welcome back to hadron box today I'm
finally getting around to checking out
invidious new g-force RT extreme use for
laptops and that's starting with the RT
X 2070 hopefully at some point I'll get
around to doing I guess a full
performance breakdown of each of the new
RT X laptop offerings but have to start
somewhere and thanks to gigabyte we're
kicking things off with the middle of
the pack 2070 in its max Q variant
obviously at this point the desktop
version of the RT X 2070 has been on the
market for a little while and we know
exactly how it performs however the
laptop variant is interesting because
it's not an identical copy of the
desktop card and this is where Nvidia's
GeForce 20 series begins to be a bit
confusing for buyers of laptops used to
the Pascal lineup that's been around for
a few years now so let's go back to
Pascal and check out how the lineup
looked the three main offerings were the
GTX 1060 the gtx 1070 and the gtx 1080
excluding the max q variants for a
moment the remain regular laptop
versions were very similar to their
desktop counterparts the gtx 1060 for
example had the same coup de coeur count
and while the base clock was a little
lower the rated boost clock was only 38
megahertz or lower than the desktop card
for the most part in a good laptop
design the laptop gtx 1060 performed
like a desktop gtx 1060 then there was
the gtx 1080 again same coup de coeur
count and even the same boost clock the
gtx 1070 was a little different in that
the laptop variant had a slight increase
to CUDA cores along with the slight
decrease in clocks but the end result
was that a laptop gtx 1060 again
performed around the mark of a desktop
gtx 1070 back then
times were simple then nvidia introduced
max cubits which were under clocked
versions of the GPU designed to slot
into thin and light systems that perhaps
didn't have the cooling capabilities of
the usual chunky gaming laptops a lot of
people hated on max q but the reality is
it did allow for more performance in a
given design not the full performance of
the labeled GPU but better than the tier
below and considering most laptops that
next cue GPS will marketed as such there
wasn't a whole lot of confusion there
but come the GeForce 20 suits NVIDIA has
taken things a step further we still
have max-q laptops but it's the regular
ngon max-q GPUs that have also received
pretty significant clock speed cuts
compared to the desktop variants I will
go through every variant here but
focusing in on the RT X 2070 we can see
where the cuts have occurred the GPU
still has the same kuduk or count 2,304
quarks which i guess is why nvidia can
still call this a 90 X 27 T it's the
same physical GPU but clock speeds are
significantly law the absolute maximum
rated boosts clock you'll see for this
laptop variant is 1440 megahertz
with a 1215 megahertz base and that's
the fully fledged version compare that
to the desktop card which has a 14 10
megahertz base clock along with the 16
20 megahertz boost which rose up to 17
10 megahertz so the founders Edition
card so with a fully fledged non max QR
TX 2070 for laptops the rate of the
boost clock is only 30 megahertz higher
than the desktop cards base clock this
has introduced a situation where once
again invidious laptop versions are no
longer a direct copy of the desktop GPU
within a few percent Pascal laptops were
basically copied to the desktop card but
with cheering we're looking at clock
speed deficits of 200 megahertz or more
for the regular RT X 2070 and it gets
worse with the max Q model which is an
880 5 megahertz base clock and an 1185
megahertz boost clock max Q clocks yet
there have always been lower than the
non max Q models and but even the non
max Q models are now down clocked
compared to the desktop cards so in the
gulf between a max q laptop and a
desktop with supposedly the same GPU has
widened significantly compared to the
last few years now there is a reason to
all this and it relates to the TDP
not a lot of people care about this
metric for desktop cards but for laptops
it is a crucial figure as the laptop OAM
they have to design a cooler that can
handle the TDP of the GPU and they have
pretty tight space constraints to work
with so if Pascal we had the gtx 1070 at
50 watts on the desktop and 115 Watts
for laptops in the fully-fledged version
but with the ITX 2070 that is now a 175
watt part on the desktop but it's still
just a hundred and 15 watts for laptops
the only way to hit that TDP with the
same GPU a GPU that consumes more power
when unleashed is to put in on a leash
and lower the clocks and this does
pretty much relate to a Nvidia shifting
up of priorities that we've seen people
talk about in the desktop side the GTX
1060 used to be 120 watts for the RT X
between 60 it's now 160 watts which
occupies where the gtx 1070 used to sit
the RT x between 70 is 175 watts which
is more like a GTX 1080 and then the RT
X 28 he comes in at 215 once and that's
a place where laptops never used to go
and with this predicament Nvidia could
have gone in one of two directions they
could have made our TX laptop GPS
equivalent to our TX desktop GPS which
would have meant the our TX 2070
replaces the GTX 1080 in designs capable
of handling that TVP the our TX 2060
would then replace the GTX 970
and the ITX 2080 well that couldn't
really be used but Nvidia didn't want to
do that instead they really chose option
2 and that was to down clock the GPUs so
that an RT X 2070 can replace a gtx 1070
and so on creating I guess a simple swap
in generations it may start laptop
versions pretty different to the desktop
versions but maybe Nvidia thought no one
would notice I've probably spent way too
much time talking about all of this but
my final point on the matter is that we
can video choosing the down clock in
real I feel like using the name
RTX 2070 for the laptop our TX 2070 is
really accurate because it's not the
same as the desktop card and this seems
to have confused a few people we've seen
some comments and a discord chat about
people looking to buy RT X laptops
thinking that the GPU they're getting is
going to be delivering the same
performance is the desktop card towards
the same physical GPU but it won't
deliver the same performance so I feel
with this GPU lineup it really should
have an M on the end of the names of
each of the GPUs so this should be the
RT X 2070 M it's not quite the same
situation as the GeForce 900 series
where the laptop M variants actually
also had you know different ku
or counts as well so something like the
gtx 980m had fewer cuda cores than the
gtx 970m desktops but feel the clock
speed differences with these true in
GPUs is different enough to warrant a
new name anyway you probably said can be
talking about clock speed steady pace
and names and just want to see the
performance numbers I'll get to that in
a moment
after a few other important notes so
like with the desktop card the our Tex
2070 flat tops uses 8 gigabytes of gddr5
it's for second in cording to envious
specs that means 14 gigabits per second
for the fully fledged version and 12
gigabits per second for max-q
same 256 bit bus we also still have our
TX functionality so the tensor and RT
cos is still there but due to the GPU
being down clocked performance isn't
quite the same
Nvidia cites up to 38 Tara RTX ops and 5
degrees per second for the laptop our TX
2070 compared to 42 our TX ops and 6 gig
arrays for the reference our TX 27 a
desktop con today's review is focused on
the max-q variant of the artex 2070
simply because well that's what I have
on hand right now and what tends to be I
guess the most popular in the thin and
light laptop category I hope to revisit
this look at the ITX 2070 when I have
the fully fledged version on hand but as
you might know it's a slow process to
get these laptops in it for review out
of a RTX laptop so I'm looking at
haven't been released yet so as they
trickle in we'll have to do a full
performance breakdown for each of them
in case you're wondering as max-q
laptops ship with an unchangeable power
limit they cannot be overclocked to the
full level of an RT X 2070 you can do
some basic core and memory clock
overclocking but the power limit is the
main limitation here so yeah
unfortunately I can't just magic this
laptop into a non max Q moral and
neither can buyers the good news is
getting the ITX 2070 max Q on hand
provides an excellent apples to apples
comparison opportunity which with
laptops and their various configurations
isn't always possible this opportunity
is thanks to gigabyte with their arrow
50 in line the new model I'm testing
today is the arrow 15 X 9 which packs
the r-tx 2070 max Q however I also have
the last gen arrow 15 X on hand with the
gtx 1070 max Q inside because both
laptops use the same design as well as
do the same hardware in cooler this
makes comparing the r-tx 2070 to the gtx
1070 pretty easy the gigabyte over 15 x9
i used also packs intel 6 core core i7
8750 H which is the go-to choice for
gaming laptops which you'll also see
used for most of the other laptops in
our comparison my review unit was killed
out with 32 gigabytes of dual-channel
ddr2 in the air a 15 X with the gtx 1070
the testing here has focused on 1080p
gaming I was planning to do some high
resolution testing but that has been cut
for time constraints unfortunately
hopefully I'll cover that in future
content it's also key to note that the
Aero 15 x9 was tested with the fan mode
set to gaming this does deliver
noticeably better performance than the
quieter bounce mode and I used this
exact same gaming fan mode with the
washing or a 15 X as well so both
laptops were as loud as each other which
again cuts out a further variable when
comparing the Arctic's 2070 to the gtx
1070 in terms of clock speeds this is
where I guess the data starts to come in
finally for you guys have been sitting
through a lot of this discussion so far
while the r-tx 2070 max-q has a rated
boost clock of just 1185 megahertz
thanks for invidious GPU boost actual
clock speeds in games or more rounded
1250 213 50 megahertz mark so typically
that's at least a hundred megahertz or
lower than the fully fledged laptop RTX
20 70s boost clock then of course the
full version will also boost a bit
higher this is basically the same
behavior as the gtx 1070 max-q
which has a rated boost of 1379
megahertz but sits more around the 1500
to 1600 megahertz mark in games you
should expect these results from any
laptop with decent cooling however those
with poor cores will down clock more
aggressively and result in worse
performance memory clocks they also
don't change and here the GDD r6 with
the max Coover that's 8 gigabytes in
this case is stuck at 12 gigabits per
second so we're going to kick things off
with a look at battlefield 1 probably
been superseded by battlefield 5 these
days but a lot of our existing testing
delivers for battlefield 1 so we'll
start with that
here the are texts we 70 max-q clocks in
at just 7
faster than the gtx 1070 max-q offering
a slight performance gain on the non max
cube very and this is an okay start but
ideally you'd want to see larger gains
here we know Wolfenstein 2 is one of the
most favorable games to in videos
nuturing GPU architecture at least when
comparing to pascal so here the ITX
between 70 max q commands a decent 15
percent performance lead over the gtx
1070 max q however the game is also one
that heavily favors the fully fledged
GPUs for some reason so the regular old
gtx 1017 is still faster here when
looking at average performance far cry 5
is a well optimized title and one that
we like to benchmark with extensively in
this game you can expect the r-tx 2070
to come in with a nine percent
performance lead over the gtx 1070 when
comparing max q versions that does
increase to a 15% lead in 1% lows though
which is nice to see when comparing the
max Q 2070 to the full gtx 1070
performance is about equal in star wars
battlefront to the RT x 2070 is around
10% faster than the GTX 970 again
comparing max two versions the new
attorney GPU also holds a small
advantage over the full gtx 1070 which
seems to be typical for this new max q
model we've only gone through four games
so far but in those games the usual
result is the max Q 2070 delivering the
same performance as the non max to 1070
within the same design constraints so
with the same cooler do it for is one of
the most favorable games to the RT X
2070 max you hear the new GPU is 18%
faster on average and 11% fast in 1%
those relative to the gtx 1070 max q
it's also a small amount faster than the
standard gtx 1070 not every game you'll
play on a laptop though will be GPU
limited at 1080p a great example of that
is prey which runs at around 100 FPS on
modern laptops but there's not a lot of
difference between most higher-end GPUs
the RT x 20 max q he is only three
percent faster than the GTX 970 max Q
and holds one of the smallest margins
over the GTX 1066 gigabyte and just 16%
I believe this is more of a memory
bottleneck issue than a CPU bottleneck
either Middle Earth shadow
war is another game that is favorable to
Turing here the r-tx 2070 is 16% faster
on average compared to the GTX 970 of
course looking at max cube variants it's
also 6% faster than the regular gtx 1070
which is one of the larger margins for
this GPU watchdogs 2 is in a similar
situation to pray in that the game is
quite demanding on the cpu I spotted a
4% gain to average performance when
comparing the RT x 2070 max Q to the gtx
1070 max q but no gain in terms of 1%
low performance unlike with desktops
where you might pair the RT x between 70
with a much more powerful CPU the 45
watt CPUs you're stuck with in most
laptops can limit the GPU especially at
1080p a couple more games I wanted to
focus on here Deus Ex mankind divided is
an older title but it's still very GPU
limited here the RT X 2070 max Q is 18%
faster than the GTX 1070 max Q and
that's a big gain from the videos
architecture compared to the average
result this is a bit of an outlier but
nonetheless it's impressive finally we
have a game that not many people liked
Mass Effect Andromeda a decent
performance gain here for the RT X 2070
max Q coming in 13% faster than the GTX
970 mxq it's also a decent 7% faster
than the fully fledged jtx 1070 looking
at a full performance summary here
across 18 games we can see that on
average the ITX 2070 max Q is 11% faster
than the gtx 1070 max cute it replaces
you can spot a couple of newer games in
here such as Assassin's Creed Odyssey
which performs remarkably poorly on
laptop hardware along with another
largely CPU limited game in hitman 2
plus two other new titles that deliver
good gains in battlefield 5 and Resident
Evil 2 in general though you can expect
performance gains up to around 18%
typically but as low as 3 to 4% in games
that aren't as GPU limited and as we're
talking about laptops here there are
more instances where you will run into
bottlenecks than a typical gaming
desktop built and this is an important
consideration when comparing desktop and
laptop GPUs comparing the ITX 2070 mxq
to the regular gtx 1070 is
a bit of a mixed bag on the one hand
this new max-q GPU is now delivering the
performance of the last gen fully
fledged model but in smaller thinner and
whiter systems with weaker cooling
solutions well not always the case
gtx 1070 laptops tended to be on the
larger end of the scale however with the
Ardex 2070 max-q
we can expect to see that GPU in true
thin and light gaming machines on the
other hand the desktop RTX 2070 is 27%
faster than the GTX 970 on average so
it's pretty obvious how far behind the
r-tx twin 70 max Q is for laptops in
comparison to the desktop equivalent I
expect the full non max Q model to be
faster but it won't close this gap
entirely the max Q to max Q margin was
11% so I'd expect the full versions will
have a similar sort of margin not the 27
percent margin like with the desktop
cards and then of course in video
clocking the laptop version a lot lower
will do that a couple of other
comparisons to go here we have the RT X
2070 max Q compared to the GTX 1066
gigabyte a very popular laptop GPU and a
GPU that used to be the maximum for thin
and light laptops the RT X 2070 max Q is
35 percent faster here on average which
shows the progress that has been made in
this sort of portable form factor of
course our TX 2070 max Q laptops are a
lot more expensive but purely from a
technical standpoint it is impressive to
say this level of performance gained
within the same available space for
cooling and power delivery the RT XY 70
max Q is still slower than the GTX 1080
max Q though to the tune of roughly 6%
the GTX 1080 max Q is the next step
above the gtx 1070 and with the RT x
2070 max q performing around gtx 1070
level it still makes sense that the gtx
280 max Q is faster of course you'll be
wondering how rate racing performs with
the artex 2070 max Q and the good news
is that it works I actually wasn't
expecting to see write racing in the
laptop versions due to the TDP
constraints but into there even with the
max Q variants
however the RT X 2070 max Q is only
rated for 4 Giga rays per second lower
than the desktop
x26 tea so naturally it won't be as good
for ray-tracing in our standard
battlefield 5 benchmark run which does
have reflective surfaces that activate
the game's
DXR reflections even using just the low
rate racing mode caused a pretty
significant performance drop in our
standard battlefield 5 benchmark run
with ultra settings which does have
reflective surfaces that activate
becames decks our reflections even using
just the low rate racing mode caused a
pretty significant performance drop with
that DXi we were achieving an average of
86 FPS through the run turning on DX are
too low dropped that to 54 FPS so we're
talking about a sub 60 FPS experience at
1080p here turning our TX up to ultra
and yeah that drops even further to just
a 44 FPS average I don't think many
people will want to play a game like
battlefield 5 at below 60 FPS even at
1080p when they could be playing at
upwards of 80 FPS so to me this seems
like a bit of a bust even on the lowest
rate racing settings so when thinking
about how I was going to wrap up this
one there were a lot of thoughts going
through my head well in videos RTX line
has been actually disappointing on the
desktop side laptops are an entirely
different story with different price
points categories and considerations to
me so I want to break this down into a
few sections firstly the naming scheme
to me is still very disappointing one of
the key issues that I have here the ITX
2070 max-q is really nowhere near the
performance of a desktop RTX 2070 and
with Nvidia also down clocking the
regular r-tx 2070 for laptops these GPUs
no longer direct equivalents for their
desktop counterparts like there were
with Pascal this is frustrating to me
and I think to avoid confusion I wish
they'd use a different name something
like RT X between 70 M I feel would be
appropriate as for performance we're
getting 10% more out of the RT X 2070
max cube compared to the gtx 1070 max Q
so for the same product category which
means the same type of laptop with a
similar design size weight and cooler we
can expect a modest 10% gain that's ok
it's fine
it's nothing amazing but it is faster in
the same category the good news is it
seems laptops are also
around the same price as well comparing
launch price to launch price portable
gtx 1070 max-q laptops launched in the
2200 to 2400 US dollar range and that's
where our TX 2070 max-q laptops have
launched with similar hardware
configurations however right now with
you no discounts because it's an
end-of-life product you can get gtx 1070
max-q laptops for about $200 less for
any equivalent configuration so while
the launch prices are similar today
you'll have to pay about 10% more and
you'll get about 10% more performance in
return at least while old stock for
previous gen products is still around
so yeah like the desktop GPUs looking at
today's pricing there's not much
progress on value here that said with
the desktop cards the r-tx 2070 came in
at $120 higher than the launch price of
the gtx 1070 and that doesn't seem to be
the case with the laptops and of course
it's much harder to comment about
pricing with these sorts of products
because they set by partners not Nvidia
they can change a fair bit it depends on
the laptop etc but in general launch
prices is similar while today's gtx 1070
max-q laptops have been discounted to
why I feel is an appropriate price
relative to new RTX 27 miles without
being amazing of course for some people
RTX GPUs like the RT X 2070 max-q will
bring additional benefits like ray
tracing and DL SS depending on how much
stock you place on their importance
neither a widespread technologies right
now and in our opinion it's not really
something worth considering with your
purchase especially considering how
battlefield 5 performs with ray tracing
with this particular GPU on the surface
this launch is somewhat disappointing
Morris performance gains no improvement
value and few additional features of
limited use but at the same time I feel
that perhaps expectations were set a bit
too high with a laptop GPUs in
particular while on the desktop it's all
about raw performance and bang for buck
but with laptops there's the additional
factor of performance per watt or how
much you can get out of a given cooler
design as truing is built on 12
nanometers compared to 16 nanometers of
a pascal there hasn't been a significant
uptick in that department so
realistically we're in
never gonna see a large jumping
performance within a given form-factor
that said I do feel like the naming
scheme of these particular products is
led people to believe that they were
going to get you know the performance of
the desktop-class products in the
laptops but as I said realistically that
was probably not going to happen given
those constraints of cooler's in you
know similar sized laptops laptop
upgrade cycles also very different to on
the desktop most people buying an RT X
laptop aren't just getting a new GPU
they'll likely also be upgrading the CPU
the memory storage display and even the
design which can all add value to a
purchase so are the generation on
generation gains are only 10% here for
the RT X 2070 max q a large number of
buyers will see actual gains far higher
than this with their upgrade especially
when factoring in you know a bunch of
other components getting faster as well
and that just about does it for this
review it's been lovely but I think I've
covered it pretty thoroughly I'm hoping
to at some point don't really know when
but I want to get hands-on time with the
other five r-tx GPU variants for laptops
and put them through their paces but at
least I've said a lot of groundwork here
for what to expect with those other GPUs
and I certainly don't but you spent as
much time on the naming scheme with
these laptops in in future videos I
think I've done that point to death now
and yeah I really I really wish that
Nvidia had given these laptop teepees a
different name so that people you know
didn't confuse them with the desktop
parts but anyway I've sent that point a
few times now as always you can
subscribe for more content give it a
like if you enjoyed the review consider
supporting us on patreon to access our
discord community and other perks and
I'll catch you in the next one
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