August 2018 Q&A [Part 1]: RTX, Is Ray-Tracing the Future? Why Don't AMD GPUs Sell?
August 2018 Q&A [Part 1]: RTX, Is Ray-Tracing the Future? Why Don't AMD GPUs Sell?
welcome back to harbor unboxed it is
that time of the month time for our
monthly Q&A this is a two-part series
that we do once a month and this is part
one Tim asks the question or asked for
questions a few days ago now and we got
about 200 questions oh baby about the G
Force r-tx 20 series so apologies that
that's going to be pretty much what both
of the videos are about I think I don't
know if we have any other it's mostly
that yeah but especially that so
hopefully that's what you guys all want
to hear about anyway let's get into it
okay first question we're starting with
a serious question from the crazy old
coot are they going to include a jar of
Vaseline for each r-tx 20 series could
handle it so that one probably be
appropriate I'm sure they could have fun
too considering the prices geez you guys
forget some limited edition green pass
away now that'll be nice
very useful very good okay ashen one
asks the r-tx 2080 has fewer cuticles
than the GTX 1080 TI so which card will
put out the most FPS mm-hmm okay well I
knew we probably get a question like
this to start off with yeah well
obviously it's a difficult question to
answer because we haven't been out to
test them yet that's probably why you're
asking as we said in the announcement
video for games that we have available
right now and probably the games that
are sort of coming up in the very near
future it seems unlikely that the 2080
would be able to beat the 1080i as you
say and as few fewer CUDA cores and
while that isn't everything we're not
expecting a big or really any leap with
cheering's IPC performance and really it
comes down to I suppose whether they can
take advantage of the RT and or 10
circles to it new improve performance
that way again I don't think they'll be
doing that for the games that we
currently have available all the games
in the near future but you never know
that's why we need to test them alright
another RTX related question
and where do you see the future of road
racing headed is it just another Nvidia
physics and hair works or do you see
this happening on AMD cards and consoles
in the future what do you reckon Tim
yeah it's it's pretty interesting so I
think rate racing has always been sort
of like the gold standard for lighting
in games so I think the industry has
always been working towards rate racing
but just it's incredibly computationally
intensive so it's very very difficult
for cars that don't have this sort of
new RT cause that
shirring has to sort of accelerate those
features so I think we're definitely
moving towards getting these accelerated
you know Hardware specific blocks in to
do these sort of features in new cars
like cheering so I definitely think
there'll be more and more games coming
out that support rate racing as to
whether or not it'll be a physics or
hair works thing I think it's probably
probably more likely to be used than
physics or hand works
I'm simply because it's the best way to
do lighting whereas you know physics and
how it works of additions to effects
that are already in games and I think
definitely AMD will be working on you
know their own ray tracing acceleration
sort of things that they can put in
their next generation cheaper
architectures so we'll definitely be
getting that and I also think it's
important to note as well that things
like RT X which is the group of
technologies that allows Nvidia to do
ray tracing that's not in itself a game
works feature it actually sits below
what's known as DX r or DirectX ray
tracing so a game that just simply
supports DirectX ray tracing will be
able to use RT X it doesn't need game
works on top of it of course
Nvidia also has their own game works ray
tracing features yeah so they'll be that
layer on top but in general RT X will
operate below DirectX so yeah it
certainly is a very interesting time to
get ray tracing in games because it has
the potential to be very visually
impressive yep but unfortunate I think
this first generation will be a pretty
massive performance it for now it's
still seems fair way in the future and
it's an expensive first step
yeah very expensive so yeah definitely
very very excited to see ray tracing do
you think RTX is a stab at AMD's RX name
I don't think so no but probably a happy
coincidence for in video there what do
you reckon yeah definitely not
intentional no yeah
and it's quite funny how similar they do
sound though all these names are similar
well yeah they're just blurring into one
at this point yep okay so our CF asks
this is a very interesting question a
card having lowered Giga rays per second
and r-tx ops results in a decrease in
sharpness and overall quality of the
reflections and refractions of the light
all that result in an actual fps
performance drop I assume that's what
he's asking yeah yeah I think four stars
I think ray-tracing will be restricted
to cars that just can support it so you
know Pascal you won't even be able to
enable it but definitely you know we've
seen that the you know twenty atti will
have more Giga rows per second in the
2060 so that'll be interesting and I
think twenty twenty twenty seven-year
sorry the twenty-seven haven't heard
about the 2016 tonight I'm gonna say ten
1080 ten seventeen I'm actually GTX
rather than r-tx yeah so Larry um I have
to perfect our names for this next
generation yeah yeah I think they'll
definitely be some sort of scalars and
sliders that you can you know enabling
games to sort of change the amount of
rays as it is music change the sharpness
and quality similar to current you know
shadow set it usually you just increase
the shadow resolution will be probably
pretty similar to that of course all of
the ray tracing games will be hybrid
rendering along with traditional
rasterization so it won't it won't ever
be fully right traced but it will just
probably change the percentage of ray
tracing versus rasterization but it's
really hard to say because we have a
test of the games and haven't seen the
settings that they use but yeah
it'll probably probably end up with both
actually both in performance hit and
quality settings depending on well it's
not even clear full have anything to
test when there yeah that's right though
yeah it's hard to say at the moment but
yeah I think would be a pretty typical
effect sort of thing yep next question
what type of CPU do you think will be
necessary to avoid bottlenecking
TX graphics card we're probably talking
about the 2080 Ti
here I don't think it'll be too
different to what we have now to be
honest because as we talked about an
earlier question the RT X 28 ETA that's
going to be the flagship model of course
and it's not well potentially not a
great deal fast and the today you see I
can't imagine it's going to blow it out
of the water and most people will be
gaming at 4k so they'll be GPU bounder
there and of course if they're using ray
tracing if that's enabled then yeah the
CPU can be the least of your worries but
I would say anything like a six core
Verizon five CPU eight Corizon seven or
any six core Intel coffee like CPU
probably the core i7 as we move forward
I don't know everything will probably
become somewhat necessary therefore your
12 threads oh yeah I don't I don't think
they'll be too much different on the CPU
front of course I'm very keen to test it
out but I think with the CPUs that are
acceptable for gaming now all work
perfectly fine with the 2080 ti okay
next question is what do you think will
there be a difference in FPS from Pascal
on non r-tx mode and if yes how much
should we expect so I'm guessing that
you're talking about the difference
between Pasco and cheering when
ray-tracing is not enabled I mean we
talked a lot about that in our
announcement video sort of discussing
what we know from the specs and stuff
and it's it's pretty hard to say because
you know Nvidia hasn't given a whole lot
of their own performance numbers mostly
focusing you're talking about ray
tracing you know they're new all sorts
of deep learning and AI type stuff so
yeah it's hard to say but we're
expecting modest to small gains over
Pascal yeah I think I can't recall
exactly I think was around 20% I was
talking for the most parts yeah so
that's probably around around the market
of course ray tracing will either simply
not work on Pascal or will absolutely
destroy the card so yeah it's probably
not worth even comparing that sort of
thing I think basically either case it
won't work so yeah all right here's a
good question for you Steve should I buy
the 1070 TI or wait for the 2017 good
question how do I answer this one
why suppose all right let's start with
some facts e
the the 2070 has an MSRP of $500 us to
the partner cards and it was a $600 us
for the FE model we seriously don't
recommend buying the FE model if you can
help it because it's not gonna be worth
$100 u.s. but at times you might have to
buy that cuz it'll be the only option
then right now the GTX 10 at 70 Ti
that's coming in about 450 us on Newegg
Amazon all the major retailers that's
that's only a $50 us saving but
secondhand so if you're really looking
at getting a bargain you can get the
1070 TI's secondhand on eBay for about
$300 u.s. and that's not like you got
really lucky that's kind of like a
better average asking price so pretty
easy to get one at that price
in reality the 2070 will probably be
difficult to get for the 500 ala MSRP
that you're probably looking at I would
say for the first few months $600 us
some of them are miles might even cost
them more than that we really don't know
but based on how availability goes with
these things that seems to be about
very similar Pasco yes so realistically
you're probably looking at spending $600
u.s. if you want to get one before
Christmas so that being the case I would
definitely be getting a 1072 i second
hand as I said the average selling price
is $300 I even saw some by now ones the
other day for like 280 us so I'd be
jumping all over that unless you're
absolutely desperate or something like
that to get a card you don't want to buy
second-hand then maybe get a new 1070 TI
hard to say on that one actually if
you're looking at buying new I would
just get a gtx 1080 because they're the
exact same price is the 1072 eyes at the
moment so probably skip cheering I would
get a secondhand 1070 TI or a brand new
GT X 1080 if I was if I couldn't wait
like yep three four weeks til the
reviews come out and reevaluate then so
now I hope that short answer addresses
your question so random dude walking
down the street asks what are your
thoughts about AMD cards not selling
well even when they are come
Pettit avantco son to give a few
examples like people buying a GTX 1063
gig and or gtx 1050 TI compared to that
explorer 70 in accelerator which were
around the same price hmm okay I
actually considered making a video about
this a few times but I haven't had a
seriously good think about it it's an
unfortunate situation for sure but who
do you blame for this you know I see the
media getting blamed all the time
because I suppose they're paid off
buying video I don't know
you know dumb gamers get blamed all the
time as well but I mean is that
legitimate whoo I don't it's a tough one
to answer I think ultimately you could
only blame AMD or Nvidia so you could
blame a video for dodgy dirty business
tactics or I don't know if you can call
them business well they are business
tactics aren't they they do it to
generate sales that various things
they've done in the past or AMD for not
countering those things as well as
possibly they could have no no what do
you think on this matter
yeah I think part of it comes down to
you know just simply Nvidia having a lot
more market share even though we do
reviews and we analyze all the
performance and we can quite easily say
some AMD cards a better value than
nvidia cards a lot of people out there
that are buying these cards aren't
reading reviews they're just going on
you know what what can i buy with my
money that I've got you know one of my
mates using you know one of my favorite
twitch streamers using or whatever and
when NVIDIA has so much market share it
kind of just yeah to buy what you you
mate service people argue that they got
that market share from dirty tactics so
I mean you can't blame dirty yeah yeah
dicks on reviewers or gamers and a
perfect example would be like the GTX
1060 versus the rx 580 they're both
great cards for you well they're
supposed to be around 250 they've both
sim posted be selling in a similar price
there for similar performance there's
it's real
hard to pick between the two you could
say freesync I'll go with AMD but then
Pascal's a bit more efficient runs a bit
cooler over clocks a little bit better
certainly easier to overclock so it's
pretty difficult to pick between those
two and with AMD sorry nvidia already
having the majority of the mark sure as
you say it's not like tons of people
gonna go i have to get the RX 580
because it's so much better it's a way
better deal so they're not it's hard to
clawback market share when you're
offering something that's just as good
yeah and I think AMD's run into a lot of
issues whenever they have like you know
that killer product that's better value
like I remember that you know rx 580 or
RS 4 and he wasn't with the 4 gig versus
yeah 8 gig and everyone was saying you
know at that price point the 4 gig more
was really good value but you just
simply couldn't they started up they
stuffed up the RX 4 ace and they made a
big deal about it being a ton of dollar
card but it turns out that the a
gigabyte model that everyone was
reviewing and getting wasn't yeah that
was 240 or something like that and it's
only a $40 difference but it completely
killed the value aspect of it yeah and
you know they very quickly have run into
mining issues not just with those cards
but also back when they're they're
really competitive stuff like the I nine
to ninety you know just mining would
come and just everyone would buy AMD
cards for that so yeah they tend to run
to those sort of problems unfortunately
so yeah it's a very complicated question
there's no there's no one answer where
it's just it's a hundred percent that
there's multiple reasons for why things
have happened the way they have all
right Andy s13 asks do you reckon the
launch price of the 20 60 and 20 50 will
be more in line with that of the 10 60
and 10 50 since they will be spared the
r-tx treatment even more important will
be GT 20 30 ship with ddr4 memory well I
hope we don't see any more dodgy sort of
business practices with those low end
graphics cards but let's be honest we
probably will yeah yeah I think we well
we hopefully we won't but we anyway as
probably the more important part of the
question what was it the 20 60 and 20 50
yeah yeah well they're definitely
not going to be she acts cards although
it hasn't been officially said but it's
pretty likely it's pretty likely so
they're going to be much smaller GPUs
that being the case because they
shouldn't have RT cos tensor cause don't
know hard to say but given they will be
smaller GPUs the pricing should be more
in line with what we're used to seeing
for those lower end sort of entry-level
to mid tier cards yeah especially
because I am DS most competitive
products are around the sort of 2060
2050 range and they still have to
compete with AMD they still have to
compete there don't have to compete as
much from the high-end so they can get
away with a bit more ridiculous pricing
but certainly in that range I would
expect it to be more in line with what
we've seen in the past definitely all
right next question
since Nvidia revealed twenty atti
earlier do you think they next or do you
think next year we're going to see seven
nanometer GPU from in a video maybe
Archie X refresh with affordable prices
nice to dream isn't it well towards the
end of my what was my RT X announcement
video I pretty much said something along
those lines to add to that I think we
would see a similar situation to what we
did with maybe the GTX 480 that was
replaced by the GTX 580 like eight to
nine months after it was first
introduced so I'm not saying we'll see
the exact sort of situation as that but
I expect that before too long or we will
have the seven nanometer parts and
they'll pretty much make the GeForce 20
series obsolete because they should
offer everything that GeForce 20 series
offers plus a really not well a really
big improvement in efficiency and
performance great white shadow asks I
was waiting for the new GPUs but now
wondering if I should get something to
bridge the gap to the next one don't
laugh but my current GPU is a Radeon
7870 I'm planning a new system building
the somewhat near future is a 1080 TI
worth it
607 us now or do I just get something
like a 1066 gig 285 us well it sounds
like you're the perfect candidate for
the second-hand GTX 1070 TI that we
spoke of earlier
I wouldn't even waste your time beating
or anything like that I mean you can try
and get a bargain but for 300 dollars
u.s. I'd just hit the Buy Now and snap
one of them up yeah
coming from your radio and why was it
seventy eight seventy yep that's gonna
be just a huge improvement a massive up
Grammy honestly a GTX today's GI is
probably gonna be overkill I don't know
what CPU you have but in any case from
what you're coming from to a ten seventy
TI you just not gonna know what's going
on as it is like it's just gonna be a
completely different world of gaming use
you're gonna love the upgrade yeah
better bang for your buck and that sort
of product here and then $300 secondhand
you can't beat that right there really
it's pretty good there might be some
other secondhand options there is good
bet throw dollars for ten seventy is
just awesome okay I think that's about
all via GeForce r-tx questions we can
handle for now and probably the same to
you guys watching
I hope you enjoyed part one of this
month's Q&A and part two will be on the
channel at the same time tomorrow
so thanks for watching like subscribe
follow us on patreon if you want to get
a monthly live stream which we just did
and that was a lot of funds awesome and
yeah that's gonna do it for this one so
thanks for watching I'm you know Steve
what's your name
I'm Tim that's Tim see you next time
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