GeForce GTX 1050 3GB, New Budget King or Misleading Product?
GeForce GTX 1050 3GB, New Budget King or Misleading Product?
welcome back to harbor unbox today we're
checking out the geforce gtx 1050 the
new 3 gigabyte version and boy is this
one bit of a strange animal recently we
checked out
another strange graphics card though
that one was much more of a disaster
than this one is and that was the ddr4
version of the GT 1030 a horribly
misleading product that really shouldn't
exist at least not as a GT 1030 and that
one will hopefully go down as the worst
graphics card released in history and so
hopefully because well I hope we don't
get another graphics card as terrible as
the ddr4 GT 1030 but anyway let's move
on to this guy so hopefully the three
gigabyte version of the GTX 1050 isn't
going to be nearly as bad in fact it may
not be bad at all there's a good chance
it won't be looking at the specs but
even so it's definitely not a gtx 1050
so been unnecessary and well a bit
misleading there from Nvidia prior to
May of 2016 there was only one version
of the GTX 1050 codenamed GP 107 300 and
it came with a 2 gigabyte memory buffer
not three however in may and video
quietly updated their geforce gtx 1050
page on their website to include a three
gigabyte model that looked to slot in
between the existing 2 gigabyte 1050 and
4 gigabyte 1050 Ti though it is a little
bit more complicated than that the three
gigabyte 1050 isn't merely a 1050 with
an extra gigabyte of VRAM instead of
features 768 cuda cores on a smaller 96
bit wide memory bus and this is due to a
change in the backend configuration okay
so those 768 cuda cores
it's a gtx 10:50 TI with 1 gigabyte less
vrm well actually no it's not that
either in this table you can see that
while it has the same crew decor count
as the 1050 TI it has 25% less ROPS and
that means it has 25% less than the
original 1050 as well although you do
get the same 7 gigabits per second gddr5
memory the memory bus has now
reduced to 96 bit wide and that's due to
the reduction in ROPS which sees one of
the four memory controllers disabled the
result is just 84 gigabytes per second
and memory bandwidth down from the 112
gigabytes per second of the two gigabyte
1050 and four gigabyte 1050 Ti
additionally this also means that the l2
cache capacity has been reduced down
from one megabyte to 768 kilobytes
Nvidia is clocking the cores higher to
compensate here but we expect that in
some cases this won't help overcome the
25% reduction and memory bandwidth ROPS
and cache so why is invidious selling a
three gigabyte version of a gtx 1050
that likely won't perform like a 1050
with an extra gigabyte of erm given the
specifications we expect that for the
most part it will sit between the two
gigabyte 1050 and 1050 Ti but there is
no doubt going to be a few instances
where I'll actually be slower than even
the 2 gigabyte 1050 the most likely
reason being they had a stockpile of
defective GP 107 dies that had a faulty
memory controller for example some
videos just salvaging those parts by
creating the 3 gigabyte 1050 it's a bit
odd to see this so late in the product
cycle but that's not really the issue
here once again the issue is we're
seeing multiple different GPU
configurations under the one name it's
my opinion that at the very least this
thing should have been called the gtx
1050 se or ali or pretty much anything
other than the 1053 gigabyte regardless
of the performance this is still very
misleading to the consumer and it's
really not unlike the 3 gigabyte and 60
about gtx 1060 situation and really i'm
expecting to find a similar result
speaking of which on hand for testing
you haven't noticed i do have the EVGA
geforce gtx 1050 SC gaming that comes
with a small 5% factory overclock and
right now is selling for $140 us which
is basically what you can expect to pay
for a gtx 1050 2 gigabyte model that
makes it about I think it's about $30
u.s. cheaper than the cheapest gtx 1050
is at the moment so for testing we have
23 games in total all of which have been
tested at IUP using various quality
settings however I will only be
the results for eight of the games and
then I'll be jumping into our usual
performance breakdown the rest of the
graphs will be available for free on our
patreon page and the link will be in the
video description then finally as usual
our Corsair GPU test rebuilt inside the
crystal series 570 X has been used and
inside we have a core i7 8700 K clocked
at 5 gigahertz with 32 gigabytes of ddr4
3,200 memory I realize this hardware
configuration is overkill for these
entry-level GPUs the idea here though is
to remove any potential system
bottlenecks that may mask GPU
performance plus it also allows me to
use these results and compare them to
higher end cards that have been tested
using the same quality settings ok so I
think that's about everything let's get
to the good stuff starting with the
battlefield 1 results we see the 3
gigabyte 1050 is 9 percent faster than
the 2 gigabyte version but 16% slower
than the 1050 Ti so that's actually a
really great result for the 3 gigabyte
version as it is indeed faster than the
original 1050 in this title that said it
is still quite a bit slower than the
1050 Ti due to the downgrades I spoke of
earlier despite the positive performance
just seen when testing was a wreck fest
we find I can put the different picture
here the 3 gigabyte 1050 was actually
slower than the original 1050 13 percent
slower in fact and that meant it was 21%
slower than the 1050 Ti so that is a
troubling result there in rec fest but
let's move on and see what we find in
Tom Clancy's rainbow 6 siege here we see
the 3 gigabyte 1050 is 22% faster than
the original true gigabyte model and
just 11 percent slower than 1050 T I so
like battlefield 1 this is a very good
result for the 3 gigabyte model moving
on we have far cry 5 and we're certainly
starting to see some mixed results here
this time the three gigabyte 1050 was a
few frames sold in the 2 gigabyte model
making it 5 percent slower this also
meant it was 15% slower than the 1050 to
I then we have some testing with
fortnight and this shows similar
performance between the two gigabyte and
three gigabyte 1050 models making the
both only slightly slower than the 1050
Ti we also see comparable performance
when testing with Total War saga thrones
at Britannia here the 3 gigabyte model
was 3 percent faster than the
to gigabyte version interestingly when
playing with ARMA 3 we see an 11%
reduction in performance for the 3
gigabyte 1050 when compared to the 2
gigabyte version and the result for the
1% lower also dropped below 60 FPS so
this is another poor result for the 3
gigabyte model finally we're going to
look at the Warhammer vermintide 2
results and here we see a tie between
the 2 and 3 gigabyte versions of the
1050 and this made them both 13% slower
than the 10 52 I wrapping things up when
it comes to power consumption the three
gigabyte 1050 was comparable to the
original 1050 only pushing total system
consumption about 5% higher ok so from
that small 8 game sample we saw some
pretty mixed results it has to be said
I do have 23 games though so let's look
at all 23 and see how their results
varied across all those games so here
are the results for all 23 games and
you've no doubt been drawn to the
Wolfenstein result which saw the
three-year back model delivering 65%
more performance
this is definitely an outlier result and
it's due to the 2 gigabyte vm buffer of
the original 1050 are just being
overwhelmed by the maximum in-game
quality settings however because the 3
gigabyte model did average over 50 fps
and produced a 1% low result of 48 fps I
didn't feel the need to reduce the
quality settings just to accommodate the
2 gigabyte version still this is a very
rare case you're not gonna see too many
games producing these kinds of margins
at 1080p so let's just remove that
result and take a look at this again ok
so this looks a bit more normal
and now Rainbow six siege is our outlier
but this outlier is that nearly as
Extreme as the one seen previously
overall the three gigabyte model was 4%
faster on average but it was still
slower in 5 of the games tested 4 of
which it was slower by a 5 percent or
greater margin we also saw a tie in
three titles and then the three gigabyte
gtx 1050 was faster by a 5 percent or
greater margin intent of the 23 games
test of it so certainly not a bad result
the 3 gigabyte version of the gtx 1050
is a bit of an odd product for a number
of reasons
Nvidia say that it is around 10% faster
than the 2 gigabyte
and we found on average it was 4% faster
but there are certainly instances where
you could say it's up to 10% faster but
I wouldn't say gamers should expect to
see 10% performance uplift either way
though for the most part it was faster
than the 2 gigabyte GTX 1015 as far as I
can tell our pricing is pretty much the
same at least it is for the EVGA version
that we tested this 3 gigabyte version
of the GP 107 architecture is a good
example of how important the memory
subsystem is and how much of an
influence it can have on performance
under certain conditions in some
instances the bandwidth
RUP throughput and reduction of cache
capacity how little impact when compared
to the 1050 Ti but in some of the
performance it was massive for those
reasons simply naming this product at
the gtx 1053 gigabyte isn't good enough
in my opinion thankfully though this
isn't another GT 1030 ddr4 situation as
the 3 gigabyte model is arguably better
values than the original 2 gigabyte
version but still there is some risk of
misleading consumers here it's hard to
say exactly why NVIDIA has released this
product especially being that so late in
the game that said this release did
happen during the cryptocurrency mining
boom and with the gtx 1050 TI being a
popular choice amongst - perhaps this
was a way of boosting stock levels by
selling defective GPUs if you're
desperate for a new graphics card and
you have around 100 to $150 us to spend
then the 3 gigabyte 1050 is one of the
best options available right now
personally though I would certainly
recommend that you hold off buying a new
graphics card all at this point if you
can we do have new graphics cards in
coming very soon so yeah just keep that
in mind hopefully though we will see the
3 gigabyte and the 2 gigabyte models
creeping down to 110 dollar US MSRP in
the coming weeks so for those of you
that are super desperate for any reverie
scarred can just get one because after
all the new graphics cards will likely
see sort of the almost flagship product
come in and then they'll trickle down
months later so it might be anywhere
from four to six months after the
initial next-gen product release that
you get sort of a 1050 equivalent $100
$250 u.s. graphics card and that is
going to do it for this one another
benchmark video
done so hopefully it was a success
hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you did
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that's that's gonna do it for this one
thanks for watching I'm yo Steve see you
next time
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