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Batman: Arkham Knight Benchmark - 8 High-end GPUs Tested

hey guys welcome back to hardware unboxed I'm your benchmarking Dark Knight Matt and today we're going to be benchmarking the brand new batman arkham knight game and max settings with a to the fastest GPUs from AMD in the video apart from the fury x because we only just got the sample this afternoon by now it's pretty clear that Arkham Knight hasn't exactly had the smoothest of launchers in fact during the production this very video Warner Brothers is actually pulled sales of the pc game from the market and they're actually offering game as a full refund after being absolutely inundated with complaints about performance both AMD and NVIDIA users have been complaining about the heavy stuttering and poor performance since the release although it does seem to be mainly coming from those is in low to mid-range hardware I can honestly say we've tested the absolute that due to out of this game and we only ever had the stuttering issues when we weren't using the latest release drivers from a video or AMD that said it certainly wasn't without its issues when we open up this game we were pretty wrapped to see there was a built-in bench mark because this usually makes the benchmarking process a whole lot easier except there was a huge problem the benchmark results weren't at all in line with what we experience when playing as soon as we hopped in the Batmobile in started hammering around driving through buildings performance drops significantly this is when we decided to do our own custom benchmark using fraps but those interested we have attached a 60-second custom perhaps benchmark at the end of the video so be sure to check that out as I mentioned earlier we benchmark the game with eight of the fastest GPU is available on the market and we've done so at 1080p 1440p and 4k now we've got results for the built-in benchmark and their own custom benchmark we're going to show you the built-in benchmark results first as you can see the built-in benchmark results are excellent using the r9 290 GTX 970 or anything faster we didn't see minimum frame rates below fifty three frames per second so silky smooth game players should have been expected as a side note it was great to see that despite this being a game wife's title performance on the AMD GPUs was really good too next up we've got the 1440p results again we see really smooth performance from all cards where we saw em dig at the slight edge in most battles at 1080p we now see them getting very slightly edged out by the nvidia cards at 1440p owners of all these cards would be optimistic about gameplay performance have you seen these benchmark results at 1440p on max settings lastly let's take a look at the 4k results it's that 4k that we start to see the separation between the elite cards in this built-in bench market 4k only the Titan nexon 980 TI were able to deliver minimum frame rates above 30 frames per second so I bet you're detecting my hesitation unfortunately our real game player results in some cases only delivered half of the frames that built in benchmark produced let me show you first at 1080p there seemed to be some sort of bottleneck at 1080p and real gameplay that didn't exist in the built-in benchmark you would expect significantly better frame rates from these high-end cards at least what we were getting in the built-in bench mark but that just wasn't the case in the real game player tests all cards were seemingly limited by this bottleneck which saw even the tight necks reduces us 44 frames per second on average this is within four frames of the r9 290 and dwarfed by the 97 frames it averaged in the built-in benchmark while this was obviously playable it was well beneath what you'd expect from these cards at 1440p we see more evidence of the bottle now the Titan X could only produce six frames more than the r9 290 on average and all cards were reduced to between 29 and 32 frame minimums you'll also notice that there is almost no difference between the 1080p results and the 1440p results often just one to two frames again this was playable however it did feel a little jittery especially when going around corners we didn't have any of the major stuttering issues though that users were reporting at 4k we saw all the cards here what are most likely they're real limits potentially unaffected by the bottleneck the time next in the 980 TI over the only cards are delivered what can be consider playable performance and even they felt a little laggy 4k gamers should be hoping when the game is eventually rerelease it is far better optimized some might even tolerate it on the regular to 90 or 390 however if it was me I definitely be tweaking some of the quality settings down not you can actually change much in this game or just conceding and turning the resolution down to ensure smooth gameplay so as you can see if you pcs equipped to one of the eight cards that we looked at today you should be able to play max settings at 1440p or lower it's very obvious now that this game requires a lot more optimization or a complete overhaul before it could be considered a final product and it would seem that the development teams really got their work cut out for them considering they decided to pull the entire game from the market just a couple of days after selling I know I'm certainly glad that I'm not on the developer team right now if you'd like us to test the game in its current state with some mid or low range cards let us know in the comments will definitely be following up this video when the game is eventually re-released and I guess for now do we just chalk this up as a win for the Joker love your bed Jim golf Oscar five six this is Commissioner Gordon I'm calling off the pursuit it's too dangerous so right here we can take these bastards they're getting away it's just part of appreciating us how are these guys bisex home until that's an order but Batman deal with this please Batman you've got to stop don't worry he's mine vicario on
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