Painfully Slow? Laptop Gaming on Battery Power Tested
Painfully Slow? Laptop Gaming on Battery Power Tested
welcome back to hardware unboxed today
we'll be investigating a couple of
questions I often see asked about gaming
laptops what's the performance like on
how long do these laptops last in games
and can you extend the life in any way
and the less powerful systems last
longer I have some great apples to
apples data for you in this video so it
should be interesting and that is a bit
of an FAQ for gaming laptop buyers the
reason I say apples to apples is I have
a rare opportunity to put two basically
identical systems to the test and see
how the one main difference the discrete
GPU impacts battery life and playability
away from the typically necessary wall
charger you might have seen the review
last week but I have two ASA predator
700 systems in hand right now thanks to
ASA and PC case gear
the Triton 700 s both have typical
laptop hardware like a core i7 7700 HQ
CPU a 1080p display and 512 gig SSDs one
model has an nvidia geforce gtx 1066
gigabyte while the other has a geforce
gtx 1080 max q both use largely the same
cooler and other hardware the only
difference is in the 1080 max-q model
that has 32 gig of ram instead of 16 gig
and a high refresh 120 hertz display
both systems have batteries
approximately 50 watt hours in size
which is very small for a gaming laptop
so when gaming on battery there are a
couple of different performance modes
you can choose from an invidious GeForce
experience utility the setting in
question is called battery boost which
when enable limits the performance of
games to a frame rate of your choice
between 30 and 60 fps the idea here is
that you can cap a game previously
running at high frame rates to a lower
frame rate leading to lower GPU usage
and less battery drain for longer
gameplay on battery disabling battery
Boost runs the game at the maximum
performance possible but there's one
critical thing to note here even when
battery boost is to say
you'll never achieve the same level of
performance as when plugged in this is
down to simple battery physics the
battery just can't provide the 180 to
230 watts that the charger provides and
even if it could it would likely run at
dangerously hot levels and lasts for
about 15 minutes so when gaming on
battery there is a significant power
limit that prevents the same level of
performance as when plugged in this
explains why no matter what settings you
change or tweaks you make you'll never
hit those top performance levels to
explore just how significant the
performance drop is I ran the Triton
700s through our standard laptop GPU
benchmarks on battery and compared the
results to the plugged in numbers I
gathered earlier as you can see in these
charts or will be shown in a couple of
minutes the performance drop is pretty
huge in most games games that were
running at 60fps or above now struggle
to reach 20 fps and across the board
games that were playable on both systems
with ultra detail settings are now
utterly unplayable when you pull out the
charger the average performance dropped
for the GTX 1060 was 66.8% in average
frame rates and 69% in 1% lows this
means that on battery the GTX 1060 model
has roughly one third the performance
that it has on the charger the GTX 1080
is hit a bit harder with an average drop
of 71 percent in average frame rates and
78 percent in 1% lows for around one
quarter of a performance it had
previously now of course when connected
to a charge of the GTX 1080 max-q does
hold a significant performance advantage
over the GTX 1060 across the games here
that lead is around 40% but on battery
with a crippling power limit in place
that lead is cut and the results are
pretty interesting so we're looking at
average frame rates the GTX 1080 max-q
still holds a performance lead though
it's been reduced to 21% on average when
on battery but we're looking at 1% low
frame rates the average result is within
a few percent of the GTX 1060 this leads
to some intriguing observations in some
situations it appears the
texts nad max-q runs more efficiently
than the GTX 1060 allowing higher
performance under similar power limits
which is why the GTX 1080 max Q is still
faster than the 1060 on battery and
average frame rates however the 1080 max
Q model suffers from horrendous
stuttering under this power limit in a
handful of tiles in particular
rise of the Tomb Raider watchdogs too
and prey in these games there are
regular one to two second periods where
the framerate dips to under 5 fps
even when you turn down the quality
settings to achieve a more playable
average framerate on battery the
regularity of these pauses suggests the
system is struggling under the power
limit with small fluctuations in battery
output potentially causing the GPU to
starve of power for brief moments so
while the GTX 1080 max cube can be
faster at times on battery in otherwise
very similar systems it's the GTX 1060
that delivers more consistent
performance on battery without the same
stuttering concerns in either case the
performance drops are significant enough
that you'll have to turn down the coil
levels too low in most games just to
achieve frame rates above 30 the other
question of course is how long do gaming
laptops actually last while gaming on
battery this is you know it's a
difficult question to answer in general
considering the wide variety of hardware
and battery capacities but we'll first
look at some data from the Triton 700 s
I tested with and then I'll discuss the
situation a bit more generally so the
first game I tested with was Mass Effect
Andromeda because it scales down nicely
and allows you to achieve more than 60
FPS on the lowest settings on battery
with these systems this gives us a good
idea of how invidious battery Boost
technology works to enhance the battery
life on their systems with the gtx 1060
system running at full performance I
achieved 52 minutes of gaming which is
pretty short though not unexpected for a
gaming system here the game runs at
around 100 fps in the area I tested with
and at the lowest settings at 1080p
capping the game to 60 FPS using battery
boost didn't have a massive effect
increasing play time by just 9 minutes
for a 17 percent game
however the real gains are seen in
capping the game to 30fps
now the laptop lasted a just shy of
twice as long which is a pretty huge
gain of course you will have to put up
with a console like experience at pretty
low detail levels and even then you
won't get two hours of life here but it
does show the advantage of battery boost
on the other hand the gtx 1080 max-q
model isn't as affected by a battery
boost it achieved her in the same
gameplay duration as the 1060 model with
battery boost disabled at a slightly
higher level of performance however
capping the game to 60fps only increased
the battery life by 6 percent and
capping the 30fps led to just a 26%
increase going from a hundred plus FPS
to 30fps for just 13 minutes more
gameplay in this situation you know it
isn't that ideal it's a similar story
with watchdogs to hear the game set to
1080p and the low preset achieved around
42 fps in the test area on both systems
and it was surprising to discover the
1080 max kumara lasted a good 9 minutes
or 23% longer here
however when capita 30fps it's the GTX
1060 that outperformed the GTX 1080 by
using its efficiency when underutilized
to just hit the 60 minute mark the GTX
1080 max Q barely improved in stamina
when battery boost was activated
despite the performance being reduced by
27% the final game I tested with is
civilization 6 which like a lot of
strategy games is great for playing on
the go with the performance uncapped the
gtx 1060 model hovered around 45 fps in
a late-game save with everything at the
lowest detail level surprisingly it
managed to last 65 minutes at this
performance and incredibly capping the
game to 30fps boosted this result to 108
minutes in other words a 33% reduction
in framerate went to a 66% increase in
stammerer which is an excellent result
from the system and civilization 6 is
very playable at a locked 30fps since 6
also lasts longer than normal with the
GT externally max q but again it's a
title where battery of boosts 30fps cap
has no significant impact on battery
life in general these battery life
figures that
quite low and that's a product of the
mere 50 watt hour battery inside the
Triton 700 many other gaming laptops
feature larger batteries in the 75 to
100 watt hour range and those typically
last between one and three hours in
games yeah that's still not ages but
it's a little better than the numbers
we've got with the Triton 700 I will say
though that if you are planning on
utilising battery boost you should also
enable vsync as for some reason you get
nasty tearing in some games with vsync
disables and Nvidia capping the frame
rate to 30 fps if you are thinking of
buying a gaming laptop use away from the
charger based on these tests I'd
recommend you don't get something too
powerful as you won't be harnessing the
extra power and it likely won't last as
long compared to a less powerful system
the GTX 1060 provides a decent mix of
plugged in power and battery stamina
when captive 30fps though if you want to
do a lot of gaming on battery something
like a GTX 1050 or 1050 Ti could be a
better option in any situation though
don't expect to get a lot of performance
out of a system running on battery power
if you are interested in more info on
the Triton 700 laptops we used for
review check out the full review which
will have links to that in the
description below otherwise I'll catch
you next time
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