welcome to the story of hardware unboxed
in Bangkok we got off to a rough start
with a flight mix-up thanks jet star but
soon enough we're in the air new zealand
lounge grabbing a beer and things
already felt better after a smooth
flight with thai airways we're able to
check into the hotel at the impressive
lobby get some room service and finally
catch some much-needed Z's the next day
we grabbed our press passes and found
out what all this fuss was about Pascal
powered gaming notebooks which to me
came as a slight surprise as I figured
we were probably here for a graphics
card release after the presentation
which we weren't allowed to record we
were served another buffet meal and got
a chance to hang out with the other
press members for a chat we then got the
chance to get hands on with this
impressive new portable tech including
playing a few different games messing
around with VR and of course running
some benchmarks I was impressed with how
Thea and light some of these notebooks
were especially considering the power
packed inside we weren't able to do any
heavy testing but running a few creeks
test shows similar to desktop game
performance there was a long line for
the VR boxing game but it was pretty fun
and worth the wait playing The Witcher 3
on a compact little notebook was pretty
cool too after all this wrapped up we
headed back to the hotel room and watch
the weather turn for the worse for a
neat little vantage point a new nvidia
had a cool little evening planned who
didn't really know what to expect soon
we're on the bus to something called CM
nurit where we started off first in a
huge decorator dining hall where we had
access to yet another delicious buffet
meal and beers we made the most of the
buffet as always and then we had just a
short walk to the seminary market area
where there was an elephant traditional
Thai dancing performances and a
recreation of a little Thai Village
yeah after getting my face melted by
Thailand's John Mayer we saw the same
nurit show before which they confiscate
everyone's cameras so I've got nothing
to show for it but it was pretty cool
thanks in video hey guys Matthew in
Bangkok before in video Huck Finn and
well I've got you I'm going to take you
on a to this very cool boss hat power
pack bag come have a look
so there's something very unique and
cool about this bag and I'll show you
that first so in this side zip you'll
actually find a power cord with a decent
extension so the idea is when you're
taking this bag around you can plug it
in and still charge all of your devices
so i'll show you how it does it most of
the magic happens in this back
so popping it open all the way open
you see at the bottom here
this is the other end of that power cord
so I was something like my brick it's
got a USA adapter there and two USB
ports as well so I've got this adapter
plugged in that has an additional two
USB ports from there is a lot of cable
management the very clever compartments
to use so is this clips first of all for
your cable management as mentioned i had
these two USBs
like doom 3.1 when he picks up on so
first we got this little phone
compartment so I've got my step spare
phone charging there that's the huawei
p9 so i'll be reviewing shortly then
you've got a tablet compartment here
that's nice and padded and at the fact
is the main laptop compartment so i've
got all three of these devices plugged
in anytime i'm traveling around just pop
that size of bourbon plug it in or all
your devices of charging which is pretty
that's not always a bunch of other
really clever compartments as well so
first on top got one can use for
anything but it's probably most suited
to glasses or sunglasses on the other
side of the bag there's a sealed-up
water model port so if the bottle does
leak not even devices are going to get
on the front here it's just a flat
compartment I have my nvidia press pass
in there that's nice and handy for quick
the other front compartment is a bit
bigger just got my headphones you can
see pens in there other bigger things
I've got a few adapters in there
and lastly there's another bigger
compartment as well so this extends down
to the bottom of the bag there's a
compartment here for your passport
another couple of pens slots and here
you can secure anything I've just got my
keys and there's it's up that's just
about its overall really comfortable
nice padded backpack I think it looks
pretty cool you can get it in this onyx
on a slate gray or all black just aren't
orange features I've used this for this
whole trip I'm definitely to be using
next time the convenience be able to
plug this stuff in and charge it without
pulling everything out is super super
duper handy so thanks for checking out
with me see you guys next time we had a
day to ourselves the next day and
decided to go check out some go-karts
after inspecting the local electrical
work and some of the native wildlife we
eventually found the place and it was on
Steve from tac squad and I had the track
to ourselves but since there were no
seatbelts or roll bars were a little
hesitant to go all out last day was done
and dusted but not without a final epic
buffet at the hotel they really had
everything especially seafood and the
dessert section was to die for we took
full advantage and i think steve was
even happier than i was about it all in
all it was a really great trip and i
look forward to the next one
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