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RX 480

hey guys I'm back with another our X 480 video this time we're checking our crossfire performance to see how two of these $240 GPUs compare within videos higher-end GPUs such as the 980 TI 1070 and just the halibut the much more expensive GT X 1080 if you haven't already checked out my rx 480 overview video benchmark video and overclocking video be sure to check those out as well in short the strongest attribute of the our X 480 has been as cost per dollar ratio which sees a just managed to our class the $260 discounted GTX 970 graphics cards getting around at the moment AMD have been working hard to improve crossfire scaling and frame pacing for some time now so I thought why not serve up the 23 games I tested in the main benchmark video to see how the our X 480 duo gets on of the 23 games we test with the our X 480 crossfire cards are broken in just six of them those games included Just Cause 3 Rainbow six seed Batman Arkham Knight anno 2205 doom and surprisingly hitman of course most of these games don't support our celaya though so we're happy to give AMD a pass for these titles unfortunately I haven't had time to gather the frame time results or all of the graphics cards tested so I'll only be providing that information the Radian our X 480 crossfire to be compared with a single our X 480 I'll talk about the results for a few of the more interesting titles in the benchmarks section next but you'll be able to find the full results for all games tested at our website hardware and voxcom I'll also be commenting on how the game is played with crossfire enabled in the conclusion for a full list of the test system specs please check the video description we'll also find a detailed video index the results in The Witcher 3 were interesting for a few reasons first of all the average framerate produced by the crossfire cars was massive it even eclipsed the 1080 the problem is the massive discrepancy in frame pacing as you can see the 1% frame time in crossfire mode was 20 frames below the minimum which made for a very jittery playing experience it was very annoying to play with Far Cry primal was another game where the crossfire for 80s perform really well with 88% scaling this allowed the average to again just beat out the GTX 1080 and this time the frame pacing was a lot more consistent here the 1% frame time was we eight frames of the minimum meaning the minimum was just 15% higher this made for a smooth planning experience compared to the 1070 the para for 80s was 30% faster here to rise of the Tomb Raider was a title where the four eighties didn't perform overly well here the performance scaled only 52 percent meaning the 1070 was within 1 percent and they were 24% slower than the GTX 1080 thankfully though gameplay was smooth as the 1 percent frame time was within 7 percent of the minimum frame rate GTA 5 was another game where performance was both impressive and smooth the team of our X 4 80s scaled by fantastic 87% meaning it was just 17 percent faster than the single 1070 and 9 percent behind the much more expensive 1080 frame rates were smooth as a milkshake here too with frame times within 4% of the minimum fallout 4 was a bit of a letdown in terms of crossfire performance despite 71 percent scaling gameplay was very jittery so the 12 percent advantage over the 1070 didn't mean much hopefully this can be improved for the fallout 4 fans soon the last game I'll discuss here is ARMA 3 where crossfire scoured to the tune of 92% extremely impressive stuff though was only 5% faster than the 1070 and 13% slower than the 1080 thankfully gameplay was really smooth here - so AMD and ARMA fans will be wrapped on average we saw a total system power consumption of 437 watts when gaming this was up from the 235 watts of the single card and 240 watts of the gtx 1070 a lot of gamers couldn't give to stuffs about how much power the rig uses when gaming but I think it's an important factor to consider that the cars will use 85 percent more power than the 1070 system honestly I've never been much of a fan of multi GPU technology SLI or crossfire when I spend hundreds of dollars on a product or products I kind of wanted to just work and in the past this technology has never been extremely well polished this is still kind of the case as there were those six games that I mentioned where multi-gpu Tech is simply broken however I was impress that out of my 23 game gauntlet 17 of them did work and most of them works really well with the 17 games there were nine West scaling was over 75% which is a great result I also found 13 of them really smooth to play with the exceptions being the witcher 3 black ops 3 star wars battlefront and fallout 4 the other good news is that the single card rx4 ad provided extremely smooth for months with the 1% frame time falling within 5% of the minimum frame rate on average this variance did increase to 20% with crossfire enabled but this includes the games that I found quite jittery now a lot of you will be interested in how these cards fared against the gtx 1070 in particular with 2 Rx for ATS performance was an average 14% faster than a single card results with the 1070 where it was 35% slower without its twin out of interest if you take away the games where performance was jittery this average didn't change so I suppose for around the same money you can get slightly better performance from this pair of AMD cards however keep in mind there are some major titles where you'll be stuck with single card performance and some others where the gameplay is far from smooth I said I'd compare with the 1082 where one on one the RX 480 was 47% slower turning the contest to American doubles with crossfire the 4 80s were now on average just 9% slower this performance boost will come with all of the same caveats previously mentioned though of course still an impressive result given the RX for 80 cards cost us 480 dollars while the GTX 1080 will set you back in excess of 600 so honestly crossfire performance was a lot more impressive and reliable than unexpected though I'd still like to see some more improvements made some of these titles mentioned where Crossfire's flat-out broken or jittery are very popular games and if it came down to choosing between the slightly faster overall duel four 80s or the reliable and consistent 1070 that aren't honestly be leaning towards the fastest single GPU option as I always have I just like to be able to know that my expensive hardware is going to work well with virtually every game what do you guys think of the 480 crossfire results are they better than you expected let me know in the comments hit subscribe if you haven't I'm your host Matt as always and I'll see you guys next time youtubers like me depend on your support to continue improving the quality and content of our videos to support the channel directly consider becoming a patron to also get access to eve of cool rewards and exclusive giveaways also don't forget you can check prices and buy the products I looked at in this video through the Amazon links in the video description below thank you kindly for supporting me and the hardware unbox channel it means a lot to me and I really do appreciate it and in return I'll continue to work as hard as I can to keep producing the content you enjoy
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