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MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Unboxing & Teardown

welcome back guys today I have in my hands the geforce gtx 1070 box and msi gaming xbox and it just occurred to me that this product is well over a year old now so in graphics card years it's fair to say it's getting on a bit still for anyone that's been looking to build a capable yet sensible 1440p game eerie the 1070 really has been the go-to part for the last year or so and even the recent arrival of Vega 56 well that didn't really change that however as good as it is there is a problem with the gtx 1070 and for a while i haven't been out to put my finger on it but it's just it's lacking a little something looking at this beautiful msi gtx 10:17 gaming xbox it I'll admit it does look pretty complete so you're probably sitting there thinking Steve what are you going on about actually probably just sitting there thinking I've read the title Steve stop messing around and just show us the gtx 1070 TI fine I'll do that spoil all the fun let's get the 1070 ti out here are you happy I've got this dragon as well MSI dragon anyway actually I'm pretty happy let's check this out all right Zoe you can have you can have the dragon back now actually first I should just say before you go and grab the popcorn in anticipation of a 30 game benchmark just know this is just an unboxing video that's all we can do at this point so take out of the box and have a look and for those of you wondering you will have to wait till this time next week before you can see any gtx 1070 TI benchmarks and in my case it will be msi 1070 TI gaming benchmarks so once again we have the Twin Frozr six cooler pair of talks 2.0 fans it's a very familiar looking graphics card so that's the unboxing portion of this video complete that was pretty quick and simple obviously I can show you I'll give you a good look at the card we'll throw some b-roll up in a moment and have a good look over it and also also do a teardown and you know have a look at that naked PCB you see what's under there and of course have a good look at the cooler itself as well well you guys have it a quick unboxing and teardown of the msi gtx 1070 TI graphics card quick note I did test thermal performance before pulling this card apart so that's done but what I haven't done is a heap of gaming benchmarks so yeah time to do that I have pretty much a week from now to get you guys a review and a big benchmark session done so that's pretty much what I'm going to be doing hopefully I can squeeze some more content in between now and then but I'm very excited to show you guys what this thing can do this time next week well that's gonna do it for this one I'm your host Steve see you again next time guys
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