welcome back to however unboxed okay a
couple of things firstly that wasn't a
clickbait title i will indeed be taking
my shiny and much-loved doris gtx 1080i
graphics card and seeing if it can
survive the unthinkable having liquid
poured on it now I don't mean I'll be
putting the card in front of me
pouring some c1000 on there cleaning it
off letting it dry and then seeing if it
still works because it almost certainly
will what we're going to do in a moment
well I'm going to do in a moment and
we'll both watch and complete horror
it's Paul cooler on the backside of the
graphics card while it's connected up to
the system and playing some games this
isn't a backplate test either the
extreme magicians armor has been removed
exposing the naked PCB there are of
course a few holes as well on the PCB so
the liquid is pretty much going to get
everywhere now with the six months or
sub experience I have creating content
on YouTube I know there'll be those of
you preparing to charge of the comment
section in protest letting me know your
unsub because this is stupid and
somebody could have really enjoyed using
this graphics card well before you go
all humongous lady on me just wait a
moment a feature gigabyte have been
advertising on all our high end graphics
cards for some time now is
PCB coding now what this is is a coating
that they say protects the graphics card
and all the vital components from things
like dust insects drop screws drill
shavings and abrasion they also state
that it offers moisture resistant
properties that allow the cards to
survive things such as a liquid cooling
leak they even show a photo on their
website with some orange liquid on the
backside of a card to illustrate this
point gigabyte has also created a few
marketing videos which are on YouTube
showing liquid spilling onto the back of
a card and claimant had no impact no
real evidence was shown though and up
until this point I really haven't had
the plums to try it out for myself why
I've decided to finally test gigabytes
claims with the most expensive graphics
card they've ever sent me is beyond me
let's not try think about that one too
to be clear this is now my graphics card
to keep gigabyte have intended to leave
it with me for future testing we
probably didn't have this in mind so
this is my GTX 10 atti and yeah a bit on
the line here if I kill this fantasy
gigabyte won't be too happy and I can't
imagine I'll be sending me another one
that said the card does come with that
extreme care for you aren t surely given
their claims water damage won't void the
warranty yeah I'm going to keep telling
myself that
now as York doesn't make any bold claims
with their Zed 97 extreme for
motherboard and I dare say if this thing
even gets a whiff of any cooler it's
going to pack up shop and retire early
the BitFenix 750 watt power supply is
also located directly below the graphics
card and at a wild guess I would say
pouring liquid into this thing is a bad
and could even cut my youtube career
short amongst other things so I'll
remove the power supply I'm relocated
around to the backside of the case also
in an effort to avoid any liquid flowing
back into the PCIe slot and damaging the
motherboard I will tilt Thermaltake
scorpy v case on a slight angle so the
liquid should drain away from the system
right so that's about it time to liquid
cool my horas GT X 1080 Ti
okay so as you can see I've start the
system currently running over watts it's
just a bot match spectating so run for
the next 20 minutes or so and I guess
now it's time to do the unthinkable just
to prove it this is playing off this
card there you go plug the DisplayPort
back in so that is that card hooked up
to that monitor and we're about to put
some of this on there
okay so in the syringe
I have 10 mils of c1000 coolant and
we're going to simulate a leak yep we're
going to do this all right here we go
well that way terribly
that went terribly indeed that was only
a small amount of liquid all right I'll
take the card out I'll take it all apart
clean up all the liquid dry it off and
see if it works I mean that doesn't look
good I was kind of hoping that aerospace
coating would allow the card to just
keep working that's how it's advertised
so I'll be back in a minute I hope you
haven't killed this graphics card okay
so I noticed a bit of a coolant went
back into the PCI Express slot which
could have caused the artifacts we saw
on the screen likely did so I've cleaned
up the motherboard cleaned up the
graphics card I plugged in another
graphics card tested at this computer
the test system is fine played perfectly
fine and overwatch again with a
different graphics card I haven't tested
the tane TTI yet but I'm not hopeful
it'll ever work again so let's fire it
up and see what happens all right I
can't believe it the computers actually
turned on it's looking like it works at
the moment well I like I can't believe
we'll play some games in a minute and
see if it does actually still work in
games it's so far it's looking positive
who is tense
okay so I've dried the card out plugged
it back in file it back up as you can
see it's once again playing overwatch
which is quite incredible so as you can
see it's still working
there we go back on so I think it was
just the the our coolant getting in the
PC I've swapped there on the gold pins I
don't really want to push my luck but
the card did survive once I dried it out
is working again as you can see so I
thought I want to try it again because I
could easily have faked this this
footage could be of shot before I did it
so you guys be none the wiser so I'm
going to do it again I'm going to try
and keep the coolant away from the PCI
Express expansions or the PCI Express
slot this time and hopefully it'll keep
playing even with the liquid on there I
don't really want to do it again but
like I said it would have been quite
easy to fake what I've done so far so I
want to make it quite clear that I'm not
faking this so it survived once I'm
shuttle survived again so we're going to
pour the liquid probably around
I might even will last time I went a bit
back up here I might go right on
directly behind where the GPU is and
then some around the vrm area so let's
try this again
alright we've got a fair bit on there
alright this time it seems happy I put a
bit near the vrm area okay you can see
it's pouring everywhere card still
working try and get some more on the
back of the card here okay so that once
again locked it up shut it down I'll
clean this off and we'll see what
that's incredible so for the second time
I've cleaned up the card use the baby
wipes alcohol wipes would have been a
lot better but I didn't have any so as
you use these dry it best I could with
paper towel dry it out with the
hairdryer again not the best way to do
it but it looks like it's worked twice
and then I clean the card up whoo so I
take the heat sink off that was a heap
of our c1000 liquid around the GPU
around the memory as well as legs back
under there the heat sink was full of it
as well so I've cleaned all that out dry
it out put it back on and I'm actually
quite shocked that it's working so if
you do have a leak from your liquid
cooling system onto a Norris graphics
card or any of the gigabyte cards that
have that special occurring things like
you will have a bit of an oh you know
what moment where your panic the whole
system locks up I mean it may not lock
up you saw that it ran for a little bit
it was until I spread it across the card
that it found somewhere where it upset
it but it didn't blow nothing up didn't
know the shorts cause any permanent
damage the system is working fine I'm
quite shocked really the both times when
the system locked up or you know you
still the artifacts on the screen I was
certain that was the end of the card so
I've had cards before I'm sure those
guys watching that I've had liquid
cooled systems that I've had a leak from
here before and I had two drops go on to
a thing was a GTX 680 back in the day
loved that card two drops onto it that
was it completely cactus never worked
again so yeah I was very upset about
that but this card even more expensive
obviously a lot more powerful it's a lot
newer and twice I've simulated
one sort of reasonable was it was a big
leak the first one I did
squirted about four mil onto the
graphics cards that's a lot of liquid
you can see there's still three mil in
there so that's you know and it survived
that that second time I put on twice as
much I just just so I put the whole
length of the graphics card that was
liquid everywhere I thought that was the
end of it slide back up into Windows I'm
about to try overwatch again that's not
making any weird noises sighs I can see
from here there's no weird artifacts so
yeah quite incredible well there you
have it guys gigabytes aerospace-grade
PCB coding isn't just a whole lot of
marketing rubbish it actually works and
if you have a leak from your liquid
cooling system is a good chance or it
seems like there's every chance that the
car will survive without a problem you
just have to pull it apart and clean it
which is you'd have to do that anyway
but if the systems on running and that
happens the worst case scenario happens
you get a leak you're not going to lose
$700 us+ graphics card which is yeah
phenomenal relief because that's the
worst thing that could happen in a water
leak you lose your your expensive
graphics card I want to pull it down I'm
going to put the backplate back on so I
pull the whole card apart make sure
there isn't anything I've missed give it
a proper clean with some alcohol wipes
order some of those and then you put the
card back together and I expect it will
keep working like it is now
yeah totally blown away this was a bit
of a nerve-wracking most nerve-wracking
video I've done I was very very nervous
doing this but happy I haven't lost my
much-loved GTX 1080i graphics card I
keep checking the screen expecting to
have a fax or something on there but yet
the gigabytes claims of their aerospace
or aerospace grade PCB coating sounds
like a whole lot of rubbish but it's a
pretty bold claim to make and it looks
like it's true okay so I have completely
disassembled the card since we do our
little leak test experiment cleaned it
all up I was quite surprised there was a
heap of red cool and in the spins of the
heatsink so that's all being cleaned out
I bought a spray can of electrical parts
cleaner and gave both sides of the PCB a
so that should all be nice and clean now
no contaminants left on the board and I
have since put it all back together and
the card does work
perfectly I left it for a day to dry out
before I did that before I test it
against make sure but yeah all good and
the good news is that over clocks just
as well as the day I got it as you can
see though I have completely
disassembled the card once again I did
that to get a few b-roll shots of it all
cleaned up so I've done that and now I'm
going to put it back together and I can
start actually using it for some real
benchmarking anyway that's it for this
one I hope you guys enjoyed watching and
watch me suffer through this video glad
this ordeal is over and I'm really
thankful I haven't lost my $1,200
Australian graphics card I'm your host
Steve see you again soon guys
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