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The Future of Shooters/FPS - EscapistExpo 2012 - Game design panel

this is my Fionna I'm with you say this in the news manager over there today if you are a nearby place or your future of this year we've got a really great panel lineup and best way to get started is starving introduce ourselves a lot of say a little bit what you worked on Red Storm and I work partly including last few Splinter Cell Games comment my name is Rebecca 19 some campaigns I've worked bridgeman pass various compromising games Ghost Recon in 806 and just very excited here today I choose to Graham and he doubles internet games work doc Gear franchise which in the franchise government for a while army a 1-up window oil eggs honor epic games and work down here for three levels for that and before that I was working on these different forever so the reason for kind of payments panel together is the future of the shooter and I don't think we would really need to ask that question if it wasn't for kind of the state of the genre right now we're see necessarily made but you can't argue that there are tons of shooters out there so first obvious question is how do you do set apart in the siege of shears I think both ways response he hates it says that part in the seller is by potential around felonies and ask the players here in society we're starting to see much more attention page and narrative storytelling and those elements became more in the past they got church rift or shunted off to do readings or walls of text now they're being more fully integrated and doing this service or atonement also art styles Andrea quinta and differentiate yourself in the crowd like notice on my team fortress 2 and lotus like goodly all the time right so experimenting with you know varying degrees of realism heavy side lies is another way to say part fanatics and also the potentially tackling challenges social issues I know Glasgow Street on time feature a lot of civilians in the particles and non-combatants here to actually try not to shoot but the future I think players will get a chance to get a chance to put out other things like child right yeah the shoppers doing all week long to city employees of shooters the art its first person with a gun so it's kind of hard we talk a lot of games as a service not just eight years and years of shootout game in box when it's wonderful an interactive experience to play difference three that will do that really house just have have a shoes can alice is to really i guess i would say freedom of plays i think a lot of people talk about my free to play but for me it's more freedom to play and how i would express that is if you have shooter be pushing people all the time is people guns and freedom of play be as a lot of people to play ways besides just being the Slayer the person is really good at killing and for me one thing i do really have a game to stand out as a shooter is what if there's someone that was able to not just shoot people but also to make the weapons people are shooting with right what if there's a guy i was a gunsmith and he has materials that collects in the game another like crafting tap games what if this year at whole this guy's whole roll he just made guns and then it was on the market maybe it was sold to two other players and the developer takes account or maybe there's a game economy that's all tripping and with that shooter alone is that someone that could be doing something that's not just a FG people rocket motors all of us so that's that's one of the things I think that could help new shooters in the future is trying to incorporate more freedom yeah so um what I things we notice a little bit is that a lot of people tend to think that shooters are kind of similar to each other and this is where the reason is bringing this question is because a lot of people are looking for ways to stand out but my next question is how important is it to stand it I mean how important is it to do something other than okay with really tightly made mechanics where you're a soldier in that media you know for that shot and how much of that is a try the developing process to go beyond it or is ok to knock your ventra actually begin to fight that have something otherwise it's going to be too broad right it does about what that is necessarily but it has to be something ask you something special about me to try some retailers are going that want to 80 money to play your hand and want to even give up there even more better spend a lot of your project goals to just finish playing through spec ops 2 lines they may have to play a few people highly recommend it it looks like a very ill be appreciated for star playing and then like stuff starts to happen and goes this whole way of progression is it's like you're saying it's a really great way to talk about a story and character development all these things that really make it separate it's not just there's no need to walk away from something that works well these international artists are tired industry or 30 years now anything worked really really well and stepping with just the same time he finds something you need to add that yeah I think that's the real key is if you mention the whole question is yeah feels really tight control really well I think that's all good at once i have that but guess would be that first I score as the base layer game if you don't have that it doesn't matter how to make or whatever cool your game is it's not going to do very well and after you received very well that's that's the big key of developers we try to now I was getting you with your right now is if you have whatever your spin is on that we try to do as well as a let's take something and put our own stone so this of course is looking fine and everything but as far as trench concern one of the things that we've really started to notice to specialize by Pierce is this I can't emphasis on multiplayer components it's something that particular to this Sean people really enjoy so how important is this multiplayer component and do we have a future in the genre where people step back and focus again Warmack and ammo or is that a death sentence for type currently especially if you don't have Bart groaning you're probably not getting really just recently Frankie but yeah actually cannot bubbly instead if you are working on it can't make the game service then we don't want to be but I think there will be people who break out and really do a good job of telling a story and create an interesting characters that are connected and they exam is I think that's going to come from more than any loads our developers that are out there that are gonna be getting more Marcel coach yeah actually the same thing at the Triple A or whatever that is these days there is a few shows attack on the chance to top stories i think is still there it's like but for me it's not just percentage it's more about active games are oftentimes escaped with their often times also a great chance to bring people together so it's not necessarily multiplayer as much as bringing people too could be co-opted in me asynchronous is just around other people online extend your network conferences and cooperative yes I think here's war two of the organ donors like the b-mode for that game gears of war choose will declare out of boxes was not the best but board was fantastic and all your people together and that's to me the clock development really i don't i guess i understand i don't think that spec but you should have a social aspect a multiplayer aspect that's one of the ways of exploding right now I understand so you brought a publisher issue a little bit when you said II kind of came out and said this is what we're doing this is where we're coming you guys are on through most part of the creative end your game makers non-game sellers to a point so are you happy about that I mean does it make you feel confined creatively is it something you don't mind so you at anyway there's certainly a financial perspective maybe set games multiplayer are doing better on market but how does that work for you when you're the one behind scenes actually making it personally for me I love whether it's go out for them like more more these ages you see more co-op campaign shows that that allow them to or even four players or more to go through the actual support campaign I think that trend is is going to really log 2013 caricatures but as far as what I want to make I enjoyed wear shoes I it doesn't really affect I think that it's harder Gator gopher must have in their name somebody else's penis that's always kind of your dream so the trick is finding something that you love doing that publisher blogs in addition to free number 22 everybody wants to talk to me for two years that's more than I guess this question George even have on the ocean and I think that's also huge do what they wanted to accomplish to be honest sometimes strengths of our creativity they're told okay you need to have a call campaign that tells the civil suit larry campaign and written great solar company that is very focused on specific individual moments well as a design challenge that's an area challenging job they can really drive in traditional creators things you wouldn't necessarily done without having that actually founder so I mean a certain question is how does it make me feel being a creative design your games sure I mean I do you feel cramped like your train that you have to go to San Jose it makes me really happy to be honest it's a it's an awesome job to be able to get in arguments with coworkers over rocket launcher higher rate kind of like that you know that was the you know looking at whatever just another not a job you know I mean yeah did some jobs i don't i love i love being able to talk with people and to come up with environments systems that players will play with and I don't suppose mr. eggs are good as well such as no constraints and again we'll never so this is perhaps the best example because no one at this table is with its ok if it's safe to me but right now I think one of the things gamers feel about the genre is that we're slipping in some ways into a sequel culture not just with first-person shooters I mean all sorts of games movies are suffering from this but what do you guys think about what I might call like a nigger if series right so like call of duty we've got one two three force equals on sequels and so forth is this part of the genre is this something that as we move into the future and continue to bring all these ideas you guys are talking about yes I got a weaponsmith multiple stuff is that earning history is it stopping by fuel from making games like your website name and so forth or is interesting flavors from what they want where's that balance I personally you know that they had adopted pretty much the baton you know every early early release I don't think that's necessary early the genres whole but because they had to and they mix it up they try something new I mean I beulah the biggest most exciting thing is ending and you can drop her ultimate you know they had some small who wants a feature every year and they might subtract some that add a few more technical features but they add something there push I think as long as I doing that and they don't just punch out just release and are not advancing something you know the story from telling a new story putting it into a new setting can be somewhat try and timeline but as far as only back the drama I don't think it is I think I think looking for shooters out is a good as long as as long as the with the chakra got some that if you well take some chances try some good things because they know that the next iteration was working classes in theater sure yeah you better get yer I long as you keep you focused the interest is there then yesterday to share kind of key that's why I'm here and eventually you're just there until all soccer turn yeah i agree i think that's more like what we talked about kind of a service every year you gotta renew your subscription or sixty dollars i guess one could be called you example but at the same time the we want to talk about the corba cancer all there but those games are different to agree to have you know different eras of their enemies you know this year is the black ops year and i think there's there's a definitely different I don't think it hurts me Deshawn oh I think it it allows other people to to see what they do maybe well and eventually maybe put their spin on that or something with it and I personally it's a good thing to get that many people playing the genre of employers there's a lot of people playing this game there's a lot of people playing that sugar and I think it's developers think it's nice to have that many people interested in the genre if you're developing sure see while why people enter here comes Elvis selfish corner units also really cool to see how they tackle the same problem to have anal as a developer how they handle the same situations we were trying to do and it's also like that if like if it was trying to one-up 10 so the games continue so how much crossbreeding is there you guys take a lot of inspiration from other games you slices and stay away from that idea you know something that was ripples that you don't worry games on this platings and bleh everybody loved playing games and so even if it's just so conscious to absorb else is out there to see what benchmarks been said and then also you know I might be inspired by somebody or feature or mechanical within it and and I understand go buddy you would actually take it and it gives you a view idea news Anton also we have this new way of approaching that one thing to thin enough that it comes in economy has like there's a whole parable that there's only two stories in the world history teacher comes to town or somebody goes on a trip to the island i wish the same storage the Occident so maybe it's all my reputation yes i play sure games how did you how they do what they're doing I was just and I think my number one tip for for this is play the be rated games well games that are you would consider not to be time for today awesome franchises play the games that are based on like a movie franchise you know play the games aren't like I said probably a bit of the better games the reason the one play those is because there's a lot of good things in finding people that they take risks and you'll be able to find interesting really cool things that happen in those containers and then you can even take that and apply that to your game so what's a little bit more about innovation in a different way we've got up a lot of stuff coming out right we've got motion controls I'm sure you guys to see me oculus arrest right kind of the armor etc what are you guys what do you want just personated do you want better graphics so much more realistic graphics you want the motion controls what are you looking for for your next hand if you have it if it was a fantasy world I think I'm going to have more ways to engage the player and bring them into the game but also Hugh pulse rate where the books are looking at like literally like oculus rift you know you're going to have this device in your head way it going on and that will bring out you know all the sudden all the third person shooters are now you might start seeing more of a slight back to push more security because that right but just imagine having some sensors that are on the inside of the thing detected your heart a your temper your body temperature and kind of reacting and the game knows you look at certain things you are you're bored now gotta mix it up in the game system actually it's fine indian right right or throw surprised at you your sins committed this is going to sound like your path eventually i want more more think you are waking up later the water accessing the better the technology for facial animation and interaction and anything else that might be my child well you later tell a better story to meet lighting that affects you more directly that doesn't get the Weaver gateways and were seen as part of your experience so every technological advancement long I'm ready for it I want to know what I take that I'm used even in a lot of ways to be opposite I want to stay client experience and just into core of what then what a game is and engage player the players are together so I don't really care as much what the input device is or how we get there I just wanted to make a simple understandable experienced and tuned to get a new booking experience I'm with the kind of the original question when I won games what I want I definitely want to play game her look substantially better next gen I wanna see something that i would say it passes the mock test you know your mom walks in the room and she looks at TV and it looks amazing and she like oh that looks amazing but she doesn't notice that looks amazing that must pass the desk right that's when I was playing my dance 64 for the first time I was family had two thousand my dad walks in it's like all that looks so like realistic that was you know like 12 years and he was like that looks so real like red skins on TV like I know look at his daddy and this when you tackled it looks great and for me I want the next generation I wanted to really to be that input glasses my juices yeah whatever but visually monitor really want to be able to have my mom when she comes to visit she must cease oh my gosh it was amazing just begin devices tortures a lot of game go straight else is I think time to have these really like tight controls I mean most games offer you know sometimes into 10 or more different configurations of buttons and its really become a thing you know somebody is good at what sugar sometimes they can carry over to find someone configuration and use those exact same skills do you think we're going to hit point anytime soon where that primary input device can change and how much you to change so here's an example when we came out and we got all the wii sports right you got me open and there's a point where it can only get so real before it eventually just need a bulk then throw it and if you had motion controls with let's say you come foo game you never want to take you to that 11 ratio of control because we don't actually have comfort why homes before myself but I'd say I think probably cam fights of the integra program so where is that cap for the sugar is that cap where we have people virtual reality feel like a hollow debt you know actually holding a gun or is that future sitting with this type you know buttons represent action inspector in one yeah that one buttons which I think I always be around I always be quick real simple either they're tapped out but I think eventually in this light way I'm not saying with two years from now we have a holiday experience but it is coming all the system you can purge oh you got the connecting into to recognize like literally the connectives to give your basic country at how you feeling emotions happy very sad or angry or frustrated in the game could account I think I think a lot of Ottomans rivers converge and we're gonna slowly see okay now i have a projection display that just gives me a sense that i'm in a different apartment i'm not just and I started hearing medical all homes and uses something on your wall every peripheral and and you just turned out react to me stuff like that actually I'm obviously not going to merge as we drive tours really i think the end the most in tune because that on one page with a fantasy what we can imagine around this yeah i mean if i want a thing is on space that's the biggest hang-up i think is more talking like holiday stuff like unless we have a warehouse a dedicated to some virtual reality all in place and it's really hard and then and you're walking on a treadmill you know through a jungle and it looks like you know it's space is limited we got our living room or we've got our office we got a mouse and keyboard controller and i think that's that's going to be the hardest thing so we thought about is being able to escape into something i'll pick it up on my couch and with my fingers I can block a guy through military complex or through the hospital and so I think it'll it'll be a while till we can actually get into something where my space is affected by me walking through it I don't know how we'll be able to do that someday but that's I think until we can figure out something about that we're going to have to be using our there's something that's somewhat stationary or using and physical personality people of this hand controls where you move how like with a controller your left thumb is your movement and your right thumb is here your look if it's virtual reality you can't be moving I physically to feed maybe this is I'm going forward back right hands gave me I can see something along that line so I put on a headset eat with this hand have a one-to-one aiming and they're not running it's almost like connecting away but I kind of like the hard way I like being a holding of this or this must be Morgan's that's kind of game on the Dinosaur now I rejected say that I'm a terrible person answers questioning that there's some national for submissions there's also cameras I actually have a question does it make me think that somebody's gonna solve like what we met from NASA keyboard to control I will stay always art has the success of Android Ice Road tested virtual gallery star wars are shoes this people want to play these years well I know one of the things I've been doing with them is like objects reality where you're looking through the screen at a world where you know enemies this kind of primitive moment or reading popping behind walls and your actual in your kitchen you know they're looking at you know kind of the three four maybe so there's some animation that I've seen out there but of the most part that list of people that I spoke to from the flavor side they're not there in I don't know anyone who is a part for like I gotta rush home from school woman there whatever sugar dumbass it's impossible so what's been to genre forward and again this counter play Tetris okay but one of the things that people are talking about as cheers from out and multiplayer kind of gay for attention is the single player campaigns maybe getting less attention not so much in mechanics because that carries over multiplayer but perhaps from a campaign or narrative standpoint so the next question is what do you think about story and is it okay to forgive what a quote something that is not necessarily a complete story maybe it's too short it's poorly written in some people's opinions is that forgivable if you have game that excels on a purely mechanical level probably one person I have that strong story I think one of the great fallacies are constrained the shooter genre person narrative from game it's all part of later experience it's very doesn't have to be long that we need doesn't have to be any other than fun as long as it's appropriate to the player experience and developing your story along with the rest the game so that reinforce you can wave game delivery person and together they made for a better their experiences but you have to strive for shortchanging jewelry is the same shortchanging any other element of your game I I didn't think that the industry's concept of stories 30 games like a queen really fantastic story controls totally separate issue you are standing still very popular for pumpkins but I have just as much of an attachment to the story Dunkey the baikonur story oh because for me and this is kind of equipment in earlier I think as well is that the story is what the player makes the player story is way more important than whatever sorry I'm trying to tell and their personal experience is what they're going to remember not like this convoluted series of characters in the world and enumerated so I hope that means we're focusing sure should be allowing empowering the players stories especially for babies more like lions whatever people usually don't work out the main story county job and water corner or whatever what they did last night and an awesome random thing that took place and how they overcame right and but if you have a leader shooter that or some of your shoe that is on a versatile sweet story about of those specific set of characters the player visit selecting free then I think I think that is on but if you are doing sure did we have bad controls in that somebody has paid talking about experiencing tightness and that's something that appropriate in order we're not letting this or here putting the building watch the story later experience they make their scoring on coming out yeah I mean me I prefer story a simple story the batter cannot appointing would be let you know like what do you want to do the original do you shoot a bunch of demons from hell all right and but the levels are really cool because it's not very linear me a and B point A to point B it's the same location but there's a lot of choice between those levels will secret passages things like that mess and but dude felt really good without really good blasting people with that shocking absolutely on any dating those fireballs and you know holding down the shift key would be really quickly there's a lot of empowerment to the player there that in a way a lot of lot more modern teams lost every way that protective Janine has a right I mean it's always a silent protagonist doesn't talk Gordon Freeman or heavy on Drake and just a handsome and different sorts of books may I think the simpler the story and don't even worry about the story as much or more about the design I think that's where you have sure that has a higher chance of being more successful that's a funny one you'll feel better so then what is the most important thing to get right when you sit down your starting work on the game you say that's everything else up in this game what is the one as small as you can get component today right meaning gameplay is not shooting the ocean right but you need like the technically controls I mean like a when you say like making the shooting right I mean what is that what are you trying to damn because at the end of the day at least from a player's perspective so that he doesn't design games I think of a short way more complicated as as my thumb's joystick and their radical groups over envy and it was fun and be dice and that's the core experience most players right so what makes it different between games what are you guys doing focus that that's changing a lot to keep being boiled down to just feel like there are so many things like you need to say the rebels and people know Gables the thing on the screen is a circle another that they usually feedback and a lot of people don't notice it we're going to scamper or don't you know just focus and I but it's telling your over an enemy it's probably true it's getting tighter we have a better shot it's quite blown out you know when you when you're running moving because you don't have to like there's a lot of feedback in something as so there's so many factors to consider any cheap and if there's a key factors in the system just for feedback to the player right away it's imagining the shoes model every conversion to that I go the feedback especially because the does the results of fire and weapons week or what the player has their mind the psychology minor you have a shotgun we shoot someone at close range you have a certain expectancy what do you think would happen there same thing if he had a sniper rifle to shoot something far away you the result needs to match them and if it doesn't that's where the shooting doesn't feel good that is the sniper rifle not an accurate weapon that kind of doesn't make sense it's microwave and as you notice funny games that haven't made over just these simple things I polish shop now I should someone close range depend on the rating of your game whether it's for sure not you know there's more people exploded all over let's shoot something with each other again we can go back to shooting those green toxic barrels next one him and that implied jibs fly in the opposite direction of that right there feels amazing so we brought this up a little bit earlier when we go back to her for a second which is the idea of any game CalPERS I think right now with players here indeed their mind for the most part doesn't go to change it goes to innovative platform reverse puzzlers you know the topic at once I'm sure there is a issue in community out there but do you think that they're competitive against the quote unquote triple-a those things were just talking about dining in that feedback and designing all of those components is that something that they can move to it and if it's everything in it what are you guys doin with the rest of this pleasure put into other time you step into projects I think the reason you don't see these years the cyclods of perversions my house because they're harder to make and make something right I'm going to take a lot of time energy of Argentine great but pitch ins then we can the hours closer to me they are starting to equalize Andy's will move into the ship re because they will have more stuff package ready to go that will help them jumpstart into doing something hopefully they they have laser focus on one point innovation one thing that and maybe get it out in a little fasteners but they go for we talked about making sure that it is just three general V at 3d to be a small indie team you need to then start blogging characters and 3d always animations effects you need 3d environments but you could make it shooter a platform share this to me my contractor is the shooter right direction sugarcane you know smash TV to awesome game as well as a shooter game and that's something that I need to get and kind of do it here or you get street cred that way and these monies welcome to license right that's where I think it helps those guys that's that's been a big boon to have licensed private the person shooters respective lives these days our and a lot of the other genres it sounded brooch 15 interesting with Francis a better we'll be able to mention before that alternately we could see that's for counting chance of success happy they are we're still considered a small you need so yeah us all the studios as well yes that's all that's not here but yeah there are things out there that are doing it you're saying earlier the most part they're all following just how successful they were to fight multi-million dollar budgets the most notable that I've seen that just a millionaire talking make sure my dad's are that project and we think they started I think that's what they really want to really describe and I can't so it's coming right so you know some lot of what you guys are saying is that indie games as far as this genre have a little it's a little hard for table as opposed to something like that 2d platformer so if they're shot after a little while there's kind of this perception right now that the big publishers are a bit more leery of individual visits whiskey right Andrea budget the less you want to risk so there's this idea that a lot of the new innovation is coming through in the game so if they are being slightly more shut out from this particular genre does that mean that as we move forward the shooter genre will stagnate more than convenient chocolates taking a new set of movies or books or entertainment you're not going to make it extra mainstream what people say that's true this kind of weird if not earlier is that you just kind of have to find that thing that makes you special it makes you stand out build up enough momentum again and even though there's a lot of singing cheers out there i would say genres noun stagnated in the past few years lots of really exciting things reiteration of every game or a new title he comes out so if they're just kind of how big against it who touches on alright well I've got one more question for you guys I want to open up to some Q&A with the ions and some fire question if you had total control of a team of wherever you want and unlimited budget what's your next year look like what is it yeah the other space single words no restraint for watching ice cream so maybe I can bring this down to a more manageable level to question didn't say is there anything that you've personally ever really wanted to do but for whatever reason it's not your job title imagine control the strength of wherever coming that you haven't been able to put in your game at any idea for its narrative mechanic liability is there something that you had a stream to get it you have done yet whatever me this is me I feel free happy with what I'm doing as far as what we're building over at epic but one thing that I think regards to the future and what really cool and different is shooters are shooters you go to e3 see what's coming and what is always been there it's a lot of our games are built around I guess a violent nature right kill this guy I feel like I point a point me do this what I think would be really interesting is if in the future we could ever make again with shooter type of candidates that actually isn't that the coding and addressing isn't violent right you're not killing people what if there was a you know this is kind of like if you look at say dead space dead space is very violent killing these freakish monsters but the guy's an engineer i was like what if that game was drastically different and you aren't actually killing any listings and repair things even with the same mechanics right and I don't know if us as a culture will ever be interested in playing the game house what if I miss emergency medical have to get over here to all these wounded soldiers and do some really cool game mechanics trying to advantage this guy or you date other people that are trying to be and lead a team like I said being a backup that it or what if there's a cool fire banking back drafting movie is awesome make a thing what if there's a really cool fireman game and I think that is something that could totally be done I just don't know as a culture lead that interested in making a game where I don't blow people or creatures or aliens and monsters and ready for me it was it would be something that brings everyone in it all measurements and emic get hurt I don't know what that is whether it's like a game that I play the console at home with my sister plays on her phone and somebody else reads a book and then I'll talk about the store where I don't know and whatever that is which is something that brings everyone so we share whatever that experience even two different devices what if your grandma's on her her phone and I found that out of my reading and I remind bombs by an angry birds she's never played a game for what are you doing I need to get all the stars in this level okay longer man you took my Nintendo were lots of kids doing in school yeah I think bringing people together that's another local gamers have someone you know may be directed troops on there I have and there's the troops are people playing first-person shooter I don't think all that stuff is coming we got smart class yeah sunny motorboat me you all that scum we directions they don't have to be as hard as the shooters are normally perceive this very hard especially the multiplayer she was a high barrier country there's a fear of new lose that are going to talk about that they're going to trash talk me become a monk all up for the team right I would love to create something that kind of slow rank these players player and it's um it's keeps the genre grown because if nobody else knew comes in to approach it on right now then we're going to run to impress I think I think we'd even more use and ideas like they're up everything talk about this more blessed and push what's on the screen check that I can arrive in a little stress wave and we just need to come up with ways players also grab a controller and maybe have an object win whether it's going around or just that kind of person chosen you know every over has their green project there is make some day most of us have 45 the most threat for the animal tracks it will be a taxi to QK concepts but really is the next game I can't go inside of these papers I've gotta break that we also well I want to open it up to some questions from the audience if you guys have questions we do me a favor and when I'm here we're going to bring Mike can get to as many as you can for our silent so the life story please before much because
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