last week we compared the GTX 1063
gigabyte and six gigabyte models to see
what all the fuss was about in the end
despite most claiming the three gigabyte
model is a lemon it stood up very well
to the 1440p onslaught and rose up from
the ashes is a seriously good $200
option as a result one of the most
commonly asked questions was which
should I buy the four gigabyte rx 470 or
three gigabytes gtx 1060 and the good
many of you begged me to make that
comparison not wanting to let you guys
down we got busy benchmark here over the
weekend and it managed to put together a
rather comprehensive comparison right
now both of these graphics cards
retailing for 200 us at major online
retailers such as Newegg meanwhile down
under the RX 470 is slightly cheaper at
290 dollars while the 3G by 1060 will
set you back 310 dollars
so odds can expect to pay around 7
percent more for the GeForce graphics
card at present of course the MSRP if
the three gigabyte n 60 is 200 us and
right now it appears to be meeting that
suggestive retail price the RX 470
should be $20 cheaper at 180 dollars but
for now at least it's priced to match
the cut-down 1060
that said if pricing does settle for the
Radian you can expect it to cost around
10 percent less for testing we've picked
22 games to compare these two graphics
cards at 1080p and 1440p to remove any
system bottlenecks our core i7 test rig
has been used though I will be
reproducing this video soon with the
results from the core i3 test system as
well as always the latest AMD and NVIDIA
drivers available at the time of testing
we use well let's get to it shall we
there's plenty to get through but can it
play crysis I hear you ask well at 1080p
here the 1060 was 6 amps and faster
averaging 51 FPS while the 470 was
reduced to a still playable 44 fps
moving to 1440p saw the margin grow in
favor of the 1060 though neither card
was particularly impressive here
Mirror's Edge catalyst was tested using
the ultra quality settings and this
allowed the 1060 to deliver 16% more
performance at 1080p and 15% more 1440p
the battle when testing with The Witcher
3 is more closely contested
though the 1060 still enjoys 9%
performance advantage at 1080p with 72
fps moving to 1440p we see the same 9%
margin in favor of the Green Team the
1060 was also 9% faster in Star Wars
Battlefront at 1080p and 10% faster at
1440p there was also less of a margin
between the average and minimum frame
rate on the GeForce card when compared
to the RX 470 Tom Clancy's the division
provides us with our first truly
competitive results the 1060 was once
again faster though this time by just a
3% margin at 1080p moving to 1440p the
1060 was just a single frame faster on
average though it did maintain a higher
minimum frame rate Batman Arkham Knight
provided some very mixed results both
GPUs provided a 100 FPS average of 1080p
though the minimum frame rate of the RX
470 was slightly higher then at 1440p
the 1060 is able to take control with a
5% greater average frame rate and a
massive 21% advantage when comparing the
minimum frame rate Middle Earth shadow
of Mordor sees the 1060 returned with
double-digit advantage as it was 13%
faster at 1080p and 11% faster of 1440p
we know overwatch plays best with NVIDIA
hardware though these results are
while the 1060 was 18% faster when
comparing the average frame rate it was
just 5% faster when comparing the
minimum frame rate the results of 1440p
even more extreme the 1060 was 17%
faster on average while both GPUs
produced the same 60 FPS minimum thing
is a pretty straightforward in Far Cry
primal the 1060 was 15% faster at 1080p
and 13% faster at 1440p Assassin's Creed
syndicate is another game that provided
straightforward results the 1060 was 13%
faster at 1080p and 11% faster of 1440p
Grand Theft Auto 5 played considerably
better on the 1060 it was 24% faster at
1080p and 22% faster at 1440p
that's one of the strongest wins we've
seen yet for the Green Team the big win
in GTA 5 doesn't look as impressive now
that we've moved to ARMA 3 here the 1060
was an unbelievable 56% faster at 1080p
and 1440p surely this has to be down to
a driver issue the GTX 10 63 gigabyte
continues its strong run in dirt rally
here it was 21% faster at 1080p and 9
10% faster at 1440p the 1060 was 19%
faster in fallout 4 at 1080p and that
margin was extended slightly of 1440p to
22% Just Cause 3 delivered surprisingly
competitive results though the minimum
frame rate of the Ark's 470 did dip by a
greater margin than that of the 10 16
Mad Max played well on both products
though the 1060 did allow for 23% more
performance at 1080p and 21% more or
1440p okay so the last DirectX 11 title
we'll be looking at is Deus Ex mankind
divided and this is a perfect example of
how well AMD hardware can perform in a
title tailored to their hardware for the
first time the RX 470 takes the lead
providing 8% more performance at 1080p
the RX 470 was slightly faster at 1440p
when comparing the average frame rate
there was quite a bit slower for the
minimum the first DirectX 12 title we've
tested his rise of the Tomb Raider and
here the gtx 1060 was its usual 20%
faster 21% at 1080p in fact the margin
was reduced to 10% 1440p however doom
was tested using the Vulkan API and this
played considerably into AMD's hands
here the RX 470 was 11% faster at 1080p
and 8 percent faster 1440p that said I
should know both GPUs exceed well over
60 fps even if 1440p used in the ultra
quality settings with TSSAA enabled
ashes of the singularity was tested
using the extreme preset and here the
1060 was slightly faster 2% at 1080p and
5% faster at 1440p hitman is a title
much like mankind divided in the sense
that is tailored for AMD hardware as a
result the RX 470 was 6 amps and faster
at 1080p and 14 percent faster of 1440p
wrapping things up is total war
here the RX 470 was 3% faster at 1080p
while the 1060 was 2% faster of 1440p
overclocked the 470 gain to further 5
fps for a 7% performance boost at 1080p
the 1060 enjoyed an 11% performance
boost taking it from 92 fps to 102 fps
where the 1060 was 21% faster out of the
box it's now 26% faster once overclocked
this time in Doom the 470 gained 6
percent more performance through
overclocking while the 1060 became 8
percent faster the last game I'm going
to be looking at overclocking
for mancina's Far Cry primal here the
470 gain 9% more performance while the
1060 improved by 13% margin the power
consumption of the RX 472 considerably
greater than that of the 1060 whereas
the 1060 push total system consumption
in 214 watts the RX 470 went as high as
282 watts we see similar margins when
testing with mankind divided the 1060
configuration consumed as 200 watts
while the RX 470 consumed 277 watts
once again similar power consumption
margins the same when testing with dirt
rally the 1060 is certainly the more
efficient GPU if you made it this far
give yourself a pat on the back and if
you just skipped here using the included
video index well give yourself a pat on
the back anyway those who view time
sensitive folks then miss the meat of
the video here's the summary
please note I've dropped the ARMA 3
results from the overall picture as they
were massively skewed in favor of the
1060 and in no way representative of
what the other 21 games showed as you
can see the 3 gigabyte 1060 was around
20% faster in games such as GTA 5 Mad
Max rise of the Tomb Raider and dirt
rally performance was close in Just
Cause 3 the division ashes of the
singularity Batman Arkham Knight and
total war Warhammer the only games to
really favor the RX 470 included Deus Ex
mankind divided doom using Vulcan and
hitman overall the 1060 was an average 9
percent faster 11% if you included I'm
a3 overclocking push things further in
invidious favor though the results
weren't drastic what was drastic with
the power consumption results which
revealed the 1062 be the vastly superior
product in terms of efficiency system
power consumption dropped by almost 30
percent with the 1060 while as we just
saw performance increase by almost 10
percent on average
therefore at the same asking price the 3
gigabyte X 10 60 is the obvious choice
at their respective MSRP is both GPUs
deliver a similar cost per frame so the
choice becomes a little more difficult
the 1060 still remains the more
efficient GPU boosting better
overclocking while the RX 470 is
arguably the more future-proof option
though I really just like that term
there is the argument that the RX 470
will come out on top down the track due
to AMD's apparent superior low-level API
performance though for me personally
jury is still out on that one the RX 470
also has more beer and though how much
of an advantage that gives it over the
10 60 s 3 Giga buy buffers unknown in
video afterall is extremely efficient
with their memory management so if you
like me don't own a crystal ball prefer
cold hard facts rather than speculation
and guesswork then the 1060 is the
better option of course as we often find
with these comparisons neither teams put
forward a poor solution and both a
likely to keep budget game is more than
happy what do you guys think you
surprised by these results let me know
in the comments
I'm your host Matt as always and I'll
see you guys next time youtubers like me
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improving the quality and content of our
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