Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080: ***PLEASE CHECK UPDATED VIDEO*** link in the description
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080: ***PLEASE CHECK UPDATED VIDEO*** link in the description
yes the time has come when I can finally
reveal just how fast the heavily
anticipated GeForce GTX 1080 actually is
I know exactly what you guys want
benchmarks and lots of them so rather
than taking you on another boring tour
around the founders edition card which
you've no doubt been drooling over for
the last week or so on YouTube already
let's get right into it for those
wanting to know more about the core and
memory configuration please check out
this video from a few days ago it pretty
much covers everything you need to know
about the hardware I've got a variety of
other 1080 themed videos coming up
including an overclocking guide and more
so there'll be plenty of coverage and
information don't you worry
now we know the gtx 1080 cost 700 us for
the founders edition card and $600 for
the upcoming partner cards for my aussie
viewers the founders card will cost
around $1000 with board partner cards
hopefully coming in under $900 with the
pricing locked in the only other real
consideration for game is this
performance so let's find out how the
gtx 1080 gets on kicking off the
proceedings we have an absolute classic
battlefield 4 here we see the 1080
getting a mighty 99 FPS this made for
just 16% more than the Titan X which may
surprise a few people although I'm
expecting this to be one of the titles
where these two cards are closest the
1080 was 29% faster than the 980ti
68% faster than the 980 and 50% faster
than the fury X not too bad at all
despite what many have been hoping it
wasn't able to top a pair of 980ti in
sli at 4k the margins between the cards
were very similar when the 1080 was good
for a 50 FPS average all the percentage
differences were very close to the 1440p
results and this is the theme you can
expect to see play out through the rest
of our benchmarks gamers have been
longing for a GPU that could handle the
very demanding witcher 3 and a 1440 PE
it proved to be no problem for the gtx
1080 which rendered an average of 74
frames per second and a minimum of just
under 60 FPS 4k witcher action has been
pretty much an impossibility at maximum
quality and unfortunately the 1080
doesn't really change that having said
that it did come very close to the
performance of the 980 TI in sli and was
22% faster than the titan ax
at 1440p the GTX 1080 was a bit of a
monster in black ops 3 and was good for
111 FPS this was 23% faster than the
fury axe which does a great job in this
game and a healthy 42% faster than the
980ti at 4k the 1080 was just shy of the
glorious 60fps average we're all chasing
this made a 70 % faster than a 980 and
23% faster than the titan axe in Far Cry
primal the 1080 managed to healthy 72
FPS average and was the only single card
config to get over 60 FPS at 4k things
were a little choppy and gamers who want
to play at this resolution might need a
1080 sli setup in order to get over 60
FPS at Ultra quality it was a whopping
74% faster than the similarly priced 980
and 29 percent faster the name DS Fury
acts in star wars battlefront at 1440p
the new 1080 was between 18 and 24
percent faster than its main three
rivals relative to the GTX 980 it was a
considerable 56 percent faster and this
is one of the lower margins when
compared to that card at 4k the margins
were similar the 1080 was 17 percent
faster than the tight next year and 23
percent faster than both the fury X than
the 980ti
which both managed an average of 39
frames though the ti had a much higher
minimum at the vault exit fallout 4 was
good for over 100 frames per second
healthy 25% faster than the Titan X the
minimum was also impressive with frame
rate staying over 90 at 4k we were quite
close to the elusive 60fps mark with the
55 FPS average and a 45 FPS minimum the
1080 was 25% faster than the tight next
and 34 percent faster than the fury X
first we'll take a look at Tomb Raider
in DirectX 11 here the 1080 was good for
a solid 102 FPS which was 57% faster
than the fury ax and 21% faster than the
Titan X at 4k the other cards managed to
close the gap a little the 1080 was good
for 53 frames than average and a minimum
of 34 FPS which made for a slightly
choppy experience though it was the only
card with a minimum above 30 in the case
of Tomb Raider switching to DirectX 12
actually slows down performance so I
can't imagine there are many or any
gamers that actually do anyway the 1080
was good for 100 FPS here 25 frames more
than the 980ti SLI configuration and 72%
faster than the fear
X at 4k the 1080 was still well out in
front with an average of 51 fps and a
minimum of at least ten frames higher
than any other card or cards our star of
the show monster def 1 2015 pumping out
140 frames per second at 1440p this is
25 percent more than the Titan X 31
percent more than the 980ti
and 47 percent more than the fury X at
4k the gap was closed a little bit
although the 1080 was the only card able
to stay above 60fps throughout the
entire test 1080 was good for 119 FPS on
average in GTA 5 which was 24% more than
the Titan X I guess my prediction of 20
to 25% more performance seems to be
coming true
relative to the fury X it was good for
34 percent more performance also at 4k
the 1080 was just shy being able to
produce a 60 FPS average with everything
cranked up and with a little tweaking 4k
gamers will be very happy
the Titan X was a little closer at this
higher resolution coming within 16% of
the 1080 while the fury X was within 31
percent in our ashes of the singularity
graphs we're looking at the DirectX 11
and DirectX 12 performance together at
14-14 DirectX 12 the fury managed to
come within 7 percent of the GTX 1080
while the other cards maintain similar
margins seen in other games at 4k this
gap was close further to the point where
there was no gap at all at 1080 managed
the same 46 FPS as the fury X but again
maintained its margins over its Nvidia
brethren the 1080 was comfortably over
the 60fps mark in Just Cause 3 and 1440p
with all the settings cranked up and a
healthy 27% faster than the time next at
4k it couldn't quite close in on 60fps
though again it was 27% faster than the
tight next there's probably the only
configuration that could be considered
playable in this game at 4k especially
since SLI and crossfire don't really
work the 1080 handle Rainbow six siege
like no one's business producing an
impressive 131 frames this is another
title where SLI really struggles and
it's not really properly supported 4k
siege saw terrorists laters 65 FPS with
the 52 FPS minimum while the other
comparable cards followed the same
pattern and rough percentages we've seen
throughout our benchmark results for the
average frame rates something
interesting worth noting here the
minimum frame rates of the AMD Fuji GPUs
the fury X Furion nano
it's all dip down to very low frame
rates so it has to be said I only saw
the Meharry for brief moments I think
this difference can mostly be attributed
to the smaller four gigabytes of HP M
memory because the game was tested using
the Ultra HD texture pack on Steam in
Tom Clancy's other tests of title the
1080 was just shy of keeping frames
above 60 FPS at all times of 1440p at 4k
things were tight with the fury ax Titan
X 980ti
all of which fell within the 14 percent
margin although none of these cards
could really produce what could be
considered very playable performance
with the 1080 s 33 FPS minimum the
highest of the bunch
including the 980ti it's an SLI and
already bitter good in Crysis 3 is still
demanding and pushed the 1080 - it's not
overclocked limits to stay above a 60fps
minimum here the 1080 crashed at
opposition with nearly 60% more
performance than the fury X and 46
percent more than the 980ti
4k real the 1080 in a bit - 34 fps
although it was still a long way ahead
of its rivals in terms of percentage
with the best fight put up by the Titan
X with its me at 24 FPS obviously all of
these cards rendered the game pretty
unplayable and 4k games will still have
to tweak some settings
apparently Arkham Knight works these
days and 1080 owners will be able to
play a best at 1440p the card was good
for 108 frames per second leave me all
of its competition in its wake at 4k the
1080 was close to a healthy 60fps
average although its minimum dropped
down to match that of the Titan X only
just edging out the 980ti well a little
further ahead of the fury X all of these
cards were a lot closer together in this
title while it looks pretty good Mad Max
is not a demanding title and at 1440p it
sees all of our top contenders with 99
frames or more with the 1080 leading the
pack by a healthy margin at 4k it was
only the 1080 that managed over 60fps on
average and it was really the only card
that could offer smooth playable
performance at 4k without splurging for
two cards anno 2205 so the 1080
overpower the Titan X by considerable
30% at 1440p and the fury X by 62% at 4k
the 1080 s minimum rivaled the averages
of the other cards at 35 frames and was
good for nearly 50 FPS on average
this was another title where SLI was not
only useless but a slight hindrance dirt
rally he showed slightly closer margins
and some of our other games tested with
the Titan X coming with
17% and the fury X within 25% of the 10
80s performance at 4k the 1080 is able
to keep this game above 60fps producing
a 62 frame minimum in 70 FPS average
while it's still led the pack aside from
the sli config the margins were again a
little closer than our average middle
f's 1440p results were in line with the
others that we've seen so far with the
GT X 1080 making 103 frames per second
good for 20 to 25% more than the Titan X
980ti in the fury X at 4k the results
are very similar to dirt rally the 1080
was 19% faster than the fury X and 21%
faster than the Titan next well the 980
was left behind on 37 frames per second
our newest game of the bunch doom saw
some interesting results using its
opengl game engine at 1440p the margins
with fairly standard they were a little
closer than our average at 4k the type
next pulled within 8 percent the 980ti
within 10 percent and the fury X within
15 percent these are the closest margins
we've seen for the other Nvidia cards
and one of the closer ones 2 for the
fury X finally we've got everyone's
favorite ARMA 3 here the 1080 made for
some healthy figures of 1440p pulling 75
frames per second on average with a
minimum of 67 at 4k the 1080 maintains
its margins though it's reduced to an
average of 42 fps making the game pretty
unplayable to be honest 4k game is left
to do what they're very used to doing
lower the quality settings if they want
smooth performance in video I've been
touting the 1080 as being a huge step
forward in terms of efficiency boasting
twice the performance what for what but
exactly how many watts does it use I
have ridged out the power consumption
for all of these cards in The Witcher 3
Crysis 3 Battlefront GTA 5 and Far Cry
primal and the results speak for
themselves the 1080 consumed is 266
watts on average which is 20% less than
the type next to provide an average 21%
better performance this is undoubtedly a
huge step forward and gamers and their
parents who pay the power bills
worldwide will be pleased to hear it
the 1080 founders edition operating
temperatures were very reasonable
considering the frequencies at which it
was running in Doom for instance the
1080 was running at 1835 megahertz but
managed to say three degrees cooler than
its 980ti counterpart which was running
at 82 degrees in every game tested the
1080 rounded
and eighty degrees which is impressive
given the card was barely audible and of
course the resulting framerate
performance well there's really no other
way to put it that was a crapload of
data so let's get into it
a GeForce GTX 1080 rendered on average
52 frames per second at 4k and this
minute was 21% faster than the Titan X
28% faster than the 980ti and wait for
63 percent faster than the vanilla GTX
980 the 1080 also had no trouble
dispatching the fury X where it was 30%
faster at 4k
interestingly while the margins were
much the same a 1440p between the Nvidia
cards the 1080 was even faster when
compared to the fury X here delivering
36% more performance on average making a
quick cost per frame analysis across the
21 games tested we see that even as $700
the founders Edition is exceptional
value when compared to the current AMD
and NVIDIA high-end products the board
partner cards which should start at $600
you're going to do some real damage at a
cost of just eleven dollars 55 an hour
test making it 25% better value than the
fury X to put up a fight in terms of
cost per frame and you would have to
discount the fury X to 470 dollars so be
interesting to see if they make that
sort of move I think if they don't the
fury X might simply get left behind as
you can see here although quite a bit
slower than the new 1080 the fear X is
still a very capable graphics card so if
AMD is able to remain competitive in
terms of pricing then that'll be great
news for gamers the same is true for the
gtx 980ti granted it's now exited
production is therefore a little less
relevant you may however be able to grab
a bargain as suppliers run out for
current 980ti owners I really don't
recommend buying a second card for SLI
the performance is simply too
inconsistent if you'll be mostly playing
a game that supports SLI well and this
isn't much of an issue but if you like
to dabble in various titles and I
suggest giving SLI amiss if you're a GTX
980 owner then you've no doubt been
eyeing off the 1080 as a potential
upgrade and a similar cost upon release
at least for the board partner models
anyway the 1080 is the perfect upgrade
for 980 owners those coming from a 980
can enjoy a massive 60% leap in
performance at both 1440p and 4k and as
you can see on this line graph that Nets
you a serious amount of extra frames
like the Maxwell base GPUs the GTX 1080
has plenty of overclocking Headroom and
I had no trouble squeezing another 20%
or so performance out of the founders
edition card the core was stable little
little over 2 gigahertz and the gddr5 X
memory had no issue reaching almost 12
gigabits per second for detailed
analysis of the overclocking performance
be sure to check out my GTX 1080i
overclocking video here making the 10
eighties framerate performance all the
more impressive is the power consumption
having tested a number of games we found
on average the 1080 system consumed just
266 was just a few percent more than the
GTX 980 and a little over 20% less than
the gtx 980ti
amazing stuff here and I have to admit
the 1080 is well exceeded my efficiency
expectations so let's address the
ultimate question should you race out
and buy the GeForce GTX 1080 in a word
known as nice as the founders edition
card looks unless you absolutely require
graphics card that vents hot air
externally I strongly suggest waiting
for invidious board partners to release
their versions of the card chances are
they'll run cooler provide even greater
overclocking Headroom and we'll of
course cost considerably less although I
don't believe AMD sparks will change
anything here it might also be wise to
wait for them to learn later next month
before investing any money in a new GPU
really who's that patient like I
mentioned earlier check out my GT x 1080
overclocking video here subscribe for
more Pascal and pilars content and if
you have any questions simply ask in the
I'm your host Matt as always and I'll
see you guys next time
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