Triple-A Studios Cashing In on "Remasters" - Opinion Piece
Triple-A Studios Cashing In on "Remasters" - Opinion Piece
hey everyone this is nick AKA stew beef
from gamers nexus dotnet and we're
talking about the state of borderlands
right now as some of you might know
borderlands is releasing a collector's
edition called the handsome collection
for xbox one and ps4 that contains
Borderlands 2 Borderlands the pre-sequel
and all the downloadable content that
was released for those games so sounds
like a pretty nifty package especially
if you're interested in vu very
expensive edition that includes a
remote-controlled version of claptrap
now I believe all those are sold out but
who knows maybe somebody selling them
online so yeah we want to talk about
where Borderlands is right now and also
comment on the idea of remastering games
this quickly on the new consoles I was
looking at an IGN comment thread the
other day I think the top comments said
oh now I understand why here why the new
consoles aren't backwards compatible and
I thought oh my gosh just hit me like a
ton of bricks really the triple-a studio
is out there are just cashing in on this
idea of making their games available
packaging all the dlc for the new
consoles remastering it and marketing
that and saying oh you can play
borderlands on xbox one and ps4 it it'll
look better and it has all the dlc so
you won't miss anything I mean as a
gamer i think it's convenient to have
all of that as one package but here we
are talking about who knows maybe a
missed opportunity to develop new IP i'm
not going to criticize any studios in
particular but that's something that as
a consumer on that end of things you
might question that that said what
borderlands has done recently as we know
with tales from the borderlands is
continue to expand its universe in new
ways so first of all tales from the
borderlands is an adventure game that
really doesn't have any of the same kind
of gameplay that we know from the
borderlands games it's mostly
point-and-click adventure and dialogue
driven so you don't really get that in
Pandora normally but with that it has
the same borderlands presentation same
sort of visuals some of the characters
appear from that so I think it's
interesting that that universe is being
flushed out and that it's being extended
to other teams not only just telltale
games but also 2k australia who
developed Borderlands the pre-sequel
so 2k is definitely looking to push this
as much as they can whether or not
they're going to develop new IP for it
that has yet to be revealed but we can
expect that if they generate enough
sales and demand to keep doing things
with borderlands not only will you have
re-releases like this handsome
collection as it's called but you'll
also have 2k investing and doing more
with borderlands whether that's a first
person shooter RPG hybrid or it's an
adventure game or it's a turn-based
tactics game which I think that's a
multi-million dollar idea right there so
yeah I mean they could do with the new
consoles there isn't there's enough time
we don't know if it's going to be a
five-year console cycle or 10 your
console cycle but that should be enough
time to develop something that they have
established welcomed favored IP for so
yeah we have a franchise that some still
question needs improvement needs
refinement they need to slow down don't
worry about the money makers and
actually retool the IP make it better
and then inject a similar presentation
similar characters you know same kind of
quirky humor they're known for I'm
thinking that there's a strong argument
there the borderland just needs to slow
down there are a number of great
franchises out there that still take
years and years and years between games
and generally they're well received I
think one example is the Metal Gear
Solid franchise even though ground
zeroes was in a big hit that was only a
precursor to the game that we're gonna
see later this year seven years after
guns of the Patriots came out other
games that we see a lot of years between
development cycles well when was last
time we had a mario galaxy game right
you know of a 3d Mario platform of that
ilk that's what I've found with the
borderlands franchise I believe that
there are tweaks to the formula that
need to be made to make the experience
better for people who are questing for
loot and for people who want to see more
added to the vehicular combat I think
that's something that could be developed
more as well there's a chance to
possibly put dialogue trees and critical
decision making in Borderlands that's
that's possible as well and I think that
venturing that way with telltale that
could yield
that in a future game right whether
that's a continuation of the universe as
we see it or as rewriting the universe
but the overlying point that I'm trying
to make here is that 2k with this
franchise established as well as it is
whether you love it or hate it they can
put a lot more into doing something with
the IP and they can take your time doing
it really because we don't want anything
that's rushed or is a simple cash grab
for them right we don't want the
repetitiveness of the pre-sequel we
don't want the issues with the loot
dropping in Borderlands 2 I think that
visually and mechanically this is
generally a sound game but there are
those additions that could make this a
stronger franchise anyway that's we're
bored Lanza's right now and I think that
it's something that I'm going to
continue to look forward to it's
becoming iconic right you have a
remote-controlled claptrap that yeah
it's part of a four-hundred-dollar
package but as soon as I saw it I
thought my goodness it said time to bust
out the credit card yes it's very
enticing right but maybe maybe slow down
and give us something that lives on that
console anyway let us know what you
think about the state of Borderlands are
you going to get the remastered
collection for ps4 and xbox one I know
we have a lot of PC gamers so please
excuse me but do you think that that is
right to due to their consumers and add
new consumers to the series we're
definitely curious to hear what you say
all right thanks guys
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