Month of July, Custom Ryzen Builds, Threadripper, Core-X & Fun Unboxings!
Month of July, Custom Ryzen Builds, Threadripper, Core-X & Fun Unboxings!
welcome back to how we run boxed for
last month's recap last month we
produced 24 videos covering a wide range
of products and topics and yet this is
the recap I'll be quickly touching on
every video that we did put up last week
and making a few notes here and there
and maybe even talking about a few
comments from you guys so let's get into
it shall we
Tim kick-started things in July with his
the ultimate gaming experience video as
he checked out 1440p at 165 Hertz gaming
Tim looked at a lot of games and really
enjoyed his time testing the focus of
the video though was mostly on Tim's
right hand which spent the entire time
under the desk and this amused many of
the viewers there was an interesting
number of theories and the comment
section as to what was going on there
but the truth is Tim bloody shoulder the
day before moving some furniture and he
found it very painful to hold his arm up
on the desk so yeah that's really all
there is to that one but it seemed like
a fun story for many of you anyway
moving on Tim also checked out the
awesome little gigabyte or gtx 1070
gaming box and for this one he did
manage to keep both his hands on the
table and his owns are working quite
well by now for those of you rocking a
new ultrabook or some kind of laptop
that can't play games but would very
much like to that I suggest checking out
the gaming box as it is a pretty cool
device after that it was time for me to
finally do some work so I created some
content I you guys with my top 5 CPU
picks prior to the release of Verizon 3
and thread Ripper I had a lot of fun
with this one and it stirred up quite a
lot of discussion in the comment section
hopefully I'll have time to do an
updated version soon now that we do have
a few new processes to look at having
stirred up things on the CPU front I
thought was time to get all nostalgic
and look back to AMD's GPU glory days
with the Radeon HD 7950 I've played a
few games on the old 7950 and then threw
up some benchmark graphs and the results
were quite surprising for testing I did
use the gigabyte HD 1750 and this was
the very card I used in my initial
review back in February of 2012 so again
that was a nice blast from the past
then it was time for what is becoming
one of my favorite segments unboxing
boxes there was plenty on desk for
episode 31 though most of it got pushed
aside the first few seconds into the
video I got some pretty sweet gear for
that one my GT 10:30 graphics card that
I purchased also arrived sadly though I
just haven't had time to test that one
you guys keep requesting the GT 1030
versus rx 550 comparison and I keep
saying it's coming but yes so far it
hasn't anyway I'll try and get that one
done probably next month I'll test heap
of eSports titles and some games it
should be a good video something look
forward to sucking up most of my time
last month was Intel's new core x-series
and I've been putting off looking at the
KB like X parts so this is what I
tackled next I checked out the confusing
core i7 77 40 X and Core i5 70 640 x aka
crappy Lake the cheeki title seemed to
gain more attention than the slew of
benchmarks on that one I'll definitely
keep that in mind for future videos if
you happen to own the viewsonic XG 2703
- GS monitor you'll want to make sure
you check out Tim's performance and
calibration guide in typical harbour
unbox fashion Tim covers the products
performance from top to bottom so yeah
if you do own this model or you're
thinking about buying it be sure to
check that video out all this high
refresh rate monitor talk from Tim got
me all worked up in July I thought it
was about time I did a bit of a look
into this high refresh rate gaming so I
built a rise in gaming PC and I added
the aoc 240 Hertz TP gaming monitor to
it I did this with my creatively named
to rise and watch PC build it did look
quite cool the build and it ran very
I had a heap of fun with that video and
thankfully you guys seem to enjoy it as
well then it was time for course as new
nx500 SSD review basically the nx500 was
a modified version of the existing MP
500 series but unfortunately the new
retail price makes it a bit of a hard
purchase of justified overall though a
solid performance just needs to be a
little more cost effective well actually
probably needs to be a lot more cost
effective but anyway good SSD not such a
good price up until this point I've
mostly produced what I would say is easy
to create content or
easier than some of the content I do and
basically by that I mean I didn't spend
a week or so to produce any of it this
was because I was slowly piecing
together my massive 30-game comparison
between the core i7 7800 X and the core
i7 7700 K a he put time and effort went
to that one that was a big in and boy
was it a lot of fun I won't spoil the
results for that one but if you are
interested to see how those two
processes compare in games I recommend
you check it out quite amusing in the
comments section the top three comments
actually had absolutely nothing to do
with the video and now actually of
rise and related I get you guys like
rising but boy oh boy going to be a
rough old time in the comments section
if by some miracle Intel get serious and
beats AMD in terms of price versus
performance with their 8th gen series
well going to be a bloodbath for those
of you missing our boy Tim he was back
at it again with another or ask gaming
box type video this time testing a
truckload of games personally I enjoyed
this video and found it very interesting
sadly it wasn't that well-received
certainly not as well as received as I
thought it deserved and I think that's
because most thing to miss the point of
this device or maybe we did anyway it
was a good video in my opinion well
worth checking out if you are
considering buying the gaming box - -
hmm I probably shouldn't do my own sound
effects anyway that was the sound of the
thread Ripper hype train making its
monthly appearance as it did so on July
15th as aim they officially announced
the 1920 X and 1950 X along with some
information regarding a couple of the
rise in three CPUs it was an exciting
video at the time but for obvious
reasons you can safely skip that one now
even after watching the core i7 7700 ok
dismantle is 7 100x and 30 games even
then if you're still keen to pick one up
well we had a look at the overclocking
temperatures and power consumption for
you I wore a white shirt for that video
and I don't know it just didn't didn't
seem to work as well as it normally does
so I ended up trolling myself in the
comments on that one and that little gem
was awarded top comment so I win for me
I guess then we have Tim back at at once
again with a very cool video looking at
how well
integrated graphics namely intel's
integrated graphics works in games or
maybe i should say rather how well it
doesn't work anyway jim tested out 31
games using various quality settings and
reported these findings if you have a
laptop with integrated graphics and you
keen to work out what games you can and
can't play i recommend giving this video
a once-over
once tim was done turning our favorite
games into PowerPoint slideshows i
logged into the matrix for some
simulations rising three simulations to
be precise and here i looked into how
the Rison 3 1200 and 1300 x should
perform those results turned out to be
very accurate but of course this is now
a video you can comfortably skip since
we have the real deal on hand that said
though as there often are there were
quite a few humorous comments on that
one pretty much all unrelated to the
content itself but they were still funny
nonetheless you guys always give me
something to laugh at but if those jokes
don't mesh with you they maybe this next
video will alright that was a was a bit
lame but anyway I'll keep the dad jokes
to a minimum so anyway Intel mesh does
overclocking fix skylake X in short not
really but it certainly helps oh boy oh
boy was this a good'n unboxing boxes
episode 32 was a blast and for a few
reasons firstly you guys seem to really
enjoy the intro on that one I've been
experimenting and messing around the
intros but yeah you guys really seem to
like this one the highlight of course
though was the rising 3cp using you guys
also seem to like the present AMD sent
along with them that was pretty cool I
won't spoil it for those sinners who
haven't seen the episode yet but go
check it out it was quite good after I
finished unboxing boxes it was time to
piece another massive 30 game comparison
together this time comparing the horizon
5 1600 against the core i7 70 100x
basically the r5 1600 just highlighted
how bad the price versus performance
ratio of Intel's new Scylla X range
really is if you have any interest in
either CPU and you do plan on gaming I
recommend you check that video out I'm
pretty sure you won't be disappointed
unless your Intel fanboy in which case
skip that one and let's check out msis
mammoth GTX 1082
I not much else really needs to be said
about this next video the MSI GTX 280
Lightning Z actually sorry Zed oh I'm an
Australian I'll say Zed was a beast an
expensive beast but a beast all the same
sadly the Lightning Zed didn't really
overclock any better than other gtx 280
our models that we've seen previously
but it did look amazing and it ran
really cool so for many that will be
now do you play overwatch what about
csgo maybe rocket League Rainbow six
siege or perhaps quake champions no none
of those games well then you need to
have a serious look at your life watch
Tim's video and educate yourself on what
you're missing out on actually I'm
getting a bit off-track in Tim's video
is more about how well are these esports
tiles played on riser rather than a
review of the games themselves but
anyway another cool video from Tim there
and yeah definitely check that out if
you haven't next up we have one of my
absolute favorite videos last month for
this one I checked out the new Corsa t1
race gaming chair and I had a heap of
fun doing it the main reason I had a lot
of fun with this one is because I got my
two daughters involved and they did have
a great time building this chair with
dad yeah it would be a lot of fun I also
showed you guys some rare
behind-the-scenes harver unboxed
benchmark lab footage so yeah that one
if you're interested in the benchmark
setup and how I go about my business
then I recommend checking that video out
all that stuff's in the second half of
the video after clowning around with the
Corsair t1 race gaming chair it was back
to business time to check out the new
rise and three CPUs for real this time
no matrix simulations
Rison 3 pretty much delivered and I'm a
big fan of the r3 1200 at 110 dollars
u.s. the 19 minute long review is packed
full of benchmarks and I compared
Verizon 3 with every current generation
CPU priced under 350 dollars u.s. then
it was time for a classic is the X worth
it video this was a pretty quick video
that I slapped together but I included
an important message I thought here
about overclocking it may be the world's
briefest guide on rising overclocking
but it still made the point very well
Verizon is hallor easy to overclock go
do it people capping off the month we
you'll never guess it go on try I bet
you can't actually there's probably a
good chance you can if you said more the
red ripper news without either a product
in hand or any benchmarks then you nail
that again AMD decided to just ahead of
the thread release leaked out a few more
juicy details as if it was possible to
create any more hype anyway that brings
us to the end of July what happened last
month and amazingly looks set for an
even busier month this month it's been
pretty crazy so far already so who knows
what else we're going to run into we
also hit 100,000 subscribers last month
that's probably worth mentioning and
saying a big thank you to everyone who
has subscribed to the channel and
continues to watch all our content we
might even reach 150 K this month
probably a bit ambitious but we'll get
closer I can't believe we're almost
already there and yeah who knows we
might even got a hit 200k by the end of
the year let's see how it goes but yeah
I just want to say genuinely a big thank
you to everyone it's just amazing as
always I have some really big benchmark
videos plans plus a new series that I
won't go into too much detail or spoiler
thing but it should be pretty mega I'm
super excited about it tons of time and
energy have gone into planning it and
hopefully I will be announcing it and
about a week or two so yeah stay tuned
for that it's gonna be pretty exciting
Tim's also got some really cool stuff
planned he'll be covering that soon on
the channel so you know set to be
another great month anyway that's going
to do it for this one if you like this
video please take a moment to help us
out and hit the like button subscribe if
you haven't already and be sure to the
notification Bell to put yourself in
contention to make that all-important
first comment I'm your host Steve see
you again soon guys
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