
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Pre-Computex Update & AOC Giveaway Announced

you hey guys welcome back to harbor unbox for the start of my Computex 2017 coverage but before I jump into that a quick word about our sponsor MSI firstly big thanks to MSI for bringing me here issue I wouldn't be here without them if you're in the market for new Intel motherboard check out the new x99 Zed 270 + h2 70 motherboards right now they're offering a free you play game key for any new purchase link is in the video description right so I arrived in Taiwan last night and met up with my good mate Brian from tech city somehow Brian managed to smooth talk the Grand Hyatt reception into letting him check in for me a few hours before I even made it into the country and now my rooms in Brian's name and I have a squatter I can't get rid of even if I could get rid of him though I'm not sure what I'd do with all the used parts scattered all over the room so rule one of Computex don't tell the yes-man which hotel you're staying at anyway since I'm now stuck with Brian I can use these services as a cameraman he's not too bad at that today everybody's still sitting up so we've just been walking around and checking the place out so far though it's been a lot of fun that's before we did anything too serious we headed down to the ground floor for the breakfast buffet and he made sure we got our money's worth the food though is absolutely amazing and looking forward to starting every day the same way next up we hit the street in search of the media registration booth I haven't run into any famous youtubers other than Brian of course but hopefully I'll come across some of the really big names soon after waiting about 20 minutes or so to get registered I ended up with the name Hardware Australia pretty close I'd guess and Brian walked away with tech city media prod we then decided to have a bit of a look around the Taipei World Trade Centre and I have to say on Monday morning it was a very busy place for those of you wondering and maybe you're unfamiliar with Computex this is just a small section of hall 1 and Hall 1 is the largest of three buildings the good news for us being that Hall 1 and Hall to a right next to the Grand Hyatt Hotel so we don't have to travel too far before we left Brian I had a quick look around the worksite that said though I'm pretty sure we were meant to find our way onto the showroom floor but we did and I'm also quite sure we weren't meant to film anything but of course we did Brian reckons the keys to look important so I'm not sure what that looks like but it got us through security without any issues anyway with just one more day till the showroom floor opens the public there looks to be a heck of a lot of work that still needs to be done but they'll probably get it done they seem to each year we didn't end up checking out Hall two or three but they're most certainly just as busy over there as well setting up booths after our quick little explore we headed back to the hotel where we discovered in video setting up on the third floor we thought why not sneak in and do a bit of filming in here as well unfortunately though we didn't get too far before security escorted us out apparently they're still setting up and obviously we didn't look important enough who were thought before we left though Brian jumped at the opportunity to look like a bit of a fanboy he's still trying to give me grief over picking the RX 580 over the gtx 1060 I have to say real-life trolls are the worst as for tomorrow we have a few things planned first of all of course be the msi booth since they brought us here and apparently had some cool new gear for us to check out so that should be interesting I'll do my best to try and snag a GeForce GT 1030 graphics card from them so I can compare that with the rx 550 heaps of you guys have been asking me to do that so that's something I want to put together once I get home I'm also keen to try and walk away with the tomahawk be 350 board I hear that's a particularly good be 350 board and again you guys have been hounding me to do a review on it there'll probably be two videos tomorrow so make sure you check them out so you can find out what I've been up to and before I wrap things up we did announce the winners of the AOC giveaway today on the tech lounge so here's a quick look at that and give you guys the details on who won sync we're live okay guys we are live from Taiwan I am joined by the man the Ferrari of benchmarking Steve from Hardware on box no flat tires yet no flat tires this time he's not his only sir Donny's game so hey you guys doing we're going to announce the giveaway winners for the ELQ giveaway international giveaway and we're going to pick two winners one for each channel and we're going to draw it live because in my opinion if you're doing giveaways if you guys enter giveaways - I think you guys should be requesting that they're giving away live that way exactly - yeah 240 Hertz okay let's do it drill 1 when I'm gonna draw in draw is drawing now we're drawing one winner we're gonna do it okay Julius bonus has Republic of Lithuania you are the first winner congratulations dude that's that's really cool because that's a guy from Europe I got a lot ok Europe I can't hear per subscriber I want to check mine olynyk's that's really cool so congratulations here the first winner you will sheesh min what you're showing his email live right now gonna get spammed while I'm here so Julie I'm emailing you okay and you have to reply that's the bottom line yeah cuz yeah I'll get like a lot of guys spoofing emails like hey I'm Julie yeah I won the email here's my address ship it to me yes commenting curve I invite 50,000 Ulysses sending me a message so alright there's one minute you want to click it you got to click it draw your one winner draw your one winner Steve there we go okay and second winner this is intense Steve's picked it no chance it'll be in Australian we gather together who's going to do Philippines yes we have to fuck del Rosario do you want to read it out on okay yeah well I can just done it from your face congratulations guys so - you guys won the a och monitors so we are going to message you guys you have a week to respond I think that's fair so yeah and if you don't respond then next week draw another winner live or another two winners if you guys service so congratulations to the guys that won and thank you to everyone for entering and if you didn't miss out don't worry because there's going to be a lot more giveaways on the channel and I have something pretty big plans for the hundred K subscribers so hopefully it doesn't happen too far after I get back from Computex wrapping things up I would just like to say that editing encoding on that msi phantom laptop that i looked at last week has gone really well so far and i hope this little laptop keeps looking after me I got to say having a 40 inch laptop is fantastic for use on the plane trip over here and I enjoy getting swamped by all your comments on the RX 570 and gtx 1060 review when I landed in Hong Kong for my layover anyway guys thanks for watching I'm your host Steve and I'll catch you again real soon for more Computex action
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