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MSI RTX 2080 Ti Gaming X Trio Review, Overclocking, Temps & Gaming Benchmarks

welcome back to harbor unbox for my unboxing of the new msi r-tx 20 80 TI gaming extra oh man I'm just kidding will actually do a proper review of how to take out of the box ok enough trolling I know the channel name is Harbor unbox but as many of you guys know who watches regularly we don't do too many videos where we just unbox products we do the unboxing box a series but that's almost trolling ourselves I don't know that's a bit of fun anyway but today's video yes we're checking this card out we're gonna pull it apart we're going to test it out top to bottom I'm going to see what it is capable of and actually I have it right here yeah it's a pretty big graphics card as you can plainly see so this is my first look on my first official look at a board partner card and I guess you could say that we're going big right off the bat by starting with what is arguably the biggest RT X xx atti graphics card on the market it's certainly a big slot bending monster actually I shouldn't have said that the slot bending bit was just meant as a joke the graphics card itself won't actually break your motherboard that is a common misconception that heavy graphics cards break PCI Express slots they don't actually do that you'll see some companies like MSI they have their marketed as their or whatever it's called some metal bracing around the slot and that is to stop the slot from breaking but not from a graphics card breaking it it's from basically you being a knucklehead or me so the PCI Express slots have a retention clip at the end which clips onto this little doohickey here I don't know if you can see that on camera and some people undo the card up here with the screws and then they got to pull it out and because it's quite a heavy card they yank on it quite quite aggressively and it takes the slot with them because the retention clip holds on nicely it pulls the back of there the slot up and the pins all go everywhere and it's a mess and you basically kill your motherboard that way so that is what the PCI Express armor is for cards don't break it they sit like that and they can say so MSI has included an anti-bending reinforcement brace or something along those lines that you can put on to give the card a bit more bit more structure bit more strength to something from sagging any case but as I said common misconception it doesn't destroy your PCIe slot if it did I would have gone through many more motherboards in my test systems than I do like most of the behemoths we've come across over the years this thing does hog three expansion slots but again that's pretty typical and we did see this with the GT X 1080 Ti lightning Z model that particular 1080i was one of my absolute favorites but it did tip the scales at an insane sixteen hundred and seventy-five grams and for that I called it a porker the new gaming edge trio is a little bit more lean a bit more of a lean beast and it weighs in a comparatively light fourteen hundred and twenty grams so still obviously quite a heavy graphics card I actually thought the r-tx 20/80 TI fe card was quite heavy but it only ended up weighing twelve hundred and sixty-six grams I guess I'm getting weaker in my old age though that is still quite heavy for what is a relatively compact high-end graphics card the trio of course is significantly larger in fact in terms of dimensions it measures 327 millimeters long 140 millimeters tall and 56 millimeters thick so our IP Mini ITX builds for a big lump of a graphics card the gaming x-trail looks pretty great in my opinion any size dialed down the red highlights so it's much more neutral themed they haven't gone completely neutral but it's much more minimalistic there's a couple of small red highlights on the fans and then on this side of the graphics card facing usually outwards in a traditional mount of course as you'd expect there is plenty of a Haji B lining on display though I have to say it looks very good and there's a number of really nice lighting effects and modes that can be accessed in MSI's mystic lighting software for this demo though I'm just using the default rainbow mode but I assume at this point you guys know how RGB lighting works so let's move on before getting to the benchmarks we will quickly tear the card down and have a good look at the fans and the cooler and the PCB and what's on the PCB all that stuff's somewhat important so we'll check all that out but please note the focus this video is mostly going to be on the thermal performance and overclocking will put some k-type thermocouple x' on there as well and we'll gamers Nexus the crap out of it so should be pretty good of course we will test some games out as well so we'll get to that and see how the overclocks work and what the out of the box performance is like and how it compares to the found Edition model though please note I only have these stock founders Edition numbers as I only had time to test the founders Edition card in two games it's about 5% faster with a manual overclock but I haven't gone back and compared to all the games I did with this because Tim has hijacked my r-tx 20 ATT I found addition cards that's now with him and you may have already seen some of the content he's doing this but he has a lot of stuff lined up I've had to share rights off with the backplate first this requires the removal of 14 screws 5 of which are attached to the massive heatsink on the opposite side of the PCB with the other 9 fastening down the GDD r6 heat spreader I have to say the backplate on the gaming tray looks very impressive I like the cutout vents and I really like how the brushed aluminium is brushed in two different directions it gives a very cool effect and it reflects light in a really interesting way i'm also very fond of how depending on the angle that you view it from will go from sort of a light shade of silver to a darker shade of silver almost a gunmetal gray color in fact it looks very cool and yeah i like viewing the card from different angles just to see that effect in action once removed we can see that the back side of the plate features thermal pads and these are located behind where the GPU and GD dr 6 would be situated on the opposite side of the PCB the intention here is to extract any built-up heat that would get trapped behind the back plate these pads are very effective at transferring heat through the aluminium backplate and that effectively turns it into sort of a massive heat spreader next the massive heatsink comes off and this section of the card accounts for 1022 grams of the cards total weight here we find a large nickel plated copper base which comes in direct contact with half a dozen nickel plated heat pipes and of course they are also made out of copper in total there is only one eight millimeter heat pipe and five six millimeter pipes ms:i calls this a concentrated heat pipe design basically these heat pipes are used to maximize heat extraction from the base and then spread it through the massive array of fins so basically they work out heat pipes basically work then moving air through all those fins are three tox 3.0 fans are the center and right fans measure a hundred millimeters in diameter while the left fan is slightly smaller at 85 millimeters but there is a reason for why that fans smaller than the other two it does look a bit odd but the reason that MSI has had to do this is because they've had to carve out room to support MV link or SLI if I hadn't done this they would have needed to provide I suppose a custom adapter though most bored partners already do this that I would mentally their only change the look of the card and not the physical design so perhaps this causes latency issues by extending the actual connectors not a hundred percent sure on that one in any case MSI has made this design choice the fans themselves feature a unique blade design and double ball bearings or as MSI says gaming with balls of steel sure every second fan blade features a dispersion blade which msi says accelerates airflow interesting stuff but we'll have to take their word that it's not just a marketing gimmick then if we remove the fans we get to the big star of the show the actual heatsink of a big old stack of fins the heatsink weighs 777 grams and I have to say it looks very nice it's almost a shame to hide this thing under those fans and of course the shroud MSI is employed what I suppose is called a wavy curvy design which they claim allows the air to pass more smoothly across and through the fins and this results in less noise the theory goes something like this the air directed by the fans hits the top of the heatsink and with them so far if the fins are flat as they more traditionally are this wall of fins creates turbulence okay which increases the operating volume the wavy curvy design a breaks up the turbulent air and better directs it through the fins apparently maximizing airflow and reducing noise again at this point I'm going to have to take their word from up at the card is very quiet so I suppose there's that interestingly one little tidbit the center section of the fins between the heat pipes features pressed out pockets which msi says controls the airflow and feeds it towards the heat sinks allowing heat to be more efficiently removed from the source what I can tell you is that the heat sink looks very cool and as I said it's a shame this beauty gets covered up by so many bits and pieces I'd love to see MSI deploy this heat sink or this heat sink design on their motherboards and when they if they do decide to take my advice and do that please don't cover them in plastic shrouds I just wish someone would try that out and just see what the sales are like and if they don't sell that well then I'll finally shut up about it okay so moving on we've now worked our way to the PCB where we find a few interesting things the highlight here is of course the power delivery system which sees 14 phases for the GPU and three phases for the GDD r6 memory there's also an insane trio of PCIe connectors though they haven't just gone with 3/8 pins we have a single six with two eight pin connectors before we move on to do some custom overclocking I thought I'd just point out the kind of clocks that MSI have applied at a factory the Bruce clock has been set at seventeen hundred and fifty-five megahertz which is a seven percent increase over the founders edition model which is also overclocked to sixteen hundred and thirty five megahertz from the well I suppose the official spec is supposed to be fifteen hundred and forty five megahertz of course GPU boost 4.0 can take advantage of this massive cooler to boost the clock speeds even higher and stock it maintained eighteen hundred and sixty megahertz for all the games that we tested whereas the failed edition model ran at six percent lower at seventeen hundred and fifty five megahertz still out of the box the msi geforce r-tx twenty eight ETI gaming extra oh won't be blowing any socks off in terms of FPS performance at least any more so than the r-tx twenty ATT i already does I suppose is what I'm trying to say that said I expect the temperature and operating volumes to be lower than that of the FE card the first thing I wanted to do before messing around overclocking MSI's afterburner utility was to see how hot this card ran in its out-of-the-box configuration so to do that we fired up shadow of the Tomb Raider and of course we do have a MSI X trio version of the RT X xx atti so I went straight to the 4k resolution with the highest quality presets I cranked everything up and boy did it look good and it was also very nice and smooth which was surprising given the video quality but we were seeing I think it was a 52 fps we'll get to the results soon I think was 52 FPS for the 1% low so very smooth there at an average of around 6 dealing with 62 fps so certainly very impressive performance given those visual quality settings what I was keen to keep an eye on here was the GPU temperature and with a 76 degree reference temperature from the founders vision model I was hoping to see better results thankfully I did get a better result though it wasn't that much better 72 degrees but there's a little bit more to this story this temperature was achieved at a fan speed of just 1499 rpm which I would describe a silent with the card installed in a PC case and it's worth pointing out that the fan speed was 30% lower than that of the EFI model the idle temperature though looks surprisingly high though once you realise that the fans don't spin at all in the cards at idle 47 degrees probably isn't that surprising and keep in mind I'm reporting this temperature after the stress test with a 10 minute cooldown period so it's a lot of the cards have been sitting there doing nothing for a really long time it's only ten minutes after we hit the peak temperature right so the next step was to do a little tinkering and see just how fast we can make the gaming X trio after much trial and error the core accepted a value of plus 140 and the GDD are six memory plus 750 this resulted in a peak core frequency of 2040 megahertz when gaming and the average frequency after an hour-long stress test was 2025 minutes without any alterations to the fan profile the fans spent up to just 1542 rpm allowing for a GPU temperature of 75 degrees out of interest though I did fix the fan speed at 60% which spun them up to 2200 rpm and this reduced the core temperature to just 62 degrees then at 100% the fans were whizzing around at about 3400 rpm and this reduced the GPU peak temperature to 53 degrees with an idle temperature that was just above ambient at 25 degrees and by the way the ambient air temperature during these tests was 22 degrees throwing on a few k-type thermocouple 'he's allowed us to measure the surface temperature of the power stages and GDD our six memory our overclock using the auto fan speed settings saw the VRM idle at 34 degrees with the memory at 35 degrees then under load the vrm hit 49 degrees and the memory 57 degrees both well within tolerances therefore in terms of cooling performance the msi geforce r-tx 28 ET i gaming extra performed much better than the geforce fe r-tx 28 ET i so let's move on to a few FPS benchmarks first up we have the battlefield 1 results at the 4k resolution using the maximum quality preset otherwise known as ultra the 20 ATT IFA impressed us with 100 FPS on average and I'm not saying that it's great value guys when I say that it impressed me I'm just saying that 100 FPS on average at 4k under these conditions is a lot of frames the gaming extra was 3% faster on average and 5% faster 51 percent lower result our custom overclock boosted the performance by a further 8 percent to an incredible 111 fps now when testing with shadow of the Tomb Raider the MSI model is 5 percent faster out of the box and so a further five percent boost via our customer overclock making it 44 percent faster than the MSI gaming extra gtx 980ti here we see a mere 2% increase when testing with strange brigade over the founders edition model it was again possible to boost performance by a further 5% with our custom overclock then an f1 2018 we see basically the same out-of-the-box performance when compared to the fau model though this time we do see a 7 percent boost from our overclock then we see another small 4 percent boost when testing with Far Cry 5 and this time our overclock provided 6 percent more performance the last game I'm going to look at is assassin's creed origins and again pretty typical of what we've seen so far so let's just move on to the power sumption here we see a very slight increase in consumption over the foundation model basically the same result there as we're talking about less than a percentage here so I suppose you could even say margin of error overclocking did increase total system consumption by five percent but then we also did see an average of about five percent increase in terms of frame performance so that's certainly not a bad trade-off the msi geforce r-tx 28 ETA gaming extra oh and that's the last bloody time I'm gonna say the entire name I think didn't I make up a rule where two words is the limit and I know people let me go gaming trio is two words well I'm including the letter X as a word because you have to say it so it's three that's the new rules I'm making these rules up as we go they're my rules anyway as I was about to say before I distracted myself the gaming X trio is pretty much everything I thought it would be it's slightly quieter than the founders ition version which is already very quiet it's slightly cooler and to top it all off it is slightly faster so depending on how you view all that you could conclude that it's only slightly better I personally feel that because it is slightly better everything overall it is much better but I suppose however you slice it it is better as one of the highest clocked custom-design RT X xx atti graphics cards with one of the biggest coolers I have to imagine what we have here is one of the better xx atti models available right now of course I'm yet to test any other AI b28 et eyes but I will soon anyway for now I can recommend to the gaming extra o2 anyone with a giant wad of cash burning a hole in their pocket anyway RTX 28 ET i pricing is what it is and I've given my strong opinion on the matter in our initial coverage so I won't dredge that up all over again if you want to hear or interested in hearing my opinion please go watch my day 1 and day 2 videos speaking of the price MSI has managed to come in at just 50 dollars more than in videos founders Edition which is impressive given how much more graphics card you get of course $1,250 us is still a hard price to swallow but that's what you pay these days for 4k single GPU gaming it seems so it's the biggest drawback out of the way the price what other shortcomings are there to discuss honestly not much overclocking was a little lackluster but that's not really msis fault these cards are power limited via the BIOS so any model with a high quality cooler will deliver similar results the results there are amazing the trio acts barely makes a peep as it cranks out over 60fps and all of your favorite titles at 4k the visual quality really is breathtaking though of course it's not ray traced yet though it won't be ray traced at 4k so forget I said anything in short if you have an RT x 2080 TI on your shopping list there's no way I'd be buying the founders edition version over this particular model M sis I really now lit in my opinion this is a great looking card great performance I'm not shilling for MSI as some people will no doubt claim in the comments section below this is genuinely a great product that I don't really have anything bad to say about I mean it's not MSI's fault the RT x 2080 TI is ridiculously expensive and i've said so in my day 1 and day 2 coverage but if you are in the market for one you've gone bugger it I'm paying 1200 something dollars for a graphics card because I'm an absolute nutter then this is the perfect graphics card for an utter but in all seriousness great product really liked it and this will be my new go-to graphics card for a light testing in my GPU test system in the future so you'll see some CPU comparisons coming up in the not-too-distant future stay that's somewhat risky but I'm gonna do it I'm going for it it's a stable desk yes I'll be using this to compare rise and an Intel processors you guys are requesting like crazy that I test something like the 2700 X and 87 or okay with this graphics card and yes I will do that maybe next week probably the week after I need to catch up on some sleep still so I'm pretty exhausted and I'm looking forward to taking a few days off for letting Tim carry the torch for a bit anyway if you did enjoy this video you know what to do if you would like to see more content on this channel I hope you know what to do and if you would like to support us directly I'm going to tell you what to do head over to our patreon account you can jump into our discord chat chat to us and pretty much any time of the day and you can also catch our monthly live stream because that is coming up next week and it's a lot of fun we'll be doing two of them yeah it's just a blast we just hang out answer questions talk about stuff it's really good fun anyway I'm waffling as I tend to do thank you for watching I'm your host Steve and see you next time
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