What Made Morrowind Great with Ken Rolston | ECGC Interview
What Made Morrowind Great with Ken Rolston | ECGC Interview
hey everyone this is Steve from gamers
Nexus tonight and we are here at ECG C
2014 I think it's 2014 now this is the
banner for ECG see check all links in
the description below for any other
content I am joined by Ken Ralston who
is a nationally celebrated game designer
first and also the director of design
for turbine Warner Brothers
hey so Ken here has quite extensive
experience in the games industry can you
run us through a couple of your major
titles please started off on paper and
pencil role-playing games paranoia a
game in which you pretended to be trying
to succeed when essentially you're only
trying to kill everyone else in your
there's a wonderful Ling and then I came
to computer games in about 1995 when I
was in my 40s and everybody else was
about 20 years younger than I am so I
ended up at elderscrolls best soft and
two of my liked classics are morrowind
and Oblivion which I'm sure you all
adore I know I did so with with
morrowind this is reaching back to 2001
to like I remember Nike quite a while
ago with morrowind the technology wasn't
quite where it is today in terms of
graphics and engines are there any
design elements that looking back you
really wanted to include them but you
got cut off for technological reasons I
think the great thing about morrowind as
we did far more than we could far less
polish than we could it's a miracle that
it works at all and I mean that not in
an ironic or jokey way the great thing
about morrowind
is that there's too much there and it's
like jazz there's so many notes that you
may not like all of them but you have so
much to choose from that it is exciting
when you look at a product like oblivion
far better software and everywhere far
better experience for the player but
more wind
there's much delicious nonsense
is there any particular element of
delicious nonsense that you cleans you
the most there is a quest called hence
gente needs pants and you're standing on
the top of a ravine looking down into
the water and you notice a guy is
standing in the water and that never
happens in a game it just doesn't make a
lot of sense somebody's standing not
moving around or fishing or anything
he's just standing there you go down and
talk to him and he's had his pants
stolen and he doesn't want to come out
of the water until you get himself get
him some pants that was I think my
favorite FedEx quest because it seems so
important if he's very serious I'm not
coming out if I guess advanced so that's
how pants are an important currency of
big dignity and honor and you feel like
you've done a good turn for this fella I
don't think you get a very good reward
for it though probably cheap can you
give us an idea for some of the items in
the game that you personally had
hands-on with ah no in fact almost all
the items were made by really smart guys
and one thing I can say is about one of
the light quest lines I believe it's the
Imperial cult there are maybe 10
different factions in morrowind and we
just didn't have time to do that last
one and I decided I would do it on
weekends just as volunteer work and Gary
Noonan had made a number of really
cool-looking weapons I won as a helmet
that's got a saber-toothed tiger built
into it and he just gave me those
objects and had me used those as rewards
in the quests that made those quests
work I apologized to Gary for not
remembering what the name of those
things are but I imagine hardcore fans
and again don't forget I'm not a
hardcore fan anymore because I never got
a chance to play it people who really
know the game and the people who got to
play it and discovered everything
because I made it and then made it again
and changed it I don't really remember
what I did and that wasn't such a hurry
oh my god so
moving into oblivion did you play a
similar role on oblivion as he did with
Moreland not as desperately in morrowind
there were no people who are experienced
at make making games with oblivion we
already knew basically what we had to do
and I had the privilege of making let's
let's call him placeholder faction
quests and then turning them over to
each of the designers and saying it is
now your job to throw everything away in
this outline and fill it with whether
ever you're excited about and I'll say
for example Emel paglia rillo did an
amazing job of taking a kind of a
pedestrian but professional outline into
something that sang with I mean Emal's
just a great writer anyway
moving on to Skyrim did you ever get a
chance to even play never even a little
bit I was so happy to retire at the end
the end of oblivion I was really
exhausted and I'd had all the fun I
could stand and it's just two times in
my life I've retired and I keep coming
back luckily in more advisory and mentor
roles where I don't have to do any
honest work I tell everybody not gonna
do a lick of work but I'll help you
figure out how to do what you want to do
you're in a Naval Air and Anna yes an
abler that criminal sense yeah for fans
of your work what's what's going on
today where can they follow your
proceedings they can't follow me
anywhere because I'm far too important
to what I be public and you're very
clever to have snuck up on me and got in
this interview essentially I've gone
dark because we're working on things
that we can't talk about so I love my
privacy now so talking about old
products that am i doing
keep keep eyes on the website I suppose
for any upcoming titles that weren't
discussed here and thanks again for all
of your time really appreciate the dive
back to Moreland and we will see you all
next time carry on
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