When the Intel G4560 Bottlenecks GPUs: 1050 Ti to 1080
When the Intel G4560 Bottlenecks GPUs: 1050 Ti to 1080
the g4 560 might be something of an i3
killer but we still wanted to know just
how far the CPU can be pushed before it
starts choking GPU performance we're
looking for the point of diminishing
returns in today's test it's unlikely
that someone who buys a $70 CPU would
also buy a $500 GPU but that doesn't
mean we shouldn't try to better
understand how the CPU scales with cards
price from 115 to $600 before that this
video is brought to you by course
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the link in the description below the G
4560 is a CPU that we reviewed highly
and said that it competes with Intel's
own I three lineup for a much cheaper
price it tends to be about $70 on
retailers and it's clear that an ultra
budget targeted CPU like this one which
is clearly capable of gaming based on
our review would be most likely paired
with something like a GTX 950 or an rx
560 or maybe something below those but
those are pretty obvious choices given
the price and given that everyone knows
about where their performance falls what
we didn't know is how high end of a GPU
can you get to before you are really
wasting money not just a little bit
starting to hit diminishing returns in
waste money but lighting it on fire and
completely wasting it so we're testing
today from a 1050 Ti and up that
includes 1050 Ti 1060 SSC 1070 and 1080
from Nvidia and we've also thrown an Rx
570 from AMD and an rx 580 gaming X the
570 will be interesting to pay attention
to because it's a step beyond a 1050 Ti
and we've generally recommended the 417
out of 5 seventies over something like a
1050 Ti if the extra money is affordable
for you but with the new price reduction
1050 TI's being around 115 with rebates
pretty commonly and with the 570 coming
out and changing things up a bit it's
worth looking at how both of them
perform in relation to one another and
in relation to the cpu specifically we
did not include the 1080 Ti because once
you start hitting the 1080 you're really
starting to hit the cap and also the
five 65 50 and 10 50 are all well within
the CPS performance abilities that means
that if you run one of those GPUs with
the CPU in every game we've looked at
the CPU has more in it that it can push
if you were to get a better GPS so those
are not going to be bottlenecks which
means they are not included for testing
methodology as always check the links in
the description below where we've got
the full review testing methods and all
the charts in plain text format if you
want to check that out with a couple of
extra notes but for now let's dive
straight into the benchmark starting
with GTA 5 starting with GTA 5 we
immediately see our point of
bottlenecking at the GTX 1080 and gtx
1070 where the to perform effectively
identically there well within tested
test variants here and the 1080 FTW 1070
SCR both walked around 102 101 FPS
average these cards are again equal in
performance the GTX 960 SSC runs 96 FPS
average so we have some performance
degradation making me 1070 and 1080
about 4.9 percent faster
that's definitely diminishing returns
for buying anything more than a 1060
since the price hike is so big in the
performance again it's so small
but to further illustrate this we can
see that the GTX 1050 Ti scales almost
completely to the 1060 or the 1060 run
52 percent faster than a 1050 Ti and RS
580 is also nearing the cutoff points of
100 FPS but it doesn't push quite as
hard where it gets there what we learned
from this is that anything from a 1060 n
down and that would include the 570s
1050 Ti or even its equivalent rx 580
none of those would be sufficiently
bottlenecked by the G 4560 in this game
the cutoff point is 100 FPS for these
settings with this CPU at which point we
experienced diminishing returns but
that's just one game it's not enough to
make a conclusion let's look at total
war or Amer next total war we're hammer
has a similar cutoff point where we'll
start seeing some scaling with the
higher end cards but it's to the tune of
one to two FPS average 170 gtx 1060
level then beyond scaling from a 1060 to
the 1080 is an improvement of just four
percent total which is nothing close to
what we see in our normal GPU benchmarks
on the cpu limitation is removed the GTX
1060 is also significantly
keeper so clearly there's no reason you
would ever spend that much money to gain
4% FPS but looking at the 1070 1080 and
1060 we see that they are all
functionally equal in this game when
paired with the g4 560 the RX 580 is not
too distant from this group with its 97
FPS average as previously you could
purchase anything from a gtx 1060 or rx
580 and downward and end up just fine or
more or less at the limit of what the
CPU can do the 1060 seems to be about
the cutoff point for this game Sniper
Elite is the odd man out for the games
DirectX 12 native integration and
asynchronous compute functions permit
the CPU draw a call workload to largely
shift to the GPU and this instance we
see some really interesting results the
scale ena goes all the way up to the GTX
1080 surprisingly where we've got a 170
FPS average at 1080p with high settings
and that puts the 1080 about 27% ahead
of the gtx 1070 which really isn't all
that bad
10:7 is at 134 FPS average and is
therefore about 38.5% of the GTX 960 SSC
the RX 580 gaming X runs a 109 FPS
average but none of these cards are at
the limit of what the CPU can handle
because as we can see with the 1080
we're really doing just fine with all of
them would strongly recommend not basing
purchases on this one game though as
this is an extremely rare case in the
gaming world now especially when we look
at things like its SLI or crossfire
scale in which are nearly 100% not many
people would consider coupling a 45 60
with a 1080 to begin with but it's worth
noting that you shouldn't adjust because
of this one game let's look at another
DirectX 12 title to see what happens
there now we're looking at Ash's
escalation the GPU benchmarks
specifically which may as well be a
synthetic test at this point escalation
has the gtx 1080 1072 m 60 RX 580 and rx
570 all performing mostly the same with
no difference visible until the gtx
which isn't that much behind but it's
really the only one that starts to show
a difference the cutoff point seems to
me about the RX 570 here and we look at
the ashes of the singularity CPU
benchmark just to kind of prove a point
we can see that the CPU performance is
the same and all these tasks regardless
of which GPU is used because it is
properly a CPU benchmark more akin to
what a synthetic benchmark would
do than what most games would do
battlefield one is next with DirectX 11
and 1080p ultra settings battlefield one
post some scaling for the 1080 from the
1070 though it's limited to 11% we'd
only see more than this when not CPU
limited ie when testing with the 7700 K
and although the 1080 post improvement
is well into the point of diminishing
returns the GTX 1070 holds an
improvement of 18% over the GTX 960 SSC
or 12.5 percent over the rx 580 scaling
seems to choke past a GTX 970 let's game
although you get better value with the
580 or a 1060 based on performance and
the other games Ghost Recon wildlands is
another title where brute force gets us
some extra framerate but we start
encountering limited gains once again at
the top-end the GTX 1080 runs about nine
point seven percent faster than the 1070
in this game which in turn runs 15%
faster than the 10 SEC the SSC we
experienced a weird reproducible issue
with Ghost Recon wildlands where the rx
580 is producing results that very
pretty heavily after the first pass even
this isn't something we saw when testing
with the i7 7700 K and this GPU and only
encountered with the 45 60 here's a look
at some of the numbers in order of test
execution top to bottom we did two
complete runs each with four test passes
or more and each after system reboot the
first pass spikes second pass drags and
then things begin to level out after
that though with higher M CPUs we were
seeing that very steady reliable
performance we're not sure what's
causing this on the 45 60 or if it's
some kind of driver difference or
Windows difference between the two test
systems but we also observed interesting
performance and watchdogs - with the
same card and we're awaiting further
thoughts from our industry contacts
including those at AMD and NVIDIA to
hopefully better understand what's going
on with both watchdogs - and Ghost Recon
either way it's looking like the cutoff
point is about the same as in some of
the other games we've tested as far as
when the GPU becomes bottlenecks by the
CPU so depend on which game you're
looking at there's no scaling us on them
and there's massive scaling and Sniper
Elite for which it makes sense
Sniper Elite 4 is one of the only really
well-built DX 12 or low-level API titles
at all with its name
maybe doom and it uses async compute
it's generally not that intensive of a
game to begin with and so it's
performing well but that is what you
would call an outlier that's about to
minimize its performance but you should
not base a GPU purchase with a $70 CPU
on that one game unless perhaps it is
the only game you will ever play as far
as other games GTA 5 total war Warhammer
and the ashes of the singularity show
basically no scaling whatsoever between
a 1080 and a 1070 and the cutoff point
really if you want to get the best value
seems to be about a 1060 FF very
high-end though it's be fair if you're
spending $70 on the CPU you'll probably
be just fine with something that's a
more realistic purchase for you which
might be something in the range of a
1050 Ti of course there are plenty of
neighboring options as well and if
you've got more or less money the 570s
fine the 1050 or the 560 are fine as
well 1050 G is plainly in the middle but
either way once you had a GTX 1060 it's
hard to justify going beyond that even
if you wanted to upgrade the CPU later
now that said the GPUs and the CP is do
well enough together in these titles all
of them that if you wanted to buy a 45
60 now for some reason and upgrade to
something like a 7700 K later you could
do it and still get a lot of your
performance out of those cards just
expect that it will start choking at
some point once you're 10 60 and beyond
but overall hopefully this will help
someone out there with a PC build
determine how high on they should go
with the GPUs scaling is fairly clean
from even the 1050 Ti to the 572 the 518
1060 just it gets muddy after that
design game so that's all for this one
as always you go to patreon.com/scishow
and access tiles that directly with this
type of benchmark feature testing and
gamers nexus dotnet for the full article
links in the description below for more
information store that gamers nexus
dotnet for shirts like this one I'll see
you all next time
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