hey guys and welcome back to hardware
box today we'll be taking a look at the
HyperX cloud revolver s this is HyperX
whose new flagship gaming headset it's a
closed back over ear design that's wired
and supports Dolby 7.1 surround sound
I've been using this headset for the
past couple of weeks playing some games
watching movies and listening to music
and I think it's a pretty decent gaming
headset overall I'm going to start off
by talking about the area that I think
is of most interest to you guys and that
is the sound quality this is a $150
headset around 200 Australian dollars so
you'd be expecting pretty good sound
quality from a headset of this price and
the cloud revolver s certainly delivers
in this regard without messing with any
profiles or equalizers I think this
headset is quite pleasant to listen to
it's even and balanced across all
frequencies and gives you quite a lot of
detail through the mid-tones and the
highs but on the bass and there's still
enough punch that you get that nice
Rumble from explosions and an up depth
to the bass in music the miss respect I
was really pleased with the sound
profile because some gaming headsets
tend to punch out the bass too much but
here it's much more balanced and
pleasant overall the cloud revolver s
seems to keep this nice balance
throughout most of its volume range so
whether you're listening to something
quiet or you're really blasting out some
music you'll still get a pleasant
listening experience it's only when you
really crank out the volume to its
maximum that you will notice some very
minor distortions particularly in the
mid-tones you might hear some
accentuated vocals when you're listening
to music but aside from that I think
that for most comfortable listening
volumes and the normal range that you'll
be using the cloud revolver s4 you'll be
getting a very good listening experience
here perhaps even more impressive than
the sound quality of this headset is the
comfort these bad boys have been on my
head for extended sessions throughout
the week including gaming and video
editing and at times I've even forgotten
that they've actually been on my ears
they're that comfortable the padding
around the top of the headset is very
plush and the suspension system that
allows the headset to sit nicely and
comfortably and were almost weightlessly
on your head gives you that ultimate
Comfort experienced the padding around
the ear cups is also very good and
combined with the over ear design you'll
be able to use this headset for hours at
a time without feeling any discomfort
whatsoever it's also we're talking about
the design of this headset because I'm
quite pleased with what HyperX has done
here there's premium materials used all
around such as metal along the top edge
of the band there's a leather use for
most of the padding areas of this
headset now quite like this soft touch
matte plastic that's used on the outside
of the ear cuffs it gives quite a nice
visual design to this headset it's not
too gamer style and also feels solid and
well built as for the features of this
headset there's two ways you can connect
it to your PC the headset itself
features of 3.5 ml audio output which
can be either connected to a USB dongle
which I'll talk a little bit of that in
just a moment or at - 3.5 mm audio jack
splitter that allows you to plug in both
the headphone and microphone into two
separate ports depending on the data
that's included with your PC you might
find that plugging in through the 3.5 ml
or do cables provides a slightly better
audio experience but at least for me I
use the USB dongle primarily because I
felt it gave a very minor improvement to
audio quality overall that said using
the USB dongle does introduce some hiss
to the speaker's when you're not
listening to any audio which is not
present while using the 3.5 mm audio
jacks so if you find that hiss
unpleasant you might just need to ditch
the USB dongle entirely there are a
couple of other reasons to ditch the
dongle as well firstly its position on
the cable doesn't make a whole lot of
sense I mean where am I supposed to put
this dongle am I supposed to clip it to
my pants clip it to my shirt or just
leave it in my lap it seems like a
fairly awkward position for these
controls that would be better integrated
onto the headset itself I wasn't
impressed with the Dolby 7.1 surround
sound mode either which is exclusive to
the USB dongle and a key feature of this
headset simply put when I was listening
to games and movies with surround sound
I thought that I was better able to hear
things behind me and to the side of me
when this mode was disabled as opposed
to when it was enabled for example when
I was playing a game that had enemies
coming from behind me that I was trying
to pick
the surround side mode made it seem like
these enemies will actually above me in
terms of its spatial profile rather than
behind me which is where they really
were and this is disappointing because I
figured the Dolby Surround mode would
make it easier for me to pick out the
location of enemies around me but it
actually made it more difficult on top
of that the surround mode makes it seem
like the speakers are further away from
you and more echoey than normal which
can give quite an unpleasant experience
when you listen to music or when you're
watching some movies it kind of makes it
seem like you're in a movie theater
rather than in a studio experience and
depending on your preferences that might
not be the experience that you're after
USB dongle also comes with some
equalizer presets but like the 7.1
surround mode I did feel like these
presets actually made the audio quality
slightly worse most of the time you're
better off just laying the natural audio
quality of this headset takeover and not
use these presets at all there are some
benefits to using this dongle though you
do get microphone and volume controls on
the side which can be quite handy as
well as a push-to-talk button for the
microphone speaking of the microphone is
detachable on this headset which I
really appreciate because if you're
listening to music or playing a
single-player game and you don't need
the microphone you can get it completely
out of your way by simply disconnecting
it as for the audio quality of the
microphone well here's a short sample so
that you can assess it for yourself this
is a quick test using the HyperX cloud
revolver SS microphone as you can hear
it's not particularly amazing quality by
any stretch but it should suffice for
gaming applications though I wouldn't
recommend it really for anything else
you do get nice feedback into the
headphones so you can hear own voice and
this it does assist with using this
microphone a little bit you can hear
posis though when the microphone is
placed quite close to your mouth and at
times you can hear breathing as well
when it's positioned this close such as
that's just me breathing through my nose
sort of moderately loudly I guess so
couldn't can be quite annoying at times
but if you place a microphone anything
further away such as out here for
example you can definitely hear the
difference in volume and and quality a
bit so you really do need to place it
reasonably close to your
but that does introduce those plosive
sounds and also the annoyance of
breathing at times but oh well I guess
the main feature of this headset isn't
its microphone it's definitely it's
audio quality and comfort so like I said
should be good enough for gaming there
is one good thing about this microphone
though and that is that it's noise
canceling I've got some music playing
quite loudly on my phone just in front
of me here but it doesn't have a big
effect on the ability to hear my voice
through the microphone and that's a
pretty great thing if you've got quite a
noisy environment that you're gaming in
and you don't want external noises
coming into that microphone noise well
it's not going to be a big deal on the
HyperX cloud revolver
overall I'm very happy with the HyperX
cloud revolver as I know they're an
expensive headset at 150 dollars or
around 200 Australian dollars but I
think you get your money's worth from
both sound quality and comfort
perspective I wasn't as impressed with
the USB dongle all the Dolby 7.1
surround sound mode but you don't need
to use this dongle with this headset and
I still think the surround sound that's
provided in games and movies without the
dongle is still very good nevertheless
so you can pretty much just forget the
dongle and still get a very decent
experience from the HyperX cloud
revolver s that's it for this review of
this headset don't forget to check
there's a written review on tech spot
links to buy this headset in the
description below and I'll catch you in
the next one
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