welcome back to Haram box today we're
gonna try and push the radio rx 5700 XT
to its limits by strapping on EKG vector
waterblock for thenar V based graphics
cards ek were kind enough to quickly
send one of these over to me so I can
play around with it I've had it for a
little while now but obviously we've
been quite busy with a lot of those n2
content we've been doing but anyway I've
got it now so a big THANK YOU to ek for
sending that over if you missed it in my
initial 5700 series review I noted that
increasing the fan speed off the 5700 XT
to an ear bleeding 100% I was able to
boost the GPU up from around 1800
megahertz so that's basically what it
runs that stock and I was able to push
it up to 2050 megahertz so that was a
14% overclock then after all the day one
reviews went live Eagles led published
interesting pace based on some findings
by a Radeon Tweaker group user helm I
think if I got that wrong sorry anyway
the user created some power play table
mods for the 5700 series that made it
possible to bypass AMD's overclocking
limits imposed at the BIOS level these
simple yet genius Windows registry
modifications allowed users to
circumvent AMD's limits and increase the
GPU frequency as high as two thousand
three hundred megahertz while also
increasing the power limit of course the
GPU silicon has to be good enough to run
a 2.3 gigahertz and sadly neither of my
retail cards were able to run and even
2.2 gigahertz rather 2.1 gigahertz was
the limit which was a shame but it's
still around at 18 percent overclock so
I'm expecting a nice performance uplift
before we get into the benchmarks though
just a quick refresher on what we found
so far after an hour-long f1 2019 loop
the 5700 XT in its stock configuration
with the reference blower cooler ran it
around 1780 megahertz once the card
reached its peak operating temperature
of 84 degrees in a 21 degree ambient
room under the same conditions with the
e K vector block installed and attached
to a 240 millimeter radiator with two
super-quiet 120 millimeter fans the 5700
XT peaked at just 45 degrees so that's a
39 degree drop in temperature meanwhile
the GDD r6 memory temperature dropped by
20 degrees and the vrm temperature
dropped by as much as 30 degrees having
tried all the registry modifications I
found that 2.1 gigahertz was the limit
of Maya Seuss reference card again I did
try all of the registry options and just
pushing past two thousand one hundred
and ten megahertz just cause games to
crash and I found the same limit with my
power color reference 5700 X T as well
so I guess I haven't done that well with
this silicon lottery here but as I noted
a moment ago that's still an 18%
overclocked and given the 5700 XT was
only 9 percent slower on average than
the RT X 2080 this overclock should push
the radio and GPU ahead of course you
can also overclock the 2080 but that's
not really the point we're trying to
achieve 2080 light performance at a
significant discount so let's fire up
the car I $9.99 here okay GPU test rig
and see how the liquid-cooled 5700 xt
performs first up we have f1 2019 and
here we see a modest 9% bump in
performance for the average framerate
and a slightly less impressive 6% boost
for the 1% lower result this did allow
the 5700 XT at 2.1 gigahertz to match
the GTX 1080 TI though it was still 5%
slower than the RT x 2080 not exactly a
big margin but I was hoping the
overclock would yield better results
moving on to battlefield 5 and here we
see a far less impressive 5 percent
boost in performance for the average
frame rate though the 1% low performance
was improved by a 7% margin having said
that the 1% low frame rate is still a
bit weak at least relative to the RT X
2080 but overall an impressive result
given that we're looking at our TX 2080
super light performance in this title
here we see the most impressive gain yet
a 10% boost in performance at least for
the average frame rate when testing with
Rainbow six siege well this does push
the 5700 XT ahead of the stock 1080 Ti
it's still slower than the RT X 2070
super and much slower than the RT X 2080
super next up we have Metro Exodus and
here we see a very mild 7 percent
improvement in performance going from 72
to 77 fps and that wasn't enough to
even the 2070 super in this title
another lackluster 7% gain can be seen
when testing with Resident Evil 2 very
this time that was enough to at least
match the r-tx 2070 super shadow of the
Tomb Raider disappointed with only a 6
percent improvement in performance but
at least that was enough to match the
gtx 980ti and r-tx 2070 super another 6
percent gain can be seen when testing
with fortnight but here we're only
talking in extra 6 FPS so in my opinion
it's probably not worth the trouble
then moving on to the division 2 we see
another 7% performance uplift for the
2.1 gigahertz overclock and that was
enough to match the r-tx 2070 super in
this title dirt rally to seize just a 5%
boost going from 102 FPS to just 107 fps
so a very disappointing result here the
Radeon rx 5700 XT already killed it in
Forza horizon 4 and here we see just a
week three percent improvement from the
overclock but still that was enough to
take out top spot and I suspect we're
probably becoming CPU limited at this
point interestingly Far Cry new dawn
provides a really nice 12 percent
performance boost and this put the 5700
XT right on the heels of the RT X 2080
and I really wish we saw more results
like this second last game they're going
to look at is World War Z and here we
see a 6 percent improvement in
performance from the overclock and
that's just half of what we saw in Far
Cry and we finish up on a very
disappointing 4% performance boost in
Assassin's Creed Odyssey so let's move
on to check out some power consumption
figures for what was a 7 percent boost
on average you're looking at almost a
40% increase in power consumption as the
GPU power draw increased from just 186
right up to a Vega like 258 watts then
looking at total system consumption we
see a 25% increase in power draw for the
overclocked 5700 XT making it slightly
more power hungry than Vegas 64 and
around 30 watts more than the RT x 20
so it seems the 2.1 gigahertz
overclocked destroys our DNA's
efficiency well that was super
disappointing my I guess AMD can do it
as well but seriously the Radeon r x57
and XT it is really a great product and
I still have very high hopes for the
upcoming AIB models unfortunately though
your chances of pushing one of these
things to RTX 20/80 super or even 2080
levels of performance are pretty slim
even at 2.2 gigahertz I feel it's a bit
of a stretch sure there are some games
that well games that are more favorable
to the red team let's say in those kind
of games the 5700 XT will pull off the
upset will will merge ahead of those
2080 super models but overall yeah it's
it's not going to match them for for the
vast majority of games spending a
hundred and forty dollars u.s. on the e
K vector navi block that does take the
price off the 5700 XT up to five hundred
and forty dollars u.s. and for that
money you can buy an RT X 2070 super
which overall will deliver a similar
level of performance obviously
increasing the cost of the 5700 XT by
35% for what we saw at best was a 12%
performance increase at least for my
particular retail card that could only
do 2.1 gigahertz that's not really a
good investment but would I rather in
RTX 2070 superpartner card or a
liquid-cooled Radeon rx 5700 XT it's a
bit of a tough one I have to admit but I
think I would rather have the
liquid-cooled graphics card of course
for that option to make any kind of
sense you already need to have or at
least be interested in getting a custom
liquid cooling setup and there is a
third option and that would be just to
wait for the board partner cards to be
released the air-cooled 5700 XTS and
frankly that option makes the most sense
now we should have those some point next
month perhaps later next month so yeah
at this point I just wait to see how
that plays out with a decent air cooler
my 5700 XTS will still run at 2.1
gigahertz while making very little noise
and I expect the temperatures to be in
the 70 degree range the main reason I
made this video was to see what all the
fuss was about and I also wanted to
check out that really nice-looking
vector block from ek for the Navi GPUs
and I certainly wasn't disappointed
there ek make excellent products just
quickly as a side note I've seen
heaps of youtubers raving about how
amazing the power play table mods are
jumping up and down about 15 even 20%
overclocking Headroom and yeah it all
sounds very exciting I get that I was
very excited putting this thing together
I couldn't wait to see what it could do
but yeah unfortunately not as exciting
as a 15 or 20% frequency increase seems
to be because sadly on average I was
only able to extract a very mild 7%
boost so yeah
7% increase in frame rates on average
and I just feel with so many people
raving about the overclocking Headroom
being as high as 20% but not actually
doing any testing to see what that 20%
boost in frequency gives you yeah I feel
like the whole things just become
massively overhyped and well that tends
to be what happens with new AMD products
these days it seems don't get me wrong
the 5700 XT is an incredibly good value
product and if we get quality ARB models
for under $450 us they will be the
graphics cards to get south of $700 us
but they are overclocking monsters and
if you care about value spending more
money on upgraded cooling really isn't a
wise choice just lastly in a lot of
games tested I only saw gains as high as
6% from the overclock the 18 percent
frequency overclocked and even sometimes
the gains were just 5 for an even 3% so
why does the 5700 XT seemed to scale so
poorly when overclocked well at the
moment I've really only got a theory to
go on but that theory is it that the
card is memory limited and you can't
really overclock the GDD r6 memory stock
it comes clocked at 875 megahertz and
going beyond 900 megahertz isn't really
possible for example I saw artifacting
at just 920 megahertz
something else I noticed is that when
increasing the memory frequency by 3% to
900 megahertz that would often drop 1%
low performance and at 920 mega Hertz
where I was seeing graphical glitches on
occasion the 1% low performance and even
the average frame rate dropped further
but of course memory errors will cause a
performance regression what I really
want to do is underclock the GDD r6
memory and I want to
do that to look at two things firstly
just how memory starved is the 5700 XT
does dropping the frequency down to say
850 megahertz have a noticeable impact
on performance I suspect it will also
does performance tank at 800 megahertz
again I suspect it will but sadly I
can't test this as the card is locked at
875 megahertz and right now I haven't
found a way to circumvent this I'd also
like to see if the 1% low performance
actually improves at slightly lower
clock speeds for the memory and some
titles narvi suffers from pretty weak 1%
low performance and I wonder if that's a
result of the memory being clocked so
close to its limits out of the box of
course this is just a theory don't go
running with it and assuming that that
is the case very little evidence to go
on at this point so if anyone knows how
to bypass the 875 megahertz frequency
floor for the 5700 XT then please let me
know in the comment section below and
I'll happily go back and look at that
anyway that is going to do it for this
one if you enjoyed the video feel free
to the like button that's always much
appreciated and you can subscribe for
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streams with Tim and myself anyway as
always thank you for watching I'm your
host Steve and I'll see you again next
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