welcome back to the Hadron box news corn
a bit of a midweek special here as I'll
be away on Friday but luckily there's
been a fair bit of news come up since
our last news corner so let's get right
into things with that any delay to kick
things off let's talk about the news
that's making waves around the tech
scene right now
defective NVIDIA GeForce RT X cards
we're seeing many more reports of these
issues then we'd normally see from a GPU
launched the GeForce forums and reddit
are filled with users complaining about
their RT X 28 e TI cards coming back
either dead from the factory or
defective to the point where they caused
artifacting crashes or blue screens
straight out of the box and we're not
talking about driving issues here
because every standard troubleshooting
tip seems to be ineffective for the
people reporting these sorts of issues
the majority of reports seem to be
related to invidious RT X xx atti
founders edition although a few users
have also found issues with board
partner models of this card a few RT X
2080s also seem to be defective but not
nearly to the extent of the RT x 28 ET i
though that could be because naught is
behind the RT x 2080 this is a serious
issue and it's worth discussing because
it doesn't appear to be a typical case
of a few users reporting failures
normally with everyone should get a
couple of people getting a defective
model and they'll go and complain but
with the RT X cards a large portion of
people are having problems including us
here at Hardware unboxed we haven't had
any issues with our founders edition
cards or the RT X 20 atti but we did
have one board partner RT X 2080 died on
us completely in exactly the same way as
users have been reporting on the GeForce
forums initially we suspected this was
just a dud card and you know that
happens sometimes but with such
widespread reports of issues it seems
that we too have had these issues we
probably have more cards than the
average person on hand but not a massive
number and certainly we haven't
experienced issues with previous
launches our RT X 2080 in question was
an AI B card based on the founders
Edition PCB design we're not saying the
founders edition PCB design caused the
problems or whether it's related at all
but it wasn't a specially designed
bored the issues could be related to the
large die size for Turing cards
particularly the 2080 ti which uses a
massive 754 square millimeter die or it
could be related to the use of JD dr6
memory we just don't know at this point
we also had a strange issue with another
board partner our TX 2070 card where the
card was stuck in a PCIe x 4
configuration that could be related to
the issues people are seeing or it could
just be another random issue related to
these are TX products at the moment new
video are suggesting users should RMA
their cards although some users are
reporting that the RMA process is taking
a long time due to supply constraints
others have had to RMA cards more than
once due to receiving a second still
defective card back from Nvidia while
there are plenty of reports on these
issues in videos technical marketing
team is currently stating that they are
working with users individually but we
are not seeing any broader issues this
might suggest we're just tuning from a
vocal minority of buyers facing issues
but it does seem like these complaints
are much more widespread than invidious
past GPU launches when we reached out to
some industry contacts one board partner
told us they hadn't seen many cards are
made but that they didn't really know
what was going on with the Fairley issue
suggesting it was just FA models that
were affected one retailer told us they
hadn't seen an unusually high RMA rate
for RTX cards either though again they
didn't sell founders edition cards and
said it was still too early to tell if
it was a major issue but on the other
hand we've also heard from a company
that specializes in system builds and
out of the nine RT x 28 e TI cards that
they had purchased all of them were
based on the founders edition design and
three of them have failed already
and again they stated that the RMA
process had been a bit of a pain for
them so far anyway we'll continue to
monitor this situation and we're
following up with more industry contacts
to see what the broader situation is but
at the moment it's really not looking
good for the RT X cards and I think that
the founders Edition board design may
have something to do with it not 100%
sure at this stage again we're still
following up but yeah not great news for
NVIDIA and there are T X cards at the
moment alright now we have a few other
stories to get through and a few updates
on two upcoming graphics cards the AMD
Radeon rx 590 and the gddr5 X version of
the GeForce GTX 1060 I covered a few
rumors surrounding both of these cards
in the last news
corner but since then a few more details
have emerged starting with the RX 590
from what we're hearing this graphics
car isn't too far away but don't expect
it to provide a significant performance
bump over the RX 580 while AMD is set to
use a smaller 12 nanometer FinFET
process to manufacture this card as
confirmed this week by video cards we're
not expecting anything substantially
different to the Polaris design we're
likely just getting a clock speed boost
on the same core count and configuration
while final fantasy 15 is a terrible
benchmark video cards did also spot an
RX 590 entry into their database showing
performance around 10 to 20 percent
higher than the rx 580 by using 12
nanometer rather than 40 nanometer this
performance jump should come at no
increase to power consumption and
concern the architecture is the same
don't expect any new features of course
how the RX 590 stacks up will be likely
determined by its price at gigabyte rx
580 models are currently available for
around 220 to 230 US dollars so we'd be
hoping the rx 590 sits around 250 to 260
dollars if rumored performance is
correct but who knows at this stage
we'll just have to wait for an official
launch we have much more concrete
information on the gtx 1060 with gddr5 x
memory because gigabyte and pallet have
officially unveiled cards that pack the
faster memory tech known as the gigabyte
gtx 1060 g1 gaming d5 x 6g both the
pallet gtx 1060 gaming pro OC plus these
new gtx 1060 models basically used the
exact same core configuration as
existing GTX 10 60s which shouldn't come
as a surprise
similarly at least in the case of
palettes card core clock speeds are in
line with the standard factory
overclocked GTX 1060 as for the memory
configuration well is not a lot to get
excited about here either the power
model comes with its gddr5 x clocked at
8.8 gigabits per second on the same 192
bit bus as the gddr5 models providing
211 gigabytes per second of memory
bandwidth this isn't all that impressive
because there were already a few gtx 260
miles with nine gigabit per second gddr5
memory onboard providing slightly more
bandwidth at 216 gigabytes per second
the one thing these gddr5 X models
should provide is more overclocking
Headroom considering gddr5 X is designed
to hit
- 11 gigabits per second at the factory
and can often be pushed higher than that
but aside from that there really doesn't
seem to be any benefit to these new
gddr5 X models for consumers they're
going to offer roughly the same
performance as the GTX 1060 s we've been
using for a few years now and to be
honest that's a good thing considering
the gddr5 X mods are still called GTX 10
60s they should offer the same
performance as existing GTX 1060 s
someone buying a GTX 1060 shouldn't need
to dig into the spec sheet or look for
d5x in the product name to figure out
whether they're getting the regular 1060
or the faster gddr5 X 1060 so provided
the performance is really the same
between the two models when we get our
hands on one of these cards there's no
need to slam nvidia for dodgy naming
with this one as to why nvidia decided
to release of gddr5 X model of the GTX
1060 well that's still a bit unclear
it's possible that the company purchased
too many gddr5 X modules for their
higher tier cars like the GTX 1080 and
GTX 1080i so they needed to push out a
cheaper model using gddr5 X to clear out
some stock there's also been speculation
that these new GTX 10 60s are using
cut-down jp104 dyes rather than the
usual GP 106 so this could be another
way for Nvidia to clear out defective GP
104 stock but again we'll have to wait
to find out on that one this next topic
is something I seriously didn't think
I'd be talking about ever again AMD has
released a new Kirit so FM 2 + apu known
as the a8 7680
this apu is based on am bees terrible
excavator architecture and really who
knows why the company decided to release
a new excavator apu in 2018 there are a
few indications that AMD were going to
release a new 28 nanometer FM 2 + apu a
couple of weeks back because a few
motherboards from companies like asrock
design we received BIOS updates to
support a new current so apu and now we
have an update to Emily's master product
list showing a bunch of AD 7 680
listings indicating there's a new a 8 7
6 80 in town we're still not 100% sure
what specs to the a 876 80 will carry
but honestly who cares because literally
no one should be buying it at this point
no one should be buying FM 2 plus
motherboards either really if you're
thinking of upgrading your old CPU
thing in AMD's lineup it has to be then
based even if it requires a full
platform upgrade don't buy anything
excavator based FX or APU at least
that's what we recommend okay those are
the main topics for this week done let's
get into some short of topics AMD has
ended 32-bit driver support for their
Radeon graphics cards the final version
for 32-bit operating systems is version
18 9.3 from October 5th neuro releases
will be for 64-bit OS is only this
follows on from Nvidia who ended support
for 32-bit drivers last year
I'm sure the few people that still run
32-bit windows will be annoyed by this
move but the vast expensive majority of
people should be running 64-bit Windows
at this point so really shouldn't be a
loss NVIDIA has launched a new game
bundle offering monster hunter world to
those who purchase a geforce gtx 1070 TI
gtx 1070 or gtx 1066 gigabyte between
now and november 29th
like with previous game bundles you'll
have to buy one of these cards at a
participating retailer who provides you
with the game code you then redeem the
code through nvidia specific redemption
portal currently this is the only game
bundle nvidia are running if you buy a
higher or lower end pascal card you
won't get anything and of course in
videos new RT 8 cards also come without
any bundled games
AMD's vega mobile GPUs are finally
seeing the light of day they are set to
be included with some upper tier models
of apples refreshed MacBook Pros which
will be available in November there are
two GPU options the Radeon Pro Vega 20
and Radeon Pro Vegas 16 each offering
performance around that of an rx 560
desktop GPU or in the case of Vega 20 a
little bit higher as an antique notes
these GPUs are genuine Vega GPUs unlike
Vega M used with Intel's KB like G which
was a combination of Polaris and Vega
elements however these Vega GPUs are a
bit slower than Vega M's top-end
configurations though they still pack
four gigabytes of HP m2 for clock speeds
were looking at a maximum of 13 hundred
megahertz for Vega Pro 20 with 1200 a
stream processors and 1185 megahertz for
Vega pro 16 with a thousand and 20 for
ESPYs final topic for this week in o 3d
has a new color design for their GeForce
r-tx graphics cards called the ITIL x3 a
couple of people now just go
posted images of this thing and it looks
absolutely ridiculous not only is the
heatsink enormous but the front of the
cooler has a boatload of RGB LED
lighting and there's even an OLED
display on the top edge to show you GPU
stats so if you want a bit of graphics
card to go with your RGB light show you
know 3ds new GPU will be for you alright
that's it for this week's news corner
we'll probably be back later in the week
with another episode so it's subscribe
and stay tuned for that
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live streams and I'll catch you next
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