Intel's New Low: Commissioning Misleading Core i9-9900K Benchmarks
Intel's New Low: Commissioning Misleading Core i9-9900K Benchmarks
welcome back to harbor unbox today's
video topic is a frustrating one for a
few reasons
I'm not really even sure where to begin
really I suppose we'll start with
yesterday's video which was covering
these m390 motherboards and Intel's
nitrogen processors so they were
announced officially by Intel today or
the wee hours of the morning for me it
was 3:00 a.m. when our video went live
and just before that Intel started a
live stream where they announced that
insane unlocked 28 core workstation as
the UM processor the start like X
refreshed parts and we got some pricing
and a bit more information so Tim and I
did plan to do an updated video today
talking about the pricing information
and if you are the tidbits that did make
the follow-up video worthwhile in this
video though rather than discuss pricing
information of the sky like X parts and
the ninth gen processes a lot sort of
stuff and of course the insane the Xeon
workstation processor we have a much
more serious issue to deal with as many
of you will know by now reviewers are
currently under embargo until the 19th
of October and therefore can't release
their ninth gen core series testing
until that date and we were very
frustrated by that because means we
couldn't test these motherboards
properly with the 900 K so therefore we
opted not to do any testing at all until
we can show you guys proper results we
technically aren't bound by the NDA
as we didn't sign the NDA to get our
sample we got our sample NDA free but
for various reasons we are going to wait
till all the other reviews go live just
out of respect for other reviewers as we
can certainly understand appreciate the
days upon days of work they have sunk
into their day 1 content so we will keep
it fair and launch at the same time than
ever else does that being said when the
PC games end website published early
Koro 9 1900 k results today I was a
little surprised the title read Intel's
Core Oh 9 1950 percent faster than aim
DS Rison 720 700 X in games salad bogus
to me but I read on anyway they went on
to say
intel has now officially announced its
new core oh nine nine hundred k
processor proclaiming it as the world's
best gaming processor it's not just some
marketing bluster either well not
intel has commissioned principal
technologies to do a benchmarking sesh
on its newest ninth gems and their
competition across 19 of the most
popular PC games it's complete garbage
then talking unpublished their own
testing done suspiciously through a
third-party ten days before reviews more
reviewers are prohibited from refuting
the claims due to the NDA
scrolling down PC games ends says the
when looking over Intel's commissioned
benchmarks but the real point of all of
this for Intel is to be able to hold the
nine under okay
as hands-down the best gaming processor
compared with the AMD competition and in
that it seems to have excelled on some
games such as sieve six and pub G the
performance Delta isn't necessarily that
great but for the most part you're
looking at between thirty and fifty
percent higher frame rates from the
ninety nine hundred K versus the twenty
seven hundred X right away many of the
results looked very very suspect to me
having spent countless hours
benchmarking both the 2700 X and the 87
or okay I have a good idea of how they
compare in a wide range of titles and
these results looked very off to me
having spotted a few dodgy looking
results my next thought was why is PC
games in publishing this misleading data
and why aren't they tearing this
obviously paid report because they're
very transparent that this is a paid
report commissioned by Intel why are
they tearing it to shreds do they simply
not know any better I'm a bit worried or
wondering if we might see other websites
covering this report perhaps paid to
cover it and I'm not accusing or saying
that PC games and were paid by Intel
doesn't look great and I suppose the
very least it is very shoddy journalism
over at the principal technologies
website you can find the full report
which states how they tested and the
hard way they're used official memory
speeds were used which isn't a
particularly big deal though they have
gone out of their way to handy
Rison or the very least exposed some of
its weaknesses though I would say
unfairly so Rison doesn't perform that
well with fully populated memory dims
especially dual rank dims to single
ranked modules is far more optimal
however timings are also very important
and there used vengeance memory without
loading the extreme memory profile or
XMP setting instead they just set the
memory frequency to 29 33 and left the
ridiculously loose default memory
timings in place these really loose
timings are there to ensure
compatibility with systems so they'll
actually boot up and after which point
you can enter the boss and enable the
proper memory profile it's extremely
misleading to conduct benchmarks without
executing this crucial step still it
would almost be fair enough if they did
the same for Intel but of course they
didn't brawl Intel platforms they first
set the memory to XMP and then adjusted
the frequency manually handing Intel a
significant performance advantage
particularly in games the next step in
their manipulation of the results was to
only test that 1080p with a gtx 1080i
using almost medium quality settings
there are at least one step down from
ultra sometimes two steps down from that
yeah that maximum quality preset in many
cases this simulates the kind of
performance we see when testing at 720p
using ultra quality presets of course we
also test at 1080p and 1440p as well to
give viewers the full picture one of the
worst results picked by PC games in was
ashes of the singularity let's just
ignore the 90 100 K for this video
because I can't refute those results I
can't show you real 900k results but we
don't need to because we can show you
the delta between the 8700 K and 2700 X
in these results the 87 and Rho K was
29% faster than the 2,700 X and that's a
much bigger margin than I would expect
to find principled technologies are
using the built-in benchmark the CPU
focused benchmark with the game running
in the DirectX 12 mode with the higher
quality preset which is essentially a
medium type visual quality setting for
this game so I installed two Corsair
Vengeance Pro ddr4 3200 modules loaded
the XMP profile and both the AMD
platforms and ran the test using the
exact same settings
I also rerun the tests with the XMP
timings enabled but with the official
memory speeds for each CPU I'm only
going to expose three of the game
results I didn't really feel the need to
spend days on this testing a couple of
hours was enough to make the point at
least I believe it was anyway so first
up here are the results for ashes of the
singularity and let's talk about them
compared to the paid results produced by
Principal technologies using the stock
memory my 2700 X was 18% faster that's a
pretty shocking result already the 8700
K though that was 4% slower and that
meant compared to the 2,700 X it was
just 4% faster and up to 9% faster with
the higher clocked memory that however
is nothing like the 29% performance
advantage Intel enjoyed in the paid
testing next I looked at Far Cry 5 and
here the change wasn't quite as extreme
for the 2,700 X it was just 3% faster in
my tests and 10% faster with the 3,200
memory spec however again the 87 RK was
slower 7% slower with the 2666 memory
that principal technology is used even
with 3200 memory I couldn't match their
result this means while they claimed the
8700 K is 26% faster and far cry 5 in
reality it's more like 14% or 12% with
3200 memory still a clear win for Intel
but it's not nearly as extreme as the
principal technologies benchmarks would
lead you to believe the last the results
that I looked into were for Assassin's
Creed origins and again they used the
built-in benchmark with the third
highest quality preset at an EP with the
gtx 980ti here the 8700 k was 36 percent
faster according to principal
technologies when in reality it's more
like 8 percent with the stock memory
speeds and 10 percent with overclocked
memory so it's quite obvious that the
principal technology results are a load
of rubbish and no tech channel or
website should be publishing them unless
of course the intention is to expose
them for the garbage that they are I
have no problem with that of course the
focus here for Intel is to highlight how
great the coronoid 1900 K is and
unfortunately right now I can't show you
any real results for
all that CPU needs will say though it
won't be 50% faster than the 2,700 X at
least ten games actually won't be full
stop that certainly won't be in games
the 90 100k will be faster than
27-hundred for gaming there's no doubt
about that but it's also going to cost
probably twice as much once you factor
in the cost of a motherboard we'll cover
all that in our day 1 review but in
terms of price versus performance it's
not like the 1900 K is going to stomp
the 2700 n to the ground quite the
opposite I suspect on average we found
when using the tuned memory for both the
2700 X and 87 ok in a previous big
benchmark video we did comparing the two
CPUs we found an average that the Intel
CPU was 9% faster at 1080p using a GTX
today ETI and that's 1080p using ultra
quality settings at least for the most
part I realistically we don't expect the
no-doubter okay to be more than a few
percent faster overall when compared to
the 8700 K at least in games because
right now games aren't maxing out the 6
core 12 thread CPU I don't have too much
of an issue with Intel commissioning the
report itself and they've done this
plenty of times in the past with
principal technologies so they're quite
well known for doing white papers and
benchmarking almost exclusively for
Intel mind you but at least they've been
very transparent with the testing that
they've done in the report states how
they tested their games how they
configured the hardware and all that
sort of stuff so at least there's that
doesn't necessarily make any of the
testing they did good or valid because
it's very misleading and heavily biased
but at least they haven't attempted to
hide their dodgy methods because as I
said you can dig into the specs and see
all the details still very dodgy of
course and it is a paid report so I
guess it's somewhat to be expected what
I'm really really not a fan of is this
report going public before the release
it's basically propaganda that can be
used to boost preorder sales it also
undermines the testing that will be done
by reviewers testing that you won't be
able to see for another 10 days I'm also
really not a fan of websites such as PC
games and regurgitating the data in this
not properly cautioning their readers I
really don't feel like there's a need to
regurgitate or show this information at
all unless you're refuting it and
showing it to be the garbage that it is
in their defense they did note that the
performance difference will be a far
less noticeable at 1440p and yet while
that is true it still doesn't change the
fact the results shown aren't even
accurate to begin with so while the
margins will close up at 1440p they
would close up significantly more if
they were accurate to begin with the
misleading benchmarks from video
regarding their GeForce 20 series launch
that was pretty bad this though is just
on a completely different level a much
worse level and I seriously hope we
don't see these results published
anywhere else
with the intention of promoting the
19-hundred can either upcoming Intel
processor there will be more content on
this subject from our good friends over
at gamers Nexus so believe me you're not
gonna want to miss that one Steve has
some pretty pretty good stuff lined up
so keep an eye out for that on their
Channel there'll be a few special
content pieces soon also it goes without
saying please wait for our independent
1900 k review and the reviews of other
trusted media outlets such as gamers
Nexus my good mate Paul from Paul's
hardware and there's plenty of other
guys too many to list but there's loads
of guys that I respect in this industry
that will be doing a very honest reviews
of the 9 hour okay and all the other
Intel processors that will be released
and I'm certain that the data will not
reflect what you've seen from Intel's
paid report also tomorrow Tim we'll be
following up with our thoughts on the
new unlocked xeon workstation cpus along
with the skylake x refresh so be sure to
keep an eye out for that content that is
planned at this stage unless anything
else crazy happens that we may have to
report on straight away but that's the
content we have planned for tomorrow in
the meantime if you did enjoy this video
please hit the like button subscribe for
more content and if you appreciate the
work we do hire box then consider
supporting us on patreon
I was keeping our patreon members up to
date with my testing for this video
showing the results as they were coming
in and we were discussing it all there
so yeah a lot of interesting stuff was
just anyway thank you for watching I'm
your host Steve and I'll see you again
next time
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