Ryzen 3 2200G, Overclocking Guide with a $20 Cooler!
Ryzen 3 2200G, Overclocking Guide with a $20 Cooler!
welcome back to harbor unboxed today
we're overclocking the arisin 320 200 g
to the max with a $20 air cooler from
deep cool called the gamax 200 t though
I should note this video is in no way
shape or form sponsored by deep cool
they just so happen to have a cheap
cooler on offer that I could quickly buy
locally now I said $20 cooler but it
cannot often be found selling for less
than that in fact as I prepared this
video it was selling on Amazon for just
$13 u.s. that's actually up from $9 the
previous week for my fellow Australians
you can get this cooler for as little as
twenty dollars ozzie and in fact the
slightly more extreme guy max 300 can be
had for just $25 over at PC case kia
i've actually now picked up both models
but for today's video i will be focusing
on these slightly cheaper gamax 200 so i
can show you exactly how performs on the
arisin 320 200 g you might think
investing around $20 in an aftermarket
cooler for a Raven Ridge apu is a little
odd especially for the 2200 G given that
the APU itself cost just $100 and is
true for maximum value you will want to
stick with the Wraith stealth Box cooler
this little guy allows for a mild
overclock of either the CPU or GPU and
we showed that in our launch day
coverage using the Box cooler I was able
to push the Vega rate GP from the
default one point one gigahertz right up
to 1.6 gigahertz and while this did lead
to some very nice gains it did also push
operating temperatures well into the 80s
and for this reason I wasn't able to
overclock the CPU cores as well our
overclock which saw a 45 percent
increase in GPU frequency often netis
around 20 to 30% more frames in games
and this really transforms the
affordable Verizon 320 200 G and well
this got me thinking if you're upgrading
an old PC you will require not just the
2200 G but also an AM 4 motherboard and
my preference would be a decent quality
be 350 model and they typically cost
around $70 u.s. there's also a good
chance you will need some ddr4 memory in
a dual channel ddr3 thousand kit like
the one I have here
they generally cost about $100 so this
means the total bill will
come out and around $270 us which really
is exceptional given that you also get
the reasonably capable Vega eight GPU as
well considering we saw at least a 20
percent uplift in games from just the
GPU overclocked I was keen to see what
the 2200 G could offer with an even more
aggressive overclock applied to the GPU
along with an overclock of the CPU cores
as well in the case of the deep core
gamax 200 T and 300 at around $20 they
increase the total build cost by just 7%
so if they can keep the rise in 3:22
energy cool and quiet when overclocked
and allow for gains of at least 20% then
it seems you're very much getting a
solid return on investment now if you're
new to all this overclocking business or
you've just been on the fence because it
all sounds a bit too scary I told you to
have a go it's actually very easy and
safe to get good results typically I
encourage overclocking via the BIOS but
aim DS rise and master software is
actually quite good and for beginners
it's actually very user friendly in fact
I can quickly show you where to start
right now first step would be to acquire
the Rison master software and install it
I'll provide a link in the video
then once installed open it up and
you'll be faced with well this it looks
a little bit overwhelming but just relax
most of this you can ignore for our
overclock click on the game mode tab at
the bottom of the window alternatively
you can use profile 1 or 2 and if you
want to rename those you just have to
double click on them anyway once you've
selected one of these tabs we can start
with either the CPU or GPU overclocking
I suggest finding the maximum stable
frequency of one of these and then
moving on to the other for the CPU
frequency simply raise the frequency
from 3500 megahertz to 3700 megahertz or
3.7 gigahertz and then run a stress test
with a program like prime95 or a to 64
for about 30 minutes and that'll give
you a rough idea of how stable the
system is if it doesn't crash then
proceed to 3.8 you can hurt run the
stress test again and if you're passed
then you can move on to 3.9 gigahertz
and so on I expect that most of you will
probably land around 3.8 to 3.9
gigahertz also be aware that you can do
this in much smaller steps than what
I've done it in I'm quite impatient when
it comes to overclocking so I've just
done it in hundred megahertz leaps but
you can do it as small as 25 increments
if you prefer but as I said most 2200 G
chips should be good for around 3.8 2 3
point nine gigahertz while you're
increasing the CPU core frequency you'll
also want to increase the CPU voltage
that said though the rise in master
software does default to one point four
volts for some reason and this is
already very high i wouldn't recommend
you push much higher for 24/7 use in
fact you could try and dial this back a
bit somewhere between 1.3 and 1.5 volts
is likely where you'll end up once the
CPU overclock has been applied your next
one I work out the maximum GPU frequency
by default the Vega at GPU in the 2200 G
operates at one point one gigahertz but
the rise in master software defaults are
just 400 megahertz which is a bit odd
without any voltage adjustments you
should be able to push this up to around
1.3 gigahertz in order to go higher you
will need to increase the APU graphics
voltage and the SOC voltage by default
both is set at one point one volts but
for best results I bumped the APU
graphics voltage up to 1.3 volts and the
SOC voltage to 1.2 volts the SOC voltage
is particularly important is this is a
single rail that feeds the uncaught and
graphics domains
I found that 1.2 volts was enough to
stabilize the vagary GPU at 16 hundred
and 50 megahertz but I've also seen
reports of users going as high as one
point two five volts and this is the
maximum voltage AMD recommends for
testing the GPU overclock free tools
such as the superposition benchmark work
well with the GPU you can increase the
frequency by one mega her at a time but
that would be painstakingly slow you
should be able to jump right up to 1300
megahertz and then continue from there
in small adjustments and also adjust the
voltage as you go once you have
everything set up and saved to the
profile of your choosing you simply have
to open the rise and master software
every time you start the system and
apply the profile alternatively though
you can take note of all these settings
and then load into the BIOS and simply
apply them there and that way they will
be automatically applied every time the
system boots up so what is my overclock
had done for the 2200 G and how well
does the gam ax 200 look after it before
we get to the gaming framerate results
here's a look at the temperatures
starting with f1 2017 each past lasts
six minutes and I ran the test half a
dozen times and here's the results for
the final run whereas the race stealth
was pushing into the high eighties with
just the GPU over
the gimmicks 200t never saw temperatures
rise about 55 degrees which is
remarkable oh and please note I
maintained an ambient room temperature
of 21 degrees for or less testing not
only that but the fam wasn't really
spinning particularly fast and I've
described as almost silent also for
those wondering this is 1080p footage
featuring the medium quality preset with
taa enabled that's pretty impressive
stuff given we saw an average of 47 FPS
with a minimum of 39 fps and the frame
time data was also very respectable in
fact frame consistency was also
excellent in this Thailand while AMD
does have their work cut out for them in
other titles it's great to see we have a
few examples where the Raven Ridge ap
use our silky smooth before moving on I
ran an hour-long overwatch bot match and
the way I configure this means that the
game never actually ends up makes for a
great stress test again temperatures
stayed under 55 degrees for both the CPU
and GPU it was also great to see silky
smooth frame rate performance in this
tile and here I was again using the
medium quality preset of 1080p with 100%
render scale set ok so temperatures were
excellently gamax 200 T was very quiet
so now it's time to see what kind of
framerate gains gamers can expect to see
since we just looked it over watching
our stress tests let's now check out the
gameplay results here we see a 19%
increase for the average framerate and
23% for the minimum frame rate when
overclocked in the 2200 G that's a
decent performance uplift and it meant
that 2020 G was now not only faster than
he stopped 2400 G but also quite a bit
faster than the Pentium G 45 60 and GT
1030 combo when looking at the minimum
moving on to csgo we see a 22% increase
for the average frame rate but a massive
45% boost to the minimum result this is
very likely a result of overclocking not
just the GPU but also the CPU next up we
have dota 2 and here we see a 21%
increase for the average but only a 13%
increase for the minimum which is quite
surprising still these are decent gains
nonetheless the fortnight battle royal
results are interesting and not just
because we see massive gains when
overclocking stock the 2200 G seemed
somewhat constrained as the minimum and
average frame rates were very close
much like what we see with the Intel
CPUs using their horrible integrated
overclocking the GPU seems to alleviate
this issue and we see a massive 45%
increase in average framerate with a 34%
boost to the minimum and this means that
the 2200 G is now able to match the 2400
G or at least the stock 2400 G of course
I just had to test pub G even though
it's really no friend of AMD hardware or
certainly the AMD a per use still
overclocking really helped here and we
did see a 25% boost and that was very
noticeable actually playing the game
testing with Rainbow six siege sir a 21
percent boost to the average framerate
and 25 percent increase for the minimum
so this is in line with what we've seen
from most of the other titles that have
been tested so far finally we have
rocket League and here we see our worst
result yet just a 16 percent boost once
overclocked not a bad result it did
allow the 2200 G to overtake these stock
2400 G and almost catch the Pentium G
4560 and GT 1030 combo overall for less
than $300 that's really a killer combo
when you consider that a core i3 8100 on
it yet to be released to be 360 mother
bought 8 gigabytes of ddr4 memory and of
course a GT 1030 graphics card that sort
of combo you'd be looking at around 370
dollars and that means you'd be saving
20 something percent by getting the
Raven Ridge APU and that kind of saving
will no doubt be very welcomed by budget
I'd say worst case no you do still be
able to extract at least 10 to 15% more
out of this AP with a basic air cooler
so to me that seems well worth the
not to mention tinkering with these APIs
is just a whole heap of fun in fact I
found it quite a bit more rewarding than
playing around with saint 8700 ki GT X
1080 Ti though I'm not trying to kid
anyone that's also a boatload of fun
anyway that's gonna do it for this one
if you enjoyed the video be sure to hit
the like button for us subscribe for
more content and if you appreciate the
testing and all the work we do here at
harbor and box then consider supporting
us on patreon thanks for watching I'm
your host Dave
see you next time
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