welcome back to how our unboxed a bit of
a different look to the studio for this
one and that is because we have the
unique opportunity to test out a few
custom pre built gaming systems that are
based on hardware from our top five CPU
and GPU videos however before I get too
far into it I would like to just let you
guys know this is sponsored content PC
case key is paying me for my time so yet
just want to make that crystal clear
having said that if I didn't honestly
believe their service to be one of the
absolute best available for Australians
I wouldn't be promoting them on the
channel now this opportunity came about
when PC case key reached out and asked
us if we'd like to work with them to
create a few harbours unboxed certified
computers and well that sounded like a
whole lot of fun and I just couldn't
resist the temptation to yeah make a few
computers that you guys could purchase
if you weren't able to or didn't want to
build your own and for those of you
unaware we have worked with PC case care
quite a bit so we have a bit of history
with them they've been well they've
become really good friends of the
channel I think that's one way of
putting it they've supported us quite a
bit with our various ideas one that
comes to mind was we asked them if we
could borrow about a dozen core i7 87
okay processors and to my surprise they
agreed so that allowed us to an
interesting overclocking investigation
and that was very much appreciated and
quite a few of our patreon members and
other viewers have bought and dealt with
PC case key quite a bit and they've got
a really good reputation so yeah we're
we're very happy to work with them to
create some really cool pre-built gaming
systems this also isn't my first time
dealing with a pre-built system from PC
case gear I checked out a system last
year and I was really impressed with the
presentation from the packaging when it
arrived at taking it all out it was
really well packaged transported really
nicely then cable management and
everything was excellent and of course
allowed to do was plug everything in hit
the power button and a Buddha straight
into Windows so really nice experience
that and I've recommended them to a few
friends to friends have actually bought
pre-built systems from them since then
and they've been really impressed with
the quality and as standard they do
two-year return to base warranty and
that covers parts labor and shipping so
getting to the pre-built computers we
have here there are three harbor unboxed
certified gaming systems and please note
all the pricing that I'm quoting in this
video is in Australian dollars so if it
sounds a bit higher to the US viewers
that is the reason why it is Australian
dollars but still for those of you who
are osseous you should still find the
the CPU and GPU combos quite interesting
and later on the video we will look at
performance and stuff like that so that
should still be of interest for those of
you looking for pre-built systems in
your region or perhaps building your own
having said that be aware that the
Hardware pics are based on pricing and
availability in this region and for
things such as memory storage cases and
power supplies we've had to stick with
the brands PC case key works with ok so
enough with the disclaimers time to
check these gaming rigs out let's start
with the unboxed 16 60 TI gaming system
as the name suggests this one gets our
best mid-range GPU pick the NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 16 60 TI and we're pairing
it with our best value of around a
desktop CPU the rise in v 2600 you guys
know I'm a big fan of the value offered
by the GTX 1660 TI and the r5 2600 so
sticking them together will no doubt be
a winning combo as for the graphics card
model used we're going with the msi gtx
1660 TI gaming ex i've reviewed this one
on the channel already and i found it to
be of excellent quality so it makes
sense to use here then to ensure success
we're sticking them on the msi b 450 m
motor which is one of the best and 4
motherboards you can get certainly in
this price range and certainly for a
micro ATX motherboard you guys are
always asking no rather demanding more
micro ATX builds so i thought it'd be
pretty fitting to make one of our first
pc case key harbour unbox certified
builds micro ATX as for the memory we're
using a 16 gigabyte kit of ten groups t4
stark ddr4 3200 i've used this stuff in
the past and it is excellent value
memory then for storage pc case key
likes to use the a data XP g sx 6000 pro
m2 nvme SSD and they're selling the 256
gigabyte model for just $80 so seems
be a good fit to me and when paired with
a two terabyte Seagate Barracuda there's
plenty of secondary storage for meteor
and whatever else you like to put on
large hard drives all of this hardware
has been meticulously placed inside the
fantex Eclipse p300 along with the be
quiet pure power 11 500 watt power
supply and adjust things up a little
they've thrown in some fan text 120
millimeter RGB LED fan frames come on
guys its 2019 you can't expect them to
try and sell a gaming system without any
RGB lighting we don't make the rules
the total build cost comes to sixteen
hundred and seventy nine dollars and
that includes a genuine copy of
Microsoft Windows 10 with the two-year
warranty that I spoke of earlier so if
you were to buy these parts and put it
together yourself without an operating
system it costs fourteen hundred and
twenty nine dollars and then with a
genuine copy of Windows 10 home expect
to pay around fifteen hundred and ninety
eight dollars that means for assembling
and a two year warranty PC case carriers
charging eighty two dollars the labor
over what you could buy the parts for
individually that's pretty impressive
because putting one of these systems
together isn't super fast and then once
you install over hardware do the cable
management install windows drivers and
get it all ready that is quite a bit of
work and I have to say the build quality
is excellent cable management is very
good and this isn't some special review
all the systems come exactly as you see
here now for those of you who aren't
interested in compact micro ATX builds
we do have a larger mid tower version
with a few upgrades as our best high-end
1440p GPU pick we're of course going
with the geforce r-tx 2060 and since we
recommended both the Rison 526 hundred
and twenty six hundred x as our best
value or on a desktop cpu this build
gets a small upgrade to the 2600 x as
you can see this built is housed inside
the LAN leal and cool one digital a
beautiful looking case with tempered
glass been keeping things simple we have
the same be quiet pure power 11 500 watt
power supply a data nvme 256 gigabyte
SSD see you go to terabyte hard drive
and the same team group ddr4 3200 memory
of course we have changed the
motherboard to suit the larger mid tower
and there are a few options better than
the MSI B 450 tomahawk
it is after all our best value all
around a be 450 motherboard it has the
best vrm of all available be 450
motherboards with the only exception
being Emma size own gaming Pro carbon
which is more expensive again then
providing a little extra bling is a
3-pack of Lili Bora light RGB 120
millimeter fans so the total bill for
this model comes to eighteen hundred and
$99 Ozzie which again is incredibly
reasonable for this kind of hardware
configuration now moving on we have the
granddaddy the biggest heaviest most
powerful build of the three the unboxed
2080 as our best extreme GPU winner
alongside the r-tx 2080 TI the geforce
r-tx 2080 is the obvious choice for this
high-end build therefore we're going
with the Isuzu force our TX 2080 dual
fan OC so this system will be targeting
high refresh rate 1440p gaming as for
the cpu that was a bit of a tougher
choice there is the risin 720 700 or
2700 X Core i7
87 okay I 797 okay and I 919 900k but
given the 9900 K cost more than twice as
much as the 2700 and doesn't often
noteworthy gains with an RT X 20 80 at
1440p for me
it's out the 9700 K is also too
expensive at six hundred and seventy
dollars leaving us with the choice of
the 87 RK for $600 or the rise in seven
2700 for just three hundred and sixty
I had contemplated going with the 2700 X
but right now it is a hundred and ten
dollars more and frankly I can't justify
that premium for a factory overclock and
a slightly better box cooler but
rewinding a little bit when it comes to
picking between the rise and 7 and core
i7 options both really will deliver a
similar gaming experience and we've
proved that time and time again with our
benchmarks so the reason why I'm going
with the rise and 7 processor is because
of its superior upgrade path you will be
able to take advantage of those upcoming
Zen to processors and that'll provide a
really nice upgrade so for me I feel
more comfortable recommending Rison at
this price point especially for this
kind of build also once you factor in
the cost of a decent cooler it pushes
the total build cost
over $3,000 Ozzy if you were to go at
the core i7 processor now housing this
high-end build is the impressive-looking
fantex Eclipse P 600 s which can be
quickly configured to either maximize
airflow or minimize operating volume
there's a large insert in the front of
the case which when removed reveals a
mesh panel that allows the front mounted
case fans to gulp air then adding a bit
of bling once again we have some RGB
accessories this time we've included 240
centimeter fan tech digital RGB LED
light strips along with a fan text halos
140 millimeter RGB LED fan frame and
that's been installed in the rear oh and
just a capital off nicely we have some
team group T Force Nighthawk ddr4 3200
RGB memory because well why not the
storage has also been upgraded to the
Samsung 970 Evo plus + vm a SSD and
we're using the 500 gigabyte version
while the Seagate Barracuda 2 terabyte
has once again been used for these
secondary storage
we're also again using the be quite pure
power 11 though this time has been
upgraded to the 600 watt model to handle
the added load so to purchase this rig
you'll need two thousand eight hundred
and ninety nine Australian dollars
that's $1,000 more than the horizon 526
hundred x / g-force our TX 2060 version
but it will enable considerably higher
frame rates at 1440p speaking of which I
think we've drooled over these builds
long enough now it's time to see how
they perform of course for a really
detailed benchmark information please
refer to our big benchmark breakdowns
featuring the gtx 1660 TI RT x 2060 and
RT x 2080 what i was really interested
to check out was how hot these gaming
pcs are run the components certainly
will look good but how do they go and
thrown together to find out let's first
look at the gtx 1660 TI system and see
how it got on after an hour of f1 2018
here we see the msi geforce gtx 1660 TI
gaming expected just 67 degrees and this
is of course inside the fantex eclipse p
300 oh and this is also with an ambient
air temperature of 21 degrees and on
that note i should just point out that
all tests were conducted with these same
ambient temperature that's really a
great result for the gtex
6et i and we see that the horizon 520
600 also did very well hitting just 62
degrees and that's with the Wraith
stealth box cooler granted f1 2018 isn't
an extreme cpu test but for a game the
cpu load is fairly typical now for
comparison we have these slightly more
powerful GeForce r-tx 2060 gaming system
with the risin 5 2600 X and please note
you can't directly compare the frame
rates here because the footage is random
after an hour so each system is
rendering a completely different section
of the track this PC is of course using
the msi geforce r-tx 2060 ventus XS OC
and we saw a peak at 69 degrees making
it just a few degrees warmer than the
gtx 1660 TI the horizon 520 600 X has of
course been upgraded with the Wraith
spire cooler so despite the increase in
clock speed the CPU temperatures only
increased by a few degrees and that's
all them peak at just 64 degrees though
for the most part operating temperatures
were around 61 62 degrees so these are
some great temperatures for the Lian
allele and cool one digital and those
extra 120 millimeter fans are no doubt
helping out here quite a bit then
finally we have the RT X 2080 system
inside the fantex Eclipse P 600 s along
with the AMD risin 7 2700 the associate
X 2080 dual fan OC graphics card picked
75 degrees which is still an excellent
result especially for such a high-end
graphics card meanwhile the rise in 720
700 with the wraith spire peaked at just
56 degrees though only briefly as it
typically operated around 54 to 55
degrees now we just have a very brief
look at a few games again for detailed
GeForce GTX 1662 I RT X 2060 and RT X
2080 benchmarks I'll link those in the
video description also please note that
the GTX 1660 Ti and RC x 2060 systems
were tested at 1080p
while the RT x 20 idea was compared at
as you can see all three systems pushed
well over 60 fps and fortnight with the
maximum quality settings the RT X 2060
was a little fast in the GTX 1662 as
you'd expect while the RT X 28 II was
able to deliver comparable performance
while rendering at the higher 1440p
resolution then we see performance in
battlefield 5 is also excellent the GTX
1662 iRig maintained well over 60 fps at
all times while the r-tx 20/80 managed
to our class the r-tx 2060 is spite
rendering at 1440p World War Z also
proved to be of little challenge for
these PC case geared gaming pcs the GTX
1662 I rendered around 100 FPS while the
r-tx 2060 was around 10 to 15 percent
faster and the ITX 2080 was again
comparable despite rendering at a higher
resolution even the division 2 with the
ultra quality preset was a breeze for
these systems the gtx 660ti averaged
over 60 FPS at all times while the r-tx
2060 was again 10 to 15 percent faster
then the r-tx 2080 also matched the
2060s 1080 performance despite once
again rendering at 1440p much the same
we're seen when testing with far cry new
dawn so again all three pcs delivered
excellent performance oh and there's one
last test I'd like to do and that's
operating volume but you'll probably
need some headphones for this one
so there you have it all three gaming
pcs were extremely quiet when under load
and I was actually quite surprised by
just how quiet they were that Oh soos
GeForce r-tx 2080 dual fan OC graphics
card has a surprisingly massive cooler
and with a peak fan speed of around 750
rpm you really can't hear it the msi
geforce r-tx 2060 ventus XS OC that was
a little more noticeable but in that
system it was the LAN Lieber alight RGB
fans that made the most noise I'm not
quite sure if there was something a
little bit wrong with these fans because
it wasn't the air movement that was
causing the noise it was more of an
electrical noise than hum for about five
seconds then they'd fall silent for a
second and they'd repeat over and over
quite odd that one I'll have to talk to
the guys at PC case gear about this
issue to see if it was just these fans
or perhaps we need to switch to a
different three Packer fans still it's
certainly not a deal breaker and I just
saw all three systems did run
exceptionally well the GeForce GTX 1662
I proved once again why it's a favorite
of mine it's really a great value option
then for some serious 1440p gaming you
really can't go past the ITX 2080 and of
course if you want to that card will
also work at 4k as for the Rison 507
processors well they performed very well
and proved once again why they're such
great value processors i didn't delve
into any ray-tracing or deal SS
demonstrations in this video naturally
all three systems support these features
so if you're interested in performance
please check out Tim's work anyway it
was great to see how these three rigs
turned out and it was kind of nice
getting to pick all the hardware and
then outsource all the hard work to PC
case gear and then when they were done
with that they just handed them over to
me and I got to play with them a bit see
that was that was a lot of fun but yeah
I'm really pleased with how they've
turned out and if I had to pick one of
the three builds well that's pretty
obvious I'd go with the unboxed 20/80
because in my opinion that one looks the
best and of course it is the most
powerful and most expensive but yeah
that's that's the most impressive of the
three rigs of course but if I had to
pick one of them
well I was purchasing with my own money
and I wasn't I didn't have a huge budget
let's say I wasn't super keen to part
with a large sum of money then I think
the unboxed 1662 I would probably be my
number one choice because the value for
money there is just amazing and yet
quite incredible what you get with this
system for well under $2,000 Ozzy and
that is going to do it for this one big
thank you to PC case key for sponsoring
this video and supporting the channel
and we don't do a whole lot of sponsored
content so yeah when opportunities like
this come up I think it is a it's good
to do because it's a well this
partnership makes sense and I think it's
content that a lot of you guys will
enjoy and yeah we get paid for our hard
work so that's always nice it's a bit of
a win-win but anyway thank you very much
for watching and hopefully you did enjoy
this video if you did you hit the like
button you can subscribe for more
content and if you really appreciate our
work then you can consider supporting us
on patreon you get access to our discord
chat monthly live streams all that good
stuff anyway once again thank you for
watching I'm your host Steve and I'll
see you again next time
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