hey guys welcome back to harbor unboxed
today I'm going to try and tackle a
topic that seems you causing a great
deal of confusion amongst viewers and
this can be seen in the comment section
the topic is GPU bottlenecks and I
really want to discuss how they impact
rhizomes gaming performance there is a
huge mix of different results regarding
writes and gaming performance and a big
part of that has to do with GPU
bottlenecks right now I am testing the
Rison 7 1800 X and 1700 X processors in
over a dozen game at 1080p and 1440p and
I'll also be testing with SMT enabled
and disabled before I get to that though
let's rewind a bit throughout the
creation of my Rison review I constantly
confirm results with other youtubers
Brian over at Tech City for example was
a big help and so too was Kevin from
tech showdown we spent many late nights
on a 3-way Skype chat trying to work out
what exactly was going on
interestingly we all had different
motherboards though we were using the
latest biased revisions and yet we were
all seeing the same average 1080p gaming
performance despite all agreeing that
the productivity performance was
incredible now that the reviews are live
I've spent countless hours sifting
through data trying to work out exactly
what's going on unfortunately very few
media outlets seem to provide useful
gaming data in my opinion apart from the
guys that I worked closely with such as
Brian and Kevin I was also very
impressed with the testing done by
gamers Nexus gamers Nexus has since
confirmed they are 100% behind their
results which is great as their results
are in line with my own naturally there
is a difference in the actual frame
rates reported as we use different
hardware and tested different sections
of each game however the margins
themselves are much the same we both
found that Rison was a good bit slower
than the 7700 K and 6100 K processors in
watchdogs 2 we also found similar
battlefield 1 performance which saw
rising appetitive in both tests that
said the Intel processors raced ahead
for the average results in my review
likely due to the fact that I used to
tighten XP and they used to GTX 1080 and
probably we tested different sections of
the game so as I said I'm currently in
the process of testing a huge amount of
games with the horizon 7 1800 X and 1700
X processors against the usual suspects
I now have the gigabyte X 370 gaming 5
on hand with the latest bias and I've
also strapped on a nice big all-in-one
liquid cooler for good measure I have
found some interesting results but for
the most part they do just confirm what
I found in my day 1 testing before I
release that video on Monday I wanted to
try and address the issue of GPU
bottlenecks by explaining when and where
you are seeing them and why admittedly
I'm not the best at explaining this
stuff and I haven't really ever tried to
do so in the past so this video is kind
of a bit different from the norm so bear
with me as I try to explain what's going
firstly why is avoiding a GPU bottleneck
so important for testing and
understanding CPU performance you could
test at the 4k resolution like some have
and show that the rise in CPUs can
indeed match the high-end skylake and
cable 8 models when using the gtx 1080
or even the titan XP it's true the chair
DX for example can match the 7700 k at
4k and the latest games using most
high-end GPUs so does that mean the 1800
X is as fast or possibly even faster
than the 7700 K we know this isn't true
because we have tested at 1080p with the
7700 K and it was quite a bit faster in
most cases
now you might say Steve I don't care
about 1080p gaming I have an ultra-wide
1440p display so I only care about how
rise and performs here now that's fine
albeit you are sticking your head in the
sand and that can come back to bite you
down the track before I explain why let
me just touch on why I test it at 1080p
and why the 4k results at least on their
own are completely useless if you do
test at turn BP technically you don't
need to show 4k results whereas if you
test it 4k you very much need to show
1080p performance here's a hypothetical
example let's say the Titan XP is
capable of rendering a minimum of 40 FPS
in battlefield 1 at 4k now if we
benchmark hospitals and CPUs which
includes some core i3 i5 i7 and even
riser models all of which can allow the
Titan XP to deliver its optimal 4k
performance does that mean they're equal
in terms of gaining performance it
certainly appears so when looking
exclusively at 4k however it really just
means they're all capable of keeping the
framerate at above 40 FPS at all times
by lowering the resolution and/or
quality settings which reduces GPU load
we now start to show the CPU is the
weakest link
you can do this by testing extremely low
resolution such as 720p with low quality
settings and that's perfectly fine
though for me you're going a bit too far
the other way I've found that at 1080p
using high or ultra-high type quality
settings using a Pascal Titan X is a
realistic configuration for measuring
CPU gaming performance so other than
showing that there may actually be a
real difference between certain CPUs in
games why else should you ensure that
your results are being shaped by a GPU
bottleneck or why is it a bad idea to
stick your head in the sand by saying
you only care about how they compare it
ultra light or 4k resolutions well for
the longest time myself and other
respected tech reviewers claimed that
all gamers need is a Core i5 processor
as you reach a point of diminishing
returns at the core i7 when gaming this
was true about a year ago and of course
there really wasn't much evidence that
suggested otherwise
of course we often noted that things
will no doubt change in the future we
just didn't know how far into the future
now a year later things have changed
games are now more demanding though I
feel the biggest change has been made to
GPUs themselves this time last year the
GTX 980 and furia graphics cards were
considered real weapons yes they were
faster GPUs like the Maxwell Titan X or
fury X but you still couldn't say though
anything less than high-end today though
they can be considered as mid-range with
GPU such as a Titan XP and
soon-to-be-released GTX 1080i delivering
over twice as much performance in many
cases if we compare the core i5 7600 K
and core i7 7700 K in CPU demanding
games using the GTX 980 at 1080p the 8
threaded i7 processor really isn't much
faster given the margins I would say get
the Core i5
the core i7 simply isn't worth the extra
investment I recently compared the
Pentium G 4560 core i3 7350 K along with
the i-5 7600 K an i7 6700k using the
geforce gtx 1050 - i gtx 1060 and gtx
if we look at a game such as hitman we
see that the i5 and i7 processors are on
par when testing with the gtx 1060 which
is equivalent to the gtx 1080 in terms
of performance looking at those results
the core i7 is clearly a bad investment
however if we test with the more
powerful GT X 1080 the core i7 processor
is now deliver
over 20 percent more performance and
that's huge increasing the resolution to
1440p we see that when testing with the
gtx 1060 the dual core Pentium processor
delivers the same performance as the i7
6700k the 6700 K is obviously a much
more powerful CPU but the GPU bottleneck
simply hides the fact that said using a
more powerful GPU in the GTX 1080
we see that the 6700 K is now 43% faster
than the G 4560 however 1440p we now
find the 6700 K is just 6 percent faster
than the 7600 K whereas it was as much
as 23% faster at 1080p
I found similar margins in games such as
mafia 3 overwatch total war Warhammer
and many others if you want to watch
that video and see the results in more
detail I'll add the link in the video
description keeping those results in
mind the Titan XP and
soon-to-be-released GTX 1080i are much
faster than the GTX 1080 again so the
rise in gaming performance that you saw
in my review and other higher quality
reviews from outlets who tested
correctly such as gamers Nexus and
Thomas Hardware we can assume a few
things firstly have games in the future
aren't able to better utilize the Rison
processes and they are presently that is
to say optimization doesn't occur then
the misleading for Cara's alts become an
even bigger issue in a few years time
when the gtx 1080i or AMD is upcoming
Vega GPUs go from high-end to mid-range
contenders how will rise and look in
regards to the current skylake and kb
lake processes presumably the 4k
performance would start to look like
what we're seeing at 1080p the other
side of that of course being if games
are able to better utilize horizon which
is of course my hope then we will start
to see the 8 core 16 thread AMD
processes laying waste to intel's four
core 8 threaded core i7 cable lake and
skylake cpus the obvious problem being
we just don't know how this is going to
play out I remember fanboys giving me a
hard time back in 2011 when I said the
fx-8150 just doesn't deliver
especially in games the argument at the
time was that games only used 1 to 2
cores and by the time now using 4 cores
or more the FX series would prevail well
no need to dredge that up all over again
we know how it played out that's that I
have much more hope for Eisen and I
honestly do believe there is more
performance to be seen yet
to the opposite for the FX series so
that's something okay likes everything I
wanted to cover on the subject for now I
hope this helps those of you who were
confused by the varying results and now
have a better understanding of where and
why a GPU bottleneck is occurring and
more importantly why it should be
avoided when showing CPU performance as
always if you guys have any questions
please drop them below and I will do my
best to address them as quickly as
possible I'm your host Steve catch again
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