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Esports Benchmark: GeForce GT 1030 vs. Radeon RX 550

welcome back to how our box for another GPU battle though this one is a bit different to the norm now the most recently released GPUs from AMD and NVIDIA so their current generation offerings but their most recently released models are their slowest so from AMD we have the rx 550 and we have their sous model here that is actually a full gigabyte version we'll get to that in a moment and then from the Green Team in video we have this passively cooled msi gt80 that s'right it doesn't have the gtx branding because nvidia doesn't deem this worthy of being what a gtx card basically one of their gaming premium gaming models it doesn't only have 384 cuda cores so it's a little light on rendering power whereas the gtx 1050 features an MSRP of 110 dollars u.s. the GT 1030 comes in well below $100 at just $70 meanwhile the rx 550 is slightly more expensive at the $80 MSRP and of course as this is an AMD graphics card right now getting one at the MSRP is a next to impossible the markup that on the rx 550 isn't nearly as bad as some of the more higher-end models right now you can't expect to pay about $90 u.s. and that makes it almost 30% more than the GT 1030 that said though is the Radeon graphics card faster and if so by how much well that's what we plan to find out in today's video typically speaking these entry-level budget cards don't actually represent particularly great value as these slightly more expensive models generally deliver a much better price to performance ratio that though won't be the focus of this video rather if you have less than $100 u.s. to spend on a graphics card and you do want to buy a new graphics card and not used which one of these two should you buy the primary focus will be on a sports also we're looking at games such as csgo overwatch and dota 2 for example also as a quick side note if you do have a PC that is in need of an upgrade or you just like to get an idea of what kind of upgrades you could make to an older PC then check out our new upgrade my PC plea series each week I check out 5 pcs from viewers and propose upgrade plans and then the viewers vote for which one they think should get the upgrade and we go on and get those parts out to the winner anyway it's a really cool series check it out if you're interested for testing I've used our rise and three test system with the 1300 X installed no ever clock has been applied to the CPU but we are using 16 gigabytes of ddr4 3,200 memory representing the Green Team is the MSI gt-1000 2 GH L POC while the red team will be represented by the Isuzu rx 554 G yes the AMD graphics card has more vram but unfortunately this was all I was able to get my hands on for this test this shouldn't have a noticeable impact on performance but be aware the 4 gigabyte model does cost more 210 dollars u.s. and at this price it represents rather poor value the graphs though are clearly labeled and we're not trying to mislead anyone here we are using a 4 gigabyte model to represent the rx 550 so again please be aware of that there's certainly no need to get your knickers in a knot about this in the comment section I'm not trying a favor AMD if you do have a big problem with this though feel free to buy us a 2 gigabyte model and will happily redo the tests anyway enough of that lets get to the benchmarks first up we have Counter Strike global Offensive I've been told there are a few of you guys that still enjoy this first-person shooter so let's check out the results those more serious about the game do like to play with the low quality settings and here the GT 10:13 rx 550 deliver a very similar experience that the GT 1030 was slightly better overall both did maintain over a hundred FPS at all times and allowed the average framerate to exceed 200 FPS that being said though I am told the serious game is like 300 plus fps in this title but you know beggars can't be choosers and all that for the price the performance is very capable in this title if you are all about that eye candy well then the very high quality preset still allows for over 160 FPS on average and here the rx 550 and GT 1030 did deliver the exact same experience overwatch is another super popular first-person shooter and can be much more visually demanding than csgo even so using the low quality preset the game was very playable using either GPU though the GT 1030 was a whisker faster he the one percent low result was 8% higher using the NVIDIA GPU that said though increasing the quality setting to the high preset swings things heavily in favor of the rx 550 before anyone jumps to conclusions though and claims that is down to the four gigabyte vram buffer of the rx 550 card please note at 1080p using the high quality preset the game never allocates more than nine hundred and forty megabytes worth of assets at any given time in our sixty second benchmark pass so the fact that the rx 550 has four gigabytes of vram is of no consequence here in the end for those that like to turn things up a bit higher we'll be better off with the rx 550 and overwatch as it allowed for 23% better performance using the higher quality preset rocket League is one of the most entertaining and easy to run games out there right now unsurprisingly because of this it is massively popular if you turn everything down using the high performance preset the game spits out an average of two hundred and forty-five frames per second with the rx 550 and 201 fps with the GT 1030 I'm not really sure if you need more frames than that in this title but either way the radeon GPU was 22% faster then when you max the game out using the high quality preset with MLA I enabled the rx 550 was 24% faster with an average of 77 fps which I thought was quite good at 1080p for representing the multiplayer online battle arena type games I've used dota 2 in its replay system is excellent for accurate benchmark results this allows me to repeatedly target a busy part of the game to test as a result I'm not going to bother testing other titles such as league of legends for example it's a less demanding game than dota 2 so if these cards can play dota 2 then you can rest assured they can play league using the lowest quality preset which is called fastest the GT 1030 rendered 4% more frames on average but did allow for a 20% greater 1% low result much the same was seen when using the best-looking preset here the GT 1030 was 23% faster than the rx 550 for the 1% low result despite both delivering the same 60-ish FPS on average if you play a lot of Tom Clancy's Rainbow six siege and the GT 1030 looks to be the best option here using the low quality preset it was 9 percent faster than the rx 550 but again it's the 1% low that makes the big difference here the GeForce GPU was 31 percent faster it's a similar story using the high quality preset though both the rx 5 50 and GT 1030 did deliver a similar average frame rate the overall experience however was much better on the GeForce GPU as it maintained a 17% greater one percent low result World of Tanks was tested using the HD client with the frame cap removed using the low quality preset which is titled minimum we see that both GPUs allow for almost 200 FPS on average and the experience was much the same using either the AMD or Nvidia hardware jumping from the minimum quality preset to the high saw a massive decline in framerate and this isn't even the highest quality preset in the game neither GPU were able to deliver what I would call playable performance using the maximum quality preset anyway using the high quality priests at the GT 1030 was 17% fast in the rx 550 on average and a massive 35% faster for the 1% low result those of you keen on playing quake champions will be best served by the GT 1030 and despite this being an AMD sponsored title the GeForce graphics card was vastly superior using the low quality preset the GT 1030 was 23% faster for the average frame rate and 35% faster for the 1% low things got significantly worse with the radeon GPU and using the higher quality preset here the GT 1030 was 60% faster on average an incredibly 93 percent faster for the 1% low you have to think this is a driver issue for the rx 550 in this title the battlefield 1 results were quite interesting using the low quality preset the rx 550 was actually 12% faster on average and 20% faster for the 1% low result so that's a fantastic result there for the AMD GPU however once we increase the visual quality with the hype reset both GPUs are capped at 28 FPS on average with a minimum of 22 fps these results look CPU limited but they obviously aren't in any case all this does is prove that neither GPU can handle the high quality preset at 1080p and obviously the ultra quality preset is certainly out of the question as well Starcraft 2 is about the only game I really ever play I love this title but damn it just sucks when it comes to CPU utilization the biggest hurdle here is the horizon 3 1300 X or at least the game's inability to properly utilize this quad-core CPU for testing now I am using a 4 V for replay and skipping to the middle of the game where the action is pretty thick so this is really more of a CPU test than pee-yew test admittedly because of this we see much the same 1% low performance using either the low or high quality presets the rx 550 though did prove to be the best option for this tile though the margins weren't exactly big moving on to the last game I tested player unknowns battlegrounds and this is a title that hates low-end GPUs using the lowest possible quality settings at 1080p the GT 1030 averaged a console like 32 FPS while the rx 550 managed just 28 fps both did provide a horrible experience so it's little consequence that the GeForce GPU was faster here obviously increasing the quality level didn't help things and here the game is completely unplayable if it wasn't already finally when it comes to power consumption they're both much of a muchness as you might expect the GeForce 10 series car was slightly more fuel efficient but even so overall system consumption was just 9 percent lower near the curve requires a PCIe power connector and both run very cool so I see this as somewhat of a non-issue for these models picking between these two entry-level discrete graphics cards really isn't easy as we've just seen in it will as it often does come down to the games you play that said though the only game that really threw up mixed results was overwatch in that title we saw if you're targeting high FPS and the GT 1030 is the way to go but if you do prefer to crack the quality settings up a little bit and sort of get a balance there of playable performance with nice-looking visuals and the rx 550 was better under those conditions the rx 550 though I think overall is probably a tougher sell I'll get to those reasons why that is in a moment when it comes to the performance just seeing the rx 550 was clearly the better choice for games such as battlefield 1 and rocket League it was also slightly better in StarCraft though the margins there were less extreme meanwhile the GeForce GT 1030 that was miles better in player and owns battlegrounds and quite surprisingly quake champions had also provided a better experience in Rainbow six siege and dota 2 while it was slightly faster and tiles such as counter-strike and World of Tanks so given that if I had to pick between these two cards if I could only have one which is the situation that many of you are faced with I think overall this would be the one I'd get now I have to say this MSI passively cooled card was very neat indeed at ran at very reasonable temperatures and yeah it's passively cool I mean check it out slim little card and to be cool in a half-height chassis as well anyway there is however the issue of whether or not you should invest in these budget entry-level cards to begin with in the case of the rx 550 it's a seriously tough sell even at the $80 US MSRP let alone the $90 price they're currently selling at for just $30 more the GTX 1050 is readily available and we recently saw that model delivers around 90% more frames in games such as destiny - at 1080p this means you're paying 33 percent more for around 90 percent more performance and with that enables a much more enjoyable gaming experience it's sort of the same situation with the GT 1030 though from a price perspective it does make a heck of a lot more sense the GTX 1050 s around 70% more expensive so the fact that it is again around 90 percent faster in games such as destiny - isn't that bad when it comes to the price versus performance ratio the $50 price gap here is quite large and it really means that the GT 1030 is genuinely a viable option even if the GTX 1050 is overall better value for me the GT 1030 is the perfect pairing for something like a G 45 60 or that kind of type budget each CPU which obviously makes sense for a budget GPU and for me the G 45 60 plus the GT 1030 that really would be the ultimate budget esports combine my opinion and just finally before I wrap this up I will touch on freesync yes this card does support free sync free sik monitors are cheap jisuk monitors aren't so G sinks are really not an option for this card whereas if you have a free sync monitor you're planning on getting one then yes this may be a better option for me I think I'd still gravitate towards the GT 1030 because it is just that bit faster and some of the more important games that I liked or the eSports tiles that I think are a bit more important but totally up to you or I'm just putting it out there now I'm touching on it be aware that free sync can offer a better experience I'm not sure if eSports type gamers want to use and adaptive sync technology anyway but be aware of that here a phrasing monitor this may be a better choice anyway that's going to do for this one hope you guys enjoyed the benchmarks I'll probably do a bit more testing with these in other triple-a titles not just the eSport stuff if there's a big enough demand I'm your host Steve catch again next time you
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