postcode you have everything else you
could really want from a motherboard at
this price point except I personally
would prefer a stronger vrm in this
now the next category ITX little boards
there is really only one choice I can
see here and that's this choice the Z
390 phantom gaming ITX
/ AC from asrock and the reasoning for
this is simple with ITX you run into
this funny issue where you can have
disproportionate amounts of CPU cooling
relative to the amount of erm space
there is on the motherboard the fact of
the matter is there's just not enough
space to put a proper vrm on these
things and as Rox done the best job of
just cramming as much V RMS as they can
so what you get is a five phase V curve
erm with plus two phases 4i GPU you get
a pretty substantial vrm heatsink with
what looks to be a lot of surface area
for the for the vcore vrm right there
and the the cool thing is that as rocks
actually like these these chips right
here those aren't just any old power
stages those are inter cells is l99 22 7
B's these are 60 amp smart power stages
they're basically some of the best power
stages used across like on Z 390 so and
those are also used in the V curve erm
so you basically get a combination of
really really good components in the V
curve erm and also one of the most
substantial heat sinks I've seen on an
ITX motherboard for vrm cooling on Z 390
and so for that reason I think this is
gonna be the best choice for a you know
ITX Z 390 motherboard it also helps that
it comes in at only a hundred and ninety
dollars so it's not even the most
expensive ITX offering out there and you
know build quality wise I think this is
pretty much the clear
winner so yeah as Rock has quite quite a
win here with the the phantom gaming IT
export now then em ATX this is the
neglected form factor is probably the
best way to put it you have basically
two choices the way I see it you can get
a rogue maja rog Maximus 11 Jean this
board got onto the list because it has
the best vrm out of all the many of all
the em ATX motherboards this is a 5 plus
2 phase of erm so you have 5 phases V
Core 2 phases I GPU there's 260 m power
stages in each of the phases from
international rectifier so those are
ir35 55s asus is favorite power stage
apparently they bought a truckload of
them a long time ago and so they keep
using them everywhere now
but the issue the kind of the issue with
this motherboard is that it's four
hundred and twelve dollars and on Newegg
right now and that's mainly because they
don't actually like asus doesn't ship
this board to the u.s. proper so
currently what's going on as far as i'm
aware is that Newegg is basically buying
the motherboard from europe and
importing it and that makes it really
expensive but as far as the RM goes like
the thing is perfect like these are
ridiculous phases like per phase
capability like peak current capability
on each phase is something like 120 amps
assuming you had enough cooling to
actually deal with that much current
going through each phase so this is the
most efficient VRM on em ATX you could
get it's also the most expensive
motherboard it's kind of geared more for
extreme overclocking than daily usage
which is why it's like you know it's
kind of a weird form factor cuz like
they've axed it early you only have two
memory slots and so a lot of people
don't like because it kind of loses a
bunch of typical m ATX features i mean
you only have two PCIe slots instead of
the like some other boards will go as
far as having four just like barely
crammed onto the board but still there
where as this you know it has one PCIe
slaw there's voltage read points down
there you have a post code you have a
whole bunch of ln2 overclocking controls
right up there
there's the dim dot two slot which we
can actually see
occupy yeah so that's the expansion
weird Karp block looking thing right
there that's the dim not to slaw that's
where you actually install your extra m
adult to SSDs the other one goes under
that goes under this metal slab right
here but yeah this is like is a very
expensive you know am ATX motherboard
but it's also the best m ATX motherboard
coming because there's no competition on
MIT X if you go really like there's only
one other m ATX motherboard which I
consider as having a good enough erm to
run an overclock 9900 K and that's this
thing which is the z3 90m gaming from
gigabyte this thing is a hundred and
forty five dollars this vrm is kind of
borderline in terms of its ability to
actually run a ninety nine hundred K but
it's still a ten plus two phase it's not
using power stages is using discrete
MOSFETs from on semiconductor and yeah
the like the the main concern I have
with this motherboard is like the vrm is
gonna run relatively hot but it's not
gonna be you know unsafe levels of hot
assuming you have some airflow going
through the vrm area but the main
concern I have with cheap gigabyte
motherboards is that cheap gigabyte
motherboards tend to suck at memory
overclocking unfortunately the way
things work in terms of CPU performance
500 megahertz memory clock is less of a
difference than a hut like makes less of
a difference than a hundred megahertz
more CPU core clock which is why I'm
choosing this over all of the other em
ATX motherboards just because you could
realistically lose a hundred megahertz
by going with one of the other em ATX
boards just because you won't be able to
cool like a 5 5 or a 5.1 gigahertz
overclock whereas with this you know the
V arm should be just about able to
handle it on the other hand yeah sure
some of the other motherboards might be
able to run the memory say at four 4,000
megahertz or forty two hundred megahertz
or maybe even 4400 mAh forty 400
megahertz versus thirty 600 megahertz
which this board will almost certainly
do is not as much of you know on the
memory isn't gonna be as a big a
difference as the CPU doing five point
one instead of five gigahertz right so
for that reason
on em ATX this is basically my my go-to
cheap em ATX motherboard because the
other ones just don't have the VR m2 to
power a ninety nine hundred K now
obviously if you're not going for a
ninety nine hundred K and you're going
for like a ninety seven hundred K or a
ninety-six hundred K the VR I'm kind of
erm situation kind of becomes irrelevant
but the that point it's also like why
are you pairing a 4000 megahertz plus
very expensive memory kit with a 9600 or
a 9700 K like what are you doing that
doesn't make any sense
buy a better CPU before you buy
overpriced memory right like that kind
of argument so yeah moving on from the M
ATX form factor we get into the v RM per
dollar category and this is the the Cata
like I've kept this category last
because basically with z3 90 gigabyte
has decided that they're gonna have the
best v RM at every price point that's
not very hard to do when asus has
decided that they don't like phases as
rocket decided that you know what the
the v RM they like that they're just
gonna add two phases to their last
year's design and it's fine but gigabyte
basically decided what we're just gonna
have the best v RM and the end result is
that they kind of do I mean at the ultra
high end it doesn't get better than this
at the sort of $300 motherboard price
point we have the Z 390 or s master
board which as far as overclocking
features go I think this is fully
equipped you have a 12 phase IR you know
V core v RM plus two phases 4i GPU power
gigabyte also includes a single bios
mode switch as well as a bio select
switch so that you can bypass some of
the silliness that gigabytes software
dual BIOS implementation tends to get up
to this is on gigabytes six layer PCB
the memories in T topology which is
really optimized for for memory stick
overclocking but I have this motherboard
I've tested the memory overclocking even
with two sticks it's really rather solid
I don't really had any issues with it so
this is a really well balanced
motherboard and it just has the best vrm
at the $300 around the $300 price point
this thing comes in at 290 dollars so
it's actually a bit below that and it
really has kind of like overclocking
feature wise it has basically everything
the only thing I wouldn't necessarily
recommend this motherboard for is ln2
overclocking because while this
motherboard has all the necessary
voltages they're applied after boot
instead of at boot
and that actually makes a huge
difference because if you apply them
after boot that means you can't boot the
motherboard it like minus 150
you have to boot at minus 110 because
just coffee lake is weird like that okay
if you could actually set the voltages
earlier directly at boot up then you
could boot at much lower temperatures
and something like the Maximus 11 Jean
does that and a lot of the other like
ROG boards do that the asrock a Tai Chi
I think does not as well but if you're
not doing extreme overclocking that
feature is completely irrelevant in
which case this has the best we are a
meets Inc best vrm and BIOS wise like
you know it has the dual BIOS kit
functionality like there's a lot like I
like this motherboard it's just that in
extreme overclocking there's
motherboards that kind of do that a bit
better but that's kind of irrelevant to
most people anyway so that's how that
got onto this list now if we start
lowering the price point a bit what
about $250 well gigabytes got you
covered with the vrm again hey it's
another 12 phase and it's still using
power stages so this time it's on vishay
semiconductor 50 amp power stages these
are a little bit like the International
rectifier 40 amp power stages they're a
bit less efficient at least on paper but
they're a bit smarter than the power
stage is used on this motherboard this
still uses the same sixth our PCB so
memory overclocking is going to be
exactly the same as on the master and it
still keeps all of the extreme
overclocking voltages it drops the BIOS
switches and you lose some of the sort
of but like you lose some of the buttons
on the motherboard but overall like this
is very very close to the master in
terms of features it's just like yeah
you like personally the main complaint
for me is that it loses the single BIOS
mode to get rid of some of the issues
the dual BIOS causes but
yeah like as far as the vrm goes at 250
dollars it really doesn't get better
than this and this still has a really
substantial vrm cooling solution on it
and then as we keep lowering the price
point it just gets worse because that
vrm that gigabyte uses on the ultra
board well they're still using it on the
elite board as well this is the same 12
phase V curve erm as you got on the old
truck except this motherboard is the z3
90 or s elite this thing comes in at a
hundred and eighty dollars at this price
point most of the competition is running
like four phases and well basically that
means you know that this is the only
motherboard at this price point like
that this has just like it's not even
fair at that point like this vrm is so
much better than what everybody else is
running that you know that's why this
motherboard is on the list while
everything else at this price point
isn't this is just going to be the best
at overclocking a ninety nine hundred K
now what is worth noting is that from
the ultra the difference here is that
this is on a four layer PCB and I
actually have a motherboard based on
this same for our PCB I have the z3 90
or s pro from gigabyte and I gotta say
that thing is not great at memory
overclocking honestly like gigabyte has
in their advertising for these
motherboards claims that they do up to
40 to 66 megahertz and beyond in my
experience it's more like 38 66
admittedly I'm testing with a memory kit
that has an XMP profile of 37 33 but
that memory kit that I'm using regularly
hits over 4000 megahertz unlike all of
my other motherboards except the z3 90
or s pro and one or two other gigabyte
motherboards and so you know that's kind
of kind of the situation there so you
know but you do get a really solid vrm
and at this price point you know it's
like why are you buying a really
expensive memory kit is gonna be my
first question if you run into the
memory support issues that this could
have because like gigabyte has qvl daffy
you 4,000 plus megahertz kits for this
board it's just like I don't have those
so I don't can't really verify how true
those claims are
I'm taking them with a grain of salt
because I have a memory kit that regular
really runs 4000 megahertz plus on
everything else just not this PCB so
yeah but VR my is there's no competition
at this price point and with a ninety
nine hundred K again your priority is
maximum CPU core clock the memory is
basically irrelevant yeah once you hit
sort of thirty two hundred thirty six
hundred megahertz which this board will
still do all right that'll still work
it's just that yeah so the RM first
memory second is the the priorities I
have now then going even cheaper we get
into motherboards that can technically
run a ninety nine hundred K but it's
really borderline the Z three ninety UD
the z three ninety gaming X and then
gezi 390 gaming SLI from gigabyte all of
these run the same ten plus two phase of
erm that we saw on the XIII 90m gaming
these go all the way from you know
they're from one hundred and thirty two
hundred and fifty dollars this vrm is
borderline acceptable for the ninety
nine hundred K and again you know memory
makes less of a difference than CPU
clock which is why I'm favoring this
motherboard over all the other
motherboards at this price point and
actually a lot of the other motherboards
at this price point are in my opinion
just straight-up not like shouldn't even
be allowed to change core voltage on a
ninety nine hundred K past like one
point two volts like you shouldn't be
able to manually set the CPU to run more
than one point two volts all eight cores
at the same time because the V RMS on
the competition at this price point are
just bloody awful admittedly if you're
on like a ninety seven hundred K or
ninety-six hundred K that the RM stops
being so important and you can look for
like some balance of features that you
might want or something but if you want
to run a ninety nine hundred K on a
cheap motherboard your main issue is
going to be that the vrm is gonna
overheat once you start overclocking and
that's why this is sort of the
motherboard that like that this is the
bare minimum I would go for with a
ninety nine hundred K and I wouldn't
really consider this a good choice
anyway this is like ill Ronnie
especially if you get some VR airflow
over the v RM but there are better
motherboards out there and they're no
you know we're only like admittedly okay
it's not a small increase in price to go
to the elite from the ultra-durable but
this is also really like there's no
features on this motherboard either
right like it is really barren in terms
of the i/o and just really everything in
terms of USB connectivity and just like
yeah there's barely anything on this
motherboard so I really recommend like
if you're gonna be running a ninety nine
hundred K this would be like the bare
minimum of what I would go for just
because this like you get a huge upgrade
in vrm quality like the jump from this
board to this board or even the you know
the Z 390 gaming X or like the z3 90m
gaming like it's a big difference from
this VRM to this v RM and for that
reason like if you're gonna go for a 99
hundred K I'd start at this especially
if you're in the ATX form factor if
you're going for em ATX then yeah you
kind of don't have a choice because
there's like two motherboards that are
good well this one's not good this one's
borderline but this is the other option
and this one's for hundred bucks so I
would understand you know if you want an
M ATX build you'd be stuck with this but
in the ATX land this exists and this is
just yeah so much better so yeah that is
sort of the Z 390 motherboard highlights
for me right ultimately I'm considering
this very much as a case of you want to
run the 99 hundred K not the 9700 K and
because of that you know the and also
I'm always considering it in terms of
overclocking right if you're not going
to overclock then the main concern is
that the motherboard might not run the
CPU at false like might throttle the
seat like throttle the CPU at stock
which is possible it's just like it's
that that's a really hard judgment to
make with overclocking it's pretty like
that's really easy like that's well
known in terms of what the capabilities
of the motherboards are and in that
situation you know it's just like
gigabyte gigabyte going gigabyte unless
you want some special feature like 10
gig line at
Keit lowest possible price point or P
Alex chips and or you know P Alex chips
again and if you just want the best
possible VR I'm well there's this thing
that's kind of the whole z3 or you know
you're looking at some form factor and
that's kind of all of the the z3 ninety
motherboards that I consider interesting
the motherboards that didn't get on here
are basically an issue of the vrm is not
good enough and there's no feature like
if the vrm is not good enough and
there's no feature to compensate for the
lack of erm capability I don't know why
you would go for that motherboard right
immediately I'm not considering things
like audio sections just because you
can't judge them without like testing
and I don't even know how to how you
would like how you would objectively
test audio sections like that's
something I have no idea about so just
looking at things I can you know
understand about motherboards like the
vrm and the connect working connectivity
plx chips that kind of thing and the
basic features these are the
motherboards I think really stand out
from the rest
it's just that yeah gigabyte decided
they're gonna do you know they're really
going to focus on their vrm quality and
so they've kind of won the race in that
department across the entire Z 390
lineup feature wise you know you you
might find some better options as well
so then that is it for the video thank
you for watching like share subscribe
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for the video thanks for watching and
good bye
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