April Q&A [Part 2] Will AM4 support Ryzen 4000 series? Dual-Channel DDR4 Limits 16-core Zen 2?
April Q&A [Part 2] Will AM4 support Ryzen 4000 series? Dual-Channel DDR4 Limits 16-core Zen 2?
welcome back to hardware unbox this is
part 2 of the April but actually kind of
a little bit in May QA so as always if
you miss part one go back and check out
that video that was published probably
yesterday if the schedule is all nice
and running we have more questions to
get to so yeah let's get into them ok
next one from Michael appears most
reviewers feel the NVIDIA GTX 2060 is a
better buy than the NVIDIA GTX 2070
currently playing at 1080p or currently
playing on a 1080p monitor but would it
be worth the extra cost to purchase a
2070 to future-proof
my system or is it a waste of money
thank you
you got any thoughts on that one well
those two GPUs are pretty close together
in terms of their performance aren't
they so allative it's the 2 gigabyte
extra of a ram buffer that he's talking
about for future proofing alright yeah I
don't think that was explicitly
mentioned it wasn't but that's a little
bit well that's my assumption so yeah
word that'll have to be it right um I
mean the cost is the 26 is just a lot
better value right now I think if you're
thinking about the future when that sort
of difference would make you know a big
deal you're probably looking at so far
in the future that you probably will
need to be thinking of an upgrade anyway
so I always like to think in the present
with these things and think you know
definitely even if there is an
opportunity to future proofing it's
always good to get hardware this oh it's
gonna last you a little bit I always
like to just make sure that what I'm
buying is the best option now because I
think over the years those options still
tend to be the best for the future even
if you if you spend a lot more to get a
little bit extra it doesn't tend to you
know give you a lot more down the line
so and you have to evaluate at the time
so use you're talking about 150 us which
is a significant cost increase for 2gig
extra vrm and a small bump in
performance I mean it can vary a bit
depending on the game but it's generally
pretty small overall and for me it's not
worth $150 and I'm not too concerned
about the vram because for the next few
years it's not going to be a big deal
you know 6 gigabytes will get your bar
and if you can't install the HD texture
pack or whatever all you have to tweak a
few settings so be it
it's up to you whether you want to you
know if you want to spend $150 to ensure
that you can use HD textures and you
don't have to tweak settings then that's
really what it comes down to yeah
but I I don't think it's worth future
proofing for that especially at 1080p I
would just be getting the the r-tx 2060
personally and that's that's pretty much
that for me yep Rupert do you do this
for a living I really hope so
greens from Germany I miss the AHS
sometimes well greetings from Australia
to Germany but yeah okay so yes we do do
this full-time we both still work for
tech spot but yeah that's well Tim was a
uni student and doing tech spot I was
doing text but pretty well full-time had
a few things on the side that I was
doing as well but now the channel is our
main focus but we still be a correct
content for tech spot as well because we
we love the guys over at Tech spot and
they've supported us for a long time so
we'll continue to to support the site
and yeah we enjoy working with them but
yeah this is our full-time job now so
we're doing our best to make it work
okay I see there's a big long question
about HDR here so I'll do my best to try
to read this out and maybe yeah and try
answer it as summarizer okay that's a
bit of a novel question for Tim so I
think the start player he is basically
saying yeah this person has seen my
checklist for what's required for good
HDR and has done a lot of research and
figured out that a lot of things that
advertises HDR actually don't meet HDR
400 specs you know they felt felt a
whole bunch of stuff my question to you
is if I can get a monitor that has HDR
400 specs can I at least experience the
poor man's version of HDR because I've
met I'm poor and I can't afford a proper
hgr motor but I would like to at least
see the poor man's version of it I get
there will not be you not see a chance
to agree but at least some of it is that
possible with HDR yeah you go big or you
go home and it says mention purchasing
the 27 UK 650 from LG okay so just to
interrupt for a second that's a great
question because I obviously watch all
of teams monitoring reviews and I've
kind of wondered that myself
yeah so about the poor Meza yeah I've
kind of wondered that so I'm sure so
what'd you say okay how can I make this
a short answer that's my main thing okay
so the the thing with hgf 100 and not
meeting the requirements is that it gets
to a point where you can almost get the
experience that toning the HTR ons which
would give you from just a nonage gel
monitor and tweaking some of the
settings and the thing that I found and
what I've tried to test myself is an h
gr 400 monitor versus an s GL monitor at
its peak brightness because often you
press the HDR switch and on an HJ for
jhamora that can only just increase its
brightness it doesn't have wide color
gamut it doesn't have dimming so what
can it do it can make things brighter
and I've found that when you use those
two monitors side-by-side they look
pretty much the same and that's what
frustrates me the most about these specs
is that people might think they're
getting hgr because it does look
different from what you would normally
use your monitoring you don't normally
run it at full brightness so it does
look different you turn on oh wow that
looks a bit different but is it any
different from a non HDR motor and that
tends to be no you guys just wish that
all the way up to all the way up to the
peak brightness where I sort of think
you will find sort of your poor man's
HDR is with the HDR 610 motors which
I've sort of been calling semi HDR some
dude screams past in his truck
yeah the the semi HDR stuff is really
where you start to see a little bit of a
difference but it won't be super good
okay so I think with HDR 400 you pretty
much just have to completely ignore
those noises that they will look very
similar to non HDR the non HDR mode so
that's why you're so frustrated with it
yeah because I think it's not HDR and as
you say you can find all these these
monitors that don't made all those specs
and you know I don't think that I'm a
you know a god of HDR or I haven't you
know just made up these effects from
know where it's from speaking to people
in the industry and especially how
content is masked you know what a movie
studio is doing when they make HDR and
then what you need to show that and all
those things on that list you need so
that you can actually see what the
content raters are doing yeah so yeah
from from my perspective it really is
you have to go big or go home okay that
makes sense I mean you did a really good
video on what you need HDR yeah at all I
think it's like it's a high-end feature
it's what you add on top of what you've
already got with the monitor it's it's
it's not really like you can have a
mid-range product with mid-range HDR
it's kind of you have to get the the
basics right have a good quality monitor
then you add AC on top it's kind of like
ray tracing on top of ultra graphics
yeah we've never we were sort of
discussing this in the past would you
run rate racing with your with medium
quality doesn't it doesn't make a lot of
sense and I think that's similar to what
we're seeing in HD I know you really
have to go all out and like I said I
think all this stuff will sort itself
out over time yep we'll get we'll get
proper HDR eventually and there are some
things that can be done so that you sort
of get that semi HDR experience for
lower to your products and trill the
mid-range you know the ages are 600 tier
products of that but yeah I just hope
that over time this will get better and
especially when the tech gets cheaper it
should be better for everyone
I've always heard a iOS have a lifespan
of five to six years in your experience
is that fairly accurate how would I get
D monetized because they think we're
using the sounds of nature and maybe
yeah this is a this is an interesting
one because I've used all the oil liquid
coolers from quite a few different
companies now and I would say that a
five to six year lifespan good like I've
probably got a couple that have lasted
that long I've got quite a lot of test
systems using them and I do use them on
a regular basis but they're not running
24/7 but even the ones that I've had
some that are run 24/7 like my Animax
gamers Nexus just looked at the tr4
version yeah the lik tech mine died I
think it may have jumped up I think the
pumps still okay I was going to take
that apart I might do a video on that
soon if I get time see what the deal
with that is because mine will be in
worse condition than the ones from
gamers Nexus I think I've got the
gunking problem like I said but I would
say on average gee maybe two to three
yeah I think that's what we're I've had
a lot of yeah 2 to 3 is good 2 to 3
would be my experience and that's with
taking a lot like a lot of brands into
consideration you're getting five to six
that's definitely a quality model I've
no doubt there's ones that will do that
but yeah a lot of mine from heavy use
have died sort of yeah three years four
would probably be the upper end that
I've hadn't and only one liquid cooler
survived so yeah five or six would be
good I would say that's probably not the
norm but if you guys have some
experience in the comments let us know
maybe we should do a poll on this and
see could be interested in I they're
definitely all of our liquid calls are
an interesting base because I much
prefer them over a B air cooler big air
cooler is more practical in the sense
that the only thing you know it has a
fan on it and that's it and the fans
easy to replace generally but I like the
practicality of the all-in-one liquid
cooler because it's compact and it lets
you work around the CPU socket like
changing memory and stuffs really easy
and that's why I imagine a lot of
youtubers such as us and other tech
reviewers do prefer the only my liquid
coolers because it's just really easy
for swapping memory in and out and
messing around the system that stuff we
were doing a regular basis and I also
like the look of them and I think that's
why most of you guys get them as well
and they are really good at cooling so
they sort of rival the top tier air
coolers but they cost more so they're
not great in terms of price versus
performance anyway I'm probably getting
a bit sidetracked on that one so yeah
we'll move on to the next question cuz I
think I addressed that okay
when benchmarking do you constantly
retest cards for every video or do you
go use results gathered from previous
videos to save time when no driver
updates have occurred between videos of
course well this one yeah we do a bit of
both so occasionally I will just do a
head-to-head or some big benchmark video
I'll delete all my results completely
ignore them and retest everything and
work out where things are at with the
latest game versions latest drivers and
all that sort of stuff because and you
have to do that fairly regularly because
games do get updated drivers do get
updated and often at one of them or
maybe both of them do bring about
performance changes sometimes we change
off quite often I change where I test as
well over time we find somewhere better
or somewhere more consistent or
whatever but basically I say in my
videos I'm like all this data is fresh
and I've done that many times all this
data is fresh so everything's been
tested in the last few days or the last
week or whenever however long it took to
make the video and then sometimes I'll
work off that data for a month or so and
some games will get updated so if
there's a driver update that targets a
game I'll retest that I do do a lot of
retesting but I won't necessarily change
the results for this margin of error and
when people see numbers changing around
by 1 or 2 FPS they get a bit triggered I
think things are laying da Julie changed
but normally I know where those changes
are and when they've occurred but yeah
bit of both really but we try to keep
everything up to date as often as
possible but obviously when you're
testing 30 games at multiple resolutions
and many graphics cards it's difficult
to keep on top of it all the time but we
do our best
ok next question can we have a Steve off
between hub Steve & GN Steve Mike you've
Mojave will run for the most ambitious
crossover they can even fight off the
mighty Tim just what's the Tim OS to
Morsi Mike sandals Tim us right of
course yes silly may the monitor King
well you're kind of unchallenged on on
YouTube for being the mountain Kings a
few people but does anyone do proper
yeah input any items of ratings wherever
they say oh cool
yeah I don't know what a Steve off is
but it'd be fantastic to do some
crossover content with those guys but
the chances of it happening extremely
remote because we really only sort of
run into each other at trade shows like
Computex and they're going a million
miles per hour trying to get a
obligations done we're doing the same so
it's kind of like a hey hey you go and
shake each other's hand and move on but
yeah B it'd be pretty awesome to do
something with one of those guys one day
you can only dream maybe it'll happen we
might go spend some time in the US and
no sir but yeah now really like really
like the guys from gamers Nexus and you
know chat to Steve every now and then
when we get stuck with things or they do
and we try to help each other out okay
why is the risin 7 CPU
on it for the r-tx 20 atti when CPU
usage never gets to 100 percent on all
threads in almost any game even if the
game spreads the load evenly like Forza
horizon 400 K this is sort of like a
question we touched on earlier don't
actually remember the question and I
don't know what part are in there but
anyway reason is sort of clock speed but
I know that comes on a utilization it's
mostly latency I would say and then just
how well the games optimized for the
rise in architecture and also CP
utilization can be really really
misleading sometimes yeah sometimes
higher utilization is good sometimes
it's not and yeah I think when when the
game is using all caused threads really
well it's spreading the load evenly but
the Intel CPUs still faster that would
probably be more latency and then just
instructions maybe the games using a V X
or things of that nature so I think
that's probably the reason why and rosin
really hasn't been around that long yet
so there's really no game engines that
have been designed from the ground up
with rising in mind and that's certainly
the case for Intel so yeah
nothing add to that yep sounds good okay
I think we have to address this question
purely based on the user name yeah I've
crushed on Tim some of the kids say
these days anyway this is someone who's
clearly a Tim fan can you clear the AMD
motherboard support promise clear that
up I'm assuming if I buy an X for 17 now
is it going to support rising 4,000 or
5,000 or AMD will change your socket
after the 3000 series so this is really
can you clear up the whole AMD I am for
compatibility thing I know that comet
was into MSI that was some story that we
didn't pay too much attention to because
it seemed like a load of rubbish to me
was that that you covered do you touch
that news corner I was an MSI
representative said yeah but they did
they then corrected themselves and
basically said that that was continuing
to support that was clearly never a real
situation but a lot of guys picked up
and ran with
but AMD has themselves promised till
2020 a.m. for compatibility with all new
CPU architectures so then - we'll work
on your x4 70 board whether it's MSI or
any other brand there will be a BIOS
update and it will work as for the 4000
5000 series hard to say there I imagine
we will have a m4 compatibility with all
future architectures that use ddr4
memory and we will probably only change
the socket to something else am 5 or
whatever when we get ddr5 so yeah
that'll make sense I think it would yep
so that'll break compatibility ok next
one rusted hammer do you think a 16 core
am for CPU on a dual-channel motherboard
will have the same memory problems that
the 2990 WX has on a quad channel
motherboard so when we first reviewed
the 2990 WX and performance was terrible
and anything that wasn't a rendering
benchmark we put that down to memory
issues because it's an epic CPU
essentially that has eight channels but
it's only got four on the X 399 chipset
but I think as we did some Linux based
testing and found out that in Linux with
better OS support better support for
more than what like 16 cause then the
2990 WX performed really well so it
seems like most of the 2990 w x's
problems are down to the window
scheduler so if they solve that then you
know the 2090 w HD how a much better cpu
for those using Windows and I don't
think it's some workloads sure there's a
bit of a memory bottleneck but I don't
think it's nearly as bad as what we
thought originally so I don't think the
16 core CPU will have any memory
problems to answer your question yep
hopefully memory latency and memory
support as in higher frequencies will
also you know come to light was then too
so that'll also improve memory bandwidth
anyway so yeah okay I've got a question
here from ray AI hey Steve love your
work as a fellow Aussie have you ever
considered adding Kaveri
for aziz in your reviews just an example
when the nine 900k realistic came around
849 AUD from PCBs very late because we
tried to buy a liner it's like 880 now
I'm sorry while a smart buyer could pick
up a 2700 X from computer Eliezer msy
for about 380 Australian dollars which
ended up doing because I don't pay
almost triple for the same performance
another example in Australia is the 1650
competing with the RX 580 rather than
the 570 at that sort of 260 to 300 Allah
price I think it would help inform the
locals even if your view of base is more
yeah well the viewer base is certainly
more us-based by a factor of 6 or 7
times so I'm not yeah the CPU pricing
surprises me is that 20s was the 27 rx
of that cheap and Australia because it
was four hundred and something dollars
when we checked for our livestream
yeah 380 so I mean yeah I a 380 I'm
looking at
he's got the US and AUD around the wrong
way and I'll do yeah okay that's fine
okay so I'll move on with answering it
basically the margins whenever I've
looked at them seem pretty similar
between US and Australian pricing which
is why I usually focus on US pricing
because generally if I say a products
good value based on the US pricing that
brings true for here and certainly
wouldn't have changed my conclusion for
the 99 or
yeah that those margins were pretty much
the same in the US and it's the same
what we just saw a livestream build we
were tossing up between the nine star
okay and the 27 rx and basically we get
to 2700 X processors for the same price
as 199 Andrew K which is why we opted
for the Verizon processor I mean look it
would be great if we could you know
touch on Australian pricing in every
video the reason why we haven't made a
habit of doing it is because often for
products that we do day one reviews for
and that's really usually when I review
a product it's a day one review I don't
really review anything else like my CPU
and GPU is a usually day one and at the
time I don't get Australian pricing I
don't know what Australian pricing is
and even when we do get like a guide
from the companies it's always miles off
what they that the
there see the way above or way below it
just never seems to be accurate whereas
the u.s. MSRP is and it gives us a good
idea of what to expect in Australia so
but that's pretty much it yeah the fact
that we don't get Australian pricing a
lot of the time and it's like four to
five percent of our audience the people
that watch the videos will be Australian
so yeah I mean we're Aussies we're based
in Australia but it's not an Australian
tech channel and I don't get the whole
big drama with prices because I said the
margins are similar and you guys just
have to jump over to any of the online
retailers it's like not like you have to
do some crazy amount of work to find out
the price like a six second Google
search or look at PC case gear anywhere
will tell you the price here and yeah it
generally won't change our conclusion so
yeah for all those reasons we try again
we do provide prices for our Aussie
prices when we can so when Tim doesn't
monitor review if it's sold in Australia
and there's a price here you'll give it
yep otherwise if it's a day one
reviewing we don't have Aussie pricing
would you know so that's that okay
question you from silent gamer how many
gigabytes does the 36 game or 36 games I
suppose take on your hard drive well we
use SSDs because it's 2019 they're using
hard drives for secondary old again it's
probably no big deal anyway I didn't
know so I went to work it out and I
still don't know because I have way more
than 36 games in current circulation I
use 36 game benchmarks quite often but
that's for maybe testing GPU CPUs I
maybe have some different games anyway
ah with all the games installed at the
moment the tally is just shy of three
terabytes it was 2.9 terabytes and that
covers games from you know the epic game
store a battlenet steam you play origin
and one game from the dreaded Windows
Store and that's Forza horizon for so
and you've got about two terabytes don't
you have games yeah yep yep my entire
collection everything I own I can
install over thank ya there's way too
many games but yeah in current
circulation 3 terabytes and thank the
trailer has finally got well I've got
mbn anyway and not ADSL so when I fire
my test system up have to download 60
gig worth of updates I'm not out for the
entire week so that's kind of nice so
that that's good anyway
okay we've come a long way too but we
are at the last question for the YouTube
questions and then we've got a whole lot
of pull out a patreon questions to get
through now Ursula our work is not done
but the last question is do you guys
still have a range of X 370 and be 350
motherboards and if so do you plan on
testing compatibility and very
informative coming rise in 3000 CPUs
okay so first part of that question yeah
we do have a lot of X 370 and be 350
motherboards I've pretty much kept every
single one I've ever been given and
we've only have one died haven't we
yeah that's my the board still works
we've lost a dim slot oh yeah a few dims
don't work few dims don't work but
basically I'm not expecting anything
radical here like it's not like a 19 on
a rack a situation on like your B 360
boards where it's gonna absolutely fry
the board without some serious
limitations I would say and I'm not hail
AMD as we've been accused of in the past
but I would say AMD is more accurate
with their TDP ratings than Intel
especially these days you okay so yep
your Tim's pretty clued in on the TDP
thing because I leave all these laptop
testing but I would say as long as the
TDP doesn't exceed 105 watts for any
given part then it should work perfectly
fine on all be 350 be 450 X 370 X 470
motherboards because well basically if
the board supports the Rison 720 700 X
then any Zen 2cp with 105 watt TDP or
lower should work we found a problem
yeah I think you know people see that
suppose it 16 cores is sort of oh my god
that they're putting 16 causing this
thing that's gonna send your power
consumption through the roof but seven
enemies is providing such a significant
you know efficiency improvement as well
that even if they do bring out a 16 core
CPU we don't know where they will but if
they do then it should be able to fit
into sort of the standard
tvp's that we've already seen yeah at
least with sort of reasonable clock
speeds yeah I mean your eight core CPU
is definitely going to come in to there
so any any of these boards should
support the new higher clocked higher IP
you see eight core is in two part you
know that's probably what people with be
350 boards are concerned about but
that's it and that's it for part two of
the April / early May Q&A what is there
to say at this point my voice is
probably gone a little bit Kasturi I'm
still a tiny little bit see quite a
troop of this guy does a two-hour live
stream bill a couple of hours on QA and
money go to the patreon livestream yeah
that's the hardware box liar so we're
always working yeah just don't subscribe
as always if you like our videos give
this video a like there's probably going
to be a part three I think so yeah i
think a patreon yeah so definitely check
back we're not probably not gonna have
that in the next day but you'll see that
in the next week or so and yeah I'm your
host Tim I'm gonna say at first this
time I'm your host Tim I didn't see that
coming either anybody you've thrown me
off for I'll have to do it again right
ready okay I'm your host Tim I'm your
host Steve I'll see you in the next one
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