Nov 2018 Q&A [Part 1] Is Ryzen Always A Better Choice? How Do You Find Quality Motherboards?
Nov 2018 Q&A [Part 1] Is Ryzen Always A Better Choice? How Do You Find Quality Motherboards?
welcome back to harbor unboxed it's
November it's actually been November for
a while now yeah but anyway it's still
November and we haven't done our monthly
Q&A yet so we thought we'd squeeze it in
at the end of the month as we often do
quite a few questions
tim has picked most of them so we'll see
what he has in store for us let's get
into it
okay first questions coming from jeremy
of our discord chat Steven Tim how long
do you think the 1920 by 1080 resolution
I will last before it's updated and what
will replace it instead we've got 2560
by 1440 or 3840 by 2160 which is 4k yeah
so out of those resolutions and how
long's 1080p gonna be around for you
reckon probably still for quite a while
mean they're super affordable monitors
with 1080p at the moment so it's hard to
see you know them not being the budget
option for at least a few more years
1440p is definitely getting a lot
cheaper especially high refreshes now
exactly quite affordable so we're
getting there with 1440p but I think a
lot of people trying to make 4k happen
the science don't push it really hard
for K gaming's the things especially on
the consoles but I don't see that
happening for certainly a long time so
out of those three cameras definitely
1440p will be the next one because it
has to be in the budget scope to be you
know the next big thing really so yeah I
think 1440 what do you reckon yeah that
sounds right to me basically we'll need
another generation or two of GPUs
because you want 1440p to become
extremely easy for something like yeah
equivalent of what would be like an RX
560 or a gtx 1050 to handle that with
ultra quality type settings so i'll be a
generation or two before that's possible
of course quality settings and games
become more demanding at the same time
so it's kind of hard to catch up we're
not sort of catching up to the point
that we're at right now which is why
it's such a slow thing to do as just Tim
said once you invest in a monitor you're
not too can upgrade your monitor most
people focus on their graphics cards and
CPUs a lot of people at least the people
I know tend to buy a monitor and keep it
for many many years yeah so it's not
until we get a lot of people
upgrading the 1440p it's basically how
it works so once the masses deem 1440p
worth investing in that's when we'll see
a shift to that resolution okay Jeremy
set us up again with another question
from a discord chat how old do you think
is left before the silicon finally hits
its pinnacle limit what is the smallest
possible node we will see and what do
you think will replace or supplement the
silicon in the future or such
replacement or supplement increase the
price or cause possible performance drop
at all well I think for the last two
questions will it increase the price of
course performance drops it's probably a
bit early to say those things certainly
we're talking about a long time in the
it seems the general consensus for this
is that there's at least a couple more
nodes left to go on silicon so 5
nanometers and 3 or 3 point 5 nanometers
tends to be the next two steps and then
researchers have done some pretty exotic
and crazy things to get it down to like
one nanometer but at that point it
definitely seems like silicon is kind of
hitting hitting the limit of what's
possible in terms of node shrinks so
it's possible in the future we'll see
things like carbon nanotubes you should
be I'm sure you've heard of carbon
nanotubes talked about a lot in terms of
replacing silicon but again that's also
the research face so if people at you
know universities and all that is still
researching these technologies then
we're probably not talking about that in
consumer products for a long time so yes
do a couple more noise to go but it
certainly is approaching the sort of end
of life for silicon ok this next
question is also for my discord chat
from Sal Kayne and what kind of things
would you guys like to see other than
AMD stuff at CES in January I think a
lot of the excitement will be am these
stuff gonna gain anything from Intel
we're not gonna get anything from
interview are we that's gone in the big
three yeah that's all that I really seem
each other rushing machines because they
talk about those Samsung phones when
you're washing machines and
refrigerators - I just bought a new
washing machines that takes a lot of the
fun out of that though recent new
monitors I think I there's some talk
about maybe Samsung releasing a new set
of Morrie's using their curved video
stuff so I mean that's really what one
of the big thing
CES is full but again I mean we've
really that excited about new cases or
like coolers I mean it's not that
exciting let's be honest so no really
well I'm not personally some of the
viewers maybe but I'm certainly not so
for me it's definitely the 7 nanometre
stuff for sure okay Brandon asks us for
1440p gaming with the performance gap
ever so close between Intel and AMD does
rise and make the absolute best choice
across their product line
well you've crossed a nice bright line
it does unless you have a 20 atti
which we're starting to see get CPU
bottlenecks at 1440p if you have like a
9900 K yeah that's true
so so yeah you might need 9900 K or
something like that for that but across
aside from having that high end GPU then
yeah at the pricing that Rises that at
the moment it's very very affordable
compared to Intel CPUs which is still
not all great in terms of pricing yeah
Intel CPUs are hands-down better
we fully admit Nate Harbor unboxers
we're not biased one way or the other we
really don't care
Intel CPUs are definitely better no
doubt about it but for most of you
you're not going to notice that
difference and then they're not worth
the price premium but if you're after
the absolute latest and greatest you've
got RT X xx atti money then you might as
well buy well your muzzle buy no no no
okay I was gonna say 87 okay but your
mouse was buying 99 hundred K but if you
want to get something like you know an
RDX 20 70 or a gtx 1070 1080 vegas 64
something around there then a rise in
process a for most games will be okay
yeah especially at 1440p especially at
40 if it changes a bit at 1080p would
probably recommend until if you go more
at 1080p especially with higher-end GPUs
but yeah for 1440p it's pretty hard to
ignore the value that rises and yeah
presenting at the moment and I should be
at 1440p you're not using like
competitive settings in battlefield 5 oh
yeah exactly or you're just playing csgo
or something like that so yeah as always
it depends I mean value for money
they're just you know the Verizon 526
hundred one hundred and sixty dollars
u.s. is just mind-blowing yeah if you if
you took
come on back in a time machine two years
and said in two years time you'll get
six core 12 thread CPUs for the price of
a core i3 you just laugh after the five
years we had of quad cores or whatever
it was now a discord question here how
has the 1800 X I'm guessing the rise in
seven 1800 X how is that aged since
launch pretty good I suppose well we've
been testing and a lot of our day one
coverage I think we would have done it
for well we definitely do it for the
second generalize and stuff haven't
monitored it super closely but obviously
since Verizon first launched there was
quite rapid improvements yeah recently
not so much but yeah it's a little bit
slower than second gen it works well
memory compatibilities improved a bit
that's manager your motherboard support
BIOS updates and whatnot but yeah it's
aged reasonably well since launch it's
not radically different no it's still
very capable processor yeah yeah I think
it's probably aged pretty well we are
only like less than two years on though
so yeah I think what to CPU last at
least that oh yeah I'm not sure if the
question so much about is it still
working okay I think it's more powers
that developed as it got a lot better in
boys definitely it's probably better I
think with at the time it was the 7700 K
that was competing with for games
yeah it's fair to say that the 7700 K
still buries it and pretty much every
single game and I think that was the
argument between you sort of Intel fans
and your AMD fans yeah
AMD guys well like it's got twice as
many cause therefore you know in the
future it's going to be much better
which is probably true then the Intel
guys was arguing whatever they're
arguing I'm sort of in the middle trying
to make a reasonable logic argument for
both sides and I think the problem with
the 1800 X is all the things that we
covered it needs to be better utilized
they used to take advantage of you know
the architecture and the way that CPU
works I think things like scheduling and
that and Windows has improved for it but
it still has the latency issues that it
had and that's an inherent problem and
that's why the 77 RK is much better for
gaming and I think it's gonna be quite a
few more years before we see the 1800 X
baiting the 77 or okay in
modern titles okay this comment is from
a community tab on YouTube so I says how
do I recognize the quality of a
motherboard I'm talking about the
difference in verum cooling overclocking
Headroom etc the motherboards within the
same price bracket
well basically to answer that one you've
really gotta do your research there's
not too many things just looking at the
board how it would be presented in sort
of marketing photos and things like that
obviously you can tell any features it
has what they're claiming the VRMs like
that can be a bit misleading as we've
seen the cooling obviously the size of
the heat sinks a bit of a giveaway there
if it's fender is just a slab of
aluminium but probably more important
really is the quality of the vrm
components or the components that make
up the vrm and overclocking Headroom
that's a pretty difficult one to say
because a lot of things going to
overclocking am not just the verum
itself in the cooling of the variant but
then the bios is very important that the
features offered how well they work so
you've got a lot of researchers
basically yeah the the short version of
that that's some hardware box content
you've got to watch some harbour box
content you've got to watch other people
like gamers Nexus and well there's tons
of YouTube channels that do a good job
of covering motherboards there's endless
tech sites that do a good job of
covering them so there should be plenty
of sources and plenty of coverage of
whatever motherboard it is that you're
looking at okay next question what is
the highest or fastest GPU I can pair
with a horizon 520 600 processor it
depends on the resolution you ok so
that's a tricky one as a few things it's
resolution the frame rates you're
targeting so whether you go for ultra
quality or you go for higher framerate
with medium and again that depends on
your GPU so there's your resolution
quality setting on GPU and games yep
so there's yeah at least four key things
there that you need to sort of address
before you can answer this question but
as a general let's say 1080p because
that's all as low as you're very common
yeah it's and then if it
1080p with the GTX 1060 rx 580 you'll be
GPU limited for the most part their
1080p probably looking at becoming CPU
limited with like you GTX 1080s and I'm
talking about very CPU intensive games
yeah not your falls of horizon for sort
of titles more your battlefield 5
multiplayer let's say or hitman to stop
stuff like that yeah yeah I rise in 5
2600 we fire that Vega 64 or GTX 1080
and then even with something's crazy
like an RT X xx atti again falls are no
worries any GPU limited games 4k gaming
4k gaming not a problem as well so yeah
you've really got to be after high
refresh rate gaming at like 40 and 40 P
in CPU intensive games to really
question CPU performance in gaming next
question here are the high end 10 series
cards are relevant now what I mean is
the 2070 and 1080 have similar price and
performance and the 2070 has an extra
feature even though the performance for
it is terrible
is there any point in buying the 1080
instead of the 2070 well soon you might
be able to buy Tenet's it seems like all
that stopped from 1070 TI ish area all
the way up let's go or pretty much like
the tell my eyes are done and the 10 oh
he's a pretty on the way out as well
yeah so enter the first part of that
question will you have no problem with
the RT x range there they're perfectly
fine I mean there's been a few hiccups
here and there with certain things but
with the 2017 versus eternity comparison
we would always recommend you buy the
2070 over the 1080 at the same price the
same price if it's a hundred two hundred
dollars more than definitely not but as
you say they're the 2072 now down at
five hundred dollars I think the
cheapest without sales or whatever it
was like 480 or something yeah 1080 so
$500 for 2017 which that currently is
perfectly reasonable and we would
definitely recommend that product
because there are some advantages the
churring architecture
you've got ray-tracing but on a 90 X 27
T you don't really have road tracing DL
SS is also probably going to be a bust
pretty questionable this primary
question about this point yeah I mean
the problem with the ITX cars was that
they launched at a higher price than the
Pascal so again back at launched at 1080
or especially with like a 1080 TI versus
the 2080 you've made a lot more sense to
buy the Pascal card but obviously when
those cards are not in the market or
they're at the same price yeah you might
as well just buy the new a card with
graphics cards it's rare that you
actually have a flat out bad product I
can't think of well I mean without going
like GT 10 with that with that for yeah
without going to extreme where they've
like rebranded or repurpose things to
make them terrible you generally don't
get bad products it's just bad prices
and the RT x-series isn't bad it's very
impressive in a number of ways it was
just a very bad launch price yeah so
yeah I would definitely be buying a 2070
over a 1080 at $500 okay next question
it is from discord as well this one I
think we will see chip lit based AMD
GPUs soon okay that was rumored for
narvi a while back but that's been
slashed now hasn't it
I mean who knows yeah we don't really
have insight into sort of what their
architecture changes are going to be
because they keep that stuff pretty
close to their their chest and talk and
to watch I mean we're seeing on the CPU
side and they're ambe's done a lot of
work with triplet designs and multi die
designs across a lot of their product so
we would surprise me an angry GP in the
future used it but how soon it's
impossible for us to say someone
inevitable but yeah whether it's going
to be in a year or many years yeah this
is an interesting question from YouTube
opinions on the leaked PS 5 information
claiming that they would target 4k 60fps
in 2020 and run an 8 core my guess 7
nanometers in 2 CPU in it again
had to know for sure what these accurate
these leaks are because we're still
quite a way away from 2020 legally so
we've still got like an entire year to
go before they'll likely be even
announcing the PlayStation 5 so for the
last part about
you know 1/8 cause them to seven
nanometers CPU that would make a lot of
sense because that because it's highly
likely they'll continue to use AMD
division to make an APU for that console
and an eight-core seven animators then
to CPS probably around the mark of what
will be reasonably affordable at that
point in time sure it's more the GPU
that we're concerned so yeah that seems
very straight for the GPU targeting 4k
60fps in 2020 in a console seems pretty
I think so we're seeing at the moment
with a console like an Xbox one X for
example which uses the fastest sort of
AMD APU that 4k 30 is within the realms
of possibility depending on the quality
settings depending on the game some
games still use you know dynamic
resolution scaling some of them still
use things like tempo rendering
checkerboard rendering to get 4k so
we're kind of at that point where again
it depends on the game you're sort of
teetering around 4k with that with their
premium price console so we're talking
like $500 u.s. so not the base model so
to think would an upper tier ps5 have
double the performance compared to a
console that launched five years ago in
two years from now so seven-year gap
could they do double the performance to
get 4k 16 some games it seems possible
it certainly seems possible but again
that would be comparing an upper tier
model available now to a base model that
would be launched in 2020 so yeah I
think well we'd have a better idea next
year we definitely have a better idea
next year what's possible I mean for
example if they're making a consult
today and they pull something that's
sort of in that affordable GPU price
category even something like a 1070
let's say and they put that in the
console still not capable of really good
4k 60fps gaming no a lot of trimming the
top on that one so yeah I think I
I wouldn't be surprised if Sony and
Microsoft announced consoles they claim
to do 4k 60 but then again it will come
down to like with the Xbox one X launch
where they announce has been 4k capable
it's really only in some situations
where that's true yeah I think that's
again that's all speculation we're not
really you know
in touch with Sony or Microsoft about
these things but that's probably giving
you a good idea of what to expect in two
years from now okay Toby asks us why
does CPU manufacturers not use liquid
metal and same question for GPUs well I
should have researched this one a little
bit more okay off the top of my head
well I imagine cost is one reason yep
I'm probably not the biggest reason but
would be one it's significantly more
expensive then you just cheap them or
paste that they usually use or whatever
thermal interface material they use so
there's what we're ghosts
the fact that thermal sorry liquid metal
is quite dangerous for electrical
components in the sense that it's highly
conductive so if any leaks out or
there's a bit of over you know it's used
excessively and it leaks on of the
surface mount stuff or even further then
it's going to destroy the card so have
to be quite careful with that stuff and
then probably well a third I don't know
if - the biggest reason can be longevity
so I've I've heard plenty of cases where
people have deleted their CPUs and
within a year the stuffs dried up and
it's just the thermals go through the
roof so you've got to worry about that
as well good thermal pastes have a very
long lifespan a decade plus so yeah
cost what would you put under hey how'd
I know easy it is do and that's practice
right practice and his I suppose and
then year longevity and it's also it can
I'm not having to ensure on this one
don't quote me I've seen some tests it's
not great on the silicon shroud on top
of it it sort of eats away slightly I'm
not no I'm just ensuring that I know it
does cloud it up I don't know if that's
a problem I haven't seen any long-term
tests and it can also with certain
metals as well react as well so yet no
it's definitely enthusiast it's
different yeah it's definitely something
that needs a bit of maintenance and it's
not just slap it on and away you go so
that's probably the main reason yeah
Nick asks us on our discord chat
following on
for my question last month when you guys
have tested high coil count CPUs like
the 29 50 X and 79 80 XC have you come
across any games that refuse to work on
such a high core cat CPU purely because
of the number of threads the CPU has
available I'm sure there's probably a
game that throws up some sort of warning
or something I think when I was testing
the 2990 WX or the 2150 X for the first
time or even the 1950 X last year I
think one or two games came up with like
that unsupported or you know can't
detect what type of CPU using so you may
not be using something that's optimal
for this game so I think maybe we got
prompted but I don't recall anything not
working yeah that mean there was game
it's certainly around like garbage
because they you know couldn't work out
what's going on but I don't think there
was any that actually refused to launch
I obviously sent with dual-core
processors now but core have you CPUs I
don't think so you recall it no I don't
think so okay another question from
discord what is the oldest graphics
cards that you currently have and how
big is your GPU collection well I'll let
you start on that one
oh my my graphics card collection is not
very impressive so something lighting up
your collection though yeah but mine
sort of starts in Pascal era so that's
kind of you know like a 1070 well 20 got
half a dozen to a dozen cards now oh
yeah I could GT X 1080 you got like a
pastime next Pascal so that'd probably
be my oldest but certainly not actually
in I've got an older game system that's
got like an HD 7000 series cheap okay in
this house so that's probably the oldest
okay well I can't really answer what's
the oldest in mine because I've got a GP
graphics cards and PCI graphics cards
and that's not PCI Express
that's PCI the big old white slots so I
don't really know I know the first
scraps kind of a bought which was a
voodoo banshee 16 megabyte
I think I still have that as well but
the oldest cards are used for testings
probably like your rx note
GTX yeah GTX 480 Fermi based stuff you
know I don't think I tested everything
older than that
the the you know the HD 7000 series are
definitely basically anything that can't
support DirectX 11 we don't use anymore
yeah obviously scens yeah as for the
number of graphics cards in my current
arsenal may be coming up around 100
probably around 100 I've got I'm in
about six shelves that are about four
meters long and they're just stacked I
think I've put a photo up before of it
but I've got a lot basically when I do
my fifty to sixty they're getting up to
sixty now I did 57 for hitman I got a
cut back oh no I do actually I well what
I do though is big benchmark videos I
spend the most time looking for graphics
cards because you'd think I would just
label the shelves and put them in the
same spot but I don't have that much
room so I'm sort of I can lay out some
nicely than it easy to grab another ones
I actually have to stack and get piles
because I just don't have that much
shelving real estate to house up to 100
graphics cards so yeah I spend a lot of
time trying to find my gtx 750ti that
thing took me about 20 minutes to find
for the amount and got wasted some time
on that but anyway plenty of graphics
cards okay that is going to do it for
part 1 of November's QA
hope you guys enjoyed all the questions
there's a few good ones there and we
will have part two probably on the
channel tomorrow tim is going to be
editing those two together so hopefully
is on it and yeah thanks for watching
like they can subscribe subscribe
because it's possible on youtube you yep
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patreon so it's not really donating it's
more supporting us on patreon getting
access to some cool perks like a discord
chat a monthly live streams we did two
of them today there are a lot of fun and
that's about all I can think of for now
so I'm gonna wrap this one up
alright cool bye know I'm your host
Steve see you next time
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